TROUBLE IN PARADISE! | Super Mario Odyssey (Part 5)

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you're all about it oh there it is Oh [Applause] baby nice that makes it all better [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live Londonderry edition it's a brand new week and a brand new GT live and the same old people on the couch and a brand new you oh that may be also best part of the other great part of the day we are currently at 9 million subscribers yeah just flip some bubbles or something you've got coke cans right there ah can I can I uh can I spray the curtain over here a little bit more can we permanent life that sounds off I mean at this point yeah what better way to celebrate than with one of the guys who made this channel great Mario jump man Mario that's the one we're gonna today we continue the quest to beat Super Mario Odyssey that I'm sure everyone has seen the ending um yeah we've seen it but hey it's a lot of fun to hang out together when last we left things off we had beaten up the shiver Kingdom freeze Kingdom ice whatever Kingdom Chile Kingdom OH the penguin paradise that was this level we assumed the role of one of the large snowball people we raced it was delightful yep whoo bumbled our way through did indeed and so now the Odyssey is powered up we are ready to go don't figure this for yet another time the Odyssey powered up so at this point I think we go to the seaside Kingdom which was the choice that they offered us last time you even though the cold came tomorrow so no paradise here we come I feel like we got to be getting close to the end right our game is approved our large sphere is also getting pretty full team a look back it seems like we're missing two segments one of which will be C sides right which would lead me to believe [Music] right I was gonna say it but also it still bothers me and I don't know if as you collect moons if the Hat will actually become fully red that would be like it's got some chips to come on it's just supposed to look it's must look a little steampunk today it has to be a little it has to be a little weather you know yep sober still sir so they're serving the emoji frost frosted okay you kept the wedding are they not if we serve them a defeat first oh good on Cappy seeing as how we've got some time to kill you no no don't jump I don't need to do a really good one big flaw with you let's read up on the seaside here's a carbonated see that's suppose it's supposed to be quite nice and it says here to be sure we visit the four giant phones okay that's that's it carbonated ocean that's that's it's like it that's for addition of Diet Coke here's a fun fact for you it's yes except probably less sticky and artificially flavored yeah um here's a fun fact for you when we definitely like to travel right we traveled to Israel and we actually went to the Dead Sea yeah which is called that because it's got so much salt in it that not a lot yeah it's just so salty and it is it is very unhappy about something that recently went wrong and it's like it is extremely I'm like where's she going with this so so the Dead Sea is super salty uh and so there's not a whole lot that can live in it because of the high amounts of salt right like you when you're gonna thank you for continuing to talk about me being so anyway the reason I bring it up though it's so salty though that you can just like the water almost like red yes like it is hard for you to go under the water because you are so buoyant yeah you are less dense than the water which means you float on it and it's really hard to sink in the Dead Sea and the thing that people do is smell like they'll spit in the dead stick your feet up and you can stick your hands up and you don't have to paddle or anything to stay up you just float at the top it's really cool I tried to get the power mood in there but last I am NOT fleet of foot fat Mario can I like that all these snails are French with their Berets oh my gosh they are their little escargot yeah they're in Louis Peugeot's oh man should we warn them that France is like one of the only places in the world that regularly hates snail also Oh No escargot this this feels like oh this is really not that hard Stephanie I need to be free to put to get up here in order to lead her on oh we're not fleet enough apparently not feet we're not sleep I was not bleed enough to actually move the camera maybe I wrong got it nice nail them back on the moon train that was awesome I'm gonna fly through this one gonna beat the game right now yeah so the Dead Sea it is wild try all you own it Oh oui oui oh you try all you want I will never surrender he reminds me of comfort let's go now oh he's mad now three fountains left let's hop to it okay it's probably something on yeah let's get stack in so dead sea very cool is one of the weirdest sensations they are you also have to like completely like shower off so your body is actually really like yeah it feels really slimy and a lot of sense honestly like you would think hey I'm toted with salt you would think that that would mean like you feel really great yeah or not or that you're like ooh my skin is so like awesome and exfoliated now now is she seduced oh man she's really seduced she's so excited just popped out a moon okay there we poppin foods poppin bottles and well not really interested in a long-term thing whoa really she wants to kind of be more with some friends with benefits overcooked erections understand so anyway this this game is [Music] Martita area Reno area says Knights French accent thank you we're indigo dragon 7/7 says terrible sometimes once told me the world mario told you go yeah there it is oh man it's gone oh I'm feeling it feel that high definition Rumble in colder uh Boas in the chat says I'm literally reading The Odyssey in class right now can I get a five and a half PS period yet parallels between this game and beyond feat no wonder if you could track the path Madision as you've read that you're a classics major well yeah I don't remember it that close I mean you know sirens that summon you to the the rocks ready goes yeah I mean he goes to like different areas those different like land spaces different people and stuff I don't think he runs with the too many wedding rings but maybe you could take that only metaphorical no is he not stopping a giant turtle dragons wedding I mean it's close it's it's buddy this is a slight adaptation [Music] [Music] ride the jet stream hard Oh give good a flip this team has never hasn't had those kinds of moves like required before it is also like at some point in this level they see the word like if you zoom out far enough you'll see keeping them and then we'll be up there the top of the purple moon which says [Music] we sure like all other coins or something right almost like gems do we need to open up in a certain I don't know maybe the numbers over the boxes have indicated yeah tapster yeah yeah trigger trap piddly look at that sorry have we done with this level sketch law because I love this game right it was a really good game I love I love I love this bubbly seat I can't lorelei weights is 10 that cut speak Spanish no that's much too much good stuff unless you're home now English French a little bit French a little bit yeah yep I can't tell you but I'm giving you a clue glass palace trial and he hops Rocket Man oh man look at that crazy intense pretty intense up in here like the effect exit it's really satisfying to see the fog like float away I love this ring now there's somebody see I remember seeing this oh wait that's what the words day throw me off of my knees no that can't be [Music] right throw me off of my knees look it off stuff I can't believe it that's our there's no way throw me off my knees stuff come on obviously but loose words hold on hold on please leave pull me off of my knee okay sit very similar very similar can I get my purchasable moon from this level knock this one out or fly in where are we done with this level oh man are we close the moon I've completely