Clarkson, Hammond, May at Fuel Stations Compilation

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we finally found a fuel station [Music] oh now that's an oil company name i wasn't expecting really i know this is childish but it's just why don't they sponsor a formula one team powered by turd think of the skid marks think of the commentary at the petrol station i discovered a problem you are joking it's only got a 50 liter fuel tank a 50 liter what's the point of a 50 liter fuel tank [Music] you join us at another petrol station i don't need any but guess who does half an hour later we were told to brim the tanks in our cars and pay careful attention to the challenge we were about to receive a minute you will now see which of your cars can achieve the highest speed well that'll be mine it's as simple as that it's the fastest how fast your car can go is not relevant it's sort of how fast you dare drive it it's 35 miles between four gallons we'll do it that will do i can't believe how light this door is you know those um little tights cars that all kids have the red ones with the yellow roof door that's what this feels like so watch this right still it should pay dividends where it matters here one of the worst things about the old jag was filling it up used to z all the time this though going in smoothly so far that's a big improvement it's 7 00 am and this is a good time to start partly because the roads are quiet and partly because this is a good time for filling up with fuel [Music] you see in a morning when it's cold and it is very cold this morning fuel is more dense than it is on a hot afternoon so you're getting a little bit more for your money one thing though don't whatever you do forget to take any unnecessary weight out of the boot there just had a quick look at the fuel uh fuel gauge and it seems we need some so i'm going to give it the best 98 see if that stops it rattling i have no backache the engine's quiet the ride's good good gt car and i've got one filling station further than i did in the db9 interestingly my eyes got a bigger tank if it weren't cloudy we'd be able to see them screaming by [Music] this was going to be the final fill-up with a ferrari averaging 15 miles to the gallon okay premium all the way up and all as quickly as possible i have seen x factor winners less cheerful than all petrol pump attendants are in japan look at this how frightening is that he can spot your beaver from about a mile away while the girl gave my gtr a thousand smile service i went to buy some more dead fish each ivory you'll see hiv what the engine noise wasn't the only irritation is this just going to be a tour of italy's petrol stations well it depends how far apart they are doesn't it really look at it this way think of the snacking opportunities you come to italy for food yeah but not crisps no not crisps and hideous sausages you don't know what you're gonna find it'll be different in different petrol stations well are there any renaissance petrol stages we can visit or are there any renaissance sausage rolls in there having filled up his car and himself have you noticed how his right bicep is now slightly bigger than his left foot have you also noticed that when he feels his car he stands like a teapot [Music] even though there are these huge cooling ducts here and the engine has no cover at all that thing has ten radiators three to call the engine itself three for the intercoolers one to do the axle oil one to do the engine oil and one to cool the hydraulic fluid used to raise that rear spoiler it's got more radiators than my house this is going to be a formula one style pit stop this is where's the fuel filler cap button i have the white board why don't they put them in the same place have you ever seen a more stupid place to put a fuel filler cap release come on that was a fraught filler it's a place to put it when you're in a race it's one minute to pour french time they are now as we speak arriving in paris just eating the petrol in one big lump all 20 gallons that was delicious you're gonna need some more of that right i've done the calculations on my phone and it's doing 19 miles to the gallon bearing in mind we're only cruising you'd have to say drinks like an aston should lovely look who it is funny what really funny it's not funny this is oliver can i put the posh fuel in it's oliver oh come on james excuse me are you mr vettel yes sebastian could you help us out with something what is it well we're out driving these two cars and we're trying to decide which is the perfect car to take just for you know just for a drive for pleasure and obviously we're not going to agree but could you be like the umpire to help you decide yeah i hit denmark and started to feel weary [Music] apparently if you drive after you've been awake for 18 hours your concentration levels are around the same as someone who's hovering around the um drink drive limit and if you drive after you've been awake for 24 hours your concentration levels are about the same as someone who's had half a bottle of scotch [Music] times like this desperate measures are called for so on what i like to do is reach for my packet of spunk oh yeah oh now i'm ready oh yeah [Music] oh oh oh i don't like spunk onwards trouble with tunnel blasting in a car with atomic power like the lambo is that the fuel economy does drop a bit i was doing nine miles to the gallon oh dear is this your second fill up yes mine's got a 110 liter endurance fuel tank if you two need to get in my slipstream when we're going up the hills because i know you don't have much power i have no point if i lactating power to keep up with this thing horsepower 415. 