I Built The World's Most Dangerous Petting Zoo in Planet Zoo

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so when I was a young boy there was a game that came out called Dino Park tycoon it was a game of about making a dinosaur like zoo right and then there was a movie that came out called Jurassic Park you know that the movie where you make a zoo but his dinosaurs yeah it was kind of like combined - and that was my childhood pretty much wrapped up into the 90s yep anyway I always had the idea what would happen if there was a game where you could make a farm of goats that you could sell to a Jurassic Park yeah well well this is a game called planet Zoo and well I guess maybe we could do that like make up a park that only breeds goats and then you can sell the goats - I guess frontier cuz they made Jurassic world evolution you can sell the goats to the other game and then you can farm goats for t-rex is deep is that dark is that is that a little too dark right now anyway create an avatar in Planet zoo cuz this is the new game and oh here we go hey that's uh that's not my voice looks like let's go with this side Wow speaking of the 90s they want your hair cut back and what else do we got in here that one that looks fine fine can i what's this thing Oh rainbows what well do that one done oh and then you turn into a wooly mammoth congratulations face hair all right we need to give you the dark beard there that looks very similar to my planet coaster avatar yeah that almost looks identical to him this is amazing - it's like normal guy and then instantly dad mode he's activated the dad mode I straight up those glasses do it for oh speaking of dad mode there we go there we go we got to go like a bluish tone and we're perfectly ready for any family holiday hey there we go oh now I get to place myself down in the world hey there's a few people over here what about Antarctica Oh somebody's that's me I'm already in Antarctica can I not move myself okay it automatically placed me in Antarctica and I can't move myself that's that's a good start so career let's do it aha beautiful see you I made it all by myself look at it so pretty oh hey you speak English done talking now Bernie no I can't skip it there we go oh boy Bernie you've talked for four minutes worker that's that's long enough for a tutorial I don't really want your entire life story yeah thank you please please be done talking now I let that can I let the bear out is there a bear can I let him out to go run wild is it can I delete this where's the delete button you stop talking please a whole grizzly bears that's what I want where are they over here nice hello grizzly can I pick them up and drop them off out here move oh yeah we're gonna move him we're gonna move you outside of this oh I can't buy a warthogs for $200 not too bad I'm gonna buy it like a butler said to sue yes quit talking Nancy the classic Nancy I would I would move them if the button wasn't great oh there we go ha can I just make a petting zoo with lions in it please or like hungry hungry Tigers could that be fun tonight they're supposed to be bringing warthogs in come on game where's the zookeeper ed is that him oh is this is this the man is this the man no oh there he is he's got he's got a box it's gonna be like whoa Oh hot dang it's like the inverse of Pokemon we did it we've got a pig can we make bacon please I want it no he's not enriching see you know it's a good pig if he's enriched and then he tastes really good well that was real fun um that was a cool tutorial that I just stopped sandbox time ooh I get a new biome let's see wow there's a lot of them an Antarctic we're gonna go Antarctica you have the tundra zoo and what are what kind of like animals from Africa like to live in the tundra okay that actually does look snowy does it have a temperature it's zero degrees Celsius maybe I shouldn't have fun in the Antarctic because there's not gonna be anyone coming to visit you're not gonna really come visit us are they ah isn't it beautiful the snow is all melted because they decided to move to North America instead of Antarctica maybe people actually like to come visit me it's now time to make a petting zoo I hope you know if I didn't do the stupid classic youtuber thing of skipping the tutorial maybe I'd understand the game a little better so I do have a little secret to tell you I actually did do the tutorial even though I said I didn't do it but it took me 85 minutes and I'm sure that you guys didn't want to see everything so instead I'm just making a really really really really really long road here this is where the trees are there's some trees over here I figure this is where we're gonna make our petting zoo at now what kind of animals can i buy ooh African buffalos those are supposed to actually be like the most expensive things are the most dangerous things we have aardvarks African elephants ooh there's the wild dogs there's we need a tortoise I'm gonna buy a tortoise evidently before I can get the animals I need a workshop a vet staff room a research center a quarantine and a keeper Hut that's a lot of words and for some reason they need power too so let's see we got a transformer we got solar panels and wind turbines let's do these I like to pretend that all of these wind turbine things are actually Wi-Fi towers