Dank Memes #59 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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Im a bit split on how im listening to the show right now but Its either in the 90s of episodes or its a very recent one, I can't remember but i know whcih story you are talking about

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Hawkthezammy 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Even if he is a dickhead. WHO CARES. I mean, doubt he is, the internet is a big place.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mr-D-the-Dank 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Get raped.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SonOfDetroit04 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

am i mixing up my podcasts, wasn't this story a call in?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/m1serablist 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey hello I've reviewed every single reddit there is on the planet except one it was right ahead of me all along memes the sub ready I just never touched this cuz I assume it's awful but prove me wrong okay prove me wrong let's get into this me calls my cat by name my cat doesn't give a Frick me my cat my boyfriend said oh my god my cat looks like baby yo then I look over and Shirin wasn't of course it's cat jokes I don't know what else we expected here but it's still funny alright I don't even like cats but they make me life me and never thought I'd end the decades tied by side with the girlfriend my crush what about it how about that I expected a train wreck but it I'm cracking up Hey look another cat one me meows to my cat my cat hearing me make pen grammatical errors in just one meow how embarrassing I'm laughing on the inside Jim company's on the first of January 2020 it do be like that for anyone that goes regularly to the gym you can tell obviously it no but it's so annoying it's like all the sudden the whole thing is just packed and it's like just leave we know you're not gonna be here just go I will give you this money if you tell us something about the new Star Wars film I hear they are making another one what don't make it I know that Star Wars film I haven't seen it yet I can't wait to see it because I hear it's terrible and my expectations are already so low what they made another bad Star Wars film well then you're a [ __ ] I'm sorry I haven't even seen it literally anybody comes over to her house grandma so anyway I started baking would you like some pie that's good good me if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world remains the same Batman but what if I kill two killers what that happened then mr. Batman huh not so big brain now are we mr. batiste a spider mimicking an ant by holding its front leg as an antenna how do you know how how's it doing it oh it's just doing that okay I thought it was holding the legs of an ant to pretend to be an end that would that I had a respect I'd be like Jesus Christ it isn't child chokes to death on can be Oompa Loompas so anyway I started dancing I don't know why you but I feel like the instrument rip off my shirt in the process high school portrayed in anime high school portrayed in movies high school in real life I haven't been happy one minute surely high school can't be bad for everyone why is everyone pretending like they're the [ __ ] Joker like that's the relatability is it because everyone on red is a [ __ ] loser is that why is that it cuz then come here brethren let's hug it out I got to get some more drink actually well I got my drink this this got me thinking all right remember remember what are you what do you don't remember cuz you didn't experience this Zoomers remember when he was actually frowned upon to be a nerd okay I remember because I lived through that alright then shows like OC came out with like Seth Cohen that guy being a nerd and still kind of cool and quirky right before then you had that you were ashamed to admit you play video games basically right and if you're listening to this thinking no I'm never about to ask if you didn't live through it okay I paved that path for you you're welcome okay years of suffering this whole Joker appropriating of oh he's so he's so he's so sad and still so epic you're welcome okay don't take that for granted you know how in America you have all the oil thank the troops here thank the Nerds okay maybe I went a little far on that but you it's just an analogy you understand okay the reason why goals don't kill people in real life is because they did these people would become ghosts anymore [Music] hey man sorry bye kid what are you doing what are you doing sit down sit down I spill a little water on him and look at him what are you doing I don't you ruin my joke you ruined my joke I hope you're happy it's gonna make a whole spiel about ghosts and all pit bull owners there are no bad dogs only bad owners she was I never seen a well-behaved Chihuahua doesn't exist the FBI agent when they hear me get laid through my Google home speech and other fictions written through memes sure moving on got'em I I like baby odor and I like the mandalorian I finally watched a finally watch it's really good at least the first couple episode but I don't I realized I don't mind baby odor I just don't like the memes okay they're so bad they're bad let's just admit let's just get the cow out of the bag that's not the expression but whatever you understand what I'm saying when you had a great day at school but then your mom yells at you right out there after you enter your house yep oh this is so sad when you get nominated for Mima the decade out of nowhere surprise no it's not meme of the decade come on don't even try surprise yourself back to dead lion because you don't belong make game publisher this game has 85 hours of gameplay speedrunners three take it or leave it publisher this game has 85 hours of of dragged-out cutscenes and repeatable events that are super boring I've seen this everyone team trees reaching 20 million Wikipedia asking for two points I did donate to the kefir yeah I know I'm kind of ashamed and I didn't even tell anyone about it the Xbox one game I got for Christmas me who has a Playstation it's always like oh I remember what I was talking about the worst gifts we got and I couldn't think of any but then I remember my dad once gave me the Gameboy he came by a home from a trip and he gave me a gameboy and was amazed I was like oh my god this is the greatest thing ever right and he's got the new Super Mario on it right it's amazing but it wasn't Super Mario it was dr. Mario but it was still such a nice gift that I learned to love dr. Mario it's great game done I still was slapping and you know it co-worker posted pictures of himself and random places when he quit found this at the back of a clock from two years ago everywhere I go I see his face sometimes we don't need this bit of the meme it doesn't make it funnier stop it stop it it was funny before you try to make a meme out of it actually wasn't read it's new prints playstation or xbox pc he said shouts and why he's so down with us cuz i am on a PC PC master-race am i right this is getting a little stale let's jump over to dank memes alright dank memes don't let me down now boy it's basically what it's called pewdiepie submissions these are still going everyone else complaining about not getting coins me not knowing what coins do what do they do I don't understand