Fighting Our Friends! | Super Mario Party ft. Jirard and Nate (Game Theory Charity Livestream)

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can I just petition for waters do not take it from me yeah let's look what can you guys do for me oh my god hi I just want to say poetry to take it from the person we should go to prom just as friends if shyguy didn't desert the started [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey but you're you're still here so we just need to invite our next guest right remember from are we gonna play mario party with not people - yes I got you it's neat it's neat what's about it guys hey it's how long thanks for joining us for like the grand finale of today the grand finale of livestream Wild Ride is here with last hour we hit our goal of 107 acres is where we hit our goal of $175,000 it is baby now now we're going for our reach goal of 200,000 yes which would be great and apparently a like it's so like I mean though I've had to comment a bit people donate and we get there I'll do a distractor ever or whatever I actually I don't know but they get to choose it couldn't be easier on me we need help he might need to know I was gonna say sorry babies I'm not a bad I get to help right the district we are at the grand finale of the stream all of our equipment here has been chugging along all day I can't believe our trainers with our dry caster that might blow up anything we actually like blessed it before the like and let's all let's all gather up like a priest out here holy water but but no we're holding up here this this is our grand finale though you guys if you haven't put in your donations now is the time to do it we are so excited to you know just be here to be doing this together to be doing this with you so let's finish off with a party okay so uh so everyone knows I'm shy guy you know Yoshi I'm Daisy Daisy I'm Val okay like that would leave Jordan buzzer yeah okay all right let's do it yeah high five surviving practice everyone practicing safe switching yeah try counting everyone left so I'm like all right man what more would you like to do uh you know what you guys are the guests so I leave it up to you that one that looks pretty paradise way no that's why I played I want to play whoo that looks awful see that alright look yeah great king of the bombs powder keg mine on them right yeah maybe I can't safely do I can't see my question always has been like is the strap and the connection suppose here or is it I think it's there yeah it's it's not in the event that you drop it in your wrist yeah then you're like ready yeah we're good rules of us adventure get stars prated oh man number two i have a good come on job you're already a winner yeah yeah big featuring I think it's rigged that you don't get this April twice like I don't think it's really randomized hmm you notice that during valve light let's choose order no one ever gets a double number so the dice roll is rigged mm-hmm also visit it's worth noting that this my party's different cuz it's only a start eight points per star rather than ten which to me probably cause some sort of massive economic crisis and the Mushroom Kingdom the magnet stars are not devalued oh okay you can also switch between your normal dice black versus your guys I thought that was like one of the coolest it is really gives you a reason to actually play as a character yeah all right it's a special event here this is going to slowly tick down and you don't really want to be there when it explodes that's the only thing to know about this map okay so you got the dough should Xbox oh yes zero like it's not gonna be easy you think that yeah there you go solid Wow strategy my strategies that play right now is 4d jury up in this and I still got really regardless good job good job come on come on alright this is the shy guy just luck one of my role of for one of the best dice in the game it really yeah confident for good for right yes alright you guys what's what may be here when this blows right I know let's just stick around and see what happened yeah why not what what harm could happen when a bomb blows up an art oh boy one of our donators by the way says now that we're in on the district I want star bomb to be brought in as well oh we did contact them about the livestream they're good yeah they have a lot of cell phone on they have a lot of studying we have this a random thing it is kind of so basically you rub up the wiggler's head by waving your hand a bunch of times what but don't love him too much otherwise you'll wait you're way better and then your weekly verbal attack okay so pick I hate when that happens right you want to pick you a blur just some item I need you're gonna want to hold the controller this way I believe and then like you kind of you wave you what you pay to do that I know you don't want to wait Oh wake wiggler it's don't weigh no but like why would we approach it be like a sleeping thing its points lucky one and you got you're like okay wave it stuff wave your wiggler swing your wiggler around okay cool vibes all right all right I know I know I went in for it Gerard they're very ginger was no fresh your name it's very soft touching easy oh oh he's got an eye open okay oh hey come on you guys you got the stuff Oh careful I'm having a massive anxiety well luckily we're okay okay Oh your heart Wow yeah I'm impressed Oh oh man I hope the weight limit yikes I like barely even touch I know come on oh it's basically a Symes no well not right now we just tied oh yeah nine rubs well let's you donated $50 thank you so much for that by the way says you guys are the best also can you please tell Gerard he's one of my favorite youtubers and greatly deserves his million subs and so much thank you thank you very much it means a lot of you thank you thank you also