Overtime: Spkr. Kevin McCarthy, Ben Shapiro, Bakari Sellers | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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[Applause] okay we're back on overtime with the 55th Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America Kevin McCarthy the co-founder of the daily wire and host of the podcast the Ben Shapiro show Ben Shapiro and a CNN contributor and best holding author of the moment barari sers okay so let's get right to the biggest question from the people who do you think Trump should pick for this VP boy he's really I mean it's a good strategy like while the Democrats are getting all this bad publicity just shut up he doesn't usually uh do something that smart it's like that scene right it's like that scene in Jurassic Park where the the Velociraptor learns to use the door handle right but I mean the convention starts Monday yeah maybe we'll postpone it well he's gotta he's got somebody I would tell you that the only person who any who poses any fear for Democrats is probably Marco ruia um Marco he looks like the future he has a great deal of experience he can talk to Hispanic voters in ways and communicate in ways that otherwise uh Trump and bergam would have trouble doing and he's a he's a he's a notable opponent against KLA Harris in a debate there's no concern over berham or JD Vance JD Vance uh is Addie affis he stands for nothing but wait a second I I read that because they're both from Florida Trump and Rubio that they can't be on the same tick yeah so R so Rubio would move to Virginia same thing that Cheney did he moved out of Texas went back to Wyoming you can't you can't come from the same state I know so you move you declare residency actually Nevada right he's probably he actually spends a fair bit of his year in Nevada and Nevada he would have to resign from Senate correct and D sanis would appoint his replacement yeah so wow you can do it you just can't be from the same state right the the other thing is that Trump has a habit of going off the board right I mean like he likes the surprise this is going to be Apprentice all think around he's going to make you guess to where it is that's who it is right he's going to make you sign up [Applause] for R Rubio would be excellent Tim Scott would be excellent if you really want to play the game I want to win the election pick yunan in Virginia put yunan in play and the race is over well he's not going to do any of those things wait why yunan junkan is still very popular in Virginia lookg well listen if you win Virginia right now if you took the polling you would say Trump has Arizona Trump has Nevada Trump has Georgia so that gets them to 267 in Maine and and Oklahoma and Nebraska go by congressional district so they're going to split in there he has to win either Michigan Wisconsin um or Pennsylvania he has to win one of those three he only lost Wisconsin by 20 but the real challeng is Black America has switched off of Biden they're not voting for Trump but they're not turning out so he has to win one of those three but if you put Virginia we haven't had the election yeah I know I mean I Donald Trump's Donald Donald Trump got he got 8% of the black vote in 2020 uh yeah in 2020 20% of the men he's polling 22% the highest person modern history M speaker if you believe that if you believe that Donald Trump's going to get 20% of the black vote I will sell you a bridge in Brooklyn no I don't but but I don't believe I don't I do not believe if you look at the last election 2020 Biden only won the election by 48,900 votes and he had a approval rating of plus 10 he's now minus 20 I mean I think and you know you know what else happened in that election when he won so big do you know how many republicans in Congress lost incumbents zero first time since '94 honestly I'm Democrat you must really miss this I know really I can see how I can walk you through any you got politics in your blood I just going to say I I disagree with you but honestly find it refreshing that you will even articulate that Biden won the race and Trump lost and so that's right good as it gets Republican I mean the bar is in hell I know but that's important the problem that Biden has is that in 2020 the increase in voter turnout was so massive from 2016 unprecedentedly massive the voting base increased by about 22 million voters normally it increases maybe four or 5 million voters per election cycle what that means that you're probably going to get closer to aversion to the mean I'd be shocked if you even get as many voters as you had in 2020 and 2024 and a lot of the voters who are not going to be quote unquote showing up by which I mean like not using ma what Democrats are doing to one another right now they're guaranteeing Biden's going to lose they're weakening and everything and in the polling is Biden's the strongest one I actually argue that Democrats have done more damage to Joe Biden since January 27th and I mean July June 27th and probably June 27th the only person who's done worse till is himself well I mean but the but at the end of the day what I've been telling everyone is you people analyze this race wrong I mean you literally have three choices in this race you have Donald Trump Joe Biden and the couch those are your choices and the couch is one of the most amazing candidates in the history of American politics it runs it literally runs it it runs no ads and people choose it all the time I mean Bobby Kennedy just shot up and what about the worm in my brain um all right well what do you make of the democratic socialists of America DSA pulling its endorsement of AOC for WTF okay what do you make of the democratic socialists of America pulling its endorsement of AOC for not being sufficiently anti-israel did that happen did okay oh I yeah I mean I was like a I was in the who cares category yeah same I'm looking for honestly honestly I'd like for the Democratic party to pull its support from the proas wing of the democratic party that would be that well I actually think I actually think I think that even without the a excuse me but this you should care because even without the age issue with Biden there's going to be the uh genocide Joe protesters at the convention this is a split in the party but let me let me articulate this I think that both parties have a real issue with anti-Semitism and I don't think it has any place I mean I've seen the ads with the star David that you all ran in in different house raises i' I've heard the words that have come out of Donald Trump's mouth before I mean I I we can't turn a blind eye to the anti-Semitism that's in the Republican Party we've seen January 6th we saw people we saw people in Charlottesville yelling all the the worst here's where comes in can I can I finish this can I finish this