Top Gear News : Series 4 (Best Moments)

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now the news absolutely been a lot happening obviously you had risen to experience in this we've just seen it French police have been having a bit of a crackdown on speeding on their motorways now they have been focusing a little bit on British drivers it must be said in a recent weekend out of 126 drivers stopped a hundred and thirteen where were actually British drivers which is did you say there was not anything they came alongside me and I looked across that I'm in trouble here and they were just going occurring your big woolly head that maybe it was a trap no you see I trust the French a bit brach sort of trap battery of cameras just under the next bridge tip Noble you know you see that's not possible you're not thinking because the French still use policemen got a monitor speakers crazy idea but on the cameras it's quaint yes yeah as you know all you ever get on your email in the morning is would you like a bigger genital and a friend has sent you something that isn't funny that takes half an hour to download however we were sent an email the other day was quite funny it had a car in it so we thought well we'll share it with you their pigeon look and afford sport cap [Applause] you can get well you won't gain because you're they built that Jesus is here swing maybes not supposed to be on yet this is a guest how did you do on the track Jesus this time not to talk my hair right [Applause] Jesus has just said that he's not too tall for his mare shut up now probably enough really from Jesus just James is going to speak just a word of caution about caravans to motorcyclists you'll be interested in this on a sort of large capacity modes like this is of course very easy to ever take a caravan you just need a very small stretch of road you spot it you move out you think great down to called bang pin it you pass to the Mistral in the twinkling of an eye you knock it up a cog you've got it pin wide open and you're going past the rover 75 and it's then you remember that ruddy great sticking out mirror thing and I did this the other day the first thing I knew about too is when I had this vision of myself coming to today there's a bloke on a bike like mine screaming is that the Caravan Club always says doesn't it that our remembers always pour-over when they see a huge queue of traffic behind ever had a car and pull over and let you go by exactly so if you will or a caravan and you do pull over to let normal motorists go by well it's who is it I'm a liar BBC Top Gear wood lane london w12 oh now big story this week of course when the Berlin Wall fell over as it we all thought the Russians have come over here buy potatoes shoes perhaps but do we know they bought the South of France they bought Chelsea and this week they bought TVR now we think yeah they have they have we think this is a marriage it's very sad obviously because you know another British car manufacturers pull into foreign ownership but Russian TV ours I mean think of the names you got a black car red star TVR Spetsnaz see they are Molotov CVR Kalashnikov Garen yeah the TV already firstly one called the TVR Yeltsin see where you're going with that that's a good name however I have thought that there might be one big problem ok now there's the new TV are coming out very soon the Sagaris have you seen anything we got a picture of it okay there it is now we've got a road test that know if we don't like it we've got a problem see if you don't like a BMW or a Ford what happens well they write you a sniffy letter and slip you letter we've laugh at it put it in the bin okay if you don't like that what's gonna happen you're gonna get a knock on your door at 3:00 in the morning and two big blokes in a black car outside you're right actually okay I'm sliding toward the circular saw it's got great handling turning off the dashboard no cut me down it's scary it is I will get him to road-test it yes you yeah but I don't really like TBR's though okay late James May there on top gear can I just say while we were off air and some scientists at Lancaster University announced that a train uses more fuel than a car because its enormous yeah thing is though they've worked out that an intercity train uses more fuel per passenger even when it's full than a car so in other words a car is more environmentally friendly than a train this is a fact it's not conjecture and what's more you know the new really fast trains that are coming along the ones that will do 200 miles an hour they use more fuel per passenger than an airliner set trains are rubbish their trains are rubbish if you want to save the planet don't go on one now the marvelous thing is though is that having been presented with this evidence the trains aren't as environmentally friendly or as economical as we have been led to believe you would imagine environmentalists would say crikey thanks for the heads up we must shift emphasis get everyone in their cars but no friends of the earth and I've got the quote here have now served as a result of this the greenest journey is one that isn't made at all do you think mankind would have got if nobody had ever made a journey out of the Attic it was under the dining table there tell you a good one a couple of weeks ago Hammond announced he wanted to buy a Dodge Charger hasn't got enough money and so we very kindly invited the viewers to send in ideas if they needed something opening you know shock or whatever or jobs doing around the house and then you could earn something and we've had a lot a lot of suggestions ok chap here we'll pay you 30 pounds to paint his mum's fence is it a big fence live in Lincolnshire so possibly don't want to do it you won't do that next one this is from mistress goth