Greatest Oscar Acting Scenes of All Time PART 1

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so in this video you're going to watch the greatest Oscar acting scenes of all time this is the perfect video for anybody who's wanted to increase their acting and become the best actor that they can possibly be because we learned through osmosis all I want you to do and all I ask is after the video leave down in the comment section below which scene was your favorite and why this helps artists so much more because we get to see what actually resonates with people what got you connected to this scene so if you wanted to help the most artist out possible leave down in the comment section below which scene was your favorite for also telling us why so without further Ado just watch listen and comment all right let's get into it J I need my money [Music] Jake oh you mother okay all right I'm putting cases on all you huh you think you can do this Jay you think you can do this to me you [ __ ] will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you shoe program 23-hour lock down I'm the man up in this piece you'll never see the light of who the [ __ ] you think you [ __ ] with I'm the police I run [ __ ] here you just live here yeah that's right you better walk away go and walk away cuz I'mma burn this [ __ ] down King Kong ain't got sh on me hey buy huh Paddy Where Have You Been huh M we got a serious situation in our hands you know that we we we got got to beat the Giants if we want to have any chance of getting into the division any chance of playing in the playoffs do you you realize that I didn't realize that yeah that's the bind we're in I mean I think it would be wise if we spent Father's son time reading about the Eagles talking about them just to strengthen the good luck thing that you're in okay yeah SP to maybe I didn't spent enough time with you growing up I spent too much time with your brother it might have made you feel worse about your behavior but I I I didn't know anything I could how to handle it I mean that's what all this Eagle stuff is about it's about us spending time now I want to do everything I can to help you get back on your feet that's that's that's the whole point I wish you watch these games with me then we could talk and we could get into things so look we we just come downstairs and talk to me and Randy now huh come on this woman came to my rescue when one of my mother's many gentleman friends was attacking me with a claw hammer this woman has D in her skull from Hammer blows what do you know about attacks what what do you know about life on these planes what do you know about hard times we know you had a rotten childhood mom who didn't you don't know you do not know none of you know none of you know except this woman right here and that man we buried today sweet girl sweet Barbara my heart breaks for every time you felt pain I really I wished I could have shielded you for from it but if you think you can fathom for one solitary second the pain that man endured in his natural life you got another thing coming you know where your father lived from age four till about 10 do you do you no no in a Pontiac Sedan with his mother his father and a [ __ ] car sixing years in a car now what do you want to say about your rot childhood Jesus this is a Crux of the biscuit we live too hard and then we Rose too high we sacrific everything we did it all for you father and I first in our families to graduate high school and he wound up an awardwinning poet you girls just given a college education taken for granted no doubt where'd you wind up what do you do what do you do who are you Jesus you worked as hard as us you'd all be president you'd have no real problems you got to make all your problems yourself really funny really funny what do you mean a funny it's funny you know it's a good story it's funny you're a funny guy what you mean you mean the way I talk what just you know you it's you're just funny it's you know the way you tell the story and everything funny how I mean what's funny about Tommy you know you got wrong oh oh Anthony he's a big boy he knows what he said what' you say funny how what just you know you're you're funny you mean let me understand this cuz I you know maybe it's SM a little up maybe but I'm funny how I mean funny like I'm a clown I amuse you I make you laugh I'm here to can amuse you what do you mean funny funny how how am I funny not just you know how you tell the story what no no I don't know you said it how do I know you said I'm funny how the am I funny what the is so funny about me tell me tell me what's funny I will not resign you will not resign you will force me to dismiss you I will not resign and you will not dismiss me miss maai you will not use the excuse of that pathetic that humorous document to Blackmail me Mr lther you are a witness to this Miss maai has made totally unsupported accusations against my name and yours if she has one authentic shred of evidence just one let her bring it forth otherwise if one more word of this outrageous calumny reaches