PLEASE DON'T... | The Council of Hanwell

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Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to the Council of Hanwell. Now, this is... a newly released steam game, and it's pretty fleshed out as far as I could tell, moderately decent reviews. Seems to being chugging my computer like a... like a... dick in the ass. That's a bad example- Oh. Hello. [I used a combination of anabolic steroids and insulin to initiate the subject. He exhibited an intense reaction to the drugs. Rapid muscle growth was observed. But a hormone imbalance has developed causing extreme, uncontrollable rage. A substantial dose of clozapine seems to keep him under control.] Okay, alright. Do I need to be on the lookout for this guy who's extremely swole? I mean if there's just a big buff dude who's grumbling a lot, maybe he's just hangry? Gotta get protein for the muscles I suppose. So I don't know a lot about this game And I don't even know if it's gonna be any sort of good, but we're gonna find out. Uh, hello? No? Okay, where the hell am I going, and why am I going there? Alright. Did the big buff guy smash through these bricks on the wall? And it seemed to be coming in more than they're coming out- Okay, I don't like it when games tell me to run. I really don't like it. That's just not appropriate. Okay, this is weird. Huh. Uh-huh, thanks for the tutorial on how to play pretty much any game ever. Oh boy. I sure do love all these notes here! [If anybody can- *static* If anybody can-] Well that didn't sound good. Hmm, okay, alright, weird. [I've had to lock away B6...] Muscle guy? [His anger is getting more intense with each observation. He managed to tear off the door to his room. I've had to put him behind bars, no padding. The damage he does to himself barely has an effect, anyway.] Well that seems like a bit of a problem. Is he gonna do that damage to me? If he can do this to a room what is he gonna do to my soft, supple body? Ohh Nooo :(. Alright- oo more. Oh, what is this? Hi, hello, is that just random flickering or no? Oh. "Press Q to equip the radio. The radio emits a continuous audio playback of your surroundings and will emit static whenever anomalies are nearby." Well, that doesn't seem good! Hello, is anybody on the radio? Anybody that can talk to me? [Research Notes of 10-07-2021] That's in the future. [The jail rejected my request for another inmate] Bastards. [Citing morality as a reason. The mayor has taken the same stance. They told me the only people they are currently holding haven't had a trial.] Uh huh. That I might as well just snatch someone from the streets.] Okay, so is that what you did? Is that what happened to buff dude? He was on the way to the gym, and you really jacked up his day? I mean he's probably happy about it if he wasn't so incredibly ang- Oh hello. I didn't even notice this before. Oh. I don't want to do that. That's not looking behind me either! Ooooo! Guh~oh Oh what the hell- I don't know why it's so blink-blonky right in this hallway But it's giving me a bad feeling of the heebie-jeebies. Oh there we go, okay Yeah, that's, that's incredibly useful, and I don't know why when I'm looking behind me I just like to jostle my head around like a bobbing puppet, but like a bobblehead [The goddamn savage bit me!] Bastard! [He's lost almost all real cognitive function.] Bitch! [Leaving only anger.] Aw! [As a precautionary and punitive measure... I stapled his mouth shut.] That doesn't seem like a good idea even if you were trying to actually punish him. Cuz if he's got enough muscle to bash through a door. I'd- I think he can rip off some staple- Okay, whatever, you know what? I'll take combat. I didn't know that there was gonna be combat in this game. "Attack with LMB, block with right MB." So it's like Verminti- whoa slow-motion, and V- Oh. Well, can I have that ag- I, I, I just went through this, I know! Okay, slow motion it is. ~uueh... Alright, so who am I gonna need the ice pick in the forebrain? Does someone need a loboootomy? Someone behind me? Mmm I don't like it- ooh! Hello! "Access the inventory with tab. From the inventory, you can view and store keys and use any items you possess. For the help with the inventory, press H whenever it is open." Okay? Wow, disused maintenance key! Great! Why was it dangling on a chain, as if it was a trap? "Use, E, and cancel an action with Q. Q's can be stored in"- ugh. "They will use still unlock doors-" There's a lot to take in okay, this is a lot. -ughh... There's a LOOOT to take in, okay. Alright! Okay! Fine! "Flashlight." Oh boy, another tutorial! "Overusing the flashlight will lead it to malfunction, and may cause it to break completely. X to switch between normal and ultraviolet mode." Well let me just go ahead and use it completely. Alright. BASH! Hello? Anybody? Okay. wah~do But there's something nearby! You just gonna drop that knowledge on me? Hello? Okay, well tutorial over! Time to really get the shit down the pipe, I suppose! Oh good, I can see now. Anything ultraviolet in here? Surprisingly, no. I thought there'd at least be blood and/or semen all over the walls... Hello? *static from radio grows louder* Okay! All right! Wow, it's real static-y in here, huh? I don't know what that means, but okay! Alright! Can I go- AAH! What the fucking hell- oh my god. What the fucking fuck you! What is that? How did I switch to third person? The fuck? Okay well third person. Oh, 'oh look at my big dumb arms hurdy-durdy-burdy' How do I get- okay there we go. It's Z. I- I- I- I panic hit the Z- "Your weapon is worn out and broken"... *pained silence* What was the point of all of that? :( All right then. Maybe I can use my maintenance key. "Add to key ring?" Yes. Do that. I guess. Why wouldn't it automatically be added to my key ring? Why do I have to- ugh Doesn't make any sense, and I don't like it, but the graphics are nice! Should I look behind me? How do I do it again, I've totally for- there we go. Aw yeah nothing's behind me Okay good. Alright! Okay alright here we go! ~huehehehhh... Alright. Maybe I can stop being a little bitch for a little bit and try to actually make some progress here. Anyone behind me? No? Okay. Good. Great. I love it. mmm stairs *gasp* Oh! "Your journey to the Council. Once you leave this area, you will be taken through six locations each containing a piece of a citizenship card. Make your way through each location, find all six pieces, and finally uncover the secret"... to some Hanwell bullshit that I think I saw. Ohhh. Ohhhh! D-okay, "emerging from an old brick shed, I found a well-lit path leading to a house I will surely find clues about my situation there." I don't even know why I'm here! I don't even know what I'm doing! I don't even know what to say! Okay??? Let's do this. Uhh... I'm in. Ah, boob lights, my favorite. Okay... I'll just keep going as if I know what I'm doing which I do... as far as you're concerned. Oh... Hello! This is a depressing magazine cover. *nervous chuckle* All right well then. That is- *Beep* [I've just got word that you've authorized the arrest of Isabelle Miller! I'm going to need a copy of the arrest warrant you signed. A couple of our residents who are familiar with your work have expressed concerns that you may be abusing the authority I have given you.] Is that the mayor? Is this not my house? Seems like it's not my house if I just don't- you think I would recognize my house. Also that is really weird. And that is really dark. Okay, all right. Well then Oh blood! Perfect! My favorite thing. All righty then. What have we got here? "Daniel I left them-" I'm sorry. I read the bottom to see it clearly. I could see it fine. "Daniel, I left the mayor's letter and our final piece of Miller's card in the safe I won't be able to get it to her, so you may have to. If you forget the code. Just remember it's always an 'x'." That doesn't help me at all! You dick! Alright fine then- *beep* [Daniel, I'm growing concerned with the doctor's actions. I know you work closely with him but I'm also certain of your loyalty to our residents. Keep me posted on his latest research, will you.] Am I Daniel? Or am I just another rube that was drawn into this. Am I a research assistant for whatever the hell they're researching? New steroids for bodybuilders? Hello huh, hello! Something tells me I shouldn't be here. Something tells me I shouldn't be invading these people's lovely privacy. Oh key- good! Good for me. Good. Good good. That's good. Oh- uh okay. Why is that glowing so- why is that glow- Why- why is that glowing? Perfect. Collect all Doctor DNA and Witch Eyes. Oh yeah, sure okay! Doctor DNA, witch eyes! Everyone knows it. Everyone loves it. Everyone collects it. And I don't want to be left out none cool when I go back to school and everyone's asking me where my Doctor DNA and witch eyes are. I guess I'll just mosey on my way. pockets a jingling with a said thing- oh Okay... Hullo? I'm- I'm on the table now! 'Scuse you 'scuse you I'm tryna- okay I'll go around. I'll go around you, chair! *beep* 'Scuse you. [Daniel, I am currently at the council building and will remain here for the foreseeable future. