More Top 10 WORST Acting Oscar Wins of ALL TIME

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so most of my top 10 videos focus on what I think are the best acting Oscar wins but sometimes it's fun to talk about the worst hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and it's time for a follow-up video to my top 10 worst acting Oscar Winds of all time it's been a few months I've read many of your comments let's explore today 10 more bad acting Oscar wins now you can think of this as 11 through 20 or an alternate top 10 it's up to you are you ready let's do this number 10 best supporting actress Jam Lee Curtis everything everywhere all at once now you may only see a pile of boring forms and numbers but I see a story so yeah this Oscar win is not aging well on the night last year I was happy to see Jam Lee Curtis win an Oscar I have loved her for many decades going back to Halloween and Trading Places and A Fish Called Wanda and True Lies especially and she is let's be honest very amusing and everything everywhere all at once I just don't know if the screenplay gives her enough to do in that movie to Warrant an Oscar nomination in best supporting actress let alone a win I was kind of stunned all that award season that she was getting in everywhere and then when she wanted sag I was like oh that's a sag thing that's a career win the actors love Jam Lee Curtis and so they'll give it to her at sag but she's not going to win the Oscar for this performance right it's going to go to Angela Basset or Carrie Condon and so when they announced Jam Lee Curtis I was like okay I was just I was kind of stunned and all these months later I love that Michelle yo win for best actress I love the Kiwi Quan win for best supporting actor everything everywhere all at once is a fantastic movie it deserve to win a lot of oscars in 2023 but like best supporting actress it's not a terrible win with a capital T again because I adore Jam Lee Curtis I'm happy she has an Academy Award that's kind of cool but when you look at the competition in her category I just feel like every other performance in best supporting actress last year was better including a performance from the same movie Stephany Shu in everything everywhere all at once like if there was a supporting female performance in that film that should have won an Oscar it was Shu not Curtis So when you compare the jam Lee Curtis performance to the other four performances in the category yeah sorry Jamie but this Oscar win makes the list number number nine best actor Will Smith King Richard Paul ain't no reason to fix something that's not broke okay you've been holling at the girl all day long to get back to the middle get back to the middle that's all I hear you saying Will Smith was one of those actors I think most of us thought one day would win a competitive Oscar he just had to be in the right project at the right time and that film turned out to be king Richard in 2021 he basically swept the season did not get any push back from other actors on his way way to his Oscar Victory he gives a perfectly fine performance in King Richard as the real life father of the Williams sisters he has moments of Tears moments of Rage but I don't know about you the entire award season it just it felt kind of manufactured to me like that movie his Oscar win for it it just felt like from the beginning we need to get Will Smith and Oscar and this is the vehicle to do it so I never had too much investment in that Oscar win I think he is much better in his other two Oscar nominated roles in Ali and the pursuit of happiness rather than King Richard which I just felt overall was kind of a safe and stale movie and his performance in it is okay not great and then there was the whole Chris Rock slapping moments which really has made the 94th academy award ceremony live in in me so like he could get a nomination for that movie fine but I thought the much better performance and best actor that year the person who should have won was Andrew Garfield for tick Tick boom that was an absolutely phenomenal thrilling performance I have not forgotten best actor at the Oscars in 2022 should have gone to Andrew Garfield number eight best supporting actor Jack Palance City Slickers I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by that I crap bigger than you so on this channel I talk all the time about how much I love comedic performances winning and being nominated for Oscars it doesn't happen all the time only occasionally do you get a Melissa McCarthy best supporting actress nomination for bridesmaids typically a comedic performance being recognized by the academy is something I celebrates but one I've never liked very much is that Jack Palance Oscar win for City Slickers in 1992 kind of like with both Jam Lee Curtis and Will Smith that win for Jack Palance was a career win more than it was a reflection of the performance he actually gave I think City Slickers was a perfectly fun kind of Western comedy starring Billy Crystal that happened to have a juicy role for a veteran actor Jack Palance had been in the industry for decades I mean he goes back to like Shane in the 1950s Jack Palance by the 9s was kind of a legend and so his victory in best supporting actor for City Slickers I think came down to the academy saying this is the last time we'll probably ever get to reward this guy best supporting actor that year wasn't overly competitive and so Jack palance's name was called in the end and like he does push-ups on the