from the email and she wants you to be her dungeon [ __ ] he says no no she says that you won't have to walk around on your knees he's so short he'd be a perfect footrest again I'm thinking okay well just before you make your mind up we've got a photograph we've actually went onto our web site and here's the picture oh my she is a sturdy girl isn't she if she's looking for a hat stand I'm available for 30 quid you don't want this dodge very badly dear well not that badly no to be honest now [Music] I did an experiment okay for two weeks I had to do the same journey every day by car and for the first week I decided to drive like you to be the transit zone five yeah of the second week I drove like a Christian motorist to see if that's making it and no this is the interesting thing I've done this was a scientific experiment on week two I got there just as quickly sometimes quicker but how do you drive like a Christian motorist it's about forgiveness Richard can we just I'm sorry James you're talking about letting people out of side turn yeah if somebody wants to come out you let them out if somebody looks as if they're going to step into the road you stop and vision please this gets you home as quickly as if you don't let people out sometimes no [ __ ] you've got another car in front if you've got a cut if I have a car in front of me and Richard you'll identify with this I need to be past it but they're in my way the most important thing you know you are in front of me I want to be where you are away exactly they throw the meek the meek will inherit the road you want to drive like Michael Schumacher in the future people will want to drive like Jesus Michael Schumacher has not won six world champions by driving like a Christian no David Coulthard on the other hand he drives he's probably got CoV you written down the side if he's smoked come on boy you may know comes tarnish on the back not everybody gets it well I know there are people at the back leaving but Grand Prix today yes all of the world was there except one person who was it the Eastbourne Motor Show yeah with Richard Hammond TV motoring presenter who missed the Grand Prix because you were at the Eastbourne Motor Show he was in a whizz over 300 view cars on display and over 300 brand new model needs many people although there was commercial vehicles and wide range of exhibitors a children's play area Napster's wheel for you you check enjoyed that did you that's great I preferred the Grand Prix but there we go thank you rest of the news bit on this week the fit barqueta marvellous little car wonderful thing little Italian soft top went out of production for a while stopped selling it in Britain its back anyone here is it different no the only thing they've done with it while it was being not be made his drop the price it's now eleven thousand nine hundred ninety five pounds which is extremely good value for car like that can I just say what it is good value but I had one of those loved it I paid eleven and a half thousand pounds for it they were more expensive then and a year later I was struggling to sell it for four they will lose I'm enjoying their time the insurance costs a fortune because it's left-hand-drive I'm just still only left ham it is still only left I just wanted to say be careful it might look cheap but you will lose money we ought to talk about a few of the cars that have been launched or about to be launched first of all there's neat BMW and this is interesting because they're going smaller they've got a car that's gonna rival the golf it's called the one series and we've got a picture of it yeah oh dear James you've been a defender these last couple of years of BMWs new styling how do you think of that it looks as if a very fat person sat in it yes it's sad Prescott but interestingly it has one thing about it that's worse than its styling is at the price the price nope it isn't the price it is the performance naught to 60 in this the ultimate driving machine is 11 second oh it's not even moving at all that's all the 1960s we just demonstrate how long 11 seconds is okay then you've BMW sets off Ready Steady still 60 not even more embarrassing about this they will sell millions of them millions and millions of people were gone by because it's a BMW should really have on the back window more on onboard ages to read it Avenue as it crawls past that's terrible and for our pickup truck yeah course to remember our pickup truck it's in the studio here somewhere it's still running remarkably what do we do to that and we leave to it drowned it blew it up on the top of the building all that sort of stuff it still works at the end of it Toyota have launched a new Toyota pickup truck and they've sort of named it after our experiment they called that the Toyota Hilux invincible sort of yeah they acknowledge the role of our TV program in the naming of that car that's brilliantly that's fantastic perhaps this would catch on that's all cars could be named after what we think of them yes the Nissen 350 noisy for instance they Porsche Cayenne mingi yes about the rover city rubbish yeah I like the city rubbish the BMW 5 - ugly yeah I think this is a good idea and I think this is gonna catch up I'd like to talk briefly for kin about bikes steady it's only just just quickly ok news from America land of the free and they've announced in Florida that it's now legal that's legal for bikers to ride their motorcycles without a crash helmet as long as they can prove they've got $10,000 worth of health insurance well that's just stupid apart from anything else what's the point of ensuring Americans head as well because Americans ride Harley Davidson mostly they do yes well they're not quick exactly as well just sit in the sedan chairs an armchair got at walking speed you