Try Not To Laugh Challenge #51

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(Uplifting background music) (Woman's laughter in audience) - [Someone in audience] Oh no... - Um Ma'am, excuse me... You need to wear a mask in here. - [In crowd] Oh no... - Ma'am, you need to wear a mask. (Music intensifies) - (Dramatic Screaming) (Swishing Sounds) (Boxing ring bell) (Splatter sounds) - We're back baby! - (Random pumped screaming) (Laughter) - That's right, we're in studio, we have taken off Ean's muzzle, we are bracing to the world, and it is time for some more Try Not to Laugh. If you're not familiar with it first of all, thanks for finding us, please subscribe, but the main rules are, you're trying not to laugh. One by one, we're gunna sit in these stools, And everybody else is gunna come out, take their turns to try to make you laugh, they have 30 seconds. How are we gunna know if you laughed? Well we have these handy-dandy harmonicas, for safety, to hear the beautiful tones of a harmonica. Well it's not a Billy Joel song It's a... laugh - It's a laugh and you've lost - You've lost. There's no stakes, but we're gunna do it anyway. - I'm very excited, I'm very excited. - (Yelling) I'm excited too! (Swishing sfx) - Ladies and Gentleman of High School High Please welcome... (Electronic noises) Gaaameee Kid! (Fake laughter) What up everybody!(Claps) It's Game Kid! Oh Yeah! You know, your school brought me out today, because they need somebody that's relatable, to the kids, to talk to you about very important issues. Game Kiiiidddd! Yeah! That's right let me hear it. Game Kiiidddd! - [Unenthusiastic Voice] Game kid! - Yeahhh! That's right. All right. (Giggling and harmonica sounds) - Well first off! we're gunna talk about.. (Damien blowing) No, okay, all right. We don't even.. (muffled) - Please (muffled) no, please keep going (Elecronic Noises) - Um, (Motivational Music) I wanted to talk to you kids about, a very important subject. Anal bleaching. (Harmonica sounds) You shouldn't! - Okay, okay wow! (laughing and blowing harmonica) wow okay (Blowing harmonica) Who's up? - [Courtney] We now return... To.. Wonderwoman! (Sigh in audience) I won.. I... I wonder (Harmonica sounds) what really and really happens, and really I like really wonder whyy, like (aucience laughing) (Slurred) You ever like wonder where even is it? (Harmonica sounds and laughter in audience) - I'm Jupy Turner (Happy guitar s trums) And I have a severe brain injury. Ever since I woke up from my coma, I can only talk like I'm in a reality TV show. I can't believe (Laughter in audience) I can't believe that a jury of my peers denied me custody of my daughter. (Harmonica sounds and laughter in audience) (Hiphop beats play) I'll do everything in my power to make sure These bitches know that their daddy misses them very much. (Harmonica sounds and laughter in audience) That's all I have. (Knee Slapping and harmonica sounds) - (Crowd clapping) yay! (Uplifting flute playing) (Woman's laughter) - [Audience member] Oh no... - Um, Ma'am, excuse me... You need to wear a mask in here. - (Trying not to laugh) - [Crowd] Oh no... - [Courtney] Ma'am, you need to wear a mask (Music Intensifies) - (Dramatic screaming) - Ma'am, please - (Loud screaming) - [Courtney] Ma'am please you need to wear a mask - (More intense screaming) I won't! - [Courtney] Please wear a mask - (Screaming) I'm not gunna fucking do it! - I understand but it's for your safety and others. - (Growling) Noooo! - Okay, we're going to have to call security. - You don't get to call security, calling the cops is my thing! (Harmonica sounds) That's what I do! - Ma'am, please. - (Screaming) Noooo! I won't! I'm not gunna do it! - [Courtney] Ma'am please. - I can't I'll die! (Laughter) If I have empathy I'll die! (Harmonica and laughter) - If I have empathy I'll die! - If I consider another human, I'll die! (Laughter) (Dramatic screaming) (Laughter in audience) (Screaming and crying) - I can't think of other people. (Harmonica sounds and laughter in audience) (swishing sounds) - Thank you for coming to our Hollywood producer meeting our pre-production meeting I'm thinking this: you have Melissa McCarthy going Ogla bdad baooh