WELCOME TO MY BUNKER, COMRADE - House Flipper (Apocalypse DLC)

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this is a very delicate procedure okay careful careful yeah there we go okay so is the bunker it's underneath the car are you kidding me why would you hire somebody to come over and work on your bunker and then park on top of the entrance you deserve to have your car parked in your living room sir okay I got a job to do I got money to earn mother-in-law's to dungeon what's up guys and welcome back to a house flipper so in between episodes I took some time to complete a lot of the mundane jobs that kept popping up in my inbox you know the stuff that you guys have already seen before I've done a lot of painting I've done a lot of radiator mounting and cleaning and now because of that we have some new strange jobs popping up like inhabitable bunker or just bunker and it's like I said there is some kind of apocalypse DLC for the game that I don't really know anything about but I would imagine the people wearing the gas masks that I keep talking to and bunkers probably have something to do with it inhabitable bunker last week my dear sweet wife decided that her mom will live with us so I determined that a perfect place for our lovely mother will be a cold metal construction deep under the ground to keep things short I want a place where in the bunker it's all for the sake of safety of course for mom to move in minimal facilities are needed there a bed bathroom and kitchen and when I write minimal I really mean minimal don't overdo it with comfort because as I think mom won't honor us with her presence for long it would be nice if you added some apocalypse survival items in there because it would make it easier to convince my wife that it's all for safety reasons signed son-in-law who is waiting for his lovely mom to move in I can buy apocalypse survival items now we here at poop Shack incorporated offer the finest mother-in-law dungeon so that's not going to be an issue but there will be an issue with the fact that they never tell me where to go it's not a very big home but I have no idea what a bunker even looks like it would imagine is just a stairwell the leads down below the house because it's not a very big house you don't have a lot of places to hide a bunker am i missing something destroy the cockroach nest clean the dirt mount devices furnished rooms remove trash I went back and read the email again it didn't mention anything about building the bunker and I didn't bring the tools to do so what I'm not seeing any bunkers in this tiny matchbox of a house I thought maybe there might be like a shed in the backyard or something like that but there's nothing going on in here hopefully they didn't like hide it underneath furniture something like that yeah mom is gonna live underneath the bed don't worry about it nothing I don't get it this is a very delicate procedure okay careful careful yeah there we go okay so is the bunker it's underneath the car are you kidding me why would you hire somebody to come over and work on your bunker and then park on top of the entrance you deserve to have your car parked in your living room sir okay I got a job to do I got money to earn mother-in-law's to dungeon this is interesting all-out shelter whoo okay mom's gonna have some pets I can only pick up these boots I can't put them on so we're just gonna have to excuse me guys pardon me okay so we got a little room here this is probably gonna be the bathroom and then we move on to where does this go are you are you kidding me and you should probably mow your lawn as well so that I could actually see this I looked around the entire backyard oh come on I've wasted like 10 minutes already now garbage picking up all of the garbage just get rid of all this it's hard to tell what's garbage and what's provisions those pickles don't look good it is really difficult to pick up garbage when all you can hear down here is the pitter-patter of millions of little feet maybe I should deal with you guys now okay I know I said I would leave you for pets but I'll give the bag to mother-in-law maybe she'll let you guys out for a little company hold on to you for a late-night snack I don't know so since I wasted like ten minutes looking for the bunker I decided to go back to the office restart my timer came back and I want to see if I get paid better depending on how fast I am I don't know if it's just based on the amount of work that I do or if my efficiency matters and where are all of these cockroaches I know oh there's one okay I like there's just one or two left floating around there it is I was gonna say is it bad that I've seen more cockroaches in university dorms than I have an abandoned underground bunker you're not garbage you're not garbage you're not garbage you are garbage okay so I think the supplies are perfectly good it's the boxes that I need to throw out I don't suppose the scoped assault rifle would be garbage nope why should I leave this down here for mother-in-law I don't want her to kind of mount some kind of uprising against the surface dwellers why is that in this game everybody knows that a good bunker has a couple hundred bottles of pickles and eggs and pickled eggs but they don't need chairs chairs are unnecessary you don't need to sit down you can't sit down for too long with all the brine in your stomach is that all the garbage there we go okay now clean the dirt which should be easy because we still have the wonder mop 5,000 this thing is seriously magical it's completely changed my life I don't even need to see the dirt I just kind of