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can I mention how much I love this hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to error 54 all right let's what do you got for me [Music] okay oh this is legit isn't it oh this is for real okay Oh visions a little swirly press G dad to inventory all right oh that's powerful light okay it's not nearly as powerful as I thought it's still dark I was weird okay so we're going big spook hours are we oh it's big spooky time baby pulling into big spooky Tom Junction okay I'm down I'm down to Klump yeah I'm down to clown with this now the vision is just a little weird am I crazy or is it like pulsing in and out at random and also everything seems really dream sequence like what what I could have sworn I just saw like eyes at back of that hallway but I'm crazy what's happening oh no oh it's Petey oh this is Petey Oh way notes why is everything backwards I see I see I see I see all right oh not everything's backwards only some things are backwards only that run back there's whoa my sprint is fast all right okay okay it was then always there I don't remember that one but okay I'm guessing that there's gonna be nothing in these cabinets I'm just guessing well I don't like this I'm just trying all the doors Oh in case they change I didn't expect that well then I guess we got a problem okay broken Lantern was added to inventory where's my inventory do I need to worry about my inventory I'm not gonna worry about my inventory cyber crime the latest news for day a dangerous virus has rapidly captured hundreds of thousands of devices around the world American telecommunications they accompany Jane Fariq has warned users about the act of spreading a malicious software called number 54 this virus has infected hundreds of thousands of computers and this number is growing exponentially information security experts claim that this virus collects all possible information about the user and transmitted to the creator London and Washington accused Russia of spreading the virus the Creator the Creator who is the creator I thought I heard like breathing okay okay yeah yeah sure okay yeah yeah okay this all makes sense this is all Gucci this is great this is good first you son of a [ __ ] everything is incredibly fine was that me please tell me that was me I really hope beyond hope that that was me oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I don't like this I don't like this at all what was that what was that noise we're fine keys keys I got keys great love keys I don't think so I do not think so oh there's nobody there great good this is fantastic I love everything about this this is great this game is great Oh someone knocked over the radio that's great also great okay stop what squeaking squeaking can I will smack you oh oh are those the keys I just used cuz that was convenient but also I don't know why I needed that still dark huh still dark okay okay this is fine oh good you're open now I was hoping I was hoping you would be open hoping you do was that me breathing I'm gonna assume that was me breathing in the city of Portland residents reported the loss of well-known video bloggers having on the channel more than a hundred thousand subscribers on the channel bloggers shared how to fix various system errors and get rid of viruses it is known that the blogger at the time of the kidnapping was at home and filmed another video tutorial and even managed to save the file called how to fix number 54 system error the search has already begun and then youtuber with many hundreds of thousands of subscribers who recorded video of Jame 54 freaking frick frick frick frick frick goes missing very mysteriously [Applause] [Music] whoo ohh whoo ohh whoo ohh whoo ohh whoo ohh whoo this is fine oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I'm gonna close this door and when I open it again everything's gonna be Gucci everything is gonna be super Gucci Gucci duty yep just as I was way too me [Music] my back was just up against that okay oh good oh good oh good oh oh good good good in fact good the only word that I would use to describe the scenario is good oh good another note why I don't know don't have any idea can't escape here we go here we go well why why why why I don't know why I actually do not know but sure it's fine okay okay okay all right yeah okay all right okay some backrooms [ __ ] going on here there's something on it I'm gonna go this way gotta go this way and everything will be fine don't gotta go this way okay and then everything will be fine great everything's fine well right and sunshiny in here huh Brian sunshine great good good so great so great so great actually the greatest I'd say the best this is great I love this can I mention how much I love this fine this is great this so cool it's fine it's good so good so good thought I heard a noise behind me I might have been in the game how are you doing how are you doing how are you doing okay yeah that's just icing on the cake there you didn't need to do that okay okay all right oh look behind you oh I shouldn't looked I shouldn't have looked I should have known I should have guessed oh good it's awful I mean this is great this is fine your booby trap almost got me but I'm just too clever by I can't go through here so I guess I'll go back the way I came oh good and no great I was hoping for one of these do you want to play what about hide-and-seek you're hiding oh well then that's fascinating [Music] hey guess I lose your it wanna plant Seco if you're hiding okay good you gonna do it again oh yeah I'm coming for you yeah yeah whatever whatever whatever loser where am I going oh god I mean the wall okay alright I think I'm doing this wrong a few ways so you're there aha there we go there we go there we go this way this way this way this way ah flashlight yeah that's important okay there's no cybercrime the latest news from today epidemic of dangerous computer virus moves to a new level yesterday the virus named 54 CS to all the electronic billboards in Tokyo and demonstrated the startling inscription you were next to save the city from this inscription could only one way power off the damage caused by the most massive cyberattack is estimated at tens of millions of dollars the city authorities are furious great great that's good that's good that's good stuff good stuff good solution power off the whole city huh couldn't have powered off the billboard or something the whole city okay okay all right oh hey I did it I did it I made it out I made it out of the maze and a free the 54 virus is the biggest threat to the global economy over the past two days hundreds of millions of people have complained about their banks for stolen money and completely zeroed out cash accounts the damage is estimated at more than 10 billion dollars as strange as it may sound many now do not advise to use the Internet at all because of virus 54 doesn't sound very strange I'm sure people complied I'm sure of it oh god no what are you in this what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing are you doing what are you doing leave this place I'm trying you see that's what I'm trying to do hi okay you know what actually I'm gonna leave oh that's not good what's this Oh right great I didn't see the keys didn't see the keys keys right there I see him I see him got him easy peasy easy peasy easy keys easy keys keys these Keys got the keys easy well then oh don't like that no that's not good that's not good at all no God I don't have hope keys I see I see my see give give give give give it's right there gift yes gift gift oh my god did I make it oh god I didn't make it did I mark that's normal oh that's not good Oh [Music] that was I think we can all agree easily one of the scariest games I've played that was terrifying the pacing was spot-on like I died a few times but the lead-up to it was so well done that's it god that was good wherever the developer is here I don't even know if it says who made this someone by the name achillea IQ yeah that was good I really like that that's all I can say so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to play this for yourself links in the description but man that was really terrifying I loved it though so thanks again if you want to see more scary games that I've played I'll put them in the description below or there in the suggested videos over there if you enjoyed this leave a like if you want to see more scary games subscribe to the channel ring the bell if you want to know when videos are coming out and thanks again and as always I'll see you bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,047,672
Rating: 4.9744411 out of 5
Keywords: error#54, error#54 game, error#54 markiplier, scary, scary games, honestly terrifying, terrifying, horrifying, horror, markiplier, markiplier horror games, markiplier scary games, jumpscare, jump scare, creepy, creepypasta, error 53, error 54, error 53 markiplier, scariest games, scariest game ever
Id: 7jdRBbAwMys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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