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you remain inside my home. Keep the doors down and prepare for all types of Anomaly. I promise your loyalty to the cause will be rewarded... and it starts tonight. Tonight the council will fall.] Okay, all right you want to tell me what this council is or do I just have to guess? Oh wait- the 'it's always a 'w' ' No it's always an 'x' All I do is win. Oh one two three four I get it ah All right Ha ha ha Oh easy. Might as well have just give. me the code I suppose. Alrighty then. What did I get? oh. "Dear Mayor Lawson Here's a piece of Isabelle Miller's citizenship card. You may keep this as a reminder of what will happen to you if you oppose me." *giggles* Oh nice threat to open that with. "I split the card into six pieces and distributed them amongst Hanwell's most prominent citizens. You're the last. Hanwell belongs to me. Regards, The Doctor." Alright. *giggles* Okay, it's quiet now Alright, "Isabelle Miller's card holders: -herself: in jail -Sam Nichols: Church -Taylor Walsh: Hospital -Walter Young: Power plant -Brett Chambers: School" And- "The Mayor was the only class 1 citizen in zone 3. Without her card nobody can access the council building" What kind of messed-up world is this? I mean This is a lovely house especially for a doctor But it seems like the world is some kind of Hunger Games bullshit going on and no one- no one's real- uh oh No one's really knowing what's going on. Oh, okay. Alright. Well, I'll just skedaddle back down. Nothing's gonna happen to me~ Guess I just go leave~ Away~ HUP! I didn't see it. I was looking at a corner. I didn't actually see what happened. Who's there? my flashlight Ok there we go Aha hello? oh- uh oh Uh oh! Hanwell Council Of Public Protection, anomalies in your area- prepare! *soft long monotone beep in background* So, this is a regular- Oh! That's my shadow. I got scared by my own shadow everybody. Okay alright. Good to know. Well... Just gonna mosey on away- *giggles* Time for me to skedaddle on out of here. I gotta hit- okay I gotta hit the dusty trail "If you want to get into the council and figure out who the- what this doctor is doing with me I'm gonna have to find all six pieces of Isabel Miller's citizenship card. There's apparently a piece in the church" alright! Oh! We're here. All right lovely place. I like the decorations. Very Jesus-y. It's awesome Okay. "find the piece of Isabel Miller's citizenship card" alright Sure Is it actually in the church or do I have to kill someone to take it from them. because that seems - that seems more likely of the cases. Okay. Okay not that door I guess we're just not gonna go there. Alright Okay, ah. You know what? I'm gonna check the other door. I didn't like that one. Seemed to be a little spooky. Hello- No OKAY I guess we're goin with this door. We don't have a choice in the matter. Hyupdee- hello? Anybody here? Oh~ Notes. "Thanks for agreeing to help out with the ritual-" Thanks- It's such a cheerful start. Thanks for helping out with the ritual sacrifice. Got your knife ready? Oh, we're gonna need 20 litres of goat blood, lots of people coming by. "Today's hymns are extremely important Be sure to keep a note of them before they're changed. And never forget a painting is worth a thousand words!" That's just something I say at the end of all my letters. I'm a weirdo like that alright, whatever *beep* [Sam, I don't know what you've been doing recently but there's lots of noise about your church.] *sniff* uh huh [We're getting calls every day about your state of mind? While I understand the importance of faith in today's world you must keep in mind that problems in Hanwell... ...well they cannot be solved by superstitious rituals!] Uh huh. [Just leave it to the doctor.] Mmm. [God you're lucky that we're friends... ... anyone else would have locked you in the wards by now.] Right okay, yeah cuz we're friends Yeah, so this is why I have both doctor DNA and witch eyes cuz it's just a half a dozen of one, six of the other We're just all equal measures. Oh boy. Why am I here? I'm here. Okay all pictures worth a thousand words huh oh? It's always an X nope a thousand oh the hymns, that's right. Okay alright the hymns must be the code, right ah Okay, how about I guess six two nine one? Let's try that oh? oOOH HI! Well how convenient Okay, my other guess was gonna be the numbers that were missing compared to one to the other. That would have been a clever puzzle. okay, I got it! Okay you oh, oh *various, more grumbly 'oh's* Okay, all right well this is a thing now Doctor DNA! Or is that witch eyes? oh I can never tell which~ oh the kids at school are gonna really like me now uh... I think I got it? I think I got it. If I didn't got it- WHOA! AH! *mimicking music* BWAH BAH BAH BAH BAH! Thank You orchestra. I really appreciate whoever's on that organ, very timely. I- I really do appreciate that okay. Let's see what hellhole I'm getting myself in- more DNA. Oh frabjous day, Callooh Callay I am so happy about this situation. What am I- Okay, I wasn't ready for that. "help me" hmm. I can't read this "Ewww pleh?" Oh I dont know what that- OHHNOOO "Help me." Okay was there something on the back or something oh, no all right Just a random note that somebody left for me to discover. Okay, hello Ah, open. You know this is a weird Church. I'm just gonna gonna say oh, oh ahh... oh, that's Ahh... Okay, um... UM There's something- oh there's something- oh no oh ohhh oh oh ohhh ohh noo Okay well alright then. Well this seems a little odd to have in a church, but- oh it's key. I'm sorry sir I'll just take I'm Sorry Sorry my bad. Okay alright, I'm outy. I'll see ya. little outlast esque always good Hmm Alright no anomalies gonna get in here. That's for- That's for damn sure okay. What am I- what am I- Oh what am I doin' here? Well I got a key. *giggles nervously* Good for me. So... Now what is there something here that I need to unlock or is this literally the only thing- what kind of room is this? It's a bunch of- it's like a- it's like a stadium that people can just gather around and watch. Ugh Nope *whoosh noise* OooOOooh OoooOOooo [I am sorry child, but you have been chosen] *woman sobbing in background* Only the whithered God Almighty can rid the one of the horror within. He has spoken to me. I am the messenger. And you, my dear, you... are the vessel(?) *clattering and banging noises* *woman screaming* *new scream, increasing in volume* *various rattling and soft banging noises* *louder clattering noise* Well that was pleasant to listen to What did I just pick up I have no idea. Oh, why did I come down here? Why did I come down here? Oh Ah- is- Sure. Oh okay, alright sure- You telling me this doesn't work? This magical box that I put next to these wires doesn't work? Alright Okay where are you going? I'm on to something here. *sniff sniff* My detective nose is really telling me something smart about this. Mhm, uh huh, uh huh Oh Oh! It's the switch that was very obviously there. Oh well, whatever. What can you do? Oh boy... A- oh- ugh oof- mmh- ahh These are big cards Did you see how hefty that thing was? It was like a quarter of a pillowcase. Oh leave the church yeah, okay, all right You know what I wanted to do that before and now you know it just doesn't feel the same. It doesn- now it feels like I'm being kicked out. It's not my choice. Oh well. Let's leave the church, I guess No... No no... Now now, come on now, Right I'm outtie Alright, I'm outtie! nothing bad better happened on the way out wAAA Okay all right oh Okay, I guess it's as easy as that. "Looks like the Mayor was pretty busy in the final moments of The Council's operation. She mentioned a school. I remember passing a school on the way to the church. I should go check it out You know what I should- Here I am! okay. Oh Hi? Okay alright. Wow I got- I got- I don't know why but I just got sudden... What did I pick up is that a witch eye? I got a witch eye! Everybody I got a witch eye! Let me pull the fire extinguisher in celebration. Wash out any of these demons. Yeah, I got a- I got a sudden flashback to Dead Space 2, in the school there. That was super weird. I have no idea why. Oh DNA perfect! put it in my pocket! I guess. I don't even know what that's for. Okay, not going in there All right well I'll just carry on, everybody show your faces. What is that? Oh. It's a light nevermind It's a whole lot of nothing. Okay. I'll just keep going this way. La da dee~ La dada da dada da~ La da dee dee- Oh... Hate it. Hate it. I hate it. I hate it already. Thank you. I hate it. Okay, DNA in my pocket! Still locked? Okay, still locked. Nothing good here. Nothing good for anybody and nobody's happy about it. Okay welp turn that off saving my power woAAH I saw something You can't tell me I didn't see something Oh good more DNA. My favorite thing. My flashlight is gonna break on me at the worst time, isn't it? Well, stuff that in my pocket. I'm pretty sure they were kept in like- like cooling chambers of some sort and I'm just stuffing them in my warm pants pockets. Can't be good for it. You know just something tells me it ain't- Oh boy, here we go! Put it right next to my buttocks. Hmm, that's a good place for Doctor DNA. Oh no it's never a good thing. Oh, it's never a good thing when there's lockers Never a good thing Oh! I thought- you know just judging by- I thought something was gonna happen. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to spook me and- And the fact that it didn't happen makes me only more concerned. Oh that's... that's not good- *GASP* I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done. Could you not... OH! Hi! Okay, if I turn off my light and forget that you were there- Oh you're still there! Alright! Well, that's a problem! What hap- Can I switch? Nothing. Alright, welp. This is a conundrum. Alright, well, I'll just sit- nope, okay, alright. Well. I'm coming for you then. I can't run for some reason or else I'd be chair- charging straight down your gullet hole. Okay. This is the worst thing. I don't like this. Hi. O-Oh-KAY. Aye-AYE! not dead? Alright. Okay. Alright. I'll give that spook a solid B-minus Yeah, you're not- you're not gon' get me that ea- uh oh. I'm sorry I walked into the wrong room. I'm sorry. I thought- I thought this was my classroom it's clearly for something else. Um. Ah yeah, this seems much more normal. A. B. I don't like you! Okay Here we go, more DNA. I know I got to go back to that room, but I just- something about it just didn't rub me the right way you know. Very few things rub me the right way, and I don't think that's one of them. Yep, mmkay, yep, nope yeah still- it's still bad! Yes still- still something very wrong about this. Oo something in the corner. Is that a witch eye? also- oh Do you...? Yeah, okay. Good. Good. You better not've- *gasp* You sack of shit. You think you can MESS- With the LIKES Oh didn't get me THAT TIME. Yeah, what you gonna do? Huh, huh? WHAT? Yes that's right. That's what I thought. Yeah, that's what I thought. Ou! Okay, I don't like that. I don't like this room. I don't like that. I'm out of here. I am out of here! See you, never! Asshole! I'll be gone. Oh my goodness. Alright let's try going up 'cause apparently there's some reason that I need to continue exploring this place and not some reason that I need to run screaming at the- Oh, nevermind! I couldn't see that for some reason and my athletic ability is just incapable of hurdling over that. Alright. What do we got on stage here? Yeah? This is what reminded me of Dead Space 2 - oh man. I love that stage I love Dead Space 2, God. I wish there was another one, but it seems like that one's just gonna be dead forever. This looks like a trap. Looks like a trap Okay, not a trap all right well, that's good news for me. They keep lulling me into a false sense of security. It's good *subtle piano steadily growing louder* Aaaaaaaaah~ Demon's go away. Okay. Let me try going upstairs here instead- wait. Let me try the back room- nah I'll cycle back around I'll go upstairs first then I'll come down hit the other side, that seems like a strategic way of killing Everything that I ever hoped and dreamed for. Okay. Now you gonna do it this time? *strange ominous high pitched noise slowly rising in volume* uh oh. Ah- Uhhhh... hEY OH I OH HI OH HI OH HI OKAY Hello How are you doing? Good? Don't mind me just gonna stuff this in my pocket. Okay, well... You seem to be busy. I'm a busy guy. I'll just go right past you. La dee dee da da da- OH- kay alright Well Good to know That the only thing you need to do to beat demons back into the void is walk towards them very slowly Use their own weapon against them. That's what they do to you. That's what you got to do to them It makes so much sense now. I'm so smart. What do we have? Okay, never mind goodbye. Farewell and it's gone forever Okay *giggles* *beep* [Hello Brett, I've just got word of your evacuation of the children yesterday. I know we havent always seen eye to eye, but I must commend you on your incredible foresight. Something... Something is coming, Possibly tonight. There's no advantage to you staying in the city to see this through, the children are safe, get out while you can. Okay, the children are safe. I doubt this person got through- Hey look a witch eye. Something tells me I haven't gotten all those and I'm probably not gonna get the quote-onquote "good ending" if I don't but at this point What's it matter? What does it matter? Demons are gonna consume my soul no matter what I do. Oh more. Anything of the back here? any witchs' eyeses? No? Alright. Anyone stuffed into lockers? Horribly? No? Alright well guess I'm not going in there. All right. I wanted to- Oh wait I got to put it on my key ring that's right. I forgot about that Okay, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna try this see if it opens! Nope! Still bad! Okay, goin down this way then. Alright. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Looks normal no demon dolls, but there's some doctor's DNA Wait, I just I just connected the dots about something is this legitimately the doctors DNA as in the doctors Very own sperm?????????? Tell Craig I- *laughs* [Tell Craig I fancy him!] All right sure yeah, that's very helpful. Thank you Thank you for that. Because if-if-if that is true then why in the hell am I carrying it around with me? OH! "How to tell someone has been t a i n t e d ?" "How to keep burners from entering a home???" "Dealing with witches if disturbed?!?!" "The meaning of LIFE???" "Identifying and reporting new-" What?! "How to survive being tainted-" WOT?! "Radio beepo* [I saw the doctor this morning...] [There were two of him] *Mark stares in utter confusion and helplessness* [The man's lost it.] [I knew he was up to something...] [I'm evacuating the kids tomorrow morning. I guarantee you this time tomorrow the mayor will be signing a citywide evacuation order] Okay, all right. I don't know what you- Okay. You know what, maybe I just shouldn't question anything... Maybe I should just carry on to the next room... I've gotta tell Craig that someone fancies him!!! I'm on a mission. Okay. Oh! Oh I unlocked it I don't like what was going on in this school I'm gonna come out and say it! I do not like what was going on in this school! *Chest jumps* WHOOoooooo ooouuuuu kayhehehehahhuhuhuhuhu A'ight, you... You gonna come out of there? Huuuhh you little scamp? Huh? Come on!!!(◕‿◕) Come on out!!! (。◕‿‿◕。) okay... It's okay! No one's gonna hurt you... unless you hurt someone....... Namely, ME, is the thing I'm concerned most about... I- Oh- *Laughs* I can't get over this stool!!! :O Whataver em I going to do?!?!?! ;-; I guess I'll have tu go aruound... OH NO!!! TWO ST00LS?!?!?! >:o My biggest weakness DUBBLD! I am a helpless little baby... Okay let's continue on I can't expect every game to have PUBG-style hurdling mechanics, ooh More DNA. This is the teachers lounge that's nice. I guess can I get some coffee? Oh I see you Okay, well I got that something did I go to? Have I been in every room yet because if I have I swear that I'm I'm missing something right There's got to be something. I'm missing Cuz I didn't get the card yet, and I'm pretty sure I bet everywhere All right, then. Oh, yeah. It's a double. Hallway. That's right. Oh wait. No. That's wrong Okay, well hmm Still doesn't Oh, oh it is oh no. I hate horror game bathrooms. They're the worst Hello, Craig. Are you in there Craig? Craig Craig Craig But hi Craig someone fancies you Craig, come back please. Oh, which is- I- Perfect? Craig, c'mon, man. Restroom etiquett- I can't read it... Alright... great Craig! Don't run away from love Oh Oh it's the girl's bathroom... Jenny! Jenny oh there's some DNA in this bathroom. That's not good Jenny Jenny Craig Craig didn't respond Craig, Craig's a douche you gotta leave him. He's not worth it. Oh okay, all right then I I suppose it's What are we get in here anything all right nothing? Nothing, then what the Helmand missing. I've been everywhere right I? Think I'm pretty sure I've been everywhere. I don't know where else I could possibly go oh Wait have I been what is this door here just a mystery door. Oh, it's a storage closet. Oh Yes, what am I what do I use this for we've got a security a system do I have to hack into here I don't know. I don't know ma'am, but I don't like it. Oh my good at all Oh Here whoa? How did I miss that? Okay, well I got that and that means that is yes unlocks all the doors in the school Which is very handy because there's only one door. That's not unlocked. I believe and once I get in there I'm gonna get the card or there's gonna be a horrible monster Oh, it's both neither of what I thought it. Okay? Don't like it. I already don't like it I do not like it at all. All right, what have you got for me, Horrible Basement? Anything behind me? Great, okay. We're Ohhhh... (scared) No no no... This seems bad for school to have! MMMMMM Basement, i don't like it at al- DNA! I like that! Its familiar! Rub it all over my skin. Great. Mmm.. Where am i going? I don't even know- And i don't like that fact that i go... Wherever I want to go first. I wish there was some direction. Ohh? I don't like what that implies, I don't like what that implies at all cuz that seems like some kind of That that seems like some kind of human trafficking bidding room like I saw in- in- 'Taken' No, all right. I'm just gonna sit in the dark for a second here because I got to recoup my flashlight Now is the time to not think about horribly scary things demons in the dark the things that are hiding in your closet The things that are under your bed, and the things that's standing behind you right now. Okay, carrying on Why is This is just the worst thing mm. Oh good a questionable stain Great.This is- the worst thing I have ever seen. Mmmm.This is awful Okay, all right. Did I just get turned around I did didn't I? Have there's got to be a reason for all this But you know that doesn't mean that the reason has to be good, but there has to be a reason that they're uh oh Oh Boy. Oooh, I don't like the way it spins Brett someone's onto us 5 4 3 7 ok 5 4 3 7 it is let me go. Let me go. Oh the merry-go-round. I guess Weeeee! I'm in hell ok 5 4 3 7 5 3 4 7 5 4 3 7 that sounds more right 5 4 3 7 ok So I don't know where I'm gonna put that in but that's probably important probably. Oooo! I opened it. Okay good. Oh these beds are tiny Oooh no. [creepy laughter] All right well, that's uh someone's at least in a good mood over there all right. I can't read it I made my bed. Can I go home now? This was directly below a school?! Why?! Why!?! oh... why... Why? and how? how do you get away- how do you get away with this shit? uh Makes no sense. Give me that DNA I guess... any witches eyes. All right. Well. that's frightening. Okay. That's locked. Aye yi yi Oh what is this? Oh boy. Oh, this is where- okay, all right. Okay. It broke again There are a few connectors in the broom cupboard up by the up hall upstairs I'd get this fixed ASAP. If you don't want anyone