2025 Oscar Predictions (Supporting Acting) - June

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hello fellows and ladies time to talk about the uh supporting categories because I I have to I'm going to start off with supporting actress look every year I feel like supporting actress is the category that like I I'm always wrong at this point of the year like it always just it's always so screwy at this point I think last year I like trying to think I think last year I was predicting like blunt and Ferrera but like we we saw those movies already and like that's it so honestly I'm just ready for all five of these to be completely wrong I do not think Natasha Leon is going to win for his three daughters in fact I'm will to say right now she will not win for his three daughters but at this point in time I don't feel comfortable with anyone else at number one besides her again I I've seen hisory daughters she is like breathtakingly good and I feel like she will get the push it's confirmed to have not only a theatrical release but it will come out in September that's not a bad date for just Natasha I think Netflix will know what they have with her and push her really well so you know I'm going to stick her here but again she's not winning I do I did decide to put Amelia Perez in best picture after the last video and I did put caros Sophia gasone in over s Ronin and I feel like if uh Amilia pres gets into picture I think Selena Gomez it sounds like she's just like a guarantee it sounds like she's got like aside from Carlo the meteor role of the uh main three and I already know what some people are going to say like whoa whoa whoa are the Oscars really going to nominate Selena Gomez like for a category I feel like if the movie's in picture like if movie's not in picture then no but if the movies in picture I feel like they'll like be fine going with Selena Gomez I feel like she's like distant enough away from you know the uh Disney days plus she's like had her Awards run yeah she's never been nominated for an Emmy for only Ms but she's been sag nominated she's been glob nominated also it's really like Dawning on me that Amilia Perez might do really well with sag I know it's International but like it's like broad International and like you know it has like names in it including Selena who's like a a sag nominee but again if the movie's on picture then I I just I cannot put her in I do have Julianne Moore in for the room next door so I mean not much to say here other than you know pel malar guess his actors nominated I feel like Tilda and Julianne will probably just like happen I don't have much reason to question them if I'm being completely honest I did take the piano lesson out of picture but I still feel obligated to keep Danielle dead Wier in I can't have predict her winning cuz I have Sam Jackson winning in supporting actors spoiler I'm not putting piano lesson with two acting wins when I don't have the movie in picture but I feel like again like the movie is going to be an acting showcase and I feel like like maybe more so for Sam Jackson but like Danielle deweer she didn't she's not reprising her role but Danielle Brooks played her on uh the Broadway Revival and she got a pretty decent amount of nominations so I I I feel I feel good about having Danielle deweer in like she's going to have a pretty meaty role it's possible that the movie not being a picture could be an issue for Danielle deweer but I don't know I I think uh I think this is this is probable I I feel good about Daniel deweer I did decide it was either like an new Alice or Isabella rosalini for this fist slot like the kind of the movie that everyone else predicting that I'm not but like I have to put like a spor actress contender in there I don't think Isabella rosolini gets in if conclave is not a picture thing I feel like no one nothing happens if conclave isn't a picture thing if conclave is not a picture the movie's getting Goose sicked I just I I feel very very confident about that and I do think if conclave gets into picture Isabella rosalini could like be in the winning like conversation because you know it's about time Isabella rosolini gets an actress nomination and you know why not give her a win I mean if the performance is nothing then I guess that's why but you know but I did decide to go with anenu Ellis for nickel booy I don't see nickel booy being that big but I do get the sense that anenu Ellis can have a life of her own outside of nickel boys she could have a pretty meaty role that like people will like grab on to think something like Danielle Brooke in the color purple or like Maria balova from Borat like yeah the movie is not a picture thing but like they really grab on to that supporting performance that everyone just likes so G dang much or Jennifer Jason Lee for the hateful late that's another example I could think of a lot of people have her winning and um you know if the movie's in picture I won't count it out but I don't know it doesn't she doesn't give me winning Vibes I do think people should not underestimate Aaron kellyman for Blitz he is second build for for blitz so I I feel like this guy be a reason why I feel like she's going to have a pretty meaty role that said I did decide to take s Ronin out of actress and I always got the vibe that Blitz didn't need acting not in the same way that like ailia Perez if that gets picture it's going to get