Erasing You From My Memory! | To The Moon (RPG Maker Game)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys jinx ah and welcome to GT live GT laughs GT live GT laughs yeah GT lab hey so today is Thursday it is excuse me I'm trying to run a live stream here thank you today is Thursday how are you doing how are you doing stuff man well I I mean you don't have to talk to me the Royce yes the Royce your the Royce yes thank you I'm I'm well aware crit Chris since Stephanie can't talk how are you doing I'm doing so great I'm so glad you asked yeah that's great that's awesome having a good Thursday oh yeah I woke up I bought a bag of potatoes this morning potatoes you know how much I love potato I do right next to unscented lotion it's true so I'm gonna you know make up some some french fry esque things this evening very excited about it great mashed potato as well a delightful hash perhaps oh you know what get ready get that hash on on the roll so anyway hey uh so today is a very exciting day and a day that has been a long time coming in that right Stephanie can I talk if he says my name oh is that the rule of jinx yes that is rule of Jake's right wait Chris your you love potatoes so Chris Chris has an uninteresting food list that we know for a fact are the things that he really likes we know he likes hummus and chips peanut butter and bread and now potato or that one onto the list I mean I've been known to eat non starch and carbs also cereal you're a serial man I know that so anyway today is a very special day Chris's dietary habits aside today it's a very special day because it's a day long time I cared a long time coming sorry are you planning on doing Blogilates 100 800 a balance right now later today great why is it playing on the stream because I hadn't switched it over to the HR stream yet ah so anyway third time's a charm it's a it's a this has been a long time coming it's a game perhaps one of the most requested games in the history of the livestream ever ever period end of story that is what we are playing today to the moon okay yeah so this is one that whenever we are like hey what do you guys want to see on the livestream whenever we're like hey what are get you really enjoy this is one that comes up a lot yeah and I don't know really much about it it's been one that's been kicking around in the background for a while for us to do and the timing has never been right and when I say the time hasn't been right a lot of it has been boiled down to like Chris's let me know that this is one that takes between like 2 & 4 live streams yeah and so because of all the chaos that's been going on over the like last half year if not more it's been hard to reliably predict like okay we're going to be able to do this yeah existed Lee yeah we want to be able to like do it kind of in one shot make sure people don't like forget part two before we go to part three and all this stuff so so we're here and we start today so that journey starts today to the moon and back you can engage with us in today's stream into a two whole ways you can engage them the chat the chat is down there or over there you know where it is get in there and you can also engage on twitter using hashtag titi live where chris drew a smiley face it's really getting away easy this time it's the Cheshire Cat well I was gonna say but you kept your cat it's a smile I like it good job okay thanks right there he comes he's about to fade in on Twitter you have cam and ads G G lyric and lyric Glee Rick yeah Steph is briefly unable to speak and we immediately find out why that should never be allowed to have hashtag chris loves potato I don't know why I don't know what you are referring to I thought things were going swimmingly geez because Chris likes here yeah I know right yeah every once in a while you have to learn something new about Chris let's see and we've got a bunch of we've got a bunch of gifts / gifts already coming out of the stream and then at very little XP I'm so happy GG live it's finally playing to the moon it's one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen and I'm sure you will love it all right well you know there's only one way to find out if we're gonna love it and that is hopping in so Chris if you'd be so kind thank you sir to the moon here we go do it I believe that this one has a lot of reading so prepare ourselves for all the great character voices that you know that we're able to do so we got some original music okay got some graphics that look straight out of SNES era which I appreciate what's earthbound er like ones like a Final Fantasy yeah yeah one of the early ones oh man oh this is totally like a trigger house Lee yes absolutely oh where are we with a little weird little dude we're at TT dot no oh no oh it's a car accident that's no that's no bueno maybe they just tap the trash can oh no nobody just tap the tree oh they're fine okay there are two scientists who are like wow oh you weren't wrong dr. Rosalyn oh uh where were you looking me well excuse me for heroically evading that squirrel coming out of do look at the squirrel you read over it anyway then we're already starting off on rough notes oh man that's why he's so still oh he ran over it and hit a tree motive man look don't worry it's a company car the squirrel doesn't care are you kidding me the boss is going to kill us I named it bad guys no good guys hit squirrels hmm we'll just say I was saving a puppy hey yeah that's you he likes puppies right he's more of a cat person I don't blame him why does the world have to be so complicated to have cat and dog people fine whatever fur ball he fancies crisis averted I will point out here he dr. Watts here who is driving is coming out of the right side of the car we're at Australia meso it means we are down under yeah or it may be UK or right I'm gonna just pause before we get too into it oh there should be some beautiful happening right now so I was hoping you might be able to quickly close out of the game wait really oh really be I'm sorry we're missing the beautiful music we are yeah great okay it's right there in the middle look to the North Star the empty space is gone Korea to the moon filled it you're right there you're right there it is okay okay oh my gosh this is the most complicated desktop ever it's the worst you guys we leave you we leave you to your own devices and this is what we get okay we've broken the game now thank you very much in the meantime I'm gonna read a couple more off of Twitter it's not responding at Stefan says I haven't played this in years but if I'm remembering it correctly that the beginning of truth flow so I hope they continue playing and don't get discouraged after this if they don't get interesting parts tonight that's good to know okay duly noted oh man this is a free bird game so when one says play Freebird they're actually referring to to the movie that's not the song fever at catharsis I'm so happy that Jews Eli was playing to the moon one of the songs always makes me cry it's both sad and pretty over hearing music the linear that music risk appearing should you be wearing that jacket I'm wearing peaceful peaceful sound effects right I hear and your soothing ocean noises right it's our whispers through the through the trees sounds like the type of sounds that ollie would fall asleep to I mean it is quite nice nonetheless maybe if you go into the game properties there will be a setting that got turned off by the way Chris at black palette in 25 on Twitter third time's the charm guys applauds you for your sidebar the the green logo sidebar ten out of ten sidebar oh yeah excellent sidebar through side boring similar to me trying to kick off this game and now we're gonna try to kick off this game three times again as well ooh Freebird hey hurry wait did we hear that last time yeah bleh pre-burn oh don't worry we have heard it yeah maybe you downloaded the version without music Chris