Top Gear News : Series 7 (Best Moments)

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now it is time for the news and you may know that I've sort of become Top Gear's official map correspondent and people have now started sending stuff in for me for the show which is great things like this you know you can go onto the website of the RAC on the Internet to get hold of a route it's a route plan well yeah and marshalled did exactly that and she's wrote to tell us about it she said she tried to get from Nottingham to Biddeford okay I'm sorry also to Devon right but she'd put in that she wanted to avoid using vm5 which is fair enough because sometimes you want to avoid a particular mode for whatever reason who would like to see the route that the RAC route planner of I said to take me here it is it does avoid being fine it's a cross through Ireland France and there you are oh my gosh you check this out we will just put it up we did check it out and that is genuinely what you come up with this even a root things a good system you don't just get the map you get written instructions as well which you could maybe keep next to you in the car there's a good where's it go you are continuing you're entering Cork entering France brilliant thank you for sending that no really thank you and if anybody can be bothered to look on the internet and find one that's more stupid than this we'd love to hear from you write to us after I ask the RAC for a route to King's Lynn and now I'm on the International Space Station you see a Top Gear 201 wood lane london w12 7ts hey hey hey hey hey now the other day I was driving along behind a BMW z4 roof down bloke driving that long okay and he had a bit of a comb-over okay now as he accelerated onto the m-40 speed built up now he's thinking I look like Tom Selleck in this car it's kind of like a pedal bin put his foot down on the pedal anyhow it gave me an idea I wonder if it said four is particularly bad for that and what would be the best sports car convertible if you've got a bit of a Charlton going on there good question so we are looking for volunteers if you've got a comer when you'd like to know which sports cars best get in touch with us please and I've been serviced no silly address this BBC Top Gear 201 wood lane london w12 7ts mark your envelope I've got a bit of a Charlton I'm not joking we have the most important piece of news ever to reveal get the Top Gear audience Top Gear this Punky motoring show on BBC two this week one I've got it here in New York and Emmy we did [Applause] that is an Emmy yeah what this is for okay it's for the best non scripted entertainment show that wasn't made in America Thanks why didn't you go to the ceremony to pick that up well because I was writing the script this week yeah when the office you remember the sitcom series thing when that wasn't some Golden Globes recently yeah the whole of the BBC ground to a halt whilst everyone said congratulations and they were showered with life gifts and gold and dying there was a director-general of the BBC spent a week rubbing warm pig fat into Ricky surveys yes so how many chocolate-covered lap dancers do you think have been sent to us how many do you reckon not a damn thing nothing and if you think that's outrageous then please write to us as of Monday to Top Gear Channel 4 television now on average every year four people crash into my gun for that's more than the national average it is you not many people have that many people crash into their front gun gets worse this week to two and a week one two in a week and I think the problem is they know I live there and they're sort of Hey look at me look at me and the problem is okay can I just explain this I have been driven around Fiorano in a Ferrari by Michael Schumacher that was impressive watching a Vauxhall Nova bouncing across my front wall there's a perfectly simple explanation for this you bought a house on a tight Bend neither knew what have you been doing for the last 15 years driving around tight bends on television going power surprised when you wake up and there's a Peugeot 106 in your potting shed that's like you would nearly thank goodness for that one [Music] you know there's mail-order catalogs yeah yeah well it was wave goodbye to the misery of whatever it is where you can now wave goodbye to the misery of putting the wrong type of fuel in your car because you know Diesel's really quiet now he's easy to forget well there's a new thing okay you open up your petrol filler cap light gets in there when light hits it ready every time how much do you want this broadcast he didn't need not for leather it's a cheap awful oh that's ridiculous I'm gonna drive you inside entertain yourselves I think you've made it you made it Angry shut up - shut up does it does it come with the malar now you know if you park your car in front of someone's Drive in Britain you get a polite notice saying please don't put your car here anymore okay if you live in Bratislava and you leave your car and stretching someone's Drive they react what are the different layers we see here there's a survey at this week okay that says 25 percent of British men would rather be a passenger in a car with Jeremy Clarkson than with Angelina Jolie oh my god