The Midnight Game: Creepypasta Scares and RAGE!!

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the midnight game a video game based on the creepypasta of the same name a pretty famous one of you know about and this one was actually recommended to me by my good buddy red wolf gamer and he says that it was thoroughly scary so long as I know exactly what to do and there's a lot of rules to the midnight game if you don't know about it we'll go over them very quickly here I actually went in the game and I already read all this so anyway here we go the requisites are you need a candle your main wooden door and at least one drop of your own blood of beasts paper and matches you need to write a full name on a piece of paper and place one drop of your own blood on the piece of paper and loud soaked in step 3 Oh subdue even worse than step 3 turn off all the lights in your house go to your door and place a paper with your name in front of it take the candle and light it except 322 times the are must be 12:00 a.m. on the final knock blow out the candle you have just allowed the midnight man into your own house and actually don't turn around right now because he's literally standing right behind you can't be joking about this do not turn around he's literally right behind you right now anyway then you immediately realize your candle seriously don't turn around and you must look around your house in the complete darkness to avoid the midnight man until exactly 3:30 3:00 a.m. Georgia cantilever guard it means the midnight man is really really close to you so even if your lights are flickering right now I'd be very worried if I were you if you're unsuccessful the midnight man will induce a hallucination of your greatest fear until 3:30 3:00 a.m. you must continue until 3:30 3:00 a.m. without being caught otherwise the midnight man will just leave apparently not stab you in the butt not leave you away what with whatever the words those said that but anyways do not turn on any lights do not use a flashlight do not go to sleep do not use another person's blood if you can obtain that and do not use a lighter to substitute for a candle it won't work don't even try deaf do not provoke the midnight man in any way indeed he do and also you can press tab to go to your inventory to-do list anyway I need a match on matches I need a knife and I need a candle I think I have a matchbox in the kitchen I should also search the kitchen for the rest of the items switching the lights off one by one will be a pain I believe there's a master switch outside the bathroom which I found also f2 blow out the candle not be anymore it's f2 blow anyway right mouse button to knock on the door let's do this so there are some materials in the kitchen here that we need number one we need this knife number two we need that candle and number three we need the matchbox which is right here ish No Oh for the mad Fox go that's where it was before hello ah there it is okay oh and hello nan name branded serial that no one can tell what actually is house this semane door is the other one main door there's two doors over here I'm not sure which ones the main one this se needed to be a wooden door no oh hello well that one's got the moon by it is that any indication of what it woke a I just turned into a ghost well so time for that I got to let the midnight man do all that for me so I'm assuming that's probably the main one guessing anyway no time to waste for that I also did this cool thing cool anyway so about a boat and then you do less you light the candle right across my I dropped it [ __ ] I think I needed that oh well whatever okay then this is really fun well [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the hell I just wasted all of my candles what how are you kidding me I can't win now phew phew I'm gonna get back to where I was before [ __ ] you alright so anyway let's try this again without with a lot less suck there we go and then we light it up okay now we're doing fantastically and we can move on with this game now what we need to do is we need to write our name down here and my name is Mark Edward fish buck I need to put one drop of blood I like these well-timed bongs not those Neverland so now I have this and it's balancing with demonic Glee ready to summon the midnight man apparently had like good there we go okay so I'm assuming this needs to go to the main door there's also a door that door leaves outside but I don't know if that's the main door it is the main ooh okey do I need to place it on the front as in outside of it yes no how do I know it's right how do I know it's wrong well crappy okay so I'm assuming that is going then okay so right there's good yeah it's good okay I'm gonna turn out the lights cuz I'm a badass and I like the darkness and I like all the monster standing behind me in you right now actually didn't explore the rest of the house I don't know how long I have until midnight hits ah that's gonna be horrifying later here oh god that's literally just to the outside why would anyone put that in a baby room anyone could just come in and steal the baby it's terrifying okay so is there anything in here that I would actually need or is this all just gonna be bunk ooh what is that lead ooh that's dark and spooky Oh a basement and some oddly blood-stained pieces of tin all right well I'm never coming down here again unless the midnight man chases me okey-dokey I think it's about time this buoy is very spooky spooky scary even so now we just need to wait until midnight and then knock on the door I'm assuming that's correct okay so it's pretty close to midnight now it's a midnight no okay so we're just gonna watch this until midnight Oh knock on the door 22 times and and blow out the candle okay after blow yeah I fit to blow it here it comes getting ready for it 22 times and then blow blow 22 here we go one two all those counter okay oh yes immediately Ryan let let it be let it be let it be let it okay who's there who's there there a midnight man oh that's a statue alright so don't stay in one place and then just wander or your own house until 333 I didn't know if