that game oh boy I'm happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish yeah I don't think I really well and on the evidence-base again negative three big risk for you big boy you know big boy yeah that big biscuit risk you know it's risky that's why you want to go for it it's up it's a big biscuit ever a risk I think it's always a risk a big biscuit no you can't go wrong with a big biscuit how big is a biscuit to be a little bit the bigger the better the bigger bigger the risk get the better the biscuit isn't there isn't there such thing as too big of a biscuit Stephanie Oh Stephanie what oh I would also say Stefan oh are you our warrior option is lucky space like you space no no yeah you want to get out of there yeah buddy yeah you're gonna want to get out you'll be first to the star yeah yeah so you don't you want anyone unless you get an item spot go to the item spa but I could walk away from this beware of bad luck space-time expansion walking towards oh oh have you got another an amazing item shoot I'm dancing you create a star from there fine for just a bunch of free coins either way most of the time it's freeze free coins I like free stuff for no reason right it's it's barely an item yeah great I got to this is where Matthews like uncanny luck comes in so you get another person who contributes to your role and you can use their dice instead of yours yeah yeah it's not great oh yeah mine's now in a minute right no yeah what is this bonus I'll take the bonus it's adding like two like two spaces are wandering spoons to every role yeah like such a lame okay so here's the question do I want to go to LA or do I think I want to get outside oh no guys we got a guy out here we go we got to get out of here yeah also you two are currently in the lead for the special event space like you'll see it sure isn't that it doesn't mean they're gonna to call out that one oh this one you gotta focus it okay okay all right I made it let's go oh you're doing great I think the way you're approaching this game hey fellers okay thank you yeah I love that they're just like its optical test the game come on joy time okay oh right joy gone hello come on joy and I are all about this where where is the bling oh you know what it is I noticed okay the game is the game lies to us the games like hold it this way but it's not look at you all do this is this hold it vertical it doesn't say whether you should have it like short wig on like a whip like this like this you like you yeah well I know that now thank you everyone on that yeah thanks gotta wait for that game whole row by the way I Karen - Karen - Tirra who donate $100 yo says matpat slash big bosses Big Bob office collab diss track is something I want so much I can't even thank you for that and we are at 182 almost 180 but - I'll take it right sings oh thank goodness get off there get off yeah dude yeah good call good call push me out so he's a big bad boss I'm gonna what but crazy do you see oh I should have bought it forgot them the three oh hey oh oh man our rain here seven about it messed up man alright about it yeah you know I was nervous because uh I didn't think I'm havin why don't you actually use my item you should use that yeah oh you can just get there and top up next the star it's an amazing you're like everywhere always happy when this no matter who wins or loses you get that cool star and you're like yeah yeah Wow all right you're good that was a well you sign up for you do you for it yes yeah but I mean any smiled upon Wow about it I might you probably yellow you can absolutely buy golden mushroom all the way what would you buy you're good at the games um probably the golden mushroom because it adds five to your dice roll okay yeah are you trying to say that because it's not no it is the best option Gerard is the best option he's playing gets your head now I'm not look you're gonna go study honey what so it's a win-win I am never life look I'm just playing young young Santa me become slightly less trust more - like the beard makes it more trust learning I'm so excited I'm shaving for the first time in three years that's full I can't wait yeah we haven't I haven't shaved it since since we launched launched the newest season of the last season of the show which was three years yeah to the office yeah yeah right I think yeah cuz big guy bosses three years old so it's right after oh yeah I think that bosses is to understand guys Gerard's boyband of actual bosses yeah yeah Nate's one of them and Matt Pat's on the album oh yeah he's yeah yeah yeah okay all in on that Daisy Oh with the plus two or one yeah no go for that start yeah I'll take that time boo huh Thank You toadette I don't know why you suddenly become an important character in the barrio first but I'll embrace you regardless spreading a disappointment my life feeling such FOMO about the star now God valid valid Momo like what if that star was better - Tanya I know I know what if there are different qualities of star a different accent scratches on star you get a star you gonna fun I get it all I have to do is roll not zero yeah which you can that's a very valid you can actually roll into as well and that would just be tragic if she go here oh boy I'm gonna highest chance of getting a form and yet you got off the one six we called the big biscuit risk roll explosions a big biscuits that was a bitter big biscuit the good news is is it was hilarious it's true Bobby okay so okay so we need to this is super easy so we just need to go get dried it's you and me you guys should know okay no it's all three oh yeah basically we just picked yet I would say oh she try and divvy up the side yeah you there's no actually rough this is a rough one for made friends okay let's move on so that way you guys know get good at the game let's not go this