no there was music when I first opened the game I'm wondering if maybe you broke it up to the upper corner there and click the properties there is a bridge am your your sidebar game may be cool but no I can't I'm just trying to my mouse disappears Wow right doesn't help so I'm trying to play it is this like impossible quiz style you got a fine where my mouse is okay wait just okay okay Chris why would you turn off play BDM well I think the same thing happened to me when that opens I tried to close it and I think I just panicked and accidentally turn yeah you just you just didn't want the BGM it's true like that stop being anti BGM Chris geez also I'm Pro BGM guys up Chris you're getting you're getting a little flak here right ah a hat I don't even know why he's getting flat but he deserves it Pat and Kenny house says I'm a little disappointed that this dream isn't to you guys cleaning up your mess of a desktop that way okay we like try not to get satisfied us like categorizing filing systems on a computer right oh that would be great creating turn creating tiers and layers of file folder layouts Oh that'd be amazing at test your limits has got my chaos theory t-shirt today yeah Thank You Clement a few those are so fun that's one of my favorite tricks you are done okay that's the ER yeah the cast everyone's but you're in the merge story they're just like a one-two like a one-off shirt therefore therefore the Arg or just if you want to look cool yeah if you value chaos in your life okay here we go let us let us assume the rules that get us right are you prepared what were you looking meal well excuse me for heroically evading that squirrel coming out of nowhere you ran over it anyways oh whoops you ran over it and hit a tree look don't worry it's a company car are you kidding the boss is going to kill us hmm we'll just say I'm saving a puppy he likes puppies right no he's cat person what why does the world have to be so complicated cat people dumb people fine whatever fur balls he fancies crisis is averted good write that on your report later let's grab the equipment from the car and move already left-click an object to engage with it here we go ok I received equipment got the sucker let's roll as your Overlord skip says great we gonna watch the poor squirrel die again shoot ok technicians specialist of Sigmund Core Sigma patient patient offline dr. IVA Rosaleen a senior member senior memory traversal agent traversal equipment was a box this heavy what's inside has got to be important alright ok here we go toggle menu hey there we go can I move okay so I moved by clicking around let's check out my dead squirrel friend oh hey squirrel-friends squirrel friends just between us squirrel friends oh come on I crashed the car while trying to evade it what more do you want not crash a car and not evade it that's asking too much there anything down the road I don't want to miss any items can't hear that can I go that way it's fine got to be thorough NBD gaming has taught me okay fine I'm not allowed to do anything okay fine here you explore a little bit I've got one more dream off of Twitter for now and it will focus in on the game at Mara Van Rycke soul says can you show people cheer some love and there's a picture of their own version of people chew in case you guys didn't know people choose origin story is as an Easter people any so if you've ever fancied a Pikachu of your own now is the time to get them in stores we unfortunately have no sponsorship or partnership with the people who make these otherwise we'd be rich but but this is the time of year when you can find people chew in your local stores under the Easter section should be able to write so if you've ever wanted one there you go people send every every like so often and especially at this time of year Easter season people send us pictures of their people they're people too big paper to as many people choose a family of people choose so if you know how's the time like I said we have no stake in it it's and if we did that would have been a smart business decision who put a boulder here maybe it's their security system cucumbers we don't have time for this fluff let's try pushing it out of the way maybe we can find a tree branch to Jack it with it or we could just call it a night and blame it on that push my hand find a branch abort missed and go home ooh find rich yeah that's been great a bench will do any branch will do let me kill this bird to get it off this one that's apparently not the one about what I need although a dog there's a hand right you would think that the hand would received treatment got it sweet nailed it okay all right this is this better work crowbar it man boom I made it melt whoa what was that I don't even it's some kind of airball airball what alright we need to kiss you sorry yeah sorry I see doctor and I just respond Stephanie you do know that one day Tylenol Extra Strength sent me a letter in the mail and told me dr. Patrick no he did wait when was this uh when I was much younger and we were taught and I was slightly above taught like college junior past college pass out just say it so tylenol recognize my recognizes my abilities as a doctor get out of here it's time that the rest of the world go go anything up here one so many things off the beaten path right are there no rarely rarely most of the times just me wandering looking fruitless ah all right fine it was a nice tour on you see I'd said it's trying go really far out the path there there could have been something over there right a lot of games secret item let's look at the little flower bed over here very pretty yeah okay I'm gonna go up the left path so me left path nothing oh no it's a lighthouse can I remind time right is a hurricane gonna strike this town is this a crossover with lettuce tree will I become an angsty teen well does anyone in this story have blue hair I think that'll tell us that will that is the ending on a koala anyone self-identify as a koala oh man people are like don't kill the BART do we did we kill a bird I don't think we killed a bird ma they're here okay we're all right that's right that's right oh man people are so angry about this not a bad place to retire huh yeah I could be better nightshifts love them or hate them you know the answer your stupid owl Wow harsh Stephanie I know dear you whoa probably gonna be another all-nighter you know I know and I doubt they'll have any coffee shop and the ocean waves will sing lullabies yes not through your bladder they won't oh wow hearts and your light and your eyelids will great don't look at the equipment Oh yep okay yeah yeah I don't get paid enough for this so presumably we are basically in Inception oh right we have achieved act one hey nice I never told anyone but I've always thought they were lighthouses well what else I know dr. Watson dr. Rosaline I presume thanks for coming on such short notice that's okay I tend to be bad at predicting deaths as well are you the patient's daughter oh no I'm just caretakers whoa kazoo kids these are my children Sarah and Tommy it's not exactly a of a nine-to-five job so Johnny lets us live here I suppose this Johnny is our men Johnny Johnny listen if it's a kid we're dealing with I don't think we're the ones you want no no he just prefers to be called that give me an old guy and me called John right Johnny is a equal-opportunity named doctor so I'm assuming we are like the memory people right this is my prediction as to where this is going yeah we have to like go in alter memories or some alter memories or preserve memories or like get people into positions where they relive their memories right mom grab that case and let's go yeah that's my guess right that's got to be when my back breaks one day I'll sue you with the insurance claim Thanks received equipment all right let's head upstairs before I drop this go go upstairs yes let's do our job okay they're gone whoever