Clarkson, Hammond and May "Meanwhile" Compilation

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meanwhile further up the road may was getting some bad news about that night's accommodation hang on you're not saying it's a bloody campsite so you've brought me on a crap road worse than the one we're on we've got a car down you've ruined the lotus and at the end of this you want me to stay in a tent you might find one of your tent poles is missing but don't worry i know where it is i'll have something up europe signal's a bit dodgy this end at the moment james but i guess you've got the message back there meanwhile quite a few miles further back that's just having a rest meanwhile i'd caught up with the idiots but i couldn't get past due to a railway network design fault even here we're stuck behind caravans if i'm honest though that wasn't the most immediate problem oh for god's sake oh this is really bad a member of the working classes is now taking a dump in full view of the editor of railway express magazine oh wow no whoa whoa whoa i'm very sorry about this meanwhile in the aston [Music] oh [Music] meanwhile i've chosen a spot to build my snowberry i think about here or here i think right [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] meanwhile one of the purposes of the original ground tour wasn't just to look at things and learn about things it was also to enhance your capabilities you would learn to do things you might do i know writing sonnets playing musical instruments regional cooking maybe i'm having a go at watercolor painting it's absolutely delightful apart from my reverie is occasionally interrupted by the disgusting bella of hammond's muscle car meanwhile james had got going and got stuck [Music] while jeremy had resorted to shouting come on come on that sounds like [Music] meanwhile on the train i'd been told i could cook lunch in the world's most fearsome arga who's on for a bacon sandwich it didn't go well oh no so bacon just flew out of the top of our train meanwhile up ahead okay i admit it this is the worst road in the world ever mary was correct mary will probably turn out to be a prop forward who drives a jcb for fun at weekends meanwhile it's a more pleasing place to be please shut up than this baby sick brown gas it's not something i've just noticed you've got a helicopter landing pad here on the back well you've got a tent on top of yours look at your roof that is not you don't put that roof up you pitch it plainly meanwhile further up the road i've had an idea you may remember viewers hammond broke my drum kit so as he waits down there for james to arrive [Music] oh god what if it were to go down the hill very funny oh no oh my god oh i'm sorry what do i do now did you break my drum kit yes have you got a cold car now no no not cold i'm going to die fantastic driving a car that terrible that that old see's targa roof yeah it may have fallen in the raging torrent i have no idea how meanwhile over at the youth center things weren't so hectic you've got full screen this is the best bit that's a color camera as well meanwhile my lack of power really was becoming a problem [Music] meanwhile in the convertible james was very unhappy with his new steering knob oh god it's the left-hander bend the knob what is the matter with those two clearly i mean meanwhile somewhere not in oxford tonight's new problem i think is the brake master cylinder meanwhile back in the sheep pens i've already been here having solved my visibility issues yes behold the strength of the man i was back on the move pg come here this is just me doing it this is stupid tgg meanwhile james and i set about the complexities of the day that's really very simple our rented field is 25 acres big in the field where we're currently filming one dog in his man tg just round one up meanwhile i think that ramp may have been a bit of a mistake because the view from here and the view over that way of trees suggests i am actually on top of the wall still could be worse hi yeah have you seen a fiat a small black and white fiat on your travels meanwhile oh god no wait many nickels this may have a top speed of 40 but i'm not doing that now really meanwhile down in the harbour my colleagues had been rather distracted by all the parties thank you gentlemen look confident look confident look like you do this all the time grab that grab that woman with the things on sticks what meanwhile they stopped what is coming into my car oh this caused problems for james you're gonna have to go round the outside straight ahead there i'll tell you when to go right hand down good there oh god [ __ ] good good that's two good good okay why did he tell me to go why did i listen to you you you imbecile it's meanwhile hammond had met his car it's i'm not used to this sort of thing you said you could ride well yeah i trot around the country lanes on a little pony and this isn't quite the same sort of thing it's only a pony hall it's not it's it's he's a hunter called harry richard the fact of the matter is okay you passed your driving test that qualified you to drive every car yes you don't get a bentley and go oh i'll never be able to control it meanwhile hammond was heading for the next subway train with the help of captain compassionate come on come on come on come on come on meanwhile back in the bentley jeremy clearly things weren't going well so meanwhile back on the cabin cruiser bloody hell mate but it's quite a lot of water it's up to well not again meanwhile my shortcut had got a bit boggy that's coming here we go yes if you've got one of these you can do that i mean while had found a track where i could go even faster yeah that is very quick now it's good looking good however meanwhile a few miles down the road [Music] i'm going for a second are you ready meanwhile james was still stuck in a sheep pen really stuck no no no no [Music] right hang on hang on hang on i can do come on oh crikey it's the albanian roses meanwhile has he got to go in that yes he is okay see you on board meanwhile in the gtv six oh no what's [Music] [Music] meanwhile at the rack and pinion it was opening time [Music] drop by for a beer later if you like meanwhile i'd got my car going again and was starting to regret it yeah this is quite hard work now i'll be honest i'm getting pretty tired but my left leg is agony fear change [Music] some of my ears actually i'm also quite cold meanwhile back