Ghosts Don't Scare Me! | Luigi's Mansion 3 (Part 1)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just watched this! It's the first one I ever saw live which is awesome

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/speculum_speculorum 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a good break from studying for my O chem exam. Love them so much

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/tytythunder 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Luigi is rolling in that sweet dough.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I missed :/ How long it takes to go to the archives?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Coronenko 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wanna watch this so bad but I want to wait until I play the game myself.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Xaldyn155 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
I guess I should put on my mic now that the stream is on 20 minutes it was like it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work and then our intros on the screen and it's like assess it that's what you know that's why you got to be prepared at all hours like have the mic you should walk around in your microphone all the time like every that is gonna be my life motto walk around with a microphone all the time you never know when you need a shower sure all the time where am I gonna clip it on my hair yes yeah fleshy skin just take a fold I've got some skin to spare just pinch it earlobe hey guys and welcome to GT live where we are surveying nerdy librarian realness we are super schlubs today we are serving both got stuff in our contact lenses last pretty home this right and my hair is survey I take a shower this morning round has been such sloppy I've got mad we are rough today stuff this is rough I put acrylic paint on my face last night and it got in my eyes real mess or do not put on makeup put acrylic paint straight on my serving I'm walking around with pneumonia realness Matthew we think so so anyone I would anyone like to place bets I think we should start an office pool on whether Matt great has a pneumonia do it I will put five dollars in for the yes I'll put ten dollars in on yes Matthew has the doctors like an after-hours doctors appointment tonight to find out if he has pneumonia coz coz that's a couple weeks ago and it still around but even a couple weeks ago he's like well you might have pneumonia I'm not going to call it yet I think I feel like a couple weeks later yeah I feel like the yet has passed and now and now we have reached that spot because I have back Lydon mightily yeah Matthew is sound in real real rough yeah I don't know if you're gonna hear me worries him a little bit better for a couple of days it was on antibiotics and then it was it was really bad really very fast there was a glorious time where I would inhale and it didn't sound like an 80 year old smoker ya know but now it does again so yeah so we're here thank you all for taking time out of purchasing your Shane Dawson palate to spend time with us just anything they broke up if I write which I think means you can't buy armor today either Wow man but you can see it being advertised right below this video really yeah so is this our first ever full of weight where is it I'm Matt you probably see it as I'm logged into the channel which is probably don't you can you sorry forgive me walking the most remember we have our merch shelf available on GT live and game theorist channels you can scroll through our merch underneath the video get your merch we have some fun holiday book coming out they're not here yet we'll be announcing them get done yes so yeah this took us six months so you youtube originally started this partnership with teespring which is another merch company and everybody sure to seven bucks now that's great what a good year we are clearing out a bunch of space in like the warehouses and stuff before before the holiday stuff rolls I could get a three pack of those I like our whole new socks for yes yeah so if you have been wanting to get stuff go ahead and grab it before the holiday stuff comes out and then grab all that wow wow wow a lot of good deals actually I've sorry and that's not even sorry that's not even me like shilling that's actually like me looking at this because because the merch guy is like deal with all the you know the third party stuff they deal with over there right now through November 6 if you have entry even in some free stuff it's very exciting you okay yeah I'm great I don't think you're great - it's so good today it's been a great day it's so good it didn't help that I woke up at midnight and then also at 3:00 in the morning with Oliver who was just having a rough night and at 3:00 in the morning we just but he did cuddle me until we fell asleep it was nice I'm so jealous yeah he's in there spooning with the baby and I'm like all alone as always not much of a cuddler skip was there so anytime he cuddles you it's like yeah so anyway hi hey friends that's enough personal business Nintendo sent us Luigi's Mansion 3 it came out yesterday and we're playing it today that's it that's all you need to know play I love the first Luigi's Mansion I did not play the second Luigi's Mansion cuz I didn't have I think it was it was on des 3des yeah it took a long time to get the DS's yeah we were super late comers - yes era so I ended up not but I still want to play Luigi's Mansion - I've researched it a bunch for theories actually yeah I've watched all the cutscenes and I've watched tons of gameplay of it but I've never actually played it myself but I loved we'd use mansion 1 and so I'm super excited about Luigi Samson 3 a true story the Gamecube is the only system the only console in history in my like personal history that I've waited outside until a midnight launched again that's pretty awesome but why the games I well cuz it was the new console and you expected I mean wow shots fired so I will say this at the time it's interesting right at the time that I had the Gamecube I was disappointed in the GameCube but it like history's actually been probably more positive to the GameCube than almost any other system because you look back at the game paper T 4 is so beloved I mean its beloved but it's actually been hard like right like people look back in the Mario 64 and they're like oh the graphics are great they look back at Zelda and they're the Ocarina of Time and they're like the combat wasn't as good like yeah actually it's been kind of hard on some of the like staple games that were the first comers into like the 3d generation but GameCube people will point out and be like that best Super Smash Brothers best metroid game which is 100% true yeah you know a lot of people feel like Wind Waker is one of the best ill does there's like across the board there was just a lot of really big solid game the GameCube is actually one of the most interesting eras of gaming because they were experimenting a lot with kind of like their signature franchises and so in retrospect I actually like the GameCube era a lot more than I did when I was in it this is interesting yeah yeah yeah I got the purple one I never really understood the handle that's odd it was not choice oh it has a handle and then you're like repair gonna use this hand right it was like oh that's odd okay cool but um but there you go so anyway Luigi's Mansion 3 Thank You lieutenant for providing us the product yeah and we're excited to play it honestly I'm super excited and