would show me all right I'll take this oh no you should know I communicate to each other all communication is so bad about it you got it perfect you keep it up perfect now they'll go ahead got it yeah uh-huh perfect yep daddy daddy we go there we go nice doing really well he actually beat us holy crap Oh oh but if I had the top spot I'm trying man Dino has his day you are don't say that right now saying it the way that's cool I worked hard on that but yeah I just come on in and you know like Bowser's right for your turn to know what a Bowser thing find out what a well surly Bowser dit yeah you're gonna don't worry I'm never gonna get to it apparently no I don't want a tutorial on the whole I just I do I wanted to look be careful what you ask for I can see the whole board typing oh my god did you know are you done is he done okay get a toe tip if you'd like by if I press like below can i maybe you can remember was did you not give information you wanna do yeah what what oh wait what's what's do i press they make it look like a slot machine it's true you got this little space that gave you a normal space Matthew while you're rolling I want to call it a couple of really big donations that have come in Eric Carlson who didn't need 150 dollars which is awesome says first live stream and 2010 I was diagnosed with depression and every year brings its own struggles this 2018 has been no exception I want to finally shout out screen junkies universe my friend Katie Kit Kat and GT live love you mom and although arsenic rose to donated $100 thank you so much thank you so much for doing this I've lost many nights sleep keeping friends company so they won't hurt themselves between self-harm and wanting to kill themselves Wow that's really heavy stuff and a lot of what you guys have been sending in has been really heavy but we are so happy you're talking about it and also I waited til Nate arrived to donate says ogia her Haruka sorry hakura at 64 who donated $20 his content music really helped me get through a tough time in my life that's so awesome thanks for sharing yeah thank you for everyone who's donating still we are almost at 108 that was it okay okay wins right there we know it's not our I think they do it I think we're gonna be doing this like make it close we're all for yes yes oh my gosh do I have enough for the star okay gotcha stop exactly enough right it was you can take that lucky spot oh you've been waiting to say no you could say no you could say no pass for pass yeah you know thank goodness okay who we toda arbiter of the stars we're not honestly just stars like everyone Starbound massive donation sushi Suzuki Suzuki says thank you so much for doing this and donated $100,000 hundreds hundreds is just as amazing fur in my book that's like mr. levels I just sniped know that incredible thank you so much guys we were so close you're so close thank you for all your support today okay so ah ot have to know where those are guitars up there yeah all the way across okay uh thank you to grab it thank you gotta grab it maybe Nate right you're right maybe you're writing right you're right you're right Nate's kind of like the Joker yeah yeah don't not the wiggler again please gridiron gum gridiron okay I was like football Darian just don't talk man don't so badly anyway says oh it's on a guitar actually yeah I know I'm gonna do so badly this it's the Babe Ruth oh you're fine no I take it the spacer combo scuse me coming it does seem I guess everyone is that one hit is everyone's hitbox really one grade they are enormous I'm huge you can push you can push this is good until please don't push me how are you pushing the way you push me I didn't push you pushed more cushion warships role players taking out sizer push we won first place better first place most the most first place first yeah the people still do first on video like I miss yes then commenting first nope they still do do they oh you sure do oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah from beyond am i just tuning into the comments too late at this point yeah we we said it live an hour before we actually go by Oh what above all the first people are there at 3:00 oh yeah smart oh hey see you thought I did it Wow oh yeah what a bit past I mean it would be very sad very sad you know if you pass it they actually offer it to you for cheaper there's a one in ten chance it's a game fear I'll believe it when I see the video one in ten chance yeah I don't know this actually I because why would Nate like because like how many stars are even do be throughout the game and how many of those people say yeah exactly right why else would the very beginning work blocks or something actually no if you take my star oh my gosh oh that would be so funny if you take myself I'm gonna leave okay fire me siddhart on Starbucks Starbucks oh yes all these you're okay guys so someone's not getting money yes communism man no problem in the meantime there's another one another big shout out for Nate second donation just want to say that I appreciate makes me to make music so much I have all his albums and they've helped make here some very dark times best of luck to you in the future name awesome all right here we go all right cool six solid six [Music] no no no no you guys this is the time to double down on Matthew I'm telling you he's going to get away with winning the Sheung I know that you are Daisy pick a number between one and three oh my goodness come on it's to do see I know the random options there but I wanted someone to choose for me I wanted it to be serious uh uh I don't know if this does literally anything no Steele sorry yeah right if only yeah he would keep his business cameras long could I make another purchase see nobody's like you're done he just does it mom oh man a first space do I fight someone