How Insta Models Are Ruining The Fitness Industry

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so I'm scrolling through my homepage on Instagram and I happen to pass by this picture beside the ass all up in my face I noticed a completely horrible Photoshop job that I thought was pretty comical mr. green models don't even stand next to things anymore you just take a picture and Photoshop it right in now okay whatever so I'm reading the comments and I come across one that says do none of you realize that she photoshopped and matte fit in people like this are ruining the fitness industry her on the picture comes back and responds with I would love to hear how you came to the conclusion that social media influencers like myself who work with these supplement brands are ruining the entirety of the fitness industry well today I'm going to tell her and you why Instagram or social media influencers are ruining the fitness industry I was going to go easy on you not to read reviews so I never really named names in my videos but maybe if you share this she'll see it in her questions will be answered so before I start I know some people are going to accuse me of being jealous a hater want to say that I think this chick is gorgeous I think she has a great body great hair he's bangin I'm sure she's prettier than me but it does frustrate me sometimes that the fitness industry is getting polluted but I have people like her so how far is to grammar connoisseurs ruining the fitness industry like this one one promoting [ __ ] products that promise amazing results because of [ __ ] like this the majority of people are going to see a girl who's actually just naturally curvy and think gee she waste trains if she does this and has curves that means if I do it I'll have curves too you guys give pretty shitty health advice for example when we have two weeks on my little vacation seriously is short but I need it badly so I'm undoing Vegas with my matte fit me 14-day detox because I'm dumbass post like that I get clients that come to me and say I need to lose my stomach badly like really badly I'm very dedicated because I'm going on vacation in two weeks so I need a completely transformation for my gut I'll tell them it's not possible and they'll come back and say well um that's not what this chick on Instagram said she did a drinkie thing and now she looks like this don't get me started on carb blockers that I see a lot of Instagram models posing next to you guys know I love my pizza but feeling as guilty with protein world carb blockers is to beat up my metabolism okay one what the [ __ ] is sprawled out in a thong eating pizza have to do with the carb lockers - you think laying on the floor and thong sprawled out eating a pizza and then popping some pills is going to like delete this Pizza thing yeah okay carb blockers isn't even a thing I guess if you think this said put three this is the stupidest [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life three not to be rude but you guys get the utmost force regardless ah the infamous kickback err picture with a supplement thrown in the bottom corner many of you Instagram model chicks take this infamous popular kickback err picture and you happen to be just a naturally bottom-heavy type person and then you post these stupid workouts and say this is what it's going to build your but when people who are actually educated on building muscle know that kicking air is it going to build your ass cheeks so now girls all over the world think that air kickbacks and squat challenges are going to make their butt look like this Thank You Instagram for you guys think pictures like this sell workout plans and hashtag Fitness therefore people think your trainers and they now think that this is Fitness placing a shaker bottle next to some budgets is Fitness posing with popcorn is Fitness placing a freakin container of protein powder on your ass cheeks is fitness honestly doing whatever the hell is now fitness I had a lady actually asked me you know why don't you take more fitness pictures and I was like what do you mean you know like pictures like this are you starting to understand this oh you still don't okay that's fine you want to know why people like you are ruining the fitness industry people have a real unrealistic look on fitness as sighs and crazy diets that aren't going to get them to their goals at all because they're following people who don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about who aren't even educated in this line of work at all the whole industry is about four things boobs ass that's usually not even real waist trainers and followers so the people who actually went to school got respective certifications and actually studied in this line of work the right way get clientele taken away because mr. and miss Photoshop is selling a one-month plan for $200 and they have 1 million followers and 58,000 million selfies of their ass in ABS therefore they know what they're talking about right even though they have no qualifications of such now let's just say two friends decide to buy so that's all wrong customized plan yeah they're excited they're gonna look just like they get their plan and they're like hey you got your planet yeah what's your first day was like mines legs sweet mine too what exercise are you doing I I have deadlifts oh well well I'm doing that too all right whatever on what's your what's your diet look like how many calories you eat 1,500 well wait the hell a minute I'm about 100 pounds more than you and I also have 1500 calories and they notice they didn't get a customized plan at all and people here that me or other people like me who are trainers and make customized programs they're like oh you're a trainer internet PT sup they're scammers we have a really customized so to answer your question as to why social media influencers like yourself or ruining the fitness industry is because you make the real personal trainers look like [ __ ] jokes that's why a lot of you social media influencers here Tiki I might make fun of you for having coaching bottles on your ass sheets and hosing next to pizza but in reality I don't give two shits if your ass is on Instagram it's the fact that your popcorn ass cheeks are getting mixed in with my profession in reality it irritates me and other people that you guys come off as if you know something when you clearly don't know [ __ ] now the Instagram models are not all to play the general public love these quick and easy fixes when it comes to fitness and health and seem to clog their ears whenever someone tries to tell them no that product or diet is actually pretty shady because you know science most refused to hear scientific bathtub because you know most people want awake and easy and Instagram models portray what the general public wants that's why they're so popular they're telling you what you want to hear even if it means lying when in reality if you are someone who is truly educated on weight loss building muscle and then maintaining what you worked for know that attaining an extraordinary physique is nothing near quick fast or easy so I hope I answered your question as to why social media influencers like yourself and others are we would even Fitness finished so just in case I lost you let's recap one promoting [ __ ] products and promising extraordinary results who worst workout if I three your s pictures are actually just softcore porn but you throw a supplement bottle in there and call it fitness for extremely stupid health advice five scamming people with [ __ ] training programs and wait so we all photoshop everything giving an unrealistic look on fitness and results therefore you are no better than the fashion industry and magazines for a line to the general public when Fitness is supposed to give people a more realistic look on what you can do to your body if you work for it but you all just [ __ ] that up too now I know I don't have that many followers but I would love to shout out Kelly aesthetics for calling out a few people in the fitness industry who have been rather shifty shall I say if you want to keep up on the latest scams in the fitness industry make sure to check out I linked him in the below section so like I said before I don't name names in my videos but Kelly does and like I also said before is if you show this video maybe the girl what I'm talking about in the video who asks a question will see it and all her questions well then the answer my name is michelle mcdaniel make sure to subscribe to my channel and i'll see you guys next the bus the rock sure you
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 323,162
Rating: 4.9597716 out of 5
Id: 6skrnqQb45Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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