Best of Top Gear - Series 10 (2007)

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[Music] uh now it's unlikely to be here because everyone does five it's not gonna be here because everyone's on drugs that's all just full of ox uh al gore says that's gone so it's not gonna be down there that's full of spiders signposts are all full of gibberish they're all communists can't go there because the americans will shoot you well thank you you might notice we've got some new furniture and a new telly now the problem is you see there was a fire at our storage depot you might have seen it in the papers and nearly all of our props got destroyed yeah and the the police are saying as you can see here that it was awesome yeah but i mean who do that it's not like we've ever upset anyone i know well there was the vicar whose tree i rammed in the toyota pickup truck everyone in wales and everyone in burning and everyone in america yeah and while we were making this series actually we managed to upset the coast guard who said that we've ruined the english channel i know who did this oh fifth gear can we just look at the evidence just last week okay it was in the papers they've rolled a bedford rascal van there it is okay a year ago if we look at a shot from top gear we rolled a bed they're now saying that one of their presenters is hurting his foot that's not an accident we have proper accidents on this show do you think they're a bit jealous yeah so please really tiff vicky stop burning our things yes i mean us three all smoke okay something to be proud of the fact is that we all do and we don't crash well two of us don't so actually i've given up smoking as well there you are you can't do two things at once i can multitask you can multitask yeah i've seen it putting your makeup on yeah and driving and driving i've seen you multitask and driving no you can't talk about that the television fuel reset pumps are reset fan is off neutral engine start yes excellent strapping in uh that one must go in there hi oh dear nice nice view here just so you'd stop and admire it yeah i might need your help why it might be a problem what fuel filler cap won't open nevermind see you in italy yeah is this your second fill up yes mine's got a 110 litre endurance fuel tank if you two need to get in my slipstream when we're going up the hills because i know you don't have much power i have no point if i lacking power to keep up with this thing horsepower 415. 522 how it uses them it's how it deploys them this is probably quite a good car i'll grant you that but it's half-hearted and limp-wristed it's not a real luxury superstar and neither is it a proper lightweight james a little compromise might be useful in your car be honest though i love it the lambo and the porsche are very very close the aston martin seems to be very very slow didn't expect that in the racing car so we're carrying on by bicycle tomorrow because these will have been stolen obviously well they did say they've got a secure car park that nobody could break into and i can see exactly what they mean there's absolutely no way that anybody could possibly get into this car park in any way shape or form it's actually very similar you know my car doesn't have a key or a lock did they save weight by not fitting locks to it now it is time it is time to do the cool wall unfortunately unfortunately the cool wall was one of the major casualties in our fire but we will persevere yes we will and we're gonna kick off with this yes it's uh is it a golf no that's more an alpha i don't know that headlamp that's what yeah that's an alpha what do you think that is it's an outlet it's a figure how empty is your life that you are able to determine that this is an [Music] yeah she thought she'd flummoxed us but it doesn't matter because we're going to move on to something else that isn't but james may hasn't been burned [Music] testicles he's gonna kill me here he comes finally oh my testicles we come all the way here in these cars and you get up because you're a people-minded why did you think this would be good you big trust me italy is the place in order for the ferry to unload james had to disembark first hang on a minute blokes and it's not quite right what's the matter it's probably got fuel in it yeah it's got loads of fuel [Music] [Laughter] despite the horns james wouldn't rush his pre-flight checks master switch ignition pump pump that's off meanwhile in the aston [Music] the stelvio pass 15 miles of asphalt spaghetti draped on an alpha it was stunning should we do it [Music] it costs 28 000 pounds more than a standard 430. i know it brings us back to those lightweight supercars that we were reviewing last week because what really annoys me is that you buy ferrari 430 and you think this is as good as ferrari can make a car and then a couple of minutes later they come along and go no actually this is it's going to cost an extra twenty eighteen if you give us a yeah give us another twenty eight thousand pounds you'll have a car that's as good as we can actually make it exactly right i think it's a bit like that sainsbury's taste the difference cheese no let me think about it hold on a minute no no it's not like that that's not cheese this is an analogy but you're going to say it's reason you see cheese and it costs certain amount of money but then next to it