Together We Will TRIUMPH! | Super Mario Maker 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I only have the first SMM game

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/adams111721 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

If they weren't gone for the week I'd suggest Mat and Steph try to take on Ross and Dan's 2P level; maybe when they get back they can REALLY put their cooperative skills to the test!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] these are dududududu baby shark song stop the song copyright strike welcome to our life this life this live stream is claimed Hey hi welcome to GT live oh who is this maybe I should let you run the show from now on hey guys and welcome to GT Live where me and my co-host for the day people qu are here to talk about Friday's Picchu how do you feel about Fridays oh I know I like them - what are you doing this weekend maybe Papa oh wow I wish I lived an exciting life like you Biba do you like that intro how did I do it's brilliant I think people you did most of the heavy lifting there the whole Oh Stephanie hey how was it doing the live stream so low it was a little nerve-wracking like I got a fair share of solo livestream time over the last I mean actually over the last couple months right between you we've every thrown around all sorts of play up everything yeah and then also with like a lot of the stuff that you've been doing behind the scenes with like work and business stuff like how so I've had a lot like all finesse VR was me solo and this and that what about you like how was it to have like two solo days of like Manning the lives it was nerve-wracking and exhilarating yeah it was it was fun I definitely missed I missed our witty repartee I don't know you had Jason dead grossly you know lieth or grossly misrepresented canaveral is like I said I miss our witty repartee no um it was it was really fun though actually it was it was neat bring in on you know the the crew and friends and hanging out and I thought we played really fun games like I just I just like loved playing Jack buck games like if you want a good representation of what actually hanging out on the couch with us is like it's just sitting around and playing jack box games and we can like attest to like people who come over to our house we're like you have to play these games with us you have to play games with us you can eat dinner we'll feed you and then you have to play games with us that's pretty much pretty much what we do here here's that well that was just last night here's some like probably junk food that in Tate you know that is unhealthy for you that we're gonna eat we stuck it on the grill now we're gonna go go upstairs sit on the ground because we don't have a couch yeah and play quip lash and murder trivia party and stuff like that I mean that on and an entertaining that's what we do and then and then I don't know a slice of Hershey sundae pie yeah or or Oreo Oreo ice cream pie yeah exactly because that's the thing that I always have in the freezer or I convinced everyone to go to handles ice cream Matthew does have a lot of Hershey's sundae pie that lives in our freezer you always got to have a stockpile of Hershey sundae pie ready to go in case of emergency your your what who makes it is it Entenmann's makes that anyway but we are like I think Edward you're like single-handedly keeping them in business those guys are so good anyway so this dreams were fun I'm your Edwards dear Edwards pies if you ever want to sponsor us please please yes in a heartbeat we will get really fat if you do but it will be worth it as long as I restrict myself to my so Stephanie portions out the pie slices based on the time of day because otherwise I think Matthew might eat the whole thing she has breakfast slices and dinner slices the pen which should tell you a lot in the boat Matthew eats pie the frequency with which a pie anyway breakfast slice is kind of small it's like hey man maybe you shouldn't have like 800 calories worth of pie for breakfast and then there's the dinner slice which is significantly larger and then there's the I'm really sad slice it you basically touch there so there's the emotional slights the emotional supports like they're all they're all like we need to have like an infographic or a diagram of some kind about the relative size of pies for different occasions oh people are sending a lot of spoons in and yeah so and hashtag Matt pie so good I was just said who's the new guy I like yeah Kakinada says who's the new guy hi I'm I'm Matthew otherwise known as Matthew Patrick better known online as Matt Pat I run a small YouTube channel where we do nerdy things like combining the science and math with video games to come up with mind-blowing theories that's what I do so that is the actual pitch that we give people like when people ask what we do in business meetings that's the line that is the line actually so make sure you like comment and subscribe over on we don't tell them that no we don't say that cuz that's a poorly optimized call to action yeah so anyway today hey uh last week we did a game theory episode on Mario maker specifically Super Mario maker 2 in which we calculated the cost of Princess Peach's castle and found that it was remarkably cheesy The Cheapskate but as a part of that episode we asked you to submit your levels to us so that way we can feature about the live stream and today is when we start doing that um as much as I would have actually loved doing some quick leche and murder trivia party on the couch well you joined from the airport and that was very nice that was fun I was talking to a fan from Argentina oh wow is starting his own channel it's on Magic the Gathering oh that's cool he was looking for advice on how do you like speak to a camera we're trying to cover Magic the Gathering maybe we're working on we're working on maybe superior which was funny I told him about and we start talking about different things that he do okay it was actually great he was on vacation in the u.s. visiting friends with a kidney that's awesome well we were glad they were able to join but I am glad that I have you here on the couch for this one because it's it's Mario maker and some people make I don't know if you know this but some people make levels that are quite difficult no no they're actually there their their heart or their heart or they play too hard for you they I mean I never want to say that because trying is very important and if you try you can accomplish your dream but these are not particularly my dreams levels so so you're gonna of you here to play them and maybe all hop it and play with you some co-op cool so Jason set