Try Not To Laugh Challenge #54 - Mystery Boxes!

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oh wow oh it looks like there's no pokemon around here but i'm very lonely trying to time to catch some feelings [Music] [Applause] we're doing another mystery box edition each person who's going to be performing has their own box with their own secret props and we but it's not really because everybody's going to know but we're all going to pick our boxes and we have to use at least one prop every time we perform for the person in the hot seat are you guys ready yeah look at this gang isn't this a bunch of pretty faces also if you like try not to laugh we post one every other week and they're pretty funny so you should hit subscribe uh who wants to pick their box first i do sorry i might throw out a spasm all right so my favorite number seven since that's not here i'm gonna go for six what you got what you got what you got some cups uh it's a cat mask all right do i take the one that's right on top laziness always wins okay okay we've got we've got the debris scar oh my god no i we got this cool little whip wow and of course the classic little flower head wow and that's my box okay i'll go [Music] yeah it's a leg okay oh [Applause] oh that's gonna work really well oh what's the fox hiding back here and then we got some flowers [Applause] oh i got ash ash's bags do you have a preference of number no then i'm gonna go with one on the top easiest ah yeah i've got a chainsaw whoa i've got a calculator oh well what would life be without a lion that's an awful horrible life is this a rolled up chest that's a rolled up chest like money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh like airplane headphones for a this summer there's a new killer on the loose and she's out for bread the cottage core killer coming to you and narrating her own trailers oh wow oh looks like there's no pokemon around here but i'm very lonely trying to time to catch some [Music] feelings [Music] [Music] oh yeah i'm benjamin franklin i wonder if in the future anyone will make a musical about me i did things to you know this is my key and this is my kite benjamin franklin has feelings to you now now an inside look into the deep dangers of the colombian way cartel all right we're moving 32 kilos of 100 way and we got to do it tonight or else there's gonna be bad news oh no i'm getting a phone call sorry i dropped the calculator oh my god it's it's uh it's a it's a competing vitamin store a competing vitamin store is coming to take us we all right hello everyone and welcome to my yoga class so this class is about my personal growth so like whatever i say goes here okay you know so all questions should be asked at the end of class okay no that's the problem don't ask any questions because this is about my personal growth i didn't mean to make an emotional response i was just wondering it was eleven hundred dollars thank you so let's get into downward dog okay downward dog okay is the height difference gonna be a problem see i said all questions at the end this is about me okay it's about downward dog don't ask a question sir i think it's done oh [Music] simba all that the light touches is yours and if scar gives you a problem here you go cut them up like a [ __ ] [Music] hi keith hi just want to get to know you better um um a good question to ask all my new friends is like what's your favorite pizza topping is it cherries um maybe it's like a dead baby i need to get to the punchline oh you got me before hey uh whatever i say you gotta say yes okay you wanna see my third leg oh my god [Laughter] [Music] space place 3000 in space location honey um it's been great floating out here with you and this uh fancy satellite i know um we've we've gotten really close uh over our time here but i found this in our room uh there's just two of us on the space station so i'm i'm a little confused as to where this came from are you [ __ ] the sun [Music] i'm a tambourine from the top make it right you come to the beach often i hope you don't mind i'm just gonna oh sunbathe a little [Music] that's me this is me 100 me it's so stupid yeah it's all me saw me this is pokemon and quarantine and there is mysteriously no actual pokemon in this particular scenario oh i see a formidable component hmm let me try out my newfound quarantine skills first off sour don't quit i choose you i haven't seen pokemon in like 10 years i can't [Applause] hey this is my brand new bird do you like it do you like it this is my crab parrot he's really nice what grandparent he says whatever i say like if i just say like i don't know like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what i mean that's bread bread also you can say stuff like uh four score and 20 years ago the american public i don't know the speech you know the speech right yeah um [Laughter] wow you know we talked about it you know like we talked about it and i believed you you know i mean like i believed you um but uh um do you have a ball of gas hot gas in your tummy do you have a noose do you have a new small little ball