OODLES of SPOOPLES | Layers of Fear #1

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Holy crap, I suggested this game in the comments! It's probably a coincidence, but yeah. Still cool that he's playing it. :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/typicallydeviant 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2015 🗫︎ replies
just out of reach huh hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to layers of fear now this is an indie horror game or maybe it's not but it's an early access right now and usually that means stay away probably not very good but it's overwhelmingly positively rated and everyone has asked me to play it so with that being said I'm gonna get going and I also discovered because I started up to see what it was like usually I do with these indie horror games just to see is it good but there's a surprise because the torment I have to endure I still hear the scratching in my head deeper and my hands cut so many times on broken bottles each night drowning in a cold sweat but there is a way way to bring back what life took from me the only precious thing every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist not of the sitter Oscar Wilde picture the painting of the Picture of Dorian Gray anyway that I think I'm not entirely sure 100% but that sounds a lot like Patton Oswald and whenever I think of Patton Oswalt I think of ratatouille which is my favorite favorite Pixar movie down into the basement on a dark stormy day our three little rascals chanced for a stray goody goody gumdrops okay so anyway this is as far as I got I just loaded it up and I noticed that it's gorgeous like this game is beautiful this is so well done and this is a dog muscle I saw this but just look at this look at this whoa hey I saw you I didn't vote there's a rat there's a rat in here Patton Oswalt did Brad - Brad who's my favorite Oh an artist triumph gallery opening Wow scrit --ax I'm calling the new Caravaggio others compared him to Van Eyck and one awestruck critic who wishes to remain unnamed when as far to his invoke the Great Spirit the spirit of the great Leonardo anyway you're slightly the exhibition moved in immense success okay so I'm assuming that's about me dear sir we would like to ask you to cease bothering our pest control specialists as well as refrain from sending us any more of your highly inappropriate letters I'll have you know that my mother is a respectable woman and does not take kindly to such accusations all of our employees have visited your house reported absolutely no signs of rodent infestation of any kind and as such decided not to act it further than a prophylactic spraying please treat this letter as a final warning or else in ektu envelope you'll proceed will be from our lawyers with best regards Carl Denton pesky pests pacification coat okay I read them okay so apparently this guy's got a rodent problem and he needs to solve it sir I didn't touch the workshop just like you asked although I can't imagine just part of the music or should I be worried about that I can't imagine the mess that's inside also if you care so much for that room maybe you should pay more attention to where you leave the keys I brought them back to your office have a nice day okay yeah yeah seriously what the hell happened to that door what have I done in this house what am I doing with my life down in the basement the children chance for a stray it's rain for a chance something chance I don't know they did something what's that sound hello oh hi okay oh hey whoa again hey how's it going there are you doing it okay so that's cool click it's a little brighter I don't look so good but apparently we're in the age of electricity one below knee prosthesis how the heck did they Frick up the I don't know what this okay but nothing too horrible in the bathroom over here okay so I'm whoa hey Wow hi there Oh oh my god what is it that one oh geez hello wow I have got some lovely artwork am I the artist am i the artist that's kind of going bonkers around here oh hi how's it going stumbling here and there something everywhere and galactic strand opening in flames disastrous fire at the new departments story leaves dozens fighting for their lives oh good the music stopped sir okay the long awaited opening blah blah blah exact number contigs not two terminals of his estimated leasing dealt with people huh whoa smash that up for some reason dang so something tragic happened in this guy's life obviously lost family lost his wife whoa whoa Lenny Vinny and partners got a rat problem fast efficient and discreet to call us now forget about it I don't think you're talking about the animal rats yeah probably best I don't go in there that that doesn't seem too fun okay so I gotta find keys to the boom hi how's it going there hello I don't have a flashlight or anything okay cool oh god oh god oh it's so my god that is so weird what's wrong with your face is he is he like uh you know there's some people that have a genetic deficiency where they grow hair all over the face that kind of looks like what that's all about oh man then I shouldn't I couldn't be so rude if that's case uh anyway oh hello hi oh this is gonna end well oh look they're friends good friend oh god they're not friends they're not friends oh well you just ran into the wolf why'd you do that oh god is that how the traditional story ended horribly okay all right then mosey on down this is cheerful this is delightful oh good oh what's done Oh I I know bad sign when I see it I don't think that was good sign oh hey hey there oh this is not oh god what is that it's so print this game is really really really pretty what is this I know you're not colorblind a day out of the naked eye pink Oh was I criticizing oh my god am I an artist that just criticizes daughters painting what an [ __ ] you're a douche whoa the mom doesn't look so happy well doctor doesn't look like oh god the toy soldier child missing oh this is starting to paint a picture here Oh family ain't doing so good Oh God oh lordy Lou oh man oh you're so weird oh okay I'll get out of here now all just be on the way there's a singing video gum drops okay so this might be the key to the thing down here oh okay there's paint ahh Wow Oh deep breaths remember you're professional it's just the first few strokes then you're over the hump what's so hard about that well apparently a lot of things apparently you're a jackass artist too hi okay so oh that's a lot of ink a lot of ink from my paintings that seemed a little significant should I get started here should I start Willy whacking away nothing apparently why is that locked it's not a good sign Wow okay all right so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do much here maybe this is gonna develop as the game goes along dan there's a lot of drawers anything anything anything anything to prevent me from going into the basement which I don't want to go into cuz I know there's gonna be horrible things down there oh gosh it's definitely good at setting up a scenario okay into the base when we go I don't know where it's gonna