up the co-op Jason and Chris set the co-op and Matt he was like you son of the coop and Matt and they were like yeah yeah I haven't done that and I was like yeah I can play with you and then he's like yeah you could play with me yeah so hashtag do you live on Twitter where it's who loved it Oh awkward toast man this is op what happened awkward turtle like all the stuff that should be hidden in the shell is like being like spewed out of the shell it's like it's an empty shell it's an empty no I thank you what what can I know that obviously look it's it's like no that's really like tucked under there yeah you don't have to explain the logistics of a chases this is the head hole head usually comes out I feel I have on Twitter or in the chat where you guys are already saying static likes prediction of rage Pat says Dimond night yep oh man and Secours axe says first stream I'm so sick whoa oh man be careful feel better don't get too sick real quick I just wanted to highlight a couple levels here that we had downloaded for past live streams that I got to play there was a little bit of extra time of the runway before we took off last night because I was in New York filming stuff and now I'm back I arrived at like 1:30 this morning so I'm super well-rested yeah but I wanted to run through a couple of these that we had done in or that we had downloaded for previous live streams so here's one that I think is totally worth you guys playing and at the end of today's live stream we'll have the codes and names for all of these levels if you want to plan along that's out see how you can do with them I just want to call out some of the ones that I thought were totally worth trying out we're really fun so this was actually one other one that was created by the maker of Celeste ah it does a really good job of highlighting the mechanics of the boot in a lot of different ways I really like the name of it was it came of the speaker stiletto sacrum stiletto okay I also wanted to call out tabatha Kelly in the chat he says is there a late night hopefully my partner doesn't find out slice no there isn't actually our our house and our freezer our shame free zones so you don't have to you don't have to hide it if you want if you don't know late night slice you go for your late night slice right the others there's no shame slice yeah there's no slice shaming I thank you a slice shaming aquatic game says will you ever do more jaffa games yeah absolutely did yes we look yeah we did we didn't put more we will do that we'd like to space them out yeah a variety is the spice of life you know I would like to do whiplash because that's one that we've been playing slightly more of lately and I think that would be a lot of fun to play with quickly oh yeah oh my gosh it's great right yeah so I we had it on the list yesterday but honestly the games of murder trivia murder a party took so much time and it didn't matter they're like you know they're pretty lengthy games and we had so many people playing and so many people survived a bunch of rounds that it actually ends up like taking the whole time right no it was good you it it's some exciting it was some exciting trivia action going on yesterday it was it was fun kind of taking part I will say she I will say that airports not the best for like trivia and it's also a little bit hard because of the delay so I was listening to you guys and watching the livestream happening while everything else was going on yeah no it's cool I like I like games that everyone can play along with which is why we're totally gonna let Stephanie play some yes sorry okay okay I'll just jump all of a sudden uh hey Chris did we get a new YouTube notification on this livestream for singing baby shark oh man in what way like a stop singing baby shark you know unclear they said maybe it was like I've seen people who said there was a notification in the chat Jason is there did we get some sort of notification know about the stream I don't know there are people in the chat and we're saying that there was a they I maybe maybe it was just spam I don't know I don't think YouTube would have alerted us in a graffity right that doesn't make any sense okay okay good okay yeah the notification looks fake okay I just wanted to make sure maybe they just wanted on I just wanted to make sure it's awkward okay okay right I know I mean I understand we have to listen to that's on lot now and I understand why you'd be like hey stop it huh but um hey it's it's one of those songs that all he dances to right he does dance to it does he does his little like squat it's less damping and more repetitive squatting does what he does a little Bob to it yeah yeah man you know this is a hard so I will say I love this level it is it is a very challenging like puzzle oriented level so that's part of reason I wanted to show it on oh yeah because it this is really cool test a lot of different skills it feels a little bit like kaizo and you're sensitive it's fast moving you have to keep your momentum and there's a lot of like trick shots there's there's a couple ways yeah I also one caught on you Ryan uses dan salvato dude levels yes we played some of dents a lot of levels last time we played that we played one of Dan's levels yes which is very kind of like one of those hacky kind of trollee level and a little bit where that's one that I'll sometimes come back to and I'll make it like a couple inches further in it yeah but it's just one that like requires such precision this isn't even fun because it's it requires you to use one of those kind of like janky mechanics that you're just able to that's the one I don't I haven't played any of his other levels though so we probably merits us looking back at oh come on man you got this it's fine you guys you got it I see it's funny cuz I picked this one like I'll be able to breeze through this because I played this one a lot yesterday on the planet and got through it and then I was and then I did it a second time we got it you got it oh nice nice huh yes oh my gosh oh yeah good one yeah you got it there's like that is hard that's like five different challenge oh my gosh but like I'll actually love because I finished playing all of story mode in this net and this game has so many cool and interesting mechanics to it and levels like this do a good job of forcing you to get familiar with how to exploit all of that [Music] this level also has a decent exploit that you can do to skip all the light collect all the red coins which is the way I did at the first time and why I had to do it again right but I did want to take a thing [Music] three okay so who was who is your favorite paper yes Kill Bill I can't I can't be