I Can CHANGE Reality! | Baba Is You

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yes! Glad to see they're enjoying it: I first found this game through Vinesauce and it's been one of my favorites of 2019.

A couple of notes on things to keep in mind for next time: The way I think of SINK is, if you've got a hole in the ground, and something sinks into the hole, then that fills the hole, assuming objects are roughly the same size. In addition to being used to set rules, words are also objects (that have PUSH by default) so you can use them to interact with the level just like any other object. So, basically, you're filling a JELLY-shaped hole in the ground with an object that is a giant "SINK" word. You can't use it once it's in the ground, which is why both of them become unusable.

The reason why BABA IS FLAG and BABA IS YOU doesn't work is because FLAG is not YOU, so once there is no BABA (as it has been turned into a FLAG), then nothing is left to be YOU. YOU IS WIN doesn't work because words with filled backgrounds can't be the first part of a rule; you can turn BABA and FLAG and ROCK and such into other objects, but WIN and SINK and YOU represent concepts, and concepts are essentially immutable. (The word "SINK" itself is still an object though, as per above, but it represents the concept of "sinking" when used in a rule)

Hope that helps!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DiabloGraves ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thank you, Iโ€™m not getting gtlive notifications. Much appreciated๐Ÿ˜Š

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Im-Kinda-Funny ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great livestream as usual. I look forward to seeing MatPat and Steph's Instagram stories from E3.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This game is so much fun and challenging!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lilsj ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was one of the streams where I did not know what the heck was happening.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live you weren't putting on your microphone like a second before the live stream started matthews like are you putting on your microphone nose like I was totally putting on my microphone he's like no you're not putting on your microphone and okay forgot to put under my goal for the umpteenth time in 300 300 times that we started this stream or so that I haven't had my microphone on but think about how many live streams we've done just good billion exactly so at that point your hit rate should be higher like it should be high at this point high hit rate hey everyone it's nice to be on a live stream we've been traveling so much I mean I was I was dreaming slam VR well who are you I know right what am what are you doing here stranger I had a bunch of traveling to do and then Matthew didn't travel a bit and I did some traveling and I'm just happy to see you man good to see you too oh hey hello it's a nice firm handshake okay we're going for the high five okay well we could go for the Internet high five I'm so glad to be back the friendship the the friend handshake the intimate high-five hey yeah so Stephanie's back I'm back and Gigi and Gigi laughs well that's for today and then Thursday it's Thursday that we decided this this morning Monday and Thursday Friday it's a three week so we have a whole bunch of game developers and publishers to go to go visit we're like the e3 fairies we just we just like Twitter over here oh I'm tittering all over the place get ready get ready I don't think you're ready III for this level of titter this tater is coming we literally have like on Wednesday we literally have back-to-back meetings with like Nintendo oculus it's literally back-to-back so we're gonna do our best to do as much streaming as we can and do also Instagram stories and stuff from III because III is always a fun time it's a little bit smaller this year than in previous years because some of the companies don't do press conferences anymore but we still go and you know we visit our like we visit our friends at our favorite game developer like studios and you know it's nice to see everybody yeah it's a very different um it's very it's gonna be a very different year this year it's gonna be interesting to see how things go I'm excited to get out there not a whole lot announced yet really no I'm still kind of kind of low-key I'm still catching up don't no spoilers on Bethesda just kidding I already read all the coverage but I am gonna go back and watch the press conference yeah I am and I've seen you be something you up you haven't seen you is off though but you have seen modesta I have not seen Ubisoft but I see where make sure we are at the seeing the press car I just know that you're stoked about Final Fantasy you know obviously optimistic I'm I was gonna say cautiously optimistic is a better way to put it I played Final Fantasy as a kid and I'm optimistically negative and I'm like there's no way there's no way that this is ready to go by next year no way I don't think it's ready to go by next year I just hope they do a good job with it and I here's the thing if I look at it realest and I would ask you the same thing because you've played Final Fantasy also for Fantasy 7 remake the remake the remake I haven't played the remake notes lately um that's what we're talking about here so they're remaking Fantasy 7 they're updating all the graphics to look incredibly beautiful I think they're adding some stuff are you really going to go back and play it that's the thing the what the original no the new one like when it comes out I wouldn't you well because I already played the game it's completely different though the gameplay is completely it looks more like a final fit or it looks more like the more recent Final Fantasy games slash Kingdom Hearts it's like when I see the gameplay I'm like oh this is totally Kingdom Hearts which is interesting it's very different from like your RPG fare yeah that's true like I'm curious to see how people acclimate or like the RPG fans are comfortable whether they're comfortable moving into like the more like action RPG style of things we'll see but I saw a question already about oMG kindergarten - are you going to talk I know I saw someone else ask are you going to talk to the kindergarten Debs we actually talked to them outside of III but are they going to e3 I don't even know are they they're there they're actually just so everyone knows there is a slight delay on kindergarten - one of the ones just a spirit one of the devs just experienced a family loss yes and they're delaying it a bit yeah yeah so it'll be delayed until mid to late July now Oh poop but for that we're there obviously we'll play it we will be there and any time Chris and us and maybe Jason too are gonna be trolling around like the indie the indie dev alley at e3 which we were just talking about today is like the most productive