look up and down and spin around the room and look at everything for me I'm never going back to cleaning any other way okay I don't need to be specific I just need to get the job done should be good right no clean dirt 90% there's a little bit left over here somewhere maybe underneath all this garbage somewhere it's the other thing the minimap doesn't really help me so if I clean something up like in 99% this is speck of dirt left you can't find it it makes this ability so much more useful where are you dirt there we go we're good okay now his room is clean we need to clean the other rooms too yeah okay this room is now clean how about this one this will be the bathroom yeah it's got a place for a toilet ladies for a shower and a sink why they really didn't have anything down here they were not prepared so now that that's complete we need to place objects first object is turbine power generator oh can I buy a turbine power generator yep it's just that easy it's a little small but it should get the job done sure there you go next object kitchen cabinet with sink oh where would i hook up a sink other than the bathroom can I put a kitchen cabinet here I think that's a wall-mounted sink isn't it when in doubt look it up because apparently they have everything here kitchen cabinet with zinc okay kitchen cabinet with sink so we need to put this somewhere do you oh it does mount they're good I can open I feel like I need to mount it though oh it's not supposed to go in this room right this is a different room so it does need to go out here I guess it just doesn't matter if it actually works or not kitchen cabinet with double doors yeah she just needs to sing she doesn't need water people very rarely pay my decoration fee and it's a huge mistake because otherwise I will deliver the furniture as requested you wanted a kitchen cabinet with double doors I will buy kitchen cabinet with double doors but then it's just gonna show up looking like that there you go it's delivered I've fulfilled my end of the job cabinet with hanging shelves okay cabinet with hanging shows and that can go bearish looks good bunk bed is that like an actual bunk okay no it's a bunk not a bed for a bunker it's a bunk bed is mother-in-law expecting company that's a little weird okay we can put that over the egg jar induction cooktop oh hey duction cooktop we can put that on the floor she can stand on it like it's a scale for all I care simple table okay and I can go right there two chairs engulf again I don't really know what half of this stuff means but chair in golf all right you know what IKEA is always got it and we need two of them like that okay and that's everything the room is furnished I'm a magician so I've decided that I might not show you guys everything that I do on every job because it does get repetitive but at the same time I do want to try to do it because I need to earn enough money to buy my own bunker or my own house someday and it also helps me level up like I just did the shower the sink the toilet and now if I put together seven more devices I'll get another level of handyman and then I can plaster 30% faster or 50% more fitting and all that kind of stuff it's all important to level up it's just a grind okay this whole game is just a grind but we're done he paid us about six hundred thousand rubles for this job you know I I really do feel like I earned it why is it every time I come home my front door is open all of a sudden where is my bed there was a baby here wasn't there somebody's told my radiator and has always told my bed did they take anything else no all my fan art is still here uh yeah all my cigarette butts and bricks and newspapers why does this keep I can't afford I can't afford a new bed I don't want to afford a new bed okay I want to be able to buy a house can I buy a security No maybe an alarm whoa wait a second gun right so we can get an airsoft gun or an actual pistol can I get myself one of those scope rifles maybe yeah there we go okay that's actually three thousand dollars cheaper than the handgun how does that work either way we're gonna put that right here over the bathroom and if anybody comes in here tries to steal something again they're gonna taste my wrath I don't know why I decided to get the long range scope for close quarters combat that's like an eight-time scope I'm gonna try to snipe somebody from three feet away mistakes were made okay but we got to get it done now bunker is another one hello we bought a house with a hidden post-war bunker the previous owner didn't appreciate what he had and made it a storage room we care about safety and the weather in this part of the country gives us some concern guys once again I don't need your life story just tell me what you want to do how much you gonna pay me that's all the matters we have renovated the house but as for the bunker we want to have it done by a professional like those at poop Shack incorporated can we count on you equipping it appropriately if a tornado or something even worse would hit we want to have a safe place where we could stay for several weeks until it is safe again I don't think I have any guns that would help against tornadoes and what kind of tornado are you trying to escape for several weeks why is it always the tiny little bungalows that seem to have a bunker that's equal to or bigger than the rest of the house I just don't understand what people are thinking and where did they hide it I shouldn't have to play hide-and-seek with my work people oh there it is okay actually put it in their house this time so oh yeah didn't they say that he used this for