ignored whatever means oh wait there's a main questline whatever oh yeah to fill up your definitely nice just to have to do this probably when you find those course fountains and and you activate them all the water level rises and it changes all this I don't know what you're talking about so probably all right it's almost as though you don't want me to do it the hard way is that what's happening here you don't want me to do it the hard way stuff sometimes Matthew wonders one day or like why why everything seems so hard and it's like well maybe it's pretty big at all the hard way I know I know this is crazy oh my god okay fine fine I hope that one doesn't rise Yeah right step I hope that the water never rises for us the Sun may also rise put the water shell box okay so people are also saying you need an octopus everyone needs an octopus in their life I think you know just I would I would eat mine I have in the past but I think everyone still very different Stephanie just because our I just really like it's very little log properties have you ever have you ever eaten a sport you ever tried if you were tried one of those guys I have eaten an octopus I've never had any why oh no I've never had a live octopus right sure yes there I've seen on TV people like restaurants that serve I might try it because I'm pretty darn adventurous when it comes to food like I know I can try almost anything but yeah that one is done before that one is really extreme for me you have to chew it up really good - it can't like sucker your mouth every way but then it's like sucker in your mouth as it's not the thing is it's not alive and because that would be really awful right they dispatch of the octopus so he is not alive or anything like that but like it's like a snake where even if you cut a snake's head off and if you grow up in the country this is like a thing that you have to do this the rest of the trick will still move for like like a half an hour make is dispatched yeah Jay Z's backup chickens - oh God don't tell me that that's just cold but your street guys must be Mario this supposed to be family-friendly Mario let's talk about the death of wriggles of chickens enough to know we have to explain where your story comes from though because there are some restaurants like in Japan or a very very specialty sushi restaurant where you can buy like one of the little octopus off octopi octopod ease of properties which has just as well I've just been dispatched and it is still moving when it's on your plate how crazy is that and and like the suckers still work and can language not in like that summons but I just didn't like a beard my favorite still moving where do you try that again it's not a lot it's not alive importance but it could still it's not alive but it's it's not be like remains would still be able to like wriggle in your mouth it still gamba fine you a little bit yeah I would too I think would you think I'd really have to work up the nerve to I know that would be really extreme for me and every once in a while there is stuff that we say no to would you try it Jason possibly I have to I really trust the restaurants yeah that's sort of what I think dude a plus like octopus is better when it's like deep-fried and not gonna be there right I like I like grilled octopus like with salts and stuff so I don't really know but but there is just that we have sort of a bright line for like we've had the opportunity in the past to try spores which I grew up with horses I love horses and I said no to that I couldn't well it also that wasn't just for us and I think this is the thing that's that's worth mentioning so this is a good feel of the game right so someone asked me well and the thing is here so we were in Japan in Japan horse meat is very common in sushi restaurants it's very common so and I and I also don't want to disparage any like cultures that eat that you know different cultures eat different things and you know but finding modes left right right any you know hey cultural differences or cultural differences a lot of food that's weird actually not weird to anyone else right so I'm totally cool but for me growing up the forces and then trying to do divorce was just a weird boy and so for me honestly I would say I could probably I would have a hard time eating like wriggling I would have a hard time eating like octopi that is that but but a horse meat that has been booked I think I might be able to do it I think it would be okay the difference was these are in Japan and it was raw horse meat a sushi bar and that to me is a bit weird you can also I don't have a hard time with cat or dog horse meat like I would be much more likely to do that I think you know for me I was always like I'm always like take the opportunity whatever it is I'll try and I will try anything once but there are a couple of things where the experience of doing it it's just not nice thank you thank you I try to keep this dream excite all these good Jessie screams exciting by getting as many moons fantastic it's like us mobile didn't right it's like the hobo Mario game Oh find email while you're down there right Josh I try keeping it Sharky [Applause] Oh so here's a question for you yes here's an answer for you I think that'll be kind of cool no my last question about about the octopus controversy was so you won't have the octopus it's just because it's moving right it's yeah not not not just because it's moving I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that like it's not only is it moving it's moving and it's like guts bigger suckers suction cups that as I swallow it or as it's in my mouth it's gonna be like clinging onto my throat and I don't want anything like as I swallow something I don't want something trying to crawl back off ha ha ha I already have a hard enough time like choking down some foods I don't want something that's gonna be like choking me from the inside out is one of the things that matter is the flavor gonna be that good to merit like hey there's a creature that's literally clinging on for dear life inside my esophagus as I try to shove it into my entire Collett no gives up thanks my god yeah again he's sucking down the the fancy champagne water isn't it Oh probably not look why was it fancy if I was paying more attention to the story of the game okay but alas I am NOT okay so that makes sense cause I was gonna say no these lovers are bucking all the trends because you one of the other things that we've tried I'm a big fan of it is oysters and oysters are shops they're open like minutes before they come to your table or they should be true and so in terms of like the amount of time that something has been dispatched actually oysters are like the closest you've ever had to something that's been a lot they're just like they're just a couple minutes off all I mean like maybe a spider yeah spiders well thanks guys you are the best spiders in here I'm so great I'm sorry dad of all of you you're all fantastic Matthew is doing some weird eating when we're not looking you guys guys I'm telling you not these mad things out back like you know I don't know biting into some lizards or something I'm the one who's doing back there yeah is that is that the first thing that came to your mind me in the backyard literally biting the heads off haha yeah yeah that's right your like the odd be Osbourne of YouTube oh man that's a reference to so Ozzy Osbourne classic singer yeah when he reality show star eventually when he needed to pay his bills again when he was very controversial II known for biting the head off of a jump oh no a bat sure a dove would not be on brand for all the others I could have been a black dove yeah oh the classic black people just really want you to get knock first now second also get to the moon but you are saying get at the moon are you I might not you have I not entertained you have I not gotten you enough moons yet Matthew the moon not that ruins a moon I would shoot the moon for you guys I'm like that like a turtle is a very dangerous