fella bad you doing here I couldn't go back maybe it was chasing ah yeah I thought they all had their merits and strong suit though no they all did a really good job look what what what are you gonna say Minh I I can't I can't knock anybody wait is that a pig those are pieces wait what what I didn't know you could I didn't know you could take out the level Oh what why pick out in this level right like that one just really mean right that one took me a long time to figure out cuz I'm like because there's so many mechanics with a lot of stuff like the boot versus the big boot is another one that someone sent in that I'm gonna structure this one that exploits a lot of the mechanics smells alike that's cool which hasn't know a lot of other new things that are just kind of like happy ways to do stuff it's cool there's such massive use of the on/off switch that one has been adopted like so much yeah the on/off switch has been game-changing yeah it's crazy cuz it's because there's so many things that you can do with it too right yeah you can use it to gate things you can use it to like bridge area that's it's not to bridge areas to like switch conveyor belt yeah it forces it forces people to do like really precise timing on things like the on/off switch the on/off switch is probably the best thing that they added into this game which I don't think they add to the previous Mario maker even the holdup dates that they did I know that they were like they're sliding in Mario maker to utilize most everyone things fees and most creatively I've seen more usage of the boot as well in this one yeah I saw a lot of boot in in the previous Mario maker it's funny too because the boot what oh my god what oh this is crazy [Music] what where's he going oh my gosh why so though my gosh that's crazy that's crazy so now we the god good for you figuring that out yeah I didn't know it took a good amount of time yesterday oh yeah so listen plus that's what I mean it in Mario maker and like if I can't figure it out I'll just like save it for another day and brag about it again cuz it's like it's not painting like not beating this level right yeah I can just do something else and cuz ya wanna make sure I try to like preserve the surprise for myself yeah because it forces you they're still puzzles that need to be solved right so it forces you to really like think outside the box ya know that's awesome that's a really good level um I love that one I think it it's challenging enough but it's also nice and puzzling so that was a good one um one of the other ones we did five nights one this was despair oh this was a quick one I think this was short and sweet but these are ones that I that were sent oh wait this is Manny - never mind oh man I didn't know wait I'll get out of this one cuz we did it this one I mean I just wanted to show off some of the other courses that people had sent in then I played just off stream and I wanted to thank you for that yeah this was one that was Jake yeah make Jake switching speed hard uh and make sure gets Canadians like a good but those precision bass switch levels oh no oh no oh no no no no right oh no no Nana you oh my gosh oh my gosh right what is what oh my gosh yeah this is crazy right if you miss one of those it's just game oh no no no timer look at the timer ah oh jeez zero zero zero my gosh you have no time zero time watch oh wow oh wow that's nice so that's another really fun one to like just test your switch abilities so that was a really solid one switching speed hard by Mick Jake I like that he it advises there's a tight timer just it it gets close Elyse he warns yeah um we're getting called out for Jason phobia maybe maybe he was favorite co-host maybe No get out of here I don't he did do a really good job at the trivia and we're a trivia party although in my defense I was missing all sorts of fingers all over the place Amy also did really well she's really well with the trivia and she knows where Cape Canaveral is so that's a big bonus in her face I feel like knowing where Cape Canaveral is very important uh although Chris Chris has the advantage of like he he and I you know gossip together so I feel like that created a special kind of GT live host to host you know connection a Sympatico if you will and so right I know you felt it too sharing shade is a great way to strengthen I didn't I didn't watch I didn't watch a t series you didn't get a chance to yet we on on the archive channel Stephanie told me not to because she was nervous I mean it was the kind of thing where I was like I don't know if I what if you disagree with my take on a story then are we gonna have to talk about it later and you're like hey you forgot to talk about this with this story and I'd be like well the stream is over so you know I don't know maybe maybe you really care deeply about some of these issues what would usually out maybe you don't even know maybe you care really deeply about whether Jake Paul was actually able to successfully sneak into VidCon or I was like no he was definitely not able to sneak into VidCon that was utterly fake in every way possible but that said I although whose I also talked about the fact that we both walked into VidCon without showing any IDs and got our featured creator badges and I was like create so so security had some issues but also like I don't know there was no way he got in like on his own without having somebody on the inside so that poor man he deserved to get it so anyway we talked about stuff like that so that gives Chris kind of a heads up too and he did pretty well yesterday with trivia didn't win but then neither did I know we also bonded over that I've never won trivia so you know just playing is a joy it's an honor to be nominated by that's gonna say you're you're you are pleased to be there you're with such a fine group of people that's really about the friends you made along the way India that's always what it's about right the friends you make along the way this is Bowser where you get to quite the old the old be man there are a few people on Twitter like at K Cunningham 46 who appreciate that our freezer is a complete with Edward closets and well then it's a non slice shaming zone sometimes you got to have you know that's one of those things I feel like it's one of those things about being an adult where you're like you know what tonight I'm having ice cream for dinner and you really just reach a point where you're like I don't need to I don't need to feel guilty about this like make my own decisions pay my own rent right I get to decide if I have ice cream for dinner life is challenging sometimes sometimes you just need a slice of pie right I don't know there's