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*Creepy ambience sound that startles Mark* *Someone takes a small breath* Game: "I get a call from my sister.. *BEEP* *Soft sobbing in the background* "Maria?..." *More Sobbing* "Please help..." *panicked breathing* Something's wrong... I have to go find her. *Creepy music escalates* Mark: Okay We gotta go to grandma's house- Oh Hi Hello everybody, My name is Markiplier and welcome to Grandma Now you know how I was playing that other game called Contemp and I was over visiting my grandma? Well this game is su- I SAW THAT PENTAGRAM "Dear Journal, I can't believe it's been ten years since grandma passed away She wasn't like many people, she wasn't like the kind and sweet grandma people think she was. My sister had it worse when we were kids. Grandma tormented her, there was nothing I could've done. Grandma was a strong lady for her age, she would beat my sister every time she step outta line. Sometimes when I would come home from school Lilly would be in her room crying because of grandma. Something is wrong, I need to find Lily. She's all the family I have. Maria." Oh Ah Okay Aaaahhh So The thing about this game is that they saaaay That it's nothing but jumpscares Oh Apparently it's uh.. house a- oh "My grandma's house was built back in the 1800s. She cherished that house, but from what my sister had told me back when we were younger that- -Grandma talked to spirits or... something." Okay Is that you, grandma? With grandpa? Or is that your mistress... man? (softer) Okay. It's a little bit janky in here. Frame rate's a little low, but that's okay. So apparently this game is nothing (pause) but jumpscares. Which is *fine*, cause I'm brave, and I'm ready for it. So bring it on! You jumpscary bast- (very soft) What's at the end of the hall? Oh, it's a grandfather clock, I don't need to worry about that. Ain't no thing (x3) *Concerning sounds(?)* I didn't read that! What did that say?! It went away! Do I have a journal? No? Okay, so I-if you guys managed to pause it in the split sseeeeeeehhhhhhhh- Hi. Oh-ho-ho good! Puke and roaches in the fridge. Lover-ly, that is. (very quietly) Alright.. Okay, come on! Bring it on, game! Feel like I'm playing Slenderman's Shadow way back in the day. Eesh. Can I stuff that grandfather clock in my pants? Ooh. Oh. Okay. Can't run or else I'd go faster. (quietly) Ooh, that's weird. Oh-kay. *Clock (bell/chimes?) play, concerning Mark* Alright cool, you do whatever you wanna do. Whoa. Death is in the way? Oh, death *is* the way! I thought death was *in* the way. (Clock stops playing) Alrighty then. (sudden softer voice) Ooh... Okay... Ooh. Aah. (very soft) Ah. Okay. Alrighty then. What else you got for me, game? Huh? You actually gonna be spooky? Huh? You gonna try to scare me? (Sudden door close) AH-EEEEEYYY!!! Nah... That ain't do nothing for me. That ain't going do nothing! Ey- Wha- (pause) Pain?! And upside-downdedness! Ohh no! *Turns door knob* Kay, I guess I could try the one at the end of the hall, if you're gonna be like *that*. Man, it's like I'm playing one of those horror flash games from way back in the day. Ugh They were good! Don't get me wrong! Oh- We see you? WHO SEES ME? HUH?! Who sees me? Who the hell- Do you think you are, seeing me? For all I know, I'm naked walking around these halls and how dare you? *Sorry, I sneezed* Hi? Hello? Jesus, you gonna be like that, huh? You gonna be like that? *Opening door* Ooh. Alrighty then. Now we're down to- Eeeyy-heheheha-hey! Whoa-haha I saw that at the end of the hallway! I saw that. You think I didn't see that? Huh? Oh, grandma? Grandmaaa! Hi, grandma! Whoa, a little egotistical to put a picture of yourself at the end of the hallway. "Grandma was a sleep walker. She would walk up and down the halls from window to window. My sister would lock her door every night because of it." Yeah, probably a good idea. Wait a minute, you said this was built in the 1800s and it's got (pause) It's got air conditioning- Yeah I don't think so. I don't think so! That's something I know about these haunted houses! Ay- d- uhh- is'it (more stuttering) I have no idea, I don't know what I think I should (?) (turns locked door knob) Nope, okay, alright. All the doors are locked, because of sleepwalking grandma. (quietly) Oh, alright then... (quietly) I don't know what's happening... (turns door knob) Eeh. I don't know what's happening. What do I do? (Door creaks open) Squeeeaak! OHH! Then I'll just walk right in! Don't mind me! Grandma? Grandmaaa! "My sister's old book" Okay, what good is that gonna do me? "My sister's old dresser" Okay, great. "My sister's old-" (Figure appears and popping sound plays, causing Mark to gasp) Didn't scare me. Didn't scare me at all. You gotta do better if you (laughing) wanna scare me, huh? Frickin' ass be- Oh, hi. Hello. Thank you for this. Where does this go? Clickity clack clack key! Ah, so even the paintings are after me, okay, I see how this (laughing) is gonna be. That didn't scare me at all! If you wanna