When You Become A Giant Mechanical Predator in Feed and Grow Fish

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hi there I'm geologist blitz welcome to a game called feed and grow fish today we're gonna be checking out the newest update that they had to give and played a long time ago I uninstalled it because I got very mad at it and now it's Christmas or about a couple weeks after and well there's things to unlock you don't think durpa durpa durpa now somewhere after this loading screen they're supposed to be presents that we can unlock oh the bleak okay there's a cool bike I want to click it oh hey did you see all the trees there's like Christmas stuff for us are you to hatch I I'm still gonna hatch them to be the best Hatcher in the history of best Hatcher's I'm alive look at me look at me wow those things what a me maybe maybe not maybe I'm their baby are they cannibals well it's gonna me get out of here you know okay oh hey that was nice where's Christmas presents I was told they're big Christmas presents but no I just Khadijah break cookies and I just yet can I eat it tonight oh wow I just sucked it up into my mouth full oh yes I love eating chocolate actually gingerbread isn't chocolate is it No or is it does it have chocolate in it I don't remember I like how the game's objectives are eat and raise babies yeah you've succeeded in life what's UFO that thing wants to eat me yeah right away gingerbread cookie Pope needed that I need to do some more of that eating before I can make the babies the real question is where the presents are though I still don't see any presents can I eat that father oh please Pike father I wanted to eat that meat you're the worst father in the history why am I supposed to be the one that raises babies and you can't even feed me Wow look at that plant plant oh yeah give me that Sam and daddy dude these Playgirl yes give me that oh I need that no you jerk thing oh I found the mother lode we felt the cookie factory up in the business look at all these things squirting down the wall what in the world is this where the cookies is this is this where a Santa Claus bakes the cookies and feeds them to the elf fish oh wow there's just so many here and just squirting squirting down the wall give me that please level please let me level up this one experience thing is really really annoying okay glorious XP bar give me a level up and leveled up but I'm baby that's annoying do I have to seriously be four out of four I'll tell me the secrets of your sugary ways Oh glorious cookie give me the secrets of your glorious sugary ways come on level me up to be an adult that way I can open up Christmas presents come on just one more just one more yes one more oh wow I transformed I'm a ninja fish now look at me I'm a durp a durp herb okay so I still don't know where the presents are are they under the tree I just beached myself that was dumb and game reset what I guess I need to be like a Christmas Lobster now I like Christmas lobsters I bet they taste good wow he squirts backwards I I knew that but I didn't think of it can I eat do I eat things okay this is actually kind of weird oh there we go most we all in is zoom out that makes no sense hey where's the Christmas tree yet I want Santa Claus to show up all glorious Christmas tree are you the one my heart desires know that there's the invisible wall Hey look walking on sunshine - squirt oh you can't squirt on land oh this is what he is he's a filter feeder just sit here right next to the waterfall and eat all the cookies that come into my life hole ha ha no no take me and we're falling hey wait I'm flat I'm flying Oh baby oh there's lots of Christmas trees where's the presents though hey look guys I'm a polar bear rawr polar bear sad polar bear noises so real quick dude lobsters get cavities if they don't brush your teeth it's a question I've always wondered like it doesn't make any sense that they can just eat you all up season they have teeth I guess that's the better question I'm suddenly reminded why out installed the game previously it's probably because I got bored of it really really quickly trying to figure out where to go and what to do if I were a Christmas present where would I be where oh where would I be avalanche of cookies you look in of all why are there so many cookies way outside of the water it doesn't even make any sense I don't mind no like I'm just gonna gobble them all up like hell they're just sliding just like oh don't make me they're just gingerbread cookies trying to deef no eat if you give me the freedom to leave the map I'm totally gonna try to jump off the edge why are there cookies falling off the map that doesn't make sense game oh hi there nice of you guys to show up can I be a fish now please even just even just a free fish just a super freak oh you're worth five will be a trout yeah sorry little Lobster I don't like you anymore I just want to have swim ability is that a word Smoove ability yeah this way I could actually see rather than just clipping into the ground for 30 minutes out of time oh hey what's this can I eat this can I eat the red berries can I touch them I can't eat them just smack my nose right into it hello big ugly what are you doing run away oh we are presents hey open I wanna open how do you open a