US government letting people under 21 drink alcohol letting people under 21 smoke cigarettes letting 18 year olds take on a lifetime of debt for an education letting 18 year olds die overseas in a war started before they were born wait I thought they didn't let people under 21 drink in America I'm so confused then yeah a lot of a lot is that the government does it's just [ __ ] excuses to tax like in Sweden we can buy alcohol when we're 18 but we can't buy alcohol until we're 21 in stores we just have to buy it from bars and that makes so much sense that my brain almost explodes from sense says being a crappy neighbor lesson one French nuclear pop where should we put the power plant but I thought power plants has to be Nexus to see or something oh god when your old computer run for the first time with an SSD it's funny because it's true that's awful awful trains are just sideways elevators that really makes you think doesn't it jumping is just vertical walking the weave student singing konichiwa to the Asian exchange student the korean extinction konichiwa - huh everyone annoying dude on the bus so anyway I started blasting why do they do that what is wrong with people have you heard of headphones am i right what is wrong with pitts ounds like a Seinfeld bit so watch with these guys that blast music in the subway have they not heard of headphones eighteen year old boy doesn't get into college to recruit at the mom he'll be a soldier how about 27 year old that didn't get into med school and thousands of dollars in depth you'll be soldier the police in my town just installed the speed Raider the police in my town also have the maturity level of teenage boy noise if you speed twice the speed limit and more you get a nice that's that big this makes me want to commit some crimes I'm not gonna lie when your friend says he's gonna sleep but you meet him in another match I was stood one more however I remember this happening you say you're gonna log off from World of Warcraft or some [ __ ] like that and then you can see your friend being a lime like how God just finishing this quest stop talking to me 9 Journal me closing the fridge door slowly to try and see the light go off my god did everyone do this I thought I was special my face when I could realize that you just have to press down that one button in the corner of the fridge what the fridge doesn't know that I opened god help me please I'm dying from where with obesity humid what that jug star liquor chubby chubby just for real though I see so many people with overweight look at this dog looking no Chuck no Chuck everyone has a fat pug you never seen a pug that isn't chubby chub now you ain't good he don't invade me shave me shut up shut up go back to Cape it is kind of mean to over feed your pet is what I'm getting at and I think pugs generally I don't need gonna rant about bugs actually never mind it's this generally they're all fat okay that's all I wanted to say but they're not supposed to be fat just because everyone's pug is fat and they already have breathing problems so it's not good for them that's all I'm saying these ready videos are just me going on random tangents about topics that doesn't matter Apple's most expensive Mac Pro can cost fifty two thousand depending on 450 mm I'll sell you a much better computer and it comes attached to a car money that's crazy why the [ __ ] would anyone spend that much on that computer just cuz it's a Mac it blows my mind I'm trying to convert Marcia to Android but man it's hard me playing Minecraft finding the diamond for the 4000 uh finding diamond for the 4000 time it's funny because it's true only real minecrafter can understand me checking my inventory in the middle of a boss by people who think baby oda should be meme of the decade literally everyone else how do people on Iran Nicola think this how did they come to that conclusion I'm so confused imagine not being able to rotate your plug this post was made by yo plug gang damn actually I watched Tom Scott video and he told me that the EU plug is actually the most superior plug because of its safety mechanism and other things that I don't remember but I watched a video and enjoyed it when you go to a friend's house only to pet his dog I gotta say though people that get too into petting someone else's pet at their house it's like no listen you're here for me alright stop petting my dog no it's almost two people that you don't know that well that always goes for the dog because they don't have ya know feel like I'm ripping on people that are socially awkward but I don't like it alright IKEA confesses Oh God that their meatballs Oh God are made up people that did if I the ex I'm okay with that I'm alright with that that's fine that's fair that's fair that's survival of the fittest more ideas like this please [Laughter] self-driving Mercedes will be programmed to sacrifice pedestrians sacrifice pedestrians you meat run them over to save the driver mersen's gets around the moral issues of self-driving cars by deciding that of course drivers are more important than anyone else Mercedes somewhere you may die but actual sacrifice time will they this is exactly my video and the whole moral testing I did a year a year ago moral machine it's this website where you you basically answer if a car should judge for I don't know kill the old guy or steer the driver and I'm like well if I'm manufacturing a car I'm not gonna sell a product that sacrifices the driver so it made the whole video completely pointless I'm like kill that kill that kill that but it seems like Mercedes already figured out as much as I'm a Tesla fan that by the guards that make me respect Mercedes so much and at least they have the balls to say it as it is yeah I'm gonna kill the driver he'd bought the car so happy I grew up with this but damn this is better nothing makes me feel like a Boomer than trying to figure out how to add friends on discord I still don't understand how to do it and also the skype theme dude do you not miss it am I the only one dude dude what is this could have fart noises but that's what they have stinky discord teachers standing over be silently me playing math cool games I can relate it's very funny I made a haha because of it vegans when they discover they are made out of meat becomes when they discover that plants filled pain Vegas when they discover there's car seats are made of leather Vegas when they figure out their car is made of dead animals skin the interior not the machine ok when you rest your head on the bus window alright I think it's time to end this I think we get the point somewhat mildly amusing browsing this I think yes if you agreed subscribe we got more Miley amusing conduct coming right up gamer but not for long because I quit quit soon hmm so you better savor this see you tomorrow watch another video hey bye bye too long you have been farting in the corner now you are entering a new era where you shall craft thy home the hour of fart smells and poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buttons need you the dimer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne where T is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prices [Music] Oh
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,016,703
Rating: 4.9468923 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: vhl9wWLv2Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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