something was gonna immediately come out and attack me oh okay I need to relight it what do you know shut up are you okay that failed oh come on what the hell it was a lobby relight it oh what a on oh you shut up right now you have to go I have to go to the bathroom I have I have to go is it me hello please please one hey good that's great why wouldn't it let me realize ah screw you I'll be right back oh come on if this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever seen why did that drawer open by itself thank you very much there we go just a nice even pressure I guess don't know the lights on cuz everyone has a master switch to turn out all their lights in their home outside their bathroom okay yeah yeah yeah okay Kevin OOP there we go we're done grab it go go go go no time there's no time we gotta get murdered by the midnight man on cooking one two three four five keep them free mommy mommy mommy I'm in a hurry midnight man murder me okay there we go hide it hey make it look real yes very good however okay all right we're in it to win it I'm ready this time I'm not gonna be long oh no no I got a big mouth me Oh more mantis you get more matches oh that makes life so much easier so I gotta not turn on any lights well it's time to explore the rest of the house where's this hello is that that was nothing I threw it on the ground cuz I don't care who knocked this over what did that maybe me no okay no who's there I hear that get out of my ear I don't much appreciate you so what is that I did nothing there I was all living in the darkness I'm not joking I really did okay okay okay I'm gonna go down to the basement seems like a nice place cozy safe did I hear laughing did I just hear laughing oh boy this is much not good or okay so at least I'm getting oh I thought you were dying back there for a second shut up who the hell do you think you are trying to mess with me okay okay there's my beer that's good there's no tiny bug still to be found that's bad shut up shut up shut up did it start raining why and how I'm in the basement is that the sodomy prolifically peeing my pants which I'm not wearing shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up morning the baby room okay okay Oh house and all that bad okay okay okay you turn it up I got ad Rebecca nice even Roger gonna be on oh yeah get out of there whoa this guy don't mess around all right please don't tell me that the till 3:33 a.m. goes in real time here is that better not I'm not playing this game for three hours goddamn okay much better a little better not that much better okay so I just got us your back man okay who's that wait a minute oh the back door is open I should close that good I did that that helped that'll certainly dissuade the dog hey what's going on all right you gotta stop just doing things randomly okay okay going moving woman moving okay so I need to keep moving around the house to be able to find more now hey I've seen myself again and again well don't buy so many mirrors you douche gun stop telling me your problems y'all go okay good we'll sing stop throwing themselves out me so I got to search the house for more match boxers but I got plenty right now oh yeah everything seems to shut up right now mr. midnight man sir or ma'am ma'am man ma'am you're a man I think soon your game do not go in the bathroom all right Matt Fox is here where's my baby by the way it shouldn't I be worried that I'm in a house with a baby crib in it and I'm probably an irresponsible dad that just allowed this demonic present I'll shut up thank you all right ain't nothing it ain't nothing ain't no thing I ain't hiding in there something nice shouldn't be staying in one space for too long oh come on it was in there I saw it ah screw you I fell back because of the great physics in this game I got enough I got enough shut up don't okay shut up I should have known the whispering means he's close oh no oh no oh no oh no come on come on come on God come on Wow oh come on light it off [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yo not this again this is stressful it's stressful it won't go sometimes I don't know my big boom bow okay you think you know what's up buddy Do You Know Who I am I'm ready to rock I turned in the ghost for a second time to go down in tears because that's where the most matches I found were wait a minute wait what's this up here is there something I need to know about should I even be up here right now is this a good idea is it a bad idea to be up here hello grand piano you're the one that's all go okay hello you fell off hi hi hi hi hi hi okay okay hi hi hi it's okay it's okay getting go to that get real good all there's so much stuff up here oh it's like a mansion I live in a mansion with a family I apparently don't care about hello teddy bear go away busy I'm gonna make it buta miles ding-dong looks like a wacom what are those locked why would that be locked what why would that be locked why is that one locked very worried about that Hey I didn't even think that there was an upstairs this is the master bedroom where I sleep me sleep Oh God an old-school chest I'm sure there's goodies in there nope no one's noggin no one's answer okay all right cool we're cool we're good nice so we're just exploring the rest of the house looking for our goodies another bathroom great love bathrooms and horror games they're the best stop whispering in my ear no need for that times going quick doing good everybody kind of maybe I'm think he knows I'm upstairs ANCA I think you knows I'm upstairs I'm pretty sure he knows but I'm gonna go in the basement now so long as I keep moving I'll be fine oh I miss my little buddy my little biscuit how is you're here with me right now my time of strife my little buddy must biscuit I'm never doing harm you you would protect me from the demons maybe this alcohol protect me from the demons surge okay very evenly very calmly RIT collectively yes yes I'm the match master now no shadows on the walls here just some weird things going everywhere giant teddy bear no baby no baby no baby I'll be over there whispering okay drug trip real quick that's okay