so I can have the first Wi-Fi positive zoo in the entire world that's right all of my animals in the zoo are gonna become equipped with like their own personal assistants it's also gonna be disguised as a wind farm and we're not actually gonna have animals I'm kidding we're gonna have the animals but we're also gonna have a wind farm awesome look at all the wind turbines great so can I buy my animals now can I get my animals please oh isn't it beautiful my Turtles are gonna love living here okay can I just go to the trade center and then open tab the trading there we go so my stored animals that's a lot of them how many how many giant tortoises did I buy not not exactly sure hopefully it's enough 14 yes that'll be good can I actually buy more I have like this affection with giant tortoises no maybe oh yeah we got here not one and then we'll buy that one and probably you know might help if I hired a person to help with this right well yes I would like a carrot II came to earth maybe maybe a couple of them it made me a few zoo keepers this is like that Clone Wars movie where like every third person's a clone of themselves it's great imagine being this excited on your job your first day you just spawn into work and you're just randomly looking around that lady looks creepy hey a new handle has been arrived at the zoo yes they're throwing her turtles in it's like Christmas they're gonna love living here can't put like a tiger in here can the tiger eat Turtles the zoo's that have been open for two days and there's already a diseased animal can I just purge it can I just delete it fighting due to overcrowding we're having a turtle Royale here go Turtles look at them all in here yes so many turtles they don't look like they're fighting too much to me Nido oh maybe they are hissing at each other and biting this is great oh they're just ramming each other now what happens if a turtle gets stuck on its back there's too many turtles though I put like 14 in here they're actually complaining because they don't have toys I didn't realize Turtles like toys but let's see if we can find one here feeding station I already did that that's what this thing is they like blocks of frozen food evidently they also like small balls and sprinklers okay that's good we made a serious injury no you dorks would spread out a little bit go play with your toys everything would be okay there's a lot of people here there's there's way too many people for the amount of entertainment my Park has seriously there's a hundred and seventy four people to come to see my turtle Empire okay build anything fun for them like railroad or roller coaster you know cuz we did that in a previous game oh there's a lot of creepy stuff like whatever this is oh that's what we need we need a sculpture right there did it everyone's gonna be like these are the best elephants ever I sure wish there were real elephants in this Zoo oh dang I can get a 4x4 adventure tour is that where I'm gonna put that in with the Lions there's an ATM that's what we need Oh everyone just got mad at me can't find accessible staff room really maybe you could find an ATM is there any you you want to go to the ATM and you can buy it a staff room at work this is one of those employee-owned sort of zoos where the employees literally have to buy everything I think the staff room might be full maybe I should give them another one see my idea was if I make all of those ATM machines then when they get over here there'd be like man do they ever need donation boxes and they're just gonna give all their money away so the turtles can live better there we go now we can see the turtles as unexcited as they are maybe I'll make it a petting zoo oh no what is this let's throw the turtle in there good job mr. vet and then it just spawns out of nothingness these are the best Turtles ever this one might be dead oh yeah no it's totally dead that just means we need to buy some more somehow I accidentally bought a bison I think we're gonna use that in the other run over here we'll put you in over on this side even though the fence is 1 meter tall hopefully bison are too stupid to get over oh no we're fighting due to incorrect ratio that's not good oh hey new animal oh hey no we got a note Ernest has arrived at the zoo that's good news I want to move them around can I just pick them up and throw them everywhere move you try to move you over here into the water that would be good but pretty there he goes that was it everyone oh yeah we definitely got the aliens just throwing turtles everywhere this is great deal there I threw all the turtles all over the place now the equidistant from each other I hope they like playing in their sprinklers I did just through a block of ice fruit on the ground okay good work that was awesome can you go fill this up please is that what you're gonna do now no you're gonna go fill up the block of ice again Hey look they're drinking water maybe this is really getting annoying Oh multiple power sources are failing why would you stop going zero like that thank you why I mean I made two all low demand on the ATMs better fix that oh this is bad news evidently these power stations literally have to be attached to roads I didn't think that because the mechanics can't leave the road okay so we're just gonna have to make Road everywhere