REVENGE of the MEGALODON! - Level 2000+ Megalodon! - Feed and Grow Fish Gameplay

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hey everybody blitz welcome back to fie didn't grow fish that's right we got another episode today oh look at that guy he done it so fast what fish is this this is one of those weird little lantern fish hey in the deep water look at how cute he is little tiny mouth that's it zoom in nope wrong way is your man look at that little mouth busy look look at me awesome he's disappearing anyway guys you have been telling me in the comments you've been telling me there is a mod for the game again it's actually not a mod it's more of a hack after we compile code and a bunch of other things but I managed to do today I've unlocked every single fish every one of them including these two the muscle soros and the great white shirt for that hey that you didn't even know about me whoa whoa whoa I wonder you know it would probably take about three years to destroy this guy at 0.7 damage per attack but I think it would be impossible yeah I think it would be but you know what I'm not gonna do it anyway what I wanted to do today is I want to go to the fish select now check it out we have the clown triggerfish we got the dory we got it's actually called the dory that's funny the mantis shrimp the redfish zebra and now this is where it gets fun we get the mega this things in there that's like the sea scorpion but this guy I don't think he was in there before we have the cuttlefish mahi-mahi now we have the leopard seal look at this where to be a leopard seal I'm a leopard seal I don't think you can actually play with this guy Wow he's kind of cool get out of my way other leopard seal we have to go swimming so we have a go swimming we have to go swimming and push I made it made in the water Oh Narwhal time let's see if a leopard seal can eat a narwhal this is really weird to having that head below or like the head way above the body oh I think we can't look at that dirty mouth oh I need to breathe I need a brave whoosh or a dolphin I'm a dolphin seal okay you I think you were the prey ohs eating we'll just see we'll see Oh doesn't have a very long to see you the ball turns you can tell that these guys were not meant to be oh they're trying to get breath again oh I need to kill it I need to kill it I think I killed it okay give me that we're gonna bring you up to the surface I don't think left where the seals really eat meat or eat narwhals do they eat like spit fish and stuff hey hey hey whoa it's a big feeding frenzy all right so what didn't you today was I wanted to check out this guy right here I named him dawn Megillah dawn it's the Meg we're gonna try playing it Oh Bailey girls leopard seals because it is the revenge of the Megalodon you know we've been eaten by this guy so many times so many times and this is the first time and we can actually play it oh there's the other Megalodon oh don't don't don't don't done done done done done done done done done done I should have looked at the stats can I eat Oh cannibalism isn't allowed it's too bad what do we do instead I wanted ate I wanted to eat you hey how about I think we should be able to eat everything in the game but I wanted to look at the stats of this thing quick well I don't look at the stats between the three of these oh look all of their health is the same Oh health of these two is the same but the sperm whales can have health but look at that damage 1473 that's amazing 1473 906 oh the men are the most the source it's more damaged interesting so we do have the rip apart when bitten parade terrorism into pieces interesting so it's actually the weakest of the bosses but it might be the most the fastest in the most agile and I didn't even look at that we could have now the question is can we just swallow everything on the map Oh a little moray eel that's amazing most of you have around here we have the edge of the map hopefully they add something in there soon probably add another biome like they did with the with the deep water and snow biomes there's literally nothing oh I see fish there we go there's some fishing hi hi everyone I'm gonna come meet you I'm gonna copy Oh Oh thousand damage but I don't need to just swallow what is this stuff oh it's like quarterly junk if I remember right these guys are always worth yep there they go there are worth a lot of food and now the lantern fish oh that was a little jellyfish if you guys walked down below in the comment section tell me what the next fish we should play with now we are doing the Megalodon today but there are a lot of other ones do we want to start with like a small lantern fish and see if we can level up I think I just got eaten oh look we have over a million what we had over a million money and then it resets itself down to below a million is that right how's it going down money goes up and then it goes that's so weird I hacked that too by the way okay every time gonna jump oh you know what let's go into the frozen biome and see if we can attack some of those other things also these guys I want to attack I would attack the large whale sharks will shock Kapow Oh dirty okay another wilshire query a problem yes ripped it apart oh that is so much fun hey oh hey little leopard seal I tried playing as you before Oh get destroyed knows great there's a lot of what is that thing that's a little blob fish group never mind Bob fish I'll eat you hello nor wall nor wall getting dead in the ocean oh okay hello are you gonna try to attack me you're not allowed to I had to eat you okay what are you although what are you all about Wow oh we're there were the biggest fish ever out nope oh the sperm whale we must try we must try the sperm whale attack if I did my maths right I should be able to kill it hi little lantern fish me I need I need a quick snack thank you yeah we're gonna go in for its tail because wow little lantern fish going for the tail two bites should be enough oh one oh no oh no oh no oh no it's gonna get me it's gonna kill me oh I got it yes look at all that meat whoa that's amazing give me all that meat now let's attack you again where is it where is he it is so satisfying just being able to chomp things in one bite it is so satisfying I think I get more meat let's check here there are more