looking at this title screen it looks jaunty and very warm and friendly in a way that a Haunted Mansion game probably will not stay for long right hashtag GT live where I curse actually drew a legitimate boo like this I can tell right this is a character booth and Mario and that's a Dan that explains that great thanks good fine also join us in the chat is too good to be true ready here saying things like it's my birthday that's from black bean Wow after you a birthday boy alright wait who is that black Vader 7 yep and I look forward to next year may become black Vader 58 congratulations on the big five seven looking forward to your big five eight next year and play the gosh-darn games as SCP o49 okay you know aren't you here to here like the delightful story you know there you can watch the game anywhere but you don't get the brush my like fluffy hair we're a mess today we are a mess tell us how your Halloween was in the chat yeah tell us tell us why you're leaving wise doesn't think about it what you were what your favorite candy was whether you were giving it out or not giving it out or 1000 scream park yes true story mode okay although scream park is pretty into resting Oh Chris what you doing Oh zooming out oh yeah though he's like as few details as we can see of them as possible today Wow heart Chris I'm slightly offended by you zooming out just so you're not I'm grateful let's learn the story of Luigi's Mansion Hotel it's a bit of a misnomer right because this is technically taking place in a hotel so you know I'd call clickbait it's kind of like shining - which is called it's a new movie that's coming out in theaters it's called dr. sleep we haven't seen it yet I'm excited to see it but it's interesting because such a small percentage of people who actually build it it's the sequel to The Shining because it has shining nowhere in it right it would be like if you called this Luigi's hotel right at least there's a little bit doctor sleep and thus chiming don't seem to share up a lot of similarities Oh Luigi man poor Tweety just getting shafted in the back of the bus with the ghosts he doesn't look surprised just be this ghost at all wow that person has terrible handwriting it's just just awful awful handwriting here's a game theory for you how do you pet a ghost is it is it like protoplasm or so is it like a plasma oh yeah are they a gooey species a ghost dream wow they're gonna charge you toe it is a terrible driver right and also they're going the wrong way around the circle oh I mean maybe it is written maybe it's a British vacation just grunting a lot of grunting go knee can I like that they don't have lines but they do like they're kinda like oh it's a moderate island a lot a lot I feel like a lot more Vegas buildings are all gold at this point like that's true cuz Mandalay Bay is all gold yeah there's a couple that like in Vegas in general there's they've adopted two like golden reflective exterior yeah hello world Luigi's here oh wow everybody's here oh man I wish they'd shut off confetti when I went to the hotel well we'll talk to him next time we'll be like hey Stephanie's coming look what can we do about this hello J'son 70s arriving how's your confetti gun the confetti gun ready have we prepped the confetti gun can you set it up next to the free doughnut breakfast wait so the doggy I love the lion / nine lines of the character it's just it's like this strange middle crap Oh doggy I am really curious about the physics of ghosts now though like the fact that the ghosts can eat pie and cake that's it baby Casper do you ever see that movie oh of course so good the ghosts can all eat stuff there Princess Peach definitely didn't forget to pack anything oh what's up Oh bring this peach is my nightmare you're right this is like missus this is my nightmare just having way too much luggage my head's stuck you can't get out hey you go [Music] this hotel is so big Luigi it's gorgeously decorated too we're so lucky to have gotten an invitation to come here all right let's talk to the obviously like ghosty people here we're all obviously gonna betray us at some point oh man the word man there weren't like shy guy mass that's interesting please make yourself comfortable perhaps you'd like a sample of our selection of beverages yes thank you I would like no I want to talk to you let me sample the beverage Luigi if you don't sample this beverage I will judge you heavily now well I'm judging him heavily my apologies for the inconvenience but the elevator is temporarily out of service we should have it in tip-top shape soon I think this might be a setup right when will the Mario ball juice oh hello those were not tied down when will the Mario family learn that free things are just waiting to betray them right exactly Mario Sunshine leaves Mansion looks like you haven't checked in yet okay fine I'm exploring the whole world okay I wanted to this is a very long plane check-in Wow oh the last resort ha ha I ready to check-in yeah yes thank you let's echo oh look the hair Wow my name is heaven gravely and I'm the owner of this hotel ha ha ha I absolutely delighted there you decided to accept my invitation we recognize you as a bunch of influencers and we hope that you post about our hotel on Instagram oh no we just opened we need all the attention that we can get make sure it gets likes maybe you can throw in an Instagram story with the swipe up link that would be great yeah thank you we'll make your food extra pretty so you can take pictures of it and post it with a delightful filter on your snapchat yeah you almost be very tired come allow me to show you to your room - no need to worry about your luggage our exceptional staff will take care of it for you [Music] oh you're our VIP deep-sea the Mario we can influence their play gotcha influences I don't know if you kept the place at if you've got the princess in your hotel like that just in and of itself is high praise your hotel like think about peach peach is kind of slumming it here she's like I am I'm a royalty but I don't know anything about this but I'm gonna go anyway I know that does seem unusual right prepare the first great experience for you all the trappings of luxury oh I'm what I was so hoping for like a hair joke fly it through the slave pro-players of Luigi's Mansion threes Mario Luigi and peaches rooms over here bedrooms for your toads as well I hope you enjoy your stay I daresay you'll remember it for the rest of your lives ha ha ha ha ha well short those lives will be I find it odd somewhat creepy how your voice echoes good night oh cool that's brotherly affection right there that's brotherly love night-night Oh Barney brothers are so adorable you let the little delightful camp the thing I need to know is can Luigi awkwardly thrust the furniture in order to shake money free from it in this game that's all that matters behind you I know that's my first stop to write in the hotel absolutely actually my first stop is the thermostat that's actually way up Wow look at how inconvenient that what this is we do you have to do this for most circumstances in his life oh my gosh yes purple lime Wow guess the mana duel look at this thing everything's enormous here how is this man supposed to use this toilet poor Luigi you know it's interesting this just kind of reinforces the whole like Mario Odyssey the the city mm-hmm like how there are just super tall people in this universe and Mario and Luigi are not that right like it actually some kind of like strange Mario Land species right I mean they are they