gets there first gets to play the melody something these are the children wait oh my gosh no fair you pushed me did not whenever you get the boring two notes anyway nope the credits rolling there are well done well there you go guys that was today haha thank you all so much for watching I hope all the waiting that you put in Wow was worth it worth I mean that was incredible it was great I was moved well done really dinner let's do it all right here cap marbles play gets really showy those kids are pretty good for their age hey you're the one who said there was no time to waste and incidentally I'm the one who's carrying the weight of a small meteoroid yeah yeah come on oh no there's my clone here what's my clone doing here mmm he's unresponsive at this point but by the look of things he'll be consciously hanging he's consciously hang on it's hard to say how long you'll have but I wouldn't hurt but I would hurry no rush guys but I would love a gag ready who's that up I'm going to look around first gee you know I think I'd like to carry this excruciating lis heavy object around some more hey thanks for asking though can we piece together clues of this person's past perhaps I'm assuming oh yeah there you go there we go a painting of a lighthouse by the cliffside I always thought they were lighthouses as did I painting of a woman holding something yellow and blue probably a statue of a lighthouse or a flower a painting of an animal of some sort exelon 'el a casual painting of three people sands you think it's actually just three leg houses yes I always thought that they were like here's a balcony Branson well let's let's just invade visit persons in that house shall we oh the bathroom very nice maybe you have to take a tinkle I mean we're in for a long night big processes happening in and out of the bathroom okay here we go let's check out their little bookshelf to a selection of readings from medical journals great alright you do this let's begin ready to set up you know it all right do it oh yes it'll just be a moment hmm all right no man written the credits just artists just sprinkled in right we'll lick the salt Bay of credit ha ha ha [Music] are you sure a common household power outlet is sufficient oh man we like to some vacuuming and rainouts Jesus no worries we're the experts safe [Music] standard procedures just keeping you on your toes oh man see he's actually an assassin from assassin's creed's we're gonna do a deep dive into your memories how they doing here sir he's got a dare to left right well let's stop lollygagging that's plenty of time the car is still broken out yard right so you two can grant any wish to try at least but we always succeed because we are awesome to the bone I feel like that would be doable it's called BR the geezers just keep getting crazier huh hey I admire him for aspiring right hey good for him literally and figuratively so can you do it it depends she meant to say yes why don't you tell us about our client here that's I don't know much really come on Johnny's gone through thousand through the two years I've worked here he rarely spoke he worked as a craftsman for most of his life when his wife passed away two years ago I don't really know many details I would have known more if I were his paperboy for pete's sake shush just do you think don't know it appreciates dr. watts or dr. Watson founder watts is a curmudgeon dr. watts is doing a bang-up job because he [Music] wouldn't mind since he is signed for you too hmm so be it [Music] all right which one of us play it's detective ooh who goes you yeah dr. watts Oh have fun in your commentary and be stingy ER I'll do it I once played Sherlock Holmes in a high school musical all this guy is totally my spirit animal oh I remember your playing Watson man same thing except not at all just configure this I got it started anyway geez all right look he's a bit of a showboat my children can show you around they're probably downstairs at the piano okay so I already checked out the pictures I'm already a pro I know he has medical journals right wait I have something for you I mean you should stop you was out of the room here here take this remote patient monitor that'll keep you updated on Johnny's status nope there's no self-destruct button I seem to have a knack for those that's not funny in this context Johnny's heart monitor is now activated in the menu weird so what's weird okay so there's this heart of mine so I'm so we gotta solve the mystery before yeah I'm assuming the mystery of his life yeah basically seems okay so he's time to talk to these kids I can cry in this guy's life without them these kids are gonna help me come on I don't know kids are observant what they watch the things I think this shelf know what else can I scroll over shoot nothing no scroll man all right all right finally I'll talk to these kids a granades zero says dr. watts is rude and lame I don't like him totes agree talk to the kid trying tell I'm clicking on them when I cross babies okay they're young what do I show me around the house hey your mom told me told you your ma told you to show me around the house even though she didn't actually not do that she told great maybe I don't think we just need a little convincing that's all what do you think Tommy yeah all right let's talk what do you what do you Punk's want we want one trillion orders that means all speech there are the candy cane mom hides from us yeah we're dead there's a giant it's in the kitchen my play there's this poor Tommy it's just wasting away yeah poor child oh well Cheryl goes good yeah I'll go get it for you you're lucky I don't want to walk up the stairs again or I'll just tell your mother thank you okay great get your doors right next to tears it's almost like some kind of a terrible quest to get my night started the doors next to the stairs where kids indoors oh is this the kitchen door I see stairs okay I get it there's that candy cane haha oh there it is oh come on man let's go use a chair you push the chair over and if you complicated you push the chair jumping oh come on use the chair or madam Jimmy I better get that stupid candy cane for him while I'm here I know yes yes yes I know I'm clicking up you Nikita okay fine see you kid came good go leave booyah it's like taking candy from an inanimate baby hey yo got on something great to say go there we go all right kiddos I was against a lot of odds back there but I got you the candy cane it's probably a decade old and tastes like rubber but you can use it like a walking stick sweet did the children join my party buh bah bah bah bah there we go alright where do we start I know it's funny room in the basement I don't like the same room no one can understand we're saying sake so you're gonna count kind of a funny room you'll see it's weird we need to get the kids great in this study which is not upstairs right of a similar study is here right go yeah this is a book room great great obviou is a stellar kid telling you okay here we go pilgrims guide to origami column one the key to avoiding paper cuts [Music] pilgrims origami has already supplanted the great Wikipedia origami huh okay great read more no great we read it all do nothing I was hoping that that would be the right duska light the tale of a girl who fell in love with a zombie who admitted the smell of daisies when showered with gentle sunlight sure maybe next time oh there it is room key whew those were to hide things got it okay come we'll step down the paint so much paint there anything else over here the birds new clothes my name's Chris okay so so we found it okay perfect talk to the chillings know people who have big libraries rarely read all the stuff it's where I was headed small child thank you thank you for your help really don't care about your life I just care about this guy's mystery mm light before you trip over them and Nanda Miller says Tommy is the Rost just a pile of