storage storage of what is alcoholism see if I can crawl over all this and spot what's going on out here okay yep more boxes and more liquor more boxes and more liquor and a toilet okay so this is a bit of a different bunker and it's actually really difficult to move around maybe I should just be picking up some of this garbage on the way there we go okay so we have our job set out in front of us I always just hope this is something weird like I can hit a button and everything will lock it down or there'll be somebody down here wearing a gas mask but it looks like more painting and cleaning and trash removal the clients also don't usually give me a detailed list of everything that they want to keep so I have to guess I'm gonna assume that they're gonna want to keep the pan full of bent screws that seems important microwave yep they're probably gonna want to keep that even though there's no outlet back there they don't want the liquor bottles but still a little bit in these kind of Russians are you well I'm not seeing any weapons down here for safety just some haunted garbage and they do have a sledgehammer and a hatchet Oh which I guess in a pinch would get the job done right somebody tries to storm your bunker close-quarters it might be a whole lot more useful than a sniper rifle now that you think about it here we go garbage cleaned up in here moving on all those are fancy little boxes and furniture I don't think I've ever thrown out furniture before have a bunch of tires what was this guy thinking as you can imagine the toilet wasn't in any kind of recoverable state so that's been removed as well as most other things there's also another entrance hey cool so they all have an outdoor exit and an indoor exit is that a thing like are these actually common somewhere in the world again because I don't think this is North America nothing about this place feels very North America no it was a shower over there I think he wants me to do that does any shower toilet sink three devices okay first of all let's clean tiling and paneling okay hold on clean first then figure out what that is that's an entirely new thing I don't understand why people would come down to a bunker with Taco Bell look look at all the Taco Bell squirts as much as I love my wonder mop I don't think these walls are getting any cleaner which makes me think that's probably what this is for tiling and paneling oh okay a package of tiles would be useful oh yeah ley wall tiles ceramic tiles gray squares okay ceramic tiles ray squares this one I've never done tiling in this game for whoa okay so we put on a little bit of plaster and then we stick it on the wall so it's an alternate way to painting there isn't enough paint in the world to recover these walls that's super interesting though I'll need to remember that I'm sure I can tile a lot of really strange things into people's houses my first inclination is how can I use this to screw with people are you kidding me I'm supposed to use these tiles to screw with people not have them screw with me so there are ceramic tiles gray squares and then there are ceramic wall tiles gray and because I have a bunch of these up and I'm still at 0% I'm guessing this is what they want me to put on their walls is that correct when we try this and see if this makes you any happier no I'm just covering these walls with tiles until I get something right ceramic tiles gray squares I should be able to just type that in ceramic tiles ray squares though there's multiple different kinds why what why ceramic tiles gray squares ceramic tiles great you didn't specify for my first time tiling I gotta say I think I did a pretty good job it's super ugly but that's the tiles fault not mine this isn't much better either but you want me to paint with the color white I am gonna be dumbfounded if just slapping some white paint on these walls is enough to rescue them there's no way right if I just soak up a little white paint and give you a coat oh yeah it looks like it's fresh drywall no problem at all huh it's gonna hide all of that mold I like the last guys outlook more you know bare minimum it doesn't matter if the walls look like they're falling apart okay we're not trying to make some kind of fallout shelter down here this isn't gonna be vault 69 this is gonna be a place where somebody goes to hopefully die like a mother-in-law there everything is painted remove object steel garage shell oh I didn't see that okay so what you want me to sell it there we go remove object to garage shelves oh all your crap just kind of Falls to him and then place objects so what are we gonna do with all this just one up on the floor can i oh I can sell my empty paint can don't know who's buying those don't matter to me then again I do have a magic selling gun so I shouldn't ask questions modern kitchen cabinet with sink Andy I feel like I've made this joke already but who's Andy modern no modern kitchen cabinet with sink Andy okay so it's probably like IKEA right how you don't buy a kitchen cabinet with sink you buy a gergan Fleur Gandhara sin and that's how they identify things place object for burner gas stove oh that's fancy I don't even have that come to think of it I don't have like a lot of things this bunker is better than my house my walls look worse than these ones used to gas cylinder yeah so and I can get a gas mask okay we should probably leave a complimentary gas mask right yeah they're kind of expensive but I'm sure they'll appreciate it and we put them somewhere mmm well they don't want them on their nice clean floors so I guess you're out of luck fine no complimentary