turn totally there we go good to our not come up yeah look on that seaside Kingdom booyah grandma alright okay so I should actually probably focus on getting some of these about streets and at 64 has a very important question do you think Mario and Peach will get married at the end oh my gosh I'm so disappointed when I do simple tasks and don't get delivered movies anymore oh man I did something mediocre and only got a hard I'll have you know Stephanie that was a very difficult move I just open open a treasure chest yes oh look at these guys these guys now yeah Wow you know what Witter holy cow I haven't opened up Twitter today it's true I'm saving it for a few minutes from now actually I've got it yeah like a likely story let's see you know that one of these like random it's gonna be one that's glowing oh there's upside down guys they're over man I defeat them all we'll probably give me a me right through waggle that fishy tale yes whatever Hegel physics jiggle physics well maybe it's in a random spot on the ground that isn't actually marked by anything no that's not the mark then that my hashtag not my phone not my mother's hashtag not my Mario my Mario is a sociopathic killer was it was it really close it was all white yeah right there's gonna be flashing red or dying I guess not maybe not maybe you got a maybe you got a reverse grump on the ceiling where the booth Oh reverse the round pal you know when you hit hit the bricks with your head maybe you have to firm that great okay maybe like stephanie has been eluding through this whole time maybe if I do the accurate mission that the game is hoping to do my it'll help you access [Music] your a bubbly little wobbly look like a deacon ally you suck his suckers with suction to the inside of your team the educator has quit oh my gosh look we ran it where in Mario Sunshine land oh man whoa what happened there no respawn I can see how my gosh don't jump into lava with this sprint oh if I could just hold on oh man it's like Mario spa day so I got so mind me amplitude a little bit can you are we painting this area right it splatoon mixed with Mario Sunshine that's a delicate most satisfying part of Mario Sunshine is always someone who's very like neatness oriented ah it was a very satisfying and cathartic game although it would bother me between levels or different missions that the stuff that you had cleaned up would come back that bothered yeah so it would be like what I spent all that time cleaning up every last scrap of I know we go a more defensive about it could just glue tune drive you crazy splatoon drives me a little bit it does have that effect as well the two of us what you have that something word like it's satisfying for a little bit more than the enemy team and then it's like you painted on diagonal we clearly don't have a parallel completely had a parallel pattern good guys why can't we all just get along here I'm gonna hear you use term for that area I'm gonna hop over to Twitter for a few minutes I know it to eat as well just wiggle it all the way down at where monthly 27 on Twitter says homesick watching my first hashtag teach you live well welcome aboard and whenever we're wherever you are feeling homesick or oh oh oh and homesick you are at home you are not feeling homesick you are at home feeling sexy slightly slightly average you know what though if you are right or with you right now Chris is homesick for his home so he can be homesick right I know I know uh let's see a dead girl walking fives is back from a month and archived land Oh 59 million subscribers Congrats yeah yeah oh man oh man whoa domi moon no come on game I found a somewhat hidden area and you're not giving me a mood for what is this hashtag not my ball yeah and it's almost like you have to try in this level right this time that's how you know it's endgame step right that's how you know where the this is the final level they're not just like literally shoving the moon's into your arms Oh Aztec not my Barbie we landed on this platform safely congratulations am Odin for you what's the specie oh hey look at him so he was also in the desert level is he an ACM Easter Egg in like other levels thanks liebe JC I think what you got girl greetings traveler as well riddle no because I can't speak underwater what the name of this land hopefully you can read my mind it was got it yeah brittle it was a nice gesture barely even a trivia question barely above common knowledge okay okay how many fountains did Bowser steal they said four five four got it yeah oh man we read basic information if you answer third one when you when you break turn into a red fish you get the attack the gushing move Oh every day by the way gushers fantastic so good it'll be this room in this land that can only be entered if you're wearing the chosen clothing what is the clothing oh no nothing but undies I doubt it's nothing but it's not it's probably a swimsuit it's either swimsuit or resort right since this is supposed to be like relaxing Beach I would say no I know did you go overboard with big commissioners that just how you got here okay alright it's fine fun resort how about resort yeah there you go but did you really know that this is a normal place to wear a swimsuit right and the pirate look is great even though news lucky guess it was indeed a lucky yes it was call this inference it's an educated guess why am I here got lost fell off don't worry to answer to ask questions wanted to swim to ask questions sure yes whoa I have without speech yes we got a loon we got a moon guys guys huge news we just gotta move high five high five holy geez we gotta move wait another no epic play bros yeah bro so many moons rocking it out whoa okay so since I'm headed over to other area yes we'll take this - long as I can plan I mean just it's just addition see uh multitask swim Mario swim like you're like oh wait there's moon yes unintended mood oh wait what no way Oh your seat thank you no why are you doing Marda Mario Archie's Margaret's great yeah come on man alright I'm back in Twitter are you yeah yeah were you ever in Twitter to begin with man maybe you don't want to hear what at go time zero zero zero one wants to say I'm sorry bowtie gaming Matthew just isn't ready for your milestone Wow I'm so I'm ready I'm sure I'm still bowtie zero zero zero one hi Matt Patton pretty Patrick love you guys forgot the 9 million subs yeah I think puppies let's see at Bristol Fandral so Patrick Gigi live made me fall in love with dopey dopey literature Club and they drew an awesome picture oh my gosh it's so cool yeah it's really good right no um let's see at Ashley ha tooling for says I love all the codes you have I always crack them and it's good for practice love them all so can I get five and a half four for my complete code test on Friday whoo one of the true story in our in our College when Matthew and I were both freshmen one of the most like hard to get into freshman seminar classes cuz all freshmen were required to take a seminar class which like what does that even mean what did that mean stuff nothing it meant Wow but one of the classes you could take was a cryptography class and it was all about code ranking it was one of the like most like hard to get into classes but it was apparently almost also one of the hardest part is a hard class right you know I realized something that go back we're gonna use that on them yeah they said you needed an octopus well you know what that's cuz the chat knows literally ever they do they know everything all the time everything I would think though do you like them all yeah you've got a lot of water too oh wow you're like starfox right do a barrel roll you want to have to buy roll oh can you go straight up from where the Sun is coming from the sunbeams are so it's interesting it seems like I've lived I can't go currently hot like I limited I can only go so far higher than the platform I'm currently yeah okay okay but oh man all right we got it got it go go go go go oh no oh no oh man you got to get through