WELCOME TO HELL!! | Outlast 2 - Part 1

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Hello everybody, my name is Multiplier and welcome to Outlast 2. Now I know like many of you out there I have been waiting for this game for a long, long time and I am so, SO ready to get into this. And I'm only gonna play it on normal because I know I'm gonna die already, so I might as well just get this - just make it a little bit easier on me, and uh - Oh boy(!) "intense violence, gore, graphic sexual content, and strong language! Please enjoy." Oh, for your fellow masochists out there this is going to be a FUN ride. (Reading text) Oh. (starts reading) "My land laid waste but my--" Okay, never mind then... Jessica: Please, Blake. *whispers* Where are you? Mark: I don't know, it's dark! Jessica: I'm scared. Mark: Me too! I don't know why I'm here! Maybe you could tell me a little bit of that! *Footsteps* Jessica: He's coming. Mark: Who's coming? *Jessica suddenly screams* Mark: Jesus! Jessica: He's here! *more screaming screams* Get away! Fast! *longer scream* Lynn: Jesus, Blake. Are you really sleeping? Blake: I'm awake. Lynn: You should have slept last night. Blake: I had to get that hospital footage organized. *Mark makes weird "I dunno" sound* Lynn: You were calling out some other woman's name. Mark: Oops! Blake: What? Lynn: In your sleep. Jessica, I think. Lynn: ...you know a Jessica? Blake: Oh, no, I mean... I was dreaming about Jessica Gray. From when we were kids. Lynn: Oh yeah, I haven't thought about her in ages. Pilot: Hey, we're crossing into reservation land now. You said I'm lookin' for some sort of factory? Blake: Yeah. Pilot: We can look, but there's nothing out here. Blake: Does look pretty empty. Mark: Hmmm Lynn: All the mercury in that woman's blood... She had to have spent at least a decade downstream from some pretty heavy industry. Pilot: If you say so, ma'am. You bought the time. Lynn: We should record an intro while we're up here, production value? Mark: Yeah sure ok. Mark: Good thing I'm a camera man! I know how to do this. Blake: Audio's gonna be crap, we'll have to- *plane shakes* Blake: Woah! What the f*ck!? *raspy voice* Oh sorry my glasses Pilot: Sorry about that! Pilot: Left panel's a little soft... Pilot: But, uh... well... We're Good! Mark: We're good, it's fine! Yeah it's fine. Lynn: That was exciting. Lynn: Get as much of the landscape behind me as you can. Mark: Oh, ok. Lynn: Ya' got me? Blake: We're good. Mark: We're good. We're good. Lynn: Hum... Red leather, yellow leather. Mark: I got it. Lynn: Red leather, yellow leather. Mark: I got these trees. Lynn: Havasupi. (x2) Mark: Have a soo pie? Mark: Have a super day! Lynn: Okay. Mark: Alright. Lynn: I'm Lynn Langerman, here for News Tomorrow dot net. Mark: Yeah. Lynn: We're flying past the Havasupi Indian Reservation in central Arizona, Mark: Ah uh. Lynn: in search of the origins of murder victim Jane Doe. Blake: Hey, Lynn, um- Blake: I don't think you should say MURDERED. Blake: We don't know that. Lynn: Oh, I'll say she strangled herself to death! Blake: That's what the police report says. Lynn: We may play this before the doctor interviews. Lynn: If this falls on the first thirty we need to get the word "murder" in there. Lynn: We should probably mention the fetus, too, I mean- Lynn: How it just... *sighs* Mark: Yeah, mention the fetus. That's a good idea. Lynn: Here, let me try a version that can serve as an intro for the whole piece. Lynn: Tell me when we're good. Mark: Oh we're good, we're ready. Blake: Okay, we're good. Lynn: Two weeks ago, a young woman was found Lynn: wandering, barefoot, pregnant, and alone Mark: Alone. Lynn: (cont.) on a barren stretch of highway, a hundred miles from the nearest- *buzzing sound, followed by "bang"* Lynn: Oh! Pilot: We lost the engine! F*ck! F*ck! Mark: F*CK!!! Oh, f*ck. Lynn: Oh God, oh God! (screams) Pilot: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! 