A Brand New Adventure Begins in Palworld... | PALWORLD [EPISODE 1]

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all right boys it's finally here power world has dropped and I'm so excited I have been waiting for this game for actually like 3 to 4 years like I'm so excited to show this off to you so I've played a few hours of this already more hours than I want to admit already and I'm just going to you know address the elephant in the room I know you've all seen the headlines saying this is Pokémon with guns it's not it's more Arc but swap out dinosaurs with these Pokémon like creatures honestly like that that's what it is this is very much more like ARX vile evolved it's a crafting Survival game switch out the dinosaurs for these little creatures now obviously there are resemblance to like Pokémon and other creature capture games like Digimon cassette beasts uh what was it Monster crown or something all creature capture games have Pokémon esque elements uh this one does have a little bit of uh Legends archus if you played that Pokemon game the best Pokemon game has a little bit of element of that but yeah it's definitely more survival crafting uh there's bosses to do open world but this is going to be a lot of fun hope you all enjoy it we're going to jump into it I've just finished setting up the world and let's freaking go we should be making our character so uh yep the axman right I played as a female on the little bit I've done so far and I kind of really liked I don't know I just liked her the the dude's are a little too like he looks like Zeus I don't know I kind of vibe with the female um okay so let's go pale because I'm pale we're going to have uh oh wow we can have a chunk see look look is this not an art character uh can we turn them around how do we turn them there we go Jesus what is these titties doing all right let's have a bit skinnier like this bit some leg muscles there we are all right face we're going to go for a cute little anime looking thing right something like that um okay let's go like this oh wait wait wait eyes o oh we can make her crazy all right we're going have some big eyes we're going to make them can we change that have it like a bit of a yeah eyebrow color is that not going to be the same as hair color hairstyle we're going to keep this hair but we're going to go for a bit of pink so if I go back to face eyebrow yeah we're going to have pink hair Now voice all right like that all right and we're ready to go we're jumping into the world of power world look how freaking cute the creatures are God damn I love it all right so I'm not 100% sure on the story I've not read any of the law we're going to do that during the playthrough the the towers are the key the free holds the truth here we are look at this we look good all right so apparently we've just walked up all of these steps so there is a tutorial um like I said I know what I'm doing a little bit uh I've played a few hours but here we go got a big tree there's just a lot of stuff there's some creatures down there there's a dude that's going to give us some stuff so let me just show off some of the things that I've seen tab here we go here's how we level up here's our inventory stuff here's our bag this where all of our little pals would be here's our skill tree so you learn this you got to craft all this stuff this goes pretty deep uh we got the pow Deck with some of the creatures so we got a little sheep Lambo we got Chickapea uh is that all we've seen so far there's guilds which I've not played with yet apparently this is multiplayer you can be in Guilds that might be a cool thing that maybe I can invite some people on I don't know that might be something real cool and then obviously you got your options um map so this is where we are on my little playthrough I've only explored around here and I feel like the world's pretty damn big like I don't know how I'm going to make it over up there but yeah that's crazy there and then also this is Early Access they are going to be adding tons more creatures more maps more things to do so we'll be able to just like cover and explore this together and I'm really excited so let's start by picking stuff up let's also do the fast travel so we can fast travel to all of them and also before we go kick the out of this little lamb I have to say first episode of the series brand new game if you enjoy it make sure you whacking a like And subscribe and ring the bell we're going to be covering this a lot you don't want to be missing any episodes and stuff but yeah as it's the first episode liking and commenting goes a very very long way um how do I emot I forget how we em look I'll even do a dance for you there we go now you've got to like the video oh man yeah subscribe follow social medias all of that good stuff all right I'm just going to collect some of this uh that's just leveled up let's talk to this lady who has a gun um a Castaway been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals washed up here this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damn Pals ate every one of them you better be careful out there here take some basic supplies you need to toughen up if you want to survive out there just give us some wood amazing all right well let's do leveling up what do we want to go for first I'm actually going to go for a bit of weight just so I can carry more stuff so there's