are and I think it's interesting that Nintendo's kind of leaned into reinforcing that in the world oh that's terrifying why thank you ah oh that's what I look for in a luxury experience lots of unpleasant surprises popping out of drawers right this is definitely gonna get mentioned in the yelp review oh no the fruit basket is a good time tripping yeah TripAdvisor is gonna care but what the heck Trip Advisor's gonna hear about all of this and it will not be in a positive way let it be known what about the gifts we're going down from five hoodie howls to three Hootie owl oh no nothing that what TripAdvisor uses TripAdvisor uses the owl eyes yeah they're like little Yahoo tiel's yeah okay time to rest i I'd prefer to open those presents I guess yeah I'm gonna read some stuff on Twitter while this is going you might miss some dialogue I know [Music] excited to watch the hashtag meet you live when I get home says at intra-syrian 2015 that's all the essentials the flashlight and at Kate Kate Cunningham 46 so Steph tell us Steph says tell us how your Halloween was and then never checks chat I'm going back I'm getting there I'm getting there can I just say Luigi getting ready for bed in his shoes is really stressing me up really stressing me out and we're so close to the pillow right no jammies nothing so awful here check Twitter at the bloody screen says I'm a hundred percent sure that you know that's interesting is the most sad thing by Matt Panchita live maybe I'm just intrigued and intellectually curious about everything in the world around me forgive me for finding everything interesting okay at zero D longitude says anyone counting me interesting oh my god race so far it sure yeah it's your crotch word there is also a phrase in the recent and a recent like the last film theory that we said like four times and I was like oh we gotta take one of those out of the script next time right forget what it was I bet you can go in and count them you can make a fun drinking game out of it Wow thanks everyone appreciate it that's okay I wrote up like I helped write that one so it's hard for my father so we're so the hotel is suddenly become a spooky hotel oh oh no with mice poop tell oh man oh man it's like The Shining if I pull this back will there be some like old woman hiding whoa taking a bath recent reason because that's what whoa no one wants that in their toilet that is a bad touch ah that is No TripAdvisor is definitely hearing about that way like I was debating about the other ones but TripAdvisor absolutely needs to be made aware of this huh one star or five star depending on what experience you go little bum tickle I like the theory suggestion from at I Laura Sully game theory how much hairspray does Helen gravely used to keep her hair that tall that's fun I would totally do that I know right agree there is this great episode of jenna Marbles where she like hair sprays her hair straight up and I've always been curious about whether you could replicate that what don't let your dreams just be dream Stephanie at insert text here says Matt Helen gravely voice sounds exactly like miss Applegate Oh Bob how many voices yes oh god no that's terrifying that's a black widow spider that is literally deadly no that is not good at Luigi green Sarah says this hotel has the worst reviews on Yelp right terrible meant Mario really got to partying in his room before he got kidnapped by the spirits hey at Mack 2005 Jax says I just ordered the notebook hey there's that hurts shelf in a commercial connection someone else just got socked when someone else just got underwear I've actually seen it in this cold yeah that's awesome yeah guys go yeah I'm rich over and grab the merch we are getting ready for holiday and so now is like a great time to pick up the stuff that you might not have yeah the everything is like super heavily dis for the new stuff that's coming I mean granted it's no makeup what come on I'm the death defense an extra you haven't seen the holiday like that everyone's got their makeup palette needs and already taking care of yeah I'm good good we're differentiating but their underwear needs on the other hand those are still up in the air okay so so everyone's been kidnapped shock of all shocks oh my goodness no room 501 I wonder if there's any references to spooky rooms at Celestia says I'm gonna have one shot for ever interesting in this dream don't do that I don't wanna be hospitalized I don't do that or just take a shot of something else whoa what Ike hey hold your bladder challenge that's how we used to do um beer pong in college as as Ras as always you're not allowed to do any events with alcohol especially when you're an RA for freshmen and and so we would do water pong or where people were not allowed to go to the bathroom so really by winning you are losing yeah honestly like if it was a bit of it it was a bit of a mixed bag let me also point out the fact that Luigi entered peaches room without knocking I know that was rude and potentially in a very very risque honestly Luigi well we've already established that they're an item I mean yes okay here we go rat Rao Wow Elvira mistress of the night well well if it isn't my most esteemed VIP he's the richest he which we've established in a previous game one of my favorite game theories ever done I was just on my way to see you it's your room living up to your expectations doesn't it scream good oh I can barely contain myself you have no idea how much I wanted you to accept my invitation still why is this I'm sure you're wondering hahaha you'll see to see you see there's someone I truly adore he's the inspiration for some of my greatest ideas like inviting you here such such a huge fan of his that's why it's so wonderful that I get to introduce him to you that's right Luigi I hope you're ready is it Dracula [Music] Wow that's a that's a that's a thumbnail face right there Wow screenshot that for the thumbnail ha ha ha surprise it's uh me really also King Boo says it to me right this is King Boo also an Italian I mean really this chef's hat it's a crown do you know do you do you know Chris it's a crown obviously that old accout had me locked up tight and laughs now they know that King boos in Italian I can properly do is actually but guess what I got out the hotel over here was just dying to meet me so he busted me as she busted me out I'm pretty lucky right - match made in heaven anyway I didn't think you'd actually show up here you are so stupid though and you fell for it I was ready Justin gazing back my vengeance is nearly complete what do you mean by then really angry cat skip after he has too much haha I'm a trapping you here and everyone in your little vacation party and frames you shouldn't you shouldn't tell me this - just do it or you should be faster about it he ends with booyah so you know who's cool oh there are there Luigi it's all be over soon it's time for a family reunion Oh booyah booyah I'm hip with the kids all ooh yeah [Applause] ha ha take that take what you didn't put me in a frame right oh there's one more frame of Clarissa I saved it especially for you stay right there and put on your bestest terrified mate Luigi this is game over well this was a this was a very short fine experience Thank You Nintendo for providing the game thanks appreciate appreciate you all joining us this afternoon full price oh I just got totally oh boy let's go oh wow the violence Wow nope good game good good job everyone Mario Fighter II lost Wow Bowser's that's what that's all you needed to do with this entire