it faster I guess all right shoot oh man go find Joe Bilbo occupied right we're off hoppity friends okay all right so they usually like a straight shot through this guy right straight through Ryan scribbling over there and sweet man yes oh that was the bonus one yes eat it alive probably a little traumatized probably a little bit let's take them a while to live this game yeah he needs a bit of therapy after that one but it's gonna be okay right we may have shoved him into some like poisoned water or whatever it's okay it's all good oh and I can also get those oh sweet don't get the purple things and better I'll get the last mountain do you think there's a moon under the golden one what he's everywhere literally inescapable from my life no come on Jer totally towing you in the club don't do me like that also you've got in like 22 moons so are you really complaining that part here this day in game the logic dictates that we do body slam something blowing on the ground and it's Mario game and it summons a horde of enemies then by defeating said enemies you will receive a reward all right fine yeah you can do it you can do it nice oh my gosh we're almost gonna complete this level right or there is our Odyssey will come to an end with the end of the Odyssey spoiler alert it finishes the journey comes back like I said spoilers he stops his old wife's from getting married right yeah comes back and everyone's kind of like a band well I didn't want to like give it all away a spoiler alert for a Greek epic spoiler alert from over 2000 years hey man not all of us has seen it okay it's time to take back the sparkle water do it so I'm assuming I need to her Mario fashion slap him on the head but because he has because he has lava on instead I need oh wait here we go one of the I'm telling you one of these things is gonna like one random one yes English that dude get him get him get him go hey I love how big the area is for you to like just follow them around right it also has the octopus I like be able to know you gotta get him on the head so just round wat is Wu I love how satisfying moving around using oh my god nope oh man you got oh [Music] there we go okay yeah nice look I was gonna say if you need to stamp there right just double up you did right right the enemies on the moons are getting smarter in this level nope you got you that all right you're all about it oh there it is oh baby nice what you do that makes it all better okay we just slaughtered an innocent creature massive loss of life it was the mommy of all of those stars all those octopus it's okay it just gave birth to all the sea life in this area but you know Mario gotta save the princess right he whatever is little Moony mm just like that the glass is half-full all right I'm gonna hop into the chat now that you've just feeted boss Enderman gaming says mind blown dragon crafts is just Matthew Patrick look at the chest has been blown uh it's Squidward says chicka threw it away su-mei let's see what a pretty sunset and it's so nice that the fountains and the sparkle water are back it's the non-alcoholic version of champagne in the mall right it's Sparkle water but it doesn't seem like Bowser's in this kingdom so we just slaughtered in for no apparent oh man alright Jake the snake says I'm peeking through your window that's that's really uncomfortable that's just very very okay do you think Kathy's like running you on a wild goose chase to buy time for Bowser Oh someone's theorizing all right uh ELISA Colossus does that exploded and mark says line equals blown [Music] Benjamin Thompson says oh my Alex visiting diseases don't ground-pound oh well - that's fine something 64 just says sushi grab your movie from him yeah I want to get a nice view of the sea so I climb to climb to cut all the way up here you made it - so here take this Power Move yeah even captain toad is like man they're way too many moons just lying around I've got so many to spare like what am I doing with these absolutely no purpose of doing this right people just give up to you Oh Mario clearly they have no value I have no reason to gather this but you could probably use some of this garbage right here we go whoo knocking it out all right we're going from 205 - show me - 33 33 nice it was got 30 yeah yeah yeah that was pretty awesome fast that's a good work for lunch you Bowser can't run forever the luncheon all right luncheon this is so that I've been well I've been wondering when this will show up so this is the one that all the like trailer shows just covered in small sandwiches this is the catering it's the catering I think yeah okay right because everything else has had like we have the sparkle water we have the cake now we need the food man here while we're flying I'll call out a manual valve the valve bird a in the chat instead since I came to the u.s. more than month ago this is the first time I can catch a live stream because work I came from Costa Rica and have been following you for years since the SSP Lord mm-hmm so Bowser wants to make a toast using the sparkle water sounds like his wedding preparations are moving along man how I long Jim wait when you want to jump really far or if you want to zoom even faster what no that's crazy truck is the secret move biz we should read a book legend Kingdom it says here that this country is famous for using a volcano to prepare Oh a dish called stupendous okay Oh lunch and it's like for the wedding catering catering is a big deal at the wedding it was order Hey welcome welcome to the street hi so no I was I was trying to picture I like I was like what does lunch have to do with Bowser's wedding and I was like are they having lunch at the wedding but I guess is like it's all this like things at weddings that you pay for and wanted the caterer or so I guess Bowser himself you start running around a little bit I'm gonna call it one or two more people sorry real quick I need to do this do you smell what the brutal are literally ah you know nitro x4b says you guys are so good at this game and the tiger squirrel chimed in Western North Carolina the Asheville area thanks for being an awesome it being awesome and representing north carolina proudly stuff thank you for watching and worth carolina it's cold i love with going also this is my first live stream can i get that sweet clap yeah absolutely that's feminine that landed the new kingdom less than a minute in room what like these later I'm going back to North Carolina for the first time in a couple of years I over I get it I'm like why do I have to be yes you're rolling on corn yes thank you know I was wondering why I had to good but I remember now that we found earlier the blue moons are you standing around we found earlier the like secret passage to this level Oh and so that's so that was where that was like love like three streams ago coming back it's coming back so what is what is are we just like it's just punch what are we what am i swimming these mother why what I don't I haven't had any sort of luncheon recently that's involved lava I think this might be hot lemonade pink lemonade that are you sure I mean that would be pretty uncomfortable I would see why you wouldn't want to dick yourself in that and that's a lemon moto thing that's not a fireball that's clearly a lemon it's not 11 in what your own in what world does that look like a fire photo it's a it's clearly a have you never Mario's woman this I'm telling you this is not look like a Mario fireball certain escena lemon lemon yes like a lemon in general stuff have you ever seen I have seen cause it's like my share of a lemon cuz if you haven't seen 11 you would know sometimes life gives me lemons I know it was worth the shot uh let's see mangle the broken fox asks what are the meanest what well well part your body it is it is it is the fold of skin on your elbow yes nothing scandalous guys no it's not anything scandalous family friendly stream back to Mario yeah now we're back to Mario yeah last week side speaking which misty says my kids are three