1000 ft, 800, 500, 300, 200, 100! Blake: Don't let go! Lynn: Please Blake, I don't want to die! (screams) Mark: Allllrighty then!! OOOOKAY. GREAT. HERE WE BE! In the middle of the game. Holy Sh*t. That's not- oh! Where? ... *chuckles* *intense chuckling* I don't know where we are. I don't know why we're here. I thought I was crashing and- DYYYIINNGG. *raspy* Hi How you doin? You good? I'm good. If you're good, I'm good. Oh, what a lovely school. OOHHHHH Delightful. Is this this my.... to Jessica... OOOOHHH. Is that the same Jessica we were talking about? Are these my dreams with which... disturb me... Hi. OH Hi. Principal, come back!! I need to learn! My education is important! Oh... okay. Oh god... alright then. Ugh, so far this just feels like an accelerated - er no! This feels like a slowed down version of the demo. 'Cause in my ima- in my imagination, I thought the demo was completely unrelated to the main game. But I- (pauses) Why is there a choir following me down this hallway?! I don't think that's necessary! I mean, the last Outlast had the haunted tuba behind me. Maybe you could just go- maybe you could go f*ck off, please. I need to concentrate on my education. *boosted screaming* (ominous music and humming) Ooooooh hi. OH. YOU MIGHT WANNA LOOK OUT. Young Jessica: We're not alone here. I can TELL by the river of BLOOD. Oo- ow- my bones! Oh oh, my impinged ligaments! Ew! *chuckles* Owie. Oh boy... So was that Jessica..? Or was that Lynda? Or Lara? Or Landamin? Oh tap! *grunts* I'M SO STRONG! Okay. At least my camera made it. That's good. Yeah, that's good, that's normal. Okay... here we go. Blake: F*ck Mark: *imitating Blake* F*ck. F*ck everyone's dead. Blake: Lynn!? Mark: LYNN! Oh, I didn't get it at all. Blake: LYNN!! Mark: Oh boy. Mark: Pressing the tab. Blake: Find Lynn. Blake: Nothing matters but Lynn. Mark: Oh okay that's a little- Woah. *intense snickering* Mark: *chuckles* Let's see what I did here. Uh huh *Chuckles* They got my zooms in there. I can't believe it they recorded all of that? That's awesome! Oh, that's so cool! Okay. So, I gotta find Lynn. How do I do that? Do I just jump like a boss- Oooooh, I don't think I was suppose- ... AYE. *chuckles* ... I was not suppose to jump! I'm sorry! I just started, I am already DEAD. This way! Ah, the non-stupid way. Alright, here we go then. Wee, okay. Alrighty then. Press space while moving forward. Alright. Same as in the last one. A good bit of mobility- oo! Oh sh*t. Alright. LYNN!!! LYYYNNN! Woah. Raise your camera, recording will start automatically. Oooh. Ooo! Ahh~ Yes! Oh, my god! OH MY GOD!! Is that... FIRE!? *Chuckles* Blake: Oh shit. Mark: Yeah, that's not good. Blake: Jesus... is... Mark: Jesus is what? Blake: There's no bodies. She's not in here. Mark: Yeah. BLAKE: LYNN! LYNN!! Mark: LYYYYYNN! LYNN PLEASE!! FOLLOW THE SOUND OF MY VOICE, LYNN! LYYYYYYYNN!!! Oh boy... Well, I have a funny feeling- oh. OH NO. OH NO! Oh no! Oh, it's classic Outlast! The night vision. Perfect! I love it. AHH! I LOVE IT! AH! I'VE BEEN WAITIN' SO LONG! Oh, I've been waiting sooo long! Oh! Oh. Mark: Oh God. Oh! OH GOD! Blake: Oh. Oh f*ck me! F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck! Mark: F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK! Mark: Oh god. Blake: That... did not happen in the crash. Mark: Yeah, no joke that didn't happen in the crash! Blake: Lynn.... Mark: Alrighty then. 'Kay, here we go. Into the darkness. OOHHHH boy. I can't wait to find out what was the cause of that guy's immediate... Death... *nervous chuckle* I forgot about the looking over should mechanic. Oh, I love so much of it. Oh, I love every bit of it. Ugh, it's so good! UGGGHH!! Excuse me while I slip-n-slide my way down here. Woah. The town, what? THE TOWN? THAT WINDMILL IT'S SO SUSPICIOUS... oh okay nevermind then. I guess I'm not gonna be recording that. Eh eh eh. Eh. Gotta get it. Is that a... church tower? Oh my god. x2 Got it, nailed it, I'm the best. I can't move for some reason. I'm just gonna keep going there. Alrighty then. Swing swang, my