stage and that's kind of fun I guess but in the long history of Oscar winning performances was that really deserving of a win I don't think so I think pretty much anyone else in that category would have been a better call either guy from Bugsy Michael Lerner is very funny in Barton Fink but my choice here would probably be Tommy Lee Jones and JFK that is an amazing Oliver Stone movie with an astonishing gigantic ensemble cast I feel like somebody from that movie should have won an Oscar and Tommy Lee Jones does give the standout performance I would say again I am all for comedic performances winning Oscars a win that happened the following year I would never put on a worse list is Marissa to's Oscar win for her comedic performance in my cousin Vinnie that I think is an all-tim very much deserved but Jack Palance and City Slickers we could have given him the nomination okay but not the win number seven best actress Helen Hunt As Good As It Gets if you ever mention my son again you will never be able to eat here again do you understand okay so here is another kind of comedic performance that won an Oscar Helen Hunt for As Good As It Gets in early 1998 I have never been a big fan of that movie I didn't like it when it came out I have tried to watch it a couple time since and I don't know for that movie to get into best picture and to win both best actor and best actress I don't think that necessarily needed to happen I think there are much better performances in both of those acting categories that could have won better performances and best actress I would say that weren't even nominated Pam Greer and Jackie Brown hello Helen Hunt was having a moment in 1998 she was very po popular on her show Mt about you she had just recently stared a big Blockbuster hit twister and then she gets one of the lead roles in a James L Brooks movie and she's fine in the movie she gets some comedic moments some dramatic moments I never thought she had Much Chemistry with Jack Nicholson but like I mean they have a couple nice tender scenes in the second half of As Good As It Gets she could have been nominated for the Oscar okay but winning over Judy Dench in Mrs Brown is very very weird to me one of the landmark performances in 1990 Cinema was Judy Dench as Mrs Brown the movie that really made her a star in the United States I would say I mean the following year the academy basically apologized to Dench by giving her a best supporting actress trophy for Shakespeare and love an 8 minute long performance and it's just like M no I think Judy Den should have won a year before over Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who thinks that Helen Hunt herself seems surprised on the stage she opens her speech by saying how great Judy Dench is in Mrs Brown and that she thought she was deserving of an Oscar so it's kind of awkward I would say and all these decades later it just feels kind of wrong that best actress win should have gone to Judy Dench number number six best actor Roberto benini Life is Beautiful see all right so here's another film and performance I don't think has aged very well like are people watching and enjoying life as beautiful today like you don't hear about this movie at all anymore and yet in early 1999 at the Oscars it was all the rage I mean when they were doing the best foreign language film category people in the audience were shouting Roberto's name like please please let the winner be Roberto which I thought was very weird on the night and I still think is odd today and then when Sophia Loren calls Roberto he gets up he's like climbing over seats and it's all very amusing and I'm like okay that's weird I saw Life is Beautiful once and I found it to be honest kind of cringy I didn't really go for that movie but giving it best foreign language film I'm like okay I think most of us could live with that but then later in the ceremony he wins best actor and now I'm not feeling so good like now I'm just like what over Tom Hanks and Saving Private Ryan over Edward Norton in American History X over Ian melen in Gods and Monsters give me a break like I think Jim Carrey for the true show should have gotten Roberto bini's nomination that year benini did not need to be in that best actor category he certainly didn't deserve to win I just think at the 99 ceremony the Miramax Awards campaigning machine was on full blast and they got so many nominations and wins that night if life is beautiful had not been a Miramax movie I don't think bonini would have won best actor he might not have even been nominated this best actor Victory to me is very silly that gold trophy should have gone to Ian McKellen come on number five best supporting actor Tommy Lee Jones The Fugitive 100 ft off of this River Mak him aware of these wires what out of your mind he's dead I to make him easy to cat so I just said a few minutes ago that Tommy Lee Jones should have won best supporting actor for JFK in early 1992 in early 1994 there's one person who should have won best supporting actor at the Oscars and it wasn't Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive even though he gives a very fun performance in that movie has great delivery on some fantastic on liners his chemistry with Harrison Ford is interesting and there are very few cat and mouse scenes together I love The Fugitive I think Harrison Ford was worthy of a best actor Oscar nomination I'm perfectly fine with that nomination for Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive but like did he