getting in here How's anybody gonna get in here? because it's broken. Now no one can get in here. Isn't that how it works? [in-game voice recording] Hmm so he tried to five nights at freddys this shit? Oh, that's a bad move on him. Five, four, three, seven- got it! I don't know what that uh Can't touch me So we MC hammered himself into death all right well, that's oh that's That's what oh no. That's a message from this oh That's yeah, that's a just and fitting end for that guy okay, that makes more sense I get it leave this school Oh boy great. You know. This is a wonderful experience. I'm so glad that I came to this school You know knowledge is power as they always say uhh..Oh.Okay...Uhh. I think- I don't think I checked this last one. Any last witch's eyes? Huh? no? alright, then. Well I'm outtie then I'll see you around the bend I think anyway, it's again disturbingly quiet There was a lot of giggling and laughing going on before and oddly I would rather have that than the non reassuring silence of it all. Alright, then I went the wrong way. I guess I'll just leave See ya. See ya dudes. See ya Walking right out Super weird. I don't know why as soon as I get everything that I need Everything turns back to normal because that doesn't make any sense at all why would that be the case oh? Hi, how are you muscle man? I should go to hand well general. It sounds like the mayor and Taylor Walsh were good friends She was also on the doctors list of class 1 citizens to receive a piece of Isabelle's card Why is it so important to divvy up these cards? I don't understand like what was the point? What's the benefit you know whatever? Oh? No It's cliche Hospital time Oh, yeah Alright, then can I get a nice brain juice and those those lovely vending machines. Oh hello alright? Well, that's helpful got that right away Yep, okay, all right, then well Alright time to methodically go have time for a rousing game of fine the jump-scare that's pretty much with visits Keep going until you find some spook alicia's and oh boy. You know I'm gonna find some Why is that door blocked behind that requirement Oh Oh Lovely oh There's a really funkalicious violin blare in the distance They're either drunk or trying to spook me. I don't know which one is which Alrighty then I better wash my hands before I go in there hmm. I don't like all that that doesn't look good Okay, just going on my way Paying no mind to anything. That's happening over here. We're not going up those stairs and definitely not Oh Oh good. Oh good. Do they do ritualistic sacrifices in here - I hope not Alrighty then Cool, thanks for the witch. I really appreciate that don't wanna know who you dug that out of I can't possibly get over this cot Alright, I can't well alright. That's more reasonable. I can't get through that Obviously anything in here. Yep, man. It's almost like some someone didn't want someone getting in Oh, this guy didn't board it up stupid idiot alright. Well got that. I don't know what oh There they are again the comforting sounds of whatever the hell instrument That is I think they're just squeezing a cat. That's all it is hello. Oh All right sure I'll go down. Oh, oh it's the morgue. Oh good. Oh great Wonderful Great, don't get up don't you dare get up. I don't want it. I don't want none of It okay, Sarah, please stop writing the security passwords on scraps of paper This is a blatant and serious security risk we can't afford another incident especially with the doctors more frequent visits TWU who is the doctor oh and here's a password oh Boy d7 for GZA to two on How am I gonna remember that I don't know is it gonna be written down somewhere Nope, I just got to remember it all right. Oh, what oh? No, no no oh come on After I asked so nicely All right d7 for GZA - to d7 for GZA - to d7 40ca - to t7 for g za - to d7 for g za - to d7 for g za - to Douglas 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times douglas 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times douglas 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times douglas who Okay Sure, hey don't slam doors in my hospital Douglas is that you tell me about those zebra exploits Douglas 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times All right, okay? I guess that was Douglas on his way to conquer another zebra Wow let's go upstairs. See what's going on up here Hello Anyone want to walk slowly in front of me. That's the spookiest thing. I don't like that Douglas 74 years old oh, there's that cat again Man, you need to stop squeezing that cat that cat's just about had it Hello, Oh. What is this some kind of an x-ray room? Oh? Hello The password to the lift the operating theater is fought beam destroy this paper James should be at his post at 12:05 the doctor will be in here from 12. We have one chance don't screw this up. Do I got to remember that peen? Okay Thompson had only penis three nights ago Thompson had only penis for three nights Thompson had only penis three nights Douglas 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times Thompson had only penis three nights Okay, got it. I don't know Thompson had only penis three nights Okay, got it okay. All right, whatever Don't say letters no stop. That's not what I need What is this counsel what are you trying to heal people or hurt people? Why are there anomalies, huh? What's going on the anomalies somehow coincide with the doctors arrival? oh Did I not need to remember did I not need to remember Thompson at only penis three nights and Daniel David donk Donner Donson 74 years old got zebra ass 22 times Did I not need to remember that okay? Well I unlocked it But I remembered it But I remembered it okay, all right. Oh fancy I probably shouldn't be walking in here with a flashlight, which is metal all right, whatever It's probably not on except that it is all right whatever. I'm out of here, baby. What's going on over here? Huh is this open? No. I thought I unlocked this I could have sworn. I could have sworn! Thought I unlocked that that seems like something that I definitely did Ohhhhh I Don't wanna You can't make me. Here I go anyway all right Well this is fun Okay, hello How are you doing? All right on a scale of 1 to 10. How much pain are you in right now, okay? All right, thank you What's around the corner as I turn my back on you? No no No, thank you. I don't want any. No. You can't make me. I won't do it oh Okay. Alright. Whoa whoa, whoa whoa ho ho, ho hey? She's lives! It's a miracle so it's It's a good thing right?! Okay Are you waiting on me? Whoa hey Hey stop me with your floppy arms hey, ow, stop, I don't know what to do. How am I- what am I- I don't have a weapon. I see what I gotta do. I just got a run for it. Okay. I can do that. WOAH Hi Okay All right then Hey, hey Rude. Rude! that's a rude oh no well that's not good UM UH Ohhhh Okay all right, okay, all right then Wait hang on no how about oh? Hi all right? Well, this is just a delightful jog I don't know why I needed to go in there. You know in fact. I didn't oh, that's Uh Okay Okay All right Sure, we're gonna go with sure Oh No What's with the wiring in this place that constantly needs little wiring boxes you'd think they'd just have wire but alas No, it's not true At least I've got this sweet delectable doctor's DNA to make me feel all better Huh Okay More, I've got I've got to be getting close to the cap right Yeah, oh of 50. I didn't know it was of 50. I'm never gonna be I thought it was of 25. Oh, it's 25 which eyes, it's Man's gonna take forever then ALL RIGHT here we go. Oh hello Yeah Something tells me that Taylor didn't make it much like the other person and something tells me that Taylor probably deserved not to make it Considering what seems to go on in these horrible hell holes No, no don't do it no no no no no no NO I hear that beeping I'm just telling you straight up NO No, I don't know what's going on with that, but I'm sure it can't be good None of this good, so why would I be? What I want to believe that it's good. Oh boy. I'm more Locker. It's great. Oh god more DNA even better Oh boy a piece of paper and a junction box perfect Hey, so I know we've been having trouble with the security door on the third floor, so I got you this It should fix the problem until the engineers can get it permanently fixed why I don't know why why are these? Magical engineering boxes so it goddamn useful, I don't like it They're trying to replace a job I never had as an engineer and it's bullshit. Oh boy more DNA great. We're doing a great are these just the hallways of collectibles is there nothing actually here. Oh yep It's the hallways of collectibles, okay got that Thank you. Okay? Oh? OH Ah Ah Uh Okay All right sure yeah, we all right. We're just gonna ignore that that never happened. What's up here now? I'm sure it's going to be lovely and cheerful. Oh Boy God, it's just a goddamn labyrinth and what- what the hell broke- Oh, I see I see. that makes sense okay that makes sense Ohhh a key What did I get? "Unlocks the door to Taylor Walsh's office" is that the one downstairs? Oh well someone did someone tried to sanitize their hand way too hard, okay All right, I'll be downstairs in just a second I just gotta make sure I got everything on these floors cuz there's so much to explore So many fun times to be had in here Okay, nothin. All right. Well fare thee well then Hello, ah Long hallway of ominous intent I'm sure that this is going to be something good for me And there's that beeping again And they stop squeezing a cat. They started just beeping a horn Hello? Hello HELLO Hello? Nothing a whole lot of nothing just long hallways of bullshit That's all I get. Well ain't this some garbage. all right. I'll head back then not yet hang on Even more