my ears I shall Sue I shall take Miss Mai to the public courts and I shall sue the trustees of Marcia Blain if they support her I will not stand quietly by and allow myself to be crucified by a woman whose fed frustration has overcome her judgment if Scandal is to your taste Miss Mai I shall give you a feast Miss Bry I am a teacher I am a teacher first last always do you imagine that for one instant I will let that be taken from me without a fight I have dedicated sacrificed my life to this Prof profession and I will not stand by like an Inky little slacker and watch you rob me of it and for what for what reason for jealousy because I have the gift of claiming girls for my own it is true I am a strong influence on my girls I am proud of it I influence them to be aware of all the possibilities of Life of beauty honor courage I do not miss maai influence them to look for slime when it does not exist I am going when my class convenes my P will find me composed and prepared to reveal to them the succession of the stewards and on Sunday I will go to crand to visit Mr lther we are accustomed Bachelor and spinster to spend our Sundays together in sailing and walking the beaches and in the pursuit of music Mr lther is teaching me to play the mandolin good day miss maai and over it again until it loses its power this is very excuse me this is very important why it is important excuse me is if you bring someone mhm out of a traumatic event back to the present time no matter how carefully you do that excuse me if you have not gone over the memory excuse me some of this sounds quite like hypnosis is it not this is a process of dehypnotization if you will man is asleep this process wakes him from his Slumber still find it difficult to see the proof with regards to past lives that your movement claims would you care to submit yourself to processing look through the telescope as my friend says well perhaps another time you've also said that these methods cause methods can cure leukemia according to your book and some forms of leukemia in being able to access past lives we are able to treat illnesses that may have started back thousands even trillions of years trillions with a sir the Earth is not understood to be more than a few billion years old well even the smartest of our current scientists can be fooled yes you can understand skepticism yes yes yes for without it we'd be positives and no negatives therefore zero charge we must have it good science by definition allows for more than one opinion which is why our gathering date is so far reaching otherwise you merely have the will of one man which is the basis of cult is it not it is it is and thankfully we are all of us working at break neck speeds and in unison towards capturing the mind's fatal flaws and correcting it back to its inherent state of perfect whilst writing civilization and eliminating war and poverty and therefore the atomic threat well I find it quite difficult to comprehend or more to the point believe that you believe sir that time travel hypnosis therapy can bring world peace and cure cancer I have never been to the pyramids have you no and yet we know that they are there because learning men have told us so may I ask what is your name John Moore Mr more if I may is there something frightening to you about the causes travels into the past frightening yes no no what's what what scares you so much about traveling into the past sir I'm not are you afraid that we might discover that our past has been reshaping perverted and perhaps what we think we know of this world is false information time travel does not frighten me sir because it's not possible what does frighten me is the possibility of some poor soul Leia there are dang traveling in and out of time as we understand it but as not like traveling down a river you see you travel down the river around the bend look back and you cannot see around the bend can you but that does not mean it is not there does it but certain clubs would like us to think that a truth I say truth uncovered should stay hidden I belong to no club and if you're unwilling to allow any discussion no this isn't a discussion it's a grilling there's nothing I can do for you if your mind has been made up you seem to know the answers to your questions why do you ask I'm sorry you're unwilling to defend your beliefs in any kind of rational if you if you if you already know the answers to your questions then why ask Pig [ __ ] I have had a lot of time see to think about what it is that makes somebody a good parent and it's about a constancy and it's [Music] about patience and it's about listening and it's about and it's about pretending to listen even when you can't listen anymore and it's about love like she said see Billy has a home with me and I made it the best I could and it's not perfect and I'm not a perfect parent and sometimes I don't have enough patience and I forget he's just a little kid but we build a life together and we love each other and if you destroy that it'll be be re R wait let [Music] me irreparable yeah yeah yes yeah