there's taste the difference cheese and it's a little bit more expensive but it tastes really nice either bachelor life no but what but what i want to know is why don't they just make all the cheese like that or do they just make that cheese and then make something that's a bit worse price it lower and say here's some rubbish cheese for poor people you know we revealed last week they burned our furniture well it turned out that uh this week one of their presenters caught fire jason potato plato well actually baked potato now [Applause] 183 horsepower not 62.8 seconds and this week it set the fastest um ever speed um for a road legal car 256 miles an hour can you believe it they say the body is solely carbon fiber and weighs 131 pounds if you don't count the doors the bonnet in the boot i weigh 131 pounds if you don't count my arms legs and head a company that makes brake discs and brake pads and things they're urging us all to check our brakes make sure they're working properly because according to some statistics from the department of transport one in three accidents happens because a vehicle fails to stop in time well because i thought it was actually all accidents they were full of all the stuff you'd expect in briefcases with porsche written on them and wallets and pens that you can buy for three quid anywhere else because they've got porter on them they're three and a half million pounds each and it's all full of that complete rubbish and now we've we went into smoking tools and we discovered for the porsche enthusiast boy have you got to be an enthusiast oh yeah porsche designed pipe mine won't start properly now cause it will is it it's a porsche persevere no what are you doing man no the other way around you it's a 911 porsche hot bit goes at the back you don't look right with that but have you noticed over my shoulder look at him i've never seen him with the chair the pipe we're building up the perfect picture for you mate i think next next i'll tell you something you see he's pointing oh god that's not gone well [Applause] mind you why was i hurrying i'm just gonna bring a solicitor to do my last will and testament leave everything to the lifeboat people i can't believe they're asking us to go across the channel in them but i'm following jeremy's pickup and it looks like a man with a pickup who's stolen an outboard motor and a couple of oil drops on the way to a fishing trip [Music] it is like the west indian dope smoking team practicing in the car hello eventually the excess foam did burn off and soon we arrived in denver all slack water yeah slack water is tomorrow about one o'clock we shall go then yes we'll go to the pub now idea yeah we'll go to the pub now and then tomorrow one o'clock that'll be us at slackwatch does the water's slack what slack water have you ever considered the meaning of life no but i i think we should and i think we should now's the time oh yeah yeah this is ready i've checked it for water tightness i've got all the sheets which is the correct nautical term for these pieces of string in the right position it is all absolutely ship shape and ready to go how many grains of sugar are that's exactly what i would do you know that's because we say blindly i'll have one sugar how many are there one yeah two it works amazingly all three of us were floating well when i say three it's going down meanwhile back with captain pugwash solve it right now were leaving the harbour you can't see what's coming i can i could just see sky seas guys our intentions are to go across the channel faster than beardy branson i can't do gently well that's not round that's backwards you pillock i don't want to go that way now go left and then oh not another one [Applause] [Music] this the new rolls-royce phantom drop head [Music] as i'm sure you know on top gear if a car spends too long sitting around on the deck of an aircraft carrier it eventually gets launched off the ramp thing down at the end and this definitely isn't going to fly because it weighs 2.6 tons so and other car manufacturers are currently spending millions and millions of pounds on research into hydrogen fuel cells and hybrid drive but rolls-royce spends the same money in its ashtray design department look at that i didn't feel conspicuous in it the thing is i believe deep in my heart that i look good in it and it suits me because it's stylish and it's contemporary every time i see you those are the words that pop into my head stylish and contemporary thank you after other words like for instance beige stannis stairlift the war do you think anymore homosexual all you need got a phone and a credit card these are what you need okay and i've got a microphone so you can hear what i'm doing just give me the number 0870-70428-428-4009 4009 this puts me through to a laptop in india there you go i've got a microphone ready i'll put the speaker on number one right so it's eight that's the location number eight seven double four your car is rotting at this point but here we go there we go seven this is to park your car you haven't finished yet press the key on which the first cartoon of your number plate resides hey somebody give me a registration number of one of these cars that ferrari was it v 12 v v [Music] but there's never been anything to help old people park until now because this lexus ls600 can park itself now here's