our stats we can now unlock some more of this stuff so we're going to go for the power box we'll show that off in a little bit there's the little pal Spar to catch them with that's that and that and do I have enough points I can actually learn all of this cool all right so we've got all of that stuff to learn um Escape Survival Guide so here's a bunch of stuff to teach you how to play but I know all about that right so first off we need to build a workbench and craft some Spears so we're lucky right now these dudes won't actually hurt us but we'll go and have a look at them so this is Lambo look at that adorable little face oh I love him so much grab some berries and this is what's this chiapa yeah Chickapea look at him there's not a thought behind them them eyes I am going to be your friend at some point let me just gather some stuff all right so it wants us to build the workbench let's let's get that sorted uh workbench going to be able to craft stuff with this so when you place stuff down you then have to hold and build once you have Pals and you build bigger stuff this might take 30 seconds a minute 30 seconds or whatever they will come and help you build if they have hands it's amazing so you're not taming these dudes Just For Fighting you're going to be taming them for lighting fires watering crops harvesting stuff like it's it's it's really cool all right let's start off by building a wooden Club so look we do that and we have to craft it again if you have your base here your pals will come and do this for you you could have stuff all lined up and go off and do other stuff and they'll they'll like start making this for you it's really really cool um all right let's get a stone pickaxe and then hopefully we can get a I need a little bit of stone so again uh like I said this is very much more like Arc you've got to go out and gather all your stuff and things and we should be able to make one of these all right we've going to have one ball which means we can capture either a lamb or we go for a chicken what do we want to go for I kind of love Lambo cuz he's so cute so this is where it is similar to the likes of Pokémon and stuff like that all the other T and creat games you've got to lower the health down and it's easier to capture uh can I hit you one more time no okay um I really don't want the chickens cuz they don't really do too much I we'll get one eventually let's go see if we can find us another Lambo uh we got chickens up there I saw a little dude down there okay let's go grab him oh this one's level three oh you'll be good look at that little face all right let's go whack whack whack whack whack oh no I hit it too many times all a hey stop come here I guess we're going for level one all right huge capture chicken going crazy hey we have Lambo let's go all right uh pow deck Lambo look at him all right let's see so uh a walk up a hill tends to end with this pal tumbling back down this causes it to become dizzy and unable to move making it easy to capture and kill as a result this PO tumbled down uh to the very bottom of the food chain itself a poor little guy uh okay so this dude lives everywhere oh so there's different ones that out at the night time I've not played too much in the night time but um yeah this is what this guy can do so it will help handiwork it can transport stuff and it can also help with some farming uh obviously very basic all level one this is what it drops this is how much food it's going to eat and I've not played around with this bit too much but I believe if you capture 10 of one creature then so that happens I'm not sure uh it's partner skill when activated equips to the player and becomes a shield something drop sometimes drops wool when assigned to the Ranch sick and then there's a cat knocking about somewhere all right so we actually got another level up uh we're actually going to go for Stam here boom and we're going to unlock an old bow and I'm going to unlock some arrows and I'm going to unlock a bed and a bed for that dude and some cluth hell yeah so a bed for us to sleep through the night uh a bed for my pal they also need sleep places all right let's get back up to our base so I should be able to cycle through this and go boom there's Lambo and I can use him come here you I can use him as a shield look look at him look at him so if I'm being attacked right now he will take all the damage and I won't oh I'm sorry little guy come here I can pet you here we go a look at little Lambo you're so cute ah how could you hate that thing and now he'll just follow us and help us fight if we need to uh so I believe you can only have one out at a time so you can only have one dude following you where where did you go I don't know um all right sweet so we need some wood and we could potentially capture this chicken uh let's go knock some of these trees down oh we've also got to eat I forgot to mention that uh bottom left the um orange bar is our food uh which we can obviously just eat berries uh you can cook foods up and stuff all right that should be enough let's make us of a PO Soul ball thingy Moodle whatever they're called a pal spear let's make two so look in a minute he's going to come and do the work for us look at him he's just crafting and uh we can help if we do it together then it's OB really fast good little guy hey come here I wanted to pet you you did good come on a little Lambo