I Built A Zoo To Exploit An Endangered Species in Planet Zoo

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so I had myself a bit of an idea I know it doesn't happen often but when it does I usually make good on them but my idea was basically because of this it's called The Great Escape it's a bad choice community goal where the whole idea is to release 90,000 western lowland gorillas into the wild so I thought to myself why not create a brand new zoo and we're gonna name it save the pandas and create a zoo go yes ah there we go so I might have cheated just a little bit and we're using one off the steam workshop to begin with look at this place it is absolutely amazing everything's built up nicely statues it drafts in deer and antelope everywhere it's beautiful also there's this big sign over the entrance that says bye that's my favorite place amazing look at this there's even like painting and stuff coming in here this is where people spawn if you're wondering that but yes my whole idea comes down to one thing there were to get red pandas like these dorks right here and hopefully a ones with high fertility and we're gonna breed them and we're gonna breed them at oh this one's actually good 100% fertility that's amazing we're gonna send you to the zoo did we buy a male or a female I think that was a female this one's got 67% so if I'd opt you and send you to the zoo hey perfect and eventually our zoo keepers gonna come throw the Box in the air and then pokemons out ourselves a red panda look at the little dude oh it's so cute he squeaks and this is really really really bad area for him it's just like an empty plain of the water puddle I don't even think they like water so I'll just give him the things that his heart desires look at the little guy he's so cute it's like a walking teddy bear he's just gonna go around and play in his new forest zone and his sister girlfriend or whatever you're gonna be you're gonna come in here and have some fun too hopefully you're gonna procreate and make babies ah yes comparing mates wait did I buy two males they probably can't mate if that's the case yep I bought two males whoopsies so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna just pick you up my friend and we're gonna keep which one's the one that has the better you got the better fertility you're the stud and then we're gonna take you and we're gonna take you and put you in a box yep got him and we'll move you into this one because I made a new one up these this is what I love about this game Steam Workshop so many amazing creations from the community like this thing and we're just gonna duplicate this like I don't know maybe like just a few dozen more these things yeah this still feed the trick now I just have to populate these with a bunch of rabbits I mean red pandas that are gonna breed like rabbits yes that's what we do we just breed them like crazy would you not would you please just not do that that's not cool there do I have oh this is gonna be a pain in the rear oh I don't want no no fine you know what game you get your way you get your way we're gonna do this good oh you're kidding me your guess what you not it's beautiful looks like a tumor you know what I find interesting about this game is it takes almost as long to go through the filter species like all the way down to red panda then it does just to pan out all the way down to it in the first place okay so we need females Oh 83% yes you'll be the one our heart desires you're gonna be a great friend for our tree cat hey there you go Quang is gonna love it oh yeah pick up the other one like seriously it's faster to go down on this than it is to go on the the other menu yay we're gonna make babies they're gonna make so many babies that's all you're gonna do for the rest of your life is procreate you're gonna always be doing the moonwalk I love him already he's my she is my new favorite red panda don't jump off though it's not worth it oh just climb off oh how cool is that yes make the babies make the babies make the babies do it oh you're in climb that tree too oh they're playing together look up go I was so awesome I love red pandas they're my favorite animal today oh yeah oh yeah 100% baby-making potential we'll just put on some nice cool jazz music dim the lights and hopefully they're gonna make yes we got another red panda haha we have four of them no oh they love climbing the trees you're my favorite look at him go I'm so glad we get to save them from extinction like where'd they go though did they escape oh no one's on the ground down here or they did they're playing with a ball oh my word oh they push the ball into the water that's so cool I'm just gigging out on these animals today nobody don't eat the tree don't eat oh he's playing in his litter box oh oh oh they're mating they just made it oh well I said a good thing I think what's let's see how long current mates offspring do March year eight oh that's like five months or something they just literally gave this one a box to play in these things are like that's that's amazing oh then you got a hut percent to make a baby - this is gonna be great what was that what you're gonna do now no you're just playing on the trees together oh yes another one's expecting offspring we're gonna have babies we're gonna have so many of them I hope they make like 15 at a time oh they just brought your box Bad Kitty I might have just bought our fifth Panda as a 83% fertility rate yes I love you already just waiting for the little really pulley bundle of fur to be born out of this one now it's at jeune