and six and their names are Raina and Connor they love Gigi laughs thank you oh boy absolutely oh my gosh what that's all it is I'm gonna see you soon or is it some mysterious Mario creature that I'm just not good enough to identify I'm sorry sugar yeah maybe it's sugar I will in a second wild on the salt nice got sugar also not a living breathing or step and so I'm so disappointed in you that you think that that's only what do you that's a tomato down there yeah yeah yeah it's pretty sure I like tomatoes do you reckon yeah you don't like lemons how you don't like fireballs well that makes no sense what else makes no sense I don't think look out over that ting o'clock and tell me if that looks like lava no it looks like a pink lemonade sure which would make anything yellow in it students don't all go to this places to Bendis do for the boss's wedding child that's to finish it off if you know what's good for it oh no it's the scary bunny rabbit oh man who is literally the most predictable attack pattern ever it's still got you I know you know I'm totally fast just my job nobody's over there I only have myself please okay don't judge I mean you're the one people said he was so predictable why do I like the green pill in the red pill over there is just life is the big stuff yes let's take the red pill what's the green for them right it gives me another heart that's crazy I'd like be going out on a limb here and saying this but it might give me just like a bonus heart crazy well there we go literally literally Bluebird it was literally it was literally right there we beat the brutal that's it okay sorry I apologize well under that she rocks guys gotta get some cheese okay this is such a weird Kingdom this I thought maybe that this level would make mortars so what I was saying earlier was I thought earlier that this level would make more sense once if I saw an eight-game because ever since the trailer this level was like I was curious how the aesthetics of this level would work yeah it's still just as weird it is right it's really it's I know all the different worlds have different like art themes and this and that but this one just feels so out there which isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just very different no I I like that it's sort of uh yeah you like that it it's hot pink stuff I like the hot pink lemonade and the lemon no it reminds me of like I remind me like a surrealist painting or you know what I mean it's got like it's got all these like crazy colors is like weirdo shapes and things are like it's it's like a mountain but it's made of cheese you know it reminds me of ugh like everything being like so choppy and chunky yes that and like almost like crystalline right it has like that crystal quality it reminds me of floating it's a theory it reminds me of like oh man I was gonna say it's so sophisticated we're actually working on a theory right now about gaming and art so I think that's probably why found the brain it is exactly so I'm assuming that there's again in the idea of going taking the hard way yeah well no if taking the hard way to get the hidden moves okay okay you notice the green bean is just a coin my creepy melody oh yes thank you the green thank you good one Jason for that oh just smack him in the face okay okay okay huh theme music - up here whoa Bell oh no come on Bart O'Gara come on there's got my guess oh my gosh we're doing plenty of where we're going for Christmas Ohio we're also going to Ohio over Christmas right we're going to Ohio and the whole tour and Pennsylvania oh my god oh dear - oh there we go nice there right right I do me there's only there really : yeah these last few levels also worth noting there like what if there's a really there's a theory here where the food in this kingdom it's not actually it's all-natural as it seems it's all man thanks gift it feels like it's like I don't mind food that comes out of cans in fact it's my best food comes out of hand big welcome to Mount Volvo no home to the hugest the hugest flavors anywhere big flavor all right welcome to flavor country well they're head on down to flavortown I show you around but uh things that are kind of on fire right now oh man was on fire that burned a load up out of nowhere and took over our stupid charity just when we were making more of our special stupendous to to everyone is getting ready to dig in ok alright well I bet I'm here to help you out I can do this I will save you luncheon people a meat on the planet wait for the bird is going don't worry no doubt about it that bird will see the meat are these me before work with you they are a little for we're pretty cute yes this here is a place where chefs come dressed to cook no matter how you slice it or not okay so all right maybe going one and put your dad's on let's do some slops oh I got a gamble Steph got a gambling addiction here we go play some slots yes coins I don't know if I can afford it all right I don't know oh no no okay I don't want your pity coins man okay so I do wanna okay okay all right do it Stefan dedicated of dedicating these slots to my grandma no you can call okay sure all right at Jackson lead on twitter says congrats on nine million for reference an NFL stadium can hold about 70,000 people give or take ten thousand and there are only three yeah I'm listening and there are only 31 NFL stadiums in the u.s. you have enough subscribers to fill over 128 stadium that's pretty awesome that is incredible that's amazing that is amazing whoa - whoa double man oh man I like that the music ramps up but it actually don't beat up the price like oh it's getting exciting but it's doing so going exactly the same speed no that was that was a very thought I know I really like that one owns awesome suck on that NFL stadiums right galaxy games 56 requesting to change outfit from snow to lunch in Kingdom I will do that we will do our best lunch outfit don't mistake it for a brunch outfit Matthew that's completely different brunch is insane she does brunch anyways a lot of people there's all those people who are lined up in in Los Angeles man they're all waiting like hours to eat brunch it's a joke in Justice League it is actually a joke injustice we saw last night it's an oddly it's an oddly place to have like oh this is random yeah just just kind of in there yeah yeah [Music] [Music] yes thank you moons whoo nicely done moon Kings a little slower than the ah oh this makes fluorescence at only for the only for the Stremme only thing stress says the pink stuff is pepto-bismol oh you can't live in it or else you'll just become so digestive Li regular that you won't even be able to survive it does look like pepto-bismol I hope that doesn't I owe that understand anything about this ski that they're making like hey we're got this too but afterwards you're gonna have to have like a lot of pepto-bismol you're gonna have some trouble if you know what head people it's a hard way coming out okay so I need to be a chef yep even though he just started so we're there and at GT Levin says Stephanie's named one food that you don't like me I do not like during oh well no I know that's not yeah that's really obscure I really don't like black pepper that is accurate I don't know if that's a food so much as a yeah I think that might be coming up also anything you ingest also real quick can I just point out the fact that like skips just hanging out okay he's just waiting it's just like a stretch you just would really wants a sinner boop-boop just sitting there patiently what a good guy sorry I just looked over it he's kind of a dude yeah if it happens you look like a cat statue scheme it's like lucky gets talking about we've got a this pot on a good simmer really player but you know what could be better a little hotter for that do it but I just can't get any more heat from the lava see it's lava stuff what lava what we just have to visible permanent where that is kept oh you know what they also just confirm what that this is a fireball heating up the stew didn't