at base sit down you're not interested in these are you do you know what your mind cannot comprehend of how uninterested i am and things like this meanwhile in the fiat this car is absolutely horrible and in the driving position they put the steering wheel directly above the pedal so to get comfortable your arms have to be the same length as your legs and mine aren't meanwhile further up the line mae had also got his foot down 25 miles an hour [Music] but this turn of speed was causing a few problems [Music] meanwhile this is us other than throwing myself down the stairs this is all i got bro we missed that one meanwhile back at the convoy no not now [Music] james meanwhile was dawdling along at the back yet he seems strangely unconcerned about this now on the face of it viewers this isn't much of a race because i've got the slowest car we already know that i only have the use of one arm and i'm steering with a squeaky frog bolted to the wheel however it's not that simple in fact i believe i will be first because he who is last shall be first as we know meanwhile at the back now viewers strictly between you and me i may have made a bit of an error um how can i put it the engine is too small the suspension is too soft and the gaps between the gear ratios are so big i could get another gearbox in them meanwhile back at the pub i was repairing my damaged front end well annoyingly the pork that i bought is sort of triangular and doesn't look right it doesn't really fit so i've got a side of beef which i think will be great and i'm just um clearing away the old bone oh shoot shoe in welsh i'm warning you how would you like to be a petrol filler cap right meanwhile i was ready for the final charge goodbye losers ignition stop oh [ __ ] meanwhile back at base james was having a rethink i've decided to abandon my original idea because it was just too weak and too floppy and instead i'm going to build a car out of bricks and the basic materials for making the bricks are fresh mud with a bit of water in it some straw to give it strength and some sheep poo you then use that to make the brick shape and then you fire those in a kiln and then you use the bricks to build the thing like a house except of course it will be roughly the shape of a car meanwhile much further back the soggy dog was not being so lucky [Laughter] meanwhile james and i had become entangled in a bit of a dog fight target locked [Music] meanwhile we had only five minutes to catch our train connection and as ever we don't have to run no you see we didn't it's five minutes away running is faster than walking it's just a fact not really but if i get on the train and you miss it that's tough meanwhile down in oxford the stig was revealing something new about himself [Music] he has a bladder meanwhile the stag was plainly bemused by his strange new world no no you filthy foul stinking hammock richard meanwhile had for some reason put the shipping forecast on the doors of the fiesta what have you got stormy on the side of your car because that's the name of the rapper that young people adore no that's storm z well stormy's that sexual intercourse enthusiast in america popular with young people meanwhile i'd headed for an organic farm shop to test out my young people modification what i fit into my car it's powered by the same usb port that you'd normally use to recharge your vape bong is the most important thing in a millennial's life and that is of course a juicer ta-da now using this i can make a whole range of tasty and nutritious juices using a variety of ethically sound ingredients and that means i won't be beholden to evil american corporations that murder baby beals and snap the beaks off chickens meanwhile in the ford he's okay temperature's good i can't tell you how easy this is on my car oh that's a big rock at the bottom of that puddle meanwhile after his success with the staged bin fire james was now getting carried away ah looks like a job for me [Music] my pleasure [Music] meanwhile far ahead my four-wheel drive subaru was scampering along come on come on i am king of the forest meanwhile having got rid of the ape i was back on my sightseeing tour this is our cheddar gorge obviously it's not as big as your gorge the grand canyon is bigger but it's longer and deeper and wider but it doesn't have any cheese in it why can't you just leave me alone i'm just saying everything in america comes with cheese apart from the grand canyon whereas this canyon does come with cheese and it's delicious you have something i don't want cheese better than monterrey jack in the tube you're ruining this meanwhile to pay him back for breaking it in the first place i decided to redecorate his treasured bike you know he will be apocalyptically crossed oh i know but he's crossed by everything so it doesn't really let's have a go oh yes meanwhile hammond's ferrari had decided all on its own to make a telephone call vernon is this correct why are you calling vernon k why are you doing that smile in the bmw kato my suit my suit jacket kato fire single shirt kato now thank you yeah meanwhile in the daytona [Music] you're right meanwhile far behind [Music] this is what black shadow is built to deal with continual heavy drizzle yeah it's it's i'm fine i'm fine i love the bike it's still my hero steve mcqueen had one you know class meanwhile i was wooing the ladies citrus c4 costs yeah i 10.6 seconds to 16. which is not exactly class leading but it's enough that was road tester what do you think road meanwhile back on the lake my life was getting even worse right situation update i've run aground can't even turn my boat in to win because he's stuck and there's a storm coming meanwhile james had worked wonders with the drag succeeding in his garage where british leyland had failed he was so confident in fact that he started a new sport of hammond bashing that was out of order looked like such fun that i decided to have a go myself and set off in hot pursuit come on they come and get it big fella so i did it's not the winning it's not the taking part it's just bashing hammond that's of course meanwhile james and i came to be ready for any emergency had decided to buy vital rescue equipment why what's what's that bit there for is that opener bottle opener what's it you need a bottle it's a bottle opener it opens beer yes we want them is that that's worth having isn't it what is it scrapey scrapey brushy brushy