Best of Top Gear - Series 4 (2004)

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I don't catch this 10 o'clock ferry I'm out of the race that's a design i perfected on school bus three two one [Music] thank you very much that was excellent [Music] yes we are in business okay I'm about to get on the Seacat which will get me to France in 60 minutes but before I get on and one concern [Music] yes hello Jeremy I've got the Zhang's just I have they stopped you they just keep coming alongside and they just go quicker quicker rubbish you're making it up this is the great thing about driving as the police come along in France and then just want you to go quicker - 40g no you're all wrong it's not sub zero we have had to build a new warrant the db9 section we have successfully driven through net worth I don't think anybody noticed it maybe top bling but fab one is largely useless on anything but wide straight roads so if you were Lady Penelope there's only one place in Britain you could live oh dear so I arts you is I bling you want a Wii but I can't stop because that would mean starting the engine again and starting an engineer's alone feels so New York taxi driver trick and you're not allowed to watch a pigeon look and afford sport cap [Applause] the question is which is fastest in a race the car or this pigeon finally pigeon central but is it too late have we lost I'm afraid so can I see the bird that be test please 14 there 14 that really is rubbing it in pigeon was in its 11 48 and 40 it was a massacre even without my mistake the pigeons would still have won by half an hour right we've lost let's get home Holy Mother of God I can see the garage [Music] talking yards now yards to go this is the garage I filled up at yesterday morning that ladies and gentlemen is how we do that this car has gone from London to Edinburgh and back again with a v8 engine of one tank of fuel [Music] I am absolutely lost for words that is one astonishing car now it's time for Top Gear to answer a big question it's been on the lips of the nation for years and it's this can a nun drive a monster truck this is sister Wendy she's a nun and she drives a Vauxhall Nova like all nuns she does nice things sister Wendy serves food to old people she wasn't ice cream she belongs to the order of grace and compassion of Benedictine nuns they're hardcore nuns who pray five times a day this is it she's out she stopped she's bullying she done it and that was a nun in a monster truck [Music] are you alright you can get well you won't gain because you're they built that Jesus is here [Applause] is the guest this week maybes not supposed to be on yet busy the guests how did you do on the track Jesus [Applause] Jesus has just said that he's not too tall for his hair shut up now you see nineties what I've got in mind okay that's a kind of and we're starting with speed cameras you see the government denies that they're there to make money here other cars we bought there's Richards Rover GTI James's Audi 80 and my v6 Volvo GLA and here's the first test our researchers worked out how much fuel was used on the Manchester run 30 mpg was the target for every mile to the gallon over there you get a point for every mpg under it you lose a point right I have the results of the economy run the Volvo 20 miles to the gallon giving Jeremy a score of minus 10 the rover 23 miles to the gallon giving Richard a score of minus 7 and the Audi a remarkable 35 miles to the gallon giving me five points yeah if for example you dent the bodywork on the new golf you can now simply change the air to skin rather than incur the cost of getting a whole new panel like the game it balls me to tell you but the golf is the one you'll want to buy good shot not exciting VW have had so long to work on does anybody think of a car currently available as uglier than an S type jag but multiplayer you seeing now multiples finds changed let's reset thank you you got one as someone you own a multiplier and they've announced in Florida that it's now legal that's legal for bikers to ride their motorcycles without a crash helmet as long as I can prove they've got $10,000 worth of health insurance well that's just stupid apart from anything else what's the point of insuring Americans head there's nothing in it so here we are all three cars together on this enormous playground and now we must decide which is best all we learn to begin with is just how hard it is to drive a powerful rear drive car on wet sand they just go sideways constantly you know the designer of the 5-series died after he'd finished it this one died while he was doing it how do you help a bit styled look I'll show you he's career-long here everybody well nice straight line here and lost the will to live hmm and then some house came along I just at a point to be duvet on the back [Music] okay here we go Feeny cabin [Music] unlike Hammond's mini tap my reto actually has sat-nav but I'd be cheating if I used it because a it's a 1,000 pound option than no minicab would have it and B it would mean I actually knew where I was going so instead I've got plastic stick on campus and of course the trusty old 8z which is there more like the beater said I've got the heaters on really quite incredibly furnace warm next and right I think that's way besides powerful heaters the c-max also has a cracking stereo good enough to find that station that only seems available in mini caps there we go no yes right this should be on the left it is I've got to say bit gloomy in here but there's loads of space if I got a call from control runners and the Pope needed picking up from a nightclub no where is straightening Barry in truth I'm probably not the one to test for Headroom but my first customer that was a different matter five and a half slightly bad feeling about this it's not bad already perks to being a Pathology's when I did find my first fare she happened to be a fencer with a bag of nice long swords and ideal tests then for the scenic would its boot swallow them up