fisticuffs rumbling baby I really only okay I hope the joy columns are how vibration on I don't know what this is I don't think they do what great how much we wage we work everyone they said shoes oh yes the illusion of choice okay okay okay I'm pressing a button if I write is this doing anything what what oh I see did I do it specifically couples not on we don't know so weird why don't you a visual why don't they let you turn it on is that I don't get it I mean I mean we did it actually but like why would it be like hey your rumble isn't on so you can't take full advantages yeah also wasn't sure you only you know what I'm okay with this cuz your ally pushed you over to not get another Ally you got another Ally would have been a problem right growing up and I would have a pair of dominant okay okay dominant is there no no I think I'll wait ah how do I get back well no one likes the direction of this darn conveyor but right seems well get a direction and stick with it this is gonna be a chaotic round of great okay good alright seems random try Carter um is this the lake oh this is not fun this is not fun alright let's just get this over with let's try get guys I love Bowser on it right and what starts here we go right ready being Bowser on a little track I love that everyone figures out these like acts or all the like rotation are like most [Applause] didn't work parsnip my pyramid not work right man good job staff able to fly copes the one person who did like there's always a different way you do some of this you mean still relevant today rave is it I don't know I tell me when I go to raves I want to know yeah I don't know when Matt Beck goes to a race the dance was loud my my rave ads when I go to raves I get really this is a problem oh wow points and the most stars oh there's gonna you're gonna steal my story anyways mother I just throw the first punch where's the where's the got the most points stolen from him by salty rivals Oh miss darthian hey that's nice hammock golden mushroom burger I'm ready to go alright look at these guys they're gonna be at the start no time hey no I'm enough for your start so keep stealing 0 1 3 3 5 & 7 he's so happy - yeah spectacle 3 solid as long as you avoid the exclamation point I love that I'm just like wandering around nowhere wow I'm Daisy I'm Daisy Doo roll away and well we have Saiga's crown donated $200 which has been I've always been proud of your work and your energy to lose a loved one in such a horrible fate made this easier suffering the suffering of many looking forward to a good dis track okay oh it's them he's plotting you have not applauding I'm trying to figure out what the best way to go is right I was really thrown off by that right Oh bad luck space you can't go back there no okay then that way you guys are gonna be there you gotta get out you gotta get all the way there hey get out of my no-man's land up here meat that item man that's what I need give me that give me that blue mushroom mushroom bird this track now what you hear is not a test I'm rapping to the beat me the crew and all the rest are gonna try to move bet that has never been done before a completely original work done by me absolutely definitely not it's definitely not gonna get my screen right you might get a strike on this be careful I know what I see the board again that would be the button to your left there represents the Y button okay so the switch control so Gerard is so you Bogart is very close I don't have enough points though so that's the issue not yet but after this one who might you one two three four five six no I need a roll at least seven to win yeah I'm debating whether when to okay oh yeah I think I think that's pretty cute so there's not much I can do to hurt Nate right now no I I can't try to make sure that your are doesn't mean you're the only one that it makes a difference for I'm sorry what are you sorry about mind me major the get to star yeah but I if I steal six points or Nate it doesn't make a difference he still has plenty for the start and but you don't this is the problem this is the pocket staff you you just made me an enemy which means now I don't care if I win or lose all that goes to make you lose while you're already rolling the 1/6 chance five-0 my goal is not to get her stars just to make you nuts to shake down in the process look this is how they're telling me to roll it oh I hate this hold on wait how do I do this oh you gotta shake them ajar to unearth your candy this one's terrible practice just do it okay oh my gosh really come jelly bean oh man look at that high-definition rubble and edge this is the future of gaming hey we are officially over 185,000 he doesn't go to our super stretch goal oh my gosh hole and I've just sealed my fate by stealing coins with direction it's true I don't have enough to get a star so now it's my goal to stop Stephanie consider Mesa I am so far out in the middle of nowhere you got if I really maybe I would he's gonna pick me that's that she's a victim you figure I'm Bowser probably isn't the best a great event see event that's been happening W I go for the seven or should I just you need seven to get this is our let me count it says seven two three four it says seven four two seven two star okay so I need seven maybe need account again because the wiggler sure because they says seven languid ler there are there aren't so on numbers in this game through three oh it's two three it means you know that's not that's not even math it just says 7 - full scar great thing so right on my character it says seven two star so it just tells you is that seven coins to know it's been Gerard percent oh yeah oh that's nice they thought of everything how would you know it's the spaces are not coins seven Queens to start there's a coin cot but how do we know that he