Best Supporting Actress Oscar Wins of the 2010s RANKED!

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well I have done Oscar ranking videos for the wins in best actor best actress and best supporting actor of the 2010s now it's time for best supporting actress hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and let's get right to it ranking the best supporting actress Oscar victories of the 2010s let's begin with number 10 Alisia theander the Danish girl you need to tell me when hendrik and Lily what together they want they they kiss so there have been some wonderful wins at the Oscars in the 2010s in the best supporting actors category most of the wins I'm going to talk about in this video I feel pretty good about some I'm very passionate about like really happy with many of these wins but such is not the case for elisia Vander who won best supporting actress in early 2016 for Tom Hooper so so costume drama the Danish girl she is fine in this movie it's not a bad performance she gets to emote in a lot of scenes she has a nice chemistry with Eddie redm who plays the Title Character he also got an Oscar nomination for best actor I just found the movie overall to be very creaky kind of cringy at times and I didn't think either actor in the movie was Oscar worthy like they're both good not great but what puts this at the bottom why Vander is number 10 and not like eight or seven or something is two reasons one I do think this is very much a lead performance this isn't really supporting for Vander in the Danish girl she was rightfully nominated at the Golden Globes and at bafta in lead actress for the Danish girl not supporting but at the Oscars she's put into support in this category fraud helps her get nominated it helps her win as I've talked about on the channel before category fraud doesn't always bother me but in this situation she should have been lead actress at the Oscars for the Danish girl because the second reason this Oscar win kind of pisses me off is that she should have won best supporting actress at the Oscars the same year for a different movie X makina that was my favorite film of 2015 I have watched it multiple times and the Vander performance is so bold and courageous and original like in the world of science fiction filmmaking like of all the Great Performances we've seen in the movies in that genre I think Alisia Vander is one of the very best and she's not even nominated for exmachina she's nominated for the Danish girl which is just very much much an Oscar batty movie that came and went nobody really talks about that movie these days and she wins for that no thanks the win in this category that year should have been Kate Winslet for Steve Jobs and Tom where are you my director thank you so much for your support and belief in me number nine Laura DN marriage story she's a virgin who gives birth unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he's gone and the dad isn't there this one kind of baffled me I don't know about you I was very confused throughout the 2020 award season to see Laura dur sweep for this performance in Noah bombb back's marriage story like as that quirky kind of eccentric lawyer she's clearly having fun it's an entertaining performance but there's nothing special about it it's not an over memorable performance by any means I remember watching marriage story and enjoying her performance but when she got in at the Golden Globes and supporting actress I was like oh okay that's a choice and then she wins there which was a surprise to me and then she never stopped winning all the way to Oscar nights like there was nobody else in supporting actress that year who could stop her I just I I didn't see it I didn't understand I mean I know we all love Laura D I think part of it was she's done such good work throughout the decades this was a moment to honor her another thing is that marriage story was a very well-liked movie and this was the one category the academy could give it something she's also really good and Little Women from the same year and I feel like Academy voters were like well there's no one else in the category that's super strong so let's just go with Laura dur this year give the woman an Academy Award and that happened at the Oscars all the time pretty much every year at least one of the acting winners will give a performance that I'm like well that was good I don't know if it's Oscar worthy but it's nice to see this person with an Oscar trophy that was definitely the case for D in early 2020 again the category that year was pretty weak but in that field of five I would have voted for Florence Pew in Little Women I share this with my acting Heroes my Legends diant lad and Bruce D number eight Melissa Leo the fighter I was going to look after you sweetheart I me come on I know you don't understand it but I had nine kids and I love every one of you the same now basically from here on out I'm talking about performances I like or love Melissa Leo in David O Russell the fighter gives a very good performance she is kind of chewing the scenery as that mother you can't take your eyes away from her her physical look is great she's got a strength about her in her Min scenes with Christian Bale and Mark Walberg and Amy Adams and many others this Oscar nomination for Melissa Leo came at just the right time because she had received the best actress nomination 2 years before for Frozen river which she is incredible in I love her performance in Frozen River and in a competitive category in early 2011 at the Oscars best supporting actor I could have seen really any of those women winning maybe not Jackie Weaver for Animal Kingdom but Helena bonam Carter won the bafta award that year in best supporting actress for the King speech Amy Adams is also great in the fighter and she was on her third nomination without a win and Haley Steinfeld for True Grits I mean talk about category fraud that's not a supporting performance but I felt like in those closing weeks she was gathering momentum for True Grits that movie came out very late and she is wonderful in it I felt like there could have been a surprise that year in supporting actress since Melissa Leo did not win everything but I think the originality of this performance mixed with her previous Oscar nomination for Frozen River it was just the right role for her at the right time and so she won accepted her prize from Kirk Douglas and gave not so great of a speech as I talked about in a recent video this is one of my least favorite Oscar acceptance speeches but again she gives a solid performance in the fighter however my choice in this category would have been an actor from the same movie The Great Amy Adams should have an Oscar by now and I feel like if there was a performance she could have won for like she had a shots it would have been for the fighter so my vote that year would have gone to Amy Adams for the fighter when I watched Kate do years ago it looked so easy oops number seven an Hathaway