present oh hey open present guys know what is that bone fish what how do you what do you do with it gonna eat it no we can't okay can i unwrap this present hey what's that can I eat it hi whoa I got an achievement unlocked do you did something cool 2019 Christmas gift hey I like sharking the present it's the best Christmas in history of best prisons and why would I get uh what's that ooh a mechanical shark what is hey that's a 20-18 Christmas gift I guess I haven't played it since then whoa there's more of them stay away I need to eat can I eat you know you're me you're one of your what am i sorry I could hey gingerbread cookie I'll eat dad's dead I found a fish oh he's biting me back out Oh oh this is bad idea oh please don't please don't kill me please don't kill me I'm too young to die I don't want it our doubt oh yeah yeah friends friends where'd he go you're right over here you ran away hey gulp um right no no cake get the butt in the butt in the butt in the butt nobody got it out I'm gonna die I'm so dead I'm so dead oh I killed it no I didn't I guess that'll do it that'll do it yes he's dead now look at this all sorts of oh no oh oh no I hate this game you gotta eat my bigger fish though so what I wanted to tell you what I want what I really really want I'm gonna really really really wanted a zig zag where is this where it where did it go hey great wait there's a new mecha one do I need $200 do that I don't want $200 there's a dolphin are you hear all the noises how do I get to be the mecha he'll how do I get how do I do the mecha kill thing with the mecha deal is in a different map is it in this map and it's not a mechanic where's the mechanical eel did I not get that up did I not unlock it for my Christmas present is this the worst Christmas present in history of bad Christmas presents Oh what is that the big tooth defeat the Megalodon do I get to be a Megalodon Oh guys I think I found it electric eel I just need 20 points dad looks so sick I found a big arowana I think that's what it's called oh let's just chop me something did I'm just gonna try chopping it from inside that oh hey I want to eat you first hey dork nugget you missed me die die die die die I died there we go there we go I got I got Strout sushi tonight whoo-hoo die die die die maybe I should not say that maybe the video would get demonetized if I keep chanting that over and over again Oh is he alive still think it's alive still oh I just got a chunk off of them hey I don't mind this sandwiches for days sandwiches for days there we go there we go yeah boy your boy blitz gotta eat some pork chops oh hey I see you over here I see you oh I got him I got him I got him yay takes forever to chomp it up yep yes oh wow you just get little points from just biting up Christmas tree share sharesies sharesies time yes piranha oh my word look at all the Pradas oh you exploded come here I need that ah yes yes oh no I need those those mine thank you I'm 19 points any 20 come here trout goop or miss one there is Nerdist areas there you I got I got them yeah okay I 23 time to switch my fish electric eel and this one ha I'm gonna be mechanical eel oh yes well let me go a little a little Jets okay what's my special hole little zap loading ha ha I love it already I want to look at his face oh that looks so cool open up oh wow I'm a low canticle eel set to destroy the world how many points doing you oh that's another electric eel okay I need to find oh here we go truck time yep oh nice Oh does happen yes yes i stunned him oh that was so cool I love the sounds - it's like a little jet engine oh I missed ya hello other yield friend how are you today dun-dun-dun zap got him oh this child had no chance to survive i stunned um he got stunned er than I eating him that's great oh hello piranha bro I didn't know you were here oh hey prana bro that's my butt that's my butt give me that maybe that what did I stutter huh and I will I will come back here ah ha ha ha oh no what another one I need that I need to eat your friend and it'll stun you - oh I didn't I didn't give me that meat give me that meat yo excuse me that is mine it's not it I'm just gonna steal your I just that's mine thank you I needed that my life not yours except a robot you're just a regular fish oh I got a big fish I got a big fish give me that I need that meat that means so I can stun it I started who will give me that me dammit I just need to tell the other one when it comes by trustee me oh maybe not maybe he's not going to yes yes large meal for blitz nog oh yes all those 179 points hot dig oh you tried to dance with me back oh I missed it I missed it come here you oh look there's a lot of a brother way to swim faster go back no way hey Dutch ah going for it gosh that was a little nope nope oh-ho-ho I stunned it oh no there's no one okay okay I don't like this I don't like - they're on me they're on me they're gonna eat me they're gonna eat me please don't oh oh oh I think I think I'm alive I think I'm alive how did I live through that how did I lived here there no it's awesome I had to be the biggest oh he's coming back he's coming back for more Oh Oh giant took a meet oh dang that was great [Music] how many chomps does it take now three four five all five beautiful used to be nine I'm gonna take one of these