basically how it works at the back of the car there are sensors in the bumper that knows where its extremes are there's a tiny little camera here that looks behind and when hammond presses a little button on the screen it will reverse and steer itself into that spot yep it's that easy i just engage reverse gear i can see the cameras here i press some buttons and stuff and then it parks so here it goes this is going to go well hammond i'm sorry sorry to interrupt this is the instruction book that i have here okay for the sort of command system all of that is for the park assist do you think you can do it without reading it well you i'm not doing anything it's just the car i'm not oh [Applause] the trouble is none of these cars are really small they are in fact massive 40 years ago car makers could sell you something much smaller the original mini for example or the bubble car but even these aren't small not really not compared to this the peel p50 [Applause] that is 54 inches long and 41 inches wide it is listed in the guinness book of records as the smallest production car ever and what i'm sure you're expecting me to do now is introduce richard hammond what i've got down here by my right knee in the cabin making an awful lot of noise and generating quite a bit of heat is the 49 cc engine from a moped top speed rather depends on how big you are and actually how much you had for breakfast realistically even the skinniest shortest chat with the whitest of teeth will struggle to get past 35. the top gear team so enthusiastic about any car well lads i put a koenigsegg down in the car park got a new ferrari down there not interested in this even john humphries dropped by for a look hammond no well can't you just clean them really four thousand to whiten them four thousand quid we are away from the jets ministers about how to handle the number of claims that have resulted from last month's floods the total bill is estimated at about one and a half billion pounds mark simpson sorry sorry everyone sorry yeah what the hell have you done man it's an opel cadet from 1963. so that's the same ages the same age yes but it's much better nick than you are it was 1200 pounds i had much changed with which to buy many beans how much more simple can you get it's got two moving parts and it's been here for 44 years i love the speedo i do like a horizontal steel truck [Music] oh yeah that's better you know what that is oh oliver you've got a cold listen if you run out of water you will die if your car breaks down and you can't be rescued you will die if you run out of food you will die it's like driving on a creme brulee there's a primeval ooze covered with a thin layer of salty crust if you have thin tires you will break through that crust get stuck and you will die so it advises to fit fat tires and remove as much weight as possible before setting off maybe take the hug caps off really because they protect the hubs can i point something out what cameron's walking around his car mattering about how he needs all of it i know exactly what he's doing he's formed an emotional attachment doesn't it might say to him could you cut bits off your wife still as you can see from the tyres grooves i was doing better than the merc i'm looking at james's rear wheel and he's digging in a long way i tried to help him along really helpful well he's always the beatle james it's waiting for you this is excellent why don't all cars have no doors when i come to power i'm going to make it a rule because this is just better which is even probably here has got a throttle that's jammed wide open and i can't hold it on the brakes you're gonna have to go faster and i hit you what oh god thanks well help yourself to my brakes why not i've lost a skull monkeys i'm sorry i can't just hear the throttle that's tick over look my leg's not on it oh god please come out come up float float float oliver which 1981 it's just driven all the way from zimbabwe to here without going on a road like this yeah yeah you get out of the way of the pub i shall move it for you if you ask politely i will move it yeah that's his life they are grown-ups honestly they do this a lot 100 he's on roll escape because i think we can improve this with an old top gear prop hold on what old top gear pro hang on i'll find it well you're an old top gear prop i don't know that so honestly this will improve it immensely i'll start again would you yeah wait for it right okay so it's the story really of a young chap [Music] and fell in love with that with a 43 year old opal cadet he called oliver and they would sit for many hours under the stars telling each other they had eyes like pools and moonlight and now he's decided to ship him but i've said him heat ship eat back to england haven't you yeah i have he's coming home are you going to live in the country together and you know like embroider church kneeling are running an advert of a jolly policeman in his tall helmet and put it on the back of a bus we've got it here there you are it's fine except for where the buses exhaust pipe is [Laughter] well i don't know what the fuss is all about this is very safe i can see no danger here at all designed by the same people who brought you the mclaren f1 the caparro has a three and a half liter v8 race engine which delivers 575 horsepower that is a huge amount in a car that weighs