nothingness to explore, Oh good more dinner Perfect okay, all right, then well. That was all we needed from here. That was literally no point to any of that it was just a wild goose chase And instead of a goose I was just chasing my own dick all right. Let's keep going Okay, so I got the key so therefore I should only need to go downstairs, open that office, get the card, and then I'm boogieing on out of here, right? ugh All right, hello don't mind me Anything? what is this for "unlocks the door to the main security in the hospital" Ok I don't like it Yeah, okay Uuugh All right Okay, All right I'm out of here Well, I'm out here and for some reason. It's not gonna. Let me go through the front door I have to go through some other bullshit door and what was about what about David? What about David and? David 74 years old got Zebra ass 22 times what about that? What about that code that seems like an important code? Don't you guys think that's an important code? Oh? I'm on the wrong floor That's why that's why I don't need to be here all right down one more. Sorry array skadoodle II Yeah Ah ah that's tell time Oh Oh Perfect great Exactly what I needed Perfect perfect make it louder Come on, man. You can do this all right? Uhh I know the password Anomaly detected okay, that's Oh. Oh class one anomaly in the vicinity. Oh all right override. Oh? Uhoh Uhoh Can't run can't run can't run OH That's weird. Whoa hey hey. Hey hey hey no. Hey whoa hey hey hey all right? I'll just try to go I guess Whoa man it is a goddamn Rave in here it. It's awesome, but i don know What's happening? I kind of love it though What's behind me? Well let me zoom in on that oh boy. All right. Let's walk towards the whoa Can I not okay? It doesn't want me to go there All right, well all right. Oh It's coming to me. Oh that's oh, I'm being pulled towards it. um- oh Okay, that does make any sense at all Oh boy, oh boy. That's not good. That's not good That's some kind of like... Oh, that's some kind of horrible reality coming towards me isn't it? Yeah, boy, I'm dead oh I'm dead I didn't think it through I can't even go back in there. Oh, I'm dead. Okay. Well alright I accept my fate my body is ready, please. Oh, it's an on e- oh it's an eye! Hi Hello oh good Oh I'm back here now classification was witch oh, they're probably pissed off that I've been taking all their eyes Ohhhhkay Oh is this a crowbar for weapon. Oh, it is you're gonna make me whap something aren't you? You want me to waba licious something don't ya? What okay all right? You're gonna get whacked hey Hey, where'd you go behind me know what my I've got I'm ready for the weapon. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, oh Yeah, you don't like that. Do you get get some? Okay? Don't get some? where you at come on Oh there you are haaa Okay all right Oh hey hey You're too fast Oh No Wow All right then, rather effective wouldn't you thunk okay? I'm on my way Oh Um Okay, you know what maybe I don't need to go in there I Don't know why what- what did-? Okay Maybe I gotta try to leave first, or I don't know why that guy was standing there No, I just okay. I just I'm out all right, okay It sounds like there's a standoff between the doctor and Walter young in the power plant young was one of the people the doctor sent A piece of Isabel Miller's citizenship card I went to the power plant Okay Oh Why does it look like a jail more than a power plant? What the hell? Oh Hi, hello, how are you doing? you alright? alright see ya, I guess okay, that's a little Okay alright Oh friend- can I- oh friend is gone Okay, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to go that way first also I don't know if I've been missing any Easter eggs from not using my night vision mode on my my flashlight here. Oh well Well, let's just carry on hey. It's the scene from five nights at Freddy's alright. What do we got here? Unlocks the door to the power plant maintenance Tunnels perfect no come on perfect Great Okay Uhuh Right Which they won't Oh I guess that's it then yeah, just they won't they absolutely won't why would they why would they want to protect anybody? That's trapped in this hellhole Why also is this a hellhole why is it a regular thing that people need to evacuate for these anomalies? It's probably the doctor's fault just a- just a suggestion Maybe you shouldn't trust this doctor guy. Maybe you shouldn't give the doctor guys so much goddamn leeway alright anybody in the Porta Potty oh Is there a witch I in that hole? did someone shit out a which eye? nope That would've been funny though. That would've been real HI-larious okay. I'm just gonna take this DNA and then I know where it wants me to go I got to go down into the depths in that little cinder block of a way Sure. make sense to me. I guess. here we go I don't like this uh-oh? oh Okay <thumping noises> Okay, all right that doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world, but it sounds pretty bad So I'm gonna assume that it's pretty bad, and I'm gonna try to get out of here as fast as I possibly- okay Well, you don't need to- *gasp* Hey, how's it going? I'm charging blindly in the darkness Oh, I thought that was a person leaning over turns out it was not ah give me that I don't know why I'm getting you anyway All right some kind of oh oh great. Okay. All right, then I'll just go the long way around fine That means so much to you uh Well, I don't like the look at that. I don't like the look of this either Well I can't get in there so I'll take this bad look that I don't like All right anybody here? more DNA? great DNA from what too? Because my theory is my theory is that these anomalous occurrences are a result of Just- like the they're the result of the doctors experimentation they have to be this doctor is doing something that's causing this town to go all Silent Hill Like there's no other explanation for it. I guess well. I guess I'll just start weighing doodling on random bullshit Hope knowing mines. Hope this place doesn't just blow up Perfect. Thanks for the the colorful light cues Oh Wham Oh, my god. That's oddly sexual. All right. Well. That's that's good Somehow that's generating power sure all right. It looks fancy. I'll take it. whatever. Oh do I gotta crawl in that duct because I don't want to do that I really, don't I don't- oh no oh no hello? Okay, it's not open. It's fine. Well. That's closed. What is this? Oh? Hello your new? Okay brag much? Yeah, you know I'm questioning a lot of things about this weird bl- Oh is that blood? I hope it's blood. Why do I hope it's blood? I have no idea at this point I don't know what I'm hoping for I'm open for another goddamn witch eye which I haven't seen in a while oh what the fuuu oh boy okay Well I can't go that way because there's this impassable obstacle in front of me, and I can't possibly Sque- Sqeeze my girth through that little gap. can I go under here? is this something I can do? Oh, it's a maze Oh, Witch Eye! perfect! when you witch upon a star heh I'm sorry Mmm. Oh I'm here, okay. I'm on the other side now I don't know what benefit that did me or why I'm over here. I don't even know what I'm trying to do I know I'm trying to get the power running again, but it seems like it's running on its own What I want well, honestly. What do I need to do? Oh? Found one valve! is it the only valve I need? I don't know if there's two valves to be had here. OH two - okay found two - got em! okay, so I think two is all I needed right? so I got these valves So I just put them on the valve slots, and then I can, i don't know, mosey on carry on with my life? Do whatever I want to do? live happily ever after? all right kachunk kachunkals What'd that do? Somethin' important? Sounds like it. there's another valve over here That's right by that little crawlspace And I'm pretty sure that this is probably gonna open that up and allow me to carry on forward But then again I never really know what's going on in this place. Hi-Yah! Oh come on! Oh wait. No I need to do.. Ahhh It's perfect Ahh Open says me! what the fuu-uu-uck?? I didn't mean to open that much calm down there. Calm thy drafty tits okay All right, is there blood in here? semen? Don't like that Okay, well this is is a nice. There's a nice shot beautiful all right Oh Okay Oh, no. No. This is the opposite of what's good All right Sure come on Whatever's gonna pop out of me to do it already huh? I'm zoomed in. I'm ready I'm so ready- I'm not ready. Oh boy Yeah? Oh more! oh good more! more ductwork to crawl through oh boy I'm so happy about- Oh more Great, it's more. It's more everybody. Oh your wishes came true It's still- OH Alright Okay Is that it? Oh? Oh a witch's eye and a dead body over there, but I'm not gonna worry about that right now I need to collect my eyeballs hmm Umm Hello? do you have a piece of a card cuz that's kind of what I need it's kind of what I came here for so If you could just give me that I'd be extremely happy. Oh you have a wrench Well, I'm gonna have to pick up where you whaaa All right All right, I'm gonna have to pick up where you left off, I guess. nope no I'm not apparently I'm not. There I am I've got it now. Did you do this all these bodie-? WOAH What the fucking hell!? HEY HEY! Whompus! Get out of here! Hey, hey stop it stop Stop Just stop. get out of here. man. What the? What the hell? All right, then mmm well Alrighty then I'm gonna assume that that guy managed to whomp down about a half a dozen of those and that last one was the one that survived Which means that he's kind of a badass? He did pretty good there Unlocks all the doors of the power plant building that would have been very useful to get way way way way way earlier in the game But I'll take what I can and I'm assuming I've still got this monkey wrench because I need to whompus someone else? Is that well I'm reading into this Probably alright, let's see what's in here. Ka-chuncles. alright <sudden music> O-Okay "Leave the power plant" well easy as that huh? What's happening though "Escape"?! that's different than leaving! Okay, all right. Are you someone in high heels over there, then that spells danger in my book! uh-oh. OH hey um oh oh OH Okay, all right, let's remove two evils. I see I'm outy baby. I don't even need to fight you do I oh its behind me isn't it? Okay well see ya! See you around the never! See ya! uh-oh Why did I get stuck? I'm so tall my head hit the ceiling for some reason Ugh it's right behind me isn't it? Probably Let's take a gander back- no I can't I just can block Alright, whatever. I'm out here. Makin' it! Making my way downtown walking fast faces pass and I'm home bound Oh That's the anomaly radio. I forgot about- I forget that was even a thing hi, okay It's clear that Isabel Miller was wrongly sent to Handwell of jail during the final moments of the council She has a piece of her card. I might also be able to find out more about what happened here. Well Oh! Ah You know ... You know... Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait this is from- I've seen this before I've legitimately seen this before no I've seen this That's right I need a fresh image transferred as soon as possible two four six zero one has decided to leave us and I've played Welcome to Handwell I did not connect those dots I completely forgot about that. This is the- oh yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh Yeah! I completely forgot about that what the heck-e-heck. alright? alright then uhuh yep Oh no oh no we- say isn't so! not our doctor Seems like we might be getting some conflicting uhh Inquiries about the whole status of who's in charge here, but uh you know okay, all right, then oh Yeah ah Yeah, I totally remember it. God, how long ago did I play it too? it came a bit forever ago, but it was a good bit ago, man I totally forgot about this. Yeah, the three doors yeah, that doesn't work oh I don't know if I should be excited about this or not, but I bet they're gonna have fresh spoops for me Oh, no. No no no calls for me today no calls today Alright then That didn't look good. Okay? What do you got? Oh Yeah the food! -whispers- I forgot about the food Wow Alright, Joe the phone broke I need to get to the warden about why Down stuck here all this shit falling apart when the suits upstairs get a brand new office. plus these guys are getting impatient half Of them haven't even had a trial. I'm leaving early That's right Okay, all right. I can't remember if that was the same as before But okay all right good stuff all around good stuff good stuff glad. We're here. It's not another electrical box. Okay, all right Someone blew the doors off of this shiter here all right Lets carry on uhh All right and the cell block uh-oh UH Okay big box Barry, what did you do? Oh! Hi, oh, hi. Hello. Hi. How are you? Oh you're staple shut mouth man. Oh, "I am Broot" Okay Hi Broot How are you doing Broot? Brooty boy! You're looking good Don't mind me One of these- somehow these are all gonna open. I know- I know that. I know that's gonna happen. oh Alrighty then Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh there's a lot of DNA in these jail cells. Well how do I get to it? That's the question on my mind and also how much more DNA do I possibly need oh Oh! Wow That wow That's a lot of blood great, okay, cool. Someone behind me? No, not today. Not this time. Okay, all right. Okay, all right we're cool. OOhhh Another long hallway that looks like death Great, let me first see what's down this hallway before I go committing to that. Nothing! Oh, hi Okay, all right then. I can't see you. The bars are in the way. Let me get a good look at you. Okay, you know what I'll just back away slowly. Apparently I'm not supposed to go there. That seems like a bad idea. All right, the decision has been made for me. I will be going down this hallway Alright. great. hate it. I already hate it I I hate it Okay, I hate it. Grea- Oh! New cell block? same cell block. new? old. same? different. It's different, okay uhh Okay, and so you killed him about it for your oh, so important work. Oh. Sor-oooh Sorry <noise in the background> oooh uhoh uhhh Oh, hi hello, Oh your Miller oh Okay, are you dead in there? Or just taking a nap? 'Cause there's some bad stuff happening, but I mean if broot's alive, then I suppose can't all be bad I don't like this my flashlights been on too long. Let me just turn it off for a bit, okay We're just gonna sit in the dark for a little bit Nothing bad can happen to us if we just sit in the darkness all by ourselves okay now we're going to keep going Nope! Flashlight's still bad! It's just supposed to be like that All right. Well. I hate it. I unarguably hate it. Oh, it's bad. I can I go through this way now Is it gonna be open now? no still bad? Okay? Still bad. You know what's still bad? All right? You know it's still bad Don't turn it off Okay, so what do I do ? I didn't get what I needed I don't think I gotta find access to that cell so I got to open up all the cell blocks probably Oh for fuck's sake for fuck's sake I didn't see that okay, all right well Going back oh there they are perfect Okay all right glad we cleared that up Isabel don't worry. I'm coming for your citizenship card for some reason Yeah, all right. It's- god- I can't believe it miss those. all right be right back unless something happens all right Let me see this key- I almost got it unlocks a control room in the jail yeah And I'm pretty sure it's right up these stairs, and it's that oh whoa Low bridge. I'm pretty sure it's this one right to the left here and I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonna like this okay All right remember in the event of a riot panic scream run as fast as you can Alrighty then All right, everybody's free everybody's free! uhoh Broot. Broot! Broot not happy. Broot mad. Broot *real* mad. Alright Broot. You have fun. I'll come find you in a bit Broot. I'll come find you in a bit. Don't worry about it Don't worry about don't- oh Broots Broots Broots going ok Broot's leaving alright, so it shouldn't be too bad, right It shouldn't be too bad Probably oh this is open now Time for an- woah -gasp- oooh You're just gonna watch me shower? Oh UGH You perverts? question mark? Is this like extra perversion, or is is this okay? okay, well I just Lalala la la singing in the shower~ ah badobado ah badobado boop~ well this is bad Okaaaay Can I come out now ohhh uh I don't like it Oh hi, oh I Thought I was alone in here, okay Okay Okay good god. That's horrible oh Well, how are you? Finding your shower may I scrub your back Alright, then. That's awful. Wow this is the worst thing okay? Ah more. Yes, okay excellent. oh All showers are now full great perfect Okay Oh Was pretty good, I'm not gonna lie that was That was pretty good That was pretty good. I'm not gonna lie. I wouldn't lie to you that was pretty good. All right let me go around and collect all the DNA samples all right and let me get the witch eye first and Isabella? you dead? oh, oh you. Oh you. Oh, you're extremely. Oh, you're very dead ugh probably probably uhuh ehuh, ehuh Okay All right, then I believe that! no nope shut up, no, I don't no I don't- I don't I don't need it. I got that all right. I'm gonna leave the jail now sorry I would have listened to the rest of it again, but I just didn't feel like it I'm sorry. I'm just checking for any last DNA Oh There's one more Again, don't know why I need it, but you know there it is. should I leave through the yard? That's where I went in the demo So I can only assume that maybe it wants me to go that way because Broot went that way And if Broot went that way. I'm gonna. Go that way because if there's someone I trust in this hellhole its Broot maybe -mumbles- i don't know Oh, why is the music kicking up you don't need to do that Oh yeah, it's open all right, okay! Okay All right beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. Oh, I remember this Oh yeah Please tell me that broot is just walking around the yard. Oh, oh there's nothing oh Oh It's a whole lot of nothing all right, then why did I come here? Hmm. There's not even a Witch Eye in sight all right. Well. It was a whole lot of nothing then Okay I'm assuming everything's fine, and I just got to go out the front door That seems like something that's true all right. I'm gonna attempt to leave at the front door Nothing seems to be stopping me so I guess- I KNEW IT OH OH Okay well don't tell me I gotta go running all the way back Oh no Okay well That is a thing now. What do I oh? That's locked? uhoh Well, this isn't good at all Oh This is the opposite of good okay anything new happening over here? lockdown roaming Does it? Does that mean? oh. Oh OH Oh? Broot Oh okay? All right, then that's not good Broot Please after all we've been through together Broot? are you still running after me b-woah, okay? Broot is very quietly stip stepping his way towards me. I guess I'll go to the yard I suppose I Don't know I think I got to loop them around I gotta give him the old loop-d-loop to run around you there broot? you there broot? Oh, he's there alright. Okay, alright. Just gonna. Give you a nice loop-d-loop. I Didn't know broot was smart enough to initiate the lockdown are you there broot. I don't know I don't like that I don't like the way. It's just pure darkness you there broot? broot? ugh Stomp twice if you're there broot oh boy up we go Assuming broot is directly behind me and Here we go oh that only opens one way shiiiit Alright there. We go