Animorphs books oh great this over here chest is Locke so we have a locked chest if somebody can talk to over here huh you were down here and the lights were out and Tommy fell down those stairs he chipped a tooth but that's okay because he's ugly to begin see I'm telling you Tommy I think I think my portrayal of Tommy is really I'm on point rows of cards also says taught me is the worst let's see oh and also that the story about the zombie is supposed to be a twilight parodies thanks to Fiji a new zoo of 97 in the chat okay there's a bunch of locked chests so we're gonna have to find some more yeah please I predict key finding fine doors locks yep open door with the room team got it it's like a cave in here whoa whoa what are those bunnies people chew Oh rabbit fold it out of paper my gosh it's it's the brutal z' from mario odyssey evil mood creature a stuffed platypus oh they're not bunnies people choose no longer interested hideous little creature let's take it received toy platypus got him weird pulled it out of it so that's all okay does it work ami hey so it makes sense about that origami stuff it does actually he avoided paper cuts deftly a broken music box and the lights okay so that's all I think all we can do here rabbit rabbits hold it out of paper huh weird did you see it what do kids know about all those rabbits yeah did Tommy you don't worry about anything young man didn't want anyone to go with dice we never told him there's actually where it's like the abandoned lighthouse it's just beneath its cliff Oh see I got the key great another keys in the basement but you're the keys to an entirely separate abandoned lighthouse don't worry lighthouses are far safer than a band in basements let me guess you aren't supposed to go in there either he let me to never keep my locked cabinets around you two so you wanna go through the lighthouse now with you well it's rather windy outside but decision go and see the lighthouse stay and wait for me Shh okay go see what else come on heck with it I'm dr. Watts mere wind can't stop me come on let's go kick some butt Simon Lobo says God say and Miss Mountain steps character voices great right roses the music here though don't trust these kids a Jarrett the Goblin King right Oh judging by your username that makes sense that you would say that I think these kids then my pets son in the future is Tommy oh no no no that came from bacon in the chat there is we need to head south to the street and take the other path to get down to it get down oh I see yeah yeah I forgot my parachute tell me your great time you're such a all right to the lighthouse to the window to the wall to the lighthouse we all go you can use the keyboard to move get that slavery but oh God thank you for some reason like at the beginning of the game I couldn't it's Oh oh this is so much better you're the best thanks guys that's that's the coolest that is probably the most clutch clue I've gotten the whole time DJC says the Nugget voice is the best they can't all be winners friends so no the novelty beachball so we broke it oh oh oh my god but uh don't worry dr. Rosalie will buy you another don't see will oh yeah sure just ask her afterwards we kind of need to get going now though control it also held like because the games like here's the mouse use it to control so I'm glad that right chad has filled me in on the appropriate ways here we go it's looking up who's the dummy that crashed the car that was dr. Rosalind yeah dr. Rose lead disk disk my head doctor what's the worst you know he's a great guy just misunderstood let's talk to the squirrel hello squirrel what excuse me what wait he's attacking wait what what like what what don't worry kids I got this what what this is that we take you to watch each bird defend what the best defense is a good offense what tsunami can tornado punch shoe other shoes other shoe yelling volume loudest this ends here yeah they'll go cath on you oh come on I wasn't actually gonna don't you like role-playing okey let's just go my whole night of the ruin oh man look at these woodland creatures was it intense bad I was ready I was gearing up for like an ultimate weapon battle I was prepared that's like a good old tutorial level oh hey what the title screen lighthouse Stephanie I know there it is what if we chose not to do anything I always thought it was a lighthouse it's actually a spaceship it is it's to the moon it's gotta be the who's gotta be rocket right to the moon it is a totally rocket and the bunnies are indicative of the rabbits in Japanese folklore that live on the moon what it's true what's you up don't you watch gaijin Goomba culture shock you covered it around Mario Odyssey wait what's that over there the moon over there is in in memory of River a wild river Wiles was she John's wife to the moon more it more like to the lighthouse am i right to the light now so until we're Jinyoung wolf know no one appreciates a good Virginia wolf joke reference sheesh the lame elevators they do not actually lighthouses are built to be very lean and the instructors seems like this thing hasn't been functioning for quite a while now multicolored paper rabbit hey this wasn't a year when we came last week oh yeah two colors huh my the only one who's a little creeped out by these though yeah you are yeah what uh someone's calling me ACK I shouldn't yest yeah yeah we're coming blah blah blah alright let's head back that's for this I received it oh sweet now we have platypus and rabbit cool I mean it's I'm like a pokemon trainer except for inanimate creatures right okay clear knob died while I was gone what the cactus were you doing burning ants with a magnifying glass using moonlight alright I was talking taking a nap then god it's so hard to be a smartass nowadays you're pretty good at being a half of it smart nah no the helmets on the couch get it on we're going in all right let's Inception this this guy lets insect your helmets on the couch chop-chop couch couch there's a bed not yet no that is the couch oh yeah yeah go ahead it's in cept initiate wit whoo ready or not here nose inception oh man oh man oh yeah layers within layers of hidden layers of his dream we have to do it before he dies time is of the essence then oh yeah so we can't be lollygagging like we do in every other night ever no lollygagging no gagging this should be the last accessible memory this boat disabled speech for all except Johnny Dunne let's get you get him anytime you can view your position in time by moving the mouse toward the top of the screen huh oh cool oh this is old man oh we can go all the way that young boy oh man Oh interesting so okay so these are all empty he doesn't remember them [Music] for river River wiles okay kind of song like this it's just two notes repeated over and over the launch sequence received a note clock I read it yes most definitely note clock the clock in Johnny's house never tick interesting that justice we're frozen in time no it's because he is frozen in time oh man conception weird it out every time it goes to like gray out grayscale right cuz I'm like oh do I'm running out of time for some things go the basement purely economic weird right okay wait I feel like I'm in the right zone yeah his memory must not include the basement or something yeah maybe this it will take us to where he was folding the rabbit like if we go to the lighthouse maybe we can see him folding the rabbit there to the window to the rabbit because this is last available memory yeah this is two years ago that if this is his life that's true Johnny oh no is that my face caretaker what a pleasant surprise we don't get many visitors around here my name is dr. Eva Rosaleen and this is dr. von Matterhorn dr. Lorenzo von Matterhorn you're such a jerk every turn dr. Neil watts von Matterhorn watts von Matterhorn are you familiar with the Sigmund Agency of life regenerative life generation oh are you two from the