doesn't have to be so you got a three just now okay so three and she's on three coins to start okay now he's four to start to start I don't want to land on red you shouldn't land unread take the damage and by the start but there lose points oh my god doesn't matter you have more than enough okay perfectly watch they're all so beautiful zidar like it was a solid choice and not listening to me Trillian all start look I also decided to switch the rotation of them because this is literally if summer does not get us an action star all the two bonus stars that's known on come on come on not euro okay I'm gonna get the least spaces moves oh no you got the ball this your new friend I want to hang out with him what horrible that's what you get for stealing coins for me Oh Gerard you're poisoning thank us I believe early Oh Manson versus me that's fair yeah what happens if you get a negative one you go back off the chain [Music] I'm the size of the chain shop here we go [Laughter] oh yeah hello my that I mean last to be at least two completed the stream with my donation wow you did actually boy oh thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you I dunno what was your what were your serving me later no whammies no whammies no whammies no sorry nice really it's a very fair game hey plus everyone's proud of all of our perform my gosh look I like that we looted gave me will gave me to me I'm still one away like there's nothing I can do like it when I could get to the star as to all me the oldest Stephanie as technically said you know what I've called strategic gameplay men blame him he taught me that there's strategy thirty microns my party there's a good amount of dumb luck as well this is cold he's called you as the winner so I do have enough money Steph I'm gonna get a star you just got it I got a three star so thank you yeah probably not gonna win but I think you got I think that you might actually that way game changer cuz you're gonna get the happenin star oh yeah you've also want a fair amount of minigame but I have not I've actually lost it's not going well not feeling too good on this one all right you can use that gold pipe you know right I wouldn't do it you don't have enough money for the bike do it I didn't want to do that the games trying to force you but all right sure is do it do it yeah just a little one I don't want to lose my star just don't why don't I roll the one so I can get myself thank you so much wait yeah just go the other blame you don't want them do you don't do it buddy hey don't let yourself you're like you're like the guy in the Vinci Code anything that rolls at the flag I am so for to start okay number four you are just four I don't think you for just a four look this is you have a feeling not bad not bad one away one way it's okay you know you can steal a star or you can call y'all you should buy a warp pipe yeah by the work pipe usually the word present in you you will win yeah do it do it do it way you understand I don't know if I win my goals make sure that I literally haven't even like slower okay so it's okay great great I'm team Yoshino that's what this hey what about you Matt Pat team team what Bella I get a friend look he's good friend he doesn't meet you at home friends he's got these company yes I got me Ward totally gonna be in smash yeah yeah right he's gotta be oh yeah it's never too late got too late especially if Piranha Plants it's me oh yeah prop I can make it while we use a shoe yes maybe the Tendo will say no justice I'd be like you know what guys you're right calm down you'll need it you'll need the chill he's got all these exciting items here we go boom four kids five skipping that that evil square so is good thing hmm Oh what is this steal a star oh what a great idea why don't we just take it from Gerard because Oh although I should probably take it from Gerard right because what's the room yeah cuz you're gonna win the game anyways why not fight the guys gonna work place they both got a free star coming to them as yeah they both have a free start coming can I just petition for what reasons or not take it from me yeah let's look what can you guys do for me oh my god I just want to say take it from staff poetry to take it from the person who deserves it like the list take it from Stef because when you take down when you attack the smallest disintegrates the threat oh it's true it depends Matthew we're doing oh you want your key to work in the lock tonight when you get home Stephanie does not deserve her star I think Stephanie rightfully or no I'm saying that lease deserves to be attacked it has like that is this I'm already that's right that would be gérard gérard just least deserves to be attacked I Girard literally like put us over the top on this stream and you're gonna like steal this it's makers start I don't care takers there's a happenin start man you're her is gonna get it look I have a theory okay what's your theory the theory is she might get the happenin star and please correct my way both you know when make grabs the star in the next turn that's true it's gonna move next to her and she'll have enough money to get in that scenario it's it's interesting this this cookie another thing for consideration you should I can't believe if you could take a star look if you look if you want to be the knight if you want to if you want to be the nice guy you can do random yeah leave it up to you know random no I'm not leaving out to pay this Mario Party great in that case taken from stuff I think you're right yeah oh I think I might need to take it from you got like two turns left yeah here's the plan jason will inherit shy guy so we want to leave him the only person you can search at this point get your take we could go to prom just as friends if shyguy desert the start oh man it's a good thing