DON'T LOOK AT IT... | The Mannequin

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to The Mannequin. Now this seems like a game straight out of my nightmares, because I hate mannequins; I always have. They aren't really played up much in horror games these days, but this one seems like it might just be there. Well, I have a mental age of 7, so I think I'll- I think I'll be okay. Alright. Oh, well, I use a mouse and keyboard... y'know, not some controller scrub there. Er, Lisa has a very deep voice, just so you know. Ah... Woah. That looks cool. Ah! I did? I di'n see that. Eugh. Hm. Weird. Ohh? Eugh. Wh- Why- Why- *Call end tone* WHY? wHY? dOaH--WHY WHY? WHY MY FLASHLIGHT NO WORK IN THERE? THE-- This is a really weird flashlight IT NO GO DISTANT! OHH. Ah, face full of cobweb, there we go. Well, this place is in a complete state. What an absolute UNIT of a place! Okay... Eugh.. Yeah, no cell service in the heart of London, yeah, I wonder what that's all about. That's bizarre. I love the rain! And I love the style of this place, this is pretty cool. Also pretty.. terrifying. FLICK. Flicky flacky flicky flacky IT DO NOTHIN', I FLICK AND IT DO NOTHIN'! I FLICKY FLACKY FLICKY FLACKY I'M FLICKIN'! I'M FLICKIN' AND I'M FLACKIN'! I'MMA FLICKIN' AS HARD AS I CAN FLOCK! Ok. Anyway, that don't work. Oddly enough, it don't work. Who'da thunkled it wouldn't work? Alright, well, I don't like that there's big'ol sheets over everything. 'Cause that looks like a grandfather clock, but it could be a Very Tall Zombie. I'm not gonna go down. No, I'm just-no, (Smacks lips) Y'know, going down would, uh.. probably be a bad idea. And so I'm, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go down. 'Cause I'm a big brave- Oh THANK GOODNESS, there are these incredibly strong boxes blocking my path! Oh good, good, I can't go that way, alright. Well. Oh, it's lovely up here. Oh, this is just delightful. Oh, that is just goddamn beautiful. Oh, that is just a slice of something special! Oookay this is less slicey of something special- I'm flickin'! and I'M FLACKIN'! Oh.. This Flicky-Flacky™ don't work either. Oh. K oHH!! *SLAM* Ok.. Okay.... I'm flickin'! I'MMA FLACKIN'! I'm flickin'... I'mma flackin..! Ok... I think it's fine. Oddly enough, I think that everything is fine. Weirdly, against ALL of my instincts, everything seems to be fine, so I'm gonna let my guard down and continue on. Okay, that's a weird.. .. thing. Doesn't even have a doorknob on it. Okay. Ooh, this is pretty! Well that's, that's lovely. Oh that's lovely! Oh that's lovely!! That is louvre-ly. Man, this is huuuge. This WOULD be worth a fortune, it's like five storeys! What the- Oh, it's a- Oohhh. "Dark room keep shut"..? What... Eugh.. Don't like how quickly that one opened. Okay, fireplace looks nice. Hm. Weird.. Eugh, that's so bizarre, I hate this... Oh, God I just hate everything about this, it's so calm. It's too calm. Hey, HEY WHO'S IN THERE? HEY, WHO'S IN THERE?! HEY, COME ON! I just wanna flick the light switch a little bit! Ok fine then.. Seeya. Goin' upstairs AGAIN. Top floor, yeah it is five storeys. Jeez! O-kaaay... Hello? Ah. Y'know what? I think I'm good. I think I'm good, Y'know-OH, Y'know what?? Y'KNOW what, I've thought about it.. .. Flicky flacky .. a-flicky flacky... I've got flickin'! No more itchin'! Ok, um. Very- I don't like the arms on that thing. Okay, I'm just looking anywhere else BUT the mannequin Okay. Then I'mma look straight into the mannequin's butt. Um, alright, well, y'know, you're, you're good over there. Uh.. Ok.. Heeeey! How you doin'? YeAh Oh, SAD! Yeah SAD is the word I'd use. Oh.. gh-- Who ceh-hures? Don't do what I think I'm about to do. EUGH God-- "Pick up?" Let's not, let's, let's not do that. Let's, let's not do that! Exam-moon! "Pick up?" Nope! Y'know, I'm good. Hap- How 'bout we just go out the front door, that seems like a good idea, alright, okay, alright, I know what it wants me to do. I gotta shove this in your-- Stand up, here you come on here blOOONK. CLUNKLE. Ohh