time it was literally just now is that you know oh good night oh that's funny start back at the beginning know that we lost you see and so that was the game over cutscene see I need to Broadmoor oh oh I think any taxes product oh well go don't you talk with me right don't you come with me again you keep that you keep your tongue away come to yourself open open this thing hi go go go come on man oh my gosh you deserve to be trapped in a painting Wow Luigi's the best right I got a say oh there it is see now we've switched over to the dark spooky mansion fantastic as opposed to the dark spooky go congratulations to Game one ends again we're 50 minutes into what we're supposed to do our last reason we made it to the opening title clapping it up for us when we say it's a long play it's a long play at Silvermine or five on twitter says I love Luigi's Mansion the original one is my first game ever and I would not stop playing thank you for live-streaming Luigi's Mansion of course oh my gosh we're excited about that anything about Luigi Luigi is just great you know at blazing vanilla says these hand in toilet oh god why surprise Nintendo is like yeah that's fine right thumbs up there it's the but tickle right don't know is this the continuation of Luigi's Mansion series it is let's see if it's not it's a very good bootleg there's all sorts of shiny things up on the shelves denial t23 says don't look into canoes eyes it's deadly uh-huh exactly that is King Boo secretly Pennywise Daniel be an abundant number says Luigi is the best let's see and at Barbara and a bunch of numbers says me getting ready for the gg live pallet after failing to catch Shane oh I I think it was a it was an intense intense battle this morning we were watching on Twitter uh let's see your second choice that will brand it that way will be like the game theorist palette your choice well he has he had the one color I think someone told you right it was called just a cherry or something so I think we've already got a good start do we get royalties off of that could we get some royalties off of that that'd be great at Vernetta 36 as I love how all the voice acting is just noises right wouldn't it be fun to be a voice actor in here yes Luigi stay strong men at Hussain al de el Dhaka to vent their like their Hall of Halloween candy and it looks like they've made out like a bandit I see some double bubble I see Maltesers Haribo Oliver's arse or ever how study would interpret reading yet he didn't even get candy yeah thinking about little kiddie necklaces they were really cute it wasn't like you but I do think it's interesting that his first ever Halloween house was wasn't even Stan what a world we live in so okay artists our story with Ollie and I'm sure we took him trick-or-treating for the very first time he went to all of five houses whoo whoo and then he was all done and we told the people at the houses you're like you don't have to give him any candy like we were literally this year to walk around you kept saying that I did because he's a baby he can't eat it we can that our employees can't like it why would you ever turn it don't staff for Halloween you give it to it you give it to ollie and then and then the don't take what come on so so anyway a few people liked and gave him pieces of candy so that he could drop them into his bucket that was right it was really fun for him he can still participate that was fun for him and so there's um there's like a thing that people do apparently to actually make babies less interested in candy they'll give them a mint so like either a york peppermint pattie or a junior mint which is soft enough the babies can chew it but most babies don't like the taste of mint which is that which i don't get it all cuz when i was a kid i love mint now that he really liked it but but all he tried a york peppermint pattie last night and we were like oh he's gonna take a bite he's gonna make an exit basement he's gonna head back oh no he took a bite and then he proceeded to stuff the entire to his face he loved it couldn't get enough after more like so we've kind of created a monster where we really were like oh he's not gonna like this we'll make sure that he doesn't care about candy oh now he really cares about kids I didn't realize that that was your intent obviously when you gave him that I'm like oh that's a good one to start with york peppermint pattie that's a good one and that's a new flavor yeah that was all about it all about it so great yes i [Music] at brain evans 31 says that has pingu voice sounds like dr. Doofenshmirtz but that's great good we've mastered the controls Hey well I got little thanks that's a play so here's my question Luigi finds the ghost sucker upper the Poltergust in an abandoned car engine right at the retrofit again from the car no it was just hanging out in there right weird it wasn't around although I don't know linens and the other cleaning supplies right it's of all the places to hide it why here why were is right there I'm soaking what's it what does it mean it's me and a bunch of numbers on Twitter I literally just sucked up a rat though oh that's all it is worth noting that it's so satisfying I think that rat is now in my vacuum cleaner if seen a bunch of numbers says today I'm watching my first live stream with Matt Steph and it's so late but I try to stay awake for you guys it's 11 p.m. right now greetings from Germany I look okay so awesome thank you for joining them I got a little shock was that I got a thing out of the car okay not very clear what it is but I got it mine I think I would love it and cherish it for all eternity yes in the chat Nick July for a cleanup that place law right all this is so satisfying oh oh and that's interesting tree shirt says it was a car in the second day oh okay that does that make more sense again like I said the second game is one that I've researched I've never actually played like just because I was a late comer to ad astra do both of that but like I forget which but that makes more sense oh yeah clean off that pile of garbage oh this is like everything that was super satisfying about about Mario Sunshine although I do feel a little bit bad about all the rest I'm just inhaling into this thing do you feel bad oh yeah like I'm in there no buckling I don't think that's what's going on there Wow just just need to hail them I don't know if they appreciate it Steph I don't think I don't think they're in there it's Gaza it's egads car oh that makes more sense gas cars as toxic Firelord still kill though just saying oh yes rack up those bills yeah Oh Pokemon trainers might be broke but Luigi is definitely rolling in the dough Oliver family also pointed that out so yeah that's not much okay that makes that makes slightly more sense oh we also have viewers from Sweden and Poland who can confirm 11:00 p.m. there and we're saying hi to their comrades in Germany also watching late at night great so you bring your gnarly gacho's yeah look you guys are muchachos yeah yes all those muchachos in sweden the swedish muchachos because everyone knows all do muchachos come from sweden python there was there were the money on the shelves back here that we gotta get oh hey oh oh clean it up oh look at us just shredding them out what's in the UH what's in that second dryer there oh man forget all those all those Flyers that they leave you in hotel rooms about preserving the environment by reusing your towel whoo geez just like here's a bunch of clean towels let me inhale them into my demonic right back yeah you are