out maybe maybe you pull it so fast got him oh and I stun it yes whoa whoa big fish big zapping zapping zapping okay zapping zapping what is this what is it what you wanted to eat me but I says no I'm gonna eat it instead Oh leveling up zap it again real hard yes die fishy die get my mouthful oh that was worth so many levels I don't even know what it was and I want any more of them is it you know that's just a salmon dot dot dot dot dot pow boy that's net know somebody to smoke yeah yeah got it oh oh I could get three here I could get it I get it no trip all triple double triple double triple double level 12 level twelve robot shark oh I can swallow this hole now come back here oh it's so slow I'm the slowest fish in the ocean and I'm in fresh water durpa durpa durpa dieter where'd the fish go so I can eat him again you like my song I just made it up here we go here we go dope time gulp time get kicked my mom get good fine ha ha ha come here little dude I mean get zapped Oh we got away yeah no come back here I'm so slow watch a cool trick I learned one time haha so annoying yeah maybe stud things no now I clicked off my stupid screen get back Mouse work where are you they're just we're good to go now need to eat fish needy fish gasps yes I studied music crowd sees come here where's the bigger fish at though weird a bigger fishes I got one Oh could've got like seven yes God knows what all got another a triple kill kill jocular oh here we go here's a bigger fish here's a bigger fish here's the bigger fish so small and I'm your big ugly I got a pit yes yes I get another one of the bone fish oh it's a double meter ah beautiful I need to find a spawn point so I can just eat him forever okay we're going after it we're going after it we're going after it it doesn't know about me it doesn't know about me it's gigantic you hey tell us about me knows about me it doesn't know about me ah stop it Oh guys done at what's going on with its head I don't like this oh okay it's leaving for something done it again done it again oh I got an achievement for doing something I don't know it's called the river Queen two feet the air pump arapaima Nia I did it I did that I defeated it did it all by myself you're gonna meet hot diggity Jiang I'm still good at this game hello here hello mr. pike everything tastes wonderful over here to go gulp and a gulp in the gulp bit to go bill why did I click oh this thing's got even some cool spines on the bottom look at that ah so neat looking I love this robot shark don't touch the earth feel whatever it is give me that yeah we're going this way we're gonna go see if there's anything cool over here buggies dancing dancing dancing eel it's just really nice how the most doesn't lock to the screen come here perch I want to eat come oh it's so slow I keep clicking on my second monitor yeah got it 42 I was only worth 42 points what got to the point of the game now where I really can't do anything I can't do anything I'm too big I'm the king of the river and I just I'm too slow I just can't even move I'm just trying to chop that fish and forever yeah yeah yeah yeah give me a perch I need to eat you and you're only worth 42 yeah mm-hmm okay if I go backwards like that Lobster there's like good does I go faster now is that words does I go no that's not a word well I actually chased one down Oh only one though okay great I saw a big fish over here we need to oh there it is there it is it's going over this way I need to eat it I need to eat it eat it eat it kill it kill it eat it come here buddy come here buddy come here buddy I need is that why you're so spooked off my dumb honor get set ah there we go oh you got to swim away I found you go oh I try zapping it where to go it'd be fun if I could find a spawn point just so I could eat things over and over and over again without having to do any of work come here hey dork nugget see like this should be a spawn point for all of these things hey hey hey hey ah got it yes can I eat it can I swallow it oh I think it just got all seven other points yes is it considered cannibalism if I'm a robot and their fleshy ones I don't know Hey Oh spot boy Oh bubbly bubbly I'm here dork I mean I just want it I got it oh great picked off my monitor again it's so much fun hey buddy oh I love that yep all right the mouth can you oh he was under me okay and then oh I got another one and another one nice so I don't really know what else to do I haven't found a good spawn point I've been swimming around for like two hours now trying to level up and I feel like the last remaining seven brain cells that I have are slowly disappearing I'm not I'm they went but they're kind of leaving so that'll do it I liked his eel a lot he's super cool I love how playing with him is awesome but I think it's time for me to stop playing so thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 595,366
Rating: 4.8985381 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow gameplay, fish simulator, fish feed and grow, ocean game, feed and grow, feed and grow fish map, giant fish, feed and grow shark, feed grow, feed and grow fish update, zombie fish, jan2020, feed and grow fish electric eel
Id: o2g2MCRg704
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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