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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to wounded now this is a demo they were very clear on the opening of this game that this is a demo it contains violence blood guard flashing you're in the role of a father who's returning back home from a family gathering with his daughter Lisa both of you are very tired and had a few drinks back at the house making it hard for you to continue to trip very responsible drinking and driving a great way to start any game so this is a demo obviously and I do believe that it's a Kickstarter going on right now what I saw was very little again I was just joking about the drinking and driving you didn't need to actually do it that's very bad who would ever think that after such a great time a disaster would happen certainly not me who would ever think that their family dinner might be their last gathering not me again don't know who you're asking it's literally only me and you guys here maybe we're gonna see something amazing happen and then again maybe we're gonna see something absent what is that oh that's my feet I thought I was seeing something completely differently can i hello am I getting up I better be getting up here that better be the sounds of me getting up and not taking off my pants okay barely up halfway there a little more to go and we're gonna be great for space to stand up okay didn't know I needed to do that I thought I could use my legs and such doing a lot of squat thrusts oh hello it's my house it's lovely so where's my daughter Lisa I am very slow I mix I can't believe how big your cousins are getting I know yeah the only way I can deal with your art is if I have a couple drinks first Oh was it with that just standing or was it there might be a motel over here I hope it's a nice one I'm having a stroke this is supposed to be happening my memory is just fading and screaming at me at random intervals throughout the night well I'm kind of lost and alone not wondering what I'm doing with my life and looking at the interesting architecture that I have but also why where am I going you wanna [ __ ] fight you [ __ ] [ __ ] you that's what I thought run away what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I'll fight anything I have just about enough of your sass yes I just want to be very clear this is not the proper driving form not good to be driving like this hi can you back up a tad I am trying to have a nap here okay thank you at least you listen unless you're all behind me now that's equally is not here I'm present space to stand up I'm ready to get up a little bit [ __ ] you to Lisa she not even there for the [ __ ] Lisa sassafras did she turn into a boost don't drink and drive kids have to deal with the insanity of that okay fine find a way to turn the electricity on because that should be my main objective what is the [ __ ] stack those flies why are they going in a vortex formation okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna try to wrap my head around what the hell is happening I mean oh so this was my responsibility I actually am an electrical engineer and I'm I'm maintaining the power grid on the entire town which I happen to knock over I think what's happening is which is the true nightmare the horrific dream that you have in your sleep with a dissatisfied reality that awaits you when you awake okay that's just depressing we're here to get our pan scared off of us and you're just causing me to be sad could we I don't know pick a theme I'm just I'm being I'm being stupid this is actually really well done and I like it a lot this is this is well this is well crafted I will admit I am at a loss as to what's supposed to be happening but I think that's a good thing to be honest because wow I I was thrown for a loop like the second I go okay was I supposed to go up here I don't know something is blocking the door well [ __ ] I wasted mine and everybody's time by going up these stairs sure I'm glad that now they get to talk my way back down and then distract everybody do my objectives really need to jump scare me is that a hundred percent accurate all right here we go on the correct path nice graffiti that's some how terrifying it makes me think they're looking at me father and son banquet again reiterating the family rules I don't know I'm kind of getting it's very strange I'm getting cry of fear vibes wow what what the hell is coffee I don't why is that happening okay whatever am I going here no I'm not let's just back it up but I I will say I am what is that I like how I run just like a stutter step we're going dancing up and down trying to get away from things okay so I got that and I'm assuming that's gonna because that enter I don't know what that means yeah am I supposed to be able to use this on the the door up at the fire escape now because if yes I hope that's true because chick inside we're how do I get inside don't tell yourself what to do I already think you're crazy you don't need to start talking here's okay I should just follow the objectives because I'm not good at coming up with my own ideas here do I get in the motel by going back up the fire escape I would imagine because now that I got a crowbar should be able to pry it open so let's try this one I was just a little too ambitious on my first idea Wow Wow okay anyway I'm sorry I said this this got off to a wild start okay 'then this got off to a wild start and i was not prepared for it it went bonkers seven ways to Sunday so we're just gonna take all a collective deep breath and then re-engage back in the motel because whoof it was not ready so are you why are you whispering to yourself who's gonna hear you Lisa certainly is not demons might doors locked I