about the same as a patio heater some say that to unlock him you have to run your finger down his face like that and that if he were getting divorced from paul mccartney he'd keep his stupid whining mouth shut he's called the sting make sure that we aren't accused of bias toward the car it will be driven by the slowest man in the world a man with no known sense of direction him now as we race across london in the car and on the bike he will catch a bus around the corner there he will get an underground train to monument station and from there he will get on the docklands light railway which takes him all the way to the airport so are we ready yes ready meanwhile the stigs saw a huge red car approaching and he got on it using something called an oyster card which is useful if you have no understanding of money now here's one of the big problems that you have on the river which is the rowers who reserve a special kind of hatred for people with engines on their boats they are the cyclists of the waterway the hammonds do you want to lift see she hates me [Music] hello captain clarkson where are you hammers uh yeah hammersmith broadway no way where's hammond i don't know i tried to ring him but it sounded like his face was rubbing along the road so you may have had it already you realize james i have to beat you but i want you to win with that car don't get lost right time to ring the stick see how he's getting old we've given him a phone but uh [Music] go bit of christian motoring there that man wanted to pull out let him pull out what comes around goes around he who is last shall be first boy chuffing bus driving bullying nazi why don't you just wait and give your passengers a better ride no no you filthy foul stinking hammock hammond stopped swearing long enough to answer the phone the stig in a close second was now making his final train gentlemen please change your belongings with you at all times [Music] coming out the top in a minute keep watching 15 minutes after the stig james arrived thank you james what have you done the car as an entity ruined lies smashed and broken in front of us because of you he beat you on public transport [Music] [Music] ten points of stellar and a dollop of chlamydia and it's not just me being a fat old man i promise even if you're a teenager even if you're used to sleeping on the floor at parties and being stabbed this is completely unacceptable you need a skeleton made of granite [Music] which is now officially the fastest convertible in the world that'll do 206 miles per hour with the roof down but if a blue bottle flies over the top of the windscreen at that speed and hits you in the middle of your forehead it'll go straight through its own arse what you're going to say would go through your head i was expecting that no your head will be fine they have been able to fit a massive 60 cubic feet of cheese so if you're in the cheese making industry this is a very practical and impressive car now because the mercedes is lower obviously you get less space in the back but you'd be surprised how close it is i've actually got 57 cubic feet of cheese in there and if you convert cheese into dogs that's 4.3 great days why does anybody buy a range rover spores you want sport get an m5 turn the traction control off and smash your foot into the axeminster the governing body of motorhome racing states in the official 2007 rulebook that you must prepare your motorhome for racing the night before the race once the sun goes down you may not make any further changes which leaves you with a dilemma do you strip it out and endure a terrible night's sleep that means you're not on form for the race or do you leave the luxuries in place and then face having to compete with all the extra weight on board gravy juice pan warm peas carrots add [Music] finally everything was ready that's a pie mind you we had invited touring car drivers this is gonna be a late breaking competition i've just seen the door of the kitchen unit on the track and that doesn't happen at silverstone luckily my structure was still holding this is everything [Music] well i think the no contact rule needs a bit of a tweak but we are on to something here oh who's that it goes red when it's hot and then in there is your bedroom wow you see i don't think that's gonna work because as i proved if you don't strip all that stuff out it'll be too heavy and you'll come last no james you see you're wrong because you haven't seen this thing's pierced resistance yet what you have to do is uh come down here like this open this up and you are wow now what i'm going to do now is just uh lower that down check it out oh that is brilliant yeah i have james we're trying to prove that british land occasionally made good cars you're not helping our case here most interesting car they ever made and most radical and most modern oh look at the brown interior brown brown brown it's brown and browner brown was a 70s color this is a 1978 car it's very interesting it's in good condition why is it interesting this was the first car in the world to obscure its wiper spindles under the bonnet [Music] a requiem to long bridge from the uh the top gear british leyland trio [Music] [Laughter] it's come back to long bridge it's on strike finally i got past my stable door and we were off well one of this was i'd be happy to drive this all the