I'm fine fine if I keep telling myself I'm fine I'm sure everything will turn out great who would want to play this game not buy the game I mean the video game that I'm playing right now who would want to play the midnight game even if there was a chance that it could be real why would you do that tears I'll stop talking about your great go sometimes a lot okay it's okay calmly and collectively that's what it takes sometimes you cannot even says what's happen whose ring wronging bigger hang on hello that's the remote I just tried to answer the remote so stupid I whoa okay those guy in that room I should have seen that I'm a collective okay calm and collected hello hello oh did I miss it or something i press e right there okay sorry I missed that I'll answer you again when I'm not being stalked by a demon follow us and spending so much time trying to answer the remote maybe I would that's how you do it that's how you do it that's how you master this game I'm on midnight man what do you go sorry what was that who was that is there someone on the window hello hello okay my face how you doing you look good Oh I'll leave now what's going on look my games stuttering maybe the same stop it with the shadow coming to give me midnight man okay you're coming to get me alrighty then nice and even nice and even okay ah now we're better now we're all better now we're so much better I keep going into the same rooms over and over again I'm gonna go upstairs and see if I can arm wrestle with that whoever hello hello okay we dropped again okay all right then I'm back hello you still holding this okay alright then sorry Oh someone on the other side I'll just turn this on right there I just someone really doesn't want me to go over there I'm really curious about what's on the other side there why is there blood there oh as a blood I am I having performance issues okay stuttering stuttering stuttering man yeah the graphical fidelity in this game is just so outstanding sorry I will stop mocking your game where am I where am I thank you thank you okay okay I fell out of the stairway it turned ghost at the wrong time I'm freakin Danny Phantom bugging lighting on the stairs no big problem the own mind if my framerate drops or anything that's all cool come on please tell me sometime I've been playing this game Oh Simon - I can last I can make it I can make it I can make it okay I can make it shut up I can make it I can make this this is insane okay that ain't normal that is not normal sigh another guy who's going through this I'm not letting that touch me no way no how no way no way no how no way is that the ghost of another guy who was travelling through his house at midnight tried to win the game I failed possibly so far so good you're nothing you're nothing you're just a shadow a shadow your former self about here oh I say to the basement you long all right it's okay it's all right it's all right it's all right all right someone's still banging on the piano upstairs it's all right it's all right it's all right everybody don't worry he's only standing immediately behind you if you turn around for even one second he's gonna claim your soul without your worst nightmares I really don't know where I'm supposed to go kind of just wandering aimlessly trying to keep moving it does not get me I don't know where to find any more matches so for the matches that I have don't last then I'm kind of screwed I got ten whole matches as long as I don't waste any of them I should be fine son of a [ __ ] walking like Sam whoa what was that that was new that was really new I'm out of here I'm out of here which way is out I'm out I'm out e Miley I don't care what that was I'm not going anywhere near that I don't even know if that was a midnight man someone's banging a wagon someone's bang a ringing teddy bear no baby I'm gonna be worried when I hear in that crib and there is a baby with that baby from Petey just a little old fetus flailing around and talking like a grown man what the hell was that why did it just get really dark for a second there why you want to know do I even want to know how do I keep wanting to go back in the kitchen okay no oh no no no oh no no let's following me oh my god oh no no not now will you light it like that like oh that is following me I'm out I'm out chop shut up I'm out Oh God get away oh no no no okay why why god dammit why just cuz it's getting closer to god dammit kidding oh come on No ah no [ __ ] you back [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so I can't beat this game that takes a long time I cut out quite a bit for it to make make it a bit more interesting for you guys but there's a lot of time in there that it takes to get through that and with the inconsistency of that match thing and it's not like I know what they're trying to go for it's fun because you can't be panicked when you're trying to do the lighter I'll still lose you have to go into it very calmly but that detract from the scariness of the game like you can't go into something like that calmly and expect people to enjoy a scary game it had a lot of jump scares and stuff like that and it was a very scary atmosphere don't get me wrong game was very scary but does that mechanic kind of detract it and also the performance issues I have an i7 49 60 X extrema different processor I have a 780ti 32 gigs of ram and those getting performance issues like that's that's almost a problem but criticisms aside it was still a lot of fun and it still scared me quite a bit hope you guys enjoyed it if you want to try to beat it the link is in the description down there below thank you developers for making a very scary game and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye Oh
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,410,614
Rating: 4.9505863 out of 5
Keywords: The Midnight Game, Scary Game, Funny Game, Scary Moments, Funny Moments, Screaming, Scary, Creepy, Creepypasta, Scared, Markiplier, Horror, Horror game, Scary Let's Play, The Midnight Game gameplay
Id: u__OqWE2MaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
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