NEVER Bring Your Minecraft Axolotl to the Nether....... - Minecraft Hardcore #20

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[Applause] before video begins very exciting announcement today opera gx i've been using this browser for i feel like a year now coming up at least i love this browser i'm so glad they reach out to me some of you already notice i use it because they're like i heard it that's the sounds so this is an internet browser that focuses on gaming it has a ton of really useful integrations like whatsapp it's got discord integration instagram twitter just really nice quick easy access it also has a gx player which lets you connect your apple music spotify so you can play music easily in your browser and for you gamers out there the gx control which has a ram limiter and cpu limiter to make sure it doesn't lag when you're playing games or listening to music or if you're special like my wife marcia who likes to keep a million tabs open and don't close them you can easily monitor them and keep them running another reason i really like this browser is the design and the customizability i'm using these japanese wallpapers nice looking uh themes as someone that's been using this browser for a while i can actually tell that they are listening to feedback and constantly caring about improving it which is actually really cool this is small but they have this background music which is really nice and it's dynamic too so if i start typing like it changes it's kind of cool i don't know i like it this has just become my default browser at this point and it's super easy to switch over you can import all your bookmarks in a second oh i love this feature as well a pop-out bin window if you're gaming in one window and you want to watch a youtube video you can just move it out super useful they also have a version for opera gx on the phone i use this as well i was honestly a bit skeptic when i first heard about a gaming browser but i downloaded it i've been using it and i love it it's great it's free download it and if you use the special link in the description you'll be greeted by a cool pewdiepie theme background thing hey you get the pewdiepie wallpaper let's go i why have i not done that oh this is way better than japan thank your opera dx for sponsoring this video check them out on with the video morning again welcome to my ugly world give me my shader back please at least my automatic sorting system beautiful beautiful as always always work how you doing dark sven let me put you back on your spot darksven today we're finding the goddamn axolotl after about a billion memes saying i walk right past one in the light it's dark sun you're not helping your ass stuck your ass stuck in ass come on dark sven don't do this to me don't do this to me ducks then thank you say you guard guard castle what is that you were supposed to guard this doesn't give me pleasure [Music] it just gives me joy your bad influence on me alright so i know where to go i know where to go to get the actual oh i'm getting it what does axolotls eat i look this up they eat tropical fish i forgot i think i have some there you are tropical fish thank you did i make a fish farm i think i did i don't think i showed it but whatever i did i don't i don't remember how it worked it works it's a fish farm somehow what was i doing bada boom [Applause] just give me the axle give it to me it's got to be a pink one too i don't want a brown one for they don't look good that's the only reason don't quote me why is making youtube videos a lot why did i not put soil so soul soil here it's the only corridor i didn't put it in i ain't doing it now that's way too much work i don't know what the [ __ ] was wrong with me when i played minecraft before oh my gosh i gotta work forever oh gosh i dropped all my trash oh no i'm picking oh anything oh uh ah i'm too rich get it away get it away from me i don't want this for four people stuff get away there you go all right so it was in here that people observed if you see it says footsteps on the bottom right people observed it said mudkip chair mudkip that's not what they're called what did i call it that they look like mud kick was it here are you a mudkip are you a mudkip are you mudkip where is mudkip are you a mudkip is a mudkip in here i love this update this is so much different like look at this you know when people make changes or usually when i make changes people always complain like i like it 20 weeks before but i really feel like that with how they change the ore why did they why if it ain't broke freedom fixie is it me or did i lose all my minecraft brain cells like what how do i even play this game what kip oh found it found the mud kit oh it's so cute can't wait to hug it oh i was maiming and i found it i found it i found the mudkip your mind your mind kill it kill the other mudkip dang it don't die it's a pink one it's a really rare one mate dude we're gonna be best friends ow oh don't kill me don't kill me i just want the mud tip there you go yes there you are he's just chilling having a bath having a good time man there's so many zombies and i ain't dying for a mudkip all right oh my gosh watch this you better watch out ali a see that 360. homie homie's just vibing it's an