deserve to win I don't think so I find it kind of baffling three decades on that Jones won best supporting actor for The Fugitive over Ray fines for Schindler's List I think easily one of the finest performances on film in the 1990s is find's chilling performance in Steven Spielberg's black and white epic Schindler's List was the favorite at the Academy Awards that year winning best picture and finally best director for Steven Spielberg that man had to wait a long time for his best director Oscar Victory and Ray fins is still waiting even though come on he should have won for Schindler's List it's kind of ridiculous I mean if there had been zero competition and best supporting actor that year then fine I guess Jones can win I'm happy that Tommy Lee Jones has an oscar but in terms of the richness the sheer quality of the performance I don't know how you go against Rines in this category number four best supporting actress Kim Basinger LA Confidential you're different officer white you're the first man in 5 years who didn't tell me I look like Veronica Lake inside of a minute you look better than Veronica Lake so again kind of like The Fugitive LA Confidential is a great film it was very much deserving to get into best picture it was deserving of that adapted screenplay Oscar win but I've never quite understood the best supporting actress victory for Kim Basinger she was let's be honest never an actress we really pegged as being an Oscar nominee but even though she's very well cast in LA Confidential she very much looks like Veronica Lake her performance itself I have never thought was at the level of an Oscar win maybe a nomination okay Kim Basinger gets that one Oscar Nom in her long career once again her category has much better performances in it especially I would say Joan Cusack for in and- out like that would have been a really cool Oscar win but I do think the person who should have won that night was easily Julianne Moore for Boogie Nights Julianne Moore has given so many astonishing performances throughout the years five Oscar nominations she finally won for Still Alice I think her win should have come in 1998 for Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Knights that is a masterpiece of a movie with such an amazing ensemble cast that Bert Reynolds Oscar nomination I also love and Julianne Moore in that movie is on another level so emotionally devastating I think she should have swept the category That season best supporting actress at the Oscars should not have gone to Kim Basinger number three best actor Al Pacino sent of a woman you can say that can't you this is Randy it's Ranger choko teaching those second lieutenants everybody can agree alpacino deserved to win an Oscar in his long and extraordinary career I mean you look at his Oscar nominations in the 1970 you have the Godfather Serpico The Godfather Part Two and Dog Day Afternoon in 4 years I mean it's kind of insane how did he not win back then especially I would say for The Godfather part two so he racks up the Oscar nominations and his career goes into the 1980s and the early 1990s and by 1993 Awards voters are like holy shits we have not given an Oscar to Alpa know he has two nominations this year it's time he is way overdue so let's give him best actor for Scent of a Woman Scent of a Woman this was a popular film at the time it got into best picture it did well at the box office people liked it so it makes sense kind of why alpacino won especially since he was also in best supporting actor that year for Glen Gary Glenn Ross a performance in my opinion is far superior to his performance in Scent of a Woman there was just enough momentum That season to finally give alpachino his Oscar Victory but 30 plus years on I just don't think that's a very remarkable performance it's kind of stale and silly and cringy and what makes it upsetting is two things one it's like alucino won is Oscar for that like one of our great actors decades and decades of impeccable work going back to the 1970s and Scent of a Woman is his Academy Award it just doesn't feel right like in your guts it doesn't feel right it's like no he shouldn't have won for that he should have won for something else along the way and then number two there is a dynamite performance and best actor that year and that's Denzel Washington for Spike Le's Malcolm X that is such an absorbing film and performance and should have been Denzel Washington's victory in best actor I would say I know I get it alucino was overdue and it had to happen for something if alpacino had never won an Oscar to this day people would be up in arms and he probably would have won for something later like a Donnie Brasco maybe even the Irishman I adore most of Al Pacino's Oscar nominations and I think he should have won for pretty much anything but Scent of a Woman number two best actress gwenneth ptro Shakespeare in Love oh Juliet you'll be all right madam what happened to Sam who are you all right here it is the number one comment I got on my previous top 10 worst acting Oscar wi's video was how could you not have gwenneth ptro on here for Shakespeare and love that comment must have been left hundreds of times people just waiting with baited breath when's he going to mention gwenth ptro for Shakespeare and love and then when you didn't get it by the end you were like Brian what's wrong with you how could you not have ptro I really truly hate that Best Picture Oscar win for Shakespeare and love over Saving Private Ryan it didn't feel