Joanne don't do that please don't do it twice not to him yes and then Merill Street can't even look at Dustin Hoffman after that yeah crer versus Kramer Kramer versus Kramer yeah yes thank you Mr Wy for that commentary uh your honor my my client is understandably upset motion to recess yeah I don't exactly like recess very much though that's the thing continue with your witness Mr Turner Mr Dawson it's hard I know it's hard to oh yeah to know what to say to Lucy half the time right is it no no was that a no yeah no what see Miss um I don't know exactly okay I'm sorry Mr Dawson you don't know what I don't yeah yeah okay yeah yes yes you don't know right I mean you don't know what it takes to to raise your daughter do you objection these are not questions this is an attack overruled I'm Lucy's father are you see I'm her father are you really I'm not talking about the fact that you got some homeless woman pregnant I'm not objection your honor get to the question Mr Turner yeah the question is if if you love your daughter as much as you say you do and I know that you do don't you think she deserves more don't you when your heart of heart secretly question yourself every day don't you objection compound questions okay yeah was that I'm was that yes yeah I think Lucy deserves everything see yeah in my heart of hearts I think she deserves everything yes she does yeah okay yes she does yes she does and you agree with everyone here that you can't give her that yeah okay yeah you can't give her that yeah maybe everybody's right see yeah maybe everybody's right about that see okay so no more now okay no more now okay no more no more no more now okay I want to stop right now okay I want to stop right now this is the end of this for me okay the chief voted now will you please turn the television set on Mr McMurphy the meeting was adjourned and the vote was closed but the vote was 10 to8 the chief he's got his hand up look no Mr McMurphy when the meeting was adjourned the vote was 9 to9 ah come on you're not going to say that now you're not going to say that now you're going to pull that hen house now when the vote the chief just voted it was 10 to9 I want that television set turned on right now don't need what you a got fin should workz come on come on come on no you have a work assignment [Music] Mr kx's kofax kicks he delivers it's up the middle it's a base hit Richard is rounding first he's going for second the ball's into deep Right Center Davis over in the gner cut the ball off here comes the throw is around him G he goes into second Hees in there he's safe it's a d ball he's in there Martin look at Richardson he's on second Bas kov is in big trouble big trouble baby all right here's Tres is the next batter crash looks in kofax kofax gets the signs from rosebar he kicks once he pumps he fires it's a strike kofax is curveball is stabbing off like a firecracker all right here he comes to the next pitch Cress swings it's a lock by ball the Deep left [Applause] Center get me a wiener before I die down he's looking at the great Mickey man now here comes the pitch man swings home R stop this stop this immediately you died on a Saturday morning I had you placed here under our tree and I had that house so you fall it bulldoze to the ground mama always said dying was a part of life I sure wish it wasn't little Forest he's doing just fine but about to start school again soon I make his breakfast lunch and dinner every day I make sure he Combs his hair brushes his teeth every day teaching him how to play ping pong okay he's really good forse you go we fish a lot and every night we read a book she so smart Jenny you'd be so proud of him I am here wrote you a a letter and he says I can't read it not supposed to so I just leave it here for you D you I don't know mama with r or if it if it's Lieutenant Dan I don't know if we each have a Destiny or if we're all just floating around accidentally like on a breeze but I I think maybe it's both maybe both has happen and got the same time I miss you [Music] jimy if there's anything you need I won't be far away what does that have to do with LA what you're so merged with your own selfishness you don't even identify it as selfishness anymore you're such ack every day I wake up and I hope you're dead dead like it if I could guarantee Henry would be okay I'd hope you'd get an illness and then can hit by a car and die I'm sorry me too [Music]
Channel: The Actors Academy
Views: 319,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greatest Oscar acting scenes of all time part 1, greatest Oscar acting scenes of all time, greatest acting of all time, best acting of all time, greatest acting, best acting, good acting, greatest acting scenes, great acting scenes, best Oscar acting scenes, Oscar winnings scenes, Robert de niro, Denzel Washington, meryl streep, Philip Seymour hoffman, Maggie smith, tom hanks, Joe pesci, Scarlett johansson, Adam driver, Sean penn, jack nicholson, great movie scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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