orange mudkip you're so cute you're so fun bro mate we got to get out of here we gotta skin that look at you why are you here out of all places you're in the worst spot get out why am i i don't need this why am i minding stuff i'm trying to clear the space did i hit the mud kit no okay how do i make mud kibble here tropical fish i read about this oh my god he doesn't need the tropical fish what's your problem oh my god they keep spawning oh sorry everyone stop he's following me oh he's so pathetic and slow oh my god i love him oh you're so s extremely slow you're like a sloth how do i bring you home i didn't bring a leash i didn't bring anything i just wanted this stupid tropical fake that is what gay is it hey that's it [Applause] yeah i got your attention now didn't that eat it do i have a bucket hold up oh he's coming i have a bucket i got a bucket of milk he wants him maybe he drinks milk what is axolotl [Applause] [Music] you catch them in a bucket that's right that's right in my pocket [Music] ah bro i'm so strong that i felt nothing i need another one so i can make army oh [ __ ] i need to find another axle dang it all right that's all right mike i'll find another walmart okay they spawn in water um yeah more water ah nearly died no problem we see exit there it is i just want to look at you there's one little oh lookie i want to look at you look at you mine your mind okay found one i got another one they make babies they make babies and we train their babies we give the babies weaponry baby arcs a lot of armory with weaponry very strong give plus one buff strong plus two strength it becomes strong and baby armor strong i know there's one person that understand what i means the hell is he doing okay no he's so toasty i didn't think this through at all ah why did i do that i'm an idiot i don't have one and another push-up push and push him push him oh god oh god he's toasting up he's coming to become salad manner jeff bezos is gonna eat him stop it stop dying you dummy oh god don't die don't worry don't worry there's water in the other oh just go with me you slow stinky smell oh god he's smelling roasted oh i only had you for a couple minutes why did i do these oh that's so dumb why stop walk the other way i don't have exo out in my bucket don't go through there why is there a hole here come back come back please come back just come back you're gonna die you don't want to be stay toasty my friend come on come on come on no don't go through the hole don't go through the whole you don't go near me and my next law i made it around me i will murder you i will murder you run axolotl come back this is not a cat flap oh my god you're so dead and done why are you walking come back yes it comes to come to come see come see comes to come see i can't put you in the bucket mate why did i tell you i said come back come out yes that's my little that's my little and it's so blocky there we go you're out you're free you're free yes dude there's so much water on my plate yes he's blue oh where is he man give me proper scare there dude get in the water get a bottle of water come on come on come on come on come on come on let's get out jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump do it do it again come on man come on come on yeah you're free to round this round you're so fast and beautiful got a good name tag engemar angry the excellent sorry dark sven get out of my way you're not important as anger where'd he go where is he oh that little trippy snake war my man staring at the wall hey anger you know you have a lot of freedom too hey [Music] all right listen up i'm gonna find you a girl maybe you are a girl i don't know and make baby okay don't go anywhere anymore we're gonna make army army's so strong stronger bts army that's impossible so there are updates and i was right i was just doing it wrong as always if you have already loaded in a chunk the new update areas will not be loaded so i have to go somewhere i haven't gone and i think around here i found some new stuff i was looking offline okay assuming that i haven't been here before if i dig down there should be some differences oh there's my bedrock just like i ordered it oh hear water that means it can be axolotly curtis where's my axolotl where's my axle model hey all right don't need it whatsoever but you know it's not what huh huh i have never found this like what 600 hours in this game i've never found this are you serious get out of here no way skidaddle whoa why did i mine it is that rare yeah it's rare i don't want it though i want axel at all [Music] it's fine just kill me i don't care i want axolotl it's so dumb [Music] was that the axolotl sound what the [ __ ] again what they definitely made it less rare axolotl where axolotl where oh gosh that's actually this is a spawner this could be a spawner yeah it is how do i find like all these rare stuff but not a goddamn axle model i have that oh golden apple yummy oh oh water axolotl come to me don't be scared oh what stop it minecraft you're just weirding me out with this update oh my god let's just [Music] i'm grabbing the block yeah it's mine okay you see this new it's new this is what i was talking about what is this they drop rooney oh that's so good for traps and stuff oh that's