Top Gear Patagonia Special — Best Moments..

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once is actually being transmitted quite close to the birthday of jesus unless you're watching a repeat yes james unless you're watching a repeat well it's quite confusing anyway that is quite a view and this is quite a car i have always loved nine to eight because they were just so futuristic i mean this car is 23 years old and it looks like it was designed yesterday [Music] what have you done hammond there it is ford mustang the mac one it's a bit it's brilliant necessary no it's not that's the whole point of it that is the ram air and that's an edelbrock carb underneath it the plenum there it all it works i mean if i were nine it would be tremendous but i'm not i mean it's all just preposterous should we just turn our attention now to the elephant that isn't in the room yeah captain lost no way that is not him hi the lotus esprit isn't it twin turbo v8 james lotus does not have a good reputation for quality some say that this stands for lots of trouble usually serious wowzers i do like that in a slightly richard hammondy sort of way is that a mach one it certainly is there was another problem with the mustang it was extremely thirsty not metal sort of interrupt but i think hammond really loves that mustang what is he doing come on [Applause] with the muscle car fed it looked like we were going to complete our simple 130 mile challenge but then what that is smoking he's smoking you're smoking badly oh i'm stopping i'm stopping i've lost steering oh one and a half miles one and a half miles butch cassidy's house just talk me through it power steering thrown all its oil out fluid that's what was making the smoker off of the manifold [Music] there it is oh my god i'm going to stay here where butch lived and then neither of them are as good as butch cassadines oh look who's here [Laughter] norman wisdom ladies and gentlemen has arrived always run over him everybody i'm sorry the tierra del fuego how far is it 1 600 miles in the lotus [Music] key falling on my head and just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed [Music] because paul newman rides around on the bicycle doesn't he yeah and then catherine ross does a little playful hahahaha giggle and throw some straw in his face [Music] soon the road i'd chosen got a bit worse [Music] which wasn't ideal in cars like these it just goes to show doesn't it really about how brilliant cars are because oh bloody hell cocking laura how can you not like this road go away it's brilliant may and i decided to cheer him up i don't pull any more backing on yet how's your puzzle hammond shut up i'm absolutely confident i'm now having a better time and of course if you have a mid-engine car it looks cool [Applause] he'll now be sitting up to here in his own excrement nerdy chat about what makes a v8 so special was is they burble but mine's snarled our colleague then turned up having mods the barge of his bodge fixed let's go come on coffee good yeah it's lovely it's delicious proud american ass is stuck on a rock it's lardy ass yes it's a bit heavy for this sort of work well you're right it is oh what what the hell is that it is that 2cv again it's the producers that's their idea of a comedy backup car i hate the 2cv i don't want to get in there well it's funny you should say that shut up they call me an orangutan simply don't know what we're talking about cocking nora what's the matter you idiots it's not finnish why don't we just get the phone calls a short while later the three of us had got the bridge finished gentlemen i'm about to go over the edge is there anything you want to say to me can i have your ferrari james do you want to wait for him or well do you know under the circumstances i think it would be fair to no i don't see you mate yeah i'm intrigued by the fire station to our left that's imagine being a fireman here quick get to the fire don't worry the reigns put it out maybe it's literally a fire station they come and start a fire for you i might be doing it slightly on purpose oh it's just a crazy car because mental yeah it's just really silly sliding about on the snow oh look at me full of character hammer i need a brief exchange of words with you and there are only two of them there are only seven letters three of them are you say jeremy your car is not boring i will give you a tow jeremy your car isn't boring please would you give me a tow thank you very much jeremy clarkson and your interesting porsche hammond this road you chose has killed my porsche i'm going to beat you to death with a bat stop questioning my leadership i will deal with the responsibility uh by leaving right then follow me hang on you're not saying it's a bloody campsite so you've brought me on a crap road worse than the one we're on we've got a car down you've ruined the lotus and at the end of this you want me to stay in a tent you might find one of your tent poles is missing but don't worry i know where it is i'll have something up you're up signal's a bit dodgy this end of the moment james the whole day driving on a terrible road wrecking my car possibly losing the porsche breaking my spine then hammond says i have to put the tent up while he goes off to get the food and i don't know how his tent goes together and he knows absolutely the square root of jack about food and cooking right where is the hotel where we're staying well i just said welcome to our little camp what [Music] why have you done this well it's all right you have to you know you get to look at an esprit and a mustang we have to look at this all day and it's dull we brightened it up why don't you put the campfire out and use your face oh that's not going well oh stay still stay still you're right i guess we're walking then what the hell was clarkson thinking of even suggesting what was i thinking of listening to it the countryside is for driving through and looking at buddy [Music] hell sorry viewers um apparently there's a freestyle trampoline competition going on first prize oh well i think we'll sign up we'll also sign up for the piggyback race to remind you of this extraordinary trip that we have been on what well seriously that's because we know you love horses thanks lads hammond it is fine with the back of his mustang [Music] all these people lorry drivers wondering why there's a delayed departure james slowly left him down left hand down he's crashed into the bows [Music] i claim this land for norfolk and name it lotus beach [ __ ] uh chaps the lotus is beached on lotus beach it's a lorry ferry is that what i suppose is possible it didn't have the most sophisticated system for loading the car [Music] oh my god that's so shonky this stupid car on the back of the floor deep deep deep river right he went back to get james there was no room for his trailer i'm taking broke back in the car with me a team of locals had already begun the groundwork for our stadium they were using shipping containers which would form the framework and we had even lined up some football cars for the argentinians to use we received word that up ahead there was some kind of protest about our visit and the producers decided it would be best if we went to a nearby hotel well this is taking a lot of interest in the camera vehicles i've spoke to the manager he's a little bit nothing not a lot that he can do the police made us realize this was no idle threat are you saying we've got to get the hell out of tierra del fuego absolutely the veteran said a mob was on its way and that there would be violence with four tons of equipment loaded into the cars the 31 strong film crew headed out of town by all means nobody stopped as they drove into town a large mob was waiting the first couple of hits were from eggs but then the rocks started [Music] is [Music] but after many hours of struggle our team made it across [Music]
Channel: The ExtraKrumbs
Views: 2,874,164
Rating: 4.8891282 out of 5
Keywords: top gear patagonia special, top gear special, top gear patagonia, best moments, funny moments, jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, jezza, captain slow, compilation, laugh, top gear, the grand tour, season 4, bloopers, deleted scenes, Porsche 928, Lotus Esprit, Ford Mustang, Marc 1
Id: GfL1Ir2IFsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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