Top Gear - Funniest Moments from Series 13

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one two three did he go people understand he has to just go for these they've managed to make Allen headed bolts out of plastic because I believe one thing I've learned is that the premiums for seventeen year old girls are half what they are for seventeen year old boys seriously half the money well there's a top gear top tip right there if you're a 17 year old boy the coinsurance Slice you peed yourself I would've done I did yeah I nearly did I said no just that explains a great man James was being so stubborn I decided to bid on his behalf 15 I believe we have a cure you remember the one yesterday yeah how can we forget it this is the new Scirocco TDI it's pretty fun [Music] get a new Scirocco TDI see we've addressed the speed issue no you haven't yeah you know it's a six seater car you may remember it had three seats in the front and three in the back while honda say it's been such an enormous success they're dropping it I actually think the problem in this car was with the picture they sent us this one which is when the car came out a few years ago nobody wanted to drive around with a small girl severed head stuck on the [Music] thirty less than ten what a [ __ ] end honestly supercars not many stars not very good at this mind you compared to James of the banks although obviously he needs your petrol tanks ladies and gentlemen if you were confused ladies gentlemen we're now coming up to the last lot the various laws [Music] it's nice seriously what do we do because you don't want Citroen I don't wonder 550 600 750 1111 50 150 1,200 [Music] [Music] soon he was even more cross so you're driving the hearse I'm driving clark's and none of that is going in we're not doing a comedy carry on funeral we're doing a real funeral you wouldn't ask him because he's not interested to cook you and eat food you wouldn't ask me to do the washing-up you wouldn't ask James to direct a porn film well how you say that I think I'd actually direct quite a good porn film if you directed a porn film it would be you arriving at the house of the woman in the stockings and the negligee I've come to fix your boiler and then you just fix it three stop interfering with my time in the window [Music] I didn't look good for James and so it can be a bit it's all falling out [Applause] can I come down now No maybe we'll have converted him not talk to him he's doing literally sitting a maths exam but I bet the conversation in the bar a nice fun or did more mess than you today and now you didn't I need more meds than you action and pull out anyway as men we all know that you should never ever buy a woman something with a plug on it yeah we know that I did what I did girlfriend and electrical appliance yeah I got a repair drill correspondent well that's what she wanted she said I want the power drills oh no she said that James would you know nothing women say they want apart but they don't they won't soap yeah but it's impossible to buy soap for a woman hey no I got soap soap so then it was Jeremy's go with the big heavy Volvo oh for God's sake baby started now mercifully the drive finally leveled out [Music] don't make so much noise away the mom I keep it say it was stolen by amicus and they buried it in the summers job done Jeremy decided it would be quieter to drying out of the wreckage [Music] I think that's maybe pushing off for all this that's damage they're an awful lot and indeed possibly picked me on this one what was yours fifty point five fifty point four sixty six point one mom and dad they didn't wake up it's a good job they're heroin addicts then it was my turn I can do it on the engine for the engines quiet because the interesting thing is to speculate what James would have been hair doing until they as a teenager how long does choir practice go on I can't actually see where the drive goes is that the culture steady and don't say you're so unfunny [Music] got a verb James had lost his challenge [Laughter] hundreds of left in it [Applause] don't do please don't do that I'm not convinced by that though because I think electricity is a mystery it is I don't actually believe in it you don't believe in electricity nobody really understands it what do you want witnessing here is Asperges made real is that what makes my we smell funny to new Diesel's you know 271 and I think 277 he gives a pig's arse about all that diesel stuff it's a new XJ the important question is is it a proper jag though what you mean is is this car slightly kaddish mmm that's what you actually mean yes is the person who drives it a bit uh what's the word I don't quite sure how to sum it up but this sort of person he would go away for a weekend with his wife to a hotel some romantic place and spend the entire night flirting outrageously with a waitress and it's okay because he's got away with anything terribly sorry I ran over your dog Oh in my jab armed with this new information about women James decided to get some practice while we talked to the girls I've got a motorbike you see them he's rubbish I'm much better I did one yesterday Glastonbury and it was brilliant just really you just can't do it you can't do and he's got no penis because it came off once I think it's in there yeah it's like a little tube [Music] now cloud I change up first and third on my brief selection gearbox which means technically i short-shifted when I say sure I don't mean that no i meant i short-shifted I didn't know I wasn't being clever walkies walkies oh that is a miserable looking dull normal face do you want to hear what you time me 646 48 I beat an Alfa Romeo that's the saddest looking spectacle I've ever seen and it's your fault if you're from the RSPCA right - is it James May is a bastard Top Gear London your handbags in the way they're cheering us on speak English cuz they're Spanish presumably you passed first time no really no lost we were going along and all of a sudden he hit the dashboard with his clipboard and he said look out there's a small child in the road and I said no there isn't okay so you were just being pedantic you were incorrect meanwhile back in PC world I didn't mean Jeremy's car was rubbish because it's a [ __ ] I just meant that's what it is it's a bit of an MG [ __ ] if I'm sorry James was next yes yes it oh no he's mr. cool Oh knees down the backstraight is hard to see why bothered with a helmet oh well not just mean to the post office they've got a new Stamper but then as he approached the girls all became clear hot for James May right now that's actually that's not the worst bit about those those six seater cars because it could be worse if you had your wife in the front and both daughters and you sat in the back oh no but you do see that occasionally you see the mother in the front and then and then there's a bloke sitting in the fax policy she's effectively saying you've given me the baby now get in the back yeah please truffling please please please I could have a rush hour in my Walker but he does anything get up throw a donkey off at our block sit in a plastic chair by the side of the road go to bed where does it rush-hour come from in now you
Channel: Nonzah Gaming
Views: 5,310,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, TG, UK, Original, Old, Series 13, Season 13, S13, Funny Moments, Funniest Moments, Best Bits, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond
Id: Jp8pcgqm4zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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