of gas in your tummy you're gonna power us a little oh you're gonna and then have it like give heat to a bunch of life forms if i could leave i would see you in two minutes in the kitchen [Music] [Applause] yo bro i need to talk to you all right so you know how like we talk about a lot of different i tell you a lot of very personal things about myself so while i was in the bathroom just now my wiener just like came off and ran off no no no no it's not funny it is not funny at all like it just like popped off he was like [ __ ] you and i was like but why he said because i gotta do me and i was like why like that makes no sense like i need you to survive [Applause] [Music] oh no what is that i don't know [Music] my resume [Music] finally got away from him huh yeah that station's pretty small you know um oh babe remember this night i'm going to remember another night too [Music] i've heard you've got a little one inside you she's good well there was something that was going to happen when i undid the rope but i can't do it maybe next time next up on the vmas performing is kira dangles bishop [Music] [Applause] one okay people are always talking about the dollar but i'm just trying to make some changes welcome to the after school special stop flirting with me ronnie just want to know do you have a boyfriend yes i have a boyfriend where is he at he's in this walk twice a day and like there's only room for there's no room for you because i can only have one one boy in my box at a time only just me just one person at a time it can fit in my walk oh wow this ever happened to you only all the time hey mr hollywood i'm so happy that you brought me in for this pitch okay anyway uh so it's an 11 million budget and i thought that uh in order for me to kind of get the idea across you i would just kind of do it really quick so um oh god oh god i spoiled the part of the movie but anyway it starts off with nicholas cage giving birth to a dead baby okay so comes out of him real quick and he's still got the declaration of independence and he's super nervous about it so he decides he's going to cut it in half but that really pisses off the coast guard who then shows up and pretends to be the navy and under the guys as the navy they leave i'm sold baby sorry i'm so sad i just tend to suck the air out of the room no these balls are like my love life unfulfilled yeah if it's happening with a man he's deflated [Applause] hey kids hey kids today we're gonna learn about photosynthesis the sun gives life to the plants on earth but not the original sun the little one that came out of that person that was pregnant from the sun and then the little sun got big and now we all have the other sun but there's two suns battling in the sky did we learn a lot today small child oh yeah no one else showed up to class but you today you know they wanted mike myers for the role but i don't know why jack nicholson couldn't have been tracked [Music] oh my god jack nicholson his shrek is [Music] terrified [Music] you know anthony yeah i know anthony that's my man that oh that's your man well i think we should fight over them right now you obviously know where i live i know where you live i'll beat that ass rabbit oh come true on the next season of married at first sight daniel we've been married for two seconds but i feel like i don't even know you [Music] you're seventy thousand dollars in debt and you have a misspelled [Applause] [Music] am at the tattoo marriott hotel this is not the furry festival i am so sorry so sorry children i am so sorry wrong marriott hotel [Applause] oh my god moving day hi i'm your new neighbor i just got in from you know uh it's been kind of lonely it's been kind of lonely um you see my my ex um we were trapped in space together long story um but yeah uh you know you're sorry sorry if i'm too forward you're you're quite a looker um you know i i do want to get out there and date again i do but i do have one hang up just this one one hang up um the hang up is about a hundred million times the size of our planet um so like i'm down to date but like if i find anything at all like this anyway i live right next door i'll see you around when we're both getting mail guys thanks for watching this video we have lots of other try not to laugh episodes i'm sure there's a couple you may have missed there's always more content out there we've got two videos one right there me picked by us or youtube or something and then this one right here i think it's either picked by youtube or us or something they're both good both valid for your attention and love and if you want to subscribe there's a button for that punch don't punch your screen but like emotionally click punch that button
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,353,737
Rating: 4.9460983 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #54 - Mystery Boxes!, try not to laugh, smosh try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, tntl, mystery boxes
Id: A6hSuQy-mEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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