not being very green right now buddy even though you are green ah el oh right I feel like oh yeah just clean up everything so when I was playing Super Mario Sunshine I had a similar thing right where it's just like the satisfaction Hall yeah the satisfaction you get from just cleaning up all the dirt than whatever that's what Luigi's Mansion has - and it's but it seems especially this one or I could just slowly walk around and just vacuum I love vacuuming Oh Matthew is Pro vacuumer love vacuuming is one of my favorite helpful tours yeah look at this also mentioned it's really really cute the 11 p.m. crew is showing up hardcore right now - Belgium from Lucy it's also 11 p.m. yellow ever your compadres and Germany Sweden and [Music] the Netherlands right no your there are a lot of people watching where it's 11 p.m. it's great I hope you're all snuggled in your beds individually and platonically watching thank you for joining maybe maybe we've just made matching Stephanie have you thought about that oh man matchmaker matchmaker make me a match they're a little bit far away to be matched it's a new date Stephanie people can have relationships across the world Japan you can hop on a plane one minute it's 16 hours later you can be halfway around the world oh and Czech Republic's also 11 p.m. yellow p.m. purple egress Oh mandate the 11:00 p.m. through it yeah 11 ribs are unbeatable Sean 24 yes everyone showed up in fourth and they're there Britain is trying to get in on this action by being like it's ten here I got a bun they're a bunch of British watt viewers okay that's cool that's cool and all that's fine chips and they just says I'm bringing a possum to school wow that was very exciting it's going to be an exciting I know right they're like you're like a modern-day mary had a little way everyone's going to know who you are everywhere them the opossum sure to go don't worry tress you've had your ringing vaccine Oh interesting Kristoff's got a rabies vaccine yesterday today today I'm very still in process I have one more shot okay okay so I'll process so if someone were to bite you right now I'm only going to be half baby oh okay so so less exciting racing yeah so if you're if you want to bite Chris to give him rabies now might be your last chance to do so take advantage of that opportunity ladies and gentlemen yeah if you were a rabid and you are look spread that love to crisp do it now or forever hold your baby maybe vaccine I was wondering if it was one of those like really painful back that's a yes it definitely like hurts for a couple days that's crazy that's sounds fun I've heard and you know it's and they always say that vaccines are easier than like if you ever get the disease and obviously that's true the rabies like what they always told me as a kid about like hey don't go up to wild animals because if you get raises you know they they told they would like to tell you horror stories about how awful it was to have to get treated for rabies baby like and you have to get 20 shots in your stomach and like oh yeah it was terrible that you they used to tell you the most terrific stories about what it's like to try and get treated really you know I gotta say even say it's like from going near squirrels and stuff I mean I gotta say I'm actually just shocked by the amount of conversations that you had with people about rabies and while they're like I really wanted most I've ever taught me some the most I've ever talked to someone about a while that or two about rabies and wild animals outside of like the episode that we did on it it's probably right now in this movie I grew up I did not have a lot of people actively warning me about this ordinance I grew up in the country we had all kinds of stuff out there yes bears rabid bears huh yeah a lot of rabid bears you gotta wear though we had a lot of I mean every every kind of ground rodents and then like all the raccoons and foxes and all kinds of crazy stuff oh yeah yeah oh I'm clean enough in a literal and figurative way yeah really the hotel just needed it's a really solid deep clean so they were like let's pull this fast or non Luigi we know he vacuums well caretaker has a statue of herself on the wall I mean you know I mean I could see it yeah hey so that thing down there how do I get there got me a way to do that right Wow Wow so that only shoot you straight up so there's a little hole and you can do this up and flash doesn't maybe I'll get an ability I don't like leaving things on the table right oh look at me sucking up the pillows man Luigi and his vacuum are just merciless also I am so this is like the ultimate bagless you never have to empty this thing it is pretty great I gotta say our Dyson well I love it you got a empty flash okay hibari Cara ham says try flashing your flashlight at the green light yeah I'll come back inferno says you flash on the on the green button really well if you guys say so cuz I know that you guys know the clear answer good cuz this games been out for almost a day yeah the fact that this games been out for a day means that you guys have already seen literally every Easter Egg that this game has Luke says you're supposed to flash that vending machine downstairs darkness how would you know that how would I know right I guess I guess I'm supposed to try things huh that's the thing that you do in video games trial and error well now I'm gonna go down cuz I leave in it ain't leave it behind we're just fleshly flashlights everywhere no yeah the actual functionality of the flash is something that I need to come to terms with can you accept it and your penny with steps the blaster in your life look hahaha the vending machine there there you go oh wow oh wow oh that's a big deal Wow yes I get that last penny absolutely you got to get that last penny not a moment to spare there we go huh you shouldn't try the flashlight in a number of places okay well now I know inside the elevator now I know yeah that's what I'm doing okay look in this corner right here because [Music] but here what wha what else gonna do it on anything that looks a moderately suspicious okay these I feel like these folks pictures to do something I guess not and then you said the washing machine which tells you yeah there you go I mean I don't know but yeah hey all right Bobo came all the way back I was worth a shot but I feel like there's something I'm missing here you got all the cash out of that other like laundry basket no there's definitely something for that oh wait look if you wanna sing for us the Luigi thoroughly rust man I'm doing the Luigi thrust oh look we gosh we just watched that rat die wow what is this the Logan Paul video Oh No is that wow this shade is coming out what Shane Mack Smith and maxint says the flashlight is so useless except for vending machines right yeah apparently oh well now I'm really cured now if I'm missing stuff and I just want to make and double check that I'm not here okay feel like I'm leaving stuff on the table hold us the chat would have told us if we were missing more staff that's that's probably true fair enough chats like you're missing so many things I mean the chat probably did tell us but you just need to be in the chat Stephanie oh no I've been all over this chat have you inter have you yes like I said the trolling the trolling is coming and hard and heavy today we'll see it's good to do it in the elevator the flash is only four green lights and to send the ghost that makes more sense yeah but those green lights are you know what it dropped what you probably have