be like that huh oh oh oh oh okay just out of reach huh okay thank you for that that was cool glad you did that what are you gonna do next some behind the windows here oh oh you're a dick oh you're a douche oh hi did I paint you oh well this looks cheerful except for all the what might be blood going in circles oh no is this gonna be a PT scenario just turn this off gonna save electricity you know I'm not made of money part of my douchey yes to my family I guess well there's not even the door in this one is there anything for me to actually inspect around here well I don't know the code I'll just maybe that's clues to the code somewhere around here hello save the date of that probably would be the code but I can't beat that nothing nothing there squeak no okay well this was a waste of time I think I'll just be on my way go home well I am home I goes ah 485 thank you demons you're certainly helpful 485 it is good the whispering it really adds a nice touch I really like the sinister sounds emanating from the environment the past holds back that have fought alone the most beautiful piece of art doesn't have mine is killing me so so will you marry me oh no no I won't uh those so corny okay oh never forget never do forget what that this door was here oh this is so a PT scenario hello a once great artist new painting laughed out of galleries oh oh the man has been through a lot lately and obviously it has taken a toll on him still if we were to remain silent and pretend this was even remotely acceptable we would be doing the artist a disservice so they laughed at him very hard ha ha your wife and maybe daughter died son daughter I'll say daughter hi how's it go oh you have no flashlight oh no flashlight all right no flashlights have no pleasure Oh Kizzy hello go to the light that's just what it wants me to do it just wants me to go to the light that's what it wants me to do dust mice even in my lungs there's always more grotesque vermin dirt what does that mean I think you might be going a little bit out of your mind Oh another light in the darkness hi hi there how's it going hey okay well all right well I mean let's okay oh I don't think I like this I think there's a bunch of baloney I don't even know how long this game is I mean I know it's early access but I really don't know how long if it's going to be finished in one experience or one oh oh oh oh was that always like that oh oh the baby doll hey who the heck do you think you are in my house placing yourself a horrifying goop trapped we're gonna go again huh maybe maybe mayor council mayor hack you too I'm sure that I'm sure it says hack there while it is true that some artists progressed beyond their times in this becoming comprehensible for contemporary critics it is my opinion that this simply isn't the case well it hurts me to say this loo this hasn't progressed I would go as far to say that if anything what we are witnessing is artists artistic regression thanks your input is well noted much [ __ ] you okay okay okay all right oh I was gonna close it anyway thanks for getting ahead of me okay okay all right this looks good that's very well lit that seems to want to lead me towards that but I'm no fool I'm no fool hi I'm a horror expert I know exactly what it wants me to do it oh my god screeching arsonists echoing screams they stop at nothing I won't go down easy I seem to be going down several places well hi how's it going Stu danger did they just jump into the fire what why don't know that right why did they done do that why they don't do this then I am NOT gonna question your reasons can I crouch this chest under I don't think I could open it anyway all right let's see what you got bring it on oh yeah how's it you just used your paint down a little bit oh so scared that's all you're gonna do throw a book Jamie whoa that don't look good that does not look happy yeah where are their eyes all bleeding also why are they hanging why is any of this why was this painted yeah all righty then cool so far so a ver egde I mean this is supposed to be things spooky it's is supposed to be spooky is this game trying to spook me what does it think I am a big bubble blowing baby I'm a man I'm a manly man who's seen hundreds if not thousands of horror games in my time I know my way around a few scary situations okay it's been a while it took me six months to be able to hold a pen again it's been a while it took me six months to be able to hold a pen again but I finally did it it still hurts but the pain is just bearable enough for me to jot down a few lines the things we take for granted wow that's deep I think I better rest some more before I put ancient philosophers to shame oh okay you were being sarcastic to yourself hello oh man I am losing it or not I am losing no no no no no no oh good good good you know what good good I'm glad that's good I'd I'd prefer it this way who fills me with such glee oh oh oh no no no don't be locked yeah don't be locked no don't be like okay okay what was that what was that what was that I heard that first step is the hardest was AB I heard that hello oh it is ratatouille oh hi that was quick I sometimes hard to tell what what is a thing and what's not a thing oh okay this is cookware okay good okay oh oh okay oh it's locked oh great I guess I won't be going anywhere oh good okay why Hey no the hell you think you're doing hi someone will come in delivery Girl Scout cookies Oh No oh that's so cool but probably not good first I looked for a canvas not just any canvas so skin is that scanning to find it knife Oh God not one of those bread ones it needed to be as sharp as a razor something tells me that's not patton oswalt anymore in fact and then carefully flayed the skin you don't have to say it so keep my hand steady it usually does the opposite of that what the hell is this what did I get Oh God Oh No stop that what's doing it I don't know what that was stop that no dust mice okay oh this is the things I found oh good I'm gonna have old collection of crap oh so now I found it oh I get it oh good oh good Oh blood flamingos flamingos oh hello first I oh yeah I know about okay so there's six pieces of skin in total and then more progress on this masterpiece of mine and someone's whispering and I don't like it oh God okay I don't know how long this game is but if there's six pieces of skin then I I do want to complete this game I really do so this could be a really fun series so thank you everybody so much for watching I'm gonna continue this game and it's pretty spoopy and I love it so thanks again everyone and as always I will see you in the next video I got my gun
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,345,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scary, Funny, Scared, Scream, Game, Creepy, Screaming, gameplay, layers of fear, markiplier, playthrough, scary moments, reactions, facecam, video games, layers of fear part 1, layers of fear markiplier, plenty of scares, horror game, scary game
Id: PzZHx7FkJR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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