acting if Sing Sing gets pictur it's going to get acting I never got the vibe that Blitz like needed acting so I I I feel fine taking Aaron kellyman out and leaving her at six but I feel like you know she's she's pretty well but I feel like she can like really like blow us away and like maybe get like a a sneak precursor or two and then like land the picture nomination at the end Tony Kord Jordan number two I don't want Tony Kord Jordan number two is very possible I really don't want to fall for the Trap of like oh well Kathy Bates got in for a uh you know for like as a lone nominee for a Clint Eastman movie so I guess that means Tony kette will too I really don't want to fall for that but I don't know maybe she is like meaty again I feel like if number two is in her and Nicholas Holt which just like slide into to their respective categories I don't know I can buy Tony kette getting in I feel like she'll be pretty meaty lesie Manville and queer theoretically I should like just throw her in because I'm so confident in queer but uh I uh I heard that her role in the book is pretty minimal and that could that could not that could not translate like that could um that they could they could add on to a role in the uh movie however she has third build so you know there could be something there with her I don't know we'll see I we we'll have to wait till the festival is for that for liy Manville I guess not for D Craigs he's winning so with the end me kind of dropping my uh guard with the end I had to take Moses Ingram out I still stand by if the end gets in Moses Ingram is a like she could win musical you know Supporting Actresses they win I know I say Selena Gomez isn't going to win but shut up but I I do think like you know with the end out a picture if the end doesn't get picture I mean maybe a song nomination maybe it's like text but not acting but maybe Moses Ingram could be a survivor of that actually that's more possible than I'm letting on I really don't think SNL 75 is going to get uh any nominations but I do want to like investigate a little bit into it if it does get into picture I don't know maybe I don't think Cooper Hoffman would get in he's like a boy still and leel is playing Lauren Michaels but he's still kind of a boy I do think if anyone gets in I feel like it is Rachel Senate I feel like she is old like old enough like she's known enough for sure playing Rosie Shuster isn't huge but she seems to have a really medy like pretty big like part of the story so I'm intrigued how Jason wrightman's going to do that and maybe a senate will have a me role I feel like people will be fine nominating Ral Senate Maria balova for The Apprentice that seems like it's just a nogo but uh apparently if the movie gets into the picture we we can't fully counter out but man Apprentice seems to be just in some weird limbo state right now Kelly riy for here at this point I'm just kind of naming people just see what sticks Connie Neilon Gladiator 2o I mean I really don't know if Gladiator is going to be an acting thing this time around I do want to mention soia goani for the seed of the sa fig again I don't think this movie is getting acting nominations but I don't want to fully you know say no to her Katherine Keener for Joker F du I do want to mention briefly we don't know what her role is although realistically it's probably her and Bren G are probably just going to be Harley Quinn's parents or some I don't know maybe maybe she's pretty meaty maybe she comes in at the third act and just blows us like all the way I I guess I can't fully count that out going to spor actor I still have Samuel Jackson winning for the piano lesson but I'm starting to get nervous about that if P Lon doesn't get into picture he could win anyway like that's definitely on the table however I I really just I I don't want to just call the race like a lot of people are CU man I can't lie Clarence Macklin is so tempting for Sing Sing that's such a beautiful narrative like like yeah Sam Jackson winning his first Oscar is awesome but like you know former inmate turn Oscar winner I mean come on Clarence mcklin man I don't don't count him out man I'm really I'm so serious about that culen for a real pain that feels like that just might happen if a real Pain's not in picture then like I guess I'll have to consider taking him out but even then people really like this performance and car kulan's definitely at a high right now Jeremy Strong for The Apprentice play Roy Cohen apparently he's fantastic you know obviously and I feel like as long as The Apprentice comes out I feel like he just gets in with Sebastian Stan maybe he's not as likely as Sebastian Stan but I I feel like eventually Apprentice will pick up like a distributor albe maybe a shitty one and maybe it doesn't land picture but like I feel like people are just too interested in Sebastian Stan to not watch the movie and I think from there Jeremy Strong will probably come alongside Sebastian Stan people really like Jeremy Strong all right Jeremy Pope for the collaboration I still have you'll notice this isn't like too different from my last video the only difference is that I had to take John caroso and throw him in the garbage again I still think Jeremy Pope you know playing uh John Michael Baptist is like not nothing I I just really think that collaboration maybe not in picture but like at least for Paul betney and Jeremy Pope