yeayuhuh.. Pick up, ohyeahokay. Alright, I'll pick it up. I'll pick it up. I'll pick it up, yeah blUNKLE.. Oh yeah this is a GOOD idea. This is what we in the business call a GOOD IDEA. Let's-a pick you up, 'kay, let's-a shove you right in there. Yeah, not sad anymore, very creepy. Welp... ... Sure glad I did that. I'mma back away slowly. I'm backin' away! I'm backin' away REAL SLOW- *SLAM* I'm gonna pretend like that wasn't the door slamming behind me, 'cause I'm backin' away REAAAAL SLOW.. Damn, it's locked! wOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHKAAAAY! Where'd the mannequin go? Well y'knowww! I dunnoooo... "music coming from downstairs?" Oh. Yep. Alright. Ah, smooth jazz. I like it. Good, very London. What a bop! Wow! This place is LOVELY! woooOOOoooow. Ahaaa! Okaaay! This film is being ruined, but I probably need that. Okay.. I don't have any comments on why this is super- FLICK. I'mma flickin'! And I'mma flackin'! No more flickin'! No more itchin'! Ok! "TRAGEDY ON LONDON TERRACE" Woa, it's a nightmare... "A family was murdered in this house?" "Oh my God, and they never found the little girl." *SLAM* aUGHEGUHYH I DON'T WANT ANY OF THAAAaaaAAAAAAaAAAaaaat.... *Intensifying screeching* Well that's bizarre. And all fixed. Aaaall better! Okay! Huh. Aright.. What did Grandma do in this place? Imma flickin'. And I'mma flackin.. *Click* I flicked! Okay! Alright! Yaaay, it worked! Hellooo? HelloOo? That still doesn't work. Guess I go downstairs? oHHhhHHHhh... That's nice! Oh that's real nice! Hey, you come here! You come here lil mannequin. UH OH. *Gasp* Gasp! Oh. My name. LiIIISAAAA... Woah. WOAH. WOAH wOAH WOAH! Woah.. woah.. Woah! Wwwoah! Woah. Ooookay. Alright. That's.. bizarre. Okay! D'Oooookay! Uh we're just gonna ignore it, there's nothing to be done here so why- Pull? Okay! Alright, y'know what, just moving on! There ain't nothin' weird in there! Oh this room isn't... ... clean... I guess maybe I- maybe I didn't do everything I needed to do? Oh- Ohhhh. O-Oh-- Oh-- Ohh, Oh, OOh, Oh, horrible. Horrible. Horrible, horrible. Horrible. Horriblehorrible. Maybe I can just go, can I go? Can I go?? Someone took the mail. I can't go 'cause there's not really a knob on this door. Well that's bizarre. I think Granny would've told me about that. Hello? "This stuff wasn't here earlier." Oh. That's your biggest concern about this? "This can't be the same house, surely." Eh, well, I mean... what's weirder, you somehow magically got transported to another one? Crouch! I'mma crouchin'! I'mma turnin'! Oooh. Ohohohoh! Oh wow! Okay! Well, I'mma turnin'! I'MMA TURNIN'! There doesn't seem to be nothin', but uh, Alright I'm gonna get up now. Okay, can I drink some? Hello? Nothin', Hello? uh, op, *Music begins to skip* *Music stops* Okay.. Nice doll. Looks like the mannequin in the bathtub upstairs. It's too quiet, I don't like it. I just don't like it... Wow, nice! Very nice. Nice face! I like it, actually I hate it. But that's okay. No one has to know... ... that I hate that. Okay well, nothing crazy in here! Can I put this back on? (Jazz music resumes) There we go, everything's good in the world! Okay let's go uh, Let's go down! Let's go downstairs, Let's see what the Hell could be downstairs. If it IS Hell, that's gonna be a weird surprise. (Sharp intake of breath) Oh.. D'Ohhh.... well that's.... ... that's bizarre... that's a little, uh... Well I gotta admit, y'know-- wHAYY, OHH! "Did you do this? What do you want from me?" *Mark and the game scream* I'mma flickin'.. I'mma flackin'... Oh! *laughter* Just gone like that, huh? That's not working. Not working. No, not working? Okay, well I guess I'll go back up-y. I'll go uppy, I can't flick no more. What happened to this railing? Oh! The front door! Well that seems, uhh.. MIGHTY suspicious, but I'm gonna go for it! Yahoo freedom! Aww.. Why- wHYAhEYYYY, whyyy would you do that? Hey you, IIIIIIIIIIIII HAVE SOME QUESTIONS... Oh.. Great... Here we are. In here... Ohhh.. Okay. This is so cool. This is such a good horror