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fire I think everyone and low everybody Gracie always we're checking out a game for the channel called where's the title go okay it's called townsmen and BR um and it is a fantastic god game because you can interact with anything and everything and you can see here my little minion appears to have already messed around with our title screen there used to be a title screen here so even the title screen is interactable what happened to it I think it went down into the water anyway Tasman is a god game style of game with probably more potential than any one that we've played yet if the developer keeps freaking expanding and developing it I'll have links in the description below it is an early access I got to show you this stuff right away welcome everyone to our glorious village now you may be say to yourself gray what makes this game so amazing what makes it so interactable so you can interact with just about everything like I said I'm talking about everything I grabbed this Eagle how crazy is that what you could take a girl out of the sky and then we put them back up there our people are minions we must direct them so that they may live bountiful glorious lives and while we do that we can interact with them as much as possible there is a combat in the game you can get raided which I'm gonna try and have us do a little bit later we have to build up some barracks and some soldiers and stuff we got a fishing Hut we got like a town hall we've got a little tavern over there there's a bunch of other buildings that we can do as well so on top of you know like birds and stuff like that you can see there's fish in this water we can literally pick up a fish how crazy is this and not only that once you have your fish if you want to help feed your people hold on oh we can drag and move ourselves in all kinds of ways we could put it on the skewer and then you could twist a little skewer and cook the fish up don't cook it too long now we don't want to get it all burnt a little bunny running around not from God we could do as we please you can pet the bunny look at how cute the bunny is we let this bunny go okay you guys see there's whales you can mess with those there's um which we call it dolphins that run around you could mess with those and not only that let's um let's get some more men going right now while I described the rest of this in order to do this we have to build stuff up we have a bunch of different building options right now now the game is in super early access so I think there's like maybe like 10 or 12 or 15 different buildings but for right now we're gonna do population gonna grab a residence and we grab it like an object and then we can put it however we want so if we want we can throw it on the ground over here and I kind of want to keep it close I think to the roadway so maybe like right like that there so now that it started oh it's a cute little kitten head now that it started we need someone to build it so let's go ahead and grab a sad minion and put him next to the building and now he's gonna work hard to get that built in order to have it built we need resources we have a stone quarry over here we have our stony area right over here and we need someone to work this and I don't think that any one's here yet so let's start moving people around and giving them jobs to get people jobs life do is just throw them at the object and then they're that so let's find a scumbag who's not doing anything right now look at this guy sad alone he doesn't know what to do he's just looming aimlessly no longer good sir you now have a job your job is to mind stone and no once he's here he should be intelligent enough to figure everything out for the most part I want to get down here though and look at all this you could look inside of the buildings and stuff they all have their own little um can we really touch this look at that's so crazy how you can interact with almost everything now I think that he's smart enough to go and start what are you waving at go go mine some stone or something isn't that what you should be doing he's just wandering around sad and depressed should be good there we go I think has he figured it out yet yes finally he has figured it out they're not too smart all right this is why we're here we've got to help these guys out a little bit let's go ahead and pull ourselves this way now we're gonna need a lumberjack as well so let's make sure that there's no one out here who doesn't know what they're doing look at this guy he's just a hunter what is he oh no he's a lumberjack he's just lumberjack ego here oh he's you can't find the trees this guy has no idea where the trees are so let's go ahead and grab him and we will teleport through the windmill and we will go ahead and show him all the trees there you go good sir look at all those trees there we are we can also zoom in and out as we want to so while these guys are getting their trees done getting resources so what that house can be built you may see it yourself oh great if you're attacked what can you do surely God can't come down and smite the oppressors hoho can we ever now you can't pick them up and toss them you can pick up your own guys and toss them all you want but like oh let me show you something got some clouds over here let's say a building is on fire what can you as the deity do can't do you just have to watch it with your all the day if the power that you have just watch it burn no take a cloud and squeeze it and you get great rain go ahead and water our crops this way - that's so crazy look a little ring come out now if you get even further than this we can get ourselves the Odin cloud and you can blast fools as you will so let's go ahead and take this apart right now though we don't need all those rain clouds and stuff right now you can move these anywhere you want like I said everything's interactable you got a guy milling wheat over here whatever you can move the mill to make his job easier Oh looks like the house is almost done over here