I will get in trouble for this (not good) /r/cursedcomments #58 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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how's it going bros my name is baby I review subreddits on the internet it's fine it's cool I'm a gamer but if there's one sub ready that scares me more than any sub ready it's cursed comments cursed comments it's the worst subreddit because it's guaranteed to get me in trouble so grab your favorite slurp juice and likes and freakin do this glug look just spilled of it half a lid on my pants for no reason curse interview your task is to you see what I mean I'm not reading that I'm not I'm gonna commit bad by 2020 if I don't have a girlfriend don't don't tell me what to do no I was just fixing your spelling do it looks you forgot the APUs trough you dumbass now go beeping your boo-boo if you're afraid with guns just remember that even we need the poopers aren't when you heard a bump in the night Jesus Christ when are the Popo many get a double shot by we near the pool with a double-barrel you don't have to imagine if you're in China I'll drink to that one this is edgy jokes but it scares me curse uppercut ever pluck a guy's eyebrows and realize that they are absolutely not superior gender and weakest my partner's thought this until she got an uppercut she wasn't very superior after that cheers to that gamers it was a joke it was a joke YouTube that's a joke I know you added your new harassment policy but he said it but he said it how am I supposed to interpret oh god these dog whistling to other groups my boyfriend a paper laborer a kidney stone into my hole I'm keeping it there little yeah I'm not reading then guys who sag their pants below there but why easy access for their home ace yesterday I was driving home I was driving my exam we were driving home and some King guy doesn't understand the concept of pulling your pants off up up I said up so everyone else has to look at his butt crack and I'm like no I don't want to see that so I pulled that Marta's window as we passed by and I'm ready to go nice ass dumb ass but she stopped me and she says I mean and but I'm like I'm helping I'm helping piss me off today my psych professor said you'll never truly know someone well enough to marry until you've seen them struggle financially grieve a lost one or witness them while they're sick and that just hit the really deep first date ideas freeze their assets kill one of their loved ones poisoned their dinner checkmate how are you going to react to this huh no reaction oh you're a sociopath let's go gamer lets me go make youtube videos baby groots responds to baby Yoda stealing a spotlight is I am Groot I would use baby Groot as firewood to keep baby Yoda warm I would use baby Groot as fire to cook baby oh that for my baby Otis to that I'm gonna drink it's going to be delicious we're gonna make baby Yoda flavor baby Yoda I'll drink yeah baby Otis smoothie come on gamers Spanish flu bubonic plague smallpox oh god folks were melting the Arctic and reviving deadly germs and they told me plague doctor was an a viable career path who's laughing now small peepee because of mocs downvote during a nuclear explosion there is a certain distance of the radius where all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection oh that's actually a good fair point there also at a distance where the people are perfectly good the flavor zone that's where I'll be gamers where will you be when the inevitable nuclear fallout happens my house has an end problem that's so bad I actually can recognize the smell of ant now trick the end into thinking your hot ass hole is an anthill which they can live in and then when they've all crawled in you can shot real hard and spray them out all of the lawn Saeki pebble why would you write that I feel bad for doing that you should you should feel bad that's actually a nice way to take care of the ants cuz they they're probably not hurt in the process and they got more fertilizer for their next ant hill thing or ant snack or whatever it's called what would be the worst place to find a used condom at the bottom of a cup of coffee you just finished drinking hope you like cream in your coffee I like it in my G fuel is yall's high school crush still fine hell no she went from elegant to elephant hell no last time I saw her she was obese and had three kids which was really sad to see because she used to have five kids did she eat two of them what what happened to that yeah what does TSM stand for wrong answers only TSM will start the Simpson movie oh my god Oh God what's the definition of trust two cannibals giving each other bodies that's the most beautiful a true love story would I read that I don't feel better after any of these he was teaching about Microsoft Word without computer noob in Afghanistan they teach Call of Duty without the NIC oh I get it I get it Viking is actually vegan horse riding but I can't freakin back so who cares you clearly haven't tried cringed remember when you were young and your sister would have her friends over and he would try to piss loud as f so they thought you had a big peepee don't need to if your sister is already bragging to her friends about your big peepee yeah and also arranged we if peepee big then technically people closer to water and could be closer to what they're mean people making less water splash sound so really if you wanna show big peepee make small peepee sound smash like on this video that Puma looks like a Disney princess trapped in a Pumas body look at her eyes maybe that's why he's banging it okay slavery past present modern slaves are not in Chains they're in depth I really hate it when my credit card company waves me sometimes when I'm too lazy to get up and moisturize my lips I just stick a finger in my beat be it now I'm not reading that dogs are dumb animals they will love you even if you're a piece of poopie human being a cat you have to earn a cat's respect and love