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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to The House. Now, this is an indie horror game, that apparently has a lot of different levels, and is kind of on a day system? Helloooo! Who the hell are you? You are furiously writing. Oh. [In game] ''Finally, I have some peace.'' ''I have rented this house so I could escape from work and my family.'' ''They were driving me crazy.'' ''I knew renting this house was a good idea.'' ''Although it is kinda creepy, but I'll get used to it.'' Hmm, uh-huh. 'Apparently some old couple lived here but they moved out' 'and put a really good price on it so I guess I was kind of lucky.' Wait, did you rent it or buying it? hblllblblblb! Did you rent it or buy it? Your story is unraveling. So, this game is apparently- *knocking on door* Hello Who could be visiting me at this abandoned house? That the owners probably didn't die in... Of that I'm very sure.... Ohhhh, hellooooo. Hiiiiii. *Zapping sounds* Oooo, shit, fuck. Hello. *Click* Ohhhhhh noooooo. Ohhhh noooo. Oh, how do I move? Ohhh noooo! What do I do? Wait a minute... *items falls off bookself* What was that? Ooooookaaay? I can't move. Uh- Ohhhh, I had to click in. Ahhh, okay. Oh, Jesus. Oh, I can't move. Ah- Ohh Ohhh Hey- *Laughs* That's not cool! Ohhhhhhhh! I- I l- *THUNDER BOOM* AH, FUCK! Hoooooh, my god... Hoooookay? Ohhhh. Ohhh! Day 2! Hoooh! Let's furiously write about last night's experiences. Huaah! Weeeeird. [In game] ''Last night was really weird.'' ''I heard someone knocking on my door, but I figured it must be the wind.'' Uh-huh. ''Then my lightbulb got fried.'' Uh-huh. ''And I have to buy a new one, I guess.'' ''For some reason there is no phone or internet service today.'' ''Wind probably knocked some telephone poles.'' ''I hope it gets fixed.'' Suuuuure. I'm SURE that's the way it went. Oww, I almo- I think I hurt myself on that one. Wow. That- Like... Came out of NOWHERE! That is, like, the definition of jumpscare. Do not do it again. I'm on guard now. I've got my defense up. What is this? What is that? [In game]:'' Wait, is that blood?'' What- where? Ohhhhh. That. I was looking more at the mysterious- Like, shadow figure I see in the doorway over there. oooh... Aghh, what happened to the teddy bear's eyes? Why'd you have to take that away? Don't do it. Don't do it. *knocking* Fuck you. Fuck off and fuck you! [In game]: ''Hello?'' ''Is someone there?'' Eat a dick! I'm not gettin' out of bed. You guys see the blue thing down there, don't ya? Nyeegh Okaaay. Nothing here's gonna bother me! Oh boy. I'm gonna die. Oh, this is how I die. *Creaking*(cue "oh hi mark") OoooOOOookay. I- oh-ho-ho no. Ohhh! [In game] ''No! No!'' (mimicking character) N- No! No! *chuckles* Ah-ha-ha god. I'm dead. Dear Diary, Yesterday I died. It was so fun! Oh, boy.... You'd think he'd leave. [In game] ''There's something weird going on.'' ''Last night I had a nightmare, and some creature attacked me.'' ''And when I woke up, blood was still on the window and the floor'' ''I don't know, I think I might not be alone here.'' ''Luckily electricity is back, but the phone service is still down.'' ''If something like this happens this night, I'm leaving.'' What do you mean? You just said something attacked you! I would be the fuck outta there! Instantaneously! You don't wait around and if it comes back, and bites my other leg off boy, I'm gonna be pissed then. Oh, boy... Whoa, wait. Oh. I can moooove? Ooooooooooo~ What did I pick up? What did I- Wh- Oh. Ye- Ahhh. I can move now. Oh, go- FUCK THIS CHAIR! AHHHH, get outta here, you bitch! I'm so sick of being on the receiving end of the dicking. I will be the one who dicks! Oh, it was my suitcase. Alright, then. Oh, good, a secret passage- (hollow thunk) Did I just level up? Was that a- Whyyyyyyyy- I fucked u-u-u-p I broke the game. Ohhh... Oh no... I think I slid and fell down. What the shit? What, *giggles* the hell just happened? This game is wild *giggles* Oh, man... Hello! HEP I think it says HEP Oh, no. I was horribly wrong! I can't read! Okay~ Where else are you gonna- What else are you gonna throw at me, you game? *bad accent* You DIRTY game? Puttin' me in the DIRTY sewers? Uh-huh. Someone speaking Parseltongue down here?! Is this the Chamber of Secrets? Okay. Straight ahead.. Oh god, there's gonna be a giant worm or something at the end of this! I'm a dead man! Radical Larry's gonna come boltin' out from the wall! Hello! Nah, I'm going straight. Oh, no, never mind, it's curving. This is previously suspected *mumbles* Oh, wait... Shit. Ahh, there we go. Gotta reload my battery like a gun magazine. Cause that's how it ALWAYS works... God, where is this going? Can I run? Ohhh, I CAN run I was wasting everybody's time, and my own. Aw, shit. *ghostly shriek* Eugh. Well, I went the wrong way! You can't exactly blame me cause I have no fucking clue where everything is. Dang it, I'm gonna run outta battery and then I'm just gonna be in pitch blackness and then, probably, hopefully, it gets me dead. And then I can restart, because otherwise I'm boned. Oh, I'm gonna be super boned. Wholp, here we go, incoming darkness. Oh GOD, the demons! Demons are comin' around! I-I really am