to do is do something with that electrical section and then that's gonna stop the washer and then you have to flash the green light on top of the washer that's my prediction that's true right right maybe I should pick up the pace in the scheme at some point no cleaning up everything though it's so satisfying okay here we go Oh [Music] No yaks me out prematurely there goes boom and why bother hanging your picture up just to exit out it where there is a welcome sign like a celebration went well with the confetti Wow [Music] No they're locking us in even though they're already locked into painting rat Rao so so that seems just like an excessive what part in the process okay suck them up oh oh oh oh just brutalize that ghost oh and then get all the coins that he puts out just man Luigi show no mercy to the undead Wow it's not enough to suck them into your vacuum you have to whip up around you have to simultaneously whip and nae nae simultaneously wet rip oh how they get stuck oh that also send up nice second toast bread the world may never know candy I like to think that it's ghost loaves loaves of ghosty goodness but seriously though Luigi ain't messing around this time Luigi's like this is my third game and I ain't wasting time with just what the stupid ghosts forget just sucking you into this thing I'm literally just gonna whip you around oh man there's so much good other it's so sad look at the dollars just fall from the sky yes right look at the ocean I like try not to get satisfied game I'm just wrecking this hotel but then put in like a clean way right it's like it's like you're a hardcore rocker but at the same time you're doing the opposite of what a hardcore rocker would do which is messing up the hotel and then having to pay money you're messing it up and then cleaning it up simultaneously right oh so satisfying oh look at this I wish I could do this with my desk in real life Oh get it all up in there right stuff don't you wish you did that I would like to get it all up and down into that area of the hotel hmm wait there's a flashing tear like can I get it I don't know what's that thing over on the left side it's sort of blowing I know a suspicious statue of Stephanie and all keep was this resident evil' a-tryin BF s o1 says damn that luigi with first room with my fiance and sister can we go five and half absolutely Gabby dreams are our final in some fighting action Oh like oh my gosh thank goodness there's gameplay in my game BAM step taken too darn long right we like that to me I do I really do the vacuuming is so satisfying guys I cannot express you enough of that funny Oh Maria's obsessed one says the stream is giving me motivation to finish to finally try and finish my own copy of Luigi's Mansion Darkmoon after getting stuck in a box battle for two years oh man do it man do it get in there you got this oh I want that that's a big shiny I need that Oh gross gross Oh as a spider gross gross you fine growling spooky oh and it's out there Oh girls get it kill it kill it kill it suck it suck it suck it suck it off come on it there yeah oh oh that was so worth it nice see the spiders must die spider to fill your pocket geez Matthew if they want that I want the gemstone in there oh that's cute oh that's funny at lady killing a bunch of numbers says are you guys gonna do it videos or TV please I'd like to see what you would do for it we actually did a video for team trees it was on minecraft and it was about how to punch trees yeah so it was originally scheduled to go out the day that that that team trees started but we couldn't get the timing quite right so we just made that video and then referred back to it the next week but that was actually our team tree spinning yeah right see it was it was like the antithesis of true love team trees this is how you punch down a tree now go plant sounds this is weird what I've uncovered a thing but the thing that I've uncovered I cannot seem to access no I'm uncovering all sorts of stuff but I don't have the abilities can do anything with it right you're so tantalizing game alright we're gonna figure it out later maybe we might need to figure it out maybe that's where the key is mmm so we have a couple a couple things delivery home a food cutting up those pumpkins right just look oh I'd get rid of all these oh the boxes boom great great stuff good job team well done everyone whoa right Oh messy shelves we can fix that come on get out of here box no one loves you go I miss my opportunity oh there it is good I got you is your refrigerator running then why don't you get it all oh yeah get out of here drapery we got a new sheriff in town and his name is lying oh man for as much as I love vacuuming everything up in this game I gotta say vacuuming up whole couch cushions seems a bit excessive yeah like I love a clean house as much as the next guy but like yeah I feel like the couch cushions probably probably one of the things you might want to keep [Music] oh yeah huh that like little water Wow you got to do it a couple times in each area to get everything that's really interesting right I'm doing it three times that I'm still unlocking new cash come on come on anybody so much cleaning the little pie right this is actually got the oversize commute Lee large whoa it's not also a weapon haha that would be a different franchise more cash everywhere yeah you know Luigi you are rating the hotels and yes this is like a spooky ghost hotel that just kidnapped for celebrities yeah you know at the same time business you are stealing the cash out of their own drawers right so who's really the true villain on this tape that's all the eerie come on give me all of that I got a Chaos Emerald right well then maybe I could turn into Super Saiyan Luigi editors wow look at all those ah right again we've come on money are we like going to need in this game this is crazy right for this being for this being a game all about like a derelict haunted hotel there's a lot of hidden cash around Luigi is really raking it in hey you know we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to do another theory about how much richer Luigi is after this game right now after stealing a hotel's entire profits at road rage - says this place reminds me of a hotel I used to work out which is funny because it was haunted too feel like there's a fun story there uh uh dad again you got oh suck on that art deco at scarlet trash 16 said Stu we need to go suck her down but about a pot up who are you gonna call Luigi don't you love it when chairs just transform into dollars aye aye I love it when that happens like oh man I got Fame I read this month but I'm a de what I got chair got a chair I mean if I smash it against the ground it'll turn into a couple bucks right do not try at home friends at lurid Mad Hatter on Twitter said all the money you need all the money and no records of you being there oh except for the huge poster of my face hanging in the lobby feel like that might tip them off you got a backhand I can clean that up we did check in as well I don't know I do miss my ability to just like go around and like rust at everything see vacuuming stuff and just like bumping into it it's not as clear-cut right not as clear-cut as if I just went around and just like yeah shake shake shake shake everything like you did in the first year make it real sorry nature gotta make sure that there's no spare bills Anya I I just literally shaken down any living creature actually well every trash can oh no who's irresponsibly throwing away all this money okay that's