time we spend Oh III because indie games are what we play on GT live it's what you know we love finding new like indie gems to play so that will the bear boobs are like secondary to lighting time indicators the best part yeah absolutely Hey so today's game is a bit weird it's on the switch it was suggested to us on reddit by random named 526 beast mr. Bies it is random name yeah it was a what was it rancher Beast fetus is not mr. beast favorite game what is it random name 556 I thought what is it I thought it was 256 256 beast matpat you're gonna love this game I'm glad people are actually playing it now that was from bluej in the chat so I don't like all I saw was the trailer of this so I saw it on reddit from random name who submitted it thank you for submitting it if you ever have game suggestions let us know or a more specific name also let us know that would be great and I checked out the trailer and it looked really interesting right so this is a van it's a small indie game that's available on the Nintendo switch so a system that many people watching have it's it's an indie game so it's relatively cheap and it's one of those things where I believe the whole point of the game is that it up ends your expectations around the rules of gaming right so it's this idea of like we go into games with preconceived notions about how things are supposed to work and how puzzles get solved and so this is all about making you question that and think outside the box in order to solve the problem so that's all I know that's what the trailer showed me and I watched that a couple weeks ago when I like Chris put this on the list at some point and today is that day ladies and gentlemen so Bob with you Bob loves me we are very excited and Pete a lot of people in the chat are just pointing something out which did you know guys mr. beast is from North Carolina not for much longer he's moving how do you know cuz we're tight yo we are tight I don't know what we know a lot of youtubers it's okay hashtag GT live Baba is you oh this is actually one of the cutest things that Chris has ever drawn maybe it looks like a Lancer or it looks like a dust mite with with ears who's to say it's really cute actually oh no it's really cute hashtag dude you live we're in the in the chat you know what to do let's solve some puzzles in this game I'm excited to find out about it we will learn together friends I will play under GT lives account Matt that's it let's play under Matt Pat's account oh mixing it up wait separate Cordy and Steph account do I have you have dual personalities it's so many I label the the Steph one more accurately reflect how I feel about myself you look at the avatar I like accordion-like this majestic like magenta princess versus Brickman frantic like frazzled weed you can tell that our switch is like the village bicycle everyone everyone has taken a ride who's Kimmy my god are nitendo switch right there you go map hat let's let's begin this game shall we snap into the switch ladies and gentlemen okay this is great I'm excited about this I have high hopes pres Eleanor and the controller done ready let's do it okay ten percent of what okay we need to effective okay great cool here we go let's solve some puzzles by thinking outside the box by watching slow opening cutscene the title screen or is it is it actually a title screen you don't know that's the whole point of the game game wall rock I'm waiting for the level to form itself flag baba baba is you okay can I move love to move can I do anything we're just watching the beautiful animations happen ladies and job is Baba is flag is when wall is stopped rock is push this is like this is like the bad haikus I wrote in middle school baba is you move good I'm moving got it hey what else do you want me to do baba is you I can I can push push that flag is win okay maybe wash winter flag I was gonna say Rock is push wall is stop okay so I'm guessing if I touch this nothing's gonna happen I guess I thought oh all right see game it's it's thinking three steps ahead it's like oh they saw the trailer they know that they're supposed to think outside the box right so let's have them actually think inside the box that the flag is truly a win scenario all right well we're between levels level one we're already there we're not even between levels I'm gonna read you a twit okay read me that time at em in the cloud says I'm quite happy that GG lives on so I was just bitching an archive land and at artworks ego says can I get a club and a friend first live stream I have been living in archive land well goats are the land of the living wall is stuff okay so I'm assuming if I break this wall is no longer stopped right yes okay so it's so it's kind of like coding okay and now you need to say flag is win yeah so it's so it's kind of like coding with with that's cute Bob as you like it's one okay that makes sense this is cool I like this already this is super fun it's all logical development I don't know what the little flowers are but we've collected a couple of little yeah you're a good couple cool I did a couple of you my little frantic Pikmin okay so we're surrounded by flags flags is stopped okay and Baba it wall is you okay so I'm a wall now okay Baba is this is so interesting that way oh I love this already this is really fun thank you for the suggestion gadget is already really cool wall is me I was gonna well wall is Wallace like me if the wall is win yeah om wit is sorry you did me too cuz I am wall and there is no Baba all is yes always with me we embody win we are the way look upon me I am win hear me roar yeah hey thanks big grits level okay Baba is you wall is stopped great water is sink okay we need to get that out of there right we don't wanna sink in the water and flag is wick so okay so that destroyed rocket Lag is win okay we want Rockets win yes because we don't have enough rocks to get through the water so we need to swap out rock his push wait we need Rockets push until rocket win no rock is winning the oh yeah this is super cool I like this a lot oh this is really really fun okay I'm nerd now over here this is awesome I need three pinwheel starbursts in order to cross it to whatever magic land that is so let's go to for MS and Miska says it's mostly a game on coding syntax of objects and object links that's right which is super right if it's a very visual form of coding and its skull is death it's also one of those things where like Steph and I you know we met in a coding class that has special place in our heart so I guess when lovers you refuse my okay and can i push into you cannot okay I'm gonna do this they go around I thought maybe like ha ha ha ha it's one of those it gets you do it soon thank you oh that's fun oh you didn't even try that you're pushing all the rocks on rock is and where Rockets win again oh I can't it's a corner Oh Rock is [Music] baba is flag is what baba is you you do baba is you know he can't skull is you can't get oh oh