Try Not To Laugh Challenge #53

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(funky old school music ) (people laughing) - No! (whip sound) (makes weird noise) (harmonica plays) (laughter) (bell dinging) - Hey guys, what's up. We are back again. (sad music plays) (Courtney talks gibberish) Doing one of my favorite things. (people laughing) Trying not to laugh. (beep) Say you're doing great sweetie. - You're doing great sweetie - You're doing great sweetie. - You're doing great! - Yeah, were going to be making each other laugh with a harmonica in our mouth. And then, whoever laughs, whoever makes the person laugh, they laugh, and we're very happy. - Are you writing this down? (girl laughs) - That's pretty correct. - The most succinct I've ever heard. - Oh my God Jackie, Tommy.. (whimpering) (laughter) - You're just excited about attendance. - Noah! - You're doing great sweetie! (beep) - Guys, make sure to subscribe, because we got a lot of funny videos and you get to see our really hot ass faces, which is like, come on like (chuckles awkwardly) - Honestly pretty fun. - Pretty fun, pretty freaking chill. (whooshing sound) - Mom stop! Mom, ugh. Mom I have to go to work. (harmonica plays) (makes annoyed sounds) (footsteps across floor) - Welcome to the sexy accent hotline, (sultry music plays) (harmonica plays) where I say whatever you want, (bell dings) with my sexy accent for forty dollars an hour. (harmonica plays) (people laughing) Yes Richard, you are a big boy. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (whooshing noise) (gentle music) (harmonica plays) (laughter) - [Courtney] Wow! - I heard some news girl. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (bell dings) It is some hot goss, okay? Are you ready to hear about it? I don't know if you're ready. (laughter) Do you want to touch it? Do you want to touch my ears? (laughter) Fine, you can give me a wet willy, its okay. Come on, give it to me! (laughter) (squishing sound) (whooshing sound) (upbeat jazzy music) - All right, who ordered the table side guacamole, its me, chef Baby, all right. (harmonica plays) (bell dings) Lets get it started. Right, we got the two apples in and of course, now chef Baby adds the baby, (laughs and disappointed sounds) that's what we do, there's your table side guacamole. (alarm) - Stop! You're just like me. (harmonica plays) You've got a cold little inside and you arms, hot as (beep) (laughter) (harmonica plays) That's why I'm bringing you the smallest vests possible. This, even too big for me. (harmonica plays) (alarms) Stop. (clapping and cheering) (whooshing sound) (sound of feet tapping on the floor) (suspenseful music) (laughter) (breathy sound of pan flute) (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (laughter) (breathy pan flute sounds) - Is Courtney Cox dating a new person? (harmonica plays) (laughter) So, looking to Entertainment tonight, aye. (laughter and clapping) (disappointed noises) ( whooshing sound) (acoustic guitar music) (girl groans and mutters) (harmonica plays) (farting sounds) (bell dings) (laughter) - Has this ever happened to you? You're entitled to compensation. (harmonica plays) Hi Shane. - That's happened to me. (harmonica plays) (laughter) - [Sarah] Lobster Roll! (whooshing sound) (suspenseful music) - Yes! (laughter) (harmonica plays) I came onto the show "Master Chef" to really prove myself. (harmonica plays) and what's different between me and the other competitors is that, I have three (harmonica plays) (laughter) three fingers and, cut to me in the kitchen. (pan clashing) (harmonica plays) (laughter) Yes chef, I am trying my hardest I only have six fingers. (harmonica plays) (laughter) its very, yes chef! (harmonica plays) (clapping) (laughter) (footsteps across floor) - What do you mean? On (piano plays) (harmonica plays) (rapping) I'm a chunky kitty (harmonica plays) and I like to eat. Put that that toy inside of me. I'm a chunky kitty and I like to eat. Put that toy inside of me. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (clapping and cheers) (whooshing sound) (upbeat simple music) - Can you see these? Can you get these pretty well? Okay good. (laughter) All right, imagine that's the doll from "Saw." (laughter) And you've just awakened. (intense, suspenseful music) - [Jigsaw Voice] Are you ready to play a game? (harmonica plays) (bell dings) You must choose carefully. Grab the pan But I'm referring the pan in English or the bread in Spanish? (harmonica plays) (laughter) - That's, that's so stupid. (laughter) I'm going this one, you said, "pan." Is that rude? (laughter) Is that rude to say? I'm going here. (whooshing sound) (alarm) - Stop it. (harmonica plays) (laughter) Does your husband sell tiny vests? Mine does, and I'm mad about it. (laughter) (harmonica plays) That's all. I bought the commercial time to say that to him. (harmonica plays) (cheers and clapping) We're done. ( whooshing sound) (upbeat game show music) (clicking) (mumbles addition and subtractions) This is how much of my time you've wasted. (laughter) (harmonica plays) - Five? (laughter) Five time? (folk, banjo music) - What up, its me a parrot, you know, whatever it is. Question today is, have you ever seen a parrot without feathers? (laughter) (scary sound) (laughter) (harmonica plays) - The silence. (upbeat fun music) (buzzer) (alarm) - What? (laughter) (harmonica plays) I thought our marriage was going really well. (harmonica plays) (bell dings) If there's anyways I can Stop (alarm) the divorce (harmonica plays) (cheers and clapping) (whooshing sound) - Hello (drum beat) (laughter) Hey (harmonica plays) Wanna hit this bong? (laughter) (harmonica plays) (bell dings) Yeah, lets get (bleep) up. (harmonica plays) (whooshing sound) - Hi there sir, can I get you to sign this petition its very important. We're standing against "Banana Boat," they do so much to bananas you would never believe. - Help me! (harmonica plays) (bell dings) - Oh, I'm gonna get you - You can't get me - Can I get your signature? By the way, she went to Julliard. (harmonica plays) she did. - But she barely passed. (harmonica plays) (laughter) - I'm an actor. (whooshing sound) (upbeat chill music) - And how would you say that makes you feel? - Well, it's very hard growing up in a tree. Especially when, I actually have an abnormality. (sigh) I grow cherries out of my pits. (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (laughter) - How did you..., I'm sorry you grow cherries out of your? - Armpits. - [Noah] Armpits. (harmonica plays) (laughter) Okay, all right. (whooshing sound) - This is, the yoga instructor, who doesn't know how to breathe. Okay, and breathe in. (knee slap) breathe in (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (slams on floor) (laughter) breathe in. (laughter) and breathe in. And breathe in. (harmonica plays) and cough. (clapping) I'm sorry its a work in progress, but we're getting there. Gonna work shop it to SNL. - All right Tommy, use your imagination. This is in a world, where now the SWAT team also has Fortnite skins. (laughter) Get down! (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (laughter) oh yeah, we totally got all the drugs out of this area. (whooshing sound) (upbeat chill music) - What can I say? I'm kind of a player. (laughs) yeah, you know Game Kid? You know, I let them all push my buttons. You want (laughs) (harmonica plays) (laughter) Yeah! Super Mario, Luigi, Wario. (laughter) More game knowledge. (rock guitar) - How's it going Tevin? So, school's still understaffed. Normally, I'm just the music teacher, But I have to also be the school councilor, still. So... (quick guitar music) I hear you're getting bullied pretty severely. (harmonica plays) (dinging) That's not (beep) sick. (guitar plays) (harmonica plays) (laughter) Have you though about hitting him with maybe some of this? Hold on. (artificial drum beat) (laughter) (harmonica plays) (foot slamming on floor) No, but that (beep) sucks man, I'm sorry. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (clapping and cheering) ( whooshing sound) Hello again, fellow sailors. It's me, Prince Eric. (laughter) I think that's the correct one. Boy, what a crazy night I had. Nothing too crazy happened. (harmonica plays) (laughter) Hey, you know how like, we all have a type. We all have a type. You know? Steven's he likes redheads. You know? So I met someone. I (beep) a fish. (harmonica plays) (laughter) I feel weird about it. And I just wanna talk to my sailor bros about it, cause, a lot of scales. (harmonica plays) (clapping) (whooshing sound) (upbeat, rhythmic music) (laughter) - Hey Flims. (laughter) I'm not like the other girls. I know how to breathe. And I know how to read. And I have two swords and a little knife. Do you wanna see it? (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (laughter) You wanna see my little knife? (makes disgusted noises) Its right here. (mumbles disagreeing) Check it out. (suspenseful music.) (laughter) okay, well, I'm gonna go somewhere else now, cause you don't seem very interested. (harmonica plays) (applause) Yes, your name was Flims, that's what I named you. Are you okay? I like to give my friends names. (laughter) (whooshing sound) (clears