the map no [Music] yes all right I should continue with the game at some point yeah you know I am this is the gameplay Jeremy talked about Kieffer that one too I can't even start says him we must be rich by this point but as he was already registered for this is just too rich getting richer here everybody luigi is far and away the 1% like he's richer than Mario right right wing it up man like Luigi has old money especially if you're taking into consideration the first Luigi's Mansion raked it in oh you gotta be thorough yeah be thorough stuff you can suck in even more cash oh wait there's a whole different set of gems Oh buddy oh man how many this is just like find the money the game with oh right yeah who cares about the Haunted part of Luigi's Mansion they like has nothing to do with goats the only 95 percent of this gate it's literally when I get back you mother the game yeah fine a lot of cash you know honestly I don't mind that oh you're missing a belt you guys think about video games video games are supposed to be about escapism right fantasy and this is my I mean right and being able to just walk around with a vacuum cleaner add anything subscribe and get cash that's the pretty good wish-fulfillment a lot of people right yes the Luigi's Mansion 3 they streamlined it to get rid of the ghost part of it just went straight for the collect a ton of cash right oh this is a cute puzzle cuz see smart that's a good one I like that oh you know what else I like giant gold statues okay oh he's the key thank you that man again the proportion the proportion difference of Luigi relative to the rest of the world bit odd right like the toilets and stuff I get the keys not so much okay on the to answer your question about this thing in the dryer at exp jellyfish says on Twitter a spot advice for you if you ever encounter something that doesn't seem to do anything but it's obviously hidden for a reason we would be keep it in mind you'll unlock it would help you proceed I thought there might be like some leader because I remember for me because I know in the first in both the ladies mansion you just unlock more abilities as it goes up yeah Sarah had a bunch of numbers on Twitter says suddenly we hear phone guy's voice hello hello welcome to your new job as a night janitor and haunted mansion all the pizzerias got checked out a fan you know right you gotta reach beyond the pizzeria at some point right at a certain point haunted hotels haunted mall seems to be the new one like in some of the new uh the new teasers that he's really if it's gonna be like stranger thing season three I can't do fifteen so as I'm watching PT live as my kitten can I get a flop and a half oh my gosh that cat is so cute oh my gosh kittens are the best so we have a we have some visiting foster kittens at our house a couple of days a week they are so cute I feel like I'm gonna put up like a like a tweet about them or something cuz we need to get them like a really good oh my gosh they're they're so they're so cute they're so cute ahh I don't have much experience with kittens but they are so kittens are awesome yeah it's so much fun they're so adorable right hips a little bit freaked out by them yeah yeah yeah they don't have any problem with skip skip is just like what are those yeah I feel I feel a little bit bad for like we're trying to like introduce them nicely and slowly yeah and I think that skip would have a lot of fun with them I think so too I think he was right but right now he's kind of resistant yeah this is a bit of a bummer like no skip teach them your your ways your old crotchety kind of grumpy ways every shelf right the teachings money there's always money in hearts apparently not oh there we go yeah there we go tear and everything just dissolve it's so good everything and slowly destroy everything bit by bit whoa ole piggy bank sometimes gonna be sad about that one huh at mixin man that says Luigi's Mansion three is like one of those faceless hope asking if you'd like to stay in a creepy cabin for nine hundred million dollars I ain't trapped with the ghosts the ghosts are trapping me so what kind of Facebook ads are you getting my friends a little bit concerned for your online activity oh come on at Sara anybody's numbers all those drives do you think that when Louise you've done that with that mansion you can come clean up my house right right this back here is mine so this there's this carpet right here right so sorry documents actually have to pay attention to oh did not just automatically with the power up yeah it is Sam whoa no it's the blacklight don't use that no hotel ha oh no oh boy oh yeah yeah it's fine when you use it in the storage room but you know the money becomes real I was here to tally up how much oh there is he's asking thou shalt receive Stephanie and also there's another spider get out of here get get the gone come on right we do have a lot of game what are we gonna do with olives well I mean Luigi's Mansion games always end up being like you get a different ending based on the amount of fat that you walk away yeah but and so you know come on this it's clearly I'm sitting this rug is down here and I want to pull it out you're just asking for it Oh backlight showing me the secret step oh there we go Hey Oh oh no spider no or rap or something I don't even know what that was oh you can make them oh that's interesting okay I'll take that I'm fine with that I'm cool I accept it easy I use acts to reveal things that I've shown in the reflection that's oh go to the left back side of the Shelf did it that's what we're up to good pie and chip says I was scared to play Luigi's intention when I was younger that's really cute that's adorable I can see that right right I feel like this is doing something hey what is that come on now [Music] [Music] at all hello oh yeah what Oh No smack oh man uncalled for game hello unnecessary roughness [Music] anything oh wait oh yeah there we go oh right yes my gosh there's so much stuff in this game everywhere there is stuff everywhere I'm kind of bummed that I didn't have this to play on the plane ride yeah the UAE squeeze wait man come on Oh Luigi's suck it in right you can do it buddy I mean your stomach's out all the stuff with your vacuum I mean that too though no oh we can all we can something though oh sorry hmm I mean he could be a boss you never know he could be evil Oh people yeah not very terrifying precisely the last person I'd expect to find here time to catch up what matters is you don't know get me out of here no I just did get you out of the beam take it this hotel is filled to the brim with cash I mean ghosts let's make a run for it no no no no no there's so much there's more money that I need to shove it in my pocket oh yeah and my brother's here too yeah but the moola all of your friends have been captured that's a lie flimsy excuse for fleecing this place dry and you can't just abandon all that no I can you are the same as ever I see a bit of a handful my luxury car habit I can't pay for itself it loses money as soon as I take it off the lot my Italian sports car the Ferrari the Maserati other cars our end with an i Lamborghini they may or may not be Italian but they sound tell you got ya all of them are they all telling our the audience parts of sports cars come from it good all the best great she talked to Cabell sparkles I know he's the sports car guy okay I'm not thrilled about it but I professor even gather Elvis yeah I do like evil get Italian apparently everyone this game is Italian I'll see he's a car