agency how convenient I've just been thinking of calling you Lily you know some cheap yes Lily that's not his wife it's not Lily actually actually you've already called us oh man I made her disappear in your own mind crazy messing with you man we're here to fulfill our contract from from the relatives future oh no oh man that's that's tough careful there if you slip off the cliff we're gonna have to reload this memory it would be like if someone walked in and they're like hey hey you're dead you're you're pretty much Brett later you're you're ready ready we're ready to send you off but we got to grant your wish know some respect yeah that's just the program you know I know but this is last accessible in the frame we need his cooperation worst comes to worst we could just reboot it and waste time like that you you you're here to take me to the moon aren't you yes John [Music] I suppose you've had a good run not good enough it seems Wow okay dr. OTT yeah that's that's pretty bad so can you do it can you take me to the moon we can't but you might be able to why do you want to go there I don't know how about plenty of good reason it's fine you can tell us it's essential for helping us to get you there do you want the pain the money you've got to have a motive intellectual curiosity right I'm sorry but I really don't know I just I can already tell if this is gonna be a pain in the ass guess who else's ah doctor what nevertheless Johnny here's what we will do we need to get to your childhood but is too distant to do so one memory hub thus we will need to traverse your memories with a gradual backwards leaps which you've given us the permission to do with the relative future once we lay down the waypoints your childhood memories for direct access we will be able to return here that's when you'll need to help us influence your childhood to become an astronaut oh that's that's wild so you impact your past to change the greater be alright that's funny or to get on a giant catapult one of the two the point is you don't need to have more to say than just the point is you'll need to have more to say than just I don't know as long as you can take me to the moon I'll cooperate in any way possible good now in order to leap to a memory you need an item that is of importance to some fold of rabbits right do you have a member of memento of some sort to get us started a memento for inception perhaps a totem like a hump or a tattoo on your arm that will do good what is this well show me ladies first no moon no moon will need to prepare this memento first but their prepare the memento [Music] complete the momento click the orbs to flip the pieces we have to fold it into a rabbit oh boy there yeah oh this momento can now be activated for traversal okay great dream it unlock wait let me know objective the moon in Johnny's memory is full okay Johnny thank you be mental activate do it wait what about my privacy well try not to violate what we can avoid but in most cases it can't be helped oh man it worried about my daddy's a brony should have worried about that one sooner buddy sorry hate to break tea well we really good at one very specific origami structure right like very great at it though solid yeah I mean you find your niche in life and you really lean into it I think that's the lesson here right I mean I remember in elementary school reading all the stories about the paper cranes right maybe yeah hold the paper buddies Oh paper bunny everybody's turn off visibility and interactivity it'll be messy to be seen it'd be messy to be seeing double yeah yeah happy geez I forgot to ask him about all these rabbits this is creeping me out we probably should have checked his record for a psychopathy first what the did he hear me that's impossible it's probably just a part of this memory oh then I stand by my point anyway quit blabbering and find a momento here - here - come come from interact with objects to obtain five memory links okay clock clock is moving but soundless yeah I got a memory ladies let's check out the piano the piano should have the music right right I miss your piano doesn't that little rabbit servicemember really hope fairly not these are just regular in there yes they're just your usual bunnies well what about this umbrella yeah clock is moving the soundless already got it that's way pictures then you can't even see any of them no can't even move by we dig fresh wild flowers boom don't if you have to explain our presence to him at every memory I'd go crazy don't tempt me love to make you feel crazy I would a memory of his bathroom an old and patched up backpack what's this a million years old I guess we'll find out whooo dampers new clothes Hey look at us racking up these memories in no time bathroom bathroom no an old comb in there or something some DNA sequences yeah I thought you were gonna say some deodorant oh I hate something I hate this stuff here great Mentos it was pretty remember e-link okay know what the real iike stablished great you can now travel with the momento umbrella I'm just gonna do that then yeah everyone's umbrella everyone is just saying in the chat over and over again how much we're going to cry good oh good I like old team says get the cut get the colored bunny again and PewDiePie's King says okay I give up I'm never going to be noticed yeah that's probably true yeah what was that the blue rabbit in the corner of the main floor huh that's it I'm doing the breaking put a little weight there's a blue where the item descriptions are important sometimes says box Oh hobo I'm looking for a blue rabbit I'm not seeing a blue rabbit me it might be in a different level not sure we'll be on the lookout right okay you're good stuck here okay momento let's prepare it sure pair the memento the corner or but can flip the entire diagonal okay so your ideal movement here is three what are we trying to make it I saw you so I think what is know we're making the umbrella so what's gonna I think I figured this out now I think I get it so I'm gonna flip these and these two will come up and this one will flip under well yeah that's exactly what should happen well fine you figured that out too I see so we want so it should go like this right yeah so we want a situation in which right yes I don't know that didn't do it actually what I expected it to do it did what I expected it to do though well fine okay carry on then okay and then we flip shoot and then do we well we okay so we can flail we shoot but this one's always gonna flip that one - damn it whoops okay so the others yeah there's that's it there's okay yep took me seven that's okay I'm learning getting the night it's a new mechanic I figured it out nailed it activated memento go on a second crack at solving I know right I want to do it at 3:00 the game told me I could do it in three okay all right we ruined back only moving back in we're not moving back quite as quickly as I expect right I thought we'd be like women back where they're like hey here's the seven phases of his life I'm like okay each of these will be one step back fairly not when it comes to rain through is better than on - okay I don't mind it regardless seems like his memory loops only spent a short period of time you and me both documents lean we're both on the same page about that we find a leaping memento where it's going to take forever yeah just enjoy the scenery oh oh I'm down here it old stuffed toy platypus okay honestly I just don't think this animal has the right to exist the world's not big enough for the two for two of you the memory of river II wiles that's a good one okay okay okay maybe in this tree I would have a point maybe isn't the tree so it's finished River like you I'll be able to watch over her every day she won't be alone anymore our baby on the moon I might never understand why but I stayed true to your wish I'm sure Anya is grateful to you too when I'm gone we're going to watch