Best Supporting Actor Oscar Wins of the 2010s RANKED!

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best supporting actor of the 2010s which Oscar wins in this category do I adore and which wins do I not like so much hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and it's time for another Oscar ranking video today I'm talking best supporting actor the 2010s let's start with number 10 Mersa Ali greenbook oh Tony I wish you could hear yourself sometimes you wouldn't talk so damn much I know exactly who I am now I did get some Flack last year for putting this guy in my worst acting Oscar wins of all time video I don't know if he should have been on that list that was a bit extreme he is perfectly fine in greenbook a movie I didn't much care for in 2018 it was okay I was like all right that can get a couple nominations or whatever but for it to go on to win best picture of the year and then Mersa Ali wins best support actor all season first of all he basically sweeps the season for the most parts and then he wins his second best supporting actor Oscar trophy just two years after he won for his much better performance in Moonlight and it just it didn't feel right to me I did not understand the love for that movie for that performance I mean he does what he needs to do he shows gravitas in the role he has some nice emotional beats but overall I found his performance in the film very forgettable I remember almost nothing a few years on and I just don't think it was worthy of an Oscar win a much better victory in the category that year would have been Richard E Grant for can you ever forgive me that is one of my favorite performances of the 20110 I thought he was incredible in that film and I also thought can you ever forget me deserve to win an Oscar for something that would have been the category to give the movie an Oscar trophy so especially because Mersa Ali had just won in this category I think we could have given this Academy Award to Richard E Grant I want to dedicate this to my grandmother uh who has been in my my ear my entire life telling me that if at first I don't succeed try try again number nine Kristoff vaultz Jango unchanged these days I practice a new profession Bounty under so here's the deal I love this actor he gives a perfectly good performance in D Jango unchain I adore his Oscar win for in glorious bastards in best supporting actor 3 years before so kind of like the Mersa Ali thing I didn't think Kristoff vaultz needed to win another supporting actor trophy just 3 years later for a performance that is to me a lead role I think he is in too much of D Jango Unchained to even qualify as supporting actor he takes up a huge chunk of that narrative I think a much better nomination in supporting actor that year at the Oscars for the same movie would have been either Leonardo DiCaprio or Samuel L Jackson those are the genuine supporting performances in that film I do think if Caprio had gotten in instead of vaults DiCaprio probably wins his first Oscar for D Jango unchain because everyone in the category that year had already won DiCaprio would have been the only person who hadn't taken home the gold trophy but of the people who are nominated in that category in early 2013 I do think the best performance the person who should have won was the late great Philip seamer Hoffman for the master I mean even that performance You could argue is more lead than supporting he's in a lot of that movie too but it is such a Monumental screen performance that I would have preferred Hoffman to have won this one over vaults that is of course to his creator and the creator of his all inspiring World Quinton Tarantino number eight Jared Leto Dallas Buyers Club you know what you don't deserve our money you homophobic so I might have been kind of an outlier on this one I didn't much care for Dallas Buyers Club in 2013 it was my least favorite of the best picture nominees that year by far and like when Matthew MCC and Jared Leto were sweeping the season in best actor and best supporting actor respectively I was kind of shrugging I OD it they're both physical Transformations Jared Leto and Dallas Buyers Club is taking a leap with that character that is a performance that easily could have crashed and burned could have been laughed at but no he is good in that movie this isn't a bad win I just didn't think there was anything memorable or extraordinary about that performance besides Bradley Cooper for American Hustle I would have preferred any of the other three men in this category to have won like Michael fast Bender in 12 years of slave or Jonah Hill who is exquisite who is so freaking funny in The Wolf of Wall Street but my choice here would have been that year's bafta winner barkod obdi for Captain Phillips I think he took a character in that movie that could have been very one notes and he humanizes him in a way that makes you truly care about his plights his journey by the end of that movie movie he's not a one-dimensional villain I just watched Captain Phillips again for the first time in 11 years and as much as I love that Tom Hanks performance in the lead role obdi does an amazing job I'm so happy baa recognized him in early 2014 I think he should have won the Oscar too to those of you out there who have ever felt Injustice because of who you are or who you love I stand here in front of the world with you and for you thank you so much and good night number seven Mark ryance Bridge of spies visitors you mind if I fetch my teeth Colonel would you turn around please so if you're interested in the weeks to come I would like to make a video exploring the best supporting actor race for 2015 that came down to mark ryance for bridge of spies and Sylvester Stallone for creed Salone of course won at Golden Globes to a standing ovation that was one of the most memorable moments I would say at the globes in the last decade and then I think he also got a standing o at critic's Choice when he won best supporting actor there but then he wasn't nominated at sag or bafta I don't think he got in at bafta either but he got in at the Oscars and it felt like okay there's not necessarily someone