it is a higher standard animal also cat let's deep throat this cactus because why not people now eating glitter pills to make their poop Sparkle Jesus Christ imagine doing anal you take your pee pee out and it's covered in sparkles epic I think there's worse things you can spot on your pee pee than sparkles after doing poopoo if you know what I mean gamers in 1965 a machine was patented to deliver a baby using centrifugal force the regime would spin you until the baby came out and he would be caught in a net at last is that a bad idea it was patented dammit it was already patented went on vacation in Okinawa Japan what is that oh I wonder what you'd hear if you put your ear to it the cry of a thousand unborn babies hi big P big P P big TT yeah what size huge you happy no why I'm guy and people say women have it tough huh when you do something really bad in a dream but then you wake up and realize it's all fine oh my god yes good thing they're still in the basement thank God yes oh my god they didn't escape why does brain do that when you wake up you're like oh god yes my life is not such a complete mess after all how about that how much for a gram to feety ah I have a warehouse who I thought that there was some unlawful drug buying going on here thankfully it's just keeping traffic that's good I like that one guess what you're adopted but we don't know it yet because we can't read I just picture the mom dying and they're going through Hershey and find a photo album with that photo in it they both have a mental breakdown but then come to a realization that they're not siblings and they just bang each other now that would be an epic gamer moment and who says there's no more modern literature look at that what a beauty thank you sir coffee [Music] amazing when you pretend to be gay to go to the girls sleepover but then they start passing a dildo around no pay no game come on girl you can't if you made it that far you gotta come in Peter Pan his powers kind of suck yeah he can fly as long as he thinks happy thoughts that seems exploitable why wasn't hook ever on the deck of the ship like hey Peter the Holocaust I don't have to read the punch line I don't have to keep them hooked what are some tips to stop biting your own nails and we think that'll do thank you ready thank you so much that's so helpful when you think about how easy it was for Elastigirl to give birth wonder if she ever threatens to put them back oh my god stop elderly woman convinced the locals that she can suck out talk sing by licking their eyeballs see what happens when we stop burning witches I know it I knew something was wrong what do you guys do at sleepovers we sacrifice the weakest friend to the devil why do you think Jimmy went who's Jimmy exactly just want to sit on his lap and feel him get hard leave them all Santangelo leave their balls Santa's alone this video is not getting monetize no way tired of mosquitos stealing all your blood simply inject poison into your bloodstream and take revenge on those annoying insects I did this to my brother now he's on the ground with ketchup all over him strange very strange I must have poison in me because mosquitos never bite me all the time they go after my idea I've never gotten a mosquito pipe what is wrong with me am i alive helped me and my has dead on the inside as I feel I am helping my friend cut wood until I saw this staring at me doc spider I live in central Atari up we get ones this big all the time want to know something freaky they squirt this milky white liquid if they feel threatened which I assume is their venom you spelled arouse wrong I didn't used to hate spiders but they had them they have a lot of spiders in UK like really the gross ones sinky there's really stinky hate spiders I hate spiders now and they make me wish that something like I constantly debate whether whether existence was worth it or not you know you have people being so stupid you're like all right yeah okay and then there's some good likely how Marseille is epic when my pugs but then you have spiders that squid are white liquid and this is like no you know what maybe we should just quit everyone quit maybe we should just quit cause us too much pain and agony I don't know why it's so popular I'm just gonna use the toilet paper go to going back to good ol toilet paper putting mushrooms in this Spain spot as frame map has never looked so cute wait why stop did they have to bomb the cities I keep thinking about this like they wanted to show how powerful the atom bomb was I know they were pissed about Pearl Harbor but like why did they do it twice like those were military bases am I missing something like Pearl Harbor was a military base here bombed to savelii civilian cities is like what I don't understand war okay i'm swedish some of these are just trying too hard to be crazy to be edgy i'll i'll say that why didn't logan paul high-five rice gun i don't know but that's not the last time he left an asian hanging alright guys hope you enjoyed this episode of ready to review Kurt's comment smash like if you did I would really appreciate it since this video will most likely not be monetized order now to get it before Christmas 100 million club merged great gift for everyone even yourself thank you guys for watching see you tomorrow [Music] the hour of fart smells in poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buttons need you the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne warranty is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prices you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,129,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, cursed comments, reddit cursed, cursed images, pewdiepie reddit, reddit, reddit review, Cursed Comments (I'm sorry), minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft, I will get in trouble for this (not good)
Id: M6nnYaUjeqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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