hear very warm lemon he's had a problem of not being able to heat up the stew and now we heat up the state of putting over la la he can't heat up the stew while sitting over lava it could even light our problem couldn't you know pyro there's a bunch of angry Tomatoes attack of the killer tomatoes tomato oh and everybody know Randall that lemons go really well in hot tomato do they don't listen to her mistress of misinformation yeah you want me to make something you want me to make some 11 tomatoes carrots parasitic fruit they go together really well what's that soup oh no eating it up with my body it's tough it's now citrusy not it's hot you see how it's starting to sting after my presence again sitting on top of lava why why is there problem because the lava and hot enough step listen to the fork people it's perfectly logical if you're listening to the anthropomorphize fork people about their needs hot enough to heat soup then why can't Mario swim in it fine turnips cloth with the soup what no sorry I'm reading you know I was paying attention to what the game told it's ridiculous just just carry your turn up to make a lot of logical friends today is that super happy about those tournaments yes it's also cold Stephanie and I should heat it up with all their food then it's a good bacio what's wrong with that you know maybe they're not making a gazpacho staff speaking of cooking since stephanie is an infuriating man they're literally in fury and he's just being the biggest don't even touch my roll I don't want Trent touching my back right now speaking of speaking of yeah so anyway let me capture this lemon over here speaking of cooking stuff though Steph and I started watching the most charming show ever oh we did start watching a really good film which has to do with baking Oh Great British Bake Off it's on Netflix yeah I think we're now officially label this 5000 yeah we are definitely retiring is now because it it's a it's a British baking show and it literally features like 80% grandma's who have been baking in Britain but they're charming grandmothers and and they're like oh honey bucket to go in my recipe this week or like as a retirement he'll be I raise bees and I brought my own honeycomb look it it's true that is exactly I will say in our defense Chris is the one who turned us on to it in the first yeah it's been around the office he's like Great British Bake Off is amazing and we watched it oh whoa all right but it's really cool because not only is it like these cute British people a lot of like you they're British people but it's also like really charming and sweet a lot of American television especially when it comes to like reality TV and they do like cooking shows it's so overhyped and overdramatize and this and that I completely agree and it's so fake like all the drama is just so made-up and there's no drama on this show it's just they just get together on weekends and like bake stuff and they're like I don't know how to bake this but that's okay right that's all right Gary it's also all this stuff you never know like right just these random yeah it's really obscure so it's not like these people should know everything or you know they're not expected to be super experts and and they like make it kind of fun cuz they give them like really vague recipes and stuff and so they're saying they're being like well I don't know yeah I mean a bit of a tizzy oh dear no but it'sit's great and it because American television a lot of stuff is so over dramatized and over hyped and you have all these like super dramatic sound effects and it's like oh no he dropped his crepe and then they zoom in on it like 15 times to emphasize how dire it is that he dropped his right and he's like sobbing in the corner and like Gordon Ramsay's in his face being like you stupid piece of garbage you don't deserve to live you dropped your effing crate at hand and then like it cut to like a minute later and he's like yeah I had a spare crease and then everyone's like oh oh but remember when he dropped his crepe and then that announcer will be like he dropped his crepe he's time in the kitchen will be over soon back up craves good yeah whereas this show is literally like yeah we're all just supporting each other and we're all here just a big oh no poor enough she dropped a crepe don't worry five-second rule right yeah like the show in America if something drops on the floor you're like you're going to poison me right Jeff how dare you put this on your plate the first like one of the first episodes we watched like they drove my van and it was like okay I dropped them off it let go all right cool sweet all right so it's like really like refreshing and sweet and just yeah Carly yang says I love Great British Bake Off and I'm 20 so what yes thank you thank you for relating making it not feel like we're right retirees super Believix says it is an amazing show William Dawkins's from England and I love the Great British Bake yeah thank you guys that makes me really happy right it makes me feel a lot more validated for like again great bridge creaking show be a bacon bacon bacon bacon baking so Angela I have you know don't you Kat Kim says so does that mean Kris is 50 yes he's a much older Paul brother yeah he's Jake and Logan's much senior yeah much senior brother he may actually be their father I'm not really whoa senior no I've seen his father in those videos I on pizzas I think the youngest this year was like 23 on the great that I pick oh so yes they do have some young concussions but but they'll have like like the standing we're watching now has one seventeen year old and she's awesome she's great but then like the old people will get eliminated and she'll be like what am I going to do with that but without rosemary she was like my grandma on this show what am I going to do without her it's great yeah if you haven't watched the Great British Bake Off it's really fun right it's it's very genuine and I it makes me wonder actually so you guys you guys watching YouTube right and a lot of the reason people say YouTube is successful under sense a great the great diverse trade show is great and I love it I'm 12 yes okay awesome yeah but a lot of people say that YouTube succeeds and I'm in this camp I believe this because it's not because it's not like overproduced its authentic right like you're hanging out with us on the couch right now we are playing a video game and we're talking about TV shows that we like that we're currently watching who are playing Mario which is really funny but like there's no multiple camera angles there's no like fancy like every once in a while the TV show like is this like a paid placement or something like that yes okay we like this TV show and it's not like oh my gosh we need to talk about are you throwing all that cheese I was gonna eat that oh my god and yeah and it's also like you know in TV it's like oh you can't mention other shows but it but it's one of those things and so I think one of the nice things about good one one of the nice things about this show I know right this weird also the arc of these makes it really hard yeah really odd like it makes me favor never take them out of all of these you are throwing a frying pan out of the fire but one of the reasons why I think and I'd be terribly see how the Great British Bake Off would like a similar style of show would work in America because so much of what I like about it is exactly what I like about YouTube which is it's not over produced the people are just really sweet and genuine there's not a whole lot of like you know announcer is hyping up how bad things are and you know there there's a competition element to it but everyone's like casual about yeah like really supportive I think it also helps that like most reality TV if you notice like it takes everybody out of their home and like makes them stay like alone with no social media no phones nothing for like ten years which I think creates all of this like artificial stress with people I'm gonna get mean and then