more food come here I'm slow Hey okay we got 700 XP for that if I chop you then I get oh I don't even know how much that was hello blue Goyal oh yeah that's that's a lot of XP whoops hey I didn't want it I don't want to eat you like that hey oh hey I think I found a beluga whale spawn point ah I'm eating ball okay where oh where if I were a sperm whale where would I be there you are there you are his name is moby moby is not great white sperm whale though oh oh no baby no baby oh yes oh it's so great okay give me that how many levels to be oh hello how are you nice of you to drop by and wait umm what it was he dead what just happened I am a little bit confused of what just happened where do you got where was he there he is so he's got his big mouth open ah oui oh that's so great give me all that I like how we get money and lose money at the same time Oh going head to head Megalodon was a giant whale we oh we got another spun oh great oh great ow oh he bit me hard oh don't buy me again I was like mm bite money no points like God me you dork there we go oh ok ok I heal back up I feel better no no no no no no no no it's like Christmas if you're a giant carnivore I don't dun dun Oh shake oh it's a one bite attack now is that level 55 okay get this one get this one right there oh oh oh shake shake rattle and roll you know what we need to do now you all done you wait for a little bit right I know I've had enough whale sushi right now well can you make whale sushi whales are mammals that's kind of weird isn't it let's go let's go see if we can kill the mosasaurs let go me you monster I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die let go of me let go out oh no wait silly boy I'm almost dead give me a hold on I need to eat this for quick so I can heal up yo get on my way yeah I look good ok now I can go away most of sorts time loss disses Boop that was that was nothing those guys are easy peasy lemon squeezy I just can I just swallow these dudes whole probably is oh yes oh spawn point OOP got dead free freeze snare spawn point got you yes oh I'm so big I'm the biggest shark ever in the world look at these little little guys oh they're so cute I just want everybody that probably gets stuck between my teeth get stuck between my teeth oh there's so many of them down here stuck stuck stuck on a pillar nope Oh yep there goes okay where are they oh there they down here bump up you can't even see them they just get pulled right in ow something's biting me something it's the it's the cuttlefish right over here there's a cuttlefish that was attacking me stop it there he is oh look I'll just eat these little XP cuz that's no big problem uh-huh Oh Mosasaurus I'm going to jump on you get jumpy get chop beat oh you're gonna run away ah Oh dirty that was amazing okay where are you again I want to eat you more I think that's you right there nope that's the Megalodon um let me see I know I can't invite him but I might be able to swallow him ha I'm getting close hey it's like my little twin hey little guy you are the one my heart desires oh my word that's dirty dirty McNasty come here I'm gonna chop you I'm gonna jump you I'm gonna jump you and you try to swim where are you uh need that dolphin too bad my dolphin oh oh now is this now's the special time oh come here where do you got worthy spawn in Oh No is that you how did you spawn back there how am I supposed to farm you if you spot long way away got it yes oh oh you didn't spawn you spy they spawn so far away okay we gotta go back do maybe we should go to the whale sharks oh maybe maybe spotting back where'd he go I don't know okay he's annoying we're gonna we're gonna avoid him we're going back maybe the sperm whale should we hit like level a thousand that'd be fun I don't know if it's possible I found him a meat trail leading up leading up to the sperm whale he will be eaten aha I want to swallow me whole yeah yeah yes yes although we have flung meat into orbit it seems hello how are you what's your name my name is Chomper get choppered yes areas again you have no chance buddy you have no chance at all I'm here I'm here my dude oh yes where is this for oh he's right in my face again hi goodbye Oh I think something else just got eaten where'd he going out where is he look at him he's nuzzling me oh he wants to be my friend ah jump level 250 is just passed us Oh another one will do 50 is fastest and I mean it's not really slowing down at all we're just getting so much meat it's like three or four levels every attempt every new sperm whale shows up we just chop them and he disappears problem is that the meat also kind of disappears cuz we're so big it just goes everywhere hey how'd you get down there you're not allowed down there hide you're dead oh there's another one I really want to get to the point where I can just go up them down not yet not yet my friends ow he bit me stop way to be a little monster get off me get off me yeah yes whoa flying shark hey I'm now too big for the ocean I'm here now there's level of what 300 early close hi there why did you oh oh oh we can swallow it we can swallow yes there goes yes this is it this is it now is the time to make all the money in the ocean hey buddy look at those levels up boink boink oh I wish we're gonna have to back up a little bit just so I can turn stop biting me ya little dork don't bite me yes now I just I just play a helicopter I kid dude I got 70,000 in points what do you think you're gonna do to me you're not allowed to bite me it's trying to bite me again oh there we go look at that he's just trying to gnaw on my side dude stop it stop it stop it I'm eating everything I don't even see what I'm eating anymore you're in my face get out of here is is in me okay I guess who I had to swim awake get my lumbering body away from here turn around turn around and then no we're gonna oh I just need something else hey there we go there we go that's the spirit of Texas you got it oh yes now that feels good doesn't it mr. wit sprig well I'm just gonna eat you for a day Oh beautiful beautiful look at all these levels coming in hey no you tried to bite me again hey get out of here yeah I'm holding backwards is every time I level up I think you grow forward oh we got it we got we're all right we're owning ah no no no you know trying to