fubbernucked, aren't I, because I'm- *high pitched shrieking* D'He-he-heyyyyy! He-he-he-he-heyyy! AHH-huh! You are dead! Your organs got sqoozed! And it- can- It EXPLODED out of your ab-do-men. Okay. So let's try this again. But a little less stupidly. So I can't even leave my own doorway, I gotta go down- Fuck, whaaa- shit. It happened again. Okay, so, I think I- I think I was going the right way. I think I was going the right way. It's gonna be like Vanish all over again. I'm neeeever gonna find my way outta here. Eeeeever, ever, ever, ever. Ah, shit, another juncture? Well, how will I know? Oooh. Hello? Wow, what is that? Okay, is this good? This doesn't seem good, with the red and the glowy. But I'm gonna give it a go! What is this? I can't click this. I like to click things! *ghostly shrieking* It won't let me inter-roct with it Let me do a thing. Please? Pretty please? No? Dammit, I just found a big glowy thingy for no raisin. Can I- Lemme- Uh-oh *gasp* I didn't pick up any spare batteries! Breheheheh, Shit! I'm- I'm fucked! Yep, I'm fucked. Okay, I'm fuUucked If I hide back here, he'll never get me! He'll never get me! Never, ever, ever, ever!! Hello? Alright, fine. I've brave. I'm a brave man. I'm a brave boy. *high pitched shrieking* EUH!! I peed myself! Aaah! My blood! I need that... So I was onto something, I obviously went *kinda* the right way. I didn't go completely the right way because that red room wasn't where I was supposed to be just yet. I have a feeling I'm supposed to get an item and then go there. It's frustrating though, because... It was starting out so good, and then it tosses me into the sewers to wander around? It's like, Why? Why did I get tossed into the sewers just to wander around and why were these sewers underneath this house? I mean, this house was owned by a lovely old couple... What did they have a need for a labyrinth of mazes? I mean, that sounds like a problematic scenario for anybody but I don't know why they had it... Soooooo, whatever, I'll just wander along... C'est la vie... A dead end? No, it's not a dead end... That's a dead end... That is not... Okay, reload... Ah... Hee, why? WHY? Oh, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, UH-OH. I don't know what I did? What did I did? I had da flashlight! Was I supposed to shine it at something? I don't know, it was all very non-descript. I'm gonna give this one more go... If I can't get it, it just seems like... Just seems like I'm gonna be lost down there! I don--I don't see much potential-- AHHH-ahhh. Whooooooa, heyyyyy, whoooooa... What is that?! What is tha- Ooooh, I'm not supposed to look at that! That's the thing! Ooooh, I found The Man! *giggle* Ah man, what is this? Hello? Hi! Oh, I found the room of blood! Oh, good! Oh, great! Yay! Oh, jeez, what is this?! Oh. Hi. How ya doing? (Not bad, you?) Ho-hoh. Is this the happy room? Is that why there's so many smile- ohhh. Okay. Oh, I found something... Oof... Oooof. You do not look comfortable... Well, maybe there's- ummm... Some bad-a-wee's here... Okay, got some batteries! Very loud and startle-y bad-a-wee's, but I got it! Okay? Ahhh, come onnnn, you can't just give me the happy room. Eugh. So that thing IS out there. That is something we have readily deter-manned. And I have a feeling you're supposed to conserve your sprint juice so that you can go farther... When it's chasing you. And probably, uh... Flash the flashlight at it, and that's the thing that'll get ya safe. Okay, so *that's* bricked up. But where the hell else am I suppose-- Heeeeey, no! No! Begone, demon! Begoooooone demon! AHHHH! I'm fuuuuuuuucked. I'm dead. Okay, so this seems a lot more complicated than I would assume it to be, and a lot more challenging Because, number one, you gotta manage your resources in terms of your flashlight battery, and number two, how can you avoid that thing if as soon as it sees you, it starts chasing you faster than you can sprint, and you can't sprint that long to begin with? Like, what are you even looking for? So, It's not very obvious, so if you want me to finish this, let me know what to do down in the comments below, I'll need your help with this one, and I'll probably need to look up a guide or something, but it seems to have potential, but it had m-more potential in the beginning than it did at the end, it was a more interesting game in those first few days than it was in the sewer. I will readily admit, like I'm not wanting to be too harsh on this, I'm just saying what it was. It really was interesting in those first few days. So, either way, Thank you everybody so much for watching Lemme know what you thought of this game down in the comments below, and as always, I will see you... In the next video. BUH-byeee!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,461,070
Rating: 4.9594107 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary, the house, the house game, the house horror game, horror, horror game, scary game, jumpscare, jump scare, spooky, creepy, monster, ghost, real ghost, real monster, why are you looking at the tags, i'm coming for you next..., i'm right behind you...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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