Jon Stewart Examines Biden’s Future Amidst Calls For Him to Drop Out | The Daily Show

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Welcome to The Daily Show my name is John Stewart and we are back baby by the way I want to start off uh very quickly uh and mention a very quick congratulations uh to England and France who held their elections uh to great success we would talk about them tonight but we're in America so last week we did a live show after the debate uh uh wait wait where where did we where did we leave off this cannot be real life it just can't we're America God ah yes anger and despair by the way for those of you at home the scripts are printed on Kevlar which is why I had trouble it's no way weak fingers now since uh the debate it's it's been quite interesting actually many Democrats have expressed concern uh that the president has a hard time uh expressing thoughts and then there is this other Camp uh who thinks that those people should shut the [ __ ] up stop this whining stop the complaining stop trying to be the cool cynical kids I would not want to be in a foxhole with any of the people who you know were clutching their pearls all of a sudden Pearl clutching and hand ringing we're bed wetting and soaking all the way through the mattress we panic and piss our [Applause] pants first of all I'm not sure incontinence is the metaphor you want to go with and and second of all when are we going to free senator fedman from the Turkish prison he's being held in that's I don't know thisr p but to those of you who say these concerns are simple Pearl weding and bed clutching we all make mistakes I thought I would take a moment to explain where the concern about Biden's performance might be coming from and why these concerns may be seen as a more foundational issue you see even before the debate there had been some troubling moments of Disconnect from the president you know perhaps this chart could if I may sorry the pen caps are made of Kevlar very difficult to perhaps this chart will illustrate uh and illuminate the point more clearly for instance uh uh in 2022 when we saw Biden give a shout out to representative Jackie representative Jackie are you here where's Jackie I didn't think she was she was going to be here unfortunately Jackie was dead it's something that the president seemed to have known six weeks earlier when he released a condolence statement about her death so huh [Applause] then there was the recounting of a recent conversation that the president had had with his counterpart the president of France and meeran from Germany I mean from France looked at me and said uh said you know what why how long you back for [Applause] [Applause] unfortunately Mond is also dead for longer even than that first lady so [Applause] huh and even on teleprompter things continue to like the reading of the instructions people sometimes add to teleprompter scripts the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so end of quote repeat the line at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley last name four more years PA more years ah then of course to be fair State of the Union concern dropped a little bit at the state of the union he kind of nailed it but then the debate happened and we kind of what the what is [Applause] what now to my mind the debate was a shocking display of cognitive difficulty recognizable to unfortunately anybody who's dealt with aging parents and it's a hard watch but there were many viewers who felt it was not as note worthy as Biden's opponent in the debate it's pretty amazing that you know 90% of the conversation is around Joe Biden's style when up on that stage Donald Trump was engaged in a level of pathological lying that we've never seen shouldn't the discussions also be about Trump's Fitness to serve every time he opened his mouth he said something insane or that was a lie why aren't there calls for Trump to drop out where are they yeah why doesn't anyone ever speak out about Donald Trump or let's say every night for 10 years but you know what fair point I take your point not me because I wasn't here but other people Fair Point and let's take a look at Trump's chart it's all bad the whole thing is bad it's been it's been bad since he start he started with grabbing by the [ __ ] I mean what are you going to do the whole thing's been bad the whole thing the difference is this I will tell you the difference I will tell you the difference the difference is Trump delivered at the debate to expectation we expect him to be crazy but Biden's performance and inability to articulate at times was stunning like I could not believe what I was watching just thinking about it again just makes me want to rip up my [Applause] why do we make this out of such strong [Applause] material but then it got worse rather than respecting the American people and having an honest at least partial conversation about what we had all seen we were told immediately these are not the droids you're looking for he has a stutter he hasn't debated in four years he was almost overprepared he had off night people have an off night you know the president traveled six time zones forward to G7 and he was also uh doing continued to do his presidential duties and also he had a cold he was jet [Applause] lagged he'd been home for almost two weeks he was jet lagged how big is that fing jet the point is for a campaign based on honesty and