there should be like people taking them really seriously and people just kind of aren't Dre starky for queer again playing the main interest in a luuk guo movie you know I I me like you know it doesn't guarantee you anything especially in the case of Drew starky being not like a big name but if que's huge Drew starky could like land if he like is really good same kind of goes for step grah for Blitz but again I don't think Blitz needs acting but I really think it would be him who gets in not Harris Dickson who you notice I have low low I really am confident that step Graham's the guy for Blitz and I just I don't think Harris Dickinson is going to get in for this movie Stanley tuoi and John Lithgow I feel like Tui would be the guy more so than Lithgow although it could get both he get double nominated for sure again if conclave doesn't get in none of these get in but it I'll I'll approach it like it is let's say conclave is in picture I think I from what I hear from the book Stanley Tui would just happen and then when he get to John Lithgow you know he definitely could happen but he doesn't sound quite as like guaranteed but again like if conclave is like a top five player I wouldn't have too much I don't think I'd have too much problems putting them both in however you know Pope is right there and then of course there's Mark idstein who I guess I do need to talk about a lot of people are probably correctly saying he's probably going to be this year's Dominic cesa which is like totally a possibility and honestly probably likely but I I did I took Dominic cesa seriously last year I want to take Mark idstein seriously he didn't get nearly as um you know much claim as Mikey Madison did and Mikey Madison is just going to get in but it's possible if they really want to go out for Anora they could slide markstein in there I don't want to fully count him out I also don't want to fully count out Chris Hemsworth I look when furiosa bombed I took him out all right that's probably not going to happen now but I I I know the movie I saw I know the performance I saw you know Chris Hemsworth is a transformation he's big he's done big monologues I really think that like saying Chris Hemsworth can't get in feels like a pretty termined outcome I really want to like look take him a little more seriously than people have been that said you know after theie bombed you know and it's an action performance I can't deny that but you know hey he's monologue maybe maybe he will like surprise us of like the Globes or something Michael Shannon for the end again no end in picture no Michael Shannon and I never really bought him that much anyway but you know Michael Shannon I want to fully say no Ray fiser the for the piano lesson uh and also I'm going to extend that to Michael POS for the piano lesson I mean obviously Sam Jackson's the one to look at but I don't want to fully dismiss these two either apparently they're pretty meaty roles in the play more so Ray Fisher than Michael Potts but I think Michael pots has some stuff too Ray Fisher is Reviving his role from Broadway so that's cool I I mean if p is not a picture it's not getting anything more than Sam Jackson in this category but if it is in picture I feel like Ray Fisher could like make a splash at least Michael Potts could too but I think I'm more so Ray Fisher right now you're probably going whoa hey why is Joseph Quinn at 14 for Gladiator and hell why is Denzel Washington at number 17 a lot of people are going oh Denzel Washington's the guy for a gladiator and I I I see I A lot of people are going it's Denzel Washington and for an actor like Denzel Washington that could be enough that said is it enough for a Gladiator movie I don't think so I don't think we're gonna get a Jud hirs kind of thing and I do think that's not Jud HS that's that's extreme I think deno's going to be a lot more than Jud hch was in the fabl but I I I don't want to like I I feel like we need to like look a little deeper before we just immediately go Oh No It's Denzel Washington when the cinemacon reactions came out I feel like we all just completely forgot that everyone talked about Joseph Quinn and M isn't he like the bad guy he's like the main villain I feel like that means something something top of that Pedro Pascal is second build Denzel Washington is sixth build like yeah Fred heisinger guy from Thelma is above Denzel Washington like billing wise yeah I don't want to be like and Pedro Pascal bu second that could mean something I do think but I really feel like it would be Joseph Quinn I feel like he's going to be like pretty menacing and like you know the guy but also gladiator's going to suck so you know it's probably going to get no acting nominations I'm standing by that gladiator is not acting thing that includes Paul mecal by the way Paul and then everything else here Paul R is not going to get nominated for Sing Sing Jesse plem for kind of kindness if kind kind of gets one nomination it's him but it's not going to happen you know the movie is's just getting Goose eged all right that is it that is the uh the nomination predictions for supporting actor and actress like And 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Channel: Adriano Caporusso
Views: 505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hN_o3LxXFuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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