arms down to your- Ooooooh. Now THIS is definitely from the demo. HELLO!!! Hello~ Blake: I'm lost, and hurt. Mark: Whomp whomp whomp *creepy* Hellooo. Anybody there? Anybody at all? Oh okay. Alright then. I don't recall anyone opening this before anyway. Anybody in there? Hello? Heller? Okay, nice corn. I'm gonna be on my way now. Whobabi boop boop~ Oh, this is so cool. Oh- *confused sound* I'm running very fast, okay. OH. Mark: Woah. Blake: (whispering) Is anybody there? Mark: (imitating) Is anybody there? Blake: Please! Mark: I'm not gonna open slowly. Oh geez, it is so dark. Hello- OOHHH! I remember you! Okay, so we're into- You can stop any time now. I rememb- oof- Mark: f*ck. Blake: Hey man. Mark: *mimicking Blake* Hey man. *chuckles* You okay man? Blake: Oh shit... Oh shit you're... This just happened. Mark: Yeah no joke, you might want to record this or something. Nah? Alright, good enough. *READING* OH Good ol' Papa Knoth gonna give all the villagers that woman's comfort. Oh I'm sure about that. Ooohhh WHY? Why?! Is that you Papa Knoth? Ugh So that is what all the bible's said- That it was like the Book of Knoth. Oh hi! Who's there? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Alright, fine then, goodbye. So this is all part of the demo... so- Ugh, nevermind. There is no doorknob on that one. Hold 'peek'....I don't need to peak! Who needs to peak, honestly- Oh hey. How's it going there, buddy? How're you doing? *smacking lips* You look- you look perturbed at something. You sure you're okay? You alright, buddy? You alright? *chuckling* Okay, alright just crouch down there. Yeah you sta- Ok, nevermind, he's gone. Alrighty then. (Blake gags) Yeah, gross. Alright....Away I go- Oh, f*ck off with you. Oh, hello! Geezums! What is with all this? Oh, is that good olde Papa Knoth? Hello? Hello? Hello? *man screaming* Okay... Alright then... oh. *screaming again* Okay again!! I need to reiterate, stop screamin'! There is no need to scream this early in the god damn game! Oh, that's fucked up? Everything else I saw thus far was not fucked up, but this one... is fucked up. That's fucked up- That little guy, he's fucked up. Oh, I'm out. Reload! H'alright, here we go. To open windows press this? Alrighty th- *loud bang* HEYY! I REMEMBER YOU!! I REMEMBER YOU NOW!! Fine. You're gonna be like that? You're gonna get me with scares I've already done been scared by? Fuck you. Alright, some doors have deadbolts. Euhhhhh... Alright. Okay, off we go. OOOH, I REMEMBER YOUUU~ I remember all of this. Alright, lets go. I think we're about to go through the cavern of babies... Which, as everyone knows, is a lovely place~! Man: *whispering* Satanas inimical dei. Blake: Satan... Something... God...? Mark: Satan something God? Do You know what that means birdyboo? Alright, I'ma keep going because I need more baaaatteries. Cause I don't wanna run out of batteries in this horrifying place. Alright, what have we got here? Midwife's Lament. Wait, don't do that! What're you doing? How do I take a picture? Or did I already...? *Reading* What-Who would sing this? Oh GOD! Eurgh *Buzzing sounds* Eurgh Eurgh I already been here. I already know what happens next. Ugh Blake: What in..? Eurgh Eurgh Blake: God! Mark: Eurgh!! Alright then. I've already done this! I know. I know It's bad. So come on, come at me bro. Come at me! x2 eugh I know it's kinda changed, because in the last one it sorta... some sorta mania, flipping in an out from between... reality and distortion. And-and it seems that this one is a continuous chain of reality, and I don't like that music! That's a bit more ominous than I would like right now! If you could just tone it down a few decibles that'd be great. Woman: In the book of life the lamb slain. Mark: In the book of the who and the lamb is slain? Please tell me I'm not the lamb- *woman screaming* *Music getting heavy* Hello? Halla, Hi, HI. OH YOU'RE NOT GOOD! OH, you're not good You're going to kill me dead arnt'cha? OH. OH. Ohh, No. Ohh