nothing wrong with that that said emotional eating is not the answer yeah sometimes but sometimes a slice of pie kind of helps Oh God stupid camera it's like try again yeah it's like oh well they should have time for that fun anyway it's one of those things because like I have to hang out at the bottom right where the camera is they couldn't see me so I'm like it's really hard to see you at all I know right cuz I'm at the bottom of the screen right where the cameras yeah well oh elzar just oh elzar just decided oh man well so that's proof that Bowser can't swim Wow Bowser really can't swim he was a goner immediately that was crazy he's a dense man that she'll just pinks there you go that was another really good one that was submitted there there are a lot of really good levels that I played yesterday I want to show off those um those are I first forest level first Forest sorry first forest fortress for titrant forest for Rudy help can be found on cara's so that was fun other other ones that should absolutely called out frozen Wonderland from guru and some symbols and then also I enjoyed swamp dunes I don't love it that was really fun Mario is surrounded by sand oh the pits of Finland fast is a hard one super s6 yeah super s6 this was a good one that's another similar to that switche palace one that we just did where you just keep running and then we're else I haven't been able to figure out this one onesie ground-based juggling that one's really hard no well one of those happy ones and dry bones dry bones bag what's the other one that was submitted I played last night and that's really good too that gets you to come up with a lot of different interesting uses of the dry bones little boat shell and that was from Jay facili there you go whoo anyway look you were saying a lot about I like we're on the tarmac for a while and I didn't really feel too excited about hopping into scripting the entire time so but these other ones these are all new ones right Chris yes I added about six to eight are these co-op Abul I believe almost all of the levels we have our co-op oh man let's cool off we do it yeah yeah it's great should i what what controllers should I grab Chris oh this one right I wonder front of you this is starting off well yeah a co-op plague what stuff I was so excited are you so excited to be back right now let's play a giant monster a giant monster has eaten you escaped yes that sounds great base man's one and it has its normal standard and theme so that feels like a good place to start our co-op adventures how's that feel jump jump jump jump jump jump jump yes it's gonna be awesome jumpity-jump indeed thanks walnuts wish me luck here we go let's do it fried stream time wait did you turn on co-op oh no I didn't yeah you're on screen let's play together so you're Louise yeah I can't believe this look there we go there I am invisible no more properly represented you I would hope that I mean had you let to do that that would be okay okay all right I landed on - oh hey look what you did you kill Mia no you did I can't believe I owe you it was the compass I can't believe you would do that to me and your wife / brother in cake very good so we've gotta go get the Red Coins from the digestive innards of the giant monster okay watch out for the fireball stuff guys will kill you okay [Music] got a stealth around oh I see the clouds are his bones you get it I was looking at the clouds oh here let's let's travel down through his intestine shall we okay you don't need to jump in this both of these are jump I was just testing button I'm so glad you proceeded downward I still haven't forgiven you for killing me okay I was hoping that you can scout potentially further than that oh no I've died don't worry I'm alive I'll wait for you to come back before I die again there you go you stole the key from me why are we going you're you're recovering good okay go go no I love okay okay here we go so now we're going down okay how did you know because I didn't hit it see in order to die on spikes how did you buy them how did you not hit it so we're here look if you go all the way up against that that block yeah you can slot down right below it to the safe zone you see there's a little gap there yes let my let my survival in that instance be proof that that work look that's what's getting to cow oh that's oh that's really uncomfortable and really this is a very strange level okay we're gonna die if we don't you know we do yeah I think wasn't that fun that was so no great we cleared it together so effect I know we did that so well two minds are greater than I don't even get a clear completion client for doing that why not I think it's probably both died okay Steph what a better than us do platforming together us to solving puzzles together yeah is great house of booze by Mikey Mike we could do this all weekend if we wanted to that would be so much all weekend oh hello oh look you killed me I did not you kill me no such thing I ran into a ghost because you jumped at the last minute I jumped to get you up onto that plant by good send me up Scotty beat me up no okay whoa bonus there we go nice now we do a little jump okay or you can block my job that's cool do you want to know how to do a spin Jill it's usually jumping down it's not that is a butt pound this is Mario work you played by Mario World rules now yeah my yeah you block you were destroyed the plants you know I'm blowing your mind right now crazy is that I think we have this level okay I'm really good I'm a little bit a little bit oh no no no K by the fact that you have a flag with your name on it I gotta say a little bit jealous of that one Oh like you're solving puzzles here what I am I went through the door okay so all the games if I go through the thigh that's daughter best door to have gone through oh I think this is a great choice oh look at all the coins we got gee that was such a good choice there we go that does a lot in this game wow there was a little shade thing we have to go to through this door again bye bye bye I'm just gonna hang out over here okay so you have to go up the pipe bed presumably great yeah that's what we're gonna do go through the pipe together that's what we did Oh oh shoot we need that back there we go oh it's okay wait okay you might have to restart curses cuz we're stuck here okay start over yeah shoot you're so close okay we're doing so well - I know right there let's meet the first all going so smooth why I thought you like thinking outside the box in Mario maker because I like to play the levels the way the crater intended them to be no you don't admit it you definitely don't you always look for waste are you sure you don't want a