522 how it uses them it's how it deploys them i'm with them top speed 175 top speed 185 195 yeah this is probably quite a good car i'll grant you that but it's half hearted and limp wristed it's not a real luxury superstar and neither is it a proper lightweight james a little compromise might be useful in your car be honest though i love it in fact he loved it so much he bought it a present what's that i bought a cushion are you admitting that it's okay yeah no no no no no no no no no hold on he's admitting his car is uncovered no it's been finally it's that's interior design it's a scatter cushion to look pretty as we reach the outskirts of bucharest we stopped for a fill-up let's have some very good petrol prime thank you did you try your romanian on him or her or her they didn't have any tangy zesty orange drink but they've got that intense energy this other kind of petrol is it it tastes like it's good for you no [Music] you can run an aston on this stuff just pop around the back of the garage for a week and i'm no gardener but i think i know what that is and whilst jeremy had been investigating the bob marley tree there was another problem with the mustang it was extremely thirsty and soon hammond needed to stop for fuel as may and i waited in the coffee shop made lotus is famous on the steering field hammond filled up but from where we were sitting it didn't look like he was doing that at all sort of interrupt but i think hammond really loves that mustang what is he doing we even found a way to amuse ourselves during the mustangs endless fuel stops [Music] look at his face [Music] until eventually we pulled him for a fuel stop okay now this is a bit of a valve hammond yes i may have made a mistake where well i added this escape chute so that i can go from my aeroplane fuselage into the backseat of the car yes which is here it's very good but i've covered the filler flap oh my god jeremy no no no no what seriously you're gonna hit it yeah that's quite close yeah but unlike your two cars ready oh yes yes soon refueling was underway [Music] go away that's an all new i've never seen a lockable fuel filler cap where you need to saw it's very secure the gt's tiny tank was now nearly empty this is a splash and dash right petroleum oh please let it not be one of those stupid american ones where i've got to pay first because i don't know how much i want sadly it was no not a debit card i even bought one oh what hello the pump says not a proof does it have a chip in it it's probably because of the chip how do i play this um i'll turn the pump on you pump what you need and then i'll let you yarn the card in here when you're done thank you so much so you talk like you grant you can get anywhere the only blessing was his small fuel tank i think he's stopped for fuel has this dig ever stopped for fuel before how would he pay for it we got a nectar card [Music] well let's find out i'm gonna do one lap of the m25 in this thing to see if it's bearable and to make it more interesting i shall be going in convoy with a petrol-powered lupo and the producer has said however much money i save in fuel by driving this i can spend in the shop [Music] like all motorway service stations there's much to choose from 499 for a cliff richard calendar tempting [Music] look at this gold plated crystal telephone i mean who's going down the m25 and thinks i've suddenly decided i need a pair of trousers oh for god's sake my videos in the discount bin 3.99 with both cars full to the brim of fuel it was time to set off right that is now brimmed and the news is frankly astonishing because this little diesel here has done 75 miles to the gallon and the petrol only managed 42 miles to the gallon and that's a huge gulf so are the savings on just one lap of the m25 119 miles i've saved four pounds 29 p which i'm now going to go and spend in the shop you need to put your miles in no no no no i need to do the calculation to get it into gallons don't i which is times divide by 4.45 yes put it in the memory i don't know how you do that memory plus that's gonna be [ __ ] i've got my glasses on the gallons buy oh dude four point four no gallons of divided by memory plus i've done what was your mileage what is my mileage this is perfect what is my mileage 4.45 what to divide the mileage by the the gallons by 4.6.4 if you've got gallons that's my mileage right press the divide button i've got liters which is that one it's like a dash with the dot oh yes yes yes yes and then then press memory recall which is that gallons yes and then press equals and you should have a figure i know what is right two four five right hammond has you cheated and hardly drove anywhere today what miles to the gallon and he wasn't going very fast no either so it was the fastest car yeah so you weren't stretching your car so it was faster it was well within its own capabilities it was faster than everybody else you were cruising what is the most nine point zero eight six nine point one miles to the gallons james eight point naught if you'd have driven as far as us today imagine what you'd have used i reckon if you rub it's back it'll give a really big burp and then go to sleep i want to drive it some more let's go let's go and drive 6.75 miles to the gallon 9.1 mine's economical as well as fast none of us made double fists actually this is the fastest and the most economical now can we have some amazement please wow wow okay what i'm doing now is a very simple test i'm filling this 4.6 liter range rover vogue se up to the brim with petrol hold on a sec i mean right i think you'll agree this is now full yes now what i'm going to do is take it for a little drive then we're going to come back and fill it up again and we'll see just how many miles to the gallon this thing is actually doing all right all i have to do now is zero the trip there we go and we're ready let's on road [Music] [Applause] okay now i've been