Ranking Breakfasts that Movie Characters Skipped (w/ @PrettyMuchIt)

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he's just drinking it in the fridge and then he just leaves on the table and walk and she Clos the fridge cheers dude here let's see oh no it's bad luck welcome back Eric good to be back right I said that for you so here's what I have planned for us because okay what we've done over on your channel so not even over here of the Disney Channel movies decom decom there's a Trope that's very common in the dcom type movie and the sitcom and just like that type of media family wakes up early in the morning maybe you're rushing out the door you maybe grab a bite of toast and then you're on your way here's what I want to do I want to go over um a bunch I have a bunch of scenes here where the uh the protagonist rushes out the door with a full breakfast spread oh sorry I got to go grab a banana and leave are you are you aware of the Trope sure I'm looking at these oh God interesting does that sound like a good idea ranking skipped breakfast ranking the skipped breakfast from these sitcoms and and movies okay you've had this idea since the last time I was here over a year ago let me just rearrange the order that these are in let's sort by random you random does the computer have that option shuffle my file explorer you so what we're seeing so far what do you think I see it's family style I'll say that I see a big bowl of what looks like scrambled eggs scrambled eggs a bunch of toast a bunch of dry plain toast they got their orange juice and then like yeah you're right just like whole apples and scrambled Alison Stoner doesn't know what's coming cuz she's got two knives oh yeah she's habach she's going to do yeah she's going to flip the shrimp into Steve Martin's mouth okay uhoh so boom Oh disaster get him get him the real breakfast is getting away look we got Cal Dry Cereal Dry Cereal oh wait wait what else is on there go back okay I see spinach there might have been I think that was the Frog actually it is there's bacon and a lacrosse stick yeah cereal I was going to say he's got a little bit of everything on him it's interesting that we started with this one because this was not even the Trope that I was talking about I mean where do you rank this breakfast I'm also noticing is this Bagel sure looks like a bagel over there y OJ we didn't even talk about the drink by the way I'm going to give this a six yeah I was just cuz it's like I don't even know if I'd be able to catch everything that's going on yeah you can't eat you there's no way you're eating anything or everything that's on here my point like it doesn't feel like you're going to get what's at the other end of the table yeah it's too much yeah it's six out of 10 we can give it a you know what let's give it a five just right down the mid five out of 10 I think it's fair I think a good place to start we'll go up we'll go down from there okay that one wasn't really the Trope that wasn't exactly what we're what we were looking for so here's The Parent Trap have you seen this movie this is definitely a skipping breakfast scenario eggs sunny side up side of bacon chocolate chip pancakes not a big chocolate chip pancakes guy because that feels like a dessert we talking about this it's a very rich way to start your day yeah it's a little too much for me it's one of those things where like if that's all you have of course I'll have it it's chocolate chip pancakes that play right there is perfect breakfast per I dude I I'm so glad you said that because I was ready to give this a 10 out of 10 BAC inside of toast and in case you're really and it to me it looks like some kind of yeah it's like a it's got powder on top oh no no no that's the butter that's the butter oh so it's burnt really wait a minute that's taking away because I do like toast I love toast dude what kind of toast three two one toast sorry did you say Hospital toast what the hell can I say hell is Hospital toast it's like if you gone in for a like a minor surgery or whatever and you're not allowed to eat prior so when you wake up like nothing toast you get that toast it's like the first thing you get and you're starving I think I have done that yeah that's not my favorite toast yeah honestly the pancakes look pretty bir yeah they do she yeah she messed those up she's not good at whatever she did there she needs to stop she's a terrible Nanny and I have to point out look at how saturated this orange juice is I mean what is going on God also the plate is not black it's white it's Swimming in Chocolate yeah it's too much it's too much oh disgusting so the the she started off great I know I was going the perfect breakfast plate half of the breakfast to me is near perfect and then the other half really lags behind so I it brings it down to at least a seven I'm thinking seven I'm