Top Gear - Funniest Moments from Series 14

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and pretty soon I was ready to start work it's a lovely material to work with Alan mini because it bends car makers can learn a lot from this simple system I've adopted that is my belt of many things are these all stuff is that don't touch it that's a dental health care kit what's this don't touch it just now that is a shoe polishing kids oh thank God for that if we get hungry we'll be able to eat these Kiwi vomits basically what you've done is buy my first Explorer kit about I'm sorry gentlemen this is the worst painting I've ever seen in my entire life and it's not coming or is it maybe this is a commentary on the superhuman almost alien nature of a Formula One driver at this level because clearly that this isn't human that much is immediately apparent and what it's done is suck the life out of this corpse in the overall thing that's leaning for us all of that's gone drain there by this creature you're right this is coming with us this is properly amazing stuff you should have used more than two well next time bye no and we know that happening I don't want to and so as a result they've recalled all the pushed chairs but the push chairs are the same all over the world and it's only in the states that they're recalling them not over here for instance there no no there's a very good reason for that I think it's because British parents are more what's the word I'm looking for intelligent yes good it's like literally baying with Livingstone yeah don't worry I'm alright [Applause] [Music] [Music] the RIC has launched this they're calling it ode of what sure is you spread into your car and as you it it makes it smell like a minicab a cool refreshing communist water jeez I could buy that for Hammond that could be his presence I tell you the other thing we've got to have is the letter I why because if you put a little eye not a capital a little eye with a dot on it it tells everyone who sees it that it's eco and that's okay it does cuz eco mental is stupid holy moly thinking yeah Getty deep pull yourself out I cannot pull myself Avex every time the bubbles come out you go in deep and I know Oh No as I sank into the use my colleagues became increasingly concerned and it's that fast because it's got a very clever gearbox it's called them it it's what is it it's a German name really complicated shot can I just let me just spell this out dudes it's a it's a D oppe l k u PP l u ng s g t ah I work in working on do you back yeah how is it and fun right basic small naughty but you haven't got the little sort of side joke have you what wait can't take it back hand luggage I'll Drive it back all the way yeah took two-and-a-half days to get lots of men smile she just backed straight into it man well why did you leave it bar behind the lorry I didn't know there was anybody in it I was leaving it had a shot Hammond however had more to worry about than the heat what up oh there's something it is squeaking at me when I was in spite of some extent by blaue reiter as some of the works of that in African masks exactly the African mask has had an influence on it it's very angular it's quite simplistic is quite primitive has it been on fire no well let's have a look at it in the round you know quite like the welding we can repair this you see okay now let's see the slow-motion crash footage we're going to crash [Music] Oh doesn't reform me yeah that was it's not even my oh man that was I think this is very convincing much okay it is now time to watch that crash but the speed it actually happened so you just put that up at the side of the road [Applause] you know honestly I'd rather just crap myself our genius plan was to paint the inside of the car on the outside with James taking the bonnet neither side and Jeremy the boot what is it Jeremy though didn't quite get the idea right red for the blood mate what but it's supposed to be what's inside the car how do you know that isn't a horse's head in the boot we wanted to hit James over the head with a hammer but the kids beat is to it to make matters worse in the gallery Mei was busy ignoring our instructions to make the audio guide interesting 10 as it was code-named during development rejecting the complicated hydro gas suspension of his forbear the Allegro in favor of a straightforward steel springs chassis with a torsion beam rear axle unashamedly derived from a design already used to great effect hello I'm doing it well I've just is I know who's gonna be done by all three but I can't do it because people keep bringing me up and asking me find Daniel yes you need to define greatness and that's the important thing and just because something's unreliable me it isn't great Stephen Hawking's great bloke even though a lot of it doesn't work okay the story they chose to they chose to run with was this okay here it is big stories saying that homosexuals are banned from the top gear studio audience now seriously honestly I've never trouble in my life ever now it is true of men and women in the audience otherwise it's a little bit like the early days when we only got the Subaru owners club and that's a bit grisly but we do not actually insist that you sleep with the person you come to the studio with I mean often and we're not suggesting that about seven miles an hour and a cow was there I just have nowhere to go because of this I take there was a school but well it was a bus full of children handicapped children and I saw some ginger ones oh I just I thought well like I'll have to miss that so I'll put it in the ditch rather than into the ended into the children frankly it was hard to see how we could possibly pass this but then James came up with a plan a plan that would fool even the most astute EU bureaucrats [ __ ] cool all right so now our car is going to face the fish and pendulum test [Music] Wow moments later James slowed down to let a mad local get past does that mean there's one of those maniac old taxi but I know he didn't get macheted today I was watching the truck I did warn you do you know it or did I not warn you James is killing Jeremy there things are going well I was watching the taxi words I was watching the taxi did your co-presenter on your television program just attack you with a machete it's the cab to the widow's point cross because I ran into him that doesn't happen on like clothes programs a little gardening chef people of Middlesbrough tomorrow morning is your opportunity to soak up some car and then in the black tracksuit sir in the white tracksuit top you could visit me matrix of trousers tomorrow morning yes go on this no great words got a hang of it no I'm a bit bored miss Kaka cool I'm gonna go ahead and use Jeremy's film on the BMW x6 now normally of course he would go and drive it in a sewer or blow it up or something like that unfortunately Richard Hammonds spent most of what we had left on his [Applause] Wilker this it's a fork on one end and a ten millimeter ring spanner on the other there's another spanner in the middle there but this means you can go seamlessly from ending your motorcycle to eating a pie without even pause by midday the numbers had picked up a bit but instead of following a prescribed route through the gallery everyone was all over the place thanks to James's useless audio guide white door we arrived at the gallery ringing me up and asking me if I've done it yet [Music] where's Hammond we'll call him otherwise we're gonna go on with this let's get go what works what what nothing nothing listen I can cheer you two up would you like some cannabis yes please right thanks hey that's cannabis no specifically it says it's swiss cannabis iced tea that's the best sort you can get this in petrol stations they sell cannabis in petrol stations if you like some plumb to cure in the bottle the shape of a violin say yes yes it's just what the doctor ordered gives you a natural field Plumlee cure and cannabis [Laughter] you
Channel: Nonzah Gaming
Views: 7,735,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, TG, Old, Original, UK, James May, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, Series 14, Season 14, S14, Funny Moments, Funniest Moments, Best Bits, Bolivia, Special, The News
Id: KY4tPAs7EDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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