objects modern hanging cabinet Andy okay hanging cabinet Andy it's always gonna be Andy everything has to match again they didn't pay the decoration fee so it's going over there even if I wanted to decorate this place they don't really give you a whole lot of space to do with it like they expect this sofa and his table a gas cylinder and all of this other stuff in his one tiny little room and then they even want more hanging shelves okay hanging shelf up is that what it said like Edie sure and then another hanging shelf up so you want to ups and no downs whatever man whatever you want okay so that's done I'm just gonna work my way over here anything in here that you want first-aid kit I can really buy anything in here first-aid kit all right there you go water containers oh man you actually do want this stock to survive Nancy may go on the shelves no it's the point of a shelf so the water containers don't fit but the food containers do so we have regular food containers at large food containers which are in fact smaller than the regular food container why I don't know a pickled cucumbers what pickled cucumbers okay yep fresh pickled cucumbers you want my nuts yeah okay I can fish out some Oh we're nuts I did not realize that I thought there were something else you're gonna love my nuts jar of soup why would you have a jar of soup and not a can of soup doesn't seem very good okay macaroni this is so weird okay I'm actually stalking all the food that I littered the place with last time come on dude I'm a house flipper not a grocery store and the last object is a safe okay that just gonna go in the middle of the room I'm having a hard time reaching the high shelves I guess I'm like a five-foot three Russian man who works at poop shack incorporated so now you got all your peanut butter on the floor but it should be perfectly fine now for this room please tell me you don't want this one stocked remove object Graz shelf I can do that Boop gone done place object bed with drawer they need a bedroom of course bed with drawer it's a pretty nice bunker I'm not gonna lie I wouldn't mind living in here you might even be able to fit a car down here if you try real hard bed with drawer didn't I just do that what two beds with drawers yep okay hanging shelf up I don't know if I'm gonna be able to fit all this stuff guys or not everything fits no problem at all I feel like that's probably not the best way to lay out your shelf maybe it should be tilted a little bit but again they didn't pay the tilting fee so that's just the way that it's gonna be and then in here you wanted devices mounted and you wanted me to remove these okay we get rid of that water heater there what a water heater go what apparently that's a hot water heater I've never seen anything like that before but they want a whole lot of stuff down here did they expect to be living down here for years I got drawers in their bathrooms and now they want a place to cope and a toilet paper holder God princes and queens they got living here toilet paper older okay there we go I don't know if it's nighttime all of a sudden or if it just got really really dark in this room but I had to turn on my flashlight I do have a flashlight and now I'm building a shower by flashlight which is kind of unnerving honestly it feels like Freddy's gonna jump out of nowhere and touch my butt would you put it past him honestly in a random little bunker this is the place that he would kind of hang out do your job you stupid generator God what is wrong with you I think everything is done we're a hundred percent complete again and again we get paid almost six hundred thousand rubles I feel like that's the exact same amount the last bunker gave us which is well weird because we did way more work here well my door is closed this time that's a good sign I don't know why there's a giant square jizz stain up against my window that's kind of concerning what everything else still here I think we're good right yeah they must have taken a look through the window seen the gun scared themselves and then not stolen anything I'm amazed that they took the bed like that thing was gross it looked like it was sticky lice riddled do we have any more bunker jobs we have a Nantes home to redecorate a house to refresh a kindergarten of sauna interesting you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of the house flipper guys because I feel like we did a pretty good job taking a look at the Apocalypse DLC maybe we looked at bunkers I don't know if there's any more but I'm sure we're gonna find more things we have a kindergarten which was completely different we have a sauna which I'll probably do next time as well but I think I'm gonna get through some of these random ones at cleaning up the house extra bathroom again the stuff that isn't really worth showing you guys I'm gonna work through so that hopefully soon we can buy our own home and actually do some house flipping I think watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,660,523
Rating: 4.879941 out of 5
Keywords: house flipper, house flipper apocalypse, house flipper apocalypse dlc, house flipper bunker, house flipper bunker dlc, house flipper update, house flipper free dlc, house flipper funny, house flipper funny moments, house flipper highlights, house flipper gameplay, house flipper game, house flipper walkthrough, house flipper playthrough, house flipper underground bunker, house flipper shelter, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 4cAI-omAVPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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