Try Not To Laugh Challenge #57 - Battle of the Gauntlet

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(intense cinematic music) - [Boys] Shut up! ♪ I'm on the dock daily. ♪ (laughing) ♪ Looking for a place to sleep. ♪ - [Damien] Boo! (cheering) - Hello everyone! Doesn't the set look so different? - [Everyone] Ooh! - And that's because this is Smosh League. So over the next four videos on Smosh Pit there are gonna be four competitions between the two teams. The After School Snack's - Team ASS! - And team OnlyStans. - (everyone cheers) - Okay I don't like that you yelled "Team Ass" very excitedly and you didn't do anything for ours. - Well, you guys don't have a fun acronym. You're not like Team Tiddie or something. (everyone laughs) So you guys might be wondering like, is this like a Summer Games kind of thing? No, it's not a Summer Games, but we know that since we weren't able to give you guys Summer Games this year, this is like a little teeny tiny treat for you. So, we're going to have a few episodes of Smosh league. So make sure that you are subscribed so you don't miss any. - Competition is on. We are better than y'all. - I can reach things on higher shelves. - Well, I can fit into little baskets. - Me too if you chop me up! - So today we're gonna be doing Try Not to Laugh: Gauntlet. But special kind of gauntlet, that's right. These teams are going to be going three times. And the team that manages to make the other team laugh the fastest wins. - I'm very competitive, this is what I realized during the pandemic and the quarantine. I've lost many friends. (everyone laughs) - Okay, so when I snap my fingers, you're going to awaken. Okay. (fingers snapping) - Doctor, I feel amazing. I don't want to smoke at all. This is incredible - Wonderful. - Hypnosis is great! - Jalapeno! - Oh no, it's making me strip. Oops, I didn't even mean to. This is my new life when someone says jalapeno I gotta strip. I don't even wanna do it. I make the booty clap. (harmonica plays) (farting) (laughing) Uh oh! I (bleep). Farded and peed, hope I don't do it again. - Jalapeno. - Uh oh! No it keeps going! Oh no! Oh, what a bummer. My bloomers, my bloomers is busted. - This is wild. My practice. - All right students. We got a very special presentation today. So I want all your kids on your best behavior, because they're going to be talking to us about some very important we're very blessed to have them here today to talk to you. - Okay I'm ready. - Jimmy I know you're not. Oh you better not joke. Be like Jackie here. - Yeah I'm ready, I love class. - Bring out the presenter-tation. - Hey kids! Today I'm gonna teach you about papilloma all right! (laughing) Papilloma is something very specific and if I can spell it, I would, but I didn't complete school. That's why I'm a condom for a living. Oh boy, I'm nervous. I'm gonna go use the restroom. - That's what happens when you have papilloma. - Oh my god, I don't want papilloma at all. - I've got a bunch of it. - Hell yeah Olivia, holding it down. - How are you not laughing at that? (calming music) (farting) - (grunts) Oh god. (laughing) - Do it again? (farting) - Oh my god! Wow! Wow! Wow! - [Courtney] Whoa! (farting) (laughing) - Attention! Attention everyone, thank you. This is how I'm teaching physical education now. (harmonica plays) (buzzer rings) - You got it, you got her! You got her right at the end. - Only because he just looks so insane. - That was insane. - Really went for it. - Good job. - Listen, I'm very weird and obscure. Like just Noah walking out made me laugh. - What? That was the trick? - That was it. Look at this. - Someone turned up the magenta slider on Michael Cera. (laughing) - I'm so annoyed. - Yeah, I can't believe Becky, man. - Like, she's so lucky. Like she's so blessed. I don't like, like why can't, she's so annoying. - I know, she has things that I do not have. - I know it's like what the-- - And a nickname. - Yeah, she's just like so-- - Her name is Rebecca, but everyone calls her Becky. And my name is Timmy. - Yeah and they call her Becky with the good tips. - I'm not jealous at all. - Hey Becky! - Hey y'all. How y'all doing? You guys look great today. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - We feel good. - I don't even want to try. - Do you guys wanna hang out sometimes? I think we're like some bad bitches. - I think it's best that we don't, honestly. I think it's really best if we don't. All right, we gotta run. - What, where are we going guys? Where are we going? Oh my god, I'm lost in the sauce. I'm lost in the sauce. I'm lost. - I guess the scene was over. (laughing) I was gonna do like a little. - Testing, testing, testing. Okay experiment B beginning now. (farting) Test confirmed. What the (beep) okay. - [Olivia] Are we going back to the Becky storyline? - [Courtney] Yeah. (mumbles) (laughing) - Don't worry, Becky's coming soon but I have a really good idea. - Oh, (mumbles) what's the idea? - Well, you'll see. - Okay. (laughing) (harmonica plays) - Becky come out. - Becky, hey Becky. - Hey guys, are you guys ready to have a great night on the town. - Yeah I'm so jealous of you I'm gonna-- (harmonica plays) (everyone cheering) (buzzer rings) - Wait hold on, I think Becky was country at first. She was country at first. I don't know how I switched like (beep) accents but that (beep) definitely switched. - We wrote that script last night. We were up really late on it. - We really wanted to switched back and forth between the AB storyline. - [Damien] Bring