way to the south of france and i'd be happy if i got there and found i'd forgotten my swimming trunks because then i could drive it all the way back again when you're on a motorway it's smooth and civilized quiet as well it is magnificent some say that he knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong and that 61 years ago he accidentally introduced her majesty the queen to a greek racialist all we know is i'm going to the tower now to have my head cut off um and he is called the stig bent to the myra test track top secret place it's where the motor industry tests all its secret new models it's uh it's just outside an uneaten on the a5 between hinckley and attiston um just before the a444 if you get too funny drake and you've gone too far you need to back up unfortunately got smoke some oil that had come out and was sort of on fire but no matter ah your time yes my time one minute 11 for that yes and what what minute 12 it was it's not possible look even with ray charles at the wheel you could get this round faster well you didn't [ __ ] you've gone the wrong way what's he doing man you idiot you stupid long head idiot i don't think it would have affected the time too badly it was never going to be good but oh would you get out of that now no his foot's still on the brakes look i'm not sure what's he doing that's the quickest i've ever seen him move how's that you're there 100 pounds thank you what a machine the mighty princess yeah genuinely pleased about that watch this [Applause] i've never seen that before happily the wheel spin generated so much smoke the car was hidden from view i therefore claimed i'd done it and then it was hammond's turn you need to do is find a bit that's not been exposed yeah he's done it right he's doing it right i bought at the same speed terry went around it nevertheless james was doing brilliantly yes in fact the princess could hold its drinks so well he did a full lap he's not cheating i can't believe it and then he passed hammond again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an austin princess full of water everyone's at the beach there we go first corner english fella will probably make a mess of it mine's the stick oh look he's completely messed that up i've got to call him bruce just to keep it simple our proper aussie music there right into chicago right he's hanging the ass out you don't want to do that in england never know what might happen now a hammerhead that's a shack where i come from uh not a bloody corner that's a proper night for a corner okay judges for this okay do you want to hit the judges on the american green card of the year one of them was um jay leno oh he hates cars yes apart from his large collection of ferraris and porsches he hates them yeah uh carol shelby oh he really hates yeah no carol shelby was the man who put the seven liter uh v8 in the ach to create the cobra and spends his time now supercharging mustang he does yes he puts superchargers on mustangs and the other judge was um he's called jean-michel cousteau and he's actually jacques cousteau's son i'd love to be in the pa when they were discussing it shut up you goddamn frenchy cheese eating surrender a monkey poor bloke when he walked in that room it's going to be very exciting i'm a judge and they were there drinking petrol although supercharging their chair this shelby i don't know what a hybrid is it's like country and western and it's absolutely nothing like the cars we know today for assad it has this tiller steering arrangement which is exactly the sort of thing you'd find on a canal boat and it also only has a single front wheel so presumably if you're a bit too vigorous with this the whole thing could topple over performance not great it has a one cylinder one liter engine which gives a top speed of nine and with a one and a half liter fuel tank its range is only five miles that's not the break his controls were hideously complicated but there were some good points this had twice the power of the bench two horsepower but most important of all it had four wheels so what they've accidentally designed here is the quad bike which had been translated from french because the car was made in france into english literally for making the carriage walking at the first speed take back the drag of the wheel backward crowbar of the right and take completely and progressively back the crowbar of embryos to you while you keep the direction hurl the mover till his starting i can understand why this is better than going around looking at a horse's bottom but how did anyone ever figure out how it worked it's the stevens derea which has eight clutches and what kind of dullard would think that that was brilliant that's brilliant what's brilliant this gear box oh this is a three-speed constant mesh so there's a constant mesh gears and it has selector forks but it doesn't have dog clutches so that's like the brake band on an automatic gearbox in fact and in a modern gearbox one would always be loose on its shaft either the input shaft or the leg shaft that's 1903 and that is basically what i'm going to try and guess it a bit down the straight i've never let a complete novice go out in one of our cars before he's going quiet and no wonder the straight line speed i could cope but in the corners i just couldn't think fast enough to react [Music] there's no