look you're not just starting to Harley bashing it's just old and corny they're great it's about laid-back boots in the breeze feeling good if you arrive this morning here on a harley-davidson do my first highly-experienced you came on a model good seat motorbike yes salute of you who are intelligent I actually took a photograph of these two I'm just after then arrived who do I just see it granted that's not how we looked in an illustration of why we don't want to wear crash helmets you will kill yourself but at least when they lay you out at your funeral you won't have helmet hair I suppose you could all dress up as Red Indians and construction workers that's another option the news and we're starting with speed cameras you see the government denies that they're there to make money so alistair darling who is the Secretary of State for Transport has come up with a wizard new wheeze which is basically instead of getting three points which is what you get now if you just spray over the limit from now on we're gonna get two points well that sounds fair enough well it sounds fair no no because you know what he said he says he got two points he be going from 30 to 35 miles an hour in a 30 if you go in 36 four points well that's that's more point it's more points right more points hang on it under the old system the old three point system if you did for offenses you've got four fines and you got banned exactly the ask your wife your home your job children and you start no the two point system you get six offenses and six fines and then your bank so they make more money out of you before they van you it's alright there's a couple it's true because you'll get two points therefore it's sixty quid yeah and make more money you kind of gotta admire them I mean it's crafting it is good we got a picture of Alistair Darling I think you need to see that in the break that the brains behind look at him he's got clip-on hair it is either clinical hair or clip-on eyebrows it's actually a clip-on eyebrow I tell you what have you ever been in your local supermarket and always have employee of the month that man is in charge of all of Britain's transport look [Music] [Music] oh there's another thing you know in the run-up to Euro 2004 a lot of people believe that David Beckham had done some practice and been you know training and they put flags on their cars to kind of show their support for the team because we were in with a shout we thought anyway winning while everyone had flags on their cars somebody has done some research on how much drag that created I'm not joking this yeah seriously said it in blues with two flags for brake horsepower and that means that in the run-up to the tournament 4.5 million gallons of fuel was wasted by people flying flags I actually know the man who did this survey okay I where I was sparing his blushes I won't say his name but I will tell you he has face hair okay so I've done a calculation of my own if a mustache weighs 2 grams and we think it does sounds fair so if you get into a Ford Fiesta you will increase its weight by point oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh three six of a percent with you which means that you'll increase the fuel consumption complicated equation here by point zero zero eight three miles to the gallon so over a year normal mileage your mustache is costing you an extra five pounds in fuel five pounds to run a mustache that is the kind of information you simply don't get on other shows Caesars furthermore furthermore the ADI David Bellamy their bids are killing the planets yeah right in the beard they've got to lose the bids and it's no good than taking the train because it just wasting more fuel they're wasting more fuel I neither have a shave or walk David Attenborough he doesn't have a moustache he's a proper environmentalist the news and we begin this week with a gentle reminder about the top gear motoring survey 2004 the biggest survey of its kind in the world if you own a car registered between $2,000 why plates and 2003 on a 52 plate we want to hear from you we want to know all about your car is it reliable is your dealer polite or maybe you've bought the mercedes-benz a-class you can use your experience to help others and also you will be making a very valuable contribution to this program because we'll be bringing you the results of all this in the autumn the news absolutely big news this week of course the Motor Show is on at the NAC right now no it isn't well if you want to be pedantic it's not over now it could be shut it's on over the next two weeks it's opened over the next two weeks at the NAC yeah all right I'll let you have that thank you yeah and I'm gonna be going and the car that I'm gonna make a beeline for is this new noble right now a noble small British manufacturer they've been making a car called the m12 for ages and ages we love it love it to bits which handles beautifully anyway they've decided now to go after a Ferrari with this oh that is a sexy looking car it's called the m14 as you can see it's 75,000 pounds there's a hundred and ninety miles an hour basically the same as the m12 underneath same engine and so on but really a very beautiful thing that we really like it that the best thing about it the best thing right is it's got this rev counter and when you start off it's blue the actual needle is blue then when you get higher up pink know when you go in the redzone it turns we've got a full moon look what's this look paint and I'd pay 75,000 pounds just for that and now the news and we begin with news of a new Citroen the c4 here it is in its a most practical 5-door guys it's also going to be available as a brother coupe a like two-door prices are going to be from about 12,000 pounds it's going to be on sale in the autumn the most