that's oh you can start what the great man may remind the audience at home the last time that step did this what exactly happened it doesn't matter because I still have a warp pipe one and just do it so we just may protect their respective sides respective yo stuff what am i doing what do I do know you guys know how to do the guys guys you hit on with the racket friends come on come on guys so once we check back I have sucks someone protect for Court I got four four hi have no depth perception I'm sorry okay this is just this is gonna be our good I know the NorCal poorly for all of you I'm sorry okay who's got back I got the left I got down I'm gonna just I'm gonna just try to corner what now you're just trying to sabotage us aren't you yeah oh geez look at all the points that Yoshi's getting I mess that up tell worthy no no no pill right that's actually exactly right it's really difficult to come back get back go back go back go back go back oh man you totally crushed us yeah they're size on the 31 games were a little slighted to be in February against the one person Yoshi again once again I am short one coin I was so so sad it but strategy right you would have been like freeze there is no strategy here there's no strategy there's no strategy there's nothing here just sadness I'm a trans a lot to to to all only to washed you home heartedly speed through them I can just lose in real time you got I believe okay shoot one thing is if you had to add that extra coin you could have sniped to the star away from name yep yeah you go yeah guys I don't even know how do I do now but I wouldn't have to buy it anyways it's true all right I'm just gonna go you know what one just one what is just what if one what if you roll a zero you get another ally and you would still have the star yeah and so it's actually a good drag you should do that otherwise any other role is one just use the I mean I couldn't it would be really bizarre to use that chaos range is perfect there we go zero on oh wait no it's not friendship oh yeah friendship is great my money's on Yoshi that's great my digital games the old stories from Yoshi that because my cool sperm enough to win share I rather its strategies your strategy it's not strategy effective where you moving to to toe that wait okay we Balaji that's not a good direction for me oh come on well I guess you all are getting there cuz you also have like yeah yeah Gerard's got its inner time you know you don't need an item to tell you that you're a good signal oh man unless Matthew rolls of one and never an eye roll unless I blow everything up and Gerard still doesn't have enough coin that'd be so funny oh my god you won't have a movie that won't work no unless Matt oh my god Matt to roll on the bad zone if he gets a happenin face which he should try to so he can get the happen there's no job don't even try it you're so full of it and if I land on there don't you it blows up I have no literally because I'm already left no chance the thing is I need these gold Piper's to use the gold pipe and ship that star place minerals yeah I know where I'm going but anyone like my pet bomb it's not how it works he's cute but he's a little stupid I'm so happy I know go and I go ten this is okay that's actually a good call you'll skip that whole section yeah if you if you hit a ten you're in the zone ten sixteen oh thank you there you're there man Union fourteen there you go no now hear me out though there no there's no oh here we go yes we are in the homestretch oh my goodness oh good stuff man okay where is it going is it going that could make the game in front of me God despite little Mario Party man that's right comes out of nowhere let's get risk map big risk and risk where's this going come on right in front of you buddy no way sending it your way come on it won't matter for me because how can anybody use it anyways the only way would work is if like I used it went there and then a friend and I rolled a perfect ten to it or whatever big biscuit risk Oh right I like I like the little lighter but I have to roll this one and then I'm going to let Jason inherit shyguy because I have to go home and meet up with the baby chance play the lottery go rats Jason hey guys I gotta go I'll see I'll see you thank you guys so much for all your donations we did it this is so awesome Thank You Gerard you're the best you can still make sure Jason doesn't win that be off okay yeah all right yeah so I got got this okay okay all right what do we do oh you're losing to me are you holding something you know you shoot each other with water and then when you run out of ammo you pump it oh okay then we run America okay it's like a like a much slower less exciting version yeah everyone are L on top oh come on oh you can pull out yes oh wait for me oh we all fell out of the rig there you go nice from that time Daisy searched and got the appreciation that she does she yeah she's a shadow character I won one mini game I think maybe - what a bum but you want our hearts in the process all right I just decided it's fair it's fair point we do that that's fine here it is lose the golden mushroom no I'm yeah you can get there right there all right you okay you need to get look you sit down files are dice black that'd be great no way big all done all I need a baby tell you be enemies man that golden warp pipe is clutch mm-hmm sorry I just need three more coins turn I mean that was the last Church so you know I'm saying there right now oh god John Hurt 1108 never to know you can't post it baby it's like bowling yeah okay glass Mario Party those are got like six dice that he was rolling on that's not good where's your other dice the whole party look mark party ten was just everyone hate Bowser it was oh my goodness who's close to this anyone it doesn't matter he's got it