yes Hannah skulls yes so this is its skull is push baby oh yeah do it on the other side no skull you want skull is pop oh yeah that's done Pope oh no wait III wait a second oh no oh so what I needed to do was push the rock yeah undo yes oh this is oh this is great oh wow I'm smart I love this game this is so good oh I as I push the rock yeah there we go so now if I push these in yeah well I know I won't be able to push them oh if I do this this trying to push this goal out of the way yes Annelle skull is not dead okay so now flag is wood yeah yeah this is fun oh this is awesome sorry I'm just gonna continue gushing about yeah and this is great like I had not heard about this in the slightest when did this come out do we know this year yeah yeah around March I think is when it came out on the switch maybe a bit before that I'm like itchy oh oh this was on heo and then Nintendo picked it up it's still an itchy oh yeah you can get it on the PC if you want really that's fantastic okay okay okay so we've got Bob as you rock is push all this stop and your neck and we'll get rid of that Baba is melt whoa in the lava we need to stop him from blah blah blah well maybe luck but I think we make lava is push or something so wait what if Baba is at me yeah you're done you have to back up yeah nothing yeah good we need to figure out a way around that so we're gonna have to push this out of whack so now rock as much and now I think lava should become plush so we can push through the lava or I think it's gonna be rock is melt said love is bush or rocks lava cuz they've established that you can push multiple things up try it lava is hot bill only one oh there we go apparently alright does it matter yes nice cool flying through this game yes gonna beat it in no time I wonder many levels there are make lava ba-ba-ba-ba-ba oh no Bob asleep flag is not when grasses stop wall is not stop though grasses win Bava is when we got [Music] that's not flag [Music] we're not gonna be able to push so whit's the witness trapped is it oh no you can push it over can you push flag first thank you if I push flag over I'm not gonna be able to get it out of here right when you push wind from the other side from the right from the right I mean I can but then there's no operator [Music] and we're not gonna be able to get anything because though or wait when we know just know I can it's the walls yeah shoot it's the stupid walls okay that's right ha ha ha it's like oh yeah baba is you can we do so I'm wondering if this yeah yeah cuz it soon as we knock out Baba's that's my guy yeah so if we do flag is win yes so can work both ways and there doesn't yes great good thinking outside the box love it critical thought processes ah oh man this is exciting [Music] they've all the stuff Baba's you skull is dead rock his stop flag is win hey what can I do wall is down stop it we're gonna push stop out of the way there we go so now we have freedom now we want to go to not be raucous also stop skull is down flag stop is sweet we need to figure out a way around [Music] [Music] okay what if what did stop at all what if you are wrong you is wall wall is you well if wall is you then you can get to the flag juice yeah I think you're right actually yeah yep that's crazy yeah there we go yes just moving a giant wall around doesn't matter take out as many skulls as you want I'm a giant wall look at me call me mr. Berlin cuz I'm wool up top yeah 1987 joke tear down this wall heck no that's me wall is me don't tear me down don't you dare don't you dare tear me down what I think you should keep playing I am wall we're in Lake Stephanie great for well I'm ready for Lake Lake is ready okay here we go level Lake now this game were accurate to you what would you mean Jill you think oh if you died thank you oh come on now I got I got distracted thinking about man pedis is you and think whoa just now jelly is a mob is you and when oh wait Tilly is wall yeah jellies wall love is you and we can you get that out of there you and well yeah yeah ah nope I am stuck okay [Music] Bava is what are you so we need wall and wall is gonna be exactly what am I [Music] yeah you is sink that doesn't make sense the tenor that wasn't a stupid idea I [Music] like that you can just erase what you did it's great there's no Bava is so basically we need to you need to get all this free it'll be jelly Oh Baba yeah bring Baba is jelly I know but I need to get them out on holiday which is also tricky so we need klava is you and you need to be you and wall I miss you and Walt no cuz Baba is me is the thing that gives me operation over think that's going around right so that's kind of required oh no I guess not no no you're right the problem though is with them all the way back the problem is with them being like I'm stuck there yeah because the wall can't move just because well it's not because the lines are stuck and I think is the problem and so as soon as I push this we're gonna die yeah [Music] super efficient in here look at this it's perfect it's doing a great job okay [Music] all right that's right okay here we go so let's see about this so we got to get rid of fake [Music] like the thing is we don't have any is available either so no matter what right Joey is [Music] right we can't so we can't swap out as it is [Music] and without okay so it just has something to do with the wall we have to make the wall and I think you're right about become wall it's just how do we get them need to free this it's we get stuck over there so cuz the wall is on either side of those words and actually move all that much why didn't you just leave the rest there and just pull it push wall down with it [Music] like that you just leave there and wall down it was too animal because the thing it could to be Douglas because what happens is we get stuck right so like you okay we've been maybe it's wall take it about wall is you that's the thing and so like you're either pushing things out this way but at a certain point you have this Baba becomes broken right yeah so you have to go this way then but then you can't use that is darn it right the is I'm stumped on this one Great Wall is dumb jelly is what are we doing here flag is when the wall is win-win is Walt gonna sing oh oh I get it this is it we have to get rid of the hand and now when flag is win and sink oh that's what here we go flag is win [Music] so we touched the flag or is it flag is win and wall no but I think ok stick this and you're on the right track mister just leg is winded but jellia say flag is win and sink so if you sink you win right no oh because I didn't touch the flow no it would have to be a win is say no you're right yep yeah that's right shoot right but that's the right idea we're getting it it's closer flag is when that's the only one we can add to yeah and we needed that wall flag is win and [Music] geli what wall up there because and wall did that plug is that better connect us to then just touch the wall I was wondering