And then. There's going to be an explosion. Think of it. (Harmonica) I'm thinking like bshooosh like booom You got glass coming in like (Glass shattering sound) ptch ptchh ptch-chhh And then Melissa's like (Pop music playing) (Harmonica sounds) Are you sold? - Mhm - Good Don't touch Good, good - (laughing) Explosion (gasp) think of it (laughing) - [Guy's Voice] We now return to... Death Stranding. Portrayed by someone who's never seen any game play of Death Stranding nor do they know the story. (Loud stomping) - I just walked here from Minnesota It's Florida. What a walk! Anyway, baby delivery! (Harmonica sounds) This is for you! Here you go! (Baby sound and harmonica sounds) So long, take care, don't forget to write, and wash behind your ears, and don't forget, we always look at the same sky, the same stars, goodbye! (Harmonica sounds) This is Kingdom Hearts now. - (laughs and blows harmonica) It's Kingdom Hearts now? (Upbeat music) (triumphant music) - (British accept) Hello there My name is Thetus Von Hamberger (harmonica sounds and laughter in the crowd) I am a a archeologist of ancient early 2000's artifacts. Now today we have something very mysterious, very incredible. We discovered this, in an abandoned Mall we have no idea what this is. No idea. We think it might be some sort of temperature taker. (Courtney Blows harmonica) - Or some sort of electronic pregnancy test. (harmonica sound) You got like a strange clock thing here. We're not sure how you'd use it. Um, and, I think it's a touch screen. No way of knowing though! (laughs) (harmonica sounds) It's made of the same stuff as a toaster! (Blows harmonica) (Swishing sounds) (Melancholic music) - Sorry boy, but pops says I gotta. It's for Thanksgiving and all! Oh I can't do it! Go on, just get out of here boy! Go on! I love you! So long, take care! (Harmonica sounds) Don't forget to write! And wash behind your ears! - [Someone in Audience] Nooo - Don't forget We always look at the same sky! (laughter) the same stars! (Giggles maniacally) - [Courtney] And now someone watching Scooby-Doo in the other room! - Reee, Raggy run, run away from me? - [Someone In Audience] What? - Yaa yaaa yaa - (blows harmonica) [Everyone Laughs] (Guitar strums) (Drum tapping) - Guys. guys. I am not Kenny Loggins. okay? Not Kenny Logins. Just gotta know that. I am not. Kenny Loggins. (Harmonica sounds) (Tommy blows harmonica) - [In Audience] What? (Loud female laughter in audience) - Was that.. (Everyone Laughing) (Clapping) - The dumbest bit I've ever got - The stupidest bit on the planet. (Upbeat xylophone sounds) - Hello class, and welcome back to Math101. It's been such a long time. Been away from so many of you, and I,I, I'm just so glad we're back in the classroom finally. But I will say that, the, the time that I did have just "trolling around on the internet" as you kids call it, uh... I picked up some of your lingo, so I just have to say. I am... a simp for trigonometry. (Audience laughter) You know, I really stan it, on God. (Loud laughter in audience) No cap! - Ooh! (Audience laughter) (Swishing sounds) (Mischievous music) - I'm home. well aren't you gunna ask me how my hunting trip in Anaheim was? Killed and skinned this thing, didn't even put up a fight! It was just saying "oh bother!" and I was like "does this bear know language?" and then I got it. I think it had some cubs nearby, but.. I got them too. Also shot this clean out of the sky. [Someone in audience laughs] Yeah. That's a sad little toot, isn't it. [Laughter continues] Yeah. And then this, I took from a... man. (Harmonica sounds) Who I also killed and ate. (Ian blows harmonica) The joke is, this is Disney Land. And you're not supposed to do that there. Well, I'm going back to Anaheim! So long, take care, Don't forget to write, and wash behind your ears every night! Remember, we all look at the same sky, never forget that we all look at the same sky. [Voice] We now return, to the last of us 2. (Steps) (Quiet folk guitar in the back) (Loud clanking and laughter in audience) (Ian blows harmonica) (laughter in audience) (Random guitar strums) (laughter) - [Female in audience] (laughing) Goddamnit! Get otta here! (audience