they get dramatic right but with this show it's just like you don't have what's the day jobs they like they go home during movies and then they come in on weekends and they just like bakes and stuff and then they're like alright see you next week yeah I'm gonna lemonade yeah the show makes it clear the back way every week like hey we got together this weekend and we're doing the next round of the show and yes it's cute that way you know and it it feels like people are just getting together on the weekend to have a good time cook and you have they win great and Nikoli not if they don't you know yeah but anyway if you haven't watched it it's on Netflix it's really good it's good it's like it's funny I mean we also have lots of teenagers who are watching who are like I love the gray printers my god oh we're in good company we're glad that we're all together on this 50 the great british place they're right good for all ages right speaking of cooking shows that we started watching I'd like that luncheon kingdoms prompted me to talk I know we're just talking about all this and I like that this week and I spent a lot of time watching cooking shows so we watched Great British Bake Off we're watching it right now it's really good while Stephanie was asleep I watched science versus wife chef versus science come on it's just like one episode it's an hour it's about this chef who goes up against or a scientist who goes up against like a Michelin star chef you fall asleep for four hours and just anything like anything can happen who knows what Matthews a little a little four hours for that I and here's what I get gee I'm so I'm so rebellious while you're asleep I don't forget well you're asleep I'm walking scientific cooking yeah I wish I could take a four-hour nap that'd be amazing but but anyway so you watch so you watched another one yeah I watched this is that first in science you've ever yeah chef versus science or science Christian I would love to just like it was good where and they have a scientist who's trying to like you scientific to he's trying to use scientific concepts to make a better item or a better dish than the like Michelin star like top quality chef and you don't do all that hot fun I think it's a cruel concept that I feel like what you want to do it you want to start a cooking show I I think it would yeah there's a lot of cool stuff that you could do with the science of okay you could have Rosana back as a guest right we could be your eyes about we could see your eyes about food so that'd be fine yeah there it is the sign what I like the science of food is really fascinating actually and there's so much like there's so much out there about food and everyone eats food right and everyone wants to know sort of something about what they're eating some people just want to know what tastes the best but some doesn't like want to know what's actually healthy for you or what kinds of food will help you do X Y or Z or whatever but there's so much misinformation out there that there's actually a ton of food science well that's what I was gonna say is you can like there so yeah yeah just debunk all the food myths also by the way Cassidy Raymond and the chat says as a food science major in college I appreciate this stuff right would that be fun yeah miracle home says cooking with that yes nice like we would need a good name for it yeah I mean you could do food theory but that would be that would be like science versus chef Tsai's versus chef is actually a really good all right good to us this is pretty oh no Steph see what this is going on this is precision lemonade right now I know what happening right now precision lemon that that lemon is skating on that lemonade performed or pepto-bismol either one right no missed it then he doesn't have he doesn't have a lot the momentum of the fireballs is actually crazy yeah like you actually have to rev off into I got I got to man I was I was too much' not very falling from the sky one might say that that jump was 11 Oh precision lemonade here we go precision leavening here we go there you go do it yeah it's also weird cuz you're sitting in the lava but it like alright alright okay now and this is as weird from like a perspective oh no I was in the what come on oh man I like this mr. seal says the food show could be called fat pack spoon theory yep thanks guys let's see Briona man says I'm feeling really awful today but I'm wearing my game theory shirt and watching GP lives yeah I say we give out a club and a half how about that come on oh my gosh she does his joke okay hold up that lemon didn't even stand a chance here clapping I'm getting upset I shouldn't die multiple times to anything it was right I have I have yet I have yet to be put into a position in this game where I'm like oh yeah this warns me dying multiple times here okay the fact that I did do this the first time I'm a bit frustrated about now I'm getting like trying to speed I don't like these jumps sorry doesn't be apologizing to you but you got it you got that myself you got this even though I've gotten like a hundred moves on this live stream already I'm upset by the fact that we've suddenly slowed down be kind be kind to your lemony self cups of them yeah cut them who cut the cheese I was talking about slack cut yourself some slack that's what we that's what we are our shorthand for that instead of saying cut yourself some slack you just say cut some so just go up to someone today just working too hard or just you know having a rough time just be like hey let's see at Dijon gray on Twitter despite you might have died a couple of times whew all right it says loving the luncheon Kingdom glad to make a stream I really get to oh that's awesome oh dude I already did find the other boots right I just want to get these points replenish all the things I said five says I still say through the pink icing or strawberry milk oh do they still have that remember they used to have chocolate syrup right but then they had came out with strawberry syrup where you could put it in the milk and it's book comes becomes strawberry or like whatever they you put it in the milk comes raspberry it's very often becomes very odd branding it's more of like a pink colored vanilla I have never actually had strawberry I don't think I've had it since I was like six but I remember like Nestle and like Hershey's syrup and stuff used to come in a strawberry variety so you could turn your milk into strawberry No whoa I'm going to earn it it's very it's actually the roundness of this is very satisfied right it's very aesthetically pleasing no I just want to take a big bite right oh yeah oh yeah yeah that thing that the city is on the other side of that cheese right I've got to complete my stew Stephanie my student is too cold huh at ember fire 34 says I've been trying to cook up a kitchen joke but I can't think of anything oh I feel fans 328 because I would watch food theory um there's also other stuff you can do with food theory like you can do science of cooking but you could also do stuff like you could yeah and actually I was good I was just saying I was just thinking cuz at one who turns on Claire says debunk food myths didn't you watch good eat that was the Alton Brown Mythbusters for food but he covered very really specific stuff I feel if he could go wider than that though he could not on anymore well he covered specific stuff yeah all the meals for this publication yeah cutthroat kitchen is great by the way we're a big Alton Brown fan can you use that fork to get over stop it Mario calm down you know what I don't care about your moon oh I know what I know Alton Brown could collab with us also good eats was about like we would do free side it would be would be food science I guess but you could do it in a were theoretical way you could also do optimization to food like I was gonna say like how to optimize your old your like how to actually get the most food for your up for your money at well look at what's better the Wendy's dollar menu were the McDonald's