that actually that's that was good no it could totally make syntax like syntactical sense to me if your programming but try touching a wall no we really just kidding no oh no flag is a wall now so if the the flag became a wall yeah wait Bobby is no and then I was gonna be like and then I could throw myself into a wall but I can't hmm so I'm wondering if maybe since the word sink is more of an action than it is an object you might be able to use that to change to make other things sink let's make the flag sing flag NSYNC flag is win in sync but what we did see try to do well what if maybe you like push the sink into a jellyfish in a jellyfish sinks then you can get to the flag weight instead of using operators is using it as like so like I'm telling the Joshy what no way what why does that work I don't understand why that works cuz we told it you think no more you can use them as well I guess not I guess you're just using it as your just that doesn't makes a lot of sense yeah that's the point of the game stuff you're thinking outside the box right boom all right great there it is but if I can just negate an object with a word with another object if it's sinking I guess that one didn't turn into a wall if that if that were the case when we push wall into the jellyfish the jellyfish should turn into a wall and didn't not necessarily why not it's a different it's a think outside the box we're expecting this is all logic rock is pushed stariha sink blank okay star is star is saying rock ISM wait okay so awkward star is no no no rock and star is push we could do that or skull is death [Music] you have to get out before we can okay all that we need so now we can know it then we can get rid of stuff five so we've learned that right soul is gonna yeah so we can't get rid of snow so we need to start [Music] take your right stars place the jellyfish made the words sink it's dark exactly if that started push that's not helping me Oh so we're gonna be trapped on skulls death you can we need that so we can't wear there's no way that we're gonna get over them right now so we need need a way to get around no star is sink and yeah that's something oh we need rock to think the the just like what we did last time star is absolutely so that's that so now Bob is me but no any crab is me so we need to sink we need to think bah bah bah bah bah bah bah no no no now make rock sink and push and then the rock can sink the bob up and get the crab out of there first otherwise you're gonna run into it but if I kill off Baba it kills me off that's the problem here so we need to either just push Crescent so we need crab is with rock secret rocket thinking push will destroy Baba but then nothing is you so we need to push crap we need to make crab wait I need rocket push for that right we need crab is push wait if I push okay I need to get on the outside this is gonna kill me right no should I kill this oh okay okay we need we do need to sink baba crap it needs to be crab is sinking push so that way and baba crap Oh crab is Baba is you that's what oh there we go crab is Baba is you oh man this is intense this is getting hard like I'm like oh man we're flying through this at a rapid pace but now this is getting tricky like you got to really think outside the box this is awesome this is one of the most original games that I've played in a long okay love is love is win love is love is win in the upper left-hand corner Chris's all feared what what's what's LG LG is death LG's dead okay Kiki is moved that must be my friend does a little bit a little guy okay so love connects all of us together apparently so the whole no heart love his blood what about Kiki is when Oh kinky his love his win oh well we should move it so just some we should just be able to touch a pinky right yeah love is Kiki is what Kiki is love is weird and then we should just be and then they don't move anymore and then we just run up to them and touch them Kiki as well is no okay epoch volt kiki is love yep is when so there we go just had one three huh great so our friends our keiki Tiki tikis love Kiki's life kickin you know that you know what that's not true shrek is love shrek is life we were on that where's the shrek appearance in this game I call foul I refuse to play this until Shrek makes an appearance pillar pillar is push flag is win I'll do all the stuff Bubba's you are is that stars die okay pillar is can we just sacrifice a pillar to a star no can I think it death is death is it a sink yeah okay Paula stuff flag is win table as you LT is nothing right yeah LG's just exist oh Jesus l decorative LG is meaningless pillar is push pillar is okay so stars that flag is wind a pillar is [Music] hold up we got this it's gonna be that hard can we oh wait we do baba is stopped while I was thinking you push his star and then push the star but that is still death no he can't do push it is Flay is when as much Miller it's got to be the pillars yeah pillar is you baba is you can we push enough of the pillars they touch the star yeah I think that's what it's gonna be it's gonna be just line them up I think it's gonna be this yeah here so we're gonna dive more national pillar is you pillar is baba is you right let's see did we do it yeah killed up one Baba rest in peace press f to pay respects to Baba respect oh yeah happiness is out for the poor forgotten Baba lost Baba but his sacrifice did not go in vain he's so cute by the way we spawned a lot of bubbles I'm really into Baba yeah yeah I'm into you ah matpat is you is Baba oh man it's transitive it is it's just like the transitive property of equality there you go map Edison to you you are into Bob oh we're gonna be talking about thumbnails after this thumbnail thumbnail is good thumbnail is click O'Neal is click click is successful thumbnail is Chris's Chris is inept wait no that's not how it works started sorry suffer you bye Beth Chris is sink Chris is sing yes life is sick life is sad okay with things to solve skip is more causal worthless bar more outside of the box thinking okay Chris is feel no oh we got big when Chris's win somehow it got really large all of a sudden I I know I think it isn't it bothers you like is when Baba is you as win Robbins win did I win oh I transitioned the property of winning to me okay why is this something so big did I touch something and now I can see no I think it has oh no why hold up right is that right I just yeah I guess so okay Bobby flag is Baba flag is Baba is when no can't do both no all wait wait wait love we did [Music] baba is when and flag is here about how do we construct it that day I would take three is it say yes three is okay flag is you flag is with [Music] prospects beginning Jews and ostriches [Music] but wait but I have to do flag first yeah flag here let me reset this up go go go flag you write flag as you also Baba's me okay oh hey I Oh cuz it just makes it Baba then you're just flag and then [Music] when is you [Music] can you swap out win and Bubba [Music] I am not win I could never be win I will never achieve when okay this has got to be ballast [Music] when flag is Baba we can't do baba is flag right you do Baba's a weight loss and over then we have went baba is [Music] like oh wait can we do that push push is between Baba and flag and then swapped out win for you know just it just changed what I am like you but then swap out win for you oh you can't I don't know I don't actually I'm I'm thinking the ones with the solid background are the actual object right so you can't do like flag is Baba or Baba is flag because you have to go that black background to solid background or vice-versa Paulo is you baba is wind that should do it [Music] need to connect bubbles hold up I feel like I'm going insane it's one of those things where I'm like oh my gosh hey here we can we just connect them all going right going left right baba is you is wind we've tried this before family [Music] yeah we have to make us [Music] I feel like it has to do with this and then once we swap this out now we're just the flag right yeah so what if we I wonder if we replacing by slag they win it with a window I know so you cannot ever make yourself a win is the thing right yeah can it be Baba is you as flag as well no later you don't have enough is it I mean we do I do think that this is gonna be one of those cross ones I think so too but but what do we make the cross baba is you flag is Baba is win flag is you know that just reverses it sorry Baba does flag I think we gotta make others flag itself as well we can't because that's again the Oh huh so it doesn't indicate an object like it's a little bit more flexible than using it right [Music] here hold up [Music] here's I'm curious about this one if yeah if this is all about this is it here well can you do it in an l-shape we do this doesn't pulled up if this is all about thinking outside the box right and the reason and it's like wow this one's really stretched and weird oh wait no wait what'd you do you know cousin Bobby is you and then he put his wind shoot vertically down below it baba is you Bob it is and then wind vertically down below it there you go how is that different than what we did I don't know I was that D than what we've been doing because it also does it flag because you is when it seems like those should be I don't like it to be equivalent I liked my solution which was messing with the menu changing up the settings so that way it's on though a weird because it was such a weird thing that it zoomed right where I'm at so I like my saloon that one it doesn't quite this like the fact that you can't do them all in one line you have to do them as an L doesn't really make sense to me okay wait fine well I guess would group remember flag is death okay [Music] don't touch that raucous Bush though wait crab isn't death yet right so once we push the rock over the crab will become death then Kravis death okay right now no now flag is that Oh flag is death what are you doing in sorry what's win oh we need to define what we know we don't have any women okay so when we push the rock over crab Crabbe becomes death and flag becomes win peace we have to turn on we have to push it over in order to get flag to be with ya but dick crab its death and flag is protected by [Music] the layers now rock is and once we pull it up right what else can we do this one wait can we push the word push over to the crabs there get under it go back so we actually pushed the crabs do you know what I mean because push we saw before [Music] what you're saying [Music] remember before with the jellyfish if we push a sink into a jellyfish and sank that is true doesn't the logic isn't quite like totally consistent yeah there are certain moments where you're like oh I I feel like I should be able to do that what if you do okay what if the crab is death so we've activated crabs maybe now now we push maybe I can see that I think your logic is sound no okay I think your logic itself might not be right but it's sound all right hmm [Music] it has to do with deactivating this rock in some way yeah is you I was trying to think of if you could if I rock rock to be us I don't know what that would do that right that's the thing I don't know what that does well then we could go in [Music] so right now that leaves one queen of crushed leg as death [Music] hey could we do oh wait could we do Baba is you is flag or is is crap rather we would have to get there's no way for you to get crab out of there is the problem you wouldn't get crab out you would push Baba is you all the way over uh-uh you can't no matter what we're gonna have to break yeah we have okay but that's a challenge right Wallis stop okay all right okay don't make a drinking game out of this live stream where every time we say Baba is you dead in the first 15 minutes of this thing okay okay think through this hard hard line thinking here Rock is crab ooh that might be it actually Oh push rocket no cuz the rock is gonna be block it or nope because we've disconnected push yeah so here we go rock is rock is crap okay so that's crap okay crab is death [Music] oh no I can do this okay doesn't do this this okay rock is rock is crab and crab is defeat crab is defeat so miss me okay so I changed my rock into a crab my crab is defeat though dammit hated another defeat is here go back go back [Music] rock is me okay well we get some rock is crab rock rock is you rock is you okay bottles put milk baba is fine it's crap it's like baba is crap no no crab is those feet but what if I what if I'm but if I embody defeat Stephanie no cuz I'm a rock now yeah we can't do wall is push either okay Baba is the one for a suggestive walls push Preveza fall is in the corner we can't do push is wall it has to be Wallace push so we can't do that one why are we grabbed because I made baba crab I'm a rock I'm not alright I'm slowly losing my all it doesn't know all this push doesn't work you guys we can't do push is wall wall is stuck in the corner okay feel like there's something for me becoming a rock I feel like me becoming a rock is pause and wait to stop being bad at this game you stop being bad at stopping bad at comments hi-yah boom shots fired okay totally sensitive about that break stop with push can we break stop with I don't think he breaks down push I don't understand the rules of breaking things in this game it seems inconsistent but try it I like that no matter what game we play we're always considered bad out I know no matter how good if we are a team yeah I just spoiler like sometimes directly well I make a baby push see you can't push you can't push stop out of the way guys geez alright ah just to satisfy everyone baba is / door but let's push it stop I don't think yeah we're all still discovering just saying thanks much should George's wall from above you cannot do push as well you have to do wall is push you can't do it backwards it does not work right doesn't I thought it was ages there doesn't it