we're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good, and I'm assuming we're outy? Okay, oh, that's it. That's weird. Oh We're finally here! the council the terminal glows a bright green at the swipe of Miller's card Oh, that's what I- oh. ahead I can see the gates the motors roar as they open allowing me in Sure, oh great We're gonna finally get to the quote-unquote bottom of all this apparently oh no blood here Seems like they're doing a good job. Oh, thank you Okay ooh, I don't have the password. I don't know it, but I'm gonna re- oooh Okay oh You're very spastic Oh, no, that's not good Whoop. Okay. It's all motion sensors. I see I Understand I get you hmm, okay, oooo ahhh What the hell did I do All right wrong and right here we go winner winner chicken dinner indeed Okay hello oh Okay everything's on lock down Okay, what happened little wood Why is little wood so little that you didn't even to capitalize the name of little wood. Oh No. No look at all this wiring It's gonna go wrong also are these TVs Do they just have TVs on every single like hall? wall? wallway? wallway? Wall of the hall A Lockdown City, what does that even mean that it's a lockdown City is this anomaly thing happening all over the world Or is it only happening Hanwell? Also, this place is way too nice. I don't like it. It's way too nice, and there's not a drop of blood anywhere Adding a natural security card level one acquired great Okay What does that mean? What do I get for that? What kind of special prize you're gonna give me? Oh no. I can't squeeze Go this way then I'd like to think of these are windows, but they seem to just be giant TVs oh Great Well, I got a security card so that's gonna Do goodly for me. I think I don't know do I need to swipe it again in the security panel surveillance, maybe oh No, I just came from there. So this has got to give me over to the deployment area Yeah, I would have thought that there would have been some kind of security guards or something like that people would come kind of anti Anomaly gun if I can whack them with a crowbar I'd assume that generally you could kill 'em oh wow Yeah Wow good advice that you should have been saying a while ago. Can I have one of these guns, please? I'm assuming these are gun lockers and that they're used in the occurrence of anomalies which I'm cursin currently fighting oh well whatever at least I got DNA oh Hello Hello okay, oh All right, then you stay true to you. What is this? Oh? Password discovered oh god. That's a long one Aluto-hala-gano we sinned 12, okay, I'm not even going to come up with analogy I was gonna come up with analogy if it was short enough, but that is way too goddamn long And I don't all right fine. I'll do it Fuck what is it? I can't even read what it says. I l w th t holla igano, we sinned 12 all right I Love when those happy awesome little ladies all agonizingly gallop around NNNNNewton Oh what evil Sinners I interpret now 12...12! Shut up, shut up. It doesn't make any goddamn shut up shut up. Don't quote me on that that was stupid shut up I got a password boink user one unlocked Can I get in security? No okay? Can I go through here now oooh Well this is awfully nice oh Never mind. It's too nice. Don't like it. Okay. I'll just gonna skedaddle all righty, then I Don't know what this place is and I don't know why it's here, but I don't like it <you> me? <you're one of them aren't you?> wha? <yes I can see the resemblance. hm, much younger> <fascinating I don't suppose you inherited his self inflicted abilities though did you?> <you have no idea do you?> <*laughter*> <go find a mirror> Well I would but all the mirrors happened to be broken They were all broken everywhere every single one that I found was all broked all right what is this administrative Do you have a milla-mirror Anybody have a mirror oh god all monitors. No mirrors. Okay, all right then guess I'll just Imagine what I look like oh, I don't know the code for that all right, whatever Yeah Miller what did Miller even do was Miller like some kind of important person in this adventure? I don't know uhuh What kind of recreation are you doing are you trying to get a football team for Hanwell Hanwell University What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Hang on I've gotta see if there's one more there's a server room back there too. Oh There's a piece of paper over here. Oh, yeah Oh, I got a password. Oh no it's the same one. Okay. I don't need a come up with anything else how can you keep forgetting? It's pretty easy as long as you know the first four numbers of the two times table I'll give you a clue the first ones 2. Ha ha Al 2 4 6 8 is that it did 2 4 6 8 I Don't know whatever two four six eight who do we appreciate? Me me I got an engineering clearance my dream has finally come true All right, let's go to the server room. Oh. Oh it's all Futuristic and high-tech I love it hey DNA Why is the doctor just throwing his DNA absolutely everywhere he possibly can all right, you know what I got it It's great nice servers. I don't know why I went through there Mmm nice Locker like the one that moves in the school okay oh why are these lockers just everywhere? Did I need to go to the server room for any reason did I need to do anything? Does anybody have a mirror still looking still waiting on that mirror all right has anyone else wondered? Why we just call him the doctor who even is he? *giggles* is he Dr. Who? hehe okay shut up I got a password No, I don't know the password. I just got a password I did though This is weird Okay, oh wow? oooooh Science there's obviously a lot of science that's been happening here Wow DNA! very science-y Okay But also what am I looking for here, man? Everything's in a state of disarray, but there again not a drop of blood And I'm sure that's intentional because they have been just Throwing blood around every single other location that I've been to so there's got to be a reason. There is no blood It's too clean, and I can't imagine that everybody got away from it. Whatever. It was oh boy Engineering Finally I can get to my dream place What was what? huh ah <oh Doctor he's here!> <He...He's here> <The one you've been looking for so franticly is right here> <Just waltzed into the council > Okay, all right is that good or bad? I don't imagine that he's dangerous by himself, huh? hey I got a password uhuh Okay all right again. It doesn't make any sense how I'm able to wander around everywhere if everything's so dangerous What exactly is the danger? Oh? All right danger over there. No apparently not they're just testing doors great the ultimate security doors And let me see what's over here Social engineering what does that even mean would what are you socially engineer izing that doesn't make any sense? I don't get it. I don't understand Oh, this is way above my pay grade because I never finished engineering school. I just don't understand Oh, this is green Why is it so green? Okay Mmmm And we're back all right, I got a password boink all right oh Do I need oh this is what that password was for ooooh I see so technically I do have everything then What did I get from that safe? Still don't like that. Oh Oh Oh, you can't get through that okay? Oh Very dead, okay. I should get out of the way that huh? Well This is a problem. Oh oh oh okay almost died all right. I see I see I'm going Not very secure I think oh yeah, oh, yes, oh ahh ahhh Okay, I made it wow you know your security system kind of sucks I mean I know I saw it in Resident Evil, but it worked way better then that it did here, man All right, I barely even came close to dying <the doctor doesn't know. Well, he..he doesn't speak to me> <He must be bitter knowing that he can't touch me or maybe he's trying to punish me> <I didn't agree with his dystopian view of the city I walled[?] so malevolently for so many years> <Look at me telling you about the Doctor. Ah, you should know more about him more than anyone, surely?> < After all, your his only success since the forth> Ah Surely Okay, all right, then. I don't know what that means. I don't know what I am I'm trying to find a mirror, but I just don't understand. I don't understand any < 99 [???]> <He's managed to retain 99% of his DNA with you> <Oh I guess the 1% he lost was the bit that makes you talk. You're far to quite> <oh nonono I don't like you> Okay, well that's rude. I haven't even met you. You've only been looking and talking to me. I haven't even seen you Where are you at? Huh? What's going on here this bullshit? Man is this why I'm collecting all the DNA Mayor's security guard acquired great, okay? No Uhuh Uhuh Oh So am I a clone of the doctor I don't understand that at all or why but okay, you know what all right? I think that's a okay oh Oh Hi Hello <Go find him I'm sure he's desperate to meet you> Okay Hi, how you doing? Are you doing mayor? How you doing? Let me get a good look at you. Okay? All right? well I guess I should go meet him then huh Didn't you do you have a mirror like a pocket mirror in your handbag or something? I don't know okay, all right then so yeah, I'll just go meet the doctor then I guess Doc are you here is the doctor in his office because this does say doctor over here And I'm only assuming that you know that's a thing that I need to do Surely all right anyway oooh ooh All right Okay office Doctor Doc! doc You in here all right get another password whoo see this Did manage to maintain 99% of my DNA within nc3 Unfortunately he died within a week No matter the infusion of anomalous DNA with my own negates the need for a successor clone Okay all right anomalous DNA. How's how's that even-? How's that even a thing? What do you mean an anomalous DNA? What Kind of anomalous DNA are you working with? Why does an anomaly even