happy with a seven oh okay wait a minute now hold on Fresh squeeze fresh squeezed orange juice I'm thinking it's an eight uh that might have just brought it up to an eight I'm okay with that everyone's eating cantaloupe for breakfast this days pickled eggs maybe what is that I'm good we don't need that on there is it just me or does that orange juice look very sour no it does I think it looks incredible you think it looks great that's some fresh squeeze looking ass s uh syrup I really hope that there is an orange juice company that their slogan is fresh squeezed looking ass it almost just spit all over the Des fresh squeezed looking ass can we please make that I would wear that shirt in a heartbeat all right we still hav on the trop and she this might just be ranking breakfast in general she had one bite of the toast takes a bite of the toast was that all she ate from the whole breakfast sip of fresh squeezed orange juice and one bite of burnt toast and I'm so glad that we did this because you're right it is not French toast that's just straight up crispy burnt toast yeah yeah yeah so she missed out on on an eight she definitely but she did have the she at least had a sip of orange juice which is good but she missed out on an eight oh oh here's a question for you hold on oh wow okay we have a lot to say but are all of these scenes from the beginning of these movies are there any that are the end of the movie Parent Trap is like right in the dead middle okay that makes sense but everything else is very very was that was the right girl at the right house though right or wrong girl at the wrong oh so that was when she was pretending was during the swap got it God I didn't listen to a word she said so I couldn't tell if she was like doing a bit I would love in the comments let us know if there's any famous breakfasts at the end of a movie oh sacriligious almost it feels wrong let's see okay oh except is that was that mustard that was mustard he ruined it he ruined the whole meal I'm not a mustard guy are you oh I I like mustard mustard guy I do like must do you have around here do they put mustard on hamburgers like at fast food yeah absolutely oh you you're not into that no h is that not wait I'm sorry is that not a thing it's usually just ketchup really like I would say more often than not it's just ketchup as long as he doesn't spray mustard all over the meat then I have plenty to eat bars oh wow look at this he's got orange soda yeah orange juice orange juice no but that's soda it's orange juice milk is for breakfast sure what does he officially serve is that cantaloupe let's see what he serves up no way oh no it's a grapefruit which by the way grapefruit candy oh Cheers Cheers why did I hold it like that that looks like a grapefruit right yeah it's a grapefruit I seee orange looks like there's a lot of mushrooms going on in this breakfast yeah it's some kind of like scrambled egg medley you know what it is they call it an omelette that's true looks like a kind of looks like a weird omelet such a romantic way to say that what did you say scrambled egg me uh here's a question yeah why give her a [Music] spoon I guess for the great your honor the scene of the crime the other thing I was going to say is that toast again looks quite burnt to me yeah it's too burnt it must just be like a movie thing where they say this is clearly toast it looks better on camera yeah it's not just a piece of bread it's not just a piece of bread she skips these breakfast she pushes it away she shuns it and she just goes with a black a plain black coffee okay you know what I feel bad because that's a very personall looking breakfast like it's his own spin on breakfast you know what I mean this is what I make feel bad giving it a three but I'm going to three I think is fair I I was actually even going to maybe go so low as a two but there is edible it's a good presentation too he's got it he's got it all put together nicely were the uh 10 lbs of bacon and sausage for him I was to say where is it it's he's not even serving it up it's all for him look it's all just there's so much over [Music] there we have a good one a medium one and a bad one so far that's true do we stop now yeah we're done have you seen the TV dramedy suits no I have never here let me give you the context this is uh this is Lewis context for what this is Lewis he's a lawyer I'm trying I'm selling you on this show I'm trying to you he trying to get me to sign up for whatever service it's on his wife made him this wonderful breakfast I recogniz her too because yeah she's great he's potentially going to get a nice big promotion at work so this is like a celebratory breakfast SPO for me uh he I say that because I didn't want you to think that the champagne or anything was out it is it's appropriate here in this scenario so bagels yeah this is a fancy one yeah