okay only thing the only the way I wanted the way I wanted to bring this full circle is that yes Democrats have to combat the anti-semitism within our own party as well it it it it needs to be rooted out complicit completely from both parties that's my only point it has no place it has no place in the American political age I I obviously agree and I personally have been targeted more than probably anyone else in America by alt-right anti-semites okay like truly by the statistics as a conservative now let me say that the vast disproportion of people who are anti-semitic in America right now unfortunately I wish this were not true I wish it were a non-partisan issue and there were no anti-Semitism but the vastest proportion is inside the Democratic party right now which is why the Democratic party seems unable to divide off from Sayan Omar or Rashida Talib it's why they've had such trouble in simply declaring the obvious which is that Kamas should surrender it's why Joe Biden by the way the other night even at that foreign policy supposedly masterful display he had a tough time explaining exactly he didn't mention the word hostages one time when he was discussing Israel Hamas and there are five American hostages sitting in Kamas tunnels right now and he's still talking about slow walking military aid to Israel to finish off that war that is because he is deeply concerned that he's going to lose that part of his that is anti-Semitic so so there should be no anti-i but it's not equal there's only one party in Congress that equated Hamas equal to America in the same place well I mean but but let let me also just call for one second because there was a $ 31 billion doou that was signed by what president Barack Obama f35s were delivered to Israel under what president Barack Obama the Iron Dome was created under what president Barack Obama and so but I and I've been somebody who's always said that Israel is an American value I've always I've always said that October 7th was one of the most devastating days that I've ever seen with my own eyes Theocratic party is not the same party that Obama had today actually it actually is and Barack Obama signed into law de on nuclear deal Barack Obama made Benjamin Netanyahu walk out of the back door of the White House Barack Obama was anti-israel president in the history of the United States he only possible extion might have been HW during his during his term I think that's a teapot T whatever a teapot but uh every president every American president has been a strong backer of Israel and that's what I we're talking we're talking about the rank and file now we're talking about people this is also the problem with the with the issue and the conversation that we're having because back in 20067 8 N9 10 all the way through those Early Times Israel was truly a bipartisan American value type of BB net who came and spoke and I'm just telling you those two men did not like each other they despised each other person person who served in Congress during that time and watch you see the Rifts and how it was Obama and Iran cutting a deal directly against where Schumer even sat there and was quiet where stinny Hoyer let it go through that was the Turning Point never again [Applause] he broke it the partisanship that we are discussing right now the fact the fact that this has become a partisan issue is is is why it's wrong and I tell people that all the timee on that yeah but I have to call on this on me or him him okay this with the Iran deal because I hear this all the time and this is kind of gerain to our discussion before about the immunity because the fear is that oh as soon as the president leaves office he's going to be pers prosecuted and persecuted for something he did while he was in office and the Supreme Court said but yeah presidents while in office do things that they think at the time are best for the country I didn't think going into Iraq that George Bush did was the best thing for the country but I think he did and you can't go after president for that Obama thought making a deal with Iran was the best thing for this country and it may have been we don't know because your boyfriend pulled out we do know the idea no no no no no the idea was to bring Iran which is not a country of unsophisticated people into the fold into the family of Nations here's and and it was a very effective deal we had we they would not have been able to produce a bomb for the next 15 years we have we have the facts of this let me return provision on the Iran deal that allowed them at a certain point to have a bomb not only that as John kry the Secretary of State openly acknowledged it allowed for the development of ballistic missile technology it made Iran part of the world economy again when Joe Biden came into office and reoriented the Middle East away from the abrahamic hords and started trying to recut a deal with Iran Iran got significantly stronger and it is now Iranian agents in Yemen in Lebanon they going they're going to have a bom a lot they're going to have the bomb a lot sooner but you know but you know how they paid for it when when B when Biden came to office they produced 4,000 barrels a day today they produced more than a million barrels of oil we still have the sanctions against their oil but but Biden allows them to sell that's where they started funding all the terrorism around you want to know what happened on October 7th never would have happened yeah when the bomb goes off I don't really care how they paid for it Kevin but they couldn't have done it if they didn't have but the goal is to stop Iran from getting a bomb exactly and that's what the Iran nuclear was supposed to do all if if take Israel's perspective for just one second I always but why why no but I mean if if one party has a relatively strong interest in Iran not getting a bomb it would be Israel more than the United States they are the regional actor that Iran has threatened did Israel support the Iran deal or notah there were plenty of people in Israel of course it is there was no descent in Israel you think Jews don't argue about this bill please please name please name seriously please I've read it I've read their column please name the political party that endorsed the Iran deal in Israel remember it was 10 years ago I know it basically does not exist that is just not it's just not as a factual statement that in Israel the Iran deal was even remotely popular right left or Center it was not all right well we got to go thank you very much
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 131,098
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Id: AsmXfWqBReY
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Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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