gonna be sick did they hurt me ow i think it is hurting me but i'm too strong it's too tiny mate yeah give me these oh i'm going to have to do a drop test with these what is this exactly drip stone oh oh it's not even worth going down that's how rich i am i hope you understand oh that's different okay now we're speaking languages you can make the water go down there yeah we bit elevated mate there you go hey copper i don't need you but i want to give me the diamonds just the diamond smite whatever okay this is kind of cool i kind of wish there was more but i'll take it yeah look drip dripper so can we build them then yeah cool [Music] close it's all happening it's all happening at one spot okay first of all what is this what'd i just do go squid and pink it's pink it's me oh he's dying oh it can die it cannot it can die where's the aftermath is that the axle oh there's so many of them they are attacking the script okay what is this what is that let me get my smooth baby [Applause] i can't harvest okay where's the chloe squid so they maybe they spawn in caves okay i'm sorry mate you go hang on back there you go what do you drop glowing sound we're finding all this stuff very exciting hell yeah i did see another axolotl and yes i am going to get it thank god for uh ender chests and what is these don't hurt me i come for the axolotl there you are oh gosh he's swimming away got him i got him i'm dying got him got him get him got him get it another one oh god that's all right yeah let's get some more squidding that's actually cool i like these they're very pretty nope your sack will be mine is that a ton of axolotls no that's vicious stupid fish stupid you're dumb cool okay very exciting maybe not so disappointment after all hello i wanted to set this off no really you're gonna be like that all right oh yes excellent good day you're very cute and beautiful and therefore you die whoa that's huge mate [Music] huge bp oh they keep spawning here nice damn so many don't run don't be scared another i saw another one they keep spawning here [Music] oh i'm so rich from you guys thank you oh gosh okay yes i found another thing i already got one of these but i don't know what it is but i want it deep sling looks kind of cool what'd it do though i think i'm good on axolotls i i don't need that we're good i'm gonna breed them oh but they said no i have to get it i have to get it [Applause] drink the milk sure there you are you're so pretty [Applause] come on yes all right we're done i'm going home i brought you a little gift of rooney where is he there he is he loves the corners oh there's so cute together yes oh there's so many of them and we're still toasty from the nether i love it oh yes so many envers okay now breed how do i make them breed army army you need a bucket of tropical fish ah damn it i gotta see i gotta see a baby excellent i gotta see it i know where i know where i can get them i just don't remember how to get there oh god it's not there i think it's here uh oh look is that chicken i left here for some reason okay here we go i need bucket bucket you're telling me i've never done this okay all right good enough so now that we have the glowing sac basically that you can make signs with text that glows and i definitely need to make signs so i will do it it's not the most amazing thing in the world but it's a nice addition and i'll take it ax a little baby though a bit we'd be more interesting in it pretty chuffed at the minute my sorry i know it's cringy i can't stop there we go legendary moment okay make sure envar gets one where are you oh there we go yeah and then you and then you you make babe come on let me see the baby so look at you you're so small are they mine like are they like sheep they go where they please or i don't know i'm just happy they're here that's a cool addition well done eng mario you keep staring in wall you do great job oh oh he's trying to go up but he's too dumb oh poor thing hold up let me try the sign really quick i don't see how it looks like dark sven you cannot believe the adventures today thank you dark seven roams here and you just add maybe whoa what that looks great i like it yeah that's cool okay mojang you get the pass who said that oh my gosh why are they so broken hole up this is perfect i have a go yeah you can hurt me all you want i don't care i have any fencing follow me my dude we gotta do the drop test i forgot you're gonna be part of a science experiment have fun follow me don't be scared we're just gonna see how much pain you can endure sounds good okay cool so you stay here and don't what the hell is he holding a cactus what's wrong with you looks like a cucumber right okay oh my god where do you come removed my llama idiot okay drop test one drop a rooney [Music] drop it it killed him he died maybe you have to do like this oh okay drop test two don't be scared all right you're brave [Music] no that's awesome okay that's it for this episode special giveaway about my minecraft videos beautiful see in the next one brofist
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,715,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 8GU3jWgz3m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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