game. Oh! HIIIIIIIII! "Daddy, are you going to help us move in or not?" "Woah, Jesus!" "He's too busy playing with that camera of his.Come on Linton, there's still lots to bring in." What the FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK?! "Aright, just taking a photo of my two favorite girls." I don't.. I don't understand anything that they're saying.. "What's going on? Hello? Can you hear me?" Hello? Oh, I'm boarded in now. Yahoooooo! I'll just take this. "A roll of film? What is going on in this place?" "Maybe I can develop this in the Darkroom upstairs?" Yeah, that's a good idea, yeah, that's a good idea, yeah, stay in here LONGER! Not just crash one of these windows and go through it, no, We'll go to the darkroom! I'm going to the darkroom, aw yeah I'll go to the darkroom, you know I love the darkroom. I love how dark it is in the darkroom. I love how the feeling of death just closes in all around me in the darkroom. Alright let's go to the darkroom! I'll move a big propane tank, maybe I can blooooww.... Well. Uh huh. Well now it's dark, but I use the red! I need to turn off my flashlight in the dark room, but.. Okay, canister, projector, wait, photo paper, chemical tray, remove finished photo. Okay, canister, projector, You got it. Where's the projector? Ah, here we go. Ok, plaaaace. You got it! That's not how that would work, but okay you know, it's fine! It's fine, it's fine. We're gonna- Okay, examine! Pick up, you got it, okay. Into uh, chemical tray A! Put it in there! Oh yeah, that's good. Okay, waaaaait. *Knocking sounds* ... Well, I got that! That's nice! That's real niiiice. That's, uh.. That's good, I'm glad I have this now. What do I do with it? Anybody want a picture? 'Cause I g- I got a picture! Hello? Anybody uh... anybody want a picture? OooOOOOOoooohhhhh. Ahh, this is all part of the cleaning process! This- This, This house was possessed, by an OCD maid! And I've just gotta clean it, Uhhhhh... Hi.. "Good afternoon, we are Lady Sophie. Welcome to our wonderful house." "Please do not put your feet on our chairs and do remember to curtsy whenever you see us." Do remember. "I do declare, Lady Sophie, this really is a most marvelous house." "How kind of you to have me over for high tea." "What a fine dress that is too. So glamorous!" "I dare say it was created by a dressmaker of impeccable taste and talent." Oh. Okaaay? Weird, but- oh that's gone now. Ohhh. Hi! Hello, how are-- OHHH MY NECK, YOU KEEP BREAKING IT! OH! That's it... Okay so if what I'm to gather from that is correct, then the story is the little girl was the only one that wasn't killed in this murder, and then they take over these bodies and there's a mannequin and they live forever in a dream wooooorld! HAHAHAHAHAAAAA.... Was this just a demo, though? That was so cool though, it was so cool, that was really really REALLY well done I loved it, I loved the pacing of it, I loved the artistic styling of it Everything was a little cartoony and that was GOOD because it like, it-it-it, it gave this consistent style. It is a demo, this was just a demo, but this is GOOD! It's good! It's good stuff, good stuff right here, well done, well made. Good ambiance, good fear, like good- aaugh I could feel it dripping off the walls! That was great. Ah, but- That was, That's the end of the game, so thank you everybody so much for watching, Let me know what you thought down in the comments, if you've got other horror games that you want me to play put 'em down in the comments below as well, and if you want to help support the channel click that "Join" button, you get a lot of special perks for it and thanks again for watching. And as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,532,551
Rating: 4.96345 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, the mannequin, mannequins, creepy, scary, horror, scary game, horror game, jump scare, jumpscares, the mannequin game
Id: 3-DoAa4UR3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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