there we go and I think that gives us three more men so let's start grabbing dudes we're gonna have one guy be a hunter I'm gonna go ahead and shuck him down there now let's say he's having a hard time he doesn't know what to hunt he's sad and alone and all the deer over here well as the Placid almighty powerful Lord you can grab a deer they go buddy there have I made it easy enough for you yet go ahead get him yeah get the deer over there you can do this man you can do this it's right there the deer is right there it's seriously right here I'm helping you you're your God is helping you look it's right there the deer is over here okay look I'm gonna I'm gonna put you here and I'm gonna there we go and just like that the brilliance of all our men is clearly shown let's go ahead and grab this guy I think we're gonna want a farmer so let's go ahead and have a farmer we're gonna grab this guy and we're gonna want a fisherman so let's go ahead and make him do his thing he's gonna fish on the pier over there a little fishing Hut he has right over here and we're gonna want someone working in that windmill so let's move back over this way and grab this dude because he does not have a job and we're gonna put him over here and now he is a Miller and his job is to grab all of the grain that this guy brings over here to bring it over here and I wonder if we can grab the grain as well you can look at me okay I was gonna say looking out easy you can make it on everywhere we could grab the grain ourselves now there's a lot more buildings but I think we're gonna need another house because I think can we get three people per house and I think we can have up to three houses right now so let's go and put this house let's get my neighbor right over here we go all right now we do need someone to build it so in this instance I'm gonna go ahead and take probably our fishermen our fisherman's grabbing his fish to go ahead and I'll cook it let's grab our hunter grab our hunter and just make him a builder come here become a builder there we go make him a builder real quick so he can go ahead and get that house all set up not wonder can you go inside of the house let's find out like can we look inside is there anything inside no that was weird you can you can here you can hear stuff going on as you get closer over here to this building it looks like a um yeah it's the tavern I don't know if there's anyone inside it went inside it's just your god coming in coming in to say hi nope no one inside or at least we can't see anyone now how's our boy over here builds we don't to let him walk the whole way there you go we can move them over there so we can get this house done a little bit faster and I think it's just a second here there we go oh yeah look at all these dudes I'm gonna put another guy over there to do some wood cutting we're gonna grab you we always need more stone so I'll put you over here you can be a stone guy as well I think there's one more dude laying around you're right over here you know what I'm gonna have him be a baker I think we don't have a baker yet and that's what you do with all the grain that you mill all this flour that you make you can make a bakery this way people can eat so where should we put our bakery I'm feeling like we'll put it somewhere inside a town maybe over here by the by the town hall maybe like right on this backside over here oh there's a guy with no job well you'll be a baker in a second actually you're gonna be building this in just a second let's go back over to our buildings we don't need any more resources food supply bakery and how do I want this I want it facing the roadway hold on right like like that I think I like that that looks okay all right let's go ahead and grab our guy over here get him started on this like so and he should go and collect the necessary resources I think there's wood over here is there yeah oh we got two guys building Oh to go a bit faster fantastic all right so they're putting some wood into it you have a um you have a moat over here it's like you can see how many pieces there is left so they need some straw and they need some stone so let's go get one of them over by the straw oh that guy already has the straw so let's go get this guy and put him over by the stone because that's what we're gonna need oh wait yeah over by the stone there we go he should be able to get it pretty quick how's it going over here buddy catch anything good oh yeah our Fisher man is doing his thing he's catching all kinds of stuff right now and like I said if they get stuck grab them drop them and you can help things be built with your Almighty omnipotence and I think we have a bakery so let's oh we already became a banker look he's got the super Baker hat on him right now case you're wondering you can absolutely mess with the water wheel you know you wanna know if you could so there you go I don't know what it does I don't know if it makes this building any more efficient or anything now messing with the UM the windmill does make this more efficient it legitimately does churn the grain faster if you do it that way now if we want to by the way I wanted to show you guys this we can go down the size of a person like we can be here like this what can I grab this get nad oh you could Pat the little kid head hey there buddy whoa there's a dude right there competi kitten head we got bunnies over here doing a thing running away from us can I grab the kitten oh you can oh he's purring he doesn't look super happy about this but I'm gonna do it anyway now do cats always land on their feet they sure do you can hear illustrious music playing from the Town Hall oh can we flick it yep okay my life is complete everything I ever wanted has now come to fruition let's see what we can make next so we made a bakery let's see we have I think all the other buildings yeah we have a fisherman a hunter a bakery and a windmill so we have all that let's go over to our defense area I think the first thing that we need is an iron forge then some barracks and then we can get the rest of