nice to meet you my first fare better James carries their bags to the car anyway to be honest any loan from the door ADA moyers chauffeur the swords sadly had to go in the front sorry about that I'm a bit new to this I'm not a real minicab er I'm on TV really this isn't my real job bring him round okay thank you it's a Renault scénic it very versatile seating you'll find if you grab holder the little lever you can slide it back and forwards no no no that's the front armrest reppin him I was just no no I am a presenter I do mind sorry so my real job don't tread on me radio Robbie at last a car full of people including a couple of burly rugby player types where we go straight we're testing cows a minicab loads of gadgets on the steering wheel we've got a stereo stuff it's not for each seat hey Sam yeah that's him yeah yeah because I left his seat I thought that was the wrong thing to do so they were impressed by the seat heater but as for this space well it was two in the back one in the front just like in an ordinary hatchback but did get an interesting tip that's custom Bassett Stilton cash shell now the essence is when it started a few years ago they had a five-star safety rating which they thought would be unachievable no car was a bigot yeah Renault Laguna was the first to do it this year's results five stars has been awarded to the Vauxhall Astra the Renault Megane convertible the Volkswagen Golf the peugeot 407 the Saab convertible Volvo s40 and the Toyota Corolla verso they've all got five stars kind of nearly all cars really it's get a bit like those a-level results every year isn't it when all you said and everybody gets it hasn't been to school yeah have 30a levels I got ten this year absolutely so what they've started concentrating on now is pedestrian rating is how safe you are if you get hit by one of these things in essence I'm choosing the top two here if you find yourself in the middle of a dual carriageway and here there are two cars coming towards you a Honda Jazz and a Vauxhall Astra leap in front of the Jazz yeah because you're gonna be okay in front the Astra had it's kind of curves really it's useful advice yeah it is except for one thing I don't really care about pedestrians it's not gonna be a popular view that were doing it's not but let me explain you see the thing is the Vauxhall Astra okay picking - sticking with these two cars five star four people in the front four four people in the back one star for pedestrian racing okay so you think okay honda jazz slightly less safe in the front slightly left safe in the back much better for pedestrians now look in order of people I care about my children in number one I'm number two me number three James coming out of the pup a bit drunk running down I think exactly we are V cameras poised and ready and here comes a young talker he's in a stolen car he has no insurance and he's so off his face on drugs he's actually in capable of exceeding the speed limit so he's completely safe look no flash at all that now who's this why it's a sama bin Laden the world most wanted man he hasn't been apprehended yet because he's realized that if he sticks to 30 miles an hour he'll be quite safe yes there we are all that police enforcement technology and it can't catch the world's best-known terrorists ah but look what we have here it's a little old lady on her way to the village fete with some cakes whoops she's inadvertently straight up 234 miles an hour good it's gotta water mania again right you remember our pickup truck yeah course you remember our pickup truck it's in the studio here somewhere it's still running remarkable what do we do to that and read to it drowned it blew it up on the top of a building all that sort of stuff it's still work to the end of it Toyota have launched a new Toyota pickup truck and they've sort of named it after our experiment it called that the Toyota Hilux invincible so sort of yeah they acknowledge the role of our TV program in the naming of that car that's brilliantly that's fantastic perhaps this would catch on perhaps all cars could be named after what we think of them yes the Nissen 350 noisy for instance they Porsche Cayenne mingi yes about the rover city rubbish yeah I like the city rubbish the BMW 5 - ugly yeah I think this is a good idea and I think this is going to catch up ok the engines are at full power and here comes the Mondeo now can they blow this one and a half ton car off course from 50 yards away 3 2 Jews the Mondeo must have been blasted a good 50 feet but we hadn't finished yet well that was a modern streamlined aerodynamic car so let's have another go now and see what happens when we let loose the top gear crosswind on something a little more well slab-sided a Citroen 2cv big engine lightweight hippie car this should be fun okay here we go again the engines are up to 58,000 pounds of thrust the car is released and three - whoa crikey yes the 2cv really doesn't like crosswinds [Music] well there you go you see next time you're out you think you're my ting can to cross winds or have to drive behind a 747 at takeoff thrust you're better off with him on Deo than a 2cv it's a service we provide this stuff you know because I've got here the foreword by the Prime Minister okay he's written a one and a half page forward he mentions congestion once and the economy once and safety once and there he goes environmentally sustainable realistic environmentally environmentally least polluting greener environment carbon emissions climate change cleaner agreed it's all to do with the environment that's all it is which make us there's an interesting bit here under the Interurban coaches whatever they are which talks about the successful introduction of a dedicated bus lane on the m4 which footage of this a successful bus lane can we run that let's have a look at it there it is successful oh my god there is one it's okay there's no one on it apart from the driver so there we are this [Music] this looks good yes yes yeah hey [Music] [Music] well