TOWERS OF TERROR Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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it's a little later than usual i am gonna go see george's bff we got some splaining to do i'm at the casino did someone where did you come from and how do you do that did you honestly think that you could go to the casino without me to see my own bff my stereo how dare you one of your best ideas ever i love it i love it these aren't two towers these are two sandwiches and there is there is a little bit of an extra um little flavor a little some some to this one because what are we gonna do george we are gonna race we're gonna race our little hearts to see who could knock over their sandwich first okay so george is gonna pick a tower to try and attack i'm gonna pick a tower to try and attack we will split all the money so even from the 25 started the buy in we are set and ready to roll what you got elvis is already singing introducing lucky bag 5.0 george's ammo holy hail starting off with 12 because we split the 25 and if it's okay with you sir i would like to go to the left um please do because when you go right you finally went right so george is starting with 12.50 she's only gonna play left and i'm only gonna play right correct correct that was the plan and then whoever knocks down their side first keeps all the money including bragging rights of course [Music] gets uh a pillowcase filled with halloween candy sure we can add that in as a bonus i think the bonus is in the bag back there that would be amazing if we could get another gold bar that would be incredible [Music] look how it's folding it looks like it's a rectangle i don't know that looks like a goldfish that looks like a gold bar holding on a rectangle another gold bar for the lock box at the back a round object now hold a second we need some clarification okay if you knock over my tower while you're playing i still win correct you can only knock over your tower to win it so if you knock over my tower and what is an official knockover so with the knockover be i see there's hundreds up top this thing is pretty high so would the knock over be the hundreds came off or is the knockover that a row of corners came off or is the knockover the whole thing has to fall uh i'd like to go with the whole thing no leave no money's behind okay so if one of us you only got one quarter she's setting me [Music] well i'm just trying to get a little bit of clarification oh my goodness i just made it what'd you just do it just moved [Music] it just moved again it's gonna collapse any minute yeah mine is it's gonna pull up so george's is to the left if that's how we're falling oh my goodness if that tower falls first i think all those bundles are gonna keep in [Music] it needs how much more ammo do you have um i'm too afraid to look i'm in concentration mode right now i'm down to three quarters three quarters and then it's my no more the tower to the right is coming down people oh my goodness come on give me some borders is that it yeah my turn 12 50 in lucky sock going to the right because once you go right you finally make things right no you finally went right okay and by the way shout out to eva for making the beautiful lovely sock in my lovely lucky bag all right you went a little slow i'm gonna try a little gonna go a little faster that's a little risky don't you think that was a little risky but oh my goodness you're making my tower move no i'm not yeah he did no i'm not yeah he did didn't see it unless i'm imagining things but i'm pretty sure my tower just moved and yours didn't are you sure going to the right and such as fast speed is a good idea oh mine just moved i think it's a genius idea watch this i will huff and i will puff and i will take my tower down right into the neighbor's yard now the goal is to bring all the boys to yard not the neighbor's yard oh mine's leaning minus oh here we go here we go oh no no no no no no [Music] there is okay to your left to your left all right look actually i don't know i can't even think straight for my other right right it's to your right to your right did we lose a bundle we lost a major buffalo wow and there's 15 bonus 100 there's 1500 chips in there we're definitely playing that after this yeah we have to rescue it we do unless someone shows up [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna reserve it i'm gonna rapid fire you're gonna [Music] i think officially you won all right let's get the buy-in on the one to the right [Music] [Music] [Music] we look at that beautiful bundle yeah we got the bundle but we have the buy-in on the field to the right 140. 