over us are you [Music] my name is Eva I was just passing by was she your wife yes her name was River that's a special name little plate of baking put a birthday totally it didn't need to happen see you didn't need to do it but she [Music] you wouldn't understand I don't even understand [Music] so she may have taken her old life it would seem Oh perhaps I wasn't I don't I know my voice acting of Johnny's oh okay we got a note about Anya all right let's read it we should hear I got a switch over Anya so more German River cared for okay probably a daughter yeah I'm gonna go with baby as represented by the rabbits or the platypus right right maybe yeah well time you got here I almost thought you fell off the cliff what are you doing enjoying the scenery what else don't you think you would like be honest with each other any luck here right big luck huge dinosaur ik Locke yikes oh this place looks pretty empty it's a lighthouse what do you expect a bunch of folded up paper buddies anyway I'll catch you up on there I'll catch you on the other side have fun Reeb raking the barrier for yourself what what come on Wow yeah broken lighthouse lamp huh Oh weird now that's broken blue news Oh what was that no no not on everything clear right this is a thing cool one two a three four five Mentos Mentos okay all right all right now that we're starting to figure this stuff out a lulo says it Watts a rudeboy right totally ideal shows the minimum number of moves the Mentos could be completed in three okay so one two three right oh yeah one nope oh yeah that'll flip the other one oh yeah yeah yeah that boys new record whoo yeah rabbits okay inching our way back Stephanie quick right if he was like 92 he's now like eating on in a solid low 80s low 80s Stephanie I don't know did you see that time line alright keep going just enough after we pay for your operation we'll have just enough left for it so don't you worry white lie that's what you know she's supposed to be old right that's what you called it right you know I'm sure we can just stop it yeah I don't like it when you die I calculated our finances I know it's like I know would it be like do you know what it like why do you try to convince me against my will we need the money for your medical bills River I understand that Anja means a lot to you but this this is just too much I mean she isn't even do you know what makes me happy Johnny living right what working on it egregiously expensive lighthouse to commemorate our daughter's tragic death do you crossword puzzles T well I do I just hope you can help you with it River yeah when the papers for my treatment get my treatments get here I will not sign them what you do with with our money it's up to Vegas ha but if you would grant my wish I want to use it to finish building that house and then for every day that you live there I want you to watch over her could this her be or is it her speak to her comfort her I don't want her to be alone anymore what about you happy right that's it can you articulate perhaps I'll be happy Johnny yeah I made this it's a paper bunny there are many around the room already it's really indistinguishable from them tell me what it is what just help you what it is it's so rabid like all the others you for me what else it's made of paper its body is yellow and the rest is blue I'm dying here it's made of multiple folds look river wrote a song it's for you it sucks it only has two notes okay yeah they're notes in a very specific pattern and rhythms Oh would you like to hear it River it's cold you didn't have to bring the piano in here for this little keyboards with the mallets and jangled it out I can hear you just fine with the door open jeez the river you don't understand Johnny poor Johnny I know he's trying so hard here poor Johnny Johnny gets no sane also okay I get it that you want to complete your memorial house for your dead daughter who you have this really sweet desire to like have watch over for the rest of your life however here she has been like I'm gonna forgo my medical treatment and probably die prematurely leaving you Johnny life partner who I'm presumably married to and have spent many years growing in a relationship with alone until you die I know that sucks that's actually really sad that's that's really though if someone's really ill and they're and they're suffering that's right it's also good - like if - I don't know let them make decisions that are going to give them happiest life I would have a really hard time dong is called for it it's called forever well I saw a river he's a practical woman it's just a placeholder dr. Rosaleen I think you can figure it out mmm what who is this on you know they were talking about come on so it's really obvious they had a kid if she's so important shouldn't we've seen her at this late in these into his late memories no I guess he didn't keep that promise after all guys use some critical line come on context clue okay oh here's dr. Rosaline come in come in via your the les mots dr. Watson you're not only me you're also Justin oh my gosh second Rosaline never oh come on alright hey that's the same song the kids were playing earlier huh whoa I guess he taught them you know what to Manly for this head done already got my memory links you want to hitch a quick ride or you want to look for yourself just stay and explore listen don't you miss the days when memory audio 2mph conversion we're legal haha George oral I think I brought home over 2000 songs during my first year on this job it's like the LimeWire but Napster right Napster of memory hopping it was great oh shoot I didn't mean to leave the room I thought that was a clue not an arrow note for River cool actually it's two notes for a river right where's where's my bunny my bunny not a clue I feel like my bunny come on it's gotta be a there you know - paper rabbit there we go he's new clothes man they really love they really love that book really and emperor's new clothes nothing like a naked King walking around being fooled by his own hubris to really be a pic the must reread of your life hey man it's about staying humble Oh a pot of unmixed dough mixed dough mixed go pickled olives olives someone really likes these right Nicholas try this I'm telling you there's no way what have we taken apart look at us John we aren't exactly at the ripe age of piano moving you know what if this means that much to you I'll pay for the professionals to do this I can't I can't help saving that house for you so this is the least I can do see it's a heavy piano man piano moving is difficult right jeez and so for river to be like what what you doing and I wanted to see her expression come on River critical thinking do you have them all we do all right it's gonna be the bunny or something write it up you know ah there we go I would assume but I would assume wrong apparently I have assumed incorrectly we need you know the other side first new clothes activate in memory oh well it is random plant it's a very important plant in their history second it's a very sexual topiary prepared prepare the topiary oK we've got four moves let's see let's see if we flip one no no I think it's gonna be one two three four what would thankful for middle no middle bottom I thought would one and then third one up a third one from the bottom second one from the bottom first from the bottom no oh no no okay four one [Music] to nope hmm if we flip this one it's one too now because then all these are open uh we flipped this one right that's I mean that's the first one No one two breed now cousin those are let's see you've really got these these are foot puzzles actually this is an interesting one they're kind of like a bit like slide puzzles oh is it one two three and then for the next when you oh I don't know when you just stick you late in the air it's random weights it's very cute is it yellow horizontal blue horizontal then yellow vertical and