interesting thing about this car though is a new safety system it can detect when you're in your lane on the motorway it knows where the white lines are if you straight out of your lane it thinks well you could be asleep nodding off or whatever it vibrates the driver's seat if you cross the white line you seat my brakes sure spend their entire time on the hard shoulder you're following one of those things and it's it's straddling the white lines look in the mirrors you'll ever eyes across women out a British parapets no idea what a big grin on their face if you do want a hot ish Fiesta this will we've got one in the studio actually it's called the Fiesta ST now it's a smart-looking little thing it's arriving later this year it's gonna have a 2 litre 250 brake horsepower engine lots of little sporty sparkly bits on a kind of a modern take on the xr2 really nice little thing has one big problem named st you can't call a car an S - why not girls see that laughs you know you know whisper it to me I know you'll be embarrassed come on whisper it to me it's a sanitary towel of course the worst thing is if they do a diesel this mean STD Newton Germany rather have the autobahns you know unlimited no speed limits on those things well the two main political parties in Germany are now backing the scrapping of the D restricted autobahns they are thinking of imposing a blanket 80 mile an hour speed limit what do they do well absolutely I mean what are they depart from anything else if they do that what's the point in having Germany [Applause] nevermind Germany talking of speed did you see the jet fighter this week 600 miles an hour and he crashed into a lamppost look at that 54 feet off the ground at 600 miles an hour now the Ministry of Defense is saying that if it can be proved that he was flying too low and if your hair loves toast that's low it's difficult to defend it the pilot will lose these wings we just like to say we've got space here for another presenter and if you are the chapel is flying that and your leaves your job you've got one here any time mate if we get him down here yeah Brittany's plane we're gonna see if we can knock the helmet off a policeman I've got one word for you there Jeremy chinstrap it's gonna be very bad knock over a speed camera you probably thought the the Lamborghini Murcielago couldn't get any more flashy no while it can here is the Lamborghini Murcielago convertible though gentlemen of the adult entertainment business your car has arrived that Diggler would have one of those lipids conceits the interesting thing is though that Lambos I've always been very very vulgar but I was reading a piece last week by the editor of Tatler magazine in the observer authorities yes absolutely says that vulgarity is now in so you I've been ahead by name because I put electric gates in at my house the other day that is disgusting normal while and boys he copped some flak for it but now I'm gonna have big sort of coat of arms put into them in golf mice as well ice and I'm gonna have like a monogram on the bottom of my swing pool and one of those split you would love this thing I saw in the state's here the week it was it's a sort of small bath with a plug on it it's a home gold plating kit oh so you know I said he'd like a plate stuff well what you do what the idea is that you take the badges off you buy your Lexus rankly then you put them in plug it in and ten minutes later they're gold wow I've put my dog in it hands that have gold handy obviously you can really just gold play about any food I should have bought it sack of gold played my game your Alexis relate to the late James game that's pretty vulgar if somebody said to me when I put them in well done Jamie brought a little bit of Cheshire to the Cotswolds news from the Italian police interestingly enough they've got a new police car now they could have had all sorts of things I suppose being Italian they could have been a new Fiat Panda would have been handy or an Alfa 156 nice but no they've got a Lamborghini Guyardo look at this is it police car yes but we've been wandering all week why because it is impossible to commit a motoring offence in Italy yeah I've been stopped by the Italian police what for I was doing about 110 in an Aston Martin db7 I overtook the police car on a left-hand bent and he pulled me up in the next day by because I've left the filler flap open in the gap it's a style thing is what you're spoiling the lines he didn't say anything he came out he went seven he went I thought I was in the game ticket to be wearing that shirt because you know I mean in a climber we do on top gear rather like the Italian see they are good there's it anybody got one we got some here two Italians respect respects to you well there's our policeman what are they you see in the London police drive around in maroon Vauxhall Astra what kind of a message is that giving out to tourists come they must be broke the Italians who are broke have got Lamborghinis another car that's coming along in August it's the new mini Cabriolet they're going to be doing versions of it this is the Cooper version actually what's the noises for do you like hey I do actually I think that looks great maybe it's the shirt how much is it going to cost that's gonna cost well they'll generally be about two and a half thousand more than the equivalent hardtop so the the Cooper S the supercharged version will be about 17 and a half fifteen and a half of the Cooper about thirteen and a half I think for the mini one that's all but the mini it's not a cheap small car it's an expensive small car I like that it's a metrosexual car or what metrosexual it's the new thing it's for the chap he doesn't want to be too butch he doesn't want to have you know like a big 4x4 and he spends quite a lot of