why does it keep getting longer and longer and longer I don't really understand that you've conceived once but the fetus continues to grow longer and longer and longer and I was doing July like you have to have like certain amount of cool things for you to make baby okay I don't know why I don't know why this was on by default we bought babies okay and yeah well disabled death that's fine and we need we need fighting on it okay this this would work apply okay good resume now pop the baby's health oh they're rolling around so cute I also don't understand why we didn't disable all these animal things but we can't disable buildings getting broken down I don't understand like we got 21 buildings broken down but the animals don't worry the animals can't fight yeah real cool okay do July you're 10 we're in junior 10 okay make a baby make a baby make a baby make a baby make a baby make a baby are you gonna make a baby are you gonna you're just gonna play with the box that's hey whoa we got a we're an offspring I got a nice ring pop that kiddo pop it out yes yes Oh two of them it's like we won the lottery hard ding yes grow my little presents presents that minions that's the word I wanted to say don't vacuum em up ha ha we got babies this is great why do you keep you got I got plenty of staff rooms for you my dude how nice this one looks like it has is there 2 or 3 babies here looks like two nice this one's Oh a half a year old juvenile nice there we go so step two blitz up we got four babies here yeah four babies awesome and just because we need to know for the future we need their fertility rates now we don't want to breed the children together that would be awkward I totally forgot something that all everything needs to be attached to a pathway this that's why it that's why I have everything like literally burning down right now whoopsies okay there it is finally now somebody can go fix it oh that mechanics like Oh finally I've been waiting to go walk to that thing for years don't worry was burning I didn't intentionally make it burn this is so awkward look at this one like it's touching the walkway but it's still on fire I already called a medic to it not medic whatever the word is mechanic that's the one come on Oh hot dang I didn't realize these things mature so fast oh boy well that's good news anyway as soon as they mature we have to get him out of that pen and do a new pen this is kind of cool too there's a gold star saltwater crocodile I almost want to buy it but no not today today is the day for the red panda factory yes more offspring hahaha oh I forgot that we need to remove you oh wait you're the oh no oh no that's incest you you and your dad did oh oh okay yeah well um I'm gonna move I'm gonna move you somewhere like over here yeah that whoopsies yikes yes more babies more babies my babies do it do it make the babies pop him on yes one two we got two more oh this is expanding a little bit faster than I thought it would I just pooped is that considered offspring too sometimes I guess if it's like taco night yes do it do it yes more babies oh great we got somebody no this is gonna go what's the word exponential Oh another one just got pregnant so real ethical question here is it bad that I just keep going in and sorting by maturity and then I just grab all of the babies like this and I rip them away from their parents and shove them into this one oh dangerous animals escape what they're not dangerous oh really dangerous they just want to cuddle with you really where are you yeah come back in here dude they're like raccoons they're just like little squirrels everywhere he goes yes we got all the babies it's a baby factory oh there's so many of them they are breeding like rabbits how are these things critically endangered in the wild and then once they mature out of here I find the right place for them to make babies I'll just move them into that habitat and as something else I've been doing is I've been marking with the pink ring and the blue ring if there's a male and a female in each room copy and then put down a ring oh and it's like they're married these things just pop out so many babies all the time you just sit down pop a squat and I'll come to babies like they're almost fully grown already it's great it's just constantly this notice up here just keeps going and going and going yep another one oh we just had another another offspring yeah we got some more babies at a poop dome own more oh it's like proud parent cell that was poop wait that's the baby oh shoot look at them all it's just a flock of babies oh no this was in the baby rearing area oh no I shouldn't how did you get in here there's currently like 74 babies in habitat one oh wow some of these are adults like you two are adults this is way too many babies just just Oh No okay so that's all of them I don't know how many that is but this is just the ones that have hatched in the last five months and which is basically the time it takes to move them over to another one and they don't hatch because they're mammals and they just look over here we're getting constant notifications like the is their counter oh this is just one year ago so in this year we've had that many births and things Oh somebody's hungry oh that's okay oh they're about to have offspring yet again these things like this one here they made so many babies hi this is my five star Panda check out these stats over here lifetime stats offspring eight times can see four just making babies all the time is poor zookeepers can't even keep up but you're just running with boxes like