clapping) Yeahhh! - (deep grunting sounds) (Growling) Whoooaao. Whoa I just got lightheaded just then! (Heavy metal guitar in background) (Saxophone sounds) Vape? No. Smooth Jazz! I was joking about the apocolypse for a long time and now I feel bad because I feel like I psychologically manifested it into real life. (laughter in audience) And for that I publicly apologize (Loud Laughter) As a lot of people have been apologizing for a lot of things lately. (laughter and harmonica sounds) (Heavy metal riff) (Mumbling Gibberish) think about when you're allergic to things! Funny thing, I think I'm, I'm allergic to bullshit! I come within 30 feet of a Karen my airways just close right up (Saxophone sounds) (Laughter in audience) - [Someone in the audience] God.. - (Blowing saxophone) Did I win? (Laughter) (Swish sounds) - [Damien] We now return to an entire scene from a movie that feels familiar but you definitely haven't seen it, 'cause I'm making it up right in the moment but for some reason it feels familiar. (Triumphant music) Boys, I don't know how to tell you this. But if we don't get that book back from Pumpkin Face by midnight there won't be a Halloween to save. So.. What do we do? Another character comes in. She's like "Maybe you could get a little help from your big sis." Big sis?? Well, I couldn't let you fight pumpkin head alone, could I? (Laughing) and, sorry about You know.. before. That's all right, blood is thicker than water! It goes like..something like Can we save this touching reunion for later. (Harmonica sounds) (Laughter in audience) We're gunna have to go fight pumpkin face before midnight or there won't be a hole to save (Harmonica sounds) It kinda got you! Doesn't that feel familiar? Doesn't that feel like that should be a thing? [Voice Behind Screen] And now! Someone flipping through the television in the other room. Reeee, Raggy! Rooaa o Roaa! (raptor-like screaming) Shoot the child. I missed, I missed. I missed. I missed. I'm a storm trooper and I'm trying to shoot somebody. And I missed, and I missed. (More raptor screaming) (Screaming) Now this is heart racing! (Laughter in audience) 'Merica's funniest animal! It's mostly animal sex And it's not good. (Harmonica sounds) (laughter in audience) (Random Gurgling sounds) I watch weird TV. (Harmonica and Laughter in audience) (Lounge music) - I saw you sitting over here. All alone. Heard of my son? You know if you single you could date my son. You know my son, my name's Mary, by the way. My son, you know, turned water into wine. (laughter from audience) Pretty good guy, pretty cool. Let's see. Cures leprosy. I see it on you. He could be a good one for ya! Now my son, let me tell you. If you haven't heard of him, he's kind of a big guy. His name's Louis. (laughter) You thought I was going to say Jesus, didn't ya? His name's Louis now. Okay? (Harmonica sounds) (Laughter in audience) I'll keep my eyes on you. (Harmonica going off) [Man's Voice] And now. Uhh. Harry Potter, book 8. Written by J.K. Rowling in 2020. (Audience groans) (Shuffling to mysterious music) You're a wizard, Harry. And I know you don't really need the opinion of me! Because I'm a rich, out of touch old person, (Harmonica sounds and laughter) but let me explain this to you. - (Screaming) This was her idea. I don't know. (Harmonica and laughter in audience) (cheering) - What a time. - What a time. - An unbelievable time. Being here doing this. It's like - Yeah! - This is a lot of fun. - This is intermediate mode try not to laugh, I feel like, with the harmonica. - Yeah We love you guys! We love we're able to make content for you guys we have more content for you guys, we got one over here just for you. It's a yummy little tasty boy. And then another one over here picked by YouTube. And meanwhile, if there's other channels you want to listen to listen while watching Star Wars in the other room. Whooo! How good is that R2 impression! Thank you guys so much! Yes!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,551,960
Rating: 4.9508276 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy
Id: nt3VVyv5pxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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