he's so cute dude um I don't believe these dudes evolve so that's some that isn't like other creature capture games these dudes don't evolve which uh I was a bit surprised by but I mean that means we can grow more attachment to them I guess um all right where did that Chicken Go the Chicken didn't jump off here did it oh there it is uh oh there's a big guy all right chicken you're mine yeah I missed level three oh God oh God wait wait uh why can I not throw my poke ball at you oh we'll find this guy as well now I went to throw a Pokéball and it didn't work for some reason that's fine we'll just try again right I'm just going to put Mr lamb away cuz I want to take this guy on myself boom there we go and 100% catch rate we could also go for this little cat who I like the look of level three level one um okay right let's beat this guy up get him get him little lamb yeah oh he's running away we got to kill this dude boom boom boom get him nice all right where was that level three so obviously when you kill them you also um get materials where' he go that was level three one of these guys oh they stretch look at him oh he's warming up for a fight get him whack quack whack whack quack you come away cuz you're going to hit him and kill him Pokéball po spear hey nice okay so we got ourselves hello chicken come here chicken chicken pea oh my God look at him he's adorable oh my God all right let's get the Cat come here you I'll pet you as well oh he's who oh I like him I might like him the best someone's screaming oh who are you fighting oh where are we going he's up on top of a rock is he intimidating you he's down off a rock oh he's punching him get him Whack Him hit him got him all right you calm down Mr Sir cuz we're going to just quickly read about you um all right let's do chickp first extremely weak and far to delicious it's one of the weakest Pals wrongs side Lambo no matter how many hunted they just keep appearing a uh sometimes lays eggs when assigned to a ranch and it gathers and does farming okay what about uh cat cattiva adic L it appears full of confidence but is in fact weak and cowardly being uh being toyed with by katavia is in many ways the greatest disgraces oh uh while in team Cav helps carry supplies increasing the plays Max carrying Capa ability hell yeah all right I'm going to keep you out um so he's handiwork Gathering Mining and transporting nice so we've got like the three easy dudes to get look at this dude mamar rest all right he's like level 33 we've got level two I guess we can't mess with him yo oh grab some of this that dude's crazy so I don't know what the red means I'm not 100% sure oh there's a chest up there um also I did ask if they have like shiny variants of these dudes they have like kind of like Legends archus they have like Alpha sort of variant where you will find bigger ones of these so there could be a big giant uh cat dude out there somewhere and um I think their stats are a little bit better so we've got to be making sure we're keeping an eye out for like shiny or Alpha variants okay let's gather some stuff here GA some food that looks like it's metal all right uh there is a green thingy over there I kind of want to get uh oh this I believe we need for the spear balls palum palum palum fragments nice okay so what we need to do we need to find a little spot that we can call like a base so what happens when you place that little power box down there will be a little radius and that's class as your base that's where your little dudes can run around and farm and stuff uh you can also be raided there's like bad guys on here that will try and raid you so you've also got to make sure you've got like sort of defenses uh boom collect and offer them to a statue of power to improve your ability to capture ooh dad that's cool I mean this area is pretty nice or there's that spot over there cuz I believe the base expands if you level it up kind of want to fight some stuff you ready C let's beat a chicken up get some stuff he never stood a oh Jesus okay where you going he's over here little guy good good stuff well done let's go and get a sheep hey like a sheep and then another sheep um C's a little he's special we we'll say that he's a he's a wee bit special uh I mean here might not be too bad uh let's just do a little bit more exploring before we like start S cuz I want some like nice flat ground area where we can build stuff and whatnot what we got down o oh this oh what is that whoa oh my God I love him no no no no no come back come back a gumos oh I love him so much oh there like bones in the back there um we got another Mammoth oh King of the Forest okay yo look at this little fire guy I don't have any more Spears to catch oh that's like a nice flat area ohoh Nightwing um oh did you fall in the water that was dumb yo okay we got little firef foxes all right they're going to be needed I want to be somewhere where there's resources as well like trees and rocks look at these guys up there this are is not really flat enough I mean where the goomas were or even just here this might be what is the what is that purple stuff there was a purple stag hang on I'm out of Stam C let's go and have a look down here yo there there's another fast travel are you going to hurt me we're just doing a bit of exploring whoa okay uh how do we say that l oh he he's fidget spinning a bit uh Elk elk FID Fox Parks okay so