decency the spin about the debate appears to be blatant [ __ ] and the Redemption tour hasn't gone that much better whether it's been on the radio I'm proud to be as I said the first vice president first black woman serve with black Pres [Applause] yes queen or whether or whether the president is on prompter and fired up well let me say as clearly as I can I'm staying in the race I'll beat Donald Trump I will beat him again in 2020 I got to tell you somehow confusion with confidence is even more unsettling or when the president sat down with George Stephanopoulos to prove once and for all how cogent he is and to film a bronzer ad orange man good none of this was reassuring and we're told that the threat of trump is so great and the stakes are so high that even bringing up the these absolutely legitimate concerns about the president's ability to do the most vigorous job in the world for the next four years is enabling fascism yet even the president doesn't seem particularly alarmed if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass how will you feel in January I feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do that's what this is about that's not what this is about there are no participation trophies in endgame democracy oh yes I remember FDR saying well if the Nazis take over Europe at least both teams had fun and it's really troubling as this new information has been introduced we just learned about this and now we're all being told well you should have thought of that before you knew it we can't go against the will of the voters Democrats who voted in all 50 states in the primary that is who they want to be their nominee he's the nominee because millions and millions of people voted for him to be our nominee and he will be our nominee end of story there was no real primary Biden ran against Dean Phillips that's not even a real person that's a stock photo on the package for a garden h it's not a person it's Ai and let me say this authoritarianism and Donald Trump aren't the only threats our democracy faces and our thic status quo unable or unwilling to respond in any way to the concerns of Voters who just received new and Urgent information about their candidate also erodes confidence and faith in the system of government get on board or shut the up is not is not death Honestly though get on board or shut the up is not a particularly compelling pro-democracy bumper sticker nor is what are you going to do I've gotten a lot of texts today from folks who watched a lot of westwing episodes and imagine a very complex path through which uh we might have a robust primary process but wolf you know the reality there's four months left to the presidential election four months is forever Britain Britain just held an election in two months France had two in one month defeated fascism and still had time to have an affair with Denmark are you telling me you sons of [ __ ] are you coming to my house and saying in my face that the United States of Bruce Springsteen's America can't hold an election better than a French is that what you telling me it's four months four months it's 119 days there are contestants on The Bachelor who haven't even met yet that will get married and divorced between now and the election we have nothing but kind and by the way I am in no way saying Biden's got to drop out but can't we stress test this candidacy can't we open up the conversation do you understand the opportunity here do you have any idea how thirsty Americans are for any hint of inspiration or leadership and a release from this choice of a megalomaniac and a suffocating gerontocracy it is crushing our Spirits do you have any idea what could be ahead of you all we want is for someone to keep it 100 the percentage not the age that's all we want here's an idea I'll spitball it it's last minute but why don't we try and get all the Democrats together in I don't know six weeks time uh we could get everybody to fly into some Midwestern town maybe like one adjacent to important swing States let's call it Chicago and they could spend I don't know four days there because nobody works Fridays anymore and on Monday anybody who wants to gives their sales pitch of how they can make democracy more responsive to the people it is supposed to serve you could bang it out on Tuesday the winners could move on to the next round and then face Biden they could face Biden Biden had a buy Wednesday would be an off day bus tour to find the restaurant from the bear Thursday the party emerges energized unified Sanctified you could televise the entire proceeding for four days you could call it I don't know The Apprentice I'm just workshopping here so feel free to ignore any obvious weaknesses in your team's existential fight for free freedom and democracy and then just White Knuckle this thing till November or take the advice of your own candidate do you think there is any Democrat who could defeat Donald Trump other than you probably 50 of them 50 I got to say I like the cut of that Fella's jib a [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 5,792,624
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Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, headlines, jon stewart, joe biden, president, presidential debate, election, 2024, trump, DNC, democrats
Id: S9LZXheHddI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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