Top 10 ONE-TIME Acting Oscar Nominations EVER

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so I have made many top 10 videos about acting Oscar nominations today we're looking at the best performances from actors who only were nominated once hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and it's time to talk about the finest Oscar nominations for one-time nominated actors before we begin I have two rules the first rule is that it Camp be an actor who won on their first nomination this video is all about actors who were only nominated the one time and my second rule is nobody who's been nominated in the last 20 years like in this video I could list Sandra hooler for anatomy of a fall but that just happened she'll probably have another nomination in the next few years I really want to talk about people in this video who probably will never be nominated again so my cut off year was 2004 are you ready let's get started with number 10 best actor Harrison Ford witness what are you going to do Paul you going to kill me you're going to shoot me you're going to shoot him stand luck you going to shoot him so here is a nomination I feel like your average Joe doesn't know exist of course Harrison Ford is one of the most famous actors of his generation I mean talk about a movie star who is Han Solo who is Indiana Jones he has made so many popular films throughout the years and when you think about Oscar nominated actors I don't think Harrison Ford is your go-to but he did get one he got one Oscar nomination and best actor in early 1986 for his Sublime dramatic performance in Peter Weir's witness he does a great job in this movie he is subtle and strong and emotive at times and really creates a three-dimensional character that you're rooting for all the way through I feel like Harrison Ford should have more than one acting Oscar nomination I think the big one is The Fugitive I think he is great in that movie should have gotten in I also think a nomination for Raiders of the Lost Arc would not have been unjustified I mean the movie got into best picture and best director and was one of the giant hits of 1981 so that could have happened but hey at least we got the one a great Harrison Ford nomination for witness number nine best supporting actress Judith Anderson Rebecca you had a right to amuse herself didn't she love was a game to her only a game it made her laugh I tell you she used to sit in her bed and rock with laughter at the lot of you oh my God what a deliciously Sinister performance Judith Anderson gives in Alfred Hitchcock's 1940 Masterpiece Rebecca as a huge Alfred Hitchcock fan I find myself revisiting Rebecca over and over again throughout the years there is so much to love about that movie The engrossing Narrative the Luscious cinematography those fantastic performances by Joan Fontaine and Lawrence Olivier but my favorite thing about Rebecca is that Judith Anderson performance talk about iconic she has this unusual creepy Vibe about her from one scene to the next she seems kind of trustworthy at first but then you learn more about her past you learn that she might have been in love with Rebecca and that she wants to preserve her memory forever I mean this is just perfect casting Judith Anderson in Rebecca come on she's so talented I'm kind of surprised this is her only Oscar nomination but hey for an actor if you're only going to have the one nomination I mean talk about a great one the ghoulish Mrs Danvers in Rebecca number eight best actor Lawrence Fishburn What's Love Got to Do With It oh you l so here is another incredible actor we have all adored for decades he's been a part of so many important films boys in the hood The Matrix Apocalypse Now the list goes on and on if you can believe it this wonderful actor has only received the one Oscar nomination for playing Ike Turner in What's Love Got to Do With It from 1993 he probably pushed out Harrison Ford for The Fugitive funnily enough and in this captivating drama he does such a good job a performance that easily could have been overshadowed by Angela Basset astonishing performance as Tina Turner all of the focus could have been on her and and that would have made sense in a way I'm so happy the academy voters recognized how fantastic Fishburn is in the movie as well I feel like this guy should have two or three Oscar nominations for acting by now but at least there's the one for his terrific performance and What's Love Got to Do With It number seven best supporting actress Jean Hagen Singing in the Rain you got to talk into the mic well I can't make love to a bush all right all right so sometimes an actor gets one Oscar nomination in their long career and it's for the wrong movie The Wrong performance such was not the case for Jean Hagen in 1952's musical Masterpiece Singing in the Rain a popular silent movie star who has to transition into the Takis but her voice is horrendous like nails on a chalkboard this is a richly textured very funny performance from Jean Hagen I'm so happy was recognized by The Academy number six best actor Bill Murray Lost in Translation for relaxing times make it Sor time this is without a doubt one of my favorite performances in the movies of the 21st century I adore lost and translation Sophia Copa made such a lasting gem about friendship and connection that just Burrows its way into your hearts I love this movie I love those two Central performances and this is Bill Murray's finest moments I mean I adore him of course in Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day and probably 10 other great movies but there's just something about his reserved down to earth kind of emotionally closed off performance as this weathered actor in Lost and translation it's just impeccable work from the great Bill Murray I'm so happy he got an Oscar nomination he was probably in second place after he won at Golden Globes in musical or comedy and at bafta this will probably be his only Oscar nomination in his long career and boy is it a great one number five best actress Dorothy Dandridge Carmen Jones I love you that gives me don't give you no right to Own Me there's only one that does that's me myself this was an historic moment in the mid 1950s finally after what almost 30 years of the Academy Awards we had our first African-American nominated for best actress for emingers Carmen Jones a very entertaining musical drama Dorothy Dandridge in the title role gives the performance of a lifetime and so thank God the academy did the right thing and nominate the first African-American woman in Best Actress shockingly this wouldn't happen again until the early 1970s 1973 we got two Sicily Tyson for Sounder and Diana Ross for lady sings the blues far too long I say but back in the 1950s there at least was Dorothy Dandridge for Carmen Jones an historic nomination a wonderful performance and even though this was her only nomination it is of course one for the history books number four best actor Liam niss Schindler's List that's a nice Shen about it thank you very nice I'd say I'd get you one but the man who made it is probably dead I