do you think there's a brush well okay saw the brush off i can't buy just one end can i there you go see there's just one end yeah but you might as well have a brush as well no you do need a brush meanwhile richard was in charge of valet parking hello welcome hello um right thank you i'm going to put this somewhere prominent i love the paint by the way sir [Music] uh oh meanwhile in the open university when we get to this next one stop that stopwatch and start that one at exactly the same time then you've got a record on that one to write down and that one's then timing it to the next one in fact don't because that'll confuse us because we have to take it away just leave that from running but john what the time actually said yeah wow further back in the eow i think she's still two minutes ahead why have you stopped because there's an entire farm coming towards me meanwhile i've found a track this must take me back to the road oh my god tractor meanwhile or do you have a bread rock i'm starving i need to eat i'm so hungry yes danke danke danke oh what are these it's bloody writing meanwhile i am feeling a bit sick now if i'm honest oh is that a police car oh meanwhile james's car had shed so much weight that he was able to get free and start raping the countryside again to rebuild it bastards 80 miles an hour meanwhile no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nina's been his penis penis penis penises my meanwhile my race was going well yes i've just done james mays somehow i ended up on the infield that was a catastrophic mistake but sadly i overcooked it trying to take leisure stick lost my brakes completely meanwhile [Music] and he wasn't finished yet meanwhile we were still thinking of things we weren't supposed to do to do ready you ready here okay go to revving v8s and the alarms went berserk run away run away go go go don't screeching wheels oh well that helps jeremy that helped meanwhile in the local village hammond was blending in nicely [Music] sorry [Music] meanwhile back in pc world i didn't mean jeremy's car was rubbish because it's a [ __ ] i just meant that's what it is it's a it's a an mg [ __ ] i'm sorry hammond meanwhile had abandoned the land rover and stolen a child's tent okay okay i'm not sure that the escape shoot actually works anyone a minute i've got my shoulders stuck meanwhile hammond was having some issues as well what i should have done is bring a small car rather than a mini oh i can't do it meanwhile james was having his first breakdown of the day oh no this time it was the transfer box which had burst free from its mountings that's the transfer box that's the bracket where it's bolted on those two bolts have been shaken out oh [ __ ] it's just me meanwhile far far away now look at this it's a 17th century pub and look at that step there now if you're in a normal conventional electric wheelchair that would be game over and no pint but now watch this full power hang on oh cork still could be worse venture bench oh jesus christ meanwhile in the renault come on spin oh it's this lorry driving it turns out is quite a lot harder than i thought you don't touch your leg as well yeah the gear lever has gone at my ass right okay meanwhile much further back now that my weight is on the back wheels i have traction oh yeah i'm surfing now meanwhile jeremy was being as practical as ever meanwhile meanwhile in the illumicraft class 10 we've got dust in my face it doesn't have a windscreen i don't like cars with no windscreen why do i let the others sort me into this why don't i just tell them to bugger off meanwhile in the next street james had encountered a peugeot driver sorry to disturb you gentlemen that this is an ambulance and this is an emergency it really is a matter of great importance that you make way for the ambulance thank you meanwhile i'd finally managed to put my roof up oh yes there's a chance there's a chance which was time well spent holy [ __ ] meanwhile james and i were having a ball in the madness of it all whoa this is such a melee i've been riding bikes for 25 years and i've never done anything like this i think you just improvised it's amazing it just sort of works do you know how to start it no all right get on well some vietnamese people came and i couldn't they just trod on it and it started meanwhile we'd met someone from richard's fan club hello how'd you do i'm jeremy clarkson i know this is richard hammond nice to see you yeah that's the way oh hey and tell me what do we do on a caravan holiday yeah we're here go around and see the countryside fill up no just fill up the loop meanwhile after a two and a half hour wait my 19 shining armor finally arrived [Music] meanwhile richard hauled me into the circuits conference suite for a powerpoint presentation right what i've got here is a graph showing the torque curves for each of the three you're only doing this on a powerpoint so m3 drivers know what you're on about no it's the easiest way to show you what do you want for supper tonight darling well i'll get the laptop out and as you can see on this graph forty percent of me won't save shepard's play with peace sixty percent wants lamb chops that's a year on year shut up and pay attention this is useful information these are the talk curse for each of the cars so that's your mercedes that's the audi that's the bmw meanwhile back with captain pugwash solid right now [Music] we were leaving the harbour you can't see what's coming i can meanwhile ken livingston was eating my wallet sure hi there have you got a congestion charge yes please how much is it oh five pound please [ __ ] five pounds meanwhile in frankie dettori's car oh meanwhile in the high-tech ferrari the man from 1947 was having a bit of a struggle james how are you getting on with your steering wheel meanwhile back in the workshop christina has discovered lego's remarkable propensity for not being waterproof here's the sink yeah it's not going anywhere oh it is okay meanwhile back where jeremy had left us [Music] this is going to wear the clitoris i'm not careful come on
Channel: incT
Views: 5,006,167
Rating: 4.9368777 out of 5
Keywords: top gear, the grand tour, jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, best of, best moments, top moments, compilation, inct, meanwhile, clarkson hammond and may
Id: lEtcYOjW5X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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