140. that had the paper money all [Music] this has to be our best start ever and you know what did it never you know what did it sandwiches lucky socks admit it admit it lucky sock got you to this place i'll give lucky socks got you to this point in place some partial credit sure i guess since the towers are down i guess you're just gonna play it out now huh are you gonna let me save the bundles to the right yeah you're gonna play that one okay so we've got that one reserved so after we we go on uh recovery after we go and save everything here we're going to save everything to the right we lost a bundle 700 it knocked another 100 [Music] i would have liked to gain that gold bar would have been awesome like that over to the to the left but i still think there's a gold bar in the black bag bag look how close it it is no time to be rescued it's living on the edge [Music] maybe possibly i don't know i saw something more roundish i mean i would love a gold bar too but i don't think a gold bar was in there don't you know it's hip to be rectangle it is [Music] so you're finally admitting lucky's sock is where it's at whoa don't forget i only gave lucky stock partial credit wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute who are you giving the rest of the credit to 5.0 how do you know it's even lucky you've never used it before this is its very first time out it's ridiculous you're seriously you're trying to say that that bag brought you this luck and you weren't even the one pushing when they fell well don't forget there's elvis on the lucky bag so elvis has always been there you know what was there before elvis ever was it went hand in hand my hand [Music] i got luck in stereo wow [Music] i can't help it walker just surrounds me a [Music] [Music] or a mushroom of luck [Music] bunnies are moving all right so if you're gonna play this one out i'm gonna play out the one to the right okay right yes yes indeedy as long as you remember that i told you to play really i'm a man you think i need your permission you're an adult you can do whatever you want [Music] you groan baby [Music] put the dab yeah if you didn't make me laugh on our first date there probably would have never been a second you want to know what the if would have been for me on the first date if i didn't laugh at your jokes keep dreaming if i was taller than you [Music] really i mean i can make that happen you can do that yeah i can put on some stiletto heels and be taller than you [Music] some high platforms [Music] on the first date would have been my yeah but you can't miss what you've never had so if you didn't even know cheese curds existed there would have not been a bye felicia at the moment so nice try there buddy you got lucky nice try there buddy you got lucky if i didn't laugh at your corny dad jokes there probably would have never been a day too and if you didn't laugh at my corny mom jokes again there probably wouldn't have been a day too [Music] remember the other day when you said sometimes i think you're funnier than me or was that a joke too that was a joke i thought that was self-evident that that was a joke the sarcasm if i didn't love sarcasm there would have never been a date 57 57 huh that's a high number that's my heinz number [Music] don't you forget it you know but sometimes sometimes i think you might be funnier than me is this do you want it to be yeah okay there have been some moments one might even call them occasions uh certain points in time daily on the daily where you have made me laugh more than i have made you it's pretty much a daily recurrence [Music] i think we might be stretching it out a little bit there it's daily oh now now you're giving yourself a daily [Music] except for that one time when i had surgery and it was too difficult for me to speak after my thyroids yeah but our sign language jokes were on point were they i mean i thought they were remember we created a communication with sign language before you went under oh my god oh man if you can knock that over into the right playing field i would really appreciate that i can't make any promises tell all that stuff i'm on my way we got it reserved how lucky was that i wish i had control over it but that was awesome no one was there that was awesome if it would have fallen to the left we would have been you remember you remember that one time you were funnier than me not me either [Music] you're very funny you're very very funny [Music] george sometimes i need some me time isn't that what you say when you're in the bathroom for three hours on the toilet first of all let's get something straight it's four hours i'm not in the bathroom for three hours because i need me time it's only two hours i have to hide sometimes i need to hide and the bathroom is the perfect place to hide for some mean time and i know that i'm not the only one in the world that does it where do you think i got the idea from two hours where do you think i got the idea from from the other people that hide for two hours in the bathroom because they need to escape and get away from everyone and everything i bet we'll have a bunch of people in the comments with a confession i bet none of them talk about master time i'm pretty sure a lot of them have some confession to do y'all have some explaining to do hashtag confession time i'm running low on coins they probably won't talk about their bathroom experiences but maybe we can get them to sing about it [Music] i have about a handful of points left well you got the roll of 20s hanging on the edge you got hundreds near the edge you got more 20s [Music] this has to be the best start we have ever had it's been pretty epic when have we ever started before with the initial buy-in and that's a couple times where 90 90 plus dollars i can remember losing way way more than that oh do it again do it again i don't have control of it it just happens [Music] i can remember losing and we're coming out on the first pushes at 90. no i can't remember that but i can't remember many many times where i come in strong losing definitely i can't remember most of them anymore because we play so much all right