be able to scare me, you gotta be a lot more braver than I am. And I'm extremely brave, as everybody knows. Everybody who knows about me and horror games. They know full well that I am the brave man. Hello? Ah! Good! Great! Oh! Lovely! My sister's baby- My sister's painting! My sister's baby crib! My sister's other dresser! My sister's bookshelf! My sister's window! (softly) Okay. Ah- (door suddenly shuts) AAAHHH- Eeeeyyy Oh okay. OH-Okay! OH! I didn't even notice the blood! Why didn't I notice the blood? (door creaks) Blood is something you think I would notice immediately, and not just now. Alrighty- OH GOOD BLOOD Should I follow the blood? I think I'll follow the blood. Grandma! Is this your blood? I don't know if I should be concerned about that, considering you've been *dead* for 10 years. Hello? Does this go to this? Hello-oh! Hi. How's it going? My name is Markiplier! (Creepy ambience sound and door creaking) Oh okay, I thought you were gonna slam the do- OHH (ambience sound plays again) Well you're not done! (ambience) Oh you be thumpy-thump *real* hard out on that bing-bong (?) out downstairs! (new sound stars to play) Oh okay. (sound gets louder) Hi, you gonna do something? (new sound) Ohh, nononono... Oh nonono-no! Uh-oh. Oh-kay. (chair slides) Yea- HAIII!!! Ohhh-ho Aaahhh Oh OH-kay! Alrighty then! Okay! Aaaahh What do I do?? (screams of terror) Okay. Done? You done? You done now? Can I- can I go? OH Okay, there we go! I've got a key! Great! Cool! I've got a key! Eeeuugh... Alright, skadoosky- Ohh Oh I can't leave *yet?* Why can't I *leave* yet? Why can't I leave?? What are you gonna do to me? Huh? This is like the old schools indie horror game! They just keep jumpscaring me 'til I can't handle it no more! Well jokes on you, my tolerance for scares is, extremmmeee-ly high. So what do I do? I'm not sure what to do. What do I- What do I do? Hello? Anybody home? Anybody hummmnn? (creaks) OHH! OOH! I unlo- (laughing) unlocked the key. Do I need to do that to the other one? NOPE! That's locked! It's a locked cross! Okay, I think there's only one more door I can open. (turns knob, and ambience plays) Uh oh. Grandma? Is that *you* Grandma? Kay, good thing the blood's still here! Worried about that. Well come on. You don't think I'm brave enough to be able to handle *you?* You're lying to yourself! Oh. Is this grandma's bed? Oh my, what big paintings you have! My, what narcissistic pictures of your- (gasp) Why is there a- why is there a closet to Narnia? (trombone ambience) Ah- HEY! Oh! AH! Get 'em off! Ah! Frick! Ah, my face! Ohh god! Oh that's so spooky. Alright fine. I'll go into the closet of nightmares- Oh never mind, I guess I won't. I thought that was a closet to Narnia, but there's still a shelf in there. Ohh Good, a note. From grandmama? (giggles) "Dear Journal, one night when I was 12, I heard my grandma yell out, 'Stay away! I command you!' I didn't know what she was talking about, but now it's almost coming clear to me. She must be a witch..." Oh yeah! Grandma must be a witch! That seems logical to me, I don't know what else to talk about that. Seems pretty cut and dry about the whole- (trombone ambience?) *Mark gasps* Okay- OOOOHH OOOHHKAY! Grandma's a witch! Grandma's bed is a witch! (thump/click sound as bed falls to floor) Aaayyy- okay! Alright then! You think you kno- ooooh- heeyy oh Okay. I- I guess, so- okay. Alright, then. Can I go now? (x2) I guess not... Well, that was fun. Why did that happen? And what are we gonna do about that? Hello? Hello? (creaking noise) Ooh. Okay I'll take it. I'm not gonna question it *too* much, but I'll take it. Can I go out now? Can I g- oh HoHOHOHOHO Ho ho-oh oh HO! Oh ho ho ho! Oh ho HO! Ah! Is that so? Oh. So umm (sniff) OOOOOHHHH A NEW door! Oh, wai- ooh A witch door, okay. So, how big is grandma's house? Cause that's what I'm curious about right now, I don't understand. (turns knob) Did I do that? (turns knob) (quieter) Did I do that? I don't know if I did that. Grandma, if you could stop pranking me! It'd be great. Grandma! Please! (giggling) Help me! Help meeee Oh there we go. Okay. "Light brings me to life, but darnkess kills me." What? I don't know what that means, grandma. You could be less (pause) cryptic about things I gotta get light on killing people and (pause) I gotta get darkness to make people dead, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what you want. (creak) Oh good, another door opened, just what I waaaanted. Cause I wanted to go into another horrible haunted hallway in this (pause) frickin' house. Alright, fine, I'll play your game. You rogue! You rogue grandma. "Dear Journal, when I go to bed at night, sometimes grandma would walk around in the halls. She would come up to my door and I could hear her breathing heavily. I called out to her one time, but she didn't say anything. Just walked-" (heavy breathing) That's *my* journal. That's my journal. Grandma? (Loud noise plays to figure appearing, shocking Mark) HEEYY! Okay, alright grandma. Y-you're in hell, I get