lay miserab boss wouldn't like K yes it's true there's a child in the child is my daughter so confession I don't know if I have explicitly stated this on the channel I do not like lay Miser Rob Tom Hooper's 2012 musical adaptation I found to be a major SLO I remember being so excited for it I took my mom and my aunts and when the lights went down I was ready for greatness I mean Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway and Russell Crow the trailers filled me with excitement but very early on I was like oh this is going to be rough this is going to be a very rough movie I mean I admired elements of it including the performances especially by Jackman and Hathaway like they're doing really good work in that movie even though I did not connect to this one at all and was very happy when the end credits arrived I was thrilled still I was able to be impressed by Hathaway in her many scenes near the beginning that long emotional take of her singing I Dreamed A Dream is kind of stunning like she is bringing it there she knows this is her moment I mean it's a very Oscar bity role I can imagine going into the project an Hathaway had to be thinking H just got an Oscar nomination and best actress for Rachel Getting Married and this could be the one to get me the Oscar it had to have crossed her mind come on so yeah even though I didn't care for the movie she's very good in it I still wouldn't have given her the Oscar my choice here might surprise you at the Oscars in early 2013 my vote in supporting actress would have gone to Helen Hunt in the sessions I think she is great in that [Applause] movie it came true number six Allison Janney I Tanya I didn't stay home making apple Brown betties no I made you a champion knowing you'd hate me for it that's the sacrifice a mother makes I wish I'd had a mother like me instead of nice nice get your I have always always adored aliceon Janney basically from the first time I saw her in a movie probably in the '90s like private parts or something I have just always dug her vibe I find her very funny very creative in a variety of mostly supporting performances and film and TV we get to 2017 itanya comes out and there's a lot of a claim for Margot Robbie's performance as Tanya Harding but Allison Janney is such a scene stealer in that film as her mom like every time she is on screen you are just in pure delight the bird on her shoulder her physical look her chain smoking the way she says her dialogue like this is a very memorable Alison Janney performance I understand why it's swept I feel like the industry loves her and they were just waiting for her moments like she had had so many awards for TV projects like the westwing and things but no matter how good she had been in a variety of movies like American Beauty and the hours and especially the way way back she is so freaking funny in the way way back she just got a very meaty role in itata that was flashy based on a real person which the academy Ador and so this win makes sense I'm happy Alison Janney has an Academy Award but even though I did really enjoy her performance in itata I was kind of of baffled all season long why Lori medcafe was not getting more love in terms of award wins for her amazing performance also as a mother in Greta gerwig's ladybird as much as I like jany in itata my vote here would have gone to metf for ladybird I did it all by myself number five viola us fences and upstairs in that bedroom with the darkness falling in on me I gave everything I had trying to race it doubt that you wasn't the finest man in the world and wherever you was going I was going to be there with you because you was my husband what a spectacular performance Viola Davis gives in fences directed by Denzel Washington from 2016 I was pretty bowled over in the theater by her work in this movie she can be delicate and vulnerable but also really strong at times there are so many layers to this character that she gets to portray throughout the movie she can be in Shadow in the corner of a room very softspoken but then in other scenes have the camera press to her face as she screams and cries to her husband like in her most famous scene from that movie like that moment is definitely capital A acting right like acting with a capital A that that's Viola Davis in that moment when she is crying and slobbering but it is so mesmerizing to watch someone as good as she is as an actor giving this role her all she had played this role on the stage before so she was very familiar with it very comfortable in this character a wife and mother who has in every way put her husband first even though later in life she's not sure if he was worth it she in Washington have dazzling chemistry in this and so I'm very happy the great Viola Davis won an Oscar for fences so why is this at number five and not number three or two or one as I've talked about in a previous video it's the category fraud of it all I have always felt Viola Davis in fences is a lead performance like there's nothing supporting about it at all I mean I guess you could argue because Denzel watch Washington is such the face of the movie his character is all over it because her character in the movie is kind of subordinate to him in a way that she's also the supporting actress I mean I guess but she's in what like almost an hour of the movie it's not really to me a supporting performance and I do think if she had gone lead and not supporting she probably would have won best actress over Emma Stone in la la land I felt like someone could have overtaken Stone That season and the problem was we didn't have a consensus Choice like there were some boats going to Natalie Portman for Jackie some boats going to Isabelle Hooper for L 5 years before Davis almost won best actress for the help and so I do think she probably would have beaten Stone we'll never know of course but at the end of the day I love this performance by Davis and fences and I love that she has an Oscar you teach me every day how to live how to love I'm so glad that you are the foundation of my life thank you to the academy thank you number four Octavia Spencer the help and look now I ain't messing around no more now Mr Johnny going to catch me here and shoot me dead right here on this no wax flow speaking of the help here's another great Oscar win and best supporting actress of the 2010s I have always loved Octavia Spencer throughout the decades she has always been such an interesting character actor whether she's in a comedy or a drama she always brings her aame she's always fun to watch I love that she's gotten two more Oscar nominations in supporting actress for hidden figures and the shape of water she's also great in those but she is especially fantastic in the help she is in many ways the heart and soul of that movie she is hilarious at times very moving in scenes in an absolutely glorious ensemble cast including Viola Davis and Allison Janney and Emma Stone I feel like everything goes back to the help