driving around for a couple of hours in the sort of stop-start city traffic that you get when you're taking the kids to school or going to work and i've done 41.7 miles and what i'm going to do now is fill it up to the brim again [Applause] i'm gonna brim it so it's all just spurting out that's gonna be come on that's that's it 20.85 [Applause] liters and now we have to do the maths okay that's um 20.85 liters now we'll convert that from eurobabble into english by dividing it by four point five four six equals four point five eight gallons make a note of that four point five eight six four gallons okidoke now then we did 41.7 miles divided by 4.5864 miles to the gallon coming up everybody nine nine miles to the gallon [Music] see that little bucket next point he's moved it now but they put an extra bit in that for themselves and then it somehow is on your bill james and richard don't know that which is why their bill's probably going to be two and a half thousand pounds to fill their tanks up nothing big enough is there hello how are you very well anything you wish do you have anything enormous you know what nothing no it works it's huge just big no just like a doesn't matter what it is frankly but big [Music] okay how much is the war gin the white warranty 18 000 because eighteen thousand dollars i'll give you this for some war gin this is very very special made from banana yeah yeah thank you it's called war gin [Music] uh it's it's a fighting drink i'm gonna give some to james see if we can speed him up that's the most environmentally friendly thing i've ever seen so you dispense petrol by hand this is how greenpeace should run their cars well i think i i prefer electricity i bet you prefer do you prefer electricity this is better not probable yeah would you like a drink of health and joy i'm running out of fuel that's a that's happened very suddenly uh this is may how's everyone doing for fuel [Music] i have about a quarter of a tank i'm gonna need more fuel the mighty north star has drunk it happily we soon saw signs for a service station that's excellent i was just about to start panicking oh small problem here it's not open so we drove on to the next one oh thank god where is it where's the fuel oh it's not finished they could even be fuel tanks waiting to go in so we drove on to the next one please then there's somebody open but that didn't have fuel either how much money are they spending on service stations well a lot but they're not earning any from them i can tell you that the problem china has is it's building motorways so fast that the people building the service stations to supply the motorway with fuel i can't keep up my fumes are running out there after passing two more unfinished service stations we finally got lucky oh thank god oh that's a relief however our problems weren't quite over [Music] i mean is that petrol or diesel what what's that that does green mean petrol or diesel sorry i was how do you know which fuel is which well we have no idea she just comes this is what she just did with mine she just put that in the land is it petrol she's putting it in whatever it is with the lucky dip fill up complete we were ready to roll however in the rac approved cadillac uh my car won't start it's the battery or have you filled it up with ribena as the rest of china was keen to use this one completed service station i had to push hammond clear of the pumps it's not really the message we want to be sending out to the people of china that our cars have broken i'm doing manual labor i found the battery [Music] success hammond quite a lot of chinese people looking well that's the jump leads test done we've done the jump leads test if ever we need it though yeah those chinese made jump leads were excellent excellent not that we needed them charles left in it i brought you some presents coming into it i've got you steak and cheese biscuit what i bought you a fan really yeah that's fantastic how do you feel now yeah air cooled there it is see what i've got ham and cheese yes done the ham and cheese i really you the ingredients blah blah blah blah blah and imitation american cheese so it's the only thing that hasn't actually got any cheese on yes after our imitation american lunch it was my turn to help the stricken cadillac oh yes we'd survived the highway but then we had to pull into a town for fuel [Music] oh this is really terrifying okay just um that's diesel that's i've gone hilary for president but that's not going down this lady was cross but not as cross as the garage as a owner now are you all gay looking to see how long it takes to get beat up in a hit town i'm not gay i'm married i've got three children uh no we're not no we just sort of decorated our cars in a distinctive manner nascar sucks country western is rubbish guess what you're in a hit town man we're gonna die now that's it she said she was gonna get the boys so we decided to scarper i've just remembered i've actually got loads of petrol and then of all the moments oi jump leads you're joking jump leads not now this is going to be the quickest jump in history yeah where are you get the lead i'll start it again the rednecks arrived we just got a slight problem here [Music] rocks started pelting our vans [Music]
Channel: Mustang150
Views: 4,655,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top, gear, the, grand, tour, James, may, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard, hammond, stig, at, located, fuel, petrol, diesel, stations, station, compilation, funny, moments, montage, jaguar, audi, a8, Lamborghini, Ferrari, aston, martin, car, race, bugatti, veyron, stop, stops, refuel, refueling, refill, refilling
Id: 9dzN6QuAOio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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