woah. You're the one that chopped off my nether regions before. (repeated "eugh") Okay, here we go. Shoobidi-boop-ba. Shoobidi-bo-- I'ma go in here. Screw you. Can I lock anything? Yeah, pick up bandages- That's good. Can I open this? No, that's jammed up. Okay. Methinks I need to hurry a bit- There's a battery! Okay, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, let's go, let's go... Go go go go go go go! Is it behind me? No! Thank goodness. Okay... Go go go go, can't open that-*woman screams* Hi! Ho-Oh God! Can I craw under this? No, I cannot. Oh god!!! Ohh f*ck. HO, OH GOD! AHH F*CK ME! JESUS CHRIST! OH GOD! Ow. Ow. Hi. No, please. Uuugh. Why always the crotch? Ooopsie-Poopsi! *Chuckling* Oh, oops, I'm such a goof. Uh, where did it drop- Okay, it's you again. So I'm right here. Mark: How many batteries- Blake: I'm gonna find Lynn. Nothing matters but Lynn. Mark: Okay, oh! I see! Pocket for batteries, pocket for...that. Oh, nice. Okay. But I don't need to worry about that right now. Woman: If any man hath an ear, he that leadeth in captivity Mark (mocking): He hath leadeth in captivity. Do you know where the drugs are going? Woman: ...a blade's baptism for the spider-eyed lamb. Mark (mocking): Oh, the spider-eyed lamb.. Woman voice: The spiller of foul seed. Mark (mocking): Oh, yeah, foul seed- *woman groans* Alright. Okay, so I gotta find another way to go around this place. Can I record you at least? Before you murder me so good. Eugh Where you at lady? Lady~ Lady with the big ol' pickaxe, where you be? Hello? Where'd she go? Where'd she go? Where did she go?? Okay, I still need to get this battery. Yee-ay, ay, ay.. Pick up battery, okay. Shubibiboop What--Don't jump in front of the window in joy just yet. I think death still awaits ye. Okay so there's- ah! There's a lock here. So, how do I...? How do I get in here? And where did she go?! Ooo, I can crawl- *music picks up* Ah, ah, ah!! OOOKAY- That's what I was supposed to do!!! I didn't see that! *music blares* Ah, ah, okay- Vault...vault, oh shit, what do I do? *Mark grunting* Okay, get up that. Get up, get up, get up, get up! Okay. You can't get me up here. I'm rubber, you're glue, go screw yourself! *Reading 1, 2, 3, and 4* Oh boy. *continues reading* Okay, I don't know what any of that means, but I read it so... I'm assuming I'm cursed now. But that's what Knoth did apparently. So Knoth... Big Papa Knoth... Supposedly, believes him to be a prophet- OH OF THE TRUE GOD!! My glasses! My glasses... I can't see without my glasses. Man, before the end of this my glasses are gonna break. Woman: God? Do you want him? Mark: No! Woman: Then you'll have him. Mark: I don't want God! I mean, not right now, anyway. Blake: God wants me dead. Okay. Okay, alright. Bye! Good bye. Okay.. Oh boy. Boy, we got some interesting characters in this- in this universe, don't we? Ai, ai, ai, ai. Okay.. I'm assuming I just go out and gander this way, then. So...yeah. Okay. *reading* *rattling* Eeeugh! *garbled voice*: Because of the mountain of Zion which is desolate. The Foxes walk upon it.. *garbled voice*: That throne is from generation after generation... *garbled voice*: Despair is but the denial of your lord God.... Okay, alright then. You all take care, now. I'm gonna go this way. *reading* You can hide by crawling- Is that like a warning? Is that- EeEEe! Did I need to do this? *door squeaking open* Oh! Okay, I'm going to go for this. I am tired of this waiting game. Let's just- let's go for this, let's go for it, let's go for it. *reading* Hide in waist-high plants? What qualifies as a waist-high plant? Do those? Eugh I'm kind of out in the open! I'm kind of just out in the open. Eugh, eugh, eugh Oooh, hey. Oh boy. (multiple voices whispering) Oh, I don't like that. You gotta find the enemies via echo location pretty much. Oh boy. I don't think there's anyone in there... But then again, I've been wrong before. (chuckling) Just jump for joy again. Coming up. I'm just gonna hide under the bed real