don't know so I don't know about you it is wild to me wild that Liam niss only has the one Oscar nomination in his long career for for Steven Spielberg's 1993 Masterpiece Schindler's List that was a necessary nomination he is incredible in that film for 3 plus hours he is mesmerizing on the screen he is such a fascinating character to follow throughout that narrative to see his character Arc his changes here we are at the Oscars in early 1994 again in best actor the same year as Lawrence Fishburn gets nominated for what Love Got to Do with It the same year that Harrison Ford probably got very close to a nomination for The Fugitive I should probably mention in case you didn't know the winner for best actor that year was Tom Hanks for Philadelphia nobody was beating Tom Hanks that year that includes of course Liam niss for Schindler's List but come on really his only Oscar nomination he wasn't even nominated for kiny like he's so good in Kinsey Liam niss should have more than just W Oscar nomination number three best actress Sharon Stone Casino I'm sorry Randy I'm not going to let her in she I'm not going to let her in the way she's beh not going to let me in who knows what you're going to do in this what do you mean what am I going to Dum in the same CL for two days I would have get a few of my things big deal this movie by Martin Scorsese 1995's casino is one of my favorites I think this is a dynamite film the story The cinematography the pacing the music the performances everything comes comes together in casino and this really was the Apex of Sharon Stone's career like she had been trying to break into bigger films get meteor parts for more than a decade she finally breaks through first in 1990s Total Recall and then especially in 1992's Basic Instinct she gets a Golden Globe nomination for Basic Instinct but I think the subject matter of that movie held her back from getting a Best Actress nomination at the Oscar and then she's in a few questionable steamy adult Thrillers after 1995 her status in the industry slowly tapers off she never gets a great role again there was just the one in 1995 in Casino This truly was the one time in her career where she could show off everything she was capable of and she succeeded in every way she does not hold anything back she is Fier and strong and unpredictable you never know what she's going to do or say next she has such an electricity about her in Casino it's as if she knew this was going to be her one shot at an Oscar nomination and she got it so well-deserved she won the Golden Globe Award for best actress in a motion picture drama and you know what as much as I love Susan Sarandon's performance in dead man walking and as much as I adore Merill Streep's performance in the bridges of of Madison County my vote that year for the Oscar win would have been Sharon Stone for Casino number two best supporting actor Samuel L Jackson Pulp Fiction and I will strike down upon thee with great Vengeance and Furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers can you believe that can you freaking believe that Samuel L Jackson only has the one competitive acting Oscar nomination one I mean okay the guy can phone in a performance here and there I mean how many credits in film does Samuel L Jackson have like 200 maybe more I don't know but come on at the very least Jackie Brown Jango Unchained he should have been nominated for one of those obviously Quenton Tarantino gets the best out of Jackson and he did so in Pulp Fiction his role as the Hitman Jewel was instantly iconic in 1994 is still very much iconic today it is just a brilliant performance for the ages I understand why Jackson said shits when he lost the Oscar to Martin landow for Ed Wood this was a performance that should have won an Academy Award and this is definitely a guy who should have another competitive Oscar nomination by now potentially good news for all of you Samuel L Jackson fans this is the one person I'm talking about in this video who might be coming closer to a second Oscar nomination Jackson has a film coming out later this year called the piano lesson and I'm already hearing Rumblings of Oscar buzz about Jackson in this movie so fingers crossed everybody now before I get to my number one choice a few Runners up number 11 and number 12 are for great performances in horror films Janet Lee in Psycho and Linda Blair in The Exorcist two all-time performances I adore and the only nomination for either actress next up are two performances from primarily comedic actors Albert Brooks in Broadcast News and Jean Wilder in the producers I love these two guys in a variety of projects and I love that each one got an Oscar nomination and speaking of Tarantino one more great acting nomination for a Quenton Tarantino movie Robert forer's best supporting actor nomination for Jackie Brown was a wonderful surprise and finally that takes me to my number one choice this was an easy call for me to make it is an actor who got other nominations and a win for the same movie but this was his only acting Oscar nomination in his long career my number one choice is best actor Orson Wells Citizen Kane to arrange for the indictment prosecution and conviction a boss Jim W get is what a Monumental achievement citizen Cain was for the very young Orson wells in 1941 he was in his mid2 he co-writes he directs he acts in something that has been heralded by many as the greatest motion picture of all time Citizen Cane is such an influential piece of artistry that has had such a profound impact on filmmakers and film critics throughout the decades it is a perfect mindblowing ahead ofit Time movie that feels like the work of a seasoned Master somebody who's already made 10 15 20 films before that this was Orson Wells future film debut as a director is kind of insane and then on top of that his performance in the movie is also stunning his physical transformation his emotional transformation like for an actor who hadn't really been in the movies before in his mid-20s to deliver such a richly textured performance as he does in Citizen Cane he has so many powerful moments in that film as an actor and then when you remember he was also directing the thing at the same time it's just it's too much like it's too much for me to even comprehend I don't know about you I'm so happy Orson Wells won an Oscar for Citizen Cane along with Herman J manowitz in original screenplay I'm thrilled he got a Best Director nomination welld deserved and for his mesmerizing groundbreaking performance in Citizen Cane Orson Wells is clearly I think the number one choice for the best one-time acting Oscar nomination of all time thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what do you think of my list for the best one-time acting Oscar nominations is there any one I left off the list we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 15,026
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Id: qQ3u9PvKmRY
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Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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