let's have a look at this Jolie just so we can see what [Music] has gone mad you're with me aren't you he'd rather have maven her wrong I'd have guessed that now listen 25% of British men I have been in a car with Jeremy Clarkson to be honest I haven't been in a car with Angelina Jolie but I'm prepared to take a punt that Angelina Jolie is the better option right now there's a new motoring website come out it's it's for homosexuals it's a new site for homosexuals you know what they called it no not we're gonna hear top gay queer mole I've set up a rival one the best thing about this okay because I went and check this one out and you know yeah the editor is called rich oh come on himself in and he says he lives in the Cotswolds well yeah I did he's got a 4x4 yes I'm not moonlighting in the editor of a gay website okay he's got a dog yes I've it's not his teeth whitening not at my deed Wayne what they've just become white in the same way that yours have gone green on a sexual and you want to know about cars right - Richard Hammond that's suspiciously neat house dog laying the Cotswolds thank you remember in the last series we had to look at a car that Mercedes was gonna base on a fish that the Bionic car here's a picture of it look that's the fish we're gonna base the car the car looks like this the Bionic car does well yeah I mean that's been designed in a wind tunnel to be like a fish you know say because there's something to look like a fish in a wind tunnel yes you can and they did and they've built it and they've run it it's been out on an industrial estate in Surrey yeah where it's done ten miles an hour well it's got sheep wee-wee system in it that goes into the exhaust and cleans up the emissions but what's the point of the car if I'm gonna buy a car that looks like that I want to MIT salesman to say the reason you're driving a car that looks like this is because it does something you did it laughs at the Industrial Estate in three minutes 32 seconds nor point-six Mars not very quick with anybody here by that car but wait no no no no can I get back to you yes you don't like the Lamborghini Gallardo do I like it I just think it's a bit outage because how the own Lambo now it's just what so you'd say it's a bit dull it's a bit Tim to say that right well I defy you to tell me that this Lamborghini Gallardo is boring it's the spider version and it is I think that looks absolutely yeah exactly tell me that you think about well well I can tell you it's got a 520 brake horsepower 10 cylinder engine v10 it's not sixty four point three seconds top speed hundred and ninety five miles an hour exactly slow cost twelve percent more than the hardtop a hundred and thirty one thousand pounds and I think that is a stunning looking car I mean that's one of the best-looking cars I've ever seen right the bowling it better be good it's got a 1.8 litre extremely efficient diesel engine where it is got a diesel engine because this one's got sheep urine in it and that means that the emissions are reduced by up to 80% and yet strength and crash safety of the Bionic shell is unaffected so it's no safer is what they're saying in a normal car it's a diesel car you just have I'm sorry looks like that looks like that take it away I never want to see it again in my life ever now oh now Volvo has introduced a new convertible we got a picture of it here there you are yeah these things start from 27,000 pounds up to 33 this is the t5 version it's got a 220 brake horsepower five cylinder turbocharged engine best thing though is this roof because look they've been to Ikea that is a flat Swedish no it's very good hey Liberal Democrats have got it in for us and they've actually summoned you have they not to the House of Commons to answer questions about our attitude to climate change yeah and I'm not going because they'll just put a custard pie in my face that's what they do if you say I don't really think that man is contributing all that much to climate change you get a lemon meringue nearly fizzle that's what it did they saw the primer face not this time they're serious it's all down to this MP Tom break his their shadow transport so easy isn't it yes isn't the shadow he's the shadow of a shadow he's not really there he's meaning well either way he has tabled an early day motion and that an early day motion I don't want to see a Liberal Democrats early day motion of or we'll be on leaf mulch I wanna see that why don't you invite him to one of your early demos come in mr. break surround myself comfortable the Alfa Romeo Brera remember that it was in the studio last series you two are getting a bit too mess and about Boyd's fab the Brera it's just a what a nice looking car I've got some more details I'll be let's have a look at it first there you are very pretty 2.2 litre version price will be 25,000 pounds that's a lot it is a lot that's three thousand pounds more than a Mazda rx-8 nought to sixty eight point six seconds that's a lot - that's some of that start that slow he means in fact it's the same as in 1976 Rover you still what one it's like Cameron Diaz in there we know that she's a vegetarian we know she's a committed eco Mentalist would you say no that is Cameron Diaz with wheels on that is you know the new