throat) (page turning) - Hello, and welcome to the first ever video audiobook. If you are in your car, please open up your iPhone screen. If you are in any other location, feel free to just watch and also close your eyes. (harmonica plays) All right, chapter one. (groaning) (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (old man voice) I remember the days back of old. When I was young but a pretty woman. (classical music) (harmonica plays) (high pitched voice) the year was 1844 (chatter) - No, no! (whooshing sound) (saxophone music) (harmonica plays) - Hello Do you ever feel crowded in a lonely room? I don't know. (recorder plays) (laughter) (harmonica plays) (bell dings) I'm looking for someone to hunt for a treasure with me. (makes disgusted sounds) (laughter) (bell dings) - No! - Not sure why you said, "ew," and laughed hysterically. But, I'm very serious, there's a red x on this map and I wanna find it. - No! (recorder plays) (punk music) - yeah guys, Whoa (makes comical drinking sounds) (harmonica plays) (laughter) well, oh, cool party, right? Getting a call. Hello? (cup hits ground) (laughter) You're getting a divorce? (whimper) Stop. (buzzer) (laughter) (bell dings) Guys, stop. No. (whooshing sound) (rock and roll music) (laughter) - No. (whip sound) (groaning) (harmonica plays) (bell dings) (laughter) (whip sound) (groaning) (whooshing sound) (chill music) (mumble of approval) - So, what's it like living in the free world now? (harmonica plays) - Well, I found out quickly that everything in America is supersized. (harmonica plays) (bell dings) Bread. Remote. (harmonica plays) (thud on ground) iPhone. (harmonica plays) (laughter) - Human ears, Okay. - Yes. (harmonica plays) (laughter) - Have you ever thought that it could be because you are banana size. - No. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (whooshing sound) (propeller sound) - Hey what's up? Its your boy Chad. yeah, I'm president of the Nun chuck club. (harmonica plays) and I just wanted to come over here pitch you, I heard you were work in like film and T.V., Cause I'm working on this pilot that's really gonna disrupt you know like, the high school hierarchy. (harmonica plays) I got this main character. Kate, and I got this other main character, Emma. Yeah, she's kinda ditzy, and there's this other girl, her names Tara, she's kind of a slut. (laughter) (harmonica plays) Yeah, but like, the two main characters, they're the protagonist, but they're also the antagonist at the same time. (laughter) - God dammit. (cheers) Coming for my art! (laughter) (whooshing sound) (laughter) - Hey! (harmonica plays) (bell dings) Is your grandparent (beep) old as (beep) and can't see nothing? Well now we're gonna help you if you thought, that they couldn't find the remote before. This (beep), now they will for sure. (harmonica plays) (laughter) This remote is 19 inches by 4 inches wide and your grandma won't be able to lift it up. Not just that, but if she needs to call for help for whatever reason, she can use this phone. One where it takes 8 pounds of force to push any button. (harmonica plays) (laughter) Also, she's hungry, we got bread bitch! (harmonica plays) Call now. - The year, 3260. (laughter) All humans have since left the planet, Earth. Now, cool aliens that can't wear the alien head from before (harmonica plays) (laughter) explore what is left on Earth. (clap) (suspenseful music) (gasp) (laughter) (harmonica plays) - (beep) you! (buzzer) (alarm) (mumbles in agreement) - Cool artifact. (harmonica plays) (laughter) (cheers and clapping) (upbeat music) - Good job everybody. (clapping) I really liked this episode. And you? Let us know in the comments down below. Or this camera, if you're all in this side of this camera, let us know in the comments. Guys, we have more content for you, it never stops. There's two videos right, we make it as easy for you as possible. We got one right there that's been selected. Oh, also this one right there that's been selected. They're actually having some drama between them right now, so if you could just click one of them and get them separated, they're taking a break from each other. And go watch that video, that'd be great. I'm losing my mind, I'm sorry. And I've been still doing this intro and it's fine. (harmonica plays) (cheering)
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,690,334
Rating: 4.9076018 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #53, try not to laugh, smosh try not to laugh
Id: RAoe0VtwB0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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