try to get swim backwards a little bit I don't think sharks in the wild can swim backwards these things are worth 30 mm experience per level or a perm sperm whale ah no no no you're not no you're not supposed to know you don't bite me stop stop trying to bite me yes I got him okay come back here we're gonna pass level 500 really suit up there it is level 500 Megalodon let's see if we can in a thousand maybe yeah I like hello the money goes up and then back down to it's funny okay no joke this is kind of creepy how big is how do I get me again I'm having a really hard time getting placement to eat this thing like I've made a really bad situation but we have to go try to eat the other shark oh the other Megalodon we have to okay swim away my little friend our giant friend huge friend Jai mungus friend oh it's so ugly oh I'm flying I don't know if I can do this I'm stuck I'm stuck in this little area here I can't seem to swim over whoa I just found a school of something to eat hey I'm just turning my head and then eating and devouring everything what what's worth 2x beat I have no idea oh I'm losing money again okay where where is everything over here where's where is he oh my that's just that's just creepy what keeps what do I eat for two XP oh there's the mostest Taurus again oh my I hate it I think I can't even tell I ate something else where's the where's the other Megalodon it hello so I don't even see the other Megalodon I just took a whole trip down here and I I might have eaten it I don't know I don't know what happened to it I'm just eating everything else in the world that's so what I'm doing I'm just like a vacuum cleaner just sucking up in the entire ocean can you imagine like if there was a fish or a shark that was this big in real life how much food it would need to sustain itself and be like you'd have to eat whales upon whales each day just oh there's the most asaurus again okay like I ate it where is he others back here again so I can just swim around in the circles need the most asaurus like that is worth the same xb I think I don't know oh no I don't know where the other Megalodon went huh weird I think I've found a good spot I think I've found a good spot Hey Hey I mean I mean so much we look at that money go up and up and up and up and up and then it'll just reset after a while but yeah this is definitely the good spot we follow the sweet spot for eating that sperm whale let's see yeah you can't even see it go into his mouth this is amazing amazing level 750 coming right up here oh we just passed it Wow okay level thousand here we come maybe we might get thrown under the map first here we go there's level thousand sister is still the good spot I'm just gonna keep going until I can't go any more so a question does this mean that we've officially beaten the game level 1515 18 20 22 Megalodon he's so big the game is shaking like crazy I kind of want to hit level 2000 just to see what happens it's getting a little bit hard though cuz sometimes that sperm whale gets over the way here we go boys and girls ladies and gentlemen cats dogs we're doing it we're do it nope maybe not come on there it is level 2000 okay okay I am done I am done farming you I just want to see if we can be a dolphin oh wow I'm in the map sometimes you view your tail stuck in the map you can fly out evidently oh there he is hey level 2003 just like what year it is right now kidding it's 2004 so let's let's try this get ready get set fly I'm more than flying I'm literally stuck up here I think hey there's some seals on there nice well at least I'm not gonna go hungry because I felled the spawn point for penguins and seals broken the game I've officially made the game broken go down hole trying to fly again it's not working so well it's not working well oh shoot I think we're stuck I think I'm stuck right here in the world whoop nevermind there's the flank kind of nope I'm stuck so one thing I wanted to do as we're gonna end this is do my favorite thing in the game the meat explosion so let's try it we're gonna go to fish select it's gonna be amazing let's start with let's do that worker where's the Orca because he's over here I'll play with the Orca oh okay here we go where's the meathead where to meet show me the meat there it is I found the cloud of yumminess wow that's 2000 levels of something's in there eating it looks like see it that far sides moving look at all this meat is amazing okay ready Get Set e and can you just go go go I'm zooming through a meat meat meat meat meat meat oh wow ok we level up enough we're gonna be the world's giant giant does the other thing is there something else in here eating I don't know oh I think we're leveling up enough that yeah there we go oh that's great oh it's awesome hey hey whoa okay keep swimming yeah no one else is really eating all this meat oh wow let go faster bubbling up - that's awesome Oh Narwhal is coming in and eating everything oh that's great the giant Narwhal is decided to eat me anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video feed and grow fish I hope you've enjoyed it if you did let me know go ahead and tell me oops go ahead and tell me which fish we should be next we've got all of these other things we got the leopard seal we've got I think they can be the penguin I don't know where it is the great white shark there we've already done a few of these got the most tiger shark a hammerhead black tip there's the leopard my mahi I don't see the penguin okay I guess we can't be the pig oh there it is oh the jellyfish that'd be fun we've got to try the jellyfish cuz they're so small and tiny anyway let me know what I should play next and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 713,325
Rating: 4.8837533 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow gameplay, gameplay, funny, ocean, wildlife, 2018, shark, great white, fish simulator, fish feed and grow, giant shark, megalodon shark, ocean game, animals, nature, feed and grow, feed and grow fish piranha, feed and grow fish map, fishing, fishing game, fishing videos, fishing challenge, september2018, Megalodon, giant fish, feed and grow shark, feed grow, feed and grow fish update
Id: ggRTSdsiGnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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