it all together in the end? - There's a plot and a subplot. - I think what got me was just the very real improv moment of you being like, "Yeah, she's going to be here, what's she gonna do?" And you're like, "You'll see." And then Courtney was just like, "All right." Just that moment of like, I guess we're done until she comes out. (melancholy music) ♪ Oh, don't mind me. ♪ ♪ I'm just a lonely fisher boy. ♪ (harmonica plays) ♪ I'm on the dock daily. ♪ ♪ Looking for a place to sleep. ♪ - [Damien] Boo! (harmonica plays) Boo! You suck! (buzzer rings) (cheering) - That was great. - That's right! Yeah, yeah! - Subscribe to our OnlyStans. - That was so good. - [Courtney] All right, I could use a little encouragement, yeah! (cheering) - Hey, how you guys doing out there? You doing good? (cheering) Welcome to the Bland View Elementary talent show. First to the stage, we have Steven with his comedy bit routine. You'll see what it is. Something a little weird. Here you go. (cheering) - Hello my name is Steven. I'm a very funny boy. I make very funny stand up comedy bits. I love sushi. My favorite sushi roll is a spicy tuna Dorito dip. I eat the Dorito dip. (horn toots) I think that's really funny because not a lot of kids like sushi but I like sushi and it's really good. (air blowing) It's funny and I'm also very funny, my name's Steven and I'm nine. - All right give it up for Steven! (cheering) Thank you Steven. Thank you Steven, Steven get outta here, dammit. Anyway, we're going to continue with our show. Next up we have, she just wants to go by Samantha. Introducing Samantha. Samantha, before I start. What's your last name? - (mumbles) - Got you. Everybody give it up for Samantha! (cheering) - Hi guys, I'm Samantha. And I love Halloween. And witch stuff. (crow squealing) Oh no! That's fine, that's fine. You're a bitch and I'm a witch. (harmonica playing) Make me cry and I'll eat your thigh. (laughing) One spell. All right are you ready for my second spell? Trick or treat you skeet, skeet, skeet. (harmonica plays) (buzzer rings) (cheering) - You guys didn't even let me get to my part. - You can definitely take more time and do it. - Yeah, I'm just gonna dance and stuff. - Whoa, Kieth can dance? (cheering) When did this happen? - [Sarah] Ready? (cheerful flute music) - Ooh, mommy, daddy, I have a question for you. After dinner can I have not one, but two ladyfingers? - No! - Oh, dreadful! You never let me do anything fun! But I have another question mommy and daddy. (harmonica plays) Can I play with my friend Keith later? (laughing) - No! - Oh, you never let me do anything fun. And not even once mommy and daddy. I just farted for real. It was a mistake and I didn't (mumbles) I just farted for real. It was loud and it hurt. And it hurt real bad and I have to check my unders later. (laughing) Mommy, daddy, can I go check my unders now? - Please do! - Oh, you never let me do anything fun but I guess I'll go wallow in my browned pants. - I like my men like I like my tambourine, shaken a little bit. I like my men like I like my mustard, squeeze 'em on a hotdog. I like my men like I like my trophies, put 'em on a shelf. I like my men like I like my trumpets, I blow 'em. (harmonica plays) (buzzer rings) (cheering) - Come on Jessica. - Okay. - I heard that if we do this ritual, we will connect with the spirit world. - Okay. - [Both] Ooh. - That's right. I feel it already. Oh spirits. Please, spirits please communicate please! - I have become Theresa Caputo! (laughing) (harmonica plays) I see it! A dog, you have a dog! - I think I hear the ghost trying to speak to us. (barking) - Keep going, keep going. Yes. Yeah, he had a little mole on the side of his coat. (laughing) - The ghost is laughing. - Yeah it is, next page. - [Kieth] Becca, Becca, Becca! Becca what's that noise in there? - Nothing, we're just, we're practicing kissing! - Becca what's that noise in there? - We're just practicing kissing stop! We're just practicing kissing, we're not doing ghost stuff. - Young lady I'm gonna have to tell your mom! Oh (beep)! (harmonica plays) - You had a mistress back in 1975. (harmonica plays) (buzzer rings) - Oh no we're gonna call the priest. (clapping) - Held strong, you did what you could. - It's like so, I'm like, "Ooh, I'm watching a show." Like I like Riverdale. Like this (beep) gets me. (laughing) - All right, great job everyone in our Try Not to Laugh: Gauntlet. (cheering) Now, let me announce the winner of the first competition for Smosh League. By almost a minute, the winner of the first competition is: OnlyStans. (cheering) - Let's do the chant we practiced! - [Together] OnlyStans! - Yes, very good! - I have a chant that I practiced. Bark, bark, and it's a lot of fog. If you eat my candy, I'll eat your dog! - All right, if you wanna keep watching more, click these two videos. We have more Pit videos and be sure to subscribe so that you see every competition in Smosh League. - Yep. - Are you okay? Did something happen? - No it's not over bro. Just saying, we're coming for you. - Yeah, there's three more competitions. - Wow, what a hot competition, I can't believe all this violence.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,023,602
Rating: 4.9473047 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #57 - Battle of the Gauntlet, try not to laugh challenge, smosh try not to laugh, try not to laugh, improv, smosh league
Id: K5YaStBg9ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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