does not okay it shouldn't based on based on the logic of this game that should not work based on there we go now try and push the wall yeah it does not work it does not work okay yeah JT what Jason what I'm doing great I feel very confident in my performance but yeah do you have it solved mr. mr. genius what is it Jason okay yeah very beginning here into the flag zone yeah you can't all right no you can't look you can why were you gonna make rock is what yeah do it do it rock is Baba I get if you can if you can get the rock over to the flag but I don't know how you're supposed to get the rock over to the left at some rock is yeah what what was that okay but then why did the jellyfish itself think when it's just programmed to anything that hits jellyfish sinks that that's what I'm confused about I was like why do the jellyfish sink when the jellyfish is supposed to make other things safe that was my son rock is you [Music] well now Rock is out so oh oh oh learn is now rock is out okay there it is there it is okay so what did you want me to do just get rid of those position the rock over top of the flag wait that but then we have to push the listen yeah yeah no we can't do that yeah I know we can do that okay perfect yes just push there in the no no I can't I have to get what's that kids you know you do I need another is rock is because otherwise rock is nothing I can't push anything rock rock has no okay there we go okay rock is here so it we're a so Jason was right as much as I hate to say it it was he didn't know how to do it Wow push right just push rock down and just put brush down hold up the leg is weird rock is here you go okay oh jeez that was a tough one that was a bonus level that was an extra difficult level guy was it was not you because it's a bonus level video game logic always says that the bonus levels are the hardest level so this is extra 200 it's the same problem except different okay Julius Julius Mike my kingdom for a preposition Danny push my kingdom for for an improper noun okay so oh no we should be able to do this we should be able to do all of them Stephanie oh it is a well program just pushing it just go for it okay flag is the feed table is behave all this stuff so no matter what we're gonna have to push this thing there's not a situation in which I can avoid this happening okay now Rach do we get Rocky's push out of there then so we're gonna have to do rock is us j-rok is invisible now jelly is push yes Rock is we're gonna make ourselves rockets crab crab is defeat Rock is crab crevice defeat just try to think of how you you [Music] let's get everything out of here [Music] perhaps already defeat can crab defeat Bubba instead of us what so no one would probably want some rocket push presumably what do you want I need one other thing to push Oh should we be jellyfish hold up now I don't think you're gonna be able to get it so here's what we need I think here's what it is I think I got it here's this here's this okay Wow no rock is not push but Rock will be pushing a second okay so here's this it's less rocky Oh ba-ba-ba-ba okay right now that's what I was thinking you just push them all through yeah so now rockets push so rock push here yep and then you switch out oh but I can't get rid of baba is rock is push oh no oh there you have a spare though go back go back back yes bring rock back up there okay okay now go back and push it through you should be able to make it through no but the rock isn't active cuz rock isn't push that's problem jelly is Bush certainly not there's no database what if jellyfish is oh no wait we have to get the jellyfish out and then use that taken so but if we do jellyfish is push how am i giving it up jellyfish is not you rock is you crab is defeat nope yeah Bava is you rock isn't you apparently pull becomes a thing later in the game oh thank goodness I'm so excited oh my gosh hole is gonna be the highlight of my life can we do rocket push going dad yeah actually I was wondering if Rockets push and then we could use is and the rock to push it the problem though is like yeah it's never gonna be far enough so right this is OK ROCK let's see if so now we're here yeah there's no way for me to become to get rock up taking my rocks up [Music] there's no way we can become the jellyfish I mean that's what I've been hoping but I don't think there is a way to be able to do it because you have to push things one at a time as soon as we break Baba is you I know that the problem is that lip there they're taking over rakh [Music] okay wait hold up what if we do this so if okay rock is push so this has activated I think I got it okay so I think this is what I need to do I need to do [Music] gets pushed out of the way get out of here put rock there it is now it's just out of the way it's a bit like a slide puzzle - yeah growing up I hated slide puzzles firing - okay so now Rock is pushed is it's gonna push my rock through and now rock is me and I win man I feel like I'm getting smarter just by playing this game and certainly you at home watching are getting smarter by watching this live stream so continue watching this live stream and supporting this channel thank you so much get smarter by watching us play video games and solving the problems for you cuz certainly you're solving them at home there's by yourself you're solving them so much faster insert now looking up salty salty I was actually being legitimately I love I I love those certainly you are not solving these problems by looking on wiki's looking for solutions there you're thinking critically along with there's actually a lot of like groupthink going on in the shot it's great at Draco blades three-to-one so stuff will number see this but the music is too loud so we might want to turn down the music just a tad don't come at I pepper pepper Steen or pepper Stein on Twitter says Baba is everyone and everyone we are all part of them we are all Bubba we are you oh yeah are Bubba he is pushed key is open door stop door is shut at some point we're gonna have to make Rocky's tea yes here's Rock okay so rock is so we need to get rid of key here I was just think it just push it out of the way there you don't get up get out and I got out of your key we don't have any relevance anymore back here get back here Rocky is open Rocky is push Rocky is key Rocky is winning yeah that is win [Music] cleared the area even though there was still a lot of level still present in that area don't know why at a mysterious Kent on Twitter says quote Pola is going to be the highlight of my life should we be concerned Matt Paul is it you know I live for the small pleasures and like pull all I've all about that poll so I feel really smart I really like this so far this is the greatest game more levels highlight game of all time best Baba is best at Nick the jabroni says the logic is always consistent there are a couple of aspects of it you're not getting quite right I still don't quite understand if someone would if someone