mushroom okay that's fine wait I just took one you took it on from me no such you took oh my I didn't know such mushroom thieving [Music] I know why would you go now we do that hard straight mad the brothers that plump together stay together I like that you're proceeding with all due haste I could really get the sense of urgency from you did you did your lack of following me just kill me no what do you mean what are you talking about what what are you doing you killed me why I don't know why death cuz that was weird do you want to boost your looking a little short there go through the door bye great I'm glad that we decided to forego completing the level the right way don't you know the right way oh sorry Hey look I know how to do justice it's great I'm so proud of you welcome you're such as good jumper oh wow you can always tell when Luigi's really really leading the charge because I know I am I where everywhere don't you love that by gonna see you later oh no these spooky ghosts I like that you just walk in casual Luigi is casual oh my gosh they didn't time isn't I know I know what have you done go go go great so how you run that we're not already completed this level because we're doing so well so good why button the Y button holding the Y button I thought I was doing that maybe I was holding okay we still know the B button to run hole beater on it go down down down down down down okay go go jeez I did not have never told it B button right up here we go go go go go go go maybe a different got it I got it we we are dependent on you to solve this though just so you know okay so what are we doing so you need to use your newly activated skill of running okay from that point of the room come over here from over it yes from over here you're gonna want to run and then jump and hold B run it's all dependent on you since you know you killed me we okay so now go over by yes you did it you blue you ran for the first time and you flew both skills have to walk before you can run Matthew it's the rule in life and also in you'll never run before you also in mario maker here so again as the only big 100 no like Simon I need recognition for that accomplishment I think Matthews feeling a little bit threatened by my Mario your problems okay great run through them that's what the speedrunning community calls a boost oh no no secret by we're such we're such deep boosters right yeah Oh see you've got a partner and Mario maker and employee it's so true just your typical puzzle ghost house can you solve the houses well done well done staying hey tape measure is this back here it's ours detective Lee just that was just here were you measuring things we were for the shoot earlier Oh what do you mean Steph you troll I'll come on on I'm the chat says Steph you troll but we won the level in fact as Finley Lofthouse said Stephanie won the leveling Finley said the Hat co-op is hilarious and Reba Gonzalez also chimes in with a very relevant comment of spaghetti is the best food which I think it's close its close oh wow the Asian persuasion says the MVP is staff the Yuri theorist says Stephanie did it and Matthew - Wow well thanks for carrying me on your shoulders dad no problem thanks for dragging me along for the useless Mario player that I write stuff is true gamer girl a plus no stuff she's she's talked about this on previous live streams that you know platformers just aren't her thing oh I didn't grow up playing platformers but I have no shame about that I play other games that I love I like I've played many a video game but I was never into platformers and so I enjoy learning and harassing the best of them together work Zek 23 a tail to Yoshi's oh wait is this gonna be like Yoshi's woolly world is that the vibe we're going for here Chris well fine Shirin sweet thinking this and cool I'll do it so excited it's only short if we beat it the first time save my wife well that's a good way to start a yet here thank you look plea to get this hamster me oh geez okay let's save his wife okay let's do it Steph oh there's life no way oh gee his wife just we - oh wow well this is dark could you save up for my oh my gosh oh no I know what's gonna happen here oh we're gonna yeah use your newly unlocked skill of running stuff run and jump okay we did it hey woman that was a great co-op level Chris man that was dark [Music] that was a really oh and then he covers his head at the end cuz we're all ashamed of what happened there oh we're ashamed of so many things that are happening here that was kind of like the doki-doki literature Club twist of Mario maker oh we gonna essentially like conversation now but now we got a hack into the game and delete some game files Oh awesome in order to say well you don't do that with Mario maker Yoshi I think that might be a bad idea with Mario maker I don't think we should be deleting game files Nintendo did not intend for that to happen is what you think let's move on to Yoshi's excellent adventure navigate through the dangerous castle and grab lots of treasure oh sweet a man with the words dangerous in there I'm bit concerned Oh VPD for mo DPD for m0 look at those cute friends okay we gotta grab it like 110 coins okay so we OH oh good did you grab coin usually don't care about well we're just slaughtering you she's with a pen oh man who are yoshi's oh wow oh no oh so sad Mario no don't look you can't you can't handle it no no the humanity let's cuddle together in this is the corner just be disgusted by what we see well luigi couldn't stand it anymore oh yeah my god Wow these last two levels have a very solid stuff the Yoshi's are being sacrificed you don't have to sacrifice you I just felt so badly about it oh he got blasted boom roasted literally man this is just a tour of Yoshi slaughtering this is tragic look [Music] okay 87 got even some coin I like that the coins there's like 50 like 50 coin very clearly good D beat DPD for m0 was like you know what I'm gonna make this really cool level in which you just tour around and watch a lot of Yoshi's die yeah and I'm gonna put on to make it feel more like a level I'm gonna add in the coins but at a certain point they're like man 100 dead coins a lot and it'd take forever this is gonna be a really long level to make let me instead here's here's a couple hundred yeah it's chunk them in there well we done and you can tell too cuz at the beginning they were like two at a time like here's one you have another one here's another three and you're like oh man there's this lot out there collect them all it's like oh no just give all of you what just said them we're all got other things to do let's just move on with our lives shall we right so in that level I think I