it looks like none of these want attackers which is good I know there are like violent ones we do have oh this is nice and flat W okay I mean that one looks a lot like Eevee just saying creis sick so we can fast travel between that one and one that's up there oh there's a oh oh oh oh there's a Pokeball thing okay oh there's also some penguins there's also a guy I like this spot I want to live just here let's go and grab that and then maybe we set up shop here for now oh we got a key uh cuz I mean like there's food there's trees uh can stuff spawn inside your base I'm not sure I say we place our thingy Moodle against this are you going to be in the way though oh I want a Gooma I want one of these now can we get one of these now I've got a Pokeball right where level five oh God oh God don't don't come back don't hurt him oh he's he's fighting back oh no one okay oh I missed come on little guy come on oh oh oh hey you won't be able to effectively use powers higher level than you their abilities will be lower to match yours character level oh ah okay um right let's go he's fighting us do your punch there it goes oh he got hit all right I want to see what my Goos looks like I love weird dumb stuff like that uh okay so you go away the Penguins uh while in the team improves efficiently have cutting trees okay come here you little squidy guy oh elixers okay he's adorable and I love him um okay so have we decided we want to live here for now okay so we need to build this oh ground is too steep can I place it just like here okay I'm building it this is going to be our base oh we're hungry as well make sure we got to eat and now boom so oh yeah you can see it the little blue line I can see up there as well that's our base so what we can do is we can literally have Lambo so they will stay here and then there's missions for this yeah so if we build a chest we can then level the base up and then you can have more Pals working here okay right well I mean let's get a box then rep place that go little lamb go and work on it whilst you're doing that I suppose we want as a workbench so I guess I can make that one Goos do you not have hands to help that's fine fine me and uh me and Lambo would do it hell yeah all right we need to eat as well um Okay so we've also got to feed all your dudes nice we've got like a bunch of stuff okay missions B upgrade need to make a bed okay look at him look at him he's got a fig on his head did you just put stuff in the Box oh my God he did look at him he's just he's just collecting stuff what a God okay um should I have the cat he's got an idea as well is he going to gather stuff oh look at him that's adorable look they're just out Gathering stuff so as you build oh campfire might be good let's do a campfire um oh oh oh they're both going to make it oh he's coming look at him he's like got to got to craft this got to do this amazing and then I could help and it's done ooh oh let's make some eggs uh I can make three of them so I believe oh yeah there we go we're cooking we've just cooked some eggs nice chir all right we've got a bunch of levels as well um right let's go for Stam and weight like that Technologies uh cloth outfit Stone spear might be good uh Place food and Pals at the base will eat from it okay that's good uh we've got a common Shield strange shield made with palum palum technology repairs itself when not taking damage don't know if I need that an alarm Bell a bell that sets the alarm status for Pals on base change pal Behavior to either attack invading enemy or Focus entirely on work uh hanging trap catch Pals that pass through only effective on small Pals and humans and then we have just got Berry Plantation can produce berries at a base requires Pals of planting watering and Gathering feel like we need that a ranch farm for raising sheep and fow likee Pals assign a pal with the appropriate traits to a farm to automatically produce items yes parachute um is a parachute fire bow fire arrows wooden living room furniture sets yes okay um kind of want to do the Trap um okay I'm just going to leave that for now uh where's goomas all right a strange power with a body resembling tree saap it gradually loses strength if it has nothing to cover its body with eventually gotten away a oh he's a planter that's all he is he's just a little planter dude okay so with all that stuff cloth oh can we make cloth oh we might be able to make a new outfit hang on two cloth oh here it comes come on can you going to help nice and then what we'll do we'll probably see if we can make a base real quick we can make cloth outfit oh he has to be like pet then look at us working together I've got a bit of like underbob popping out as well boober amazing all right and oh whoa yo oh you know what that outfit is kind of fire that looks cool I actually really like that I love the black um like under part sick okay right so um so we got them we got a ranch need beds for them we need our own bed as well uh you won't be able to sleep soundy without a roof over your head well let's make us a little Bob Shack uh can we place that there place that there just place a door here window window we're going to have to get some more wood wool wo wool all right we need to get uh two roofs but with goo swiers it says we get more wood right um I don't know if that's more than we usually get we nor get about two per hit right we'll just gather