shy guys got it special event shy guys got it yeah hi guys this is the come back come back come back here with it girl we have inherited that legacy all right so okay I could it's not good okay so you should use it I think I do it yeah Billy Martin I believe in you anyone who does not use a gold nor play well and you get to roll again yes so why not are you get to roll through this rather okay so when the SARC don't don't zero yeah yeah do I not have my ally do you do that's what that purple oh you could play it safe yeah yeah good call now guaranteed stuck on four and six there you go not bad home stretch stretch literally and the one in ten shots like we could offer it to you for eight coins but Peter started what if we would have to register there's like a toe that's just like maybe you're saving your money you're sure you don't want this are should you get this you really should get this I know there is need to passes if you're angry honors deal right this is one website right go right this way ladies to me know that don't do it that would be so interesting it would be interesting right yo I'm so poor whatever choice you miss not bad nice I support you in life life an easy star actually no no I never my you can't she's got a 42 star 22 Matt yeah there's no 22 I believe in you man no chance 22 22 since make it happen this is the one Braddock role that role that the 10 2010 role the 10th one yeah and then add 2 to it somehow true you have to from the coop oh I don't want to get out of this second 3 8 10 6 CDs dice block is really good all the time 1 2 you know with each other what's that the ten yeah and then roll the dead twice in a row don't forget Matt you'd have plus three in the cupola that's four to five that's true so you already earning enough don't punch me you're fine okay just watch boom that's four plus three is seven years yes no hello that's what I was afraid of there's no choice oh there's no one in there I have a negative one remember you do I know make your coins away but it's not gonna ruin you you know how if Jason gets hit who is more coins I have more coins you will lose get back and you roll don't think sit back there can you roll Oh what do I gotta do no no you can't again I just gotta like punch up dice block subtract 1 or 0.2 you found it blows and oh great nothing happened well great alright is it guys well mark you killed your ally that's a sin your Ellie died are they a my stuff we just because they're not help do you see how he went to prom with me George Ellery what's the ass friend where that bomb started a small business it did not work oh okay got her so I got to avoid getting hit by darts is that bad can we only have a certain you only have a certain number call all right I gotta we gotta be careful yeah are we on time too we do this in unison right yeah five you all wait here you go that's one oh my god that's a hard date I was carrying again still had one yeah I feel like I I feel like we we did that was that was a joint effort I'm sorry that you couldn't part a the coins okay this is the decider right here gold my adventure ends here it is yeah Daisy do your little mini anis this goes to master big games first the most come on Daisy yeah it's not Daisy Daisy train is rolling the slowness oh yeah shy guys I got that means I lost yeah it's an unbelievable like 50 no I wrote I'm no yeah I did lose well you had other girls so like you lost in two ways yeah [Applause] [Music] thank you hey you know well I didn't get last place so I'm fine with that Wow shy guy chaos rates from chaos did ring I got a story though just think if step didn't Pig on me she would wonder she would've been me oh that's true great good one that was excellently done yeah thank you what time is it by the way ah eight forty eight forty well this is where we start closing things up for the day I guess yep right right thank you guys please donate to get Jason off the street now there until two hundred thousand holding one's great here since we have a couple minutes let's do in your since you're a musical inclined guy we should do the rhythm game oh my goodness great it'll tell you exactly what you understand it you don't have to basically you gotta like pump or do things to the music good I don't know what just happened I so basically it's all motion controls oh okay he's doing a little shimmy shake Oh oh we're done you did better your yep okay what's that starting I'm starting the game of them did you get so whack the moles in time so it's gonna bop bop-bop-bop hip flute we good hit that's it that's a hit there y'all okay tit yeah there you go wait what why was there to that one time famous [Music] oh thank you did you with that last one what the pull the reins oh I'm so bad okay you only follow the reins when you get the when you're running over things [Music] [Music] like I'm winded [Music] I was super if it was Tony I was early he was yeah [Music] oh this one works [Music] so cute is it Oh her legs nice nailed it jay-z to our days dance mmm chip shake there it is is it that's it ladies and gentlemen you did it and the winner is everyone yeah everyone the winner when it's music education fund our educational system please teach music hey I feel like that's not fair my guy doesn't even have yours you don't know that you don't know what's under that hood nothing see miss CEO she visibly doesn't have that's true Yoshi if anyone has an excuse Yoshi well done Wow wheats almost Toddie yeah eighty two point four percent that's it was it was that middle of the horse can that ruin the horse I'm holding here the horse can be wrecked everyone that's really bizarre beautifully again yeah let's do one more encore let's do it give that on court reward remarks EDA money remix remix we're gonna bring max does that brief really memory thanks but like a