they all blended four quarters i'm gonna hit it hard to the left that's my that's my signature move three bundles three four hundred twenty dollars okay not bad she's gotta have eight pounds there's a hundred sixty five dollars and twenty five cents in quarters maybe that bag is lucky i'm telling you but i wasn't touching the bag i'm telling you i'm telling you it's a combination you can't give full credit so just one pretty sure that's the way the world works well when we come here to casino it's a group effort one person typically gets credit for a project but when you think of apple who do you think of with apple let me give you a hint um that guy stephen you were talking about not too long ago the dead guy oh yeah yeah jobs yep uh-huh guess who got the credit yeah but it was his team he didn't get there alone hey i'm the first one to agree with you with that there's no int there is an m and an e and probably g-e-o-r-g-e but that's if you don't know how to spell and everybody knows neither of us know how to spell read or do a written click we got issues okay [Applause] [Music] that's my specialty the inscription [Music] the air glyphs are you just making things up and then putting glyphs at the end of it like elvis lips no clips point lips how about gold glyphs i'm just saying it sounds a whole lot better when i do it you might just want to hold off a little bit there on the glitter thing you probably want to take that one through a little bit oh nice push that bundle is definitely stuck on the glass it's the rubber band 20 47 140 140 in that bundle the rubber band is stuck on the glass and it's got like a diving board of quarters underneath those quarters the last time i helped you you won with the exact power of sandwiches so i could win the two sandwiches falling down all right so i need a repeat of that i need your help to win oh so now you're relying on lucky sock and lucky drawers yes they're part of the team i'll tell you what i will help you if you can guess correctly how many holes are in lucky door five oh you are so far off seven not even close 31. you're trying to guess my age i'm getting close getting close to my age let's go with my age 38 not even close let's go with your earrings you got four just in the leg hole the leg hole the waist hole and the sausage hole that's four that's four not counting all the additional ones i've put in i think if you share that piece of information then we'd be in the tmi zone the tv zone [Music] you want to keep it a mystery and yet you're the one guessing well you said i was way off so and you're not you're not saying yes or no so let's just keep it in the street poppy [Music] you've got what you got you got 300 and i believe 80 yep 380 still on the board yes and we've got [Music] row nice nice push thank you thank you very much we've got we've got more money for the right to rescue and i'm about to show george how lucky how lucky drawers are how lucky my sock is she's gonna you're gonna find out what you don't know bring it you're gonna find out what you don't know i'm gonna learn today oh but you'll forget next time you'll be like lucky what what's that smell huh [Music] this has got to be one of the fastest playing fields you have destroyed this with the help of lucky songs but really this was amazing don't forget lucky bag 5.0 i've never seen you play so well with my lucky song [Music] i can't believe you did this with what they saw what are you whispering over there nothing about turkey are you gonna try and get all the coins too i mean if you get the hundred are you gonna push for maximum pointing i could there's a lot of point to rescue there are a lot of coins point confusion rescue come on hundred you're getting close buddy you're getting there you're getting there almost there to the finish line you got this [Music] stay [Music] whatever you do don't say anything about it going high don't know what don't know what you're trying to do [Music] you know you can do it make mama proud what's mama got to do with this cheerleader i've got goals for you benny don't stop keep rolling [Music] wait i thought you were saving for a house in florida yeah it's gonna be spent on a house i thought you were investing in a house [Music] mature to me all oh so now you got goals that you talk about before they get accomplished that's not premature i'm just curious what time are you going to set your alarm for tomorrow [Music] why do you want to know i want to know if it's going to be premature or not if you talk about what time you're gonna wake up tomorrow because you know that's in the future it hasn't happened yet [Music] just checking checking you out prematurely come on maybe elvis will push it for you power of the lucky sock i bid you to do your work [Music] in three two and a half [Music] and a quarter no one that's it that was lucky drawers and lucky socks did that right there try and prove it otherwise i dare you should i play the rest of this bag you might as well might as well play the bag see how many quarters you can get and then we'll jump over to the right all right we are definitely we can't we can't let that go the [Music] we already got it reserved we're good to go we'll just transition slide to the right fly to the right i guess it's probably better that we got here lately not as many people right now [Music] i am playing the one to the right right yes you are you heard correctly what are you whispering did you say something i can't hear you did you whisper it's too loud it's very loud in here what did you whisper huh did you say something yeah i did george jeremy george jeremy [Music] george i can only read lips and hieroglyphics do hieroglyphic shapes with your lips [Music] did you read this all right we can skip the playing field to the right and we can just we can move forward with that what do you think you got 15 more dollars yes maybe 11 50. 