it, it's very clever. Very cool. Very good, grandma. Very good. But uhh, could you stay there? That'd be great if you could just stay there. In hell. Away from us. You witch. You heavy (breathes heavily) breathing witch! That dies in the darkness. (opens door) Ooh! Here we go! Ah. "Grandma told me that lighting candles can protect you from harm in any way, shape, or form. I'm starting to think maybe grandma was trying to protect us from the truth. Doors can be opened not only by a key, but by finding a way around it." (lights the three candles) Oh okay. Clickity clackity Clickity! What did I do? Huh? What did that do? Huh? I lit the candles. Was that what I was supposed to do or does that summon demon? OOO! Is that a key? That's a key, isn't it? *keys chime* I-I'M GONNA SNEEZE! I'M GONNA FEAR SNEEZE! AH! AH! GAH GOD! *stuttering* I- swe- I'M NOT SNEEZIN' ACK! JESUS! *inhale* ACK! It was just a horrible possession about to- OOooO! Take me~ Hello? Hello~ Ah! The Planchette isn't here, I need to look for it. Oh do I? Because the ONE thing I need to do in Grandma's creepy ass house is play the Ouija boarrrd. *high pitched* NOOOO! Uh oh. Ah-I'm stuck in the door (Congrats Mark) Ah hah! There we go! What a haunted door trying to grab me with its HAAANDS! *doorknob giggle* Grandma! Grandma?- *slight slam* *inhale* Oh? You fell. THAT'S OKAY GRANDMA! IT'S OKAY! YOU'RE IN GOOD HANDS! 'CAUSE YOU'RE IN HELL! Remember that about you being in hell? Hmm you stay there again. So this key is gotta go to this other dooooo I found it, I've found it, I did, I found the planchette *turns knob* But wait, did I just drop the key then ? I've no idea what I picked up and what I droped up but I'm gonna play with the ouija board now and hope for the best SkedoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH OOOOO GOOD GREAAAAAAAT Yeah, this is what I wanted Uh oh I got a funny feeling I'm about to be murrrrdered Murdered Uh oh Uh oh! Hooo, okay, alright That was fun, glad that happened I'm done now apparently No, can't leave Okay Well, do I play with the ouija board oooooooo Tha answer is YESSS I don't know what the question was but the answer is yes Oh good *turns knob* Oh good I may have done a big ol' goofy goof And I screwed myself by... *doors creaks* Oookay, nevermind then I'm gonna go in here now, hello Hi ! There's a candlllle Can I light it? *click* OOOOOooooOOOOO *door shuts* *groans* UHHH I DON'T LIKE THAT! [yelling] Oh okay, I don't get to read that, it just goes away instantly, ookay If anybody can pause that and try to read that, that'd be great Grandma, are you in this room with me ? Okay grandma, that was unnecessary If tou could not do that ever again, that'd be great I've no idea where I am right now but okay I can't leave this room until the ritual is over Kayy? Okay I can see a little better now Oh grandma ! Oh, I saw that Oh that was weird Grandma in a rocking chair Why was she over there ? I don't understand why any of that is abouuu- *door creaks* Okay I guess we're done now, I guess we can move on *crackling* Now is when we crunch the bones Oh okay Yeah sure, okay, we'll go with that one Alrighty then I don't understand you game and I don't think I wanna understand you Grandma I'm getting pretty sick and tired at these games Grandma Grandma if you know what I mean Grandma *eerie music plays* OOOOOKAYYY Oh~ Oh grandma I'm okay with these games You can play as many sick disgusting games as you waaaant with meeeeee OOOO GRANDMA Oh grandma, why ? Why are you leading me down this hallway, Grandma? Why are you in this with me grandma? You were dead ten years ago (R.I.P. Grandma) I don't know if I wanna play these games Grandma! I'm being led in a loop Oh! Oh, I can go now ? Oh, I can go now Oh, can I ? Oh, hi! Hello! Who are you? Why are you there? (x2) What are you doing? Can I talk to you? Hi! Okay! Never mind then! I'm gonna go, I think Oh that's the end! Well that just up in the end! Created by Scott Boardwine. Alright then! Great! Okay... You never did find out what happened to your sister but I've the funny feeling that Grandma dragged her down into hell with her! I don't know what could possibly make me think such as that But anyway, that was good That brought me back to the olden days of poorly optimized and a little rudimentary but still jumpscare fun horror games. I mean it's fun, that's the whole point, right? You go through a haunted house because you wanna be scared and you want people to go BOO at you and that's kinda like what this leads into, so Anyway, thank you everybody so much for watching! Let me know what you thought in the comments down below! And as always, I will see you in the next video! Buh-byeee!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,125,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, grandma, old lady, scary game, horror game, jumpscares, best jumpscares, scariest, scariest jumpscares
Id: es_aEOrBmxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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