totaled about like 120 oh she's dying and like five Luigi's I don't think the Lummi do you think that ratio was perfect how could you be expected to have fewer Luigi deaths that was the absolute minimum okay well let's see how many Luigi deaths happen in the next one Super Mario Sunshine z-- Sandberg collect all the red coins on the back of legendary bird seat Oh which is cool that's actually one of my that's PI tell me it's one of my favorite minigames from Super Mario Sunshine oh nice so there you go ah does she have a lemon in here we go we're going through I don't know I just assumed that there might be something there oh wow you got this stuff you got this we're gonna watch Stephanie accomplish the greatest challenge in a Mario game ever there we go yes look at him good you're getting so good you're getting so good man Games done quick watch out watch out we got a new man oh this is so fun what is this this is so cool and burn and now we got to collect the Box resident Oh awesome this is great I love this got one got one at a certain point I should start pulling apart oh no oh no oh no no no the first absolutely 100% necessary I believe you death okay that's one Luigi death we're due for another four okay right well I mean this I mean who knows this is a totally different level mm-hmm so you said that the absolute minimum standard don't forget the red coin I got it good guy you got one left stuff can we do it Theresa nice and burn this is awesome right it's a really cool structure my god laughs here oh no there it is yeah oh no there's the key oh you're gonna get oh man no Mario I'm working on it Stephanie no ha that was only one death oh if we did it Luigi like that he just walks away without you there is no Mario that's just like a real thing to do guy doesn't even care about his brother terrible it's almost like a person who's playing game with another person and really doesn't want to be playing a game with them what are you talking totally totally fictional made-up scenario what's next Jason or Chris we flew through the levels that you don't know right those were the ones that you download well there's also mario royale that was already on here whoo mario royale bike Aiden craft let's do it survive to the end the defeat boom boom game crap let's do it oh shoot I did that solo I didn't mean to why didn't mean to uh-huh did ring time here well here let me get the hop out so you can thank here we go look and you're getting your exposure to old different generations of more real isn't that exciting that's that's SuperDuper all right I don't think you're I don't think you'll really appreciate that Chris yeah all right we have any cool plans for this weekend I might be getting a tattoo this weekend wow really watch the way I've been I have a friend of mine design a tattoo for me a long time wheels and it's quite large and I have been saving up money to get it really Wow really what up what about what what is it up Kenny can you share any information about it it's not a it's not one thing but it's it's a large circular structure that's supposed to represent different parts of the represent different parts of my life that's so cool it'd be like a Center upper back tattoo but we'll see I still gotta like find the right artist oh my gosh that is so neat so consultation like you're like interviewing paper or some other medium they have to tweak it because skin you know is its own material and reactive right yeah of course so they'll they'll have to like kind of create a new template really that's so interesting that's really cool don't hit me with your hammer are you doing them dude dude yeah I got it that's really cool Chris that's so awesome can you tell us where you would want to get your tattoo is that your arm or your back is it a stamp are you in a stamp oh my gosh it's a trance yay lower back for the win is it really no it would be in my upper middle back oh that's cool first thing I thought you were gonna be like I'm actually get it again in micro sized like on like right here on my wrist it'll look like a glorified it'll just be a freckle really but you'll know you'll know only with a magnifying glass but it'll be meaningful together right exactly beautiful we have time for like one or two more well do you want to pick out some ash random we have lots of people who have sent in code I know we have we do we should do that Chris were there any other extra codes you had set aside um let's see we haven't done labyrinth B yet that was a code from at Shaq Gavin and I know Matt played Cooper car chaos bye bye jet 2727 off stream so I guess that one's out but yeah if people have been submitting codes let's do it I mean we can do car Cooper car stuff I don't know if we can do it jointly you want to run that one and that way we can at least show it off yes from jet 2727 comes coop car ke i don't know if we can yeah I don't know if these sorts of levels would work with multiplayer because the car is not a mechanic I'm comfortable with as evidenced by whoa oh geez oh geez whoa that's really okay it's fine with the car yeah the carbonate how do you get out of there [Music] holy cow okay gonna say I think you just card rent into the lava yeah Laura [Music] all right whoa oh my gosh you're dipping your button fire what what oh this is awesome okay Oh useless one up yes yeah see it's short and sweet that's fun oh that's awesome yeah there's a couple of really good uh coop apart or there's like there's one extended coop car sequence I think in the main story mode yeah that's fun and kind of gets you familiar with it but it's one that people haven't been using I haven't seen used a whole lot yet which is interesting here I'm gonna do this fast one which was submitted that's super Essex okay show this one off earlier but yeah if you have other ones oh there was one that was just submitted by at fabulous mmm hey Gigi live I made a level dedicated to how enthusiastic I remember matpat being about shellman and I hope that you will give it a try it's doing well if you got it yeah I got the ID great - on it I will honest I said I don't know what Chris is gonna test to be good yes [Music] sweet whoo okay so can you put in a component of course number we can I believe I got a yes okay that's that one Oh Chris where do we wait gasps world yeah you go to first world and then you go all the way to the right is the idea there it is okay okay what we got ah all right 9g q q kt f okay bv g yeah submitted by at fabulous mmm on twitter and made by ooh map it's like shell barrettes display slash storage Oh excellent great it's nice format it's less of a level and more of a museum on a few all of my lovely shells the closet honest