11.50 exactly huh you know the weight of the bag now lucky guess oh lucky guess in lucky bag but lucky sock has nothing to do with this did he make the guess you're getting good pushes you're getting you're getting good pointers yes i am that's good i like it i [Music] you like my coin rescue mission not bad [Music] i do want to see how much you're gonna [Music] get [Music] to try and get it you want to get clocked you want to get oh i know you want me to try and repeat yeah there's no way how are you going to bounce that far i don't know that ain't going to i so do a round-up a round table discuss it all right we're gonna go talk about it we'll go talk about it make it [Music] uh we had a meeting you've had your round table meet up and we all decided that you are absolutely 100 crazy [Music] what's crazy about my elvis machine go to the right there's a punch piled up there you can get all those i think that's bonus money just wait yeah there you go that's bonus money on the edge one dollar left and then we're jumping over to the right [Music] not bad let's pull that's a handful of cash 1080 for the rescue how much 1080. all right how much in the coins now i have big money 123.75 all right she still has mystery bag we'll get the mystery bag right after we get to the field to the right starting with 25 with my other lucky sock i am not taking any chances on this rescue mission no chances it looks like there was a tower in this one formerly as well and the chips fell over i'm going to the left because that's what jordan [Music] the big thing is going to be trying to get trying to get this hundred roll off that's going to be good it keeps rolling back so it's being a little stubborn i'm not going to rub yet [Music] i don't want a rapido quite yet i want to see if it'll actually go i've gotta i see it's rolling back oh no there's there oh almost if it can spin where can i push [Music] [Music] it was so close if i can get it to spin and fall off it'll push everything else [Music] but i have to make sure i'm getting ammo as [Music] that was the right timing for rapid fire and elvis thank you my bff high five [Music] [Music] [Music] up all right come on big push okay i didn't get i didn't get many coins but i did get yeah i gotta focus on getting money and i think the money is actually over to the right where it looks like the power fell let's pull 27.50 i don't remember pushing that much but i'm glad that much is what was in there all right i'm going to the right this time i've got see all those coins plunged up i see him all right i'm going for him good mover i think it's a brilliant move it's genius look look it's already working you're already making straps yeah i think i think a tower actually fell and all the coins are left over there and they must have ran out of corners if that 100 uh bundle of joy didn't roll over here we would have never played [Music] it wouldn't have been worth it [Music] well it's worth it now it's definitely worth it now you think i can knock that uh [Music] i am yeah i want to get more quarters [Music] nice you like that move i loved it that's my signature move right there are you going to remember playing remember why ever play remember what [Music] [Music] i mean i guess i really did knock it down over here in the first place but [Music] going off on playing field number two play up on playing field right that i accidentally knocked in did you knock it in i think i absolutely not did it [Music] well i appreciate it come on drop [Music] it's all getting close all i might take the chip i might get the chip to fall i did i did i did okay now i'm gonna get that hundred here we go [Music] come on give me a good push drop that hundred drop it right now drop it oh so close second wave second wave [Music] all right let's pull let's there you go right there 500 chip marquee lights flashing in it and then 32 75 in lucky sock not wasting any time george which one do you want me to go to left or to the right i think you should still play left you think left yeah all right i'm going left i think there's more quarters to the right but i'm going left here we go see if [Music] that i get to keep everything then you officially concede you yield i get to keep it all as long as you remember that moment yeah remember what this moment remember huh never mind who are you you just keep playing sweetheart i mean did you just call me sweet fart again that's my nickname [Music] you have many nicknames for me how many nicknames do you think i have for you at least 11 and a half yeah give or take never take a quarter or three sweet part being one of my favorites [Music] because they ain't sweet [Music] oh there we go there we go there we go sour patch kid is one of my daughters oh look at it it's dancing on the edge it's dancing on the edge yes it is rubber band i think has it held up it's got its dance moves like you dad dance