temperature in the brakes they're not working [Applause] overseas i've done a lap just one more to mark the occasion the technicians let the engine play its party piece [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] oh that's an aggressive start into second gear [Music] let's have a look let's have a look where are you using the stigs line or no that's where the stick says you should go all the other f1 drivers do it different than that go out wide and bearing in mind this is on a track covered in water and oil 44.7 [Applause] [Music] i have to know because everybody out there including i have to say even the stig has to know how did you do that i don't know because a little bit because he's done a 44.4 let's be honest he knows this place like the back of his that's because he hasn't got hands but you know what i mean he knows this place extremely well okay you come down on a wet oily tracker 44.7 and he went we saw you singing jeremy meanwhile had to install a long-range fuel tank got a hammer [Music] with that not done i checked on hammond will you put that in your mouth okay squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze it does that work it's not brilliant if i'm honest oh yeah it's flawed motorhome wasn't quite as professional as that nor was our catering nor was our car in fact nothing was that we haven't got this we haven't got that no we've got that we haven't got these we haven't got these is this a diesel yeah what is it an m3 so this is an m3 bmw with a it's a lot better than ours is it a diesel no no m3 are you sorry you're an electric please be nice to us amazingly the stig went faster at night than he had in the day and put us an astonishing 40 second on the grid [Music] yeah that's great yeah don't don't touch him and we're off hey and i've lost sight of them already [Music] they're not gonna last long doing that sort of thing but they could [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] of course you might imagine that because it was conceived by a dutch billionaire and built on an industrial estate in banbury that it's all a bit half cocked okay the dihatsu is considerably cheaper it's insurance group 8 not 20 46 miles per gallon not 9 miles per gallon more doors more seats look at this the ascari it doesn't even have inertia real seat belts yeah no i hear what you say but the ascari is much faster and he has this is for me wow i guarantee you won't guess this is yours for christmas because here it is it's a wobbly headed model of the former president of nissan you are usa his head wobbles look i don't care no look it says on the back he's the father of the zed cup you've just pulled the wobbly head off the former president of nissan usa nobody's ever said that before i don't suppose they have now look what's happening because i quite like them [Laughter] marley was dead everything's ruined [Applause] i love this car get out of the way let me be jeremy then here i come this is mercedes's answer to the m3 it's the amg c-class and it's not a car it's a complete animal oh cry how many gears have you got six seven so that's one better that's two minutes what do you mean it's two it is actually all right has the captain arrived i believe so in an area this audi is a very very good car couldn't agree with him i remember when i drove this a couple of years ago i actually believe that that was one of the greatest engines ever made but you cannot ignore the engine in that mercedes you just can't nobody saw a 6.2 liter with 6.3 written on the side that's just hitting the 6.2 yes it says six point three on it desperate for a victory james got out his tape measure to try and find any area where the audi was best i'm just measuring the steering wheels to see who's his fastest meanwhile richard hauled me into the circuits conference suite for a powerpoint presentation right what i've got here is a graph showing the torque curves for each of the three you're only doing this on a powerpoint so m3 drivers know what you're on about no it's the easiest way to show you what do you want for supper tonight darling well i'll get my laptop out and as you can see on this graph 40 percent of me won't save shepard's pie with peace 60 percent wants lamb chops that's a year on year shut up and pay attention this is useful information these are the talkers for each of the my gear stick's got the biggest knob diameter by half an inch for the glittering top gear awards ceremony held here in front of whoever's bothered to turn up yes it's where we celebrate all that's good and bad in the world of cars here in the glittering west end of guilford yeah go let's pull away some more [Music] three two one go yeah try that that's more like it come on come on yes come on yes because the pickup is carrying a special low when i press this little button [Music] [Music] [Applause] he broken it you
Channel: incT
Views: 7,581,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top gear, the grand tour, best of, top moments, best moments, jeremy clarkson, james may, richard hammond, funny moments, series 10, season 10, 2007, driving road, amphibious cars, channel crossing, peel p50, botswana, special, oliver, race, london, motorhome, british leyland, lewis hamilton, awards
Id: neUi37CLIFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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