I do got to collect one coin okay it's beamed sweet oh there they are an excellent selection so far good whopping two shell myths oh wow you keep them really well protective right there there this man I think we should just leave this with you thank goodness they bounced me in the other direction I don't know what I would have done at that point so here we go you'll know I like that orange one the orange one's my favorite you'll notice that I've swapped out the colors every other one that was smart that was a good artistic to provide a little bit of visual interest you're a regular design maven thank you right I'm still looking to collect some other members of the shellman family yeah I understand you know like maybe at some point I can collect like a mega size to show me what mega shell mix right the great thing oh wow we celebrated the fact that you got your shellman pick only one of to pick only 100 I like fast it wasn't really traumatic boys what happens if I pick the second one oh I beat you game didn't ask me to choose both what's this oh yeah oh yeah girl thing it was just to highlight how large of a shell matte collection you hello oh no have I been bested by this level do we not be okay big what Oh Matthew how would I know that I need my other shellman okay very well oh that was that Oh woman I thought I was gonna have to like survive that room I know BAM I survived with bulk shell mitts and tip oh don't show me the game stole it okay you picked the one that went nicely with your eyes it matched my overalls and I was proud to display that jeans I love a DeGette row here the comment on this level that just says what well I too would be very confused by this level right I was not terminal lover of the shell mitt that was great like it that was a solid like right there that's both beautiful boom was a beautiful level what else we got give me another give me another code got one called little lamp bigger dreams the code is g m7 bm7 TP 8t is this it yeah TP 8t p80 I believe and I believe it's a 0hf and not an O HF but I don't really know let's see is it from get lucky little bit there it is alright the role of the first level here's the sequel oh man how am I gonna be missing out on some court cannon to this level probably since I wasn't part of little amp big dreams that's okay come on again nothing okay here we go puzzle solving I mean reach the goal as Kent Mario oh okay no goal as cat Mario okay okay I love the clear pipes by the way I know they like they're not like a big deal or they're nothing special but I just still welcome I think they're all [Music] come little aunty dreams you can do it buddy oh you can do it reach those big dreams this little waiting oh my god oh my god a star is born and that star is little and I'm rooting for him so hard for right now I appreciate that this level has included all the ins point blocks the best distraction well Oh where's it going and yet I think you have to yes to climb back up yeah there we go because otherwise he's gonna get sucked out you have to get him over top yeah he shoots he's a little end he has big dreams those dreams I feel like this is representative of UNICEF I see this level and I'm with big dreams you are you believe in my big dreams you're just you're just crawling along this putter and just rape in a law you're you're cute I'll give you that you're real cute okay so now oh I'm not racking up as much cash as Mario is in this scenario sorry Oh Oh Larry a little bit Hey hello it's hard I this really stylish don't you think about here we go Oh No okay okay you got this come on buggy there we go your dreams are yours and yours alone thankful Mac didn't you prematurely this little too hard all right let me focus oh I'll stop goofing off and act like play-doh there we go you got you got a little buddy look at him go there we go don't let your dreams just be dreams don't let your dreams just be dreams there you go here we go okay you got it you got this buddy you're almost there achieve your dreams I feel like that Bell is symbolic of your dreams over the way there hey we're gonna have to kill him at the end that would be pretty odd feet without water like some tragic basket so maybe we finally need to be together Wow his name is Jillian oh oh they love each other they fire I don't know when got love like Beauty and the Beast kind of moment there's a rose there's petal leaves are falling I love Jesse and he found dream if you wanted to do algorithm that would just be mean and sad that would be so sad no brilliant yeah that was a beautiful story I choked up a little right that was that was a love story for the ages you know watch I sense an actual movie deal here mm-hmm look oh man everyone enjoyed it look at all the people who enjoyed it our clear time was slightly slower than the world record we weren't on world-record pace as they would start it at games done quick no WR but PB this was arms this was our PB thanks guys those are pbu PB thanks for supporting our new PB new PB you guys not you make sure you make sure you give us a like for the new PB spam the chat Pb Pb Pb Pb let's all celebrate my PB let's do one more level there I can get a PB on I got a top working on PB s like baby I'm not sick kid you're Mike and Steph grow up nothing PP same PvP sorry we're good I need a PB b me give me a give me a PB level here we go maybe you guys BB BB BB okay everyone's egg be beat Ashlyn hodson says PB what do you what do you looking for here Aleppo a level look here we have one we're time for one more great um let's see there is wait what was that one that was going viral where you have to avoid all the fire sticks oh wait I don't know that one oh I am man okay ah let's see hold on we get so we got a lot of people sending them in let's see oh this person says this one's too hard Mario or you know but the only have four minutes so you have to ask me when we can't even do really fast so does that mean drop the fire levels I mean if you got it give me you have it I do I do have okay let's do it let's see we can wheelies try it out okay it's code is one-to-one but with a twist okay YX l y no that's the wrong one X ld4 cd4 c TQ t you see one one twist okay this is submitted by Japanese characters I don't think this is very timely I don't think this is the one is it this isn't the one but we're gonna find out what the twist is well play it this is someone who is hacking the system it's a speedrun it says it's got dozens of twirling fireballs Oh oh my goodness hilarious okay okay okay oh wow okay what are some people who made it over there though right you know what I actually hate the the we need to turn on can you how do you turn off the comments the