moves grandpa dances oh that's what it is basic vanilla grandpa come on baby come on oh [Music] oh i cannot believe it didn't push i can't believe it [Music] okay this time here we go [Music] you gotta drop it like it's hot we go there we go okay now we're going right now we're going right there's really there's not a lot of cooling over to the left so it doesn't make any sense to play the left anymore majority and if i can get a bunch of coins on top of that bonus [Music] are you still gonna try and get that 500 chip on the ledge do you think i should i don't know if you can't i'm going to repeat right now let's see what happens when you can certainly try power and mind control anything no but the chips are moving all right i'm gonna try one more time there's no way that chip is way too heavy yeah that was my thought there's no way let's try one more time when there's a lucky sock there's always a way nothing i get anything there either but the chip is getting ready to fall one of them is for sure let's see [Music] come on make it happen seeing what i can do here come on don't let me down let's draw [Music] oh so close okay i got i got a good handful probably four more dollars or so let's see i think i can get him off with one rapido and come on second wave there we go oh that hurt that hurt let's pull 800 on the rescue mission knocked it over there we got it back and then 32 dollars thirty two dollars in quarters it's time to clean this mess up it's time to save the last remaining safety service 500 chips here we go not long before it happens before what happens before they drop [Music] look how close they are they're like brother and sister oh there goes one yeah you better believe there goes one that was incredible okay i'm gonna get the second one here climb it time that one's gonna be a little bit trickier you'll probably need at least three three mini pushes to get that one off mini pushes now yes am i playing the point pusher or am i birthing a baby here whatever i'm doing i don't want the epidural i'm on fire don't stop me now [Music] dr j is in the house is there a doctor in the house why yes yes there is [Music] come on baby come on [Music] here we go [Music] they're all you got to get the ones underneath it to drop first i like it when it move it move it [Music] when you go left did anything happen when i went left it moved just a little bit it just smidged let me try again [Music] [Music] okay one more small handful come on right here no not yet all right i think it's going to take another pull saved it saved it and got forty dollars and fifty cents in lucky stock 40 50. we're getting this last one for sure well don't forget that lucky bag 5.0 is still present nowhere near me where are you shoving that thing at it's hiding i wondered if you were pregnant it's in my pool right now i just thought you were with kids with anointed okay [Music] if you had another baby would you name it benjamin franklin pales sure if it was a boy or a girl yeah benjamin's a good name where would the george park come in middle name benjamin franklin george hales yes and where would elvis come in because we both know i ain't the daddy it could have three middle names george wait benjamin franklin george elvis tails the third i didn't even realize there was a first or a second [Music] did you know that my nephew has two middle names no what are they george being one of them i bet you could have guessed that george was one of his little names no i couldn't i bet calyx is his other middle name come on what's the deal with the caleb's thing i don't think they gave us they couldn't decide on one good one so so they threw a george in there just for fun the george was a given but they really liked pay legs so they're like damn why not what's it gonna hurt so close come on [Music] so close yet so far away [Music] i'll get it i'll get it running a little bit low here [Music] that right side doesn't want to play nice no it doesn't okay i got another little handful i'm gonna be patient with it maybe it stick to it a little bit what do you want me to sing to it a lullaby i got about 25 left sometimes you had a verbally coach no we're gonna pull again 33.50 let's do this here we go come on home you think i can get it this time you could definitely get a home run this round and if you don't then it's definitely not lucky sock maybe i need to go to the left again really you don't think lucky taco's funky sock is what got us [Music] oh my goodness one more good push and boom boom you can go man [Music] elvis is singing it was elvis he's my bff elvis did it for me [Music] five ten fifteen hundred nice rescue mission wow got it all two thousand four hundred total how much 24.40 nice all right let's see how many coins and what's in that bag lucky ammo bag 5.0 has done a pretty good job i would say someone's looking for 100 25 cents a quarter nice okay i want to see what's in that bag one more gold bar come on for sure yeah you're positive i could tell [Music] oh a shiny border oh nice nice one more gold collection man what a what a hails of a rescue mission welcome home buddy we saved it [Music] all [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 208,964
Rating: 4.9222393 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: U5_db7_yDho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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