this stuff but for right now let's do an iron forge um the barrack area I think I'm gonna put it like maybe over here this looks like this is meant to be some sort of launching place like maybe we can eventually build ships or something I really don't know but I kind of want to keep my soldiers out by these defensive structures so let's um let's put this like maybe how far can I tilt this maybe like right over here yeah right over there that should be okay and then we'll see if I can put like another one right over here like maybe the UH the barracks or yeah the barracks over here assuming it's not too big oh the bakers bacon Brad look at all little breads can you can you touch him can i grab what oh I think I think it took one of the bread okay it is being made okay good there we go yes good oh you take him from there I thought I could take him off of the the oven but maybe it has to be cooked a little bit more before they're allowed to come off now there's a man there is trying to work at building this over here so let's go ahead and help him he needs some of the straw over there so he'll get that done and then um let's see what else do we need to know about this all right he's logs and a whole ton of stone a whole bunch of stone what are you doing fisherman you're not doing any fishing or what what's going on can i but I saw something appear in my hand oh you could really grab the fish now hold on there we go did I put this fish on his uh on his hook or anything here they go oh it's trying to get back in look at it did it got back into the water oh this game this game could be so amazing oh I just I'm sorry buddy here you could you can cast over there oh look Bambi's coming over to say hi and everything to this guy very good wow that was a quick catch now it looks like we have a legitimate mine over here like what kind of oh this is probably or what we're getting right now is stone but this is probably some sort of like metal or something so since this guy's almost done building this I think he needs like maybe one more stone or something let's see over your building info check it out oh he needs a log okay so all he needs is a log and then this will be fully built all right our guy is now a blacksmith we're gonna need more houses because we need more people to give jobs to so let's let's go back over to our build area pop population and we can build one more house right now so let's go ahead and ooh it can I shove this in here can I get this going I can't if I move it back a little bit is there any other place I could put this this will be the hermit he will live on the outskirts of town sad and alone and I'm gonna need to make someone do this I think I'm gonna grab this guy for right now just to kind of build it because I don't think we have anyone else at the moment and I'll make him a farmer again but now that he's doing that let's go back over to our building information and see what it takes a log and a stone and that's it so this gonna go up very very quickly and then we'll have three more guys alright there goes the last thing and then we're gonna need some ore miners I imagine so we'll probably grab one of the guys that comes out of here oh you need to be a farmer again because we want to make sure that we have our farmers so there we go he's now a farmer and then we'll probably grab maybe one or two guys and we'll make them or miners I imagine if we put him here yeah there we go there we go there we go and now he's heading down into the caves let's go down here with him let's uh let's make ourselves normal people sized and we'll head down here there he is he's got his wearing a wax candle on his head got his wax candle on and for the first time we have metal ore okay so now that we have metal ore we should be able to start training up actual soldiers and troops to protect ourselves let's go over here into the building area defence buildings and we're gonna want barracks oh it looks like there's metal to make a catapult let's go ahead make these barracks over here I decided I'm gonna make these barracks over the over here right next to the stone right on this little ledge right here not like that there we go okay now there should be one dude that doesn't have yeah a job right over here there we go so let's go ahead and get him started on this and all the stone and the wood is pretty close so he should be able to build this pretty quick Oh our blacksmith is making swords well let me go down here to take a look at this but yeah you can actually see he's making real weapons can I grab it oh you can you grab the sword and everything can I put on the anvil or anything like I legitimately move it I'm gonna keep it over here for our warriors all right and the barracks look like they're starting to come up they need a couple more items in order to make it let me I always click on the wrong button let's click on that one there and see what we need two more logs okay that's not too bad alright this should be the last log right over here last logs going down and the barracks are built and now how do we make soldiers so if I grab this guy does he does he become a soldier now all they have to pick up a sword so now I have real soldiers look at them looking impressive or they're moving the swords into the camp maybe what if I grab you now can you can you become a soldier now or anything no just kind of move into stuff around Oh you need a sword and a bread to get a warrior and you need a wood and a fish to get an archer okay so can I can I just click on it or how does that work there we go we got some soldiers I don't know how they came into being but whatever they're here I've got a dude who's just kind of wandering around over here now can I recruit you as well or do these do these guys like naturally begin spawning at the barracks I wonder like if I put him over there will he begin to do anything we should have plenty of fish and plenty of wood so it shouldn't be an issue look at all the fish over here okay he's bringing the bread in oh they have to move the items in and then