right octavus Spencer is the clear standout in the help I'm so happy she won I mean there are some other great performances in her category especially Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids that that is one of my favorite Oscar nominations in any category of the 2010s but I do think Spencer was the right winner here what a phenomenal performance thank you Academy for putting me with the hottest guy in the room um number three Regina King if beel Street could talk what difference does it make how he gets here the child ain't got nothing to do with that ain't none of us got nothing to do with that oh how I adore this Oscar win for Regina King in early 2019 I adore it for many reasons one she is incredible in that movie as that Fierce and strong mother she has some truly memorable moments she is smart she is fiery this is a brilliant performance in a very underrated movie Barry Jenkins followup to Moonlight did okay that award season I was surprised it didn't do better in categories like picture and director lead actor lead actress but thank God Regina King got notice for a wonderful performance that honestly could have been ignored like if enough Academy members enough voters just didn't see the movie like had put their DVD screener at the bottom of the pile I was a little nervous about King's chances to win there because she was not nominated at sag or at bafta like she wasn't even nominated at either of those two major precursor ceremonies and because if be Street could talk was underperforming in so many of the top categories I was doubtful she was going to win I was so happy when she did because another thing I love about this win usually your movie needs to be in best picture or in another acting category there needs to be typically a lot of love for your film to win an acting Oscar and because if be Street could talk only got into supporting actress adapted screenplay and score I was delighted to see Regina King win her very much deserved Oscar Trophy this is a great Oscar win for best supporting actress so it's appropriate for me to be standing here cuz I'm an example of what it looks like when support and love is poured into someone number two Patricia Arquette Boyhood well that won't be a problem he can call Grandma and she'll tell him or he can call information we won't be hard to find what a unique acting Oscar win this is for our Kats I mean think about it she started acting in this movie Boyhood in the summer of 2002 like she started acting in this movie more than a decade before she wins her Academy Award that's not typically how this works out typically you win an Academy Award for a film you've made in the last 2 or 3 years not the last like 14 years right in some ways Patricia Arquette had an advantage in that she got to explore a character over a dozen years of filming she got to discover every Nuance of this person aging over many years I think this movie is extraordinary in every way Richard link later's 12year EXP experiments which for me turned out as good as it possibly could have it goes so much deeper than a Coming of Age story about a boy growing into a young man link later is also very interested in his Dynamics with his mother and father and the lives of the mother and father Ethan Hawk is excellent in this I was so happy to see him get a Best Supporting Actor nomination but Patricia Arquette is so emotionally devastating in this movie first in the way her character grows and changes and becomes smarter and stronger pushing back against bad men in her life and being self-sufficient like the Arc of her character her character's Journey I've always found to be very moving and second her last scene like her last scene in that film that was probably my favorite scene in a movie in 2014 it is so perfectly written and acted it feels so real part of her emotion probably came from the fact that she had been living this character for 12 years and it was coming to an end but this moment just smacks you across the face and you can never forget it Patricia Arquette is exquisite in Boyhood and I will always love this Oscar win it's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America and now that takes me to my number one choice which you probably saw coming if you've been watching my channel if you've seen some of my oscar top 10 videos about great acting Oscar wins I've talked about this one before my number one choice is Lupita nongo 12 Years a Slave 500b of cotton day in day out morning than any man here and for that I will be clean that's all I ask Lupita nongo is such a Sublime actress whenever she shows up in a project I am excited to see what she's going to deliver to us every performance she gives comes from a place of truth of reality she's able to embody her characters in such a way that is always fascinating and mesmerizing whether she's in a horror film like us or a quiet place day one or a somber affecting drama like 12 years of slave the best picture Oscar winner of 2013 this is an incredible movie with an astonishing ensemble cast like chel eegor and Michael fast Bender Who got Oscar nominations for their performances but talk about one of the signature debuts in film of the 2010s Lupita nongo nobody really knew who she was and we were all flabbergasted completely in awe of her talents in that movie from the moment she first appears on screen as the slave py you cannot look away right there at the beginning she had such a command of her craft and command of this character she is spectacular in this movie and she was the only choice that year to win best supporting actress at the Oscars as I explored in a recent video all about this race Jennifer Lawrence had a shot to overtake her at the Oscars given that lawence one supporting actress at both Golden Globes and bafta and I don't know about you but I was scared like I was nervous I'm like do not let this happen Lawrence is very funny in American Hustle but come on over nongo in 12 years of slave that would not have aged very well I think Lawrence on the kns was relieved to not win she had to know that would have been Overkill two Oscars and acting two years in a row it would have been too much Lupita nongo for 12 Years a Slave was the deserving Oscar winner that nights and for her extraordinary performance in Steve McQueen's 12 years of slave Lupita nongo is and will always be the number one best supporting actress Oscar win of the 2010s when I look down at this golden statue may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you're from your dreams are valid thank [Applause] [Music] you thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what is your Oscar ranking for best supporting actress of the 2010s and we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 14,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -9_17R9CReU
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Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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