can explain the jellyfish things no I'm stuck do you understand it are you sure can you explain to me why the jellyfish which is supposed to sink other stuff appeared when we pushed the word think or other word into it sorry I wasn't paying you know I'm Dan I've moved on you're one of those people in school who like asks the questions about why things work yes as opposed to just accepting the fact that she work see I'm one of those guys who's like yeah if you tell me that the derivative is bring down the exponent minus one great I don't care how don't ask me to do a theorem as to why it works I'll just execute it okay greater Minds than mine have have have had apples fall on their head and proven gravity or whatever just sure I do it door and then door is open open it over the heat push the gate first gate - why not Franky's push Oh I know so just meand keys push-up he is open just to just do the cross cross do cross [Music] Oh [Music] okay now Noah soldier an open door little our door is open there you go baby babe doors nothing right now so technically speaking right you should be able to walk for it right well doors also stop and topic Oh drawers stop the top oh you're right good there we go that's apparently that did not work oh really doors push door splash doors bush [Music] sorry there's a more efficient way to executed that series oh my god sorry that moved too fast it's not prepared for the speed speed of light movement that's happening on screen right now nailed it whoa whoa vine through this game so satisfying look at how smart we're all getting from watching this game and engaging with this livestream GT live is the best I want to subscribe and ring the bell so that way I'm notified of all new live streams cuz they are all this brilliant at a smart interesting copy's mochi on twitter says Steph there's critical thinking going on on the chat me eating powder donuts watching Matt Pat suffer through puzzles yeah I'm thinking critically powdered donuts are so underrated I would love a powdered cake donut right right powdered cake donuts are actually fantastic I might grab one of those intamin nine donut packs on my way the minis or the big one oh the big ones oh oh whoa you're bold I'm all about the minis oh I want to get all of the that's the only you can only get all the different flavors if you get the big ones that's true that's a wheat do you get the one that's like summer powdered summer cinnamon sugar and then summer chocolate covered no I like the all of that except instead of chocolate I like the old-fashioned plain doughnut really I would totally take a chocolate covered but I'm with you all the rest of the way reasonable I'm a lame-o so good I like walnut jelly Wallis jelly what is Danny I don't think you're ready for this jelly ball there is no flag it's gonna be stars win or something it's gonna be yeah we have to do okay wall is jelly jelly now we just do this yeah Jenny really is weird I don't think I'm ready for this jelly when there we go I am a win see while you guys were talking about your donut obsession I was busy solving puzzles talking about powdered you're welcome was such a good conversation I feel I was happy now having talked about powdered donut says the person he was actively trying to lessen the amount of sugar you're eating what dude I had like half a box of recess before this train started it's really bad Rock is rock slag is rock huh we're gonna push those though you cannot why not flag is win flag is rock can you push rock rock rock push record rock there you go now you can stop flag is flag is win flag is rock just put rocket or rocket slide it's weird that they like I feel like we've done that puzzle before I know instead of it growing or maybe we're just outsmarting this game at this point hey yo we're dipping or we're getting too advanced for this game how are we doing Chris compared to other playthroughs of this that you've seen have you are there other playthroughs I've never seen anyone else there are a few some people have played through pretty much most of the game but you are moving at a pretty fast pace compared to some and at a slow pace compared to others what hair do speedrunners you mean we are practically speedrunners of this game I think he's just trying to keep Matthews head of their games done quick sign me up for Baba is you cuz I will speedrun it because once you've played through this game once there's really little reason to play through himself most it's like portal in a lot of ways we're like once you've solved once you've solved a lot of like the critical thinking puzzles then it's just execution more than a wait which one wins here flag is push or flag is stop jelly isn't weird I know I'm excited about that apparently legas push wins out over flag is stuff I can stop although doesn't do as much flag is jelly oh because it's it's combating flag is flag so I can't so fly huh I wonder if the order that you define things matters cuz flag is flag I couldn't also do flag is jelly but I could do okay we don't want flag to be push you know all but flag it stop you do we do flag is Baba [Music] but oh no that would also be going against flag of slack or would it baby flag Flagg is Baba yeah Curcio game you've thought through all our potential solution what about jelly is Baba yeah uh jelly about yep sorry I'm getting sloppy with my Baba my Baba's flying it flopping all over the place please please control your Baba okay jelly is Baba okay jelly is win [Music] doesn't matter really that is not true Obama is is not Lin baba should be win Baba's win as far as I'm concerned right Baba's a win in my book okay here we go flag is no longer stop that's good right so now though so now we can push flag from the other side and then and then manipulate it to get around it and then just take jelly away from being Baba there we gonna push the flag out with with second Oh flag is not push anymore [Music] his need flag is win just now we've got access to oh there was a wife in there I guess there we go okay there we go and now it should be there yeah that one too bad she'll be friends flying through this game we can look at us years ago I thought Marines something fire pinky brain think your brains great thoughts okay key is you where's Baba oh man Tiki Baba hey I've I've been wanting to get to know pinky better no I don't care cookie is horn in on my Baba no but I think you keep your key keep yourself I'm excited that Kiki is finally feels comfortable enough to come out and hang with us Kiki needs to door should not be suddenly leaving me private to my brother look Kiki his door that's just silly you just want Kiki to go away I do you're like Joey with the DOS it was all perfectly it's all part of my brilliant plan doors shut barely that doesn't matter key is push and open Thanks what do you play hedges and door is stopped key you have those moments in your life that you're like I can't believe how about this is it Rick he is like he is you