Try Not To Laugh Challenge #56 - Spooky Edition

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(soft piano music) - Some people mistake me for Lupita. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) I just work at Target. (crew laughing) (crew clapping) - [Man] Oh, what no . - That was so good. (crew laughing) (bell ringing) (impact smacking) - [All] Ah. - Hey, it's Try Not to Laugh and this time it's spooky time! - Woo. - Yeah today we have all these spooky props 'cause it's Halloween and it's October. - My birthday month, sorry. - It's his birthday month. (crowd cheering) Yeah, so we're just gonna try and make everybody laugh. And we have like like she's already doing it. Guys, we have new try not to laughs every other week. So make sure that you're subscribed so you know when we're on, hey. - Just like that, like that. (fire blazing) - Mm, yes, mm, yes, mm Halloween. I love Halloween. It's the one night a year I can go door to door asking for a snack. (crew laughing) Takes one to know one, you know. I'm a snack looking for a snack. (harmonia blowing) (bell ringing) In other words I'm lonely... (crowd laughs) I'm a lonely little detective (harmonica blowing) not only looking for the solving of the crimes. I'm also looking for a lover. This one will do, yes. (crowd laughs) (techno club music) - Can I just say I started laughing because I saw your uh hand. (harmonica blowing) - Why this? - Yeah, yeah no what's on the, yeah. - Oh my burnt hand? Don't laugh at my burnt hand! (crew laughs) - But I have to be honest. - Guys, I'm still learning how to operate around hot oil. (whooshing) (soft music) - Hey, um seeing you from across the way, and uh I think you're hot, and (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughs) Since we're both hot. - Hm? - Do you wanna touch my pink titties? (crew laughing) No it's okay, it's fine, it's fine. But do you? (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) - Why? - Yes or no? - [Woman] Horny. (crew laughing) (laughing) (harmonica blowing) - Okay. - [Woman] All right. (crowd clapping) (whooshing) (dramatic music) - Oh, hello Olivia and hello Keith. Oh Keith, I've been noticing you over there and I want to suck... (gasping) your blood. (crowd awing) (crew laughing) But I'll do it through your penis. (gasping) But it's going to hurt. (crowd awing) (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) (bell ringing) And then I'm gonna take you out... (gasping) ... of my will. (crowd awing) (crew laughing) And then, I'll treat you to a nice steak... (gasping) But whatever kind you're thinking, it's not that one. (crowd awing) (crew laughing) - Aw man. - I know. (whooshing) (silly music) (woman laughing) (woman awing) - Aw. (woman laughing) (silly music) - Hey uh, so uh, you come here often? I I do. (laughing) Hey don't look at me like that, okay? My proportions are a little off, okay? (woman laughing) So, uh, my government name is Jack Skellington. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) But, uh you can call me Jack. (laughing) (crowd laughing) (whooshing) (dramatic music) (harmonica blowing) - Ah! Oh no, it's a full moon. Ah! He's transforming, no! (suspenseful music) - Oh no, oh no, oh no! (clapping) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) - Ah. (crew laughing) (crew clapping) - Oh my gosh. (fire blazing) - [Woman] Okay so this like, um, like you know like what happens in scary movies. - Mhm. (soft music box music) - Sorry. (laughing) Not this part. (scary music) Not this part. (crew giggling) Okay. (hyperventilating) Ah! I tripped! Oh! Okay. God damn, hold on. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (bell tolling music) (footsteps knocking) Oh (beep) this. - Oh. (laughing) (bell ringing) (harmonica blowing) (scary music) (laughing) (harmonica blowing) (woman laughing) - Oh. (whooshing) (light tempo music) [Woman] No. - No. - [Woman] Stop. (crew laughing) - [Man] We need to talk, we need to chill. - [Woman] Oh, I'm sorry. (crew laughing) (imitating wolf howling) - Aw, look at that dog he's so cute (laughing) doggy. (imitating dog whimpering) - Oh he's so cute. (imitating dog whimpering) (crew laughing) Doggy, doggy. You wanna play? (guttural growling) (laughing) - Ah! oh my god! (coughing) Ah! (imitating wolf howling) (guttural growling) Ah! (laughing) (bell ringing) - Yeah. (laughing) (crew laughing) - [Man] We now present, that dream that you always have. Where you're in a play but you don't really know any of the lines, except this time it's rocky horror picture show. (woman laughing) - [Man] Oh god, no. (sensual music) - I'm some kind of person from a place. (woman laughing) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) And it might be outer space. But I've only seen the movie once. (crew laughing) And to be real, I was kind of drunk. (woman laughing) I think the twist is where aliens didn't mean to rhyme. That's kind of fun. - Wake up. (laughing) - Grab your bust and put a little make up. (woman laughing) Now it says (laughing) (whooshing) (banjo music) - Ugh, oh my god. I'm just so sick and tired of this farm, dude. All they want is my fricken ovary excess. (woman laughing) (crew laughing) It's like, stop taking my eggies from me. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) It's like all I wanna do. (crew laughing) Is have a fricken baby. But there's no cock a doodle doo going on. (crew laughing) - Rooster. - [Woman] Rooster. (woman laughing) It's like stop stop taking these eggs out of my cakes to go make your cakes y'know like I'm just oh my god. (laughing) I gotta go. - Cock a doodle doo. (laughing) (crew laughing) I forgot what a rooster was. (whooshing) (soft piano music) - Some people mistake me for Lupita. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) I just work at Target. (crew laughing) (crew clapping) - [Man] Oh, what no. - That was so good. (crew laughing) (bell ringing) (fire blazing) (jazz music) - Psst, hey. Are you my contact? Take this. You'll know what to do when the time comes. - [Woman] Uh. (ragtime music) - Uh hello, does anyone have any large bread? Oh, thank you very much. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) (jazz music) You did all right for your first mission. (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) (laughing) Keep your head up kid. You'll go far in this agency. (harmonica blowing) (woman laughing) The bread. (laughing) (crew laughing) Nevermind. (whooshing) (Fanciful music) - Daddy. I got my period. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) It got all over. (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) - My god. (woman laughing) - Daddy. (laughing) Help me. (harmonica blowing) (woman laughing) (whooshing) (dramatic music) (sighing) - All right, clocking in. - Mhm. - Welcome to C's Candy. - Want some welcome chocolate? - Want chocolate? No sampling. Aw, it just sucks being here on Halloween. I clearly have a yeast infection. (harmonica blowing) - Gotta have chocolate with nuts in it. - Yeah nuts is not gonna help your yeast infection. (harmonica blowing) (woman laughing) - Oh my god. - Okay, sir. - Do you wanna pick or what? - Do you want? (harmonica blowing) (laughing) - Oh god. (woman laughing) (whooshing) (sensual music) - [Woman] Halloween, the one time a year where a girl can dress like a total slut and no one can say anything about it. (crew giggling) (woman laughing) (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) - Uh, hi. - Hi. - I'm sexy Minnie Mouse. (harmonica blowing) Do you have a boner yet? (laughing) - Go! - Okay. (crew laughing) (whooshing) (scary music) - Hello. I am a freelancer. - [Woman] Uh. - Uh if you have any trees you need to cut. (maniacal laughing) Or if you're feeling special I can cut up some tomatoes for you. I'm a cheap day rate. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) Or if you're feeling really parental, I give little babies kisses. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) Little mwah. A little mwah. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) They feel great. Okay, I'll give you my card. (laughing) (crew laughing) Any one of these three very specific services. I'm your guy. - I'll uh, I'll take the the the tomato cutting store. - Mm, I'm all booked up. (crew laughing) (crew clapping) (fire blazing) - [Man] Due to recent events, we have re-skinned Harry Potter for your viewing pleasure. (crew laughing) (whimsical music) - Come on! Jerry. We've got to catch the golden ball. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) Hurry up! Oh no, the gray guy is gonna kill us? (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (imitating music) (crew laughing) (whooshing) (sad music) - Neigh. Who would want to date a horse girl anyway? (gasping) (heartfelt guitar music) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) (sloppy mouth sounds) (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) (whooshing) - [Woman] I just wanted to role play to be honest. - Yeah the thing is, we never know in the middle of a bit. (crew laughing) Oh, am I in the middle? Did I just. All right. (crew laughing) (bubbly music) - Oh hey there batty. Happy Halloweiner. (crew laughing) - Uh. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) Um, oh which finger would you like to take? (harmonica blowing) I saw that. (laughing) (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) - [Woman] Oh my god. - Don't hang me out to dry. (crew laughing) (whooshing) (harmonica blowing) (guitar music) - A boo boo boo. (giggling) A boo boo boo. (crew laughing) (giggling) A boo boo boo! (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) A boo boo, Yogi bear boo boo. (harmonica playing) A boo boo. Happy Halloween. (harmonica blowing) (whooshing) (sensual music) - All right gentleman. Thank you for coming to the strip chicken strip. Girls girls girls! (crew laughing) Up next to the stage. Scaredy chicken. (imitating chicken clucking) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) (crew laughing) - Do you come here often? (harmonica blowing) - Yup? - No? Well I just have one question. Can I choke your chicken? (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) Okay no? Thank you. - [Man] Show me your eggs. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (fire blazing) - [Man] Principal's - Oh do you need a bible? - [Man] Yeah. (harmonica blowing) - Maybe just like. - [Man] I could just act it. - Yeah act it out. Hold on. - Priest right this way. I'm her father, she's there's something. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) Please exorcize her. (vicious growling) - You evil spirit, come out right now! Evil spirit come out! Oh, whoa, whoa! - Oh no no, my daughter. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) - What the hell dude. Just, period cramps. (laughing) (crew laughing) (whooshing) (mischievous music) - Ugh, these thneads are of the highest quality. You did indeed bring me the best truffla trees. But the shipment is a little light. I've seen you getting cozy with that Lorax. He speaks for the trees? Well who speaks for us? Those capitalists, that's right. It's time for you to prove your loyalty. Bring me a truffla tree and the bones of the lorax. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) That's right. I don't care if it's played by Danny DeVito. We need more thneads. (harmonica blowing) This whole book is a metaphor for capitalism. And environmental distraction as it relates to such! Nothing else, beautiful truffla, mmm. (crew laughing) (whooshing) (adventurous music) - Welcome back to another coded message. My identity will not be revealed. - [Woman] Ah. I am definitely alive, and not brought back to life by a lightning bolt. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) My identity can't be revealed, don't look at my brain! (harmonica blowing) Don't look at my brain! The government is bad and I am dead. (laughing) (whooshing) (romantic music) - I am not here. I'm not. Two bats! Both alike in dignity. (crew laughing) In fair bats roam now where we lay our scene. Ah! Romeo! Yes bat Juliet? I wanna kiss you. No! We're from two different places. We don't have to tell our father. Okay, meet me at the party. I'll look at you through an aquarium. Okay. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) - The what? (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) (crew clapping) - Oh no! Drank the poison! I drink the poison. It's from Romeo and Juliet. (giggling) (crew laughing) Drink the poison. He's not dead! Drink it now. - Get outta here! (crew laughing) Oh my god. (whooshing) (funny music) (tambourine rattling) (harmonica blowing) - Oh bro. (woman laughing) It's really. (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) (tambourine rattling) (woman shrieking) - [Woman] This like thunder dot thunder Halloween Edition? (crew laughing) (tambourine rattling) - Uh. (frantic piano playing) - This little light of mine. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) I'm gonna let it shine! - Oh. Ah! (woman laughing) (laughing) - Oh my god. - I had nothing. (laughing) (fire blazing) (suspenseful music) - Once upon a time. (coughing) Excuse me, I'm so sorry. (laughing) So once upon a time, I actually wanted to be veterinarian. (bell ringing) Can you believe it? (scissors clicking) Me? A veterinarian. 101 Dead Dalmatians later and look at me. I'm in beauty school, And I absolutely love everything you do. Uh, snip snip snip. Uh, can you believe I actually wanted to be a veterinarian? This was an us joke, and you already made a better one earlier in the sketch. (laughing) But I kind of thought about this one so this is it. But I haven't realized you haven't been in the chair yet. So do do do. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) Do do do hairdresser now. (whooshing) (serious music) (heavy breathing) (crew laughing) - Mhm. - Jackie. I am your father. - Oh hey, wrong mask man. - Oh. (heavy breathing) Jackie, I am - [Woman] Yo, it's the wrong mask. - What? - [Woman] Yeah. - Oh oh. - Jackie shut the (bleep) up. (crew laughing) (bell ringing) - [Woman] Oh my god. (whooshing) - [Man] She was always angry. - Wait hold up. - [Man] Nope. (crew laughing) Oh. (bubbly music) In 1786, there was an orphan named Stephanie Bong Bongs, and she lived in a trash can. She was always angry, she (screeching) (crew laughing) She had a doll. Plus it's (crew laughing) The doll is actually her mother! - Mama. You're ugly. (crew laughing) Mama. - [Man] Plot twist, they both don't have eyes! (crew laughing) (laughing) (bell ringing) - [Man] Ahahahaha. (laughing) - [Man] Muahahaha. (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) - Ah. (laughing) (whooshing) (upbeat tempo music) All right there, Johnny. Now it's time for you to pin the bone on the skeleton. Go on there. - Hm. Hm, Oh? - Uh, no Johnny, no that's not where it goes. Try again. - Hm. Hm? - No, Johnny no, it doesn't go there at all, no no no. (crew laughing) - That's very good Johnny, that's exactly where that goes. (laughing) (bell ringing) - I'm a good Johnny. (harmonica blowing) (crew laughing) - For the sake of this bit, we're both adults! (crew laughing) It's not weird now! - Not weird now. - [Woman] Okay. (guttural growling) Whoa wait. (man laughing) Hey Phil, how you doing you look good. Hey, aw that's another one. (harmonica blowing) (bell ringing) Hey, have you seen my friend Gary? He's really hairy and has a questionable amount of legs. Oh, hey there he is. Hey buddy. You forgot your briefs again in my apartment. I am very sorry about my existence. (crew laughing) My name is, oh let me introduce myself my name is Boneless. (crew laughing) (harmonica blowing) - No. (laughing) (crew laughing) I thought you were a big crab when you came out. - Apocalypse. (crew laughing) (guttural grunting) (crew laughing) Bye Phil, bye Gary. (crew laughing) (crew clapping) (whooshing) - Guys that was so fun. That was so spooky. Thank you so much for watching. I mean if you didn't, weren't subscribed before, you should probably subscribe now after all that spooky goodness. - That's right. - It's economically efficient. (laughing) - And if you like, wanna keep watching stuff. (belching) - I'm sorry. - Maybe, we're gonna put a video right over here. - Right there. - Oh and if you wanna watch another video there's one right over here. - Yeah, Jackie! Yeah! - Yeah! - Yay. - Thanks for watching guys! - Yeah! - You're amazing. - Yeah! - Happy October! - Yeah! - Happy Keith's Birthday! - Yeah! - [All] Bye!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,533,666
Rating: 4.9484258 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #56 - Spooky Edition, try not to laugh, tntl, smosh try not to laugh, smosh tntl, spooky, challenge, improv, halloween, 2020, costumes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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