oh man we got more babies yes the best day ever then they throw them inside the babies run around to play then they make more babies and then we get overwhelmed and overwhelmed from having 200 of them in our zoo oh this is a new one some of our pandas are getting elderly so it's time to release them in the wild no I don't want you you stay I wear knit which one's the old one cancel I just want the elderly ones goodbye elderly people oh it's so sad you're gonna go in the retirement home in the wild would probably get eaten by like snow leopards and stuff relase I didn't get it I didn't get a notification but there's weird things noises Oh nobody's moving stop okay and activate oh no this is bad news the game broke it they died everyone's everyone's dead you know what the worst thing is I haven't saved it for an hour well the good news is seven minutes ago there's an auto safe exit now oh no and now what we do is called bug testing if this crashes the game again then we know there's a bug released a wild yes haha that was great why can't it release you is it because you're dead probably probably oh that's too bad I wanted to get all the bonus points for releasing you really some also uh this one right here is severely dehydrated I think he has some sort of illness because there was literally a water tank right there and water like a giant a giant pond of water that he could he could probably if he was smart enough then he would know that you can put your tongue in it and go and then then you drink but no he's smart enough let him go oh he's so cute teddy bears so I came up with an organizational idea we're just gonna carry all of these little fruity caterpillar things into this one they have low wealth or cuz yeah literally I'm gonna shove every single one of them into here it's like Christmas and they're probably gonna breed in here like rabbits proud protesters have arrived at my zoo oh no the animals are starving that's not good is it all women here now I hope so keep calling them you know let's just do cute duplicate this thing a few hundred times literally everyone's like no don't save they're all protesting that's okay it's okay we're not selling them for fur coats or anything beautiful everyone's here all right so that is every one of these 28 pens being filled with juice that's 56 and the vets you can see the vets just running super fast back and forth trying to get everyone into their respective pens their egos goes Evette and in you go into the door grab a box and all the way back out and we're just getting pandas after pat is after pandas maturing I also had to rename them just numbers that way I could keep track of them there's also a buttload more that are more than just numbers that are still stuck in pen number one which is okay see look at them all they're just sleeping playing with their beach ball it's so cute just running around playing having fun standing up I love them I'm glad we picked these guys is saved from extinction hey red panda number 12 is gonna make baby red pandas number 12 and 12 hey come on where is it yes yes you got one oh we got it we got a double we got twinsies perfect that's what I'd like to see oh so this is cracked this glass is cracked that's probably not good should probably get some maintenance here we don't want we don't want any dangerous animals escaping doing they're just all of them just popping out babies left and right clean up the turns and we got all those triplets nice nice work we're gonna make these guys go on extinct I just love it's just a constant cycle of things happening how many do we have no we started with 69 now is 111 I don't even know if we have any good animals I just bred them they're probably all inbred and like really weird and gross but that's okay right you'd be the best one there is huh I want it I want to see what you're like so you're supposed to be the best genetics oh you don't have the longevity but you got fertility in size that's good maybe by the time like we get the puppy factory up running they would have perfect maturity 129 okay that was two minutes and if I just click on it again 100 oh we still get 120 nine if you have a real name you're not allowed in habitat other than habitat one it's another purge just steal all the infants and the children and we bring them into another pond where they can live with their friends it's beautiful it's beautiful I really should just let him go into the wild but no we have to make coats out of them look at the pop you got top of each other look at them all they don't even know what to do these things look at we got so many bad problems - how many do we have now how many 140 well I believe the goal of this is to release all of the pandas into the wild right that was that was the objective besides the breeding pairs so I have 82 of them selected we're gonna release them to the wild we're gonna do our job yes yes we did it oh they can't be released one or more of them that's okay Oh take the game we're okay everything's fine they're gonna pack him up one at a time and ship him back to China so my job has been completed that was a fun challenge okay bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 249,941
Rating: 4.9119711 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, zoo tycoon, planet zoo game, planet zoo animals, new planet zoo, planet zoo trailer, download planet zoo, lions, tigers, lion, zoo lion, zoo, zoo animals, animals, petting zoo, nov2019, PZS01
Id: 1xa6ifeKvHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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