Mercedes s-class okay it's got this cruise control on it like an active cruise control and we've got some footage here of how it works okay you're driving along there's a radar in front of Enoch consents if the car in front has stopped or even if it is an emergency stop and it will bring you to a big hole do you know how to touch the brakes it'll just sense the car in front okay now a German TV company went to Mercedes and said we can't like to film that happening for real if we mase ever Sadie said yeah come on down the factory we'll set up an experiment for you can film it and this is what happened here's the car okay out of the building into the fog I can see nothing [Laughter] [Applause] the Germans Germany I like the idea that once it all settled in the fog had gone the little German voices there you go it stopped this is very important to zukie i think may have come up with a car to replace our reasonably priced car you know our beloved Liana yeah it's very appropriate its small it looks a bit kak and it's ridiculous do you want to see it here it is it's the Suzuki Elsie it was called the LC LC because did Tokyo Motor Show this year they've really got into their stride on names for cars the Japanese I've got some here which I picked out okay this is called mom's personal car mom's personal car and there's a van okay you want to guess what that's called dad's personal van no you're quite wrong it's actually called the vanna's ho Bo travel dog why didn't we get and my absolute favorite there's a picture of it here is the Honda wonderful open heart of wagons snappy perhaps it's a British one look they've got the Queen's dog they tell you what the best thing about that car isn't actually the name it's the interior you'll never guess what they've fitted it with inside ok here it is I don't know if you get the dog or if you bring your own dog I'd like to see you get my Great Dane in there [Music] Smart's you know their little plastic cars okay they're in serious trouble financially they're bringing down Mercedes and Chrysler the joint owners of them but it doesn't matter because they've got a new car and here it is take it away and bring Angelina back if smart made that their financial problems would be over we've launched a new car it's called the Angelina okay the news and we're starting tonight with some Christmas present ideas that we're not interested in absolutely here's something I'm not interested in it is a tie it gets worse it says Skoda on it it's revolting and that's why it's for you Jeremy it's really very unpleasant not as bad as yours let's got rid of that what have you got well now you know parking sensors when you can have them fit into the back bumpers of cars if you're not trying it it's just like at the radar so as you reverse up to something it goes and tells you how close you are so yeah well there's now a company that's making an aftermarket version because when you have them fitted to a car they're like three four hundred quid up mm-hm well here's an aftermarket version this costs 15 quid 15 quids of the plastic and you're trusting your car not only that but I looked at this a bit more closely and it turns out you don't attach this to your car you attach this to the thing you're parking next to no I presume you sort of pull up Park stick this on whatever you're parking next to and then park your garage wall at home so you know how close you are it is but there's another thing it's it's battery-powered so at some point you are going to come home the battery will be flat and you're going through the wall that's good we get literally no letters a week every week from people saying look I want to go to work but I want to leave a trail of blue and red smoke in my wake well I'm going along yes it's not easy if you can't afford a red arrow or if you have no ability to fly one however help is now at hand from Japan where they've come out with these these times they say if you spin them will limit colored smoke yeah now the thing was is that this morning to test this out we bolted some of those tires to the back of a TVR put the Stig in it and this is what happened there he is look and away he goes now we are told it's like a read it is we are told that these tires do affect handling and performance somewhat and breaking yeah but what a way to arrive a look at the stickies he's sort of enjoying itself in there I'm not what 200 quid a pop on 200 quid so if you want to do that there you go they could use those when they need a new pope whenever they have the colored smoke up the chimney once he gets a little Italian Pike in his via you know in a fireplace somewhere in the Vatican is he ready yet right now mentally in the back now there is some talk at the moment about the BBC dumbing down so we're gonna try and do something about that sorry so do be warned that this next item may contain some information you
Channel: Hell Toréer 2
Views: 1,194,190
Rating: 4.7488327 out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear News, Season 7, Best Moments, Top Gear, Series 7, Laughs, top gear funny moments, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond
Id: WK0ekRQBumE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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