then like black word well we can only flip the first one to two no because then those are opposite again oh yeah [Music] it's - OOP we get to listen to the pretty music in the background though I'm doing to flip it across the axis flip it flip it good ba da da da da with something going wrong you must nip it it won't take you long you must wait I think we got start with this one maybe really cuz then it becomes one and now all these are blank aha which means we can then flip too oh no cuz it's been all those are blanks yeah exactly cuz you want to complete so flipping this one completes this row right but it yeah so the or this column right so one think you have that awkward one sitting in the middle there right well I'm just trying to think so like it oh no no no Matthew flip it flip it on the horse it flip it on the diagonal seriously it'll consolidate them think about it it'll flip it flips them yeah yeah it'll push the want the square that's on the bottom there into the if it's flipped across the no it's not it'll flip this middle cutlass little row right so this will be where is the right it is it is it is a bit tough to tell where the because row is here because if we're looking at because I was thinking that one that's sticking out awkwardly to the bottom you'll get flipped straight across into that position where we have the flower poking through which would consolidate the ones that are blank and and let us just flip them all I don't know is that how this is that all the day the works only one way to find out let's do it so you're just yeah see that's the thing oh here yep that one yeah there yeah so it does huh that's interesting good job that's weird okay so it's not really the day I mean it's the diagonal from that point but yeah not a perfect square yeah that's good to know activate yeah good job did it in par sweet b-plus all right moving slightly back in time still dr. Watts finally sorry I get to figure out the day right geez okay dr. Watts geez break man at theorists Pikachu on Twitter says I guess a I'm really glad you're playing this game it's sad what's so beautiful just the same I've been battling the worst depression I've had my whole 24 years of life and this is making me feel better even if just for now hey remember this feeling later that's awesome that's awesome huh at professor Amy says I I'm just lost I prefer real origami so we have the house the house is being built I bet they saw this cliff and thought it was not dangerous enough without people living on it ha ha something's going wrong you must lip it it won't take you long you must nip it now flip it flip it good man building a giant mansion all by myself is rough especially when I'm old Oh Nick called and said I should come I brought you pickled olives they're your favorite right some reason hey man I like pickles and olives that seems like a great comment you ever had a pickled olives I don't think so I didn't even realize that pickled olives are a thing I heard about mother will she be okay her illness was just diagnosed at its last stage fortunately it's treatable but the medical bills right I'm sure doesn't cover anything we can't afford to finish building this house Isabel that's really not important it's at that point we can barely afford to pay for her treatment but you can so that's what you should probably do I'm just relieved that she'll be okay but you don't know how much this place means to her McCann scale it bad I know it's a mansion there's to put a little shack up there you found there's literally two of you and you built this enormous right mansion of a house like I'm just saying as people who are currently having to like rebuild a large portion of our own bottom floor it is the one thing that we've said because it's miserable right it's not like it's been really awful it's um because we've had all this water damage but the one thing that we've said is like hey you know what it's not it's it's no one no one died no one is sick no one was hurt here you have someone who is sick I know I don't have someone who has died Stephanie so there you go your words fall on deaf ears when it comes to Josh so no you're just not listening yeah the point is that like this stuff means nothing compared to like someone being like healthy or being able to be like get get better that means that means nothing I don't know I like that kind of like building a house or a house having stuff is so unimportant compared to like your family here's here's my interpretation of this scene right so here's the here's what I'm thinking they had enough money to build this house right clearly they're like we have enough money to build this house this is a ginormous house yeah it's huge which tells me that they you know they might still have enough money to build the house just maybe not fill it with as nice of amenities inside like maybe you forego the marble countertops that instead you go with like just nice practical for Micah yeah a nice practical linoleum on the floor it's not like I know from I don't apply logic she's going to ruin all right fine I'd help but Ted know I've been barely getting by since the market crashed oh and the markets crashing traffic damn what are you going to do now this also sucks because all this wood is gonna get wet in the rain I'm gonna have to keep it covered bought the property just saying you could sell the property then we know yeah I'm I'm going to tell her what that we could make it I'm going to tell her that we can afford everything I don't want her to do anything crazy you shouldn't lie to her we don't understand this bill if she found out not sure which she choose so what so what what if she chooses not to save herself for the sake of this place then so be it that's what my way of looking at the situation not the words necessarily the right way are you crazy if it's what she really wants what I really dislike when you neurotypical think difficult you know what's best for others so does she have some kind of disorder no well if if he's a neurotypical it implies that she is not and if she's not Naruto a meter on it on like the autism spectrum or she has some sort of disorder or something like that huh but I don't know I'm everybody so like everybody's like oh my gosh this game is so beautiful I I'm in a weird place with this right now like this just does not add up to me what what doesn't add up I'm curious how like I don't know maybe we're gonna find out that this is all so beautiful and majestic but under any circumstances choosing to not save yourself in favor of just building a huge mansion just seems unreasonable wolf like you weren't you just arguing a couple minutes ago about how if they're in like tremendous amounts of pain it doesn't like but she's she's curable she's treatable that's the thing she doesn't have to stay in tremendous amounts of pain she can take medicine they did say she was curable that was good assume they were like she's she can be treated it sweet low well maybe there's no guarantee on the treatments and maybe it's we haven't but it's a new one it's a terrier that's a terrible treatment maybe it's a very painful physically painful I only treat I can just plan longing life maybe that's what it is we will find out Stephanie all right it'll continue down the stairs like oh you'll play it later there's a reason why I it would have it's gonna have to treat it with really good reason why are you call me that Izzie do you think this is all about her right like you said before you're like dooming your significant other who's old and living alone on a mountaintop to be alone forever what about me Isabelle after all these years and I'm not allowed to be selfish even once say poor John I don't want to be alone Oh I'm not going to let her die oh that's arrogant they don't care I sympathize with John here oh where are you going willing to pick something from this cliff to break back for her and at least