guy - only only the base cost of it is over $100,000 because I know AG have standards [Music] the new poltergeist genome zero you're wearing you took that out of my car right we've got to get back to the underground garage let's go okay let's go let's go oh you don't we this might be a good breaking point yeah to come back for the next read I know cuz I gotta go to the doctors yeah get this diagnosis for pneumonia sometime I got a I got a not be and emmonak right mnemonic mnemonic I'm a mnemonic device right now take elevator the elevator will get us to the garage in an instant let's hurry out before the ghosts find us they're really not very threatening honestly right the ghosts I feel like aren't aren't doing a whole lot right now Luigi there's a secret over here that you can't take oh he's caught on the on the carpet oh no Alvin GAD is lost forever Alvin gasp lost forever destroy the evidence that we were here right let me destroy [Music] it's a bit hard to tell what I'm like actually activated so many different modes on this vacuum that I have to test everywhere one fancy Hoover no hey Luigi look at that it's money lots of what even with all the dangers here I'm sure we agree that money is still important no no and speaking my language now do we ever the ghosts don't seem interested in grabbing it what's the same you can't take it with you hah well I definitely want it anyway yeah elven gab keep your eyes peeled and ground as much as you can you know why you're capturing ghosts and saving your friends multitask oh yeah you get I'm right with you speaking my language also alright giant gold bars right that's not bad oh you teleported to us hey OH glad you could join us you can just teleport the whole time what you doing that's all a mystery for later I suppose go ahead and give the be one bot no push it didn't seem like any of your friends we're trapped on 2f with me you complete Hamas they must have been taken to one of the floors higher now which means yeah we're gonna need to those elevator buttons I can take the stairs it's okay like really I'll just climb up the fire escape it's alright right I'm uncomfortable I've got I've got strong gam yeah how are your damn like damn I didn't lose II do not skip leg day let's just put it that way I know get those bars yeah it's all about the angle so great it's making so much money I know I gotta get diagnosed this demonic yeah man he has to go be a new Monica tonight I'm gonna help someone learn the 50 states you're less cutscene is impossible there's just fun in satisfied Wow no no Luigi don't pass out buddy oh you'll have to fight oh oh he's throwing me luggage at me marry some even packaging it's just oh look look me up off of that yeah or something in front of them dodge roll dodge roll like you're in Dark Souls Luigi right smack it Bow Wow Wow make him regret it make it regret his poor service you're just manner was lackluster you were looking for a tip hey here's your tip get good boom I appreciate how long it takes you to find a new hiding spot oh whoa wow that gold more gold gemstones cash give me that cash yeah Luigi do your party dance your little dance it's like no other buttons button button Luigi's got the button not quite the cast we were looking for it's all right oh those are definitely the elevator buttons I never would have guessed the ghosts of takin them there's only so many people right here yeah but there are only two maybe any other ghosts out there have the rest of the bottom critical thinking for the wind couldn't you just a little bit further Stephanie that's not how electrical circuits work clearly the button the button is a trick anyway no matter let's go to my car I've got something very interesting that I want to show right like legitimately though any number of objects could be reached into that socket to push the relevant things the button is a very extraneous part of that process I'm right there with you stuff I agree someone in the chat says me and my dad are arguing about whether or not you guys what could be considered science Oh Stephanie definitely somebody is absolutely a job yeah I have a degree in science that not anymore I mean I still have the degree it still work there anymore I like to consider myself a perpetual student no really like where I'm constantly trying to teach myself new things and teach other people things but like Ostrom beautimous yeah you'd imagine no matter if you or your dad was on the side of not scientists but they were correct I like to think of myself as a lifelong learner but about up but up but about about about bottom copyright claims right but up out of money to Warner Brothers or whoever owns that right are you gonna call rights management unfair copyright claims cool alright that's it friends I gotta go getting pneumonia shots already but antibiotic I don't think it's a shot I think they're gonna tell you to go home and go to bed and have a bunch of antibiotic they're gonna they're gonna tell me the one thing that I can't do which is go home and go to bed maybe that's the reason why I'm still sick I think I think we could go as far as it's right here yeah you need the weekend to come yesterday everybody so we will be back Monday same time I will same plate rack to regular time 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time we can make sure you are here so to all our 11 o'clock crew sorry it's 11 o'clock crew it will be very late but you can always going to be the 1 a.m. crew now a new game theory coming out tomorrow should be on Pokemon and electric pokemon and how much they suck should be fine from a scientific standpoint not that we're scientists we're not scientists we're just nerds so new a new game theory coming out if he missed it there was a film theory yesterday on it chapter 2 yeah it's a lot of fun which we like a lot yeah and yeah a lot of good stuff coming up there's a lot of good stuff coming for the next couple weeks you have some fun announcements coming up we're going to be announcing holiday merch coming up we have another big project that we've been working on that we're going to be announcing very soon we're really excited yeah there's a lot next week all new week right November is here everyone countdown to Christmas is on countdown to Christmas so I guess we got a return we got a retire welcome to our web and Marie next year maybe I don't know maybe we'll keep them on the couch for a little bit anyway anyway thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you on Monday hopefully have a phenomenal weekend and remember that's just a stream a live stream I'm gonna go hack up a long yeah well thank you bye in the chat Alexis Garcia says hi e anubian says please do a theory on this game or the other two Oh green gopher gaming since by I white says I love how Matt's just does everything everywhere even though we're telling him the mechanics of the game so he doesn't waste time flashing the black light in dumb spots okay but for real wasting time Matt called exploring
Channel: GTLive
Views: 513,154
Rating: 4.9382372 out of 5
Keywords: luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, luigi mansion, luigi, mario, switch, nintendo, mario game, ghost, super mario party, halloween, mario party, mario maker, super mario maker, mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive mario party, luigi mansion dark moon
Id: TtC28_QsCrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 50sec (5150 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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