they've got they've got the money the money breakfast oh look at there's fruit here look at the fruit and the Fruit by the way there's a strawberry on the glass are these that looks like egg that looks like eggs and looks like an omelette maybe or something something yeah some kind of omelette maybe salmon looks like salmon locks well and of course is she on the menu I see coffee as well I'm not a coffee drinker but I can appreciate that people like coffee you really not a coffee drinker you want to see me with coffee I don't that was a threat you won't like me when I'm coffee oh that shirt would sell so well dude this is like a fancy uh restaurant breakfast you get up you order the room service type of thing yeah which is not restaurant Hotel sorry it's not always the best I know what you mean I feel like you wouldn't want that every day I know this isn't everyday I would like to see what they do on a normal day yeah is he a Cinnamon Toast Crunch kind of yeah I know I'm literally think I'm like what's like the more laid-back version of this yeah this is what's interesting about this scene to me so she made this big beautiful breakfast and she did or do they have like a servant or something oh no it's just it's just these two the room certainly looks like they have like a butler yes the room screams made in the house she made the breakfast and then she oh I will eats it now go and return to me a king so she made him that breakfast she made him the breakfast and then she told him to kick rocks you know we couldn't fully make out what was all in there I didn't see any toast burnt or otherwise that's a problem but mimosas are always great you know what can I just say it I'm going to say what we're all thinking I wouldn't really like this breakfast at all yeah but it's another but it's you know what it's the exact opposite of the Uncle Buck one it's not personal oh it's very sterile I would give this a two I would give it a two as well dude we're we're really we're banging on all cylinders like the thing is here's the thing if I were in a hotel it's a six it's it's uninspired it's uninspired that's it [Music] two now this one this is I mean so iconic right oh yeah but it's a little bit of another cheat because it's not breakfast I don't remember what is oh yeah oh wait is this his macaroni and cheese a macaron son of a look at that macaroni and cheese 10 ab and a glass of milk a glass of milk one knife cuz we don't need multiple Allison Stoner the glass of milk in like a wine glass is also incredible I'm a milk guy are you no not at all I'm a big cookies and milk guy can I show the Gams on cam but yes 10 out of 10 the real unfortunate bummer though is that he doesn't get to eat it y it strikes nine he has he has criminals that are about to kill him remember they they're going to kill him Mur right before the guy hits him with the shovel they're going to kill him I think milk goes well with mac and cheese so it's a good you know like you like wine pairings I get you a 2006 2006 skim God the company Helix is sponsoring this video and I don't want to give too much away but guys there may or may not be karaoke at the sleepover calm down you didn't hear that from me Helix makes premium mattresses and bedding that are customized to fit your needs and sent straight to your door 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mess I will pledge the rest of my life in holy matrimony to the pancake okay and I'm that French toast I am wow very different uh kill the pancakes if that's all you have I'll take them that's out pancakes are on the way out sorry lot I hear I hear that a lot I don't believe that oh I think Mary French toast and Waffles that's tough cuz I if I could sort of have like an open relationship well we'll have to talk to him about it big bite he eats one he he eats and then he has to go hi Mama he just has the one custom pancake and then he has to run out custom pancake what are we thinking about the custom pancakes not a lot of pancake there no syrup yeah they're dry it's a two yeah you're right actually I was thinking this is quite a big breakfast but if you piece them together it's one panc it's like one pancake least he's wearing his helmet to the [Laughter] [Music] table let's check out the Karate Kid oh God skip this one too wet oh god what the hell too wet look there we go minute made product placement okay they paid a huge amount of money to view this movie it looks like maybe some bacon or I saw that that looked good what are we pouring the orange juice into oh got a glass of milk yeah glass of milk and coffee coffee cup you just meant to drink it straight out of the carton I guess it's his personal orange juice that is milk is it not or is it is it an empty cup to pour the orange juice into I can't tell no it's definitely milk looks like there's milk in there the bacon by the way