in this category who can easily overtake him so at the Oscars let's finally gives Stallone a gold trophy that would be really cool most of us were predicting him I think ryance only one at bafta but then on Oscar night Patricia Arquette said Mark ryance and there was some muted clapping I like the little moment he had with his director Steven Spielberg and calling him out from the stage as one of our great storytellers I like that moment in his speech but like I saw Bridge of spy once in theaters I didn't take to it that much I found it kind of slow it had a couple of nice moments I like the ending but I don't remember much of that movie whereas I do remember Stallone in Creed from 2015 he did do a fantastic job in that movie and because he is so emotionally moving in Creed it feels like Salone should have won for that movie at the Oscars and not ryance so for me to have the chance to work work with I think one of the greatest storytellers of our time Steven Spielberg has just been such an honor number six Christian Bale the fighter and you can't just run away because of me he don't deserve that right so I will quit if you want me to quit so this Oscar win for Christian Bale was coming we all knew Bale was going to take home an Academy Award at some points I could feel it like okay this guy just needs the right role at the right time and it'll probably win and that came in 2010 with the fighter a movie that pretty much everybody really liked I liked it it wasn't on my top 10 list of the year but it was a good watch and it has an amazing cast and you knew walking out of the fighter it was going to win a couple things on Oscar Knights I mean all the performances in that movie are great my favorite performance in the film is Amy Adams who got an Oscar nomination but she lost to someone else from the same movie as we'll talk about in the supporting actress Oscar ranking video I thought about ranking Bale a little bit higher I mean I guess some people might have him at like 3 or 4 or something so why is he number six honestly 14 years on I just don't remember very much about the performance I remember this one was also a physical transformation he lost a lot of Weights he doesn't look like he does in the dark knight from 2 years prior but in terms of like emotional beats in that movie I think about Adams I don't think about Bale I can't remember a moment in the fighter where I was completely in awe of bale as an actor I remember liking him in it he's very good this is not going to be at the bottom of my ranking it was always going to be around the middle but compared to like slots 5 and four that I'm going to talk about I just don't think Bale is quite as meor meable as those my wonderful wife who's my uh Mast through the storms of life I hope I'm likewise to you darling number five Brad Pitts Once Upon a Time in Hollywood well now that you've talked to him do you believe everything's all right not exactly this was a mistake you should leave way ahead of you Quenton Tarantino Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a great movie I've seen it three or four times I find it to be such a blast everybody is doing great work in that film the actors people behind the scenes like there's just a craft to that film I really take to and I love to revisit it every couple years I do think it's one of DiCaprio's best performances he is on another level in that movie so funny and real Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate is doing excellent work I would have nominated Robbie that year for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood over her performance in bombshell I don't know about you and then Brad Pitt is in many ways the standout of that movie I do feel like if Brad Pitt was going to have one acting Oscar trophy in his long career it should have been for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I mean he is such a movie star in that so much Charisma you cannot take your eyes away from him that scene on the Charles Manson compounds the ending like oh my God the last few scenes of that film I could have put this one at three or 4 the reason I have it at five is that you could argue Brad Pit in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a leading role not supporting I've talked about this all the time on the channel I've made lots of videos about this issue I feel like you could argue both DiCaprio and Pitts are co-leads in that movie but ultimately Pit's performance wins me over so much the category fraud of it all this time around doesn't really bother me all the wonderful people I've met along the way just stand here now once upon a time in Hollywood I think that's the truth number four Christopher Plumber beginners I thought oh God I'll try anything now here's something that doesn't happen at the Oscars very much anymore a winner in an acting category for a film that otherwise doesn't do very well at the Academy Awards in other big categories like picture director lead actor lead actress whatever like to actually win an acting Oscar for a movie that doesn't otherwise do very well on Oscar nominations morning I feel like it's very difficult these days like your movie kind of has to get into best picture to have a chance at a victory in most cases but in 20111 Christopher Plumber was so great so Charming in beginners as a man in his what 70s who finally comes out of the closet after his wife dies and starts a new life for himself and how that reflects on his relationship with his son played by Yan McGregor that is such a wonderful movie I saw it twice it's a lot of fun and emotional at times it has a good mix of comedy and drama and it's one of plumber's Finest Hours and I do feel like plumber's work in that movie could have been ignored come Oscar season but this just felt like the right time I mean he would be nominated again a few years later for all the money in the world but this was the one time we could give Christopher Plumber an Oscar and the man is no longer with us and I'm happy he got to take home one gold trophy in his long and celebrated career when I first emerged from my mother's womb I was already rehearsing my Academy