quick. Woah no, just get under there- get under- GET UNDER, GET UNDER THERE! Oh my god, fuck you, dude. Fuck you, you stupid douche. Okay, so apparently the microphone takes battery, too. Oh boy. Okay, so I gotta get by these people. Yeah, I think now is my time.. Oh boy, turn that off. Uh-oh. Okay...So I just gotta wait for that guy to go by.. There's someone coming up from behind, that's okay. UUhhhh, eugh Eugh...EUUGHH Eugh, move faster! Now would be a good time! Uh-oh! I'm in the shadow, he can't see me! I'm in the shadow, he can't see me! AAHH WHAT THE FUCK?? Eugh~ Oh my god, what the fuck? Eueueugh Eugh Eugh Okay, alright, I'm gonna record this apparently as I run. Man: Do you hate us God? Do you hate this world? Mark: I don't know. Okay.. Would that by Lynn? Blake: Lynn! Mark: Would that be Lynn? Oh boy. Oh boy. I should probably open those slowly at some point. There's so many voices going on, I have no idea what to pay attention to. The fuck? Jesus Christ. Okay. Okay her child is the one- HEY!!! Fuck you! Alrighty then, thank you for that. Can I save her yet or are they gonna actually try to kill her or something? Or are they gonna take her, cause they say... her child is "the bad one"..... The Anti-Christ... Which is a weird conclusion- to reach.. *reading* I can hide by entering the wardrobe. Do I want to do that? I gonna open this one slowly. Very slowly. Hello. Oh, there's someone in there. Oh, maybe not a good idea to open that one. Yeesh. Blake: Lynn! Mark: Ooo! Lynn! Can I jump out this one? Lynn! Wait for me! Lynn? Was it really that easy? Lynn! Oh, hi, Lynn. How did she just get out like that? How did she get out? They were in their own little trance about that. All the Anti-Christ stuff and she just gets out? Okay good for her! I guess.. Yeah, good idea, okay. Finally! A horror game where people have some common sense! Get out! That's all you need to know! Don't explore! Get out! They're even investigative journalists and they're just like 'I need to get out'. Ooohh, noooo. Oh, no. Don't- don't- Don't tell me we're actually gonna have ourselves some sort of a... divine providence situation here? Oh boy. (mocking) I think it's immaculate conception. Oh boy. How about you don't do that? That's a second option- Oh, ok. Oh, ow! Jesus. Euh? Euh?? Eugh?!! Okay, alright, that's- ah, that's a little close. Eugh! Alright, okay then. Thank you- Ah! That's- I don't want seconds! Ah, no, you know, this is- this is less than I need. Okay! Thank you, I appreciate that. Ah, thank you. Thank you for that. Ow, why again? Why do you express your love through punching? I feel like that's just not necessary! I feel like, at this point, we can be close enough without all the punching in my face. I got glasses, you know! What the fuck is going on with my vision? Oh, that's not Lynn! I thought that was Lynn, I was like 'oh no Lynn dead'. That's not Lynn at all! Heretics, I think they called them.. right before they died by getting their eyes exploded into their brains. Well, this is a whole heck of fuck up! Man, what a first episode here. Either way, thank you everybody so much for watching. I am SO confused, there was SO many people talking all at once. It's gonna take me a while just to decode that! But holy shit this, is quite an opening to this game. I cannot wait to get into the meat of this story because I'm already confused and it is quite a rush into the beginning. Thank you everybody so much for watching, let me know what you think down in the comments below, and as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,650,657
Rating: 4.9354639 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, outlast, outlast 2, outlast 2 part 1, outlast 2 markiplier, outlast 2 gameplay, lets play outlast 2, game, gameplay, part 1, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gore, blood, scary, horror, scary game, horror game
Id: m6MvwCCmQUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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