there's not been a bad bacon scene so far anytime there's bacon it looks good even in Uncle Buck the meat was like amaz that meat plate looked amazing and it didn't serve serve didn't serve it these eggs are completely un there's nothing on them they're naked completely naked well there's salt and pepper there I see at least she could put some on you're right you're right there so um it's a two no you know what it's a three oh you know what honestly I think that's a four cuz the eggs are not for me but like if I'm being objective that's a full plate that's a full plate and it's a very cozy like homey breakfast I don't think he even takes a single bite of anything he just walks right but also In fairness she's going to eat it and most of them like they make it for someone else that's not going to eat it she's she is about to eat it that's true can I say something he went to the fridge to get orange juice how was the party it was okay oh he did drink it right he's just drinking it in the fridge and then he just leaves on the table and walks and she Clos the fridge it was the product placement it had to they were like oh and they probably said don't drink it out of the carton we don't condone it it's rude and want on the cart it's forever you actually can't drink it from the carton I guarantee if anyone that worked on this scene is watching this right now they're like yeah we thought it was crazy but they made us do it they said they made us do it we had to put it on the table we had to show it wild so four a four it's a four [Music] you don't even have to play this clip it's a 10 you think so can I have some Mr tea cereal okay I'm realizing now breakfast in movies is a lot like sex go on cabs go on and phone calls sex lasts 10 seconds does it yep in movies oh in movies cab drivers never get paid they just get out of the cabin walk away and nobody says goodbye on the phone they just hang up you don't really think about it though unless you do think about it and right now we're thinking about it I bet when I watch a movie I don't even think about the fact that they eat one bite and walk away I don't think I've ever thought about that in my life usually not no and that's the whole point of this video yeah that's why we're doing it isn't that crazy congratulations all right what's the butter for oh there is toast there's toast look at that there is toast no that the toast looks a little burnt and is this honey yeah it is burnt is that honey uh yeah the pancake and the eggs do look pretty underwhelming well you know what's weird about the eggs is that they trimmed the egg all of the white po you know what I mean like they took the crust off the egg if you will the crust off the egg this breakfast right now I would say I would say it's an eight how about an eight it's a it's a good eight it's okay seven six five I can still eat it though you didn't even have the fresh squeez doj fresh squeeze looking ass exactly you know altogether it's not like the cereal really makes it worse no so maybe it's maybe it's a five I might even go so far as to giving it like a seven what do we meet in the middle is six let's give it a six six we keeping track of these at all I'll probably edit something let's just keep this quick have you seen Mr Mom uh no I have not I haven't seen it in since I was a young boy hold on that's breast milk I think it is yeah oh no at the very best it's formula look how Brown this is definitely formula yeah otherwise the mom needs to go to the hospital it looks like they're just eating cereal and the RJ looks good yeah um this is totaling zero I mean I don't even know why I included that give it a zero I don't know why I put that you know what if we see something worse how about this we go back and give that a one or a [Music] two now we're getting into real decom territory yeah hey I got to tell you something pal okay so as we can see here we've got what do we got oh it's so blurry yeah yeah yeah let me try to back I feel like my lasic is curdling um pancakes oranges maybe eggs orange juice once again looks good always orange juice oh dude is that like blueberry maple syrup I well I was going to say yeah looks like like a purplish maple syrup that's interesting Huckleberry or blueberry you know what again this may not even fully fit the category because I don't think the breakfast is for him this is about he's about to leave yeah Dad just like he got his breakfast he just got it in like liquid form does he have to put that back does it produce uh thermos yeah yeah oh you're right where did the thermos come from does he have to produce that the house 3D printed th look at that giant thing he's taking with him to work yeah dude it's like um that thing is the pursuit of happiness Smart House more like dumb house I want to give this like like a five you know it's down the middle it's a five yeah it's