thank you speech number three Sam Rockwell three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri we not calling officer of law breing his own Station House Mrs A's or anywhere actually I do feel like the reception the three Billboards outside ebing Missouri has been a little mixed both at the time and now I hear from people a lot who don't like that movie I was not one of them I went completely nuts for that film I thought the screenplay was inventive and unpredictable and I just adored everybody in that movie including Francis McDormand who won the Best Actress Oscar and Woody harelson who got nominated in supporting actor and then Sam Rockwell who I have loved since Galaxy Quest from 1999 he cracked me up in that movie and I have been following his career with great admiration and interest ever since and so it was a thrill to see three Billboards outside eding Missouri see Rockwell give a magnificent performance in that movie Just Awesome from beginning to end I think he is doing phenomenal work in that film and then to see him basically sweep the season in supporting actor I was very excited and happy for him I thought he deserved it 100 100% when I was 8 years old I was called into the principal's office and my father was looking very suem and he said we got to go it's Grandma and we got in the car and I said what's wrong with Grandma and he said nothing we're going to the movies number two Mersa Ali moonlights that's some point you got to decide for yourself who you want to be can't let nobody make that decision for you so I started this list with Ali right at the bottom for greenbook and now he's basically at at the top just one slot away from the top of the best supporting actor Oscar WS of the 2010s Moonlight was my favorite film of 2016 I mean talk about inventive I just use that word talking about three Billboards when it comes to Moonlight the storytelling structure is so unique and interesting and it never feels like a gimmick you are with that boy growing into adulthood this film by Barry Jenkins also has an incredible Ensemble of actors everybody's doing amazing work Mersa Ali is absolutely the standout and it's so interesting to me how he basically disappears after the opening act but we're always thinking about him as the story moves on his lessons his presence remains at the top of our mind I mean that last scene he has in the movie is one of the best in Moonlight it's definitely one that has stuck with me I mean growing up gay and not feeling like I could tell anybody until I was around 2021 there were elements of moonlight that were very personal to me and I felt like Mersa Ali in his performance showed so much empathy and understanding the way he talks to that child I also love this Oscar win for Ali because this is a true supporting performance he's not in the whole film like most of the wins I would say of the 2010 F in this category You could argue is a lead role but that's not the case for Ali in moonlights he does extraordinary work for what 30 to 40 minutes and then he's not in the rest of the movie but as we cut to that final gorgeous shot and the end credits one of the things we truly take with us walking out of Moonlight is that Mersa Ali performance it is a great one my grandma would want me to butt up and finally that takes me to my number one choice this is one of my favorite acting Oscar win so far this Century my number one choice for the finest supporting actor Oscar win of the 2010s is JK Simmons's Whiplash count again 1 two 3 one two 3 one two 3 rushing or dragging rush so you do know the difference I mean talk about a performance that completely knocked me out a performance that I still think about to this day in all kinds of circumstances I mean throughout 2014 I had been hearing amazing things about Whiplash it premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January I didn't get to see it until I think it was Thanksgiving weekend that year so my expectations were very high going into the theater and this movie exceeded those expectations in every way I love everything about whiplash it was my choice for the best film of 2014 I have the Blu-ray I watch it all the time Daman chazelle proved his stuff in that movie holy cow I mean the storytelling the editing and the acting Miles Teller gives a very good performance in that movie but holy shits JK Simmons one of the most terrifying screen creations of the last 10 years easily I've had had some intimidating teachers in my time nobody quite likes Simmons in Whiplash he has the ability just from a look to make you piss your pants and when he starts screaming it's like okay I think I'm in the wrong room here I don't know but Simmons does such a phenomenal job in not making that character just a monster just a villain it is a very layered character there are elements to that guy that make you question like is some of this a performance just to get the best out of his students does he really have some kind of Vendetta against the Miles Teller character he might scream a lot in that movie but he's also softspoken at times and you wonder if maybe he is a nice guy after all there's just this layer between him and his students and where the remarkable screenplay takes that character by the third act by that amazing Final 5 to 10 minutes it is just a magnificent character beautifully brought to life by the great JK Simmons I am always so happy that he won the Oscar for that spellbinding performance and I do think it's easily the finest best supporting actor Oscar win of the 2010s call your mom call your dad if you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet don't text don't email call them on the phone tell them you love them and thank them and listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you thank you thank you Mom and Dad thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what is your Oscar ranking of best supporting actor of the 2010s and we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 16,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3A1xVyHdxZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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