dollar Minh or I pay or I've had the suspicion for a really long time that with a larger the fry at a fast-food restaurant the actual the less cost effective it is really yeah that that if you get like a large fry or whatever you're not actually getting any more fries really or something like because there's more empty space or they don't do a good job of packing the fries really knits so on average you'd have to do a bunch you would have to do a bunch of tests yeah guys you'd have to eat a lot of fries I don't hear any complaints it's good good oh yeah yep there you go look Mario the meat man Mario is pretty long as well hook of me are you are you literally just like a pot roast right now Yannick pork button Oh work but Mario but a lot of Aria but it's totally a Mario but oh I see they're looking to see I'm like dripping of all the things that Mario can turn into in this game yeah you know what guys let's turn Mario into a giant slab of meat that makes perfect see a side of bacon maybe but walking but Mario is a buck converter that's good enough for fear it's not a food firing the corn looks pretty it's not a food theory it's not a game no come on man back wait you didn't have to defeat the bird I thought the bird is threatening the food [Music] Stephanie no so confusing plot on the volcano Diamond did it hey yo it's too strong just being a flapper Pidgey use gust it was super effective oh man wig attack PG Oh Mario Mario Mario no Mia Oh climb up the cascading bank mustache there you go why so we haven't we have it quite and beaten him yet ah but we already got the moon blasted all the way back here that is one extra volcano and the volcano was still erupting oh alright so at least the soups hot right right can i teleport I could yeah but then what then we let the bad guys win then the terrorists win yes Stephanie the terrorists by that I mean the giant just a giant bird that cares what's really just alright whoa or I will be done with this kingdom oh nice well done cave over there is our only way to pee so I could like a bonus mood whoa Adam see look look at those fireballs know they're they're clearly fireballs right they remind you of Lovitz don't know they don't I don't know about you but lemons out here look completely different than those fireballs I mean your tiny body got greedy shoot no oh my gosh are you kidding Wow so finished no this is what I get for trying to do it the fast way yeah yeah okay with that look that skill all right this street I don't know we're making some serious progress right we really are also gotta look like almost all the purples in this little tea we also were a cute octopus for quite a while and that was pretty awesome yeah of course there's always a hidden moon yeah go find the pillars of magma it was very descriptive okay they couldn't think of creative names for all of them some of them are just like this is where it is yeah but which pillars of magma Stephanie that is the question here these are really the only ones who come across so far choose others there are other stuff in here there were so many others uh-huh there was think of another boy Wow really it's all right you've been I love you legit in the Twitter so diligent on the Twitter stuff I don't blame you man we are crushing this right no Harvey I'm just really I'm impressed with how fast we've moved through both the bubble Kingdom in this one oh it's sorry it's not a Pidgey it's a coping team ah got it cook a deal see I like that I like that so presumably these things have to get lit hey yo there Oh Oh again now you are the rock close close be the rock steady there's that that was a complicated yeah that's begin light the far-off lanterns show me oh come on challenging what about other things they're challenging Stephanie well all these little piles of salt man oh it's out there let's see oh that's captain toad out there fight the fireball all right great oh [Music] yeah so I'm assuming you'll get a fireball later oh these are the flip okay oh thank you oh that's cold pepto-bismol is okay hot captive I guarantee there's gonna be a that's like awkward to watch Oh totally guarantee hey oh oh geez oh no oh no wait look Mariano hey Laurie Oh Mario oh sorry oh man yes oh wait no what ha you know if you thought you had beaten me but little did you suspect oh yeah now cannon on up there yes it's so hot I can't remember but wow this is a time right I didn't find this power but you have question right what's hey what did I surprised if he's like I found a star value you're gonna give it away by every right if they actually had value people would keep them for themselves oh and you're just gonna leave them there to fend for himself Wow like good buddy you got you got it under control top of the mountain oh yeah right where you left off oh all right so so this piece of cake oh yeah we got this and yes oh yeah oh yeah here it is - piggy okay it's more of a chowder what is this creature I have a living fire give his buns a little snack yeah if I know you're probably supposed to fun oh wait whoa what is this oh man oh his butt his butt is not heat sensitive what is Mel so okay I like that you're helping to just match this stew up to you're just helping you're really curating nicely really not just a boss battle but also just also a closer than I yeah a culinary explosions helping dude I'm confused let me boy vomiting just vomiting pepto-bismol right now he's vomiting yes let me ride his vomit that's really impossible I wouldn't really recommend that the population eats its two factors in it seems like the Great British Bake Off steps okay five-second five-second rule like pepto-bismol live Bob and rule like yeah okay really not sure that that's for this thank you some of them are spikes which I owe you know keep you keep come on gain momentum there we go bare hands night high five nailed it now you are a sight of beat man I was a side of beef you're right well now you've mixed your protein stuff not kosher anymore you mixed your chicken and your beef and your pork butt and your Mario but the pork would have been out in your lemon there's lemons in there now what a mess we have just made a mess of everything right this story forever it is it is really we just ruined everything dies it's rough all right well tragic well I think that's pretty much that's pretty much like Mario that just come in destroy everything we do 31:56 that's yeah yeah that's pretty nice we missed that sectionals oh yeah right yeah I'm feeling good yeah all right then let's go gift about oh man there we go so let's finish off here let's see what we got show me oh yeah we did whoa that's pretty awesome huh we 264 what should be awesome man what do we start with 205 today yeah so we got 63 63 moons and like what was it two hours yeah not bad pretty awesome not bad told my friends not bad oh man okay now we can head to Bowser's Kingdom okay wait oh wait that can't be good okay okay Bowser's Kingdom all right so we'll leave it there all right good all right that seems like a good place so I think so and then next time we can polish a bit yeah Bowser's Kingdom oh my god there you go no sweat sure are you feeling you nervous about it no hey guys thank you so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to continue the luncheon Kingdom theme well then click the box to the left to see our cooking challenge with our friends from YouTube Rosanna pansino subscribe Rosanna pansino 1 it's really [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 591,847
Rating: 4.7944875 out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario, super mario odyssey gameplay, super mario world, super mario logan, nintendo, super mario odyssey trailer, super mario odyssey review, switch, nintendo switch, gtlive, super mario gtlive, super mario odyssey gtlive, gt live, matpat, super mario matpat, cappy
Id: sx7DS4cM3LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 57sec (6417 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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