right on the night and it very much does not feel right today that always felt to me like Harvey Weinstein and Company had bought that best picture win Saving Private Ryan to me is the far superior movie even though I admit there are things to like about Shakespeare and love it's not a bad film I've seen it twice it's perfectly enjoyable and entertaining and the ensemble cast is pretty solid gwenneth paltro is fine I don't think this is a terrible performance it just it wasn't at the Forefront of my mind and then I read all of your comments and I was like people really hate this win they really despise this victory for best actress and what it really comes down to for me this is what enrages everybody the competition and best actress in early 1999 was far superior to gwenneth ptro in Shakespeare and love yes I would even throw in Merill Streep and Emily Watson into that group even though the films Hillary and Jackie and one true thing are kind kind of Forgotten those are very good performances and then you have the top two you have two performances in this category that should have been duking it out for the win and they give it to gwenneth ptro for Shakespeare and love it's just kind of icky it doesn't feel right it feels kind of like best picture Bots like the true best performance in the category did not win this Fernanda Montenegro for Central Station or or Kate Blanchet for Elizabeth one of those women should have won best actress that year I think most people agree with that both are dazzling Monumental dramatic performances for the ages and gwenneth ptro in Shakespeare and love is just kind of average it's not a performance most people can get passionate about especially these days and so that's really why P trro makes this list why so many people people around the world hates with a capital H this particular Oscar Victory Fernanda Montenegro or Kate Blanchett should have taken this 100% all right and that takes me to my number one slot what do I think is the worst acting Oscar win of all time this to me is the ultimate career Oscar Victory my number one choice is best actor John Wayne True Grits well a fell carries a big boore Sharp's carbine might come in handy we get jumped by Elephants or Buffalo or something somehow I went through most of my life not having seen the original True Grits I saw the 2010 version by the Cohen Brothers starring Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn when that film opened I really enjoyed Bridges performance in that movie which did get an Oscar nomination and I always wanted to check out the 1969 original I finally did in 2019 on true grit's 50th anniversary and the movie is not terrible I found it to be perfectly entertaining but all throughout watching the 1969 True Grit I just kept telling myself this performance won an Oscar I I was like I couldn't believe it I was like best actor at the Academy Awards I didn't think John Wayne was doing anything extraordinary in that movie it felt like every other one of his performances to me I've seen probably 12 to 15 John Wayne movies by now and I thought he was much better in stage coach and the Searchers and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance the John Ford films he did like he's better in those and it's like we came near the end of John Wayne's career he was getting older and the academy said you know what John Wayne has been a big box of a star for many decades we have loved John Wayne wouldn't it be cool if we gave him an Oscar win and best actor I feel like if John Wayne had won an acting Oscar in his long career it should have been earlier it should have been more in his Heyday in like the 1950s or something coming at the very end of the 60s didn't feel right he's not very remarkable in True Grit the movie itself feels like a re from years if not decades prior exciting things in cinema were happening at the end of the 60s True Grit was not one of them I would say it's a very entertaining movie to be sure but also very safe and the actors in it are just kind of going through the motions it's not really an Oscar caliber movie especially in the acting categories and for John Wayne for that performance to get into two best actor at the Oscars and win over both guys from Midnight Cowboy John Voit and Dustin Hoffman both of those would have been much better victories and then what really irks me what just kind of pisses me off is that in early 1970 for best actor John Wayne also beat out Richard Burton and Peter otoul famously both men got lots of Oscar nominations throughout their careers but never won an Oscar Burton got seven nominations otou got eight and on this night the academy could have given a trophy to one of these men and they went with John Wayne instead a career Oscar for somebody who wasn't the greatest actor but people really liked and so they thought you know what let's just give it to Wayne this time and here we are more than 50 years later and no no no no no no this Oscar win for best actor should not have happened there were so many better options in the category best actor John Wayne for True Grits I do think this is the worst acting Oscar win of all time thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what are some of your picks for the worst acting Oscar wins ever and we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 145,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V63LlgEYiOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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