done that was fantastic [Music] we haven't been here for quite a while so firstly a little bit of housekeeping to be done okay and straight away up here the mini now it's been up there Sub Zero 80s to be honest time and too many estate agents I think have kind of eroded the coolness and I think it might it's not even cool it's down here we all agree the Mini is now uncool so the mini Cabriolet you see the thing is if you've got a mini right now you need to keep a low profile you're driving around in dire straits this I'm sorry is even less go you wrong wrong wrong well now that's perfectly correct and this is a serious not seriously cool but this is a cool car [Applause] the people speak the people are speak okay it's cute it's quirky it's a good girls castle on the cool wall yes James May who eats pastry this brown bear and visitor curry is exotic yeah thanks this is uncool he's always wrong on that is going to come back and you're wrong people are gonna laugh at you for centuries here is the Fiat Barchetta now this it's gonna fall apart every time you drive you're gonna be stopping to get out pick up bits that have dropped off but that's why it's cool it's got a kind of shabby charm work with me on this it has there's a lot of blank looks it has it's a brave choice it's a cool car what who said it's still a Fiat what's wrong with a Fiat they're not good they're French [Applause] this all being strong gardening program mate that stands for the I in it Italia I'm gonna suggest we've got a few more to get through here mate I'd keep my mouth shut yeah now for the moment of truth my hands are slipping on the leatherette you'll have to tip the cushions of it good god no is that at the end yeah I've gone in it jag or a lady look just look just forget it so then James what did you buy - a brightener Pass jr. are you ready yes go on I'm thinking of you I love you I said about a better idea where's that hair bloke earlier on come on get yourself in there mate look this is it do you manage we just discuss the well we've got here is a United Nations drag race with Britain being represented by a 350 brake horsepower TVR 350 Japan by the Honda NSX and from Germany and 911 all with roughly the same power all purpose-built for the job okay that's been off the line backwards TVR is absolutely steaming it neck-and-neck with nsx the Japanese oh this looks poor a lowly third for the Corvette the Brits oh dear they win so is this American any good at anything well actually yes [Music] the head of display that's cold that's a very good thing it shows your absent speed and all sorts which is useful and here's something else interesting a G meter now why would an American car need a G meter the problem with the Olympic Games though is there's no cars in them and that's no good at all so we thought we'd have some games of arrow obviously if you're gonna have an international games event with cars certain disciplines are out of the window fencing is tricky table tennis is impossible swimming of course fraught with technical difficulties in the marathon well that's just too easy so after much thought we've settled on this the long jump so let's meet the car competitors from Great Britain the Austin maestro from France the Citroen 2cv from the United States of America the AMC Pacer representing the Czech Republic is the skoda favourite and here for Russia the Lada Riva each competitor car will start from here now they all have exactly the same run-up so this should be a good test of acceleration and it should reveal a lot about power-to-weight ratios so let's start from here they hammer down their sprinting towards that point in the distance from where they launch into the pit for their attempt at the long jump so let the games begin bring forward the first competitor from the Czech Republic the favorite the Skoda favorite in fact at 11 years it's the youngest competitor here today so is its 1.3 liter engine up to the job the length of the jump will be measured from where the back wheels land and the Skoda has opened the games with a very respectable nine point two nine meters quite a target for the others to go for the AMC Pacer is the oldest and heaviest competitor but it's also the most powerful within four liters of engine despite that big engine its acceleration doesn't look good splash then he limited the sandpit the jump though is pathetic so the AMC struggles to cover six point two meters next up from France the 2cv with 600 cc's under the bonnet it's the smallest capacity car but also the lightest so has it got the power-to-weight ratio just right let's see [Music] and that looks good and where's he going now well another friends looking like they were making a bid to go straight back home there the plucky 2cv manages 7.78 metres for France from Russia the lada riva estate 1.5 plenty of room in the back of this car of course but has it got the grunt to take it over the line [Music] it's flying the Russian they're just throwing caution to the wind I mean killing that was determination and that efforts paid off with a massive jump of ten point eight five meters for the Russian the Austin maestro one-point-three now it's always been underpowered it's gonna be the underdog but there's always hope who knows what it might pull out of the Hat [Music] looks good and a nice exit - and the result for Great Britain 8.34 metres so here we have the results in fifth place America and the AMC Pacer in fourth France the 2cv in third place it's the Brit the Austin maestro in second the Czech Republic but in first place with a massive 10.8 five meters from Russia the Lada Riva estate a true champion [Applause]
Channel: incT
Views: 1,761,061
Rating: 4.8669496 out of 5
Keywords: incT, st2i, top gear, the grand tour, jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, series 2, season 2, best of, compilation, best moments, funny moments, 2004
Id: cFil-Hws8LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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