money on hair products don't point at mate is interested in shirts only worse cowboy boots that kind of thing is a blenders named insects you are a metrosexual I can see you in one of our lives how would you know what a metrosexual I'm not only in touch with my feminine side I'm in touch with my gay side as well they're probably 19 and a half grams where it all goes a bit wrong for me a stray little car I look forward to driving one so there I'm gonna be going straight to the TVR stand to see the Sagaris because it is as far as I'm aware the first car ever designed by an ax-murderer look didn't like it a bit look at it is just I hate this room it's one that is gonna be a fabulous machine 400 brake horsepower 195 miles an hour for about 50,000 I'm looking forward to that you know when BMW bought Rolls Royce remember that yes they said it is entirely English it could be based in England and it'll be staffed and run by English people well the managing director this this week chap called Tony got has how can I put this left suddenly and unexpectedly and he's been replaced by a chap called Carl Huntz pouch cell cellar charitably and the interesting thing was when that factory opened the underground bunker they built down in Sussex I went to have a look round and you remember that film the eagle has landed we're german paratroopers had taken over a village and were pretending to be English it was just like you go go so tell me how do you fit the dashboard on is it lower it screwed on can I just say I like HP sauce cuckoo because you know the way to find them out is what they used to do in the wall mi6 if they thought someone was a German spy drag him in say we think you're in German spy football no I'm not I was it eaten then I was in the guards you can check on my family history it's impeccable all right then if you say you're English what's this and show them a picture of a squirrel I use a marmoset no don't be ridiculous this is much smaller than a marmoset and it has a big bushy tails or what is it well it's not marbles ed it must be a scurvy royal royal there's no German no matter how well they speak English can say squirrel that's what they should do with the next roll call it the squirrel Aston Martin did when they got a German boss and they knew he was coming they called the car the Vanquish the latest thing from America robotic traffic cones yep these are traffic cones now they're not the small people that's not true no there they are completely remote control the idea is that they go out to some roadworks and they set themselves out and that way I'm not making it up that way road workers don't get run over by cars when they're putting out count rubble it is I know what I've done in America it's because if you drive into an American let's be honest they're not small people all those road workers going look at this only here I got me a nice and got me a hand got me a home be on the air got Mia Mitsubishi in the book Creek that's what it is no I think this is a very important invention and it could change the face of British drunkenness because if you come out of the pub and you put one of these on your head you'll end up in the middle of a contrabass system but how much are they well they're very expensive they've got sat-nav in them and all that sort of thing but they think if they make lots of them they'll get the price down to less than 200 quid each no not the roadless I've put an order in for a dozen my thinking is if I'm going into town the next day I send me cones off in the middle of the night hey that's brilliant the build quality is appalling there are shanty towns in South Africa that have built better than rhinos I know what the problem is on the interior mainly isn't it yeah oh that's for me holy yeah you know when you get one of those big tins of biscuits at Christmas fairly assortment when you've eaten all the biscuits it's like a really really floppy plastic corrugated paper oh yeah what a Renault that's a dashboard what they do is they just fit the speedo where the jammie Dodgers were and stick it in the car yeah we like VW Cooper's they're very good at them you had a Soraka she I had a Soraka we like the Corrado well there's a new one coming here it is it's a fabulous looking thing it's actually one of these folding metal roofs it's gonna be we reckon about 20,000 pounds on sale next year that looks fabulous 2 liter turbo engine a Golf GTI with that body as you know Chrysler of America these days are owned by mercedes-benz and they've come up with a new car it's the 300 C now it's based on the old Mercedes e-class but it's got this American body and it's got an American engine it's a 5.7 liter v8 Hemi mm nice of well I must confess I like it in black particularly I think that looks pretty good yeah I just could be what twenty nine nine nine five and a siren same as a 5 Series BMW so that's pretty good we think I like the look at that looking forward again well it'll be good as long as they don't make it too sporty well I don't like I mean I like proper sports cars but I've never really been very comfortable with sports saloon when you get a sports saloon you get the tires are too big so the handling goes to pot the suspensions too firm so the ride is spoiled and the seats are too hard so you get big bum ache after work just a perfectly good car you are aware this is top gear it's not songs of praise you you
Channel: Hell Toréer 2
Views: 1,321,220
Rating: 4.804893 out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear News, Season 4, Series 4, top gear, Best Moments, the news, top gear uk, top gear funny moments, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, old top gear
Id: K1oUwwwhjb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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