then these mechanics are gonna get a better workout than the people visiting our base no you know what I can't let that happen Oh who the cherrylle supposed to have offspring yes we've done it hope that baby young oh there it goes we did it oh we got twinsies we got twins all there's more oh this might have been a bad idea we're gonna be overwhelmed oh wow that turtle was on top of the baby turtle that's a little awkward well there's so many baby turtles now yes Oh power sources failed this is bad this is a bad deal can they seriously not get called to it yeah you know all the power services are failing great so I guess our tortoises aren't gonna have free range nets the organic Wi-Fi going on in here we're gonna have to delete all these Wi-Fi towers god I got em all but no this one over here is just lighting everything on fire it's like I'm hiding behind this tree before I die yes I did it oh yes more offspring that's just what we need is more turtles in our park like that's literally all we have turtles and turtle dung okay pop them babies out pop those live babies out I didn't know turtles for light-bearer's I knew that like they made eggs and junk but I didn't realize that they just popped out a live child I'm also slightly concerned about in breeding since like these are all family members I don't know about that I do know in this game that you can actually know what's going on I don't know if this game you can actually have genetics where you can make them better and better and better animals like this one's a 3-star but if we do our genetics right we can actually have like a four star this is not good I'm starting to get a frowny face my people aren't happy because they have no education really like I put in a sign here that talks about Turtles like it says it's a turtle and they're from Africa and there's a little number four here four I don't for a reason just a four yeah it's definitely a turtle though an ATM Oh turtle had babies yes it's just what we need more babies they want more education I think these are education boards I'll give them education see that's perfect this is exactly what we need we need to talk about deforestation plant some trees with mr. beast it'll be great does that help with your education skills I sure hope so cuz I put in a lot of them it was worth like at least fourteen dollars so what kind of animals can I buy now Oh multiple staff members that's a terrible oh there's the man of the hour himself good old blitzes walking in here right because you can actually visit other people's things yeah hey he's their ticket price is great he's dumb though he hasn't haven't done education it makes sense if I get to put in propaganda speakers too oh that's actually kind of cool maybe it oh wait it just makes noise okay what about educational speakers that's what we need there we go hey my aardvark in Buffalo got in here yay is that are they okay everything okay with you your enrichment you're not free enriched all right let's see what kind of fun things we can buy for our petting zoo today African Wild Dogs no more Turtles whoo there's like a silver bison we could have like a bison breeding facility Oh tigers cheetahs cheetahs don't sound so dangerous there's bears yeah bears might be good can I put bears whoo crocodile things grizzly bears yeah we need some grizzly bears can I make a mating pair of grizzly bears I need you in my life I'm gonna adopt you and I need you in my life we'll adopt you too yes my grizzly bears arrived at the zoo ah ha ha ha he's having fun in his empty planes that'll be good we just need to give a barrier here and we'll put in a just gate that sounds fun oh why didn't it hook up to the road that's unfortunate can I just do that real quick no of course not hey there you go well just make a path out into the middle there that'll be good idea I just love to delete some of this path there that's better oh yes another fair serious injury hopefully that's not the bear or somebody else now it's just more Turtles beating each other up that's fine we only have like a thousand of them now can I drill a hole into the center of the earth to make them a swimming pool maybe how far does this go down I think I might I think it stopped going nope nope is still going guys oom down in there Oh high up is that okay hopefully our grizzly bears don't fall in here or any of the people going into the petting zoo and let's fill that with water just like so calm art let's make it rough water so they don't know where there is the bottom do it there we go okay yes I also made a cave here I don't know if my bears are gonna go in the cave but I figured Bears need a cave put some nice bedding area in there and maybe that'll work is habitat no that's not Howard shelter at all I have to build them an actual shelter there we go that'll do the trick that's so much better did they like that that's still zero percent it should work I mean it's shelter right so it might have just bought like every single animal that can eat things in the game I bought every carnivore and I'm gonna put them all in this one pen and it will let people inside also hippos there might be carnivores they look large and intimidating though there we go move them right here this is gonna be horrible I love it already I'm hoping this guest gate literally means