just a this is this is like draw breakfast I'm G to draw scrambled eggs I'm going to draw pancakes I going draw a little bit of bacon maybe five is almost more insulting than zero in a way yeah it's just forgettable in fact super brother doesn't might need to be a six cuz at least there was a frog oh you know what we do we're going to adjust I'm going to adjust that there was at least a frog Agent Cody Banks an absolute classic and I know that you yeah there's been a PMI on PMI we watched them live in Toronto we did a back-to-back soldout show two back-to-back soldout shows in Toronto watching Agent Cody Banks one and two is two summer camp um London oh so this one must be summer camp this I think they're all summer camp can we get hit this off the screen this is scary image I want to wear it on t-shirt and then wait was that it you had one frame count how many frames okay ready one it was maybe two frames look at this tongue that's not his tongue Bud Press Play It's bacon was P you really thought that was a shot certain you really thought that was a shot of the dog like an ante eater trying to get the eggs I thought he was just trying to lick it incredible illusion look okay so are are they doing it's not an ill you think it's it's a cinematic illusion let's take a poll we're going to take a poll is this an illusion is this a tongue or is this bacon cuz I'm still not you heard of hot dogs or legs this Summer's hottest trend is tongue or bacon this looks like he put ketchup on his eggs what are your thoughts I've I don't think I've ever really genuinely tried it send him straight to jail oh no okay we've got product placement right here hunts hunts ketchup that's why the ketchup on oh yeah yeah I didn't see that one yeah multiple cereals pick your poison almost SI he just pulled a karate kid sitting in a tree house isn't exactly a what he didn't even drink it he pulled it up to his lips he gave it a sniff pulp or no pulp no pulp ever pulp I like Pulp full as like as much pulp as pulp is just an orange so he didn't get anything we took his skateboard anything you know he took his skateboard but you know give Mama some no what was on the plate hold on ketchupy eggs and cereal that looks like oatmeal brown sugar oh is it oatmeal this I feel like I'm leaning towards like a one there's there's not even a finished breakfast here I'll give it a one because it also seems like a broken home and it certainly is I mean the kid gets recruited to be a spy [Music] yeah oh see look at this that's what I'm talking about right here that's like a full Easter ham yeah what is that or I thought it I honestly thought it was a fish at first no I'm going to have some toast oh okay okay there's toast she skips for toast pancakes or waffles big nice bowl of strawberries that which just give you that bowl strawberries some kind of meats in the front there it looks like right yeah I think it's tell look like ham he's got he's holding eggs eggs here and this maybe grits or hash browns hash browns maybe and then of course nice orange juice orange juice the best you know I'm thinking back to The Parent Trap and how orange that orange juice that's what that's that's the good that is the good stuff that's the good stuff this looked good this looked good to me I am actually super pissed that she skipped that I might give it a nine oh that's a big number there's a lot of good stuff there I could I could eat well talking to my son you're just used to talking to Children wow buddy that's a big number you just said I don't know you think maybe maybe an eight am I going crazy here no I don't think you're crazy even with a nine I'm okay say n cuz you know what we didn't get to see the toast and I'm going to assume it's perfect I bet it is she mentioned it she seemed excited about it and you don't get excited about burnt toast Kyle nassy classic yep once again wearing his helmet to breakfast y yeah that's a theme a weird theme there's at least two kids have worn their well one was a llama this is like literally what I picture in my head if I were to Envision this type of scene it's exactly this like yes FR frame by frame this is the Trope this is it they nailed it boom he grabs the banana he's like it's not even just like Mom had eggs in a pan she had them on the plate everything's made up it's you know it's a simple breakfast I mean it's h solid breakfast something you might get like on a holiday in prison I mean it's not like a holiday in prison did you say or a holiday in prison like holiday in started Mak prisons no no no and they really should say this is you know uh the 4th of July sure in prison I think they give they give you you get like a little bit nicer of little Hospital toast little Hospital toast those eggs look like the way I like them apple juice is that what that apple juice that's new yeah they both have apple juice