need a key something's blocking something to break the lock okay got you man this architecture sure is weird is that grandmama sitting on a rocking chair by the fireside okay all right I'm down with the sickness what is okay it's naturally going downstairs this is so giving me cry of fear vibes I haven't played cry of fear in so long oh my god it's it's much more refined than that it's so wicked oh it's so wicked okay so I need a key card for that I need a key for the wood upstairs and I need to find something that can break the door down I'm guessing I lost my crowbar somewhere in the madness don't know where hello is this the bed that was on the loading screen is this part of that madness that you were talking about or is this disappointing dream oh man anyway what I was trying to say before is that I'm guessing what is business this seemed like a safe place for a homeless guy like me to stay the night I said to myself who's been abandoned for a long time and there's no chance anyone will bother me are you doing lovely picture some sort of horrifying crack den well it wasn't good okay I found a key I'll go right upstairs No violating I have a key it was the door that needed a key over here stop it with the squeaky door hello pizza delivery anybody a non bing-bong bing-bong another key okay all right I can dig it I can dig it no one's there I'm just being a big puss I need to sack up and get out there and face my fears god dammit there's a lamp there's a knee-high lamp that I just can't conquer need to go all the way around okay so this was the door that something was blocked up okay I need to break down that door but I have a key so I imagine there's another door down below that I could probably do because this one has something blocked I get it you want in I want you out so this is keep into that okay so down here where someone was playing the violin I ain't afraid of thunder this should open the door upstairs should it now but do I want to was the big question the SAS like old-school in the horror vibe so I was playing around you know where it sends you from room room finding keys just to open other doors but this one does it way better because it's got nice environments well detailed places oh grandma you're looking so alive very strange from last time I saw you when I was at your funeral I heard screams what's going on I feel a hard hit in the back of my head with a blunt object the only thing I remember is that when I woke up I was no room with no skin on my body I could barely feel a thing back and stand up turned my head to the other side of the room where I saw a shadow of someone stabbing needles into screaming person's eyes okay cool story bro but is that gonna happen to me is f/4 cackling what's gonna happen to me all this going on here who the [ __ ] titty sprinkles shut up I don't want to hear it I got duct tape Oh dad do maybe you can fix this fix it fix it fix it oh I fixed it okay I had a feeling that was gonna happen because I knew it would probably send me back up but I probably just missed it oh I probably missed another scare because I was already headed into the room I don't know whatever it's a demo god this is amazing I have been plated I haven't played like a scary game like this in a long time hello happy face how you doing this is really cool I gotta admit this horrifying okay oh good it's blocked off I didn't want to go that way anyway place is dark over here I don't want to know I don't want to know I just want to get to the end I want to get out the door I just want to get home with my life if I even have a life left if I'm not lost in purgatory which I'm pretty sure that's what's happening I'm lost in purgatory nothing here we go damn okay so someone's been watching me huh someone's been watching me all right then okay okay was that was that now was that happening now oh okay all righty then so now what am I supposed to hide is he coming you'll never get me in here I don't know if I was supposed to go in here okay oh [ __ ] oh okay thanks was that supposed to happen okay what I'm gonna do this time is I'm going to go into the hallway I'm gonna look at them and then I'm gonna go across the hallway trying to get the door over there because I'm pretty sure that's what it wants me to do pretty sure never mind never mind never mind let's go okay okay okay okay okay okay everything's fine everything's fine and everything is a-okay okay okay okay here we go okay we're good we're good we were the noise in the vent goodbye thank you okay goodbye I fell in broke both my lights and now I'm dead pile of meat at the borrow any buddy home dance based how's it going but Karina okay little weird Hey I had a feel that was gonna be there okay so that is so all the contact information for the game is right up there this is great I actually really thoroughly very much enjoyed this this was a fun adventure I haven't played an indie horror game like this in a long time so let me know what you think in the comments below you can play it for you for yourself through the links in the description and thanks again everybody for watching check out the big giant playlists of scary games that I played in the past also link in the description and thanks again for watching and as always I will see
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,413,608
Rating: 4.9509611 out of 5
Keywords: wounded, wounded game, scariest game ever, scary game, wounded horror game, markiplier, markiplier reactions, markiplier scary game, monster, screaming, scare reactions, jumpscare reactions, scary moments, scary montage, very scary, spooky, creepy, indie horror
Id: i4t-epsImC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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