that people oh no where's the grizzly bear I don't know let's go find it oh there's a Snow Leopard I'm guessing the Snow Leopard does not want to be in the same pen with all of the others how Preta Dacian is occurring oh no what was that is that the Snow Leopard oh it is I like predator that sounds like a fun word yes we're putting everything in oh man we got Tigers we got we got lions we got a little baby bears there's like a chinchilla down here the print edition is occurring times 20 what happens if the people you know what's a problem oh look the bear is swimming oh that's awesome nice this is working we better we better make the growl a little bit flatter over here everything's just stuck together because multiple animals have low welfare I wonder why what are the people that will Welker two dudes everyone come and explore how do you get in there is this is this door open can I open that I've got 840 people that want to come in and visit there we go there's the hippo let's just unbox that animal yes yes we got oh ok everyone's just jumping in the water to Det yeah well that didn't last long why are that why are all these guys in here - did they just throw whatever this thing is across the map oh no you got killed by something what are you doing in here why are there people in here these guys are trying to go in that's awesome yeah let's make a sign that says poaching an exotic pet trade cuz that's exactly what we did oh this is great all of these people are they're gonna be so excited to come in here look at them all there's a thousand of them now all coming over here to watch the presentation occur I wasn't even planning on having a battle royale of the animals but now I have an idea for another video yeah everyone's just chasing you chill around wait what there's a bear chasing it no no oh no well if you bad Shawn no okay maybe I don't feel bad it's the croc in a battle against oh is it nope he's just gonna flee animal died times 25 whoops okay where's all the people like we need you to come visit quickly everything's just running around multiple animals have low welfare wonder why here we go the families have coming in including karela deville I really want to see if they can come in here Oh habitat cleanliness is the disease risk thank you for telling me hey mr. lion that was very loud of you okay go on in oh are you guys okay you having a good time zoo tickets are under priced yeah they're going in they're going in no way okay run away it was awesome I need more of that we didn't learn that Oh everyone just comes over here and they're like hey there's lions and junk and then this guy's super tired alright next up the grass is long nobody's been in here lately don't walk that way this isn't the way to go you're supposed to go through the gate yes go through the gate it'll be glorious we want you guys to go in and visit the animals so I can pause it and then delete the gate what's your inside oh no the people disappeared oh come on man you gotta ruin my jam wait that's even better hey I could just let the animals out yes good idea blitz thank you oh here comes a hippo dangerous animal is he's not dangerous it's a hippo I want to delete that I want to delete over here there's 1,700 people in here wow that's too bad we must delete their path look at that big group oh no there's a protester what are you protesting there's no thinner protest here except I don't have any food maybe that's why why is everyone cheering are they so excited you're excited to die oh they're waving they're waving at the bear that's literally walking down the middle of the path the Bears like yes it's a buffet this child looks tasty I mean if we've got that oh whoa that croc just took down a baby croc we don't need we don't need any barriers why do we even need barriers yes this is fantastic this is great no here comes a tiger I love it did they not attack do they not attack people really okay and here we go Oh who's the bear coming back I have a tennis become invalid nice come on tiger go find the people I just love how the elephant or the hippo is trying to take money out of the ATM he wants to go buy a sandwich but no no sandwiches for him dangerous endless escape nope his path just straight up invalid now the Tigers are running around all galloping with each other that bear just made a giant pile of pills on the ground that's disgusting disgustingly amazing almost taking a drink evidently lions and bears and tigers can live together just fine I'm a little bit surprised that people aren't trying to run away there's a bear just over here he doesn't even care sure the Tigers attack you each other that's I did the bear in the background nice go away Oh attack each other good good Tigers that's him that's some good quality animation right there that was cool so I tell you what guys I think that'll wrap it up for today's video planet zoo it's neat game I like it bye
Channel: Blitz
Views: 904,048
Rating: 4.7631941 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, zoo tycoon, planet zoo game, planet zoo animals, new planet zoo, planet zoo trailer, download planet zoo, lions, tigers, lion, zoo lion, zoo, zoo animals, animals, petting zoo, nov2019, PZS01
Id: o4xpQQZlxFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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