know he know he can yeah cue work we do need he is he is door gonna be potentially right but that would just turn the key into the door not doors into a key [Music] let's try it life is all about trial and iterating and learning and growing he is door no it just door shutting and now we're just shut all over yes he is door door is you wait people whine whine reverse reverse what hop this time left foot let's stop right foot let's stomp the foot again right foot again door is you oh there we go okay okay so now if we just go back to so now we need yeah there you go ah shoot Hey door okay wait okay door is me vici is push that's what they're young yeah here we go this is it here so now key is door is you flag is wind so now I as the door King I am the key in the door and the key key in the wind that is me and the flag I am everything and nothing that's great all in one what did it cost you Tiki door floor those great you win ok flag great I am everything all rolled into one I am Meredith Brooks I have a Meredith Brooks song from the 90s that I can't say the title of cuz it'll get those demonetized right it's a great song though crab storage nice see you that's your pro tip for this ok you ready for this yeah I don't think you're ready for this I'm so ready for pitches stop bothers you door is shut and stop baba is open open for business that is hey welcome aboard friends come aboard the Baba train what's gonna kill me can even kill me what does Bob of being open mean oh wow that means I'm gonna use this and it's gonna kill me that's right see we need flag to be open now push black and then nope Black is not push flag needs to to us define what win and defeat are here oh wait my Bubbe win or flag no black hit me win baba can be win Bob I think has treatment baba can never be went we've played this game too many we we've done that damn Stephanie that dancing like what else can you push up there what else can you push up there to define what winning is that's a crab crab crab is good about it Oh crab it's gonna be just kidding all right it's more about getting the okay it's a flag we need flag it's question and they all said flag is open flag is push and then it pushes open underneath it [Music] yeah that's why I had this later go oh good so now crap and we get crab as wind grab as whip that's it yeah oh no lava blocked me no I did why it did yeah baba here because Baba is defeat push crab up above Papa push crab up above baba as soon as I push know what so as soon as you push my father's crab way we'll leave put flag up there now all the lag is defeat Bob and crab is win war Baba's baba which then supplants every there we go baba is Baba Baba Baba is good I'll be able to push this all the way through grab is the feed crab there we go okay see see that you connect putting from that earlier one day good one okay one more light let's finish this cake is a lie cake his lie a fortnight is dead mean its losses late okay Nokia's open open his shut he is open his shots stick that in your pipe and smoke it scars push Wallis stuff so start needs to be his defeat wait he is defeat yeah he is defeat right which is why star to be against the forces of evil there we go star needs to be open star is open so boom wait where is star Oh star as pushing wait why isn't start open good hey what is doorstop what is closed he is defeat what we need door is shut and so the Soviets are open the wall yeah yeah okay he is win whoops lies I believe it don't don't believe it's that or wall is wind [Music] let's let's give ourselves as many wins as possible shall we oh man it's a little star which wall should I touch I like this wall right down star is what now how about kids no kids wait what kids win yeah it's gonna be kids later no but kids defeat them oh wait hold up that's what it is it is this OOP there we go there it is so now is when T of victory it's because here I come on agdq I have played through this game once and have memorized the rote solutions to this critical thinking game and as such can execute in a speedy manner moving forward boom look at how good I am at puzzle games because I memorized all of them in advance helps to help you ace a test when you have the answer key in advance that was super fun I love this game that was really neat maybe we will play this again random in 256 beasts from North Carolina obviously thank you for submitting this to us because this is great yeah this is really fun super awesome I'm having a great time I hope you're having and guess what we're all getting smarter I know all of us together and what a great way to start the week did you gain some brain cells today I know I did I certainly did now I'm a bit sleepy though you are guess what you is smart you you you were smart Oh live Street you you is smart live stream though is done live stream is done it's done Chris over is silly Stephanie is tired okay Matthew is overworked its over-caffeinated what Matthew actually so why do I got me are see you Thursday yeah we are we're gonna be back on Thursday check out us on Instagram actually uh at Pat GTM et/pt GT where we will be doing a three stuff we're gonna be doing some stuff with oculus I'm gonna be filming my time at the Nintendo booth I'm assuming I'm gonna get hands-on with Mario maker to which Noah's get like a demo of like hopefully a new beat Sabre or something yeah I think we're I think we're getting hands-on on them I think they're calling it beats every 360 I don't know what that is but I'm excited I mean if it were me it's like even better so yeah we're gonna be ID three the next two days we should be back on Thursday and maybe Friday as well so check out our Instagram stories that's what we're gonna be doing a bunch of stuff on um and in the meantime just thank you for being here for watching for supporting us and for helping us solve this game and remember you is smart you is best you is theorists and remember that is just a stream this this is very stream this is stream is live live stream watching is thanks thanks is watching Matthew is thanks us is say goodbye and gratitude is now okay uh trying to show you this buddy this is a great game for teaching critical thinking this is an awful game for teaching grammar Isabella Foster says bye-bye Oh anonymous Fox it's my friend's birthday can he get a shout-out who's name is Skyler it's my friend's birthday can he get a shout out his name is Skyler Skyler cloudy
Channel: GTLive
Views: 399,648
Rating: 4.910398 out of 5
Keywords: baba is you, baba is you trailer, baba is you ost, baba is you gameplay, puzzle game, puzzle, puzzle games, strategy games, indie games, new game, platformer games, platformer, puzzle platformer, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, gtlive baba is you, baba is you gtlive, gtlive puzzle games
Id: jT2TTVmeKr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 11sec (4991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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