that's interesting yeah that's a new one I don't like that that just took away a little I think orange juice is the way to go well orange juice is definitely the breakfast so I think that that just took away a little bit I wish there was fruit I think there's room on that plate for a couple strawberries couple cantaloupes well you know what's interesting is that there was there's a banana right here oh my God that's what he The Disappearing banana trick I fought for it every every time although I got to say there is something to say about presentation and this is lacking peal it for me mommy far too much yellow on this plate also I mean look at the the apple juice the toast the egg everything is yellow here this plate could certainly use maybe some kiwi slices or a strawberry perhaps it's no Uncle Buck what do we give Uncle Buck we give Uncle Buck a three a three I'm going to give this a four it's no Uncle Buck it's better yeah it's lacking in presentation but that is a plate I'd be happy with and I would eat everything on the plate absolutely that's important I would get seconds I would take two plates of what I just saw and I would drink the apple juice 100% I wouldn't be happy about [Music] it morning big stack of what are those English muffins muffins it's uh oh my God I'm missing the forest for the trees look at that stack of waffles yeah there's a ton of them is that cauliflower or eggs I was going to say I thought it was like rice maybe rice it's to stack too hgs it looks like white rice it's breakfast everything is white let's be clear the joke is that it's an incredible breakfast it's yeah it's like a perfect utopian yes it's like the perfect everything you could want breakfast so muffins what's that right there blueberries These Guys these look like sausage links oh it looked like uh it looked like little balls at first but I think you're right I think that's sausage links yep all right keep going imagine that sentence out of Contex ham do you see that giant plate of ham at the bottom there bacon right next to it uh syrup oh just all the orange juice got to be orange juice and you got to figure that's that look at that that's that's dark orange look good it looks really nice wait a minute holy buried the lead on this scene now listen I might not be a pancake guy but I you'd those pancakes I mean they are right there that's how it takes God look at them they are sort of sexy looking they're very sexy oh we got a good shot yeah yeah that's sausage yeah oh God that's incredible eggs oh it was egg it was eggs huge huge nailed it so I I don't know what did we give a 10 already well we okay we give the mac and cheese in the milk our standards are a little all over the place I'm going to give it a nine I I love that only because it's a spooky situation it's a nine yes yeah there's no love in that there's it's again it's very sterile it's threatening did you eat your oatmeal yeah thanks Mom delicious now I haven't seen Big Fat Liar in so long but boy is it a staple that was the breakfast go back breakfast is the mom Anda manelle by the way I have to ask kind of look no it's not it's not it's not look she say all right hold on we got milk Defying Gravity is ever going to bring me listen I'm not a Broadway singer this motion blur is really causing there's that's a muffin I hope I hope to God to me it looks more like a bagel eggs just sort of sitting on the table I don't think it's on a plate yeah just suppos to lose he picks up a bowl of oatmeal a bowl of oatmeal that's and she the mom had prepared it for him and he said dog get eat for the time in a week by the way two Frankie munas movies where he rides a skateboard once again it's weird that it happened twice breakfast way lame two way lame why not a one why two well we haven't really had oatmeal I like oatmeal we haven't had oat in one of the oh no you thought that was just rice no no not that brown sugar I thought it was brown sugar a bowl of brown [Music] sugar extruded mammal tailing seared strips of swine flesh and FL oh wow it does look kind of more like a Sherie display Am I Wrong oh my god I didn't even see the donuts yeah is that a bunch of Pop-Tarts hold on this breakfast is kind of blowing my mind right now oh the OJ looks perfect it does it yeah that's Parent Trap o OJ that's a Parent Trap OJ right there good morning prinal units joh greetings young one this looks like Bella Thorn it is isn't it she wasn't even a born yet she wasn't even Bella born yet she wasn't Bella born she wasn't even fella born yet poptarts chicken embryos poptarts chicken oh so they got eggs sh okay so eggs poptarts chicken embryos seasoned patties of ground animal flesh oh so they have sausage patties as well I'm not really hungry just some Tang just some Tang so this makes what $15 in the Box oh gosh It's oddly enough a seven yeah it's actually pretty good