give her some comfort that doesn't make what you're doing any less wrong like I think this is a very gray area here well he was lying to her so he's lying to her which she should BATTLE tough but he should I think like they had this cut they showed the conversation right yeah and in that conversation he didn't express any of this like hey I will really miss you it makes a big difference in my life Joe our god John would be good to have let you know his feelings for us those feelings John what you feel right you need to be listened to Nick wanted me to give you this use a box he said it's called everything's alright Oh what an apropos song in this moment it isn't Thanks no Roach I've never heard of that that's interesting yeah yeah it's a it's usually referred to for like people who don't have who aren't on the autism spectrum and who don't have a known mental disorder of any kind but mostly just for like mostly it doesn't have to do with a disorder they'd mostly just refers to autism spectrum versus not man I made the truck disappear it sucked out the truck oh man yes kids express that we didn't like talk about that in psychology what neurotypical like I I'm surprised too listen forgetting it but he'll see oh yeah although I think it's a more recent let's go shaped like colloquy all like use yeah okay so he's hanging out maybe the house itself I'm looking for here great flip this house but not in the sales way flip this house also looks like we're at a low so it looks like we are at the next kind of breaking point yes so we should probably split yeah do three oh there we go lamento okay cool let's do this alright okay if we flip [Music] and like your diagonal strategy now right oh if we flipped let's see that won't help us this time I don't think oh it'll be so either so we got how many is it three three oh I see the problem here oops I mean I mean 108 work yeah I think you see the same that's the jar of pickles oh yeah let's travel and a nose activate okay we travel back in time there we go oh man he's like almost a middle-aged dude almost have to stop using my old age voice all right all right yes nah we gotta stop I know but here I think I have to save it which means give to get out yeah have to I lock so you guys are really going for it huh see I'm diesel sort of old yeah yep the construction starting in just a few months it's a bit of a squeeze we had to split the payments but with financing make tubes how wonderful having your dream house is built at such a beautiful site you had your wedding at that lighthouse near your there all those years ago didn't you that's not all that's special about it oh man we have a long history with that place we are actually Martians and that is our return pod home well that's interesting to learn about you John for all these years good to have some good news how to get together for once Cheers and congratulations you two Hey be right back I'm gonna get some fresh air it's code board well old lady code word for I have to pee yeah no fresh air fresh enough is pee neat see this is old lady code word for we're gonna have some Girl Talk ability spilling the tea Stephanie the tea has been spilled well buddy it's sure been a while has it it who knew how hard it is to get across a few cities nowadays that river still so quiet he's actually been talking about home and with Isabel I guess she's just not used to you so I'm the bad guy here huh well alright so did you tell River that thing from back then I did that thing that we'll probably getting billed that you live streaming so how did you take it for the most part she took it well but something bugs me ever since the incident she's been making these strange rabbits of paper origami rabbits yeah if she's still alive in the lighthouse and she's making all of the bunnies and that's why they're they keep appearing gentle no she's trapped in late I think her presence is in the lighthouse and I think maybe it's like oh I don't know a lot a whole lot about this kind of thing but it may be an autistic like like a stim kind of thing hmm worried like it's a repeatable sense a activities tend to be something that helps people stay on an even keel that's true Vaman helps like self-regulate so it could be that hers is origami rabbit that's interesting and she's just been making them and making them I can see that yeah I used to fold origami animals for my daughter all the time hmm what's wrong dad I don't think it's the same thing she's been doing nothing but making the same rabbits stay in and day out our house is literally filled with them now it Isabel say something like that is a common trait with rivers condition there is good job you are so smart yes but something doesn't feel right this time when I asked her about it she never answers instead she just gets a distant look at her eyes almost as if she wants something from me and the strange thing is I feel like there's something I owe her to have us disabil yes she said she talked to her about it but got nothing well I'm certainly not one to inquire but I'll tell you this I've known you since middle school and you're notorious for overthinking you're probably just imagining things there's no need to get too worked up yes oh no someone doing a lot of origami rabbits and filling the house with them that beat constrained right usually when someone says that something's always wrong well I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you're probably right probably I'm always right John wait so even he himself never knew what was up with those rabbits it's weird forget about the stupid rabbits we've got bigger problems I don't know Rosaleen it's a confined memory and there's no mementos anywhere how do you know it feel I feel like there's plenty of the Mentos around don't worry we could probably draw one out of him how I didn't have to talk to him leave it to me just got to give the bartender a quick visit first yeah all right so with that I'm gonna save it all right cool save all right great and he's still he's still there he's still living checking up on his heart Pete he's doing good yeah so there you go that was our first let our first session of to the moon I'm really long awaited no no we are back on Monday 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time yeah hopefully you are here to join us in the meantime there was a new film theory haven't checked it out it is a fun and goofy one it is on a Dragonball Z crossed over with Scooby to the Shaggy mean it was fun so that is so if you haven't checked that one out yet please do we have a game theory coming out later this week on Sunday it should be yeah that's gonna make it and it's it's a - it's the start of a two-parter but it's a good one yeah part two especially is I was surprised by what I found so anyway that is it for today friends uh hopefully you have a fantastic weekend hopefully you enjoy it to the moon let us know what you think in the comments below and in the meantime remember that was just a stream oh streams thanks for watching uh I think I'll say goodbye in the chat what do you think are you sure I do do you want to join oh I mean Ashley J who said by E is probably gonna think it's really rude that you're not saying anything Jackson Davis also says by he says by Matthew because by Karen Bennett says don't leave me please hope you like the rest see you so soon show and Timothy King's us hello you say hello we say goodbye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 231,724
Rating: 4.9379077 out of 5
Keywords: to the moon, to the moon game, to the moon ost, to the moon gameplay, rpg, rpg game, rpg maker, to the moon soundtrack, to the moon ending, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, matpat, gtlive to the moon
Id: 7TYVliVZxxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 19sec (5719 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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