a dude spawns got it so now we have soldiers and archers and I think we can make a rally flag so that they come to the flag which we're definitely gonna want so let's go over to defense and a rally flag now what does it take to make this like if I want to rally them over here do I just put it down in a rally I think they just go ahead and rally oh I'm starting to call them all to arms look at this giant procession of warriors in arch well one Archer and one Archer okay so now because I want them just outside of town there we go and this will be your rally position this is where you will go to fight for glory and honor where are you going top that you go buy the rally flag I tell you to now you know we got to have a catapult so let's go ahead and build that over there now I assume the catapult is mobile we need someone to build it to I don't know if there's anyone that doesn't have a job right now though oh there is a guy over here okay so the soldiers and stuff are completely separate from the rest of the people so let me go set him down there and he should get right to work I think there's one other dude without a job right now he should probably also help and I think there's an archer now can you put the archers on these towel these towers over here like if I grab this dude and put them up here no I kind of thought maybe you could put like an archer up there or something I know you guys we're gonna want me to hang out with the whale so let's take a look over here can I do anything to it oh I slept it I just slapped a whale I feel terrible I'm forcing them to come up I'm forced him to breach yes Can I grab you like with both hands maybe let me hilarious if we could grab one on the whales there's also some dolphins wandering around I don't know how much you can mess with those so we can't pull a a whale out of the ocean which I guess I can understand look at all this over here though there's dolphins looming right over here hold on ready let's see what we can do to poop you can throw the dolphin down the water though whoa I made one jump jump dolphin yeah up you go can I get all three Hey there we are Oh made so fulfilling alright and the catapult is complete how do you use it like woah oh okay sorry I can't a Pulte I didn't think it would go quite that far um you have to put a man on it I wonder like to man the catapult not even sure like can a regular dude man the catapult kind of curious like if they get a stone or what ah okay so you have to load it hold on me move this out of here you have to load it with stone so if we go over is this guy gonna load it it almost looks like he's bringing it over hold on yeah yes awesome okay alright so now we have a catapult now that we have men we have a catapult let's see what happens if we are attacked by an enemy force can't you hear it the sounds of war I don't actually know where the enemy comes from though or what they look like my whales still doing this thing over there do you see anything what is that hold on let me become very large oh I see something in the distance I can't go any further though it is that must be the enemy boat okay to me men prepare yourselves freaking combat I have archers my blacksmith's over there do I have all the Warriors over here right now we have all the warriors just making sure there's not like a random a random Archer or something that's not doing anything oh you know what hold on well they're coming let's get ready cuz we there's something that we can do after all there we go we're gonna have this oh yeah baby oh yeah here we go hold on let's go ahead and face alright where are they docking it looks like oh maybe that's what this is maybe this is the beach I'll bet I feel like I had more soldiers here where are you guys at get up crap get over here there any more soldiers just kind of like looming around doesn't look like there is I'm gonna grab you just in case I don't know if you can become something all right here we go here we go here we go there's the opponents they're coming off fire I think we won open Overmind he's back he's back get him get him get he just killed all my men oh this is really bad I didn't hold on if we take this apart oh there's an archer right over here there's Roundtree over here look at how many arrows he has in them there we go alright so um maybe gray isn't the best military commander ever I wanted to use the lightning man that was amazing I was really happy to get the opportunity to do that the only problem was was that I ended up blowing up most of my men as well we can always make more so it's not really a big deal alright our soldiers have started responding as the different items get put back into the barracks what do you guys think of townsman V ours this game could be so good it really can if they keep if they keep messing with it and they keep doing things with it it could truly be amazing there's so much to it and there's so much that you can interact with and so much that you can do and mess with and play with and manipulate in order to help your people out and that's what I think makes this game really really neat yes and if your people were ever jerks you could teach them what time it is by giving them a little bit of this now get back to work there you go you're a fisherman now get back to fishing anyway guys let me know you thought about the comment section below until the next time stay foxy much [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 794,402
Rating: 4.8903666 out of 5
Keywords: htc vive, family friendly, youtube kids, vr, graystillplays, graystillplays vr, townsmen, townsmen vr, townsmen vr gameplay, townsmen vr part 1, vr god, vr god game, god games, god game vr, vr game, townsmen game, deism, thor vr, town building vr, building vr, building vr games, vr construction, vr construction simulator, vr god simulator, god simulator vr, civilization simulator, civilization vr, graystillplays fishing, fishing vr, hunting vr
Id: OysprK5yl7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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