have DNA? Ugh I don't even know Hello doc are you in here are you anom alized? Okay, all right then um. I don't know the password. Why don't I know the password? I don't even know the code to this thing Well shit Nope, not always an X huh all righty, then. I don't know where I'm going Oh Oh that is subtle. Oh that is very subtle. Oh, is that a 2? I think it's 2 2 9 6 Oh? That took a while to find, but I think I got it all right 2 2 9 6 password Oh LL FG NOP look Larry forget gonads no one Poops! Alright, I was always better with numbers ok. I got it oh Oh oh, no. Oh oh oh That's that that's not good That's not good. The mayor doesn't look so healthy um all right Did I do that by deactivating the laser gate or did that already happen and? I'm just kind of an asshole But you know I guess it doesn't matter no matter what happens, I'm gonna get through there, I'm gonna get the final password and then Im gonna go in the advanced research wing and then Everything is gonna. Be hunky-dory you still here guys. Oh good. How bout my radio Oh. Yep. They're still here oh that's that's not Good Okay got a password Okay all right closure indeed good. God. It's like you just Exploded into blood all right well whatever I got the last Password I suppose I should feel worse about that but for some reason I do not lets just carry on to see what's at the end here all right? Hello, ah Oh yes very very fancy oh No, there's another door that I gotta get through how could there be a higher echelon of security than what we just saw oh Ah I see Okay, VI VIP refectory What does that even mean? Entertainment genetics oh no denied Okay containment. Okay. What is with these walls? What's the point of any of this are the flickering lights by design? Biology, okay sure yeah, oh good we can go in biology I'm sure this is where all my DNA will come into play all right, okay? hello? Oooh That is weird Oh oooo Aaaah What am I looking at? I know I have no idea what I'm looking at okay. Oh Nice music, I'm some kind of aliens, I'm assuming great great glad. We're dealing with aliens That's probably the way This is probably just some other no Well that don't look good. I probably shouldn't walk directly into that Yep, okay. I was right. Can't walk directly into it, okay Yeah, what do we have here no password just another security terminal. Well. I don't have the answer now. Do I oh? hiiii Hello Oh, you don't look so good. Oh, you don't look good at all Oh, well, what is wrong with you? You're like some kind of SCP and this place is containing you Probably more close to the truth than I thought it would be okay. I'm gonna go deactivate whatever security systems are probably unleash you Boink Oh another Okay that was just another password. Okay. I got two passwords now Don't know what the hell. I'm gonna do with those, but okay, geez all right scadoodley Mainframe nope not there Okay, maybe I got both the passwords that probably be pretty nice. I don't know if it's gonna be that easy Maybe it will be nope. I don't know the password well how am I gonna be able to get into any of these other ones? But I thought Well, where does it? I got two passwords didn't I? maybe I didn't Oh Hello, Oh Genetics clearance great I didn't even notice that that was hard to find uh Seems to be a common theme in this last level oh Whoa hey? Whoa why oh? Oh? What the fuck? What the fucking fuck you oh my god? Why is that necessary? Holy shit? Okay, oh I see Chism's you bout cut my liver out good thing I got all this doctor, DNA, and so I don't look good all right. Oh, that's not good. That's not good ow Jeezums okay, I'm gonna go now nope not gonna make it am I ah ow! well, I'm dead Then what the fucking where is it gonna put me back? Oh Good here ya it knows that oh All right fine, then ow okay. I found my path I found my path ow Okay, oh, wee oh oh It's still coming All right, I gotta get into the genetics. I'm going for it duh Why why why security system now? Was the doctor oh, there's the blood Finally I'm so happy er that I found the place where all the blood is great good What is this? I don't know all right? Containment clearance that's nice What's in containment that I could possibly want to know about because that sounds bad okay now going in there Jeezums alright fine. Oh the squealing is happening again Okay, alright containment. I see alright oh ah uh oh Well This is fine Nope okay. Oh, yes, oh hi hello, I'm sorry You know what something tells me I shouldn't be in here. It's like some come up kind of other bidding room hello. No okay? Ay AH WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH Whoa what the fucking hey fuck you man, I got the password fuck you Jeezums that actually scared the bejesums out of me. I only have so many bejesums left Good golly Stop being a dick all right. Well. Oh fucking go. Okay. We made it security system lockdown Is it still is it still bad? Okay? It's fine still behind me, okay open. Please, can you deal with something behind me? Okay, good Okay well that seems weird and dictatorial Whoa what is this? What is this excuse me? I know that was incredibly important. Oh good a wrench Oh, No Oh oh oh oh Oh aaah That's not good. That's what you would call not good. Hah doc huh? Well no not that one well Okay, not that one either oh boy Huh, oh One more DNA I'm gonna be pissed if I've missed one sample of that dr. Sweet, DNA, but I guess that explained the whole 99 percent thing, huh? I'm just not good enough am I dad. I never lived up to your measurement dad Can I get through here or no? Oh oh? oh apparently Okay, okay apparently I can I didn't know I had the passwords doc Doc there's a lot of wrench kill the doctor. Okay. You know you know I don't put ah Ah AH Hey oh I see ah that's supposed to help me Okay, can I give you- wha oh oh oh oh Whoa-oh No not really I don't really care about hanwell all I know is that things are gone weird I don't know where you are, but okay? Where'd you go oh, hey Doc oh? Hi How you doing? Can I help you oh? All righty, then I don't know what that was supposed to do. It's not very intimidating How about a good old fashioned wrench me know if I had a gun I feel like this would be a lot easier Whoa Whoa whoa whoa can I turn on the laser trap jeezums? No not really uh oh, haha get rekt ow fuck my blood. I needed that blood Okay, you can have it am I hitting you. I'm right up on whoa okay? Oh ow maybe uh oh, uhoh uhoh No no no no no, I'm getting bounced around like a sock puppet. Okay? Well, I'm dead all right well I don't know how to fight this guy I don't know what the hell I'm doing all right whatever pick up a ranch owowow Hello, come on come at me come at me nah Nah x6 Nah, nah, whap whapus how? Oh? What the fuck oh god? It's one of you ha no. Oh, please don't no I don't want it there we go I think I just need to get enough whaps on him directly That's not good Ow Fucking stop stop stop stop God damn it and I thought I'd turned on the lasers uh fuck it whatever No come on. Oh shit bags. That's right. Get down. Okay. Let me turn this on Whoa whoa whoa? What's the fuck? Why do you keep getting, but you get to keep bypassing my bullshit There we go fuck - you out ah Come on. You're so annoying Stop you're annoying god. You're so annoying Okay, I'm gonna get you No, I don't have a goddamn wrench are you fucking with me? Oh? There's no wrenches up here. Oh, god. Damn it. Okay. Well. Okay, all right wonderful All right, well. I can't do anything until I get a fucking alright here. We go. Yes. Oh, not you Just Oh stop bouncing me. Oh you are so annoying Oh really Fucking fuck you. Oh my god. Oh My god. This is the most annoying thing I've ever done Right okay, this is great. Yeah, this is wonderful. Thank you for this, okay Yeah, it's bounced me around yeah, bouncing me around when I can't even fucking jump I've I don't have a weapon no come on. I don't have a weapon. I can't move god dammit. I I can't fucking move god fucking are you fucking kidding me? This is the worst get the fuck out of my way, are you kidding me? Wait oh he's dead. Oh Good fuck you Good God Gah my god, that was fucking impossible Such a weird move for a game to decide to suddenly be a combat game Cuz I mean it was like very no way I mean it was combat, but there was so little huh, okay? I guess good ah Huh, I mean that's my only criticism about the game is the ending what a weird fucking ending but That is the counsel of Hanwell made by a Nathan seedhouse 3d art by Niall Voice music by James Elsey that was good It had its flaws it was a bit stiff It was a bit rough around the edges, but even so that was a fun adventure I'm glad I was able to play it all in one go and I'm glad that you guys were able to see it all the same Thank you Everybody that watched this let me know what you think of this game down in the comments below there aren't too many Indie horror games being made these days, so it's always good to see something special come out of the indie development community And I always want to celebrate When they're made it did have its flaws it did but it also had a lot of really cool moments a lot of scary moments and It was good to see progress happen from the last time I played the demo of this to now so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you In the next video bye bye <Outro Music>
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,391,450
Rating: 4.9276147 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, the council of hanwell, scary games, scariest games, jump scares, monsters, darkness, horror games, gaming, gameplay
Id: 9utuLKGOghM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 27sec (6687 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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