comments are the thing that's actually like making this really miserable look at comment weight display comments there we go yeah okay get rid of those thing if I could go a little bit further I would be very very proud of it so you got to jump over there yeah you jump over there and then it looks like you sweep under take it ready to jump over there you go oh yeah you gotta get out there cuz yeah you have to be out there by the time that comes around oh all right it's really hard that is tight man yeah tight by a runner hmm slightly challenging right you got this I think you can do this I think you did it oh you're really good yeah I'm telling you you're really good at platforms I'm very persistent yeah I think it's just like you just yeah pop on over yeah yeah there you go there you go so then the passing is cool where do you go from there okay so plop and then five go I don't know what I don't know where they're moving I heard I'll watch the other side okay where you got to go up where are you going right I think you are going up I think you're going up to that first one okay okay jump no where are you going where do you go you double back and then go for throws the key is if you backtrack no that was blocked out no no what you need okay there and then and then and wait for your chance to run through yes yeah I guess right all right the loving right oh yeah this is great we're doing so good we're making such progress I think I think we are okay oh come on Ron I don't like the timing of that that's awkward oh no you know oh no and then you have to like stay put there and then run through I'm very excited okay okay there you go and now run through no hand where you can no I think what I got to do okay [Music] it's tough to like it's fun to try and navigate where you got to go it's actually really interesting right but pathing is super weird okay do you jump up here no no no I get clear light stone I know shoot where do you go from here can you wait until that that one arm comes around the block that you're standing on and then jump on it no I think so way out welcome to us dying in the same location over and over again blossom this is what everyone Tunes in for right [Music] hmm down around you can't you can't hop up there are you going hmm love this jingled oh right so wall all those arms are so long hmm you got a hop I feel like you've got a hop up there and then where do you go where do you go there's that like clears you out for a second well things can continue to spin you imagine building this level while you're trying to figure out exactly the right the timing of this location yeah nope ah right you get closed off so at some point you need to get up now yeah you have to get out it seems like you need to be up on that one right there to get up there but how do you get up there cuz there's like light and trying to see an opportunity to get up to hop okay and I'm not seeing it yeah I can you have to get on up that would go through that right yeah and you can't get up where is it I'm not leaving it right oh my gosh it's so frustrating is there keep running after you land people are saying really just plop and run they said here we are on make our way through people were like just run right that's a good one thanks guys hey all right there you go there you go that's great everyone in the chat knew Dan coolest new MMO new just go straight forward dude it says spicy Cheetos even spicy Cheetos spicy Cheetos I'm so sorry I didn't realize they just need you always if the heater says that runs straight just run along the floor what says the Kellett Cullins alright man okay we good here we are we're like we're like trying to calculus this thing out okay we have to go down so at a certain point you need to stop under the bricks okay here we go here we go okay so we gotta stop one thing out there yep and then where do you go hmm I think that one is coming down towards you don't you in there I think so too okay there okay so pain is said to be over a few more pics yeah over a couple more pixels and then you're on top of the blocks [Music] yeah the precision of this like opening move is actually there okay they're good they're back back back forward back back forward look at us we're flying through this level okay that said we have to go yep we have to go you guys okay we will be back next week we are traveling so actually there won't be streams sorry we won't be able to do them but you can always catch up in the live stream archives make sure you check out stuff that has been happening recently our GT live live episode was awesome my dad said it was his favorite episode of GT live ever that he's ever seen you kidding yeah I don't know if it's because I don't know so many people took pies to the face but anyway so really you did did he like it yeah he thought it was awesome if you want to see me get pied in the face repeatedly there were people who showed up in person but it was it wasn't streamed at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time so it was at a different time of day make sure you check that one out there's other stuff to watch next week and we will be back the week after with maybe like some extra streams hopefully time like make up for it but in the meantime yeah I think after that our travels done yeah while hopefully have a great weekend yeah I'm good I I know I know you're really trying I'm gonna do it though it's okay I'm really practiced at signing off for ice cream now because I've been doing it well show me yeah all right guys have a good weekend thank you so much for joining oh I got so far look at how far I got and remember that you could just history Kris just showed a black screen oh I was there he's gonna keep trying to be pretty come on no you you jerk see it gets easier it gets easier oh okay wait well that's not come on Melissa no okay what listen great thanks okay I know if you go let it count well it's time sticker off rolling right one less no just you don't you Chris Greg Chris don't deprive me of this joy in life I'm just gonna make me do the DeLorean go
Channel: GTLive
Views: 220,459
Rating: 4.9468918 out of 5
Keywords: mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, mario maker, super mario maker, rubberninja, rubberross, mario maker 2 levels, luigi, rubberross mario maker 2, mario maker level, mario maker hard levels, mario maker 2 trailer, mario maker highlights, mario maker speedrun, game theory, gtlive, game theorists, maptat, gtlive mario, gtlive mario maker, mario
Id: u4PJfu1sIk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 51sec (4671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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