beat ever comes in here every word every relieved we relieve you oh my god where's the beef it's the same ones every time no it's different Oh [Applause] strike the pose just hold don't know why Halloween okay okay so don't ring it around you'll count down for you the white ah huh whoa oops porsche guy oh I ruined that oh oh man I love I love me some ddr style games even though this is nothing like ddr head alright it's nothing really just waving it type of music [Applause] that's the rhythm of this nope there we go nope it's double jumping for me [Music] oh-oh-oh that was a bird when I was a rough ground that's go skewer the fruit Oh No okay okay here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] you know my joy Khan is Auto like like stabbing more than it should be right same oh we go now it's all three again faster oh man oh no is this faster you got this sit striking the mid from the great dinosaurs Oh I didn't yeah Oh order back oh thanks you guys done oh just want to measure them and it's a large cumbersome hard work nope tell jump yeah double just a lot [Music] oh great this humor this is my least favorite one okay she the horse might be the worst one oh I'm so mad [Music] well done more skewers well done those intense this is yeah guys maybe it's too high definition for your weak human role we might be getting a lag from the splitter the double jump is weird whoa there you go ma'am yeah I'm not dancing no you're shagging your imagine yourself as a princess all the time it's fine oh wait okay so how do we do I'm yeah well that's an interesting spread so close wait I won won won Wow well done good good man good man boy good good good that hundred percent if we do that they'll last the future the earth block 100 maybe you got oh yeah it was all the the final fruits to your that day oh yeah I got who's wow look at that 33% it's almost a perfect fairy yeah 33.4 it probably was like a perfect thing no well 15 divided into 45 it actually is a perfect there they just round it although they rounded book Mario Party around it poorly cuz 33.3 two buttons Bob three point three so they just took it up two point four that's what they did yeah that's not what you round that's not mathematically sound if I be in the Mushroom Kingdom the man is alright welcome to guaranty and my life take that into account it's you yeah well gentlemen time I have to actually start closing up the stream yeah sir thank you for joining thank you for having thanks for coming down hopefully we get the opportunity to do a district again we could do a district yeah it's gonna be amazing sure yep right cool great not to back up a distant sure this time outlook out a dissonant trap isn't it oh that works too a dissonant dissing track whoa oh my gosh yeah hug track it's all too much oh I love the hug tracks just this is just like a just silence for three and a half minutes just hug you is it just like a bug is em are just like put a mic like a hash here let's do it off a custom microphone here this is this is the hug am i right here right now Chris it's great or like let me click the fingers thanks guys for coming I'm gonna sign this thing out I guess right now it's it's weird it's weird after all these hours to actually say goodbye and sign this thing out all of a sudden in the final seven minutes I just want to thank everyone one more time for all of your donations today it's incredible right now we are at about a hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars which is already ten like ten thousand dollars more than what our goal was of one hundred and seventy-five thousand it means that we are only ten thousand dollars away pretty close to $10,000 a way to are stretched like amazing like we can't believe that this is possible goal of 200 thousand dollars which means that we're unlocking some sort of distract positivity track I don't know some sort of song that would involve a lot of the people that you saw here today that we would make for you guys dedicated to you on whatever subject that you wanted so if you can donate and make that happen that'd be great now is the time to get those donations in again one final time in our final five minutes here let's see how high we can get it it's for the brain and behavior Research Fund that is helping to support research internationally for cures and long-term treatments for things like anxiety antisocial personality disorder bipolar disorder depression and and all of that so please please if you can donate in these final couple minutes this is your last chance but like I said donations will exist through to the end of the year so if we you know cross that two hundred thousand mark by the end of the year will absolutely be a part but let's let's call out some of the donations here cupcake bytes donate ten dollars said you are doing such a great thing by raising money for this cause thank you for doing this we love you guys so much also from a pets via hair maybe do game theory green and film theory red which is delightful I would not be opposed to that in the slightest I think that'd be funny
Channel: GTLive
Views: 283,101
Rating: 4.9675441 out of 5
Keywords: super mario party, super mario party switch, mario, mario party, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, mario switch, super mario party trailer, super mario party gameplay, mario party switch, mario party switch gameplay, super mario party switch gameplay, new super mario party, new mario party, new mario party gameplay, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory mario, gtlive, gtlive mario, gtlive mario party, gtlive super mario party, gtlive switch
Id: YoHlfnGtHxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 39sec (4959 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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