like a whole bunch I guess we can Chu some in the chest look them little penguins over there I really want one of them foxes I think yo look at that thing H do I have a poke ball I do Goos come back a minute I want you you're adorable okay oh it's not fighting back fight back please yes that was 100% an Eevee clone oh my God okay uh what the heck were you that is adorable compared to Lambo it has final wall and a temperament more suitable for domestication however it was historically always been kept as a pet cuteness is uh considered a virtue uh yes uh while in team increase attack power of neutral pal sometimes drops wall when assigned to the ranch it gathers and it Farms that thing's adorable all right um Goos come on let's let's hang out I like you little weird guy is he just just breaking rocks are you mine look at him he's just mining yo okay and lambo's just collecting wood I love this they're just like little farmer dudes okay um roof okay so boom boom and then we want a bed let's have it right against the window okay we'll build this are you guys going to come do you like come inside oh Lambo did uh C struggling somewhere I saw them run don't know where they gone though and we have a bed sick so does that mean we can level up I think so I do believe we need to get oh yeah Pals without beds will get stressed all right so let's level this up so base upgrade we need a feed box and we need three straw po beds um all right I want you oh passive skill stronghold strategist wait wait wait wait wait what what's the oh is that what these are egg layer sometimes lays eggs no there be something else right oh clumsy oh work speed minus 10 what about you uh increase to Grass increase to grass damage oh so they can have passive skills as well oh that's hey I can pet you right no goo it's not you waa that thing's adorable holy that's amazing I want that as a plush oh oh I didn't mean to pick you up um how do I put you down sorry I didn't mean that okay uh right we need to build these need three of these oh there's chickens in my base um where do I want these look at him just like going and Ham on that does it matter where these go I'm going to just put a couple of them here for now Okay so we've got beds for them all and then we needed to somewh else right A feed box so that means when they're working they can rest uh right feed box where was that this we need's going to get some more wood all right so this is what we could do they can continue working on that and we can go and just do our own thing so get them a feed box then we can literally add the chicken into this place or we can go and get as a fox or we get a fox next episode they do look pretty cool um okay let's go I don't like this hill we've got going on I'm was going to place this like in the middle all right so 10 seconds for me and now it's pretty much instantly when all three of us are doing it nice so have some beers so if he gets hungry and now we can upgrade this so max numbers of bases I guess that means we can have another base with like another 10 dudes knocking about um deploy another worker we need a berry Plantation all right chicki go and do stuff I can just lift you up hey amazing look at him just Gathering all that stuff over there and then the Sheep's just picking them up I'll take it all for you amazing I need someone to chop a tree down as well that'd be great I guess I can Chu a bunch of stone in there right maybe that key let have a Poké ball in there all right well what I think we're going to do is we're going to wrap it up for now I definitely want to get us a oh there's a green thing over there oh he just ran into the Firefox oh what's he doing why is he oh they're after him now uh yeah I definitely want to get us a Firefox um there's also them penguins which mean we might be able to like oh God oh God there's a whole wargan on over there we might be able to like water some crops wow holy crap that deer stag is kind of crazy there holy can I just come and like do you drop any stuff for us well no want to mess with you I do want this though um yeah I don't know what I was saying just shit's going crazy right now well anyways that's power world that's the the like getting started sort of thing we got a few Pals got a chicken we got a lamb we got like a weird Eevee thing we got a cat we got a whatever this guy is a tree sap and I love him though come here let's pay you before we say goodbye um yeah I I love this game so far um but yeah if you've been enjoying it let me know in the comments you know whacka like and all that good stuff I will be returning tomorrow with another episode or maybe another one today who freaking knows oh man all right thanks for hanging out whack a like subscribe I'll see you in a bit uh let's emo bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 152,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, ARK, EPISODE 1, the axeman ark, ARK 1, ark, axeman lets play, axeman ark, ark survival ascended, asa axe, ASA AXEMAN, ASA, Ark, Asa, axeman tame, ep1, Palworld, axeman palworld, the axeman palworld, palworld pokemon, palworld pals, palworld creatures, palworld best, palworld ep 1, palworld episode 1, palworld beginner, palworld first, palworld mons, palworld monsters, palworld how to, axe man palworld
Id: rvsDiuslSKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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