there's a lot of good stuff there I think the Pop-Tarts are a huge plus T of haven't seen that yet that's a great brand placement poptart uh oh oh what's my favorite Sor I thought you said I thought you said to be fair Pop-Tart and then I was like what point are you trying another great shirt uh to be fair Pop-Tart that's like Millennial like tedit um if I may poptart I like the strawberry one and I also do very much so like the brown sugar one brown sugar cinnamon is my favorite I do love S'mores S'mores are great sores are great' are great all right Eric let's let's strap ourselves in because this is the final clip how long have we been going oh God you just looked at your watch two hours no I like this yeah two hours and 30 seconds can you believe it is this our longest one ever recording by far yeah so here we are with our final clip admire and let's do this here we go oh it's Jen for Anison right yes good morning I made you grilled cheese oo okay so grilled cheese forfast gr cheese I didn't even CL she said it and it just went right through me yeah I've never had grilled cheese for breakfast okay yeah no me neither I love grilled cheese don't get me wrong grilled cheese is a lunch food to me it's not even not dinner not breakfast it's a very much a lunch yeah it's I like it with bacon on it by the way oh oh dude are you kidding me hell yeah is looks like fruit yeah no no no that's vegetables that's like cucumber mixed veggie this is are you sure this is breakfast so we do have the classic we have orange juice we have a bowl of fruit mean do they look bigger to you wait he put hold on he put ketchup on the grilled cheese oh is that not is that not would you do that I well I would dip it I would dip it in ketchup do you not do that no but again I don't really do condiments I never even thought about it all right so that's not weird no no I think it's also really common to dip it into like tomato soup which is basically like ketchup I'm a idiot you're right I always do that I always do you talking about here one bite of grilled cheese he took yeah he took one bite and that's it and he's out the door it's a weird breakfast it's definitely not breakfast I don't think so either and I'm going to give this a zero I do think it's a zero it's not breakfast going to leave it as is but you know what we give something a zero because it's literally not breakfast we're not saying this is a bad breakfast we're saying it's not breakfast Mr Mom we said was a bad breakfast this was bre so that's a you're right a zero should be reserved for not breakfast exactly and so Mr Mom gets bumped up to a one so there's only one zero on the day and actually that's funny because Home Alone he ate was eating mac and cheese at 900 p.m. by the way we give it a why did we what changed within us that we gave that a 10 again not breakfast not even close the two that aren't breakfast broke the scale the Z this looks like some sort if we both died right now they would have to try to decode this I can't believe right before my eyes all the cinema breakfasts that have ever happened how did you find these clips I just did a lot of uh you just tried to remember what movies have breakfast I did a lot of searching of Aging Cody Banks for example I typed in Agent Cody Banks breakfast just to see just guessing just guessing and then some Peewee obviously you knew Peewee I knew I knew um the suits one I knew suits cuz we just recently watched suits I knew Bruce Almighty there were a few that I knew for sure all right um and then I also used chat GPT and I said hey give me scenes with breakfast and they gave me like a thousand and only about four of them were right so sounds about right wasted a lot of time doing that Scott what have we learned we learned today that breakfast is the most important meal of the day we also learned that your camera cannot record for Two Plus hours well it can it's there's a it was the battery d right now what uh have a good day everybody enjoy enjoy your breakfast enjoy your lunch enjoy your dinner extra thank you to my patrons that are listed here thank you so much where uh they're right here we're going to go watch a movie we have we have another hour and a half we have another hour and a half oh my God it's 9:32 p.m. I don't know if we're making it out tonight it's going to be tough but we we'll see what happens we're going to go